Coordinating Working Party Handbook of Fishery Statistics - FAO
Original (non-English) name
CWP Handbook - FAO
Considering capture fisheries and aquaculture from a global or a regional perspective requires national fisheries statistical programmes to be coherent and consistent, and demands a common set of regional or interregional statistical standards which apply internationally recognized definitions, classifications and codes. The CWP Handbook of Fisheries Statistics was created to serve as the basis for this integration.
The CWP Handbook covers the concepts, definitions, classifications and data exchange protocols – and not least the codes as applied to capture fisheries and aquaculture statistics globally. Many of these concepts and definitions are applied in a wider context, but the user is advised to check the validity of such applications. The Handbook indicates the principles applied by the international agencies and no attempt has been made to include details of national systems, many of which, having been developed for specific national purposes, may differ from those employed internationally.
The intended users of this Handbook are the CWP Member Agencies, national fishery and aquaculture statistics offices, national administrations and other fishery and aquaculture agencies. The Handbook is also intended to assist in the development of national standards as logical extensions of the international standards. Authorities considering introducing or revising national statistical systems are requested to ensure that the system developed incorporates a high degree of compatibility with the international standards described here.