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NOAA Coral Reef Information System (ODIS id: 763)

This resource is online Last check was 26/03/2025 06:27
First entry: 01/04/2020 Last update: 08/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 )
Submitter/Owner Role ESCAP
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name NOAA Coral Reef Information System
Original (non-English) name
Acronym CoRIS
Abstract Benthic habitat maps Environmental Sensitivity Index maps bathymetry shoreline and backscatter data; Coastal Change and Analysis data LiDAR and IfSAR data satellite data and products remotely sensed imagery and aerial photography; Coastal and marine observational data including Real time tides and currents data and biological survey data including fish coral algae and invertebrates. Journal articles and documents that relay CRCP program and policy information descriptions of the state of corals and strategies for preserving coral ecosystems NOAA Coral Reef activities include coral reef mapping monitoring and assessment; natural and socioeconomic research and modeling; outreach and education; and management and stewardship.
Host institution of the resource National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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