Typing multiple words will show all the results where any of the words matches!
Use double quotes (") to group words and narrow down the results:
searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will match once for atlas
I love the ocean.
will match once for ocean
I made an atlas that is not containing the ocean.
will match once for atlas
will match a second time for ocean
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once for atlas
will match a second time for ocean
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I love the ocean.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I made an atlas that is not containing the ocean.
will NOT match, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas not found
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas found once
How to use wildcards?
Wildcards '?' (single character) and '*' (multiple characters) are accepted.
bird will only match the word 'bird'
bir? will match the words 'bir' and 'bird'
bir* will match the words 'bir', 'bird' and 'birds'
*bird* will match the words 'bird', 'birds', 'seabird' and 'seabirds'
How to use the filters?
you can search with or without filters, filters are here to narrow down your search results using predefined lists
using filters
multiple selects within one filter will be used as OR statements
selecting both Belgium and France
will show all records where Belgium has been selected and
all records where France has been selected
different filters will be used with AND statement in search
selecting both Belgium as country and French as language
will show all records where Belgium has been selected as country and
where French has been selected as language
all combination are possible
selecting both Belgium and France as country
and French and Dutch as language
will show all records where Belgium has been selected as country and
where French or Dutch has been selected as language
and all records where France has been selected as country and
where French or Dutch has been selected as language
without filters
when searching without filters the different words will be searched in all fields that are not a filter
selecting Belgium as country without the use of a searchword
or selecting no country in the filters and using Belgium as a searchword
will give two different results.
special filters
clicking on the button My Records will show only your records
Type something in the input field to search for a specific text inside all entries of the catalogue.
Typing multiple words will show all the results where any of the words matches!
Use double quotes (") to group words and narrow down the results (see help for some examples):
searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
you were looking for : Types : Information on experts and organizations
total results: 229
Accessing Data - Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (ODIS id: 1237)
One can access the complete BCO-DMO data collection, including the legacy and current project data, ...
Accessing Data - Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
One can access the complete BCO-DMO data collection, including the legacy and current project data, through either one of these interfaces:
1. Dataset Search,
2. Map-based geospatial access (MapServer interface).
Both methods allow you to select a particular science program, science project or by investigator name. Searches can also be done by looking for particular data (e.g. CTD, zooplankton, etc.). Note that our website requires that your web browser supports the JavaScript language.
A tutorial is available that provides step-by-step instructions on the text-based and map-based data access systems, including the advanced (semantically-enabled) search:
BCO-DMO Data Access Tutorial (PDF) from 2014 OCB Summer Workshop.
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) was created in late 2006 to serve PIs funded by the NSF Geosciences Directorate (GEO) Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Programs and Division of Polar Programs (PLR) Antarctic Sciences (ANT) Organisms & Ecosystems Program. Researchers funded by the PLR Arctic Sciences Program were encouraged to submit data to BCO-DMO beginning in 2014. The BCO-DMO is a combination of the Data Management Offices formerly created to support the US JGOFS and US GLOBEC programs. The BCO-DMO staff members are the curators of the legacy data collections created by those respective programs, as well as many other more recent research efforts including those of individual investigators.
Accessing Data - Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (ODIS id 1237)
Accessing Data - Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
Original (non-English) name
Accessing Data - BCO-DMO
One can access the complete BCO-DMO data collection, including the legacy and current project data, through either one of these interfaces:
1. Dataset Search,
2. Map-based geospatial access (MapServer interface).
Both methods allow you to select a particular science program, science project or by investigator name. Searches can also be done by looking for particular data (e.g. CTD, zooplankton, etc.). Note that our website requires that your web browser supports the JavaScript language.
A tutorial is available that provides step-by-step instructions on the text-based and map-based data access systems, including the advanced (semantically-enabled) search:
BCO-DMO Data Access Tutorial (PDF) from 2014 OCB Summer Workshop.
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) was created in late 2006 to serve PIs funded by the NSF Geosciences Directorate (GEO) Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Programs and Division of Polar Programs (PLR) Antarctic Sciences (ANT) Organisms & Ecosystems Program. Researchers funded by the PLR Arctic Sciences Program were encouraged to submit data to BCO-DMO beginning in 2014. The BCO-DMO is a combination of the Data Management Offices formerly created to support the US JGOFS and US GLOBEC programs. The BCO-DMO staff members are the curators of the legacy data collections created by those respective programs, as well as many other more recent research efforts including those of individual investigators.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data management
Last updated: 07/11/2021
African Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2181)
AfrOBIS is one of 11 global nodes of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), a freely accessible network of databases collating marine data in support of the Census of Marine Life.Versatile graphic products, provided by OBIS, can be used to display the data. To date, AfrOBIS has loaded about 3.2 million records of more than 23 000 species located mainly in the seas around southern Africa. This forms part of the 13.2 million records of more than 80 000 species currently stored in OBIS. Scouting for South African data has been successful, whereas locating records in other African countries has been much less so.
African Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2181)
AfrOBIS is one of 11 global nodes of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), a freely accessible network of databases collating marine data in support of the Census of Marine Life.Versatile graphic products, provided by OBIS, can be used to display the data. To date, AfrOBIS has loaded about 3.2 million records of more than 23 000 species located mainly in the seas around southern Africa. This forms part of the 13.2 million records of more than 80 000 species currently stored in OBIS. Scouting for South African data has been successful, whereas locating records in other African countries has been much less so.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: South Africa
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, OBIS, biodiversity, biology, oceans
Last updated: 19/09/2023
African Sea Level Network - Global Sea Level Observing System for Africa (ODIS id: 3126)
A survey of the status of the African Sea level network was undertaken in 2005 in order to select po ...
African Sea Level Network - Global Sea Level Observing System for Africa
A survey of the status of the African Sea level network was undertaken in 2005 in order to select potential locations for installation of new tide gauges, and also to assess which existing equipment required upgrade. This was done on the basis of a questionnaire sent to national contacts, as well as reports from previous surveys (GLOSS, GOOS Africa). The survey revealed the existence of at least 40 operational stations spread unevenly along the African coastline and island states. In the Indian several stations installed by the University of Hawaii within the framework of the TOGA project are still functioning. South Africa has an extensive network of gauges along its coastline. Other countries that have established national tide gauge networks include Morocco, and Mozambique. Large stretches of coastline did not have any operational gauges. There were gauges at eight (8) locations which were not working. Only two stations in the entire network met the specifications for tsunami early warning system (Rodrigues and Port Louis, both in Mauritius). The most common model of installed tide gauge was the OTT float gauge, followed by Handar encorders at stations that are installed and maintained by the University of Hawaii Sea Level Centre in the Indian Ocean.
