The Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) was designed by an international group of scientists as an integral part of the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Study. TOGACOARE brought together scientists and support staff from 20 nations. The experiment combined oceanography, meteorology, and computer climate modeling to better understand the effect of tropical warm weather regions on the tropical ocean-global atmosphere system.
UCAR managed TOGA-COARE, the second-largest field program since GATE, with the establishment of the TOGA-COARE International Project Office in Boulder in 1990. Over 150 UCAR/NCAR staff were involved in the project.
The TOGA-COARE Records consist of budget information, correspondence, plans, reports, protocols, ship reports, meeting minutes, and handwritten notes. Meeting minutes and correspondence offer a window into the complexities of managing and executing a massive international field project.