Consecutive Rainless Day Monitoring - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics
Original (non-English) name
Monitoring Hari Tanpa Hujan Berturut-turut - BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA
Consecutive Rainless Day Monitoring - BMKG
BMKG has the status of a Non-Departmental Government Institution headed by a Head of the Agency. BMKG has the task of carrying out government duties in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality and Geophysics in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws. Users can find here a Consecutive Rainless Day Monitoring map. The observation period is based on the updating date and analyzed backward until a rainy day is obtained.
The data used is CMSS data.
Consecutive days without rain are counted from the last day of observation, if the last day does not rain, then it is calculated according to the Criteria. Meanwhile, if the last day of observation there is rain (> = 1mm) it is immediately categorized as Rainy Day (HH).