HYCOM.org provides access to near real-time global HYCOM + NCODA based ocean prediction system output. The ocean prediction system runs daily at the Navy DoD Supercomputing Resource Center. Upon completion, these data are remotely copied to our local HYCOM.org servers for additional processing. Daily data is typically accessible within 48-hrs of the initial runtime.
This site also provides access to several other global and regional datasets. The data are in NetCDF format and can be accessed using OPeNDAP enabled clients. Click here for a list of pre-packaged OPeNDAP enabled clients. OPeNDAP URL's for all datasets are available from the HYCOM THREDDS Catalog.
The NetCDF files contain ocean temperature-salinity eastward and northward currents and elevation. Navy Global HYCOM assimilates satellite altimeter observations satellite and in situ sea surface temperature as well as available in situ vertical temperature and salinity profiles from XBTs ARGO float and moored buoys using the NRL developed Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation NCODA system.