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Download GIS Dataset - ReefBase (ODIS id: 612)

This resource is offline Last check was 25/03/2025 10:25
First entry: 24/04/2019 Last update: 20/10/2020
Submitter/Owner of this record Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name Download GIS Dataset - ReefBase
Original (non-English) name
Citation ReefBase: A Global Information System for Coral Reefs. [month, year].
Abstract ReefBase gathers available knowledge about coral reefs into one information repository. It is intended to facilitate analyses and monitoring of coral reef health and the quality of life of reef-dependent people and to support informed decisions about coral reef use and management. ReefBase is the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), as well as the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN). The ReefBase Project is housed at the WorldFish Center in Penang, Malaysia, with funding through ICRAN from the United Nations Foundation (UNF). ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System (ReefGIS) allows you to display coral reef related data and information on interactive maps. You can zoom, search and query data layers, and save or bookmark the map. Selected datasets in ReefBase can be downloaded here.
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