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Data Directory - Global Ocean Ship based Hydrographic Investigations Program (ODIS id: 791)

This resource is online Last check was 28/01/2025 22:30
First entry: 01/04/2020 Last update: 08/11/2020
Submitter/Owner of this record stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 )
Submitter/Owner Role ESCAP
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Data Directory - Global Ocean Ship based Hydrographic Investigations Program
Original (non-English) name
Acronym GO-SHIP
Citation GO-SHIP data are publicly available without restriction. However, to demonstrate and allow tracking of their use and impact, please acknowledge any use of GO-SHIP data in a publication or product: Include the following text in the acknowledgments: 'Data were collected and made publicly available by the International Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP; and the national programs that contribute to it.' Also, if available, please cite as appropriate the CCHDO (, CDIAC (, or Pangea ( Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for the cruise dataset(s) used. An example for a dataset residing at CCHDO is: Talley, Lynne +PIs (2014): GO-SHIP P16S, Cruise NBP1403, 20 March 2014 -05 May 2014, doi:10.7942/320620140320
Abstract The Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) brings together scientists with interests in physical oceanography, the carbon cycle, marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems, and other users and collectors of ocean interior data, and coordinates a network of globally sustained hydrographic sections as part of the global ocean/climate observing system including physical oceanography, the carbon cycle, marine biogeochemistry, and ecosystems. GO-SHIP provides an approximately decadal resolution of the changes in inventories of heat, freshwater, carbon, oxygen, nutrients, and transient tracers, covering the ocean basins from coast to coast and full depth (top to bottom), with global measurements of the highest, required accuracy to detect these changes. The GO-SHIP principal scientific objectives are: (1) understanding and documenting the large-scale ocean water property distributions, their changes, and drivers of those changes, and (2) addressing questions of how a future ocean will increase in dissolved inorganic carbon, become more acidified and more stratified, and experience changes in circulation and ventilation processes due to global warming and the altered water cycle. The GO-SHIP Panel was established in 2007 by the IOCCP and CLIVAR to develop a strategy for a sustained global repeat hydrography program as a contribution to the OceanObs09 Conference (September 2009) and to revise the 1994 WOCE hydrographic program manual. Based on community discussions at the OceanObs09 Conference, the Panel recommended the development of a sustained repeat hydrography program to: develop formal international agreements for a sustained international repeat ship-based hydrography program, including an internationally-agreed strategy and implementation plan building on the guidelines in the Community White Paper, advocate for national contributions to this strategy and participation in the global program, provide a central forum for communication and coordination, and develop syntheses of hydrographic data, in partnership with national, regional, and global research programs.
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Technical notes WHP Exchange /WOCE/ and NetCDF/ TGM 3M. This site provides links to the repositories that contain the GO-SHIP data.
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