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Combined Biotope Classification Scheme (ODIS id: 755)

This resource is online Last check was 28/03/2025 18:30
First entry: 01/04/2020 Last update: 10/01/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 )
Submitter/Owner Role ESCAP
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Combined Biotope Classification Scheme
Original (non-English) name
Acronym CBiCS
Citation Edmunds M.& Flynn A. Combined Biotope Classification Scheme (CBiCS). A New Marine Ecological Classification Scheme to Meet New Challenges. 2018/05/12.
Abstract The Combined Biotope Classification Scheme (CBiCS) is designed to provide data and information for natural resource management and conservation. It is for mapping biological communities and informing scientists and managers on changes in health and distribution over time. CBiCS is a universal system for comparing data from varied sources, ranging from citizen science to detailed research programs and between different regions in Australia and the world. We encourage all researchers, managers and citizen scientists to consider using the standardised classes of CBiCS for their marine ecological needs. Further documentation and supporting materials will be available shortly (and please feel free to contact the authors for further enquiries). The CBiCS scheme is open for all scientists, organisations and citizen scientists, however its use is not without limitation. There are some rules in place to ensure the data are robust, reliable and fit for purpose. These are contained in CBiCS Guidance Notes. There are also some copyright, acknowledgment and terms of use to bear in mind, detailed at the relevant links. This website is presently being developed in phases. This phase includes a description of the CBiCS components and a tool for exploring the hierarchical classes. The next phase will provide access to catalogue pages for each class, with descriptions and images. CBiCS has seven components that are used to describe and classify habitats, biotopes and biodiversity. These components are derived from the international schema used by CMECS, JNCC and EUNIS. They are: (BS) biogeographic setting; (AS) aquatic setting; (WC) water column component; (SC) substratum component; (GC) geo form component); (BC) biotic component; and (MC) morphospecies component.
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