Practical Guide for the Cultivation of Marine Bivalves of the colombian Caribbean: mother-of-pearl, oyster winged, nacre shell and scallops - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 948)
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Last check was 03/02/2025 18:26
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 09/10/2021
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Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Practical Guide for the Cultivation of Marine Bivalves of the colombian Caribbean: mother-of-pearl, oyster winged, nacre shell and scallops - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Guía Práctica Para el Cultivo de Bivalvos Marinos del Caribe Colombiano Madre perla, ostra alada, Concha de nácar y ostiones - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Practical Guide for the Cultivation of Marine Bivalves of the colombian Caribbean: mother-of-pearl, oyster winged, nacre shell and scallops - INVEMAR
Valero-Lopera, Adriana, Caballero-Quintero, Yadira. 2003
INVEMAR, Serie de Publicaciones Generales N° 09
ISBN 958-97264-3-7.
The guide presents the characteristics of commercially interesting bivalve species that live in the Colombian Caribbean; also explains the methodology to obtain them from the natural environment and how they are grown; includes the assembly and operation of culture systems for the growth of the seed, juveniles, and adult animals.