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National Oceanography Centre (ODIS id: 686)

This resource is online Last check was 09/03/2025 02:29
First entry: 28/06/2019 Last update: 02/05/2024
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr Mark Hebden ( OceanExpert : 50704 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
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English name National Oceanography Centre
Original (non-English) name
Acronym NOC
Abstract The NOC is one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions. We provide the UK’s National Capability needed to be a top global player, to lead and participate in international cooperations. We undertake world-leading research in large scale oceanography and ocean measurement technology innovation; working with government and business to turn great science and technology into advice and applications. We support scientists in universities and research institutes with facilities, research infrastructure and irreplaceable data assets – enabling the UK to harness the full power and diversity of its ocean science talent. The National Oceanography Centre is an independent self-governing organisation – a charitable company limited by guarantee. The NOC is funded by UK Research and Innovation to work on National Capability programmes, and manages on its behalf, the National Marine Equipment Pool – Europe’s largest fleet of autonomous and robotic vehicles, and two state of the art research ships RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook. The NOC has two sites, Southampton and Liverpool, and employs around 650 staff. We are co-located at both sites with leading UK Universities, giving us a unique position in UK marine research.​ A truly multi-disciplinary centre, our research encompasses Marine Geoscience, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate, Marine Systems Modelling, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems, and Ocean Technology and Engineering. We are home to the nation’s marine data assets; the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility (BOSCORF) and the Discovery Collections. We work collaboratively with over 40 other UK marine institutions through the NOC Association for Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries, and engage with users of the UK marine infrastructure through the Marine Facilities Advisory Board, and with the beneficiaries of our long term underpinning National capability Science programmes, through the CLASS Advisory Board. We facilitate international co-operation in science by representing the UK internationally, leading the UK delegation of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, through our membership of the European Marine Board, and through partnerships with other research institutions and organisations worldwide.
Host institution of the resource National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
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