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Indonesian Marine Geospatial Information Centre - Indonesian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center (ODIS id: 665)

This resource is offline Last check was 26/03/2025 10:27
First entry: 29/04/2019 Last update: 07/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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English name Indonesian Marine Geospatial Information Centre - Indonesian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center
Original (non-English) name Indonesian Marine Geospatial Information Centre - Pushidrosal
Acronym IMAGIC - Indonesian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center
Abstract This application is the entrance to the GIS applications. As a portal, this application can be used to display important and actual information related to the hydro-oceanographic data in Indonesia, such as survey data, research, marine mapping, publication, marine environment implementation and navigation safety of both TNI and public. For the purpose of marine navigation safety, Pushidrosal has sole authority and legality in the field of hydrography in preparing and providing data and Hydro-oceanography information in the form of marine chart (paper and electronic navigation chart) and nautical books. Pushidrosal is designated as National Hydrographic Institution based on Government Regulation No. 23 of 1951 dated March 31, 1951 (PP RI No. 23/1951) and Presidential Decree No. 164/1960 dated July 14, 1960 (Keppres RI No. 164/1960), function as a Military Hydrographic Institute and National Hydrographic Institute of Indonesia. Republic of Indonesia Act No. 4 of 2011 on Geospatial Information (IG) has been set about policy formulation, decision-making, and / or implementation of activities related to earth spaces. IG is very useful as a decision support system in order to optimize economic, social, cultural, and national resilience development, especially in natural resources management, spatial planning, investment location planning and economic business, the determination of boundaries, land, and tourism. IG is also a very necessary information in disaster management, environmental preservation, and defense of security. The publication of IHO's C-17 on Spatial Data Infrastructures for the Marine Dimension: IHB, monaco, 2011. This IHO publication serves as a guide for the hydrographic office to build a Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures supports the enhancement of its function capabilities in the management of integrated marine space metadata and streamlines and streamlines the functionality of the hydrographic office service to support its users Pushidrosal as a Military Hydrographic Institute, is responsible for being able to provide accurate and up-to-date Hydro-oseanographic data and information as the basic data to be used as an analysis of national defense strategies. Meanwhile, as the National Hydrographic Institute of Indonesia, Pushidrosal has the responsibility to provide safety guarantees of navigation navigation throughout the territorial waters jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Host institution of the resource Pushidrosal
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