GISC Melbourne is part of Australia's commitment to the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Information System (WIS) project. WIS is an international effort to provide a single coordinated global infrastructure for the discovery, collection and sharing of information in support of all WMO and related international programmes.
The WMO GTS (Global Telecommunications System) has been an essential part of the distribution system of operationally-critical meteorological data. WIS extended the GTS functions to allow many organisations who do not have the access to GTS, to obtain data online.
From the GISC Melbourne portal, you can search for data and products currently listed in the catalogue. Once you have found a product you are interested in, you can request direct access to the most recent products (up to 24 hours old) or set up a subscription to get the products delivered when they arrive at GISC Melbourne.
Initially, the GISC Melbourne catalogue will only contain WMO Essential and Additional data, as defined under WMO Resolutions, 40 (Cg-XII) and 25. In the future, this would extend to other products.