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The Nature Conservancy Atlas of Ocean Wealth (ODIS id: 867)

This resource is online Last check was 25/03/2025 22:26
First entry: 01/04/2020 Last update: 08/09/2020
Submitter/Owner of this record stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 )
Submitter/Owner Role ESCAP
Datasource URL
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name The Nature Conservancy Atlas of Ocean Wealth
Original (non-English) name
Citation citation to fill
Abstract The Atlas of Ocean Wealth is the largest collection to date of information about the economic, social and cultural values of coastal and marine habitats from all over the world. It is a synthesis of innovative science, led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), with many partners around the world. Through these efforts, we’ve gathered vast new datasets from both traditional and less likely sources. Recreation and tourism natural coastal protection blue carbon fisheries A collection to data of tourism mangroves coral reef and fishing. The map explorer also can show some other datasets The work includes more than 35 novel and critically important maps that show how nature s value to people varies widely from place to place.
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Technical notes Online Map application
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
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