African Sea Level Network - Global Sea Level Observing System for Africa (ODIS id 3126)
African Sea Level Network - Global Sea Level Observing System for Africa
Original (non-English) name
African Sea Level Network - GLOSS
A survey of the status of the African Sea level network was undertaken in 2005 in order to select potential locations for installation of new tide gauges, and also to assess which existing equipment required upgrade. This was done on the basis of a questionnaire sent to national contacts, as well as reports from previous surveys (GLOSS, GOOS Africa). The survey revealed the existence of at least 40 operational stations spread unevenly along the African coastline and island states. In the Indian several stations installed by the University of Hawaii within the framework of the TOGA project are still functioning. South Africa has an extensive network of gauges along its coastline. Other countries that have established national tide gauge networks include Morocco, and Mozambique. Large stretches of coastline did not have any operational gauges. There were gauges at eight (8) locations which were not working. Only two stations in the entire network met the specifications for tsunami early warning system (Rodrigues and Port Louis, both in Mauritius). The most common model of installed tide gauge was the OTT float gauge, followed by Handar encorders at stations that are installed and maintained by the University of Hawaii Sea Level Centre in the Indian Ocean.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: observing system, operational oceanography, sea level, tide gauges
Last updated: 29/01/2022
AIMS community (ODIS id: 534)
The AIMS community is made up of individuals involved in (agricultural) information and data managem ...
AIMS community
The AIMS community is made up of individuals involved in (agricultural) information and data management from around the world, with varying levels of technical expertise.
AIMS Community is an open and free space which allows communication and the exchange of ideas, suggestions, questions, and solutions around the core areas of Information and Data Access Services, information and data management open standards, technology and methodologies. AIMS community members can connect with other community members, and share their posts on good practices, projects, events.
The AIMS community is made up of individuals involved in (agricultural) information and data management from around the world, with varying levels of technical expertise.
AIMS Community is an open and free space which allows communication and the exchange of ideas, suggestions, questions, and solutions around the core areas of Information and Data Access Services, information and data management open standards, technology and methodologies. AIMS community members can connect with other community members, and share their posts on good practices, projects, events.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Agriculture, expertise, experts, information services, research data, semantic services, vocabularies
Last updated: 04/10/2021
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ODIS id: 1684)
Climate change is being felt acutely in Alaska and the Arctic. It is already altering seasons, lands ...
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy
Climate change is being felt acutely in Alaska and the Arctic. It is already altering seasons, landscapes and life in the North. These changes are impacting the safety and wellbeing of Alaska’s people, wildlife, and landscapes.
ACCAP, one of 11 NOAA funded Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) programs, was established in 2006. We conduct interdisciplinary and regionally relevant research to inform resource management, planning and public policy, and to build Alaskans' capacity to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
We work at the boundary between university research and decision makers. We strive to make complex climate science usable and applicable in a decision context and to facilitate the science being informed and driven by stakeholder needs and questions. We build downscaling models as well as develop, test, and evaluate research products and tools.
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ODIS id 1684)
Climate change is being felt acutely in Alaska and the Arctic. It is already altering seasons, landscapes and life in the North. These changes are impacting the safety and wellbeing of Alaska’s people, wildlife, and landscapes.
ACCAP, one of 11 NOAA funded Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) programs, was established in 2006. We conduct interdisciplinary and regionally relevant research to inform resource management, planning and public policy, and to build Alaskans' capacity to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
We work at the boundary between university research and decision makers. We strive to make complex climate science usable and applicable in a decision context and to facilitate the science being informed and driven by stakeholder needs and questions. We build downscaling models as well as develop, test, and evaluate research products and tools.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Gulf of Alaska, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere
Keywords: Adaptation Plans, Arctic operations, Arctic research, arctic communities, arctic regions, assessment and advice, climate change impacts, decision-making, environmental impact assessment, interdisciplinary, resources management
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Alaska Department of FIsh and Game (ODIS id: 1685)
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game manages approximately 750 active fisheries, 26 game managemen ...
Alaska Department of FIsh and Game
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game manages approximately 750 active fisheries, 26 game management units, and 32 special areas. We work to foster the highest standards of scientific integrity and promote innovative sustainable fish and wildlife management programs to optimize public uses and economic benefits. From making policy and management decisions to providing education and outreach programs, interacting with and involving the public is vital to our mission and goals.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game manages approximately 750 active fisheries, 26 game management units, and 32 special areas. We work to foster the highest standards of scientific integrity and promote innovative sustainable fish and wildlife management programs to optimize public uses and economic benefits. From making policy and management decisions to providing education and outreach programs, interacting with and involving the public is vital to our mission and goals.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Gulf of Alaska
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Fishing, Programme management, Training and education, environmental information, fishing activity, human activities, hunting, knowledge and information, management and conservation, sustainable development, sustainable fisheries, wildlife
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Alaska Ocean Acidification Network - Alaska Ocean Observing System
The mission of the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network is to engage with scientists and stakeholders to expand the understanding of OA processes and consequences in Alaska, as well as potential adaptation strategies.
- Provide relevant information to, and hear from, the fishing and aquaculture industries, policy makers, Tribes, coastal communities and the general public with regard to OA.
- Work with scientists and stakeholder communities to identify knowledge gaps and information needs, and recommend regional priorities for monitoring, research & modeling in both the natural and social sciences.
- Share best practices for monitoring as well as promote the development of synthesis materials, and devise strategies to ensure funding is available to support these efforts.
- Promote data sharing and act as a resource hub for OA information in Alaska for researchers, stakeholders and the general public, leveraging the AOOS data portal as needed.
The network was established in 2016 and is coordinated by the Alaska Ocean Observing System.
Alaska Ocean Acidification Network - Alaska Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2773)
Alaska Ocean Acidification Network - Alaska Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Alaska OA Network - AOOS
The mission of the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network is to engage with scientists and stakeholders to expand the understanding of OA processes and consequences in Alaska, as well as potential adaptation strategies.
- Provide relevant information to, and hear from, the fishing and aquaculture industries, policy makers, Tribes, coastal communities and the general public with regard to OA.
- Work with scientists and stakeholder communities to identify knowledge gaps and information needs, and recommend regional priorities for monitoring, research & modeling in both the natural and social sciences.
- Share best practices for monitoring as well as promote the development of synthesis materials, and devise strategies to ensure funding is available to support these efforts.
