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Laboratory Studies in Geophysics and Space Oceanography Observation Services (ODIS id: 821)

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First entry: 01/04/2020 Last update: 09/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 )
Submitter/Owner Role ESCAP
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English name Laboratory Studies in Geophysics and Space Oceanography Observation Services
Original (non-English) name Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales
Acronym LEGOS
Citation citation to fill
Abstract Research, training and the dissemination of knowledge rely heavily on a set of Observation Services and Networks whose mission is to provide observations, products and digital codes. Centre for the Topography of Oceans and the Hydrosphere (CTOH) dedicated to satellite altimetry over the oceans and the continents. Growth areas for this activity are the coastal zones continental hydrology and the cryosphere. DORIS a data treatment centre for precise orbital positioning in cooperation with the International Earth Reference System. ROSAME an observational network for monitoring sea level which was initiated in the southern ocean with the support of IPEV and has been extended to tropical and European regions in cooperation with IRD and CNES. The SSS network for monitoring Sea Surface Salinity by merchant ships which link five observational networks in the Pacific Atlantic Indian and Austral ocean basins. The moored buoy network PIRATA in the equatorial Atlantic used for monitoring meteorological and oceanographic conditions between the surface and a depth of 500m. These data are complemented by oceanographic measuring campaigns that take place alongside routine maintenance of the buoys.
Host institution of the resource Laboratory of Geophysical Studies and Spatial Oceanography, Observatory Midi-Pyrénées
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