Data - Integrated Climate Data Center (University of Hamburg)
Original (non-English) name
Daten - Datenzentrum (Universität Hamburg)
Data - ICDC
The Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) enables easy access to climate-relevant observation data from in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing. These data are an important source for determining the state and changes in the climate system. Relevant re-analysis data are also available, which are calculated using models on the basis of observation data.
Each data set is described on its own page and classified in one of the four spheres of atmosphere , land , ocean , ice and snow or in the categories of reanalyses, society or climate indices. Each rubric page offers relevant parameters, suitable data sets and further information.
Wind speed at 10m near surface, humidity, precipitation, water vapor, total water, sea surface temperature, heat flux evaporation, freshwater flux. A completely satellite-based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget evaporation minus precipitation as well as related turbulent heat fluxes and atmospheric state variables over the global ice-free oceans.