- Promote data sharing and act as a resource hub for OA information in Alaska for researchers, stakeholders and the general public, leveraging the AOOS data portal as needed.
The network was established in 2016 and is coordinated by the Alaska Ocean Observing System.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, Gulf of Alaska
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Ocean acidification, Ocean monitoring, networking, observational oceanography, oceanographic research
Last updated: 30/10/2021
Alaska Water Level Watch - Alaska Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2756)
Alaska Water Level Watch - Alaska Ocean Observing System
The Alaska Water Level Watch (AWLW) is a collaborative group working to improve the quality, coverage, and accessibility to water level observations in Alaska’s coastal zone.
Water level data has many applications that contribute to safe navigation, storm modeling and mapping, tsunami warnings, watches, and advisories, incident response, search and. rescue operations, tidal datums, sea level trends, storm trends, and much more.
Alaska Water Level Watch - Alaska Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2756)
Alaska Water Level Watch - Alaska Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
The Alaska Water Level Watch (AWLW) is a collaborative group working to improve the quality, coverage, and accessibility to water level observations in Alaska’s coastal zone.
Water level data has many applications that contribute to safe navigation, storm modeling and mapping, tsunami warnings, watches, and advisories, incident response, search and. rescue operations, tidal datums, sea level trends, storm trends, and much more.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, Gulf of Alaska
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: coastal monitoring, coastal ocean waters, monitoring system, water level, water quality
Last updated: 10/02/2022
American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ODIS id: 1690)
ASBPA is dedicated to preserving, protecting and enhancing our coasts by merging science and public ...
American Shore and Beach Preservation Association
ASBPA is dedicated to preserving, protecting and enhancing our coasts by merging science and public policy.
We advocate for healthy, sustainable and resilient coastal systems to sustain four inter-connected core values provided by shores and beaches: community protection, a strong economy, ecologic health and recreation.
We achieve this mission through implementation of our strategic plan, while being guided by our history and adhering to our bylaws.
American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ODIS id 1690)
ASBPA is dedicated to preserving, protecting and enhancing our coasts by merging science and public policy.
We advocate for healthy, sustainable and resilient coastal systems to sustain four inter-connected core values provided by shores and beaches: community protection, a strong economy, ecologic health and recreation.
We achieve this mission through implementation of our strategic plan, while being guided by our history and adhering to our bylaws.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Coastal zone, coastal communities, coastal dynamics, coastal impact, coastal monitoring, coastal protection, coastal zone management, conservation, environmental protection, research, sustainable development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Animal Telemetry Network - Data Assembly Center (ODIS id: 2392)
The ATN data management vision includes a regionally distributed data collection, management and sha ...
Animal Telemetry Network - Data Assembly Center
The ATN data management vision includes a regionally distributed data collection, management and sharing capacity that builds on and integrates as many existing data links as possible to enable local and regional needs to be addressed. At the heart of this system is a centralized data assembly center (DAC) currently located at Axiom Data Science. This DAC is a community resource where regional telemetry data is aggregated in a single place and one-stop-shopping is provided for access to all U.S. national animal telemetry data. The DAC both serves national stakeholder needs effectively as well as enables cost/time savings to principal investigators.
Animal Telemetry Network - Data Assembly Center (ODIS id 2392)
The ATN data management vision includes a regionally distributed data collection, management and sharing capacity that builds on and integrates as many existing data links as possible to enable local and regional needs to be addressed. At the heart of this system is a centralized data assembly center (DAC) currently located at Axiom Data Science. This DAC is a community resource where regional telemetry data is aggregated in a single place and one-stop-shopping is provided for access to all U.S. national animal telemetry data. The DAC both serves national stakeholder needs effectively as well as enables cost/time savings to principal investigators.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: animal tagging, data collection, data management, data management network, telemetry
Last updated: 29/04/2022
Antarctica New Zealand (ODIS id: 1692)
Antarctica New Zealand is the government agency responsible for carrying out New Zealand's activitie ...
Antarctica New Zealand
Antarctica New Zealand is the government agency responsible for carrying out New Zealand's activities in Antarctica, supporting world leading science and environmental protection. Our vision is: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean - valued, protected, understood.
Antarctica New Zealand is the government agency responsible for carrying out New Zealand's activities in Antarctica, supporting world leading science and environmental protection. Our vision is: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean - valued, protected, understood.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Host Countries: New Zealand
Sea Region: Antarctic freshwater bodies, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: antarctica, environmental science, human activities, operational plans, polar conditions, scientific knowledge
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Arctic Data Committee (ODIS id: 2956)
The overarching purpose of the Arctic Data Committee (ADC) is to promote and facilitate internationa ...
Arctic Data Committee
The overarching purpose of the Arctic Data Committee (ADC) is to promote and facilitate international collaboration towards the goal of free, ethically open, sustained and timely access to Arctic data through useful, usable, and interoperable systems.
The overarching purpose of the Arctic Data Committee (ADC) is to promote and facilitate international collaboration towards the goal of free, ethically open, sustained and timely access to Arctic data through useful, usable, and interoperable systems.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: arctic regions, data and information, data distribution, polar environment
Last updated: 04/12/2021
Arctic Data Products - Arctic Data Committee (ODIS id: 2957)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Arctic research, inventory management, research infrastructure
Last updated: 04/12/2021
The Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) conducts applied science and develops tools to s ...
Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) conducts applied science and develops tools to support conservation and responsible resource development in the Arctic. Our research addresses understanding and projecting changes in permafrost, vegetation, hydrology and climate to inform habitat conservation and sustainable infrastructure planning. The geographic scope ranges across North America from Alaska to Labrador.
Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ODIS id 1680)
The Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) conducts applied science and develops tools to support conservation and responsible resource development in the Arctic. Our research addresses understanding and projecting changes in permafrost, vegetation, hydrology and climate to inform habitat conservation and sustainable infrastructure planning. The geographic scope ranges across North America from Alaska to Labrador.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Baffin Bay, Labrador Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Arctic research, arctic regions, conservation, development planning, research infrastructure, research network, sustainable development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Arctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2171)
The Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS) is the data-management framework for the Conservation of ...
Arctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System
The Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS) is the data-management framework for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council, and its programs and activities including the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP). It is an online, interoperable data management system that serves as a focal point and common platform for all CAFF programs and projects as well as a dynamic source for up-to-date circumpolar Arctic biodiversity information and emerging trends. The goal of the ABDS is to increase access to Arctic biodiversity data for the common good of scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders both inside and outside of the Arctic. It is intended to allow for discovery, archiving and access to data at various scales. Such a framework is essential to ensure effective, consistent, and long-term management of Arctic Biodiversity data.
Arctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2171)
The Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS) is the data-management framework for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council, and its programs and activities including the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP). It is an online, interoperable data management system that serves as a focal point and common platform for all CAFF programs and projects as well as a dynamic source for up-to-date circumpolar Arctic biodiversity information and emerging trends. The goal of the ABDS is to increase access to Arctic biodiversity data for the common good of scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders both inside and outside of the Arctic. It is intended to allow for discovery, archiving and access to data at various scales. Such a framework is essential to ensure effective, consistent, and long-term management of Arctic Biodiversity data.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Iceland
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, East Siberian Sea, Iceland Sea, Kara Sea, Labrador Sea, Laptev Sea, White Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: arctic fauna, arctic regions, biodiversity, conservation
Last updated: 03/07/2021
Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ODIS id: 1682)
The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) has been connecting Arctic research and ...
Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) has been connecting Arctic research and education since 1988. Guided by our Values, we bridge Arctic research across organizations, disciplines, geographies, sectors, knowledge systems, and cultures. Based in the United States, ARCUS serves a globally connected, diverse Arctic research community, with an emphasis on connecting U.S. researchers. We are supported by government agencies, foundations, and others who share our enthusiasm for Arctic research and education.
It is the intent of ARCUS to enhance the engagement of Arctic Indigenous communities, organizations, and peoples in research, recognizing that much research occurs within Indigenous communities, on their land, and/or utilizes Indigenous knowledge; that Indigenous Knowledge holds its own methodologies, validation, and evaluation processes; the need for Indigenous community-driven research; and that Indigenous communities are a vital part of the "research community".
ARCUS is a U.S. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that serves the Arctic research community. Membership is open to all those organizations engaged in Arctic research or stakeholders to it, including academic, research, government, Indigenous, and corporations. Representatives of member organizations constitute the Council of ARCUS and elect the Board of Directors. ARCUS is also enabled by individual supporters who see the value of ARCUS' work to connect and advance Arctic research.
Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ODIS id 1682)
The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) has been connecting Arctic research and education since 1988. Guided by our Values, we bridge Arctic research across organizations, disciplines, geographies, sectors, knowledge systems, and cultures. Based in the United States, ARCUS serves a globally connected, diverse Arctic research community, with an emphasis on connecting U.S. researchers. We are supported by government agencies, foundations, and others who share our enthusiasm for Arctic research and education.
It is the intent of ARCUS to enhance the engagement of Arctic Indigenous communities, organizations, and peoples in research, recognizing that much research occurs within Indigenous communities, on their land, and/or utilizes Indigenous knowledge; that Indigenous Knowledge holds its own methodologies, validation, and evaluation processes; the need for Indigenous community-driven research; and that Indigenous communities are a vital part of the "research community".
ARCUS is a U.S. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that serves the Arctic research community. Membership is open to all those organizations engaged in Arctic research or stakeholders to it, including academic, research, government, Indigenous, and corporations. Representatives of member organizations constitute the Council of ARCUS and elect the Board of Directors. ARCUS is also enabled by individual supporters who see the value of ARCUS' work to connect and advance Arctic research.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS09 Cryosphere, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Arctic research, Research Coordination, arctic communities, arctic regions, global connection, research data, research network
Last updated: 04/06/2021
The Arctic System Science Program (ARCSS) funds proposals or groups of proposals that advance our understanding of the Arctic as a coupled system, and how the Arctic system interacts with the Earth System. ARCSS projects are often interdisciplinary and focus on the relationships among physical, chemical, biological, and human processes with emphasis on the interactions among system components. The cycles of carbon, water, and energy are important to consider in investigating the functioning of the Arctic system. Research that seeks to understand how humans drive or respond to environmental change are also encouraged.
The Arctic System Science Program (ARCSS) funds proposals or groups of proposals that advance our understanding of the Arctic as a coupled system, and how the Arctic system interacts with the Earth System. ARCSS projects are often interdisciplinary and focus on the relationships among physical, chemical, biological, and human processes with emphasis on the interactions among system components. The cycles of carbon, water, and energy are important to consider in investigating the functioning of the Arctic system. Research that seeks to understand how humans drive or respond to environmental change are also encouraged.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: research results, Arctic research, Climate change, Scientific Information, arctic regions, earth science, ecological dynamics, ecology, environmental impact assessment, environmental information, interdisciplinary, research projects, scientific knowledge, vulnerable ecosystems
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. The Regional Ocean Accounts Platform brings together information, resources and partners as part of a global effort to develop statistical guidance for Ocean Accounts based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of SDG14, Ocean Governance and sustainable Ocean practices
Asia-Pacific Regional Ocean Accounts Platform (ODIS id 742)
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. The Regional Ocean Accounts Platform brings together information, resources and partners as part of a global effort to develop statistical guidance for Ocean Accounts based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of SDG14, Ocean Governance and sustainable Ocean practices
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Ecosystems, SDG14, Training and education, expertise, marine spatial planning
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Australasian Seabird Group - BirdLife Australia (ODIS id: 2359)
The Australasian Seabird Group, the oldest of BirdLife Australia's Special Interest Groups, was formed in 1971 and is managed in collaboration with the Ornithological Society of New Zealand (Birds New Zealand).
Our objectives are to promote seabird research and conservation in Australasia. We pursue these through a range of activities, including publication of a bulletin and other seabird material, organisation of symposia of issues affecting seabirds, provision of expert opinion on the management and conservation of seabird populations in Australasia, and the coordination of projects including surveys of seabird islands and beach patrol projects.
Australasian Seabird Group - BirdLife Australia (ODIS id 2359)
The Australasian Seabird Group, the oldest of BirdLife Australia's Special Interest Groups, was formed in 1971 and is managed in collaboration with the Ornithological Society of New Zealand (Birds New Zealand).
Our objectives are to promote seabird research and conservation in Australasia. We pursue these through a range of activities, including publication of a bulletin and other seabird material, organisation of symposia of issues affecting seabirds, provision of expert opinion on the management and conservation of seabird populations in Australasia, and the coordination of projects including surveys of seabird islands and beach patrol projects.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: conservation, knowledge and information, seabirds
Last updated: 29/12/2021
Austral Earth Observation Alliance - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (ODIS id: 1689)
Austral Earth Observation Alliance - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
Earth Observation (EO) is the collection of information about the earth’s surface (including aquatic environments) using remote sensing tools, e.g. satellite imagery, aerial photography, drone footage, radars, sonars. Through the generation of products (e.g. maps, data visualisation), Earth Observation data can then be used to measure and monitor different features of the environment over time, which can feed into management and decision-making processes from the regional to local scale. EO data has the potential to reduce long-term costs and can be used as a tool to bridge the gaps between science and decision-making.
