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Coastal Ocan Monitoring and Prediction System (ODIS id: 557)

This resource is online Last check was 29/03/2025 10:33
First entry: 10/04/2019 Last update: 04/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Pattabhi Rama Rao Eluri ( OceanExpert : 11748 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
Datasource URL
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Coastal Ocan Monitoring and Prediction System
Original (non-English) name
Acronym COMAPS
Abstract Coastal environments of India are under immense stress due to discharge and disposal of domestic and industrial wastes from the point and nonpoint sources as a result of the rapid growth of population and economic activities. Further, lack of proper sewer systems and discharge of untreated/semi-treated sewage and effluents from coastal towns/cities cause degradation of the coastal environment. The Government of India, in the Ministry of Earth Sciences (formerly Ministry of Ocean Development) have been monitoring the levels of marine pollution at about 80 locations along the coastline of the country. The programme is called COMAPS. The major objectives of this programme are to assess the status and trend of coastal marine environmental quality on a long term basis and to alert the government and public institutions, of their implications. The programme is operational from the year 1991-92 onwards. Data on nearly 25 environmental parameters including physical, chemical, biological and microbiological characteristics of water and sediment are collected with the help of R&D institutions in 0-10 km sector of these locations. The results obtained under the programme are periodically published in the Annual Report of the Ministry and also in the website Data on select parameters for selected locations are published in
Host institution of the resource Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
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