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SeaLifeBase (ODIS id: 849)

This resource is online Last check was 14/03/2025 10:33
First entry: 01/04/2020 Last update: 06/09/2020
Submitter/Owner of this record stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 )
Submitter/Owner Role ESCAP
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name SeaLifeBase
Original (non-English) name
Citation To give due credit to the original authors, please cite data taken from SeaLifeBase by Main Ref. and/or Data Ref. of the respective record. Cite SeaLifeBase itself as Palomares, M.L.D. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2020. SeaLifeBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (07/2020).
Abstract 75,800 Species, 55,800 Common names, 13,100 Pictures, 36,000 References, 300 Collaborators, 187,000 Visits/Month. The long term goal of this project is to create and maintain a FishBase like information system for all non-fish marine organisms ca. 400,000 spp. Of these marine organisms, about 240,000 spp are the target of the current project phase. Since the number of species is huge SeaLifeBase has made a list of priorities in its encoding strategy with short term goals being set on an annual basis. Working on one or two island ecosystems at a time the project gears closer toward its goal to assign species to large marine ecosystems 66 ecosystems worldwide.
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Technical notes NetCDF/ CVS
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