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), together with its partners: the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, the Universidad de Magalleanes (UMAG); Universidad Santo Tomás (Santiago), Universidad de Chile and the University of Dundee, is developing a virtual centre of excellence to bring together providers and users of EO enabling them to work together on common problems to exploit EO in the South Atlantic and South American region. The Centre will include researchers, government bodies, NGOs, and the private sector.
Austral Earth Observation Alliance - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (ODIS id 1689)
Austral Earth Observation Alliance - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
Original (non-English) name
Earth Observation (EO) is the collection of information about the earth’s surface (including aquatic environments) using remote sensing tools, e.g. satellite imagery, aerial photography, drone footage, radars, sonars. Through the generation of products (e.g. maps, data visualisation), Earth Observation data can then be used to measure and monitor different features of the environment over time, which can feed into management and decision-making processes from the regional to local scale. EO data has the potential to reduce long-term costs and can be used as a tool to bridge the gaps between science and decision-making.
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), together with its partners: the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, the Universidad de Magalleanes (UMAG); Universidad Santo Tomás (Santiago), Universidad de Chile and the University of Dundee, is developing a virtual centre of excellence to bring together providers and users of EO enabling them to work together on common problems to exploit EO in the South Atlantic and South American region. The Centre will include researchers, government bodies, NGOs, and the private sector.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: South Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Earth observation, data collection, decision-making, earth observation satellites, earth science, environmental information, environmental science, environmental sustainability, knowledge and information, marine science, observation data, observing system, satellite data, satellite imagery, sustainable development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ODIS id: 1693)
The Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ACEF) collects and distributes key coastal datasets for ...
Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility
The Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ACEF) collects and distributes key coastal datasets for use in policy and management decisions about the protection and use of Australia's coastal assets, both marine and freshwater.
The Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ACEF) is delivering data to help manage Australia’s coastal ecosystems.
ACEF aims to link past and ongoing research, future data collection, and the integration of knowledge by:
- establishing a coastal community of practice to bring together researchers, managers, industry and the community to identify key coastal datasets, improve technologies, and identify funding opportunities;
- identifying national datasets that need to be collected, and funding strategic research that addresses key gaps in datasets;
- providing an overview of coastal research efforts and early findings around Australia, and
- enabling better digital access to observational data, and to analysis and visualisation methods.
Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ODIS id 1693)
The Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ACEF) collects and distributes key coastal datasets for use in policy and management decisions about the protection and use of Australia's coastal assets, both marine and freshwater.
The Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility (ACEF) is delivering data to help manage Australia’s coastal ecosystems.
ACEF aims to link past and ongoing research, future data collection, and the integration of knowledge by:
- establishing a coastal community of practice to bring together researchers, managers, industry and the community to identify key coastal datasets, improve technologies, and identify funding opportunities;
- identifying national datasets that need to be collected, and funding strategic research that addresses key gaps in datasets;
- providing an overview of coastal research efforts and early findings around Australia, and
- enabling better digital access to observational data, and to analysis and visualisation methods.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters), Gulf of Carpentaria, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Tasman Sea, Timor Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Ecosystems, coastal communities, coastal ecosystems mapping, coastal monitoring, coastal zone management, ecosystem assessment, ecosystem understanding, environment, environmental information, estuaries, observation data, observing system, research infrastructure, river discharge, river flow, river outflow
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (ODIS id: 3287)
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) is a publicly accessible e ...
Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) is a publicly accessible earth science data repository created to curate, publicly serve (publish), and archive digital data and information from biological, chemical and biogeochemical research conducted in coastal, marine, great lakes and laboratory environments. The BCO-DMO repository works closely with investigators funded through the NSF OCE Division’s Biological and Chemical Sections and the Division of Polar Programs Antarctic Organisms & Ecosystems. The office provides services that span the full data life cycle, from data management planning support and DOI creation, to archive with appropriate national facilities.
Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (ODIS id 3287)
Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
Original (non-English) name
Re3data.Org. (2012). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). re3data.org - Registry of Research Data Repositories. https://doi.org/10.17616/R37P4C
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) is a publicly accessible earth science data repository created to curate, publicly serve (publish), and archive digital data and information from biological, chemical and biogeochemical research conducted in coastal, marine, great lakes and laboratory environments. The BCO-DMO repository works closely with investigators funded through the NSF OCE Division’s Biological and Chemical Sections and the Division of Polar Programs Antarctic Organisms & Ecosystems. The office provides services that span the full data life cycle, from data management planning support and DOI creation, to archive with appropriate national facilities.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography
Last updated: 17/11/2023
Bjerknes Climate Data Centre (ODIS id: 255)
The Bjerknes Climate Data Centre (BCDC) serves the data obtained, and the data syntheses assembled, ...
Bjerknes Climate Data Centre
The Bjerknes Climate Data Centre (BCDC) serves the data obtained, and the data syntheses assembled, by researchers within the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research(BCCR). Furthermore, it is open for all interested scientists independent of institutions. All data from the different disciplines at BCCR (e.g. geology, oceanography, biology, model community) will be archived in a long-term repository, interconnected and made publicly available by the BCDC. BCDC has collaborations with many international data repositories and actively archives metadata and data with those ensuring quality and FAIRness.
BCDC has its main focus on data management services for external and internal funded projects in the field of climate research, providing data management plans and ensuring that data is archived according to the best practices in the field. The data management services rank from project work for the small external funded project, to state-of-the-art data management services for research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap (e.g. RI ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observation System), and providing products and services for Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Services.
In addition, BCDC is advising various communities on data management services e.g. IOC UNESCO, OECD, IAEA, and various funding agencies. BCDC will become an Associated Data Unit (ADU) under IODE, International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, a worldwide network that operates under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and aims to become a part of ICSU World Data System.
The Bjerknes Climate Data Centre (BCDC) serves the data obtained, and the data syntheses assembled, by researchers within the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research(BCCR). Furthermore, it is open for all interested scientists independent of institutions. All data from the different disciplines at BCCR (e.g. geology, oceanography, biology, model community) will be archived in a long-term repository, interconnected and made publicly available by the BCDC. BCDC has collaborations with many international data repositories and actively archives metadata and data with those ensuring quality and FAIRness.
