Methodological manual on monitoring the mangroves of Valle del Cauca and associated fauna, with emphasis on birds and species of economic importance (piangua and blue crab) - SiAM (ODIS id: 937)
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Last check was 10/03/2025 06:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
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Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Methodological manual on monitoring the mangroves of Valle del Cauca and associated fauna, with emphasis on birds and species of economic importance (piangua and blue crab) - SiAM
Original (non-English) name
Manual metodológico sobre el monitoreo de los manglares del Valle del Cauca y fauna asociada, con énfasis en aves y especies de importancia económica (piangua y cangrejo azul) - SiAM
Restrepo, J., Vivas-Aguas, L. J. 2007. Manual metodológico sobre el monitoreo de los manglares del Valle del Cauca y fauna asociada, con énfasis en aves y especies de importancia económica: piangua y cangrejo azul. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR - Santa Marta. 40 p. (Serie de publicaciones generales No. 21)
This manual includes information about what is monitoring, what its objectives are, the criteria for the selection of stations, the methodology applied to study each of the components (mangroves, piangua, blue crab, birds, cartography), and the guidelines for its application. This publication strengthens the sustainable use, management, and conservation of the mangrove ecosystem and its resources.