Researchers at the Met Office Hadley Centre produce and maintain a range of gridded datasets of meteorological variables for use in climate monitoring and climate modelling. This site provides access to these datasets for bona fide scientific research and personal usage only.
Please note that this is not an operational service. This site is run by research staff with the primary aim of improving collaboration with fellow researchers. Everyone is welcome to use the site, and we aim to make it reliable, but it does not have the same level of support as the official Met Office web site.
Hadley Centre climate model data is distributed through the British Atmospheric Data Centre. Some climate model runs are also available on the WCRP CMIP3 Multi-model data archive. Please consider the use of these data resources in your work, if appropriate.
The Hadley Centre collaborates with UKCIP on modelled and observed datasets.
MARINE DATASETS: HadISST - Globally complete sea-ice and sea-surface temperature
HadSST3 - Uninterpolated sea-surface temperature.
HadNMAT2 - Uninterpolated night marine air temperature.
EN4 - In situ ocean temperature and salinity profiles and objective analyses.
HadGOA - Global subsurface ocean analysis of temperature.
HadDTR - A climatology of the diurnal temperature range of the Sea Surface.