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Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021 (ODIS id: 3244)

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First entry: 01/03/2022 Last update: 19/07/2024
Submitter/Owner of this record Ms. Ruby Viviana Ortiz Martínez ( OceanExpert : 12916 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
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English name Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021
Original (non-English) name Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánicos - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021
Acronym Boletín CTN Diocean
Citation CTN Diocean. (2022). Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Datos e Información Oceánica - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO).
Abstract Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean have a new Work Plan 2021-2025 and will continue with the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in the Colombian ocean data and marine information management, to facilitate the exchange and access to these nation's resources. There are many challenges, including to promote open and timely access, use and reuse of the country's ocean data and information, as well as promoting the dissemination of national information systems. In this first newsletter of the CTN Diocean 2021, information is presented about data initiatives for informed decision-making; the first national metrics of 2020 on data and information access and use; experiences on ocean spatial data; a report from the IODE National Coordination; and finally, trainings and other events related to ocean data.
Host institution of the resource Comisión Colombiana del Océano
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