American Tropical Seas Observatory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Observatorio de los mares tropicales de las Americas, Triton - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costera de Colombia
TN Diocean. (2018). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 3/2018. Bogotá D.C.,
Colombia: DIMAR. DOI 10.26640/25392212.3.2018
The Tropical Seas of the Americas Observatory Portal (TRITON) is an initiative of the Geosciences Program of the Institute for Marine and Coastal Research - INVEMAR (Colombia). TRITON aims to be a tool to support research, productive activities and the follow-up of the evolution (monitoring) of oceanic conditions in the Caribbean region. To this end, TRITON displays in an almost permanent way and in close to real-time (between 6 hours and 2 days late) highly relevant oceanographic information in the highest spatial resolution possible for the entire basin.
The global oceanographic information displayed in TRITON comes from or has been processed from different satellite databases and free access to numerical model outputs. Its original sources can be consulted in the links provided together with the information corresponding to each variable. The data processing is carried out through PYTHON modules and later it is stored in NetCDF format. The information is displayed through a THREDDS 4.6.9 server (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) in WMS format. WMS services are consumed and interpreted through Arcgis 3.30 Javascript framework.
Version: 2.0