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Documentary portal for ISRA/CRODT (ODIS id: 82)

This resource is offline Last check was 29/01/2025 18:29
First entry: 11/01/2019 Last update: 25/09/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Dr. Ismaïla Ndour ( OceanExpert : 19605 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Documentary portal for ISRA/CRODT
Original (non-English) name Portail documentaire de ISRA/CRODT
Abstract The Information and Valorization of Research Results Unit (UNIVAL) created in 1987 is a transversal structure of ISRA which supports a variety of activities. In the field of scientific and technical information management: As part of the development of research activities, the scientific teams generate a good production of documents to be managed and preserved according to the standards in force and under very appropriate conditions to guarantee them a certain durability and easy and permanent access. These same teams feel the need to be supported by the provision of updated and permanent documentation in their daily activities. Consequently, UNIVAL must develop a strategy capable of guaranteeing good conservation and dissemination of scientific and technical information (IST). In the field of publishing: The UNIVAL must support researchers in their scientific production in terms of publications, by providing support in the editing of scientific and institutional documents. In addition, support development and / or identification activities must be carried out, favoring niches through which staff in general or researchers in particular can publish. In the field of communication/promotion: The activities of the Unit must also be oriented towards the definition of a global communication plan, the execution of which should make it possible to: Promote the Institute's research results by their appropriation by end users but also by recognition of their impact on agricultural development by decision-makers, partners and the general public in general. Inform all staff about the life of the Institute so as to better promote a corporate culture.
Host institution of the resource Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research
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