Citing OOI Data
The “Ocean Observatories Initiative” should be cited as the source for any data used in research projects or papers derived from OOI instrumentation, including posts on social media where a link to the OOI data must be provided.
General Data Source
When citing OOI as the general data source, we encourage authors to use the following format:
NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal, Downloaded on (date_accessed).
Specific Instrument and Time Frame
When citing data from a specific instrument and time range, we suggest the following format:
NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal,, (data_type, reference_designator) data from (start_date) to (end_date). Downloaded on (date_accessed).
For example: NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal,, Bottom Pressure Tilt (RS03CCAL-MJ03F-05-BOTPTA301) data from 25 January 2015 to 25 May 2016. Downloaded on 17 June 2016.
OOI’s data portal contains data from each of OOI’s seven arrays (including the suspended Southern Ocean and Argentine Basin Arrays), 80 platforms, and 800 instruments, measuring 200 different ocean parameters. Designed as a one-stop shop to get users the data they need, the portal is a key resource to answer important science questions about the changing ocean
Users can access real-time data from the Regional Cabled Array. From the Coastal and Global Arrays, users can access both telemetered (real-time data from deployed instruments) and recovered data, which is downloaded once instruments have been recovered, via the portal. You can explore OOI data and create customized searches by location, time, and ocean parameters measured. Users can also avail themselves of portal features such as generating plots and visualizing data for easy incorporation of data results into research papers and classroom activities.