BCDC has its main focus on data management services for external and internal funded projects in the field of climate research, providing data management plans and ensuring that data is archived according to the best practices in the field. The data management services rank from project work for the small external funded project, to state-of-the-art data management services for research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap (e.g. RI ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observation System), and providing products and services for Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Services.
In addition, BCDC is advising various communities on data management services e.g. IOC UNESCO, OECD, IAEA, and various funding agencies. BCDC will become an Associated Data Unit (ADU) under IODE, International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, a worldwide network that operates under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and aims to become a part of ICSU World Data System.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Climate change, FAIRness, Monitoring, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, chemistry, data management, metadata, mooring, oceanographic data, remote sensing, research data, sea water salinity, sea water temperature
Last updated: 29/09/2021
Black Sea Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2172)
Black Sea node of EurOBIS. It is managed by the UkrSCES. The Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, was founded in January 1992 on the basis of the Odessa Branch State Oceanographic Institute. It is the main institution of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine in the field of marine ecological researches. UkrSCES – is a unique institution of all state ecological systems of monitoring within the Black and Azov Seas, which provides a whole complex of tasks of ecological monitoring.
The main task of UkrSCES is scientific and practical providing of realization of public policy of Ukraine in relation to the protection, rational use and rehabilitation of natural resources of the Black and Azov Seas basin, and also providing implementation of international obligations of Ukraine, in relation to marine aspects.
We are ready to collaborate with national and foreign partners.
Black Sea Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2172)
Black Sea node of EurOBIS. It is managed by the UkrSCES. The Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, was founded in January 1992 on the basis of the Odessa Branch State Oceanographic Institute. It is the main institution of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine in the field of marine ecological researches. UkrSCES – is a unique institution of all state ecological systems of monitoring within the Black and Azov Seas, which provides a whole complex of tasks of ecological monitoring.
The main task of UkrSCES is scientific and practical providing of realization of public policy of Ukraine in relation to the protection, rational use and rehabilitation of natural resources of the Black and Azov Seas basin, and also providing implementation of international obligations of Ukraine, in relation to marine aspects.
We are ready to collaborate with national and foreign partners.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Ukrainian
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Ukraine
Sea Region: Black Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, Population, biodiversity, information collections, marine science
Last updated: 04/07/2021
The BMDC user interface provides access, after registration, to the IDOD database which contains more than fourty years of environmental data measured in the Belgian Part of het North Sea. sediments, biota and water quality parameters are accessible.
The BMDC user interface provides access, after registration, to the IDOD database which contains more than fourty years of environmental data measured in the Belgian Part of het North Sea. sediments, biota and water quality parameters are accessible.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: North Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: BMDC, Geospatial data, RBINS, Research Cruises, biota, marine mammals, oceanographic data, sediment, water quality
Last updated: 03/10/2023
Board - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (ODIS id: 1735)
List of members and related information at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters)
Themes: DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Brazil Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2178)
The Long-term Program of Ecological Research of the Coastal Habitats of Espírito Santo (PELD-HCES), which is part of the Brazilian Long-term Ecological Research Program (LTER) has become an IODE Associate Data Unit in order to run OBIS Brazil, the regional node for the South-West Atlantic, which has been dormant for a few years.
PELD-HCES is currently monitoring benthic assemblages, oceanographic and sediment variables on coastal ecosystems including estuaries, mangroves and intertidal coastal reefs. They aim to assess the spatial-temporal patterns of benthic assemblages in the studied ecosystems along seasonal and interannual scales.
The PELD-HCES is a multidisciplinaty research team, coordinated by Prof. Angelo Bernardino at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, and involves several other institutional partners: Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidade Federal do do Paraná, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, and the Oregon State University, and is funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPQ, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-CAPES, and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo-FAPES.
The PELD-HCES is also an active member (since 2019) of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas (MBON Pole to Pole), a program with a strong focus on the enhancement of data sharing via OBIS and the implementation of best practices for biodiversity monitoring. The PELD-HCES is open to support regional training courses in environmental monitoring, biodiversity assessment, data analysis and data QC.
Brazil Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2178)
The Long-term Program of Ecological Research of the Coastal Habitats of Espírito Santo (PELD-HCES), which is part of the Brazilian Long-term Ecological Research Program (LTER) has become an IODE Associate Data Unit in order to run OBIS Brazil, the regional node for the South-West Atlantic, which has been dormant for a few years.
PELD-HCES is currently monitoring benthic assemblages, oceanographic and sediment variables on coastal ecosystems including estuaries, mangroves and intertidal coastal reefs. They aim to assess the spatial-temporal patterns of benthic assemblages in the studied ecosystems along seasonal and interannual scales.
The PELD-HCES is a multidisciplinaty research team, coordinated by Prof. Angelo Bernardino at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, and involves several other institutional partners: Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidade Federal do do Paraná, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, and the Oregon State University, and is funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPQ, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-CAPES, and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo-FAPES.
The PELD-HCES is also an active member (since 2019) of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas (MBON Pole to Pole), a program with a strong focus on the enhancement of data sharing via OBIS and the implementation of best practices for biodiversity monitoring. The PELD-HCES is open to support regional training courses in environmental monitoring, biodiversity assessment, data analysis and data QC.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Afghanistan
Host Countries: Brazil
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, OBIS, biodiversity, biology, oceans
Last updated: 04/07/2021
British Oceanographic Data Centre - National Oceanography Centre (ODIS id: 688)
Part of the UK's National Oceanography Centre, BODC provides instant access to over 130,000 unique o ...
British Oceanographic Data Centre - National Oceanography Centre
Part of the UK's National Oceanography Centre, BODC provides instant access to over 130,000 unique oceanographic data sets. BODC is the UK's National Oceanographic Data Centre and is IODE-accredited. Offering a wide range of services to the UK and international marine community, BODC also serves as:
- GEOTRACES Global Data Centre
- The Nippon Foundation GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Global Centre
- UK Argo Data Centre and Southern Ocean Argo regional Centre
- GLOSS Delayed-mode Data Assembly Centre,
and hosts Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN).
British Oceanographic Data Centre - National Oceanography Centre (ODIS id 688)
British Oceanographic Data Centre - National Oceanography Centre
Original (non-English) name
Part of the UK's National Oceanography Centre, BODC provides instant access to over 130,000 unique oceanographic data sets. BODC is the UK's National Oceanographic Data Centre and is IODE-accredited. Offering a wide range of services to the UK and international marine community, BODC also serves as:
- GEOTRACES Global Data Centre
- The Nippon Foundation GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Global Centre
- UK Argo Data Centre and Southern Ocean Argo regional Centre
- GLOSS Delayed-mode Data Assembly Centre,
and hosts Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN).
