Species Catalog - Colombian Marine Biodiversity Information System - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de información sobre Biodiversidad en Colombia - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
INVEMAR. https://siam.invemar.org.co/sibm: Sistema de información sobre Biodiversidad en Colombia – SiBM. Santa Marta. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives de Andréis”, Abr. 03 abril de 2020.
A system that collects and organizes data and information on the structure and composition of marine and coastal biodiversity, to serve as a support for academic, scientific development and the management for its sustainable use. Additionally, it supports the tasks of administration of biological collections, especially that of the MHNMC, organizing and systematizing the processes of entry, search, consultation, maintenance, and exchange of specimens.