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Guide for quality control of temperature and salinity data of regional oceanographic cruises (ODIS id: 3245)

This resource is online Last check was 13/03/2025 18:27
First entry: 14/06/2022 Last update: 19/07/2024
Submitter/Owner of this record Ms. Ruby Viviana Ortiz Martínez ( OceanExpert : 12916 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Guide for quality control of temperature and salinity data of regional oceanographic cruises
Original (non-English) name Guía para el control de calidad de datos de temperatura y salinidad obtenidos en cruceros oceanográficos regionales
Citation CPPS. 2023. Guía para el control de calidad de datos de temperatura y salinidad obtenidos en cruceros oceanográficos regionales. Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur ‐ CPPS. Guayaquil, Ecuador. 30 p.
Abstract This publication is a product of the Specialized Working Group of Database (GTE-BD in Spanish) of regional cruises of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS), with the contributions of institutions from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The guide recommends practices for quality control of salinity and temperature data of the water column obtained from CTD, in the oceanographic cruises of the program for the Regional Study of the El Niño Phenomenon (CCR-ERFEN in Spanish). In the proposed quality tests, the quality flags recommended by the international IODE program are applied. The data processed with this methodology will be part of the CPPS Regional Database.
Host institution of the resource Permanent Commission for the South Pacific
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