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Last updated: 02/05/2024
British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility - National Oceanography Centre (ODIS id: 685)
Operated by the NOC, BOSCORF is the UK national deep-sea core repository, set up by the Natural Envi ...
British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility - National Oceanography Centre
Operated by the NOC, BOSCORF is the UK national deep-sea core repository, set up by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to store marine sediment cores collected by NERC ships and NERC-funded researchers.
Deep-sea sediment cores are an expensive and unique resource of immense scientific value. BOSCORF provides specialised facilities for the long-term storage and curation of cores with the aim of making the material available to scientists, and to promote secondary usage amongst the scientific community.
BOSCORF provides specialist non-destructive logging facilities and cores entering the repository are routinely logged. BOSCORF maintains databases of its collections, and these can be searched online through the EU-SEASED European online core catalogue.
British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility - National Oceanography Centre (ODIS id 685)
British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility - National Oceanography Centre
Original (non-English) name
Operated by the NOC, BOSCORF is the UK national deep-sea core repository, set up by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to store marine sediment cores collected by NERC ships and NERC-funded researchers.
Deep-sea sediment cores are an expensive and unique resource of immense scientific value. BOSCORF provides specialised facilities for the long-term storage and curation of cores with the aim of making the material available to scientists, and to promote secondary usage amongst the scientific community.
BOSCORF provides specialist non-destructive logging facilities and cores entering the repository are routinely logged. BOSCORF maintains databases of its collections, and these can be searched online through the EU-SEASED European online core catalogue.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Last updated: 02/05/2024
Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences - Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australian Government (ODIS id: 2381)
Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences - Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australian Government
Welcome to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), the science and economics research division of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences - Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australian Government (ODIS id 2381)
Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences - Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australian Government
Original (non-English) name
ABARES - Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australian Government
Welcome to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), the science and economics research division of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Australian freshwater bodies
Themes: DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Agriculture, environment, environmental monitoring facilities, fisheries activities, management and conservation, natural resources
Last updated: 27/03/2022
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (ODIS id: 1679)
The Mission of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is to manage development of U.S. Outer Continen ...
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
The Mission of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is to manage development of U.S. Outer Continental Shelf energy and mineral resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way.
The Mission of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is to manage development of U.S. Outer Continental Shelf energy and mineral resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way.
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Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: continental margins, decision-making, development planning, marine resources, mineral-resources-related activities, ocean resources, offshore energy, offshore wind energy, oil and gas, resources management, science-based management, sustainable development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Canada Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2190)
OBIS Canada is the Canadian regional node of the International Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and along with the Ocean Tracking Network thematic OBIS node represents Canada’s contribution to this global initiative. Fisheries and Oceans Canada supports OBIS by managing the OBIS Canada node and contributing datasets. OBIS Canada was recognized as a National Activity by the National Science Data Management Committee of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in 2010.
Canada Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2190)
OBIS Canada is the Canadian regional node of the International Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and along with the Ocean Tracking Network thematic OBIS node represents Canada’s contribution to this global initiative. Fisheries and Oceans Canada supports OBIS by managing the OBIS Canada node and contributing datasets. OBIS Canada was recognized as a National Activity by the National Science Data Management Committee of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in 2010.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, biology, oceans, open access, open data
Last updated: 09/07/2021
CoastWatch is a NOAA program that provides remotely sensed satellite and other environmental data to ...
Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch
CoastWatch is a NOAA program that provides remotely sensed satellite and other environmental data to government decision makers and academic researchers. The Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node is one of several sites throughout the United States set up for the processing and distribution of CoastWatch information.
The Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) in Miami (FL) hosts both the CoastWatch Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Regional Node and the Atlantic OceanWatch node.
Members of the government, academic, commercial, or public sectors may access data via the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node website free of charge. CoastWatch data is used in a variety of ways to monitor sea-surface-temperature and algal blooms, study fish and marine mammal distributions, and aid in atmospheric forecasting.
Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch (ODIS id 2847)
Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch
Original (non-English) name
CoastWatch is a NOAA program that provides remotely sensed satellite and other environmental data to government decision makers and academic researchers. The Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node is one of several sites throughout the United States set up for the processing and distribution of CoastWatch information.
The Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) in Miami (FL) hosts both the CoastWatch Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Regional Node and the Atlantic OceanWatch node.
Members of the government, academic, commercial, or public sectors may access data via the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node website free of charge. CoastWatch data is used in a variety of ways to monitor sea-surface-temperature and algal blooms, study fish and marine mammal distributions, and aid in atmospheric forecasting.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: coastal monitoring, environmental data, near real time data, satellite data
Last updated: 05/11/2021
Caribbean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2206)
The Caribbean Regional Node for OBIS serves the Caribbean region, centralizing and curating the regional datasets. We also provide training courses and technical advise in the wider Caribbean, Central and South America in Spanish. The operative center is located at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela which partially supports the node as an academic activity.
Caribbean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2206)
The Caribbean Regional Node for OBIS serves the Caribbean region, centralizing and curating the regional datasets. We also provide training courses and technical advise in the wider Caribbean, Central and South America in Spanish. The operative center is located at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela which partially supports the node as an academic activity.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Venezuela
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, Occurrence, biodiversity, marine science
Last updated: 09/07/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Iran
Host Countries: Iran
Sea Region: Caspian Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expert knowledge, expertise, experts, information management
Last updated: 11/11/2023
The JERICO-RI catalogue contains a structured overview of involved coastal platforms and developed services to access processed data. They are all searchable via a metadata search (free search or via facets). Where available, URL’s will be provided to access more detailed information and the data itself.
Catalogue - JERICO-Research Infrastructure (ODIS id 2077)
The JERICO-RI catalogue contains a structured overview of involved coastal platforms and developed services to access processed data. They are all searchable via a metadata search (free search or via facets). Where available, URL’s will be provided to access more detailed information and the data itself.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: net longwave radiation at the sea surface
Last updated: 28/06/2021
Centralized Data Management Office - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id: 2709)
NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) acknowledges the importance of both long-t ...
Centralized Data Management Office - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) acknowledges the importance of both long-term environmental monitoring programs and data and information dissemination through the support of the NERRS System-wide Monitoring Program (SWMP). The goal of the SWMP is to "identify and track short-term variability and long-term changes in the integrity and biodiversity of representative estuarine ecosystems and coastal watersheds for the purpose of contributing to effective national, regional and site specific coastal zone management." This comprehensive program consists of three phased components:
- estuarine water quality monitoring,
- biodiversity monitoring,
- land-use and habitat change analysis.
Centralized Data Management Office - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id 2709)
Centralized Data Management Office - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Original (non-English) name
NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) acknowledges the importance of both long-term environmental monitoring programs and data and information dissemination through the support of the NERRS System-wide Monitoring Program (SWMP). The goal of the SWMP is to "identify and track short-term variability and long-term changes in the integrity and biodiversity of representative estuarine ecosystems and coastal watersheds for the purpose of contributing to effective national, regional and site specific coastal zone management." This comprehensive program consists of three phased components:
- estuarine water quality monitoring,
- biodiversity monitoring,
- land-use and habitat change analysis.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Alaska, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment
Keywords: biodiversity change, data collection, environmental data, environmental monitoring, estuaries, human activities, water quality
Last updated: 26/10/2021
Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (ODIS id: 79)
The primary mission of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy is to provide ...
Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service
The primary mission of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy is to provide technical elements, information and technical assistance to offer navigational safety in fluvial and lacustrine areas, internal waters, territorial waters, and in the high seas adjacent to the Chilean littoral.
Likewise, it represents the official, technical and permanent service of the State, regarding all that has to do with hydrography; maritime, fluvial and lacustrine hydrographic survey, nautical cartography, production and publication of navigational charts of national waters, oceanography, planning and coordination of all national oceanographic activities related to physical-chemical researches, tides, currents and tidal waves, nautical geography, navigation, astronomy, official time signal and aerophotogrametry applied to the nautical chart.
It is also responsibility of SHOA, to contribute through research to the development and promotion of other related national and international activities of interest to the country.
Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (ODIS id 79)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 11/01/2019
Last update: 25/09/2021
Ms Teresa Carolina Calvete ( OceanExpert :
Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service
Original (non-English) name
Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile
The primary mission of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy is to provide technical elements, information and technical assistance to offer navigational safety in fluvial and lacustrine areas, internal waters, territorial waters, and in the high seas adjacent to the Chilean littoral.
Likewise, it represents the official, technical and permanent service of the State, regarding all that has to do with hydrography; maritime, fluvial and lacustrine hydrographic survey, nautical cartography, production and publication of navigational charts of national waters, oceanography, planning and coordination of all national oceanographic activities related to physical-chemical researches, tides, currents and tidal waves, nautical geography, navigation, astronomy, official time signal and aerophotogrametry applied to the nautical chart.
It is also responsibility of SHOA, to contribute through research to the development and promotion of other related national and international activities of interest to the country.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Chile
Host Countries: Chile
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Military use, Monitoring, operational oceanography, tides, waves, weather foreast
Last updated: 25/09/2021
Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement - Directory of experts (ODIS id: 494)
Directory of experts at the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE). Since its estab ...
Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement - Directory of experts
Directory of experts at the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE). Since its establishment in 2002 as a set of 7 Regional Centers, COSEE has evolved into a coordinated Network comprised of 12 thematic and regional Centers located around the United States including over 270 institutional partners with close to two thousand Network members.
The mission of the COSEE Network is to spark and nurture collaborations among research scientists and educators to advance ocean discovery and make known the vital role of the ocean in our lives. The mission reflects the three-fold partnership, which composes each COSEE Center-partnerships between formal and informal education institutes and research institutes.
Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement - Directory of experts (ODIS id 494)
Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement - Directory of experts
Original (non-English) name
COSEE Directory
Directory of experts at the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE). Since its establishment in 2002 as a set of 7 Regional Centers, COSEE has evolved into a coordinated Network comprised of 12 thematic and regional Centers located around the United States including over 270 institutional partners with close to two thousand Network members.
The mission of the COSEE Network is to spark and nurture collaborations among research scientists and educators to advance ocean discovery and make known the vital role of the ocean in our lives. The mission reflects the three-fold partnership, which composes each COSEE Center-partnerships between formal and informal education institutes and research institutes.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 10/10/2020
Data Centre - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
The EUMETSAT data centre provides a long-term archive of data and generated products from EUMETSAT, which can be ordered online.
The EUMETSAT data centre aims to:
- Guarantee a long-term preservation of data and generated products from EUMETSAT’s meteorological satellites.
- Enable users to browse, make automated orders, and retrieve data from EUMETSAT's catalogue of products.
Set up in 1995, the data centre has developed to become a state-of-the-art archive serving all EUMETSAT satellite programmes.
With around 300 meteorological satellite products available — in the case of Meteosat spanning a record of more than 30 years (since 1981) — the data centre offers one of Europe’s largest and most comprehensive collections in this field.
Currently around 5PB of data volume are stored in the data centre and made available to the data centre users. The charts below show the development of archive retrieval and ingestion over time.
Data Centre - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (ODIS id 2704)
Data Centre - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Original (non-English) name
Data Centre - EUMETSAT
The EUMETSAT data centre provides a long-term archive of data and generated products from EUMETSAT, which can be ordered online.
The EUMETSAT data centre aims to:
- Guarantee a long-term preservation of data and generated products from EUMETSAT’s meteorological satellites.
- Enable users to browse, make automated orders, and retrieve data from EUMETSAT's catalogue of products.
Set up in 1995, the data centre has developed to become a state-of-the-art archive serving all EUMETSAT satellite programmes.
With around 300 meteorological satellite products available — in the case of Meteosat spanning a record of more than 30 years (since 1981) — the data centre offers one of Europe’s largest and most comprehensive collections in this field.
Currently around 5PB of data volume are stored in the data centre and made available to the data centre users. The charts below show the development of archive retrieval and ingestion over time.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Earth Science data, data access, data collection, data portal, meteorological data, weather
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry - International Hydrographic Organization (ODIS id: 1708)
In 1988, the U.S. National Geophysical Data Centre (NGDC) offered to host and operate a Worldwide di ...
Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry - International Hydrographic Organization
In 1988, the U.S. National Geophysical Data Centre (NGDC) offered to host and operate a Worldwide digital oceanic bathymetry data center on behalf of the IHO Member States. This led to the official establishment (in June 1990) of the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB). Data provided by the IHO Member States are available for download from the DCDB web site. It is possible to search, view or download all available data using the DCDB Web Map Server and GEODAS interfaces.
Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry - International Hydrographic Organization (ODIS id 1708)
Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry - International Hydrographic Organization
Original (non-English) name
In 1988, the U.S. National Geophysical Data Centre (NGDC) offered to host and operate a Worldwide digital oceanic bathymetry data center on behalf of the IHO Member States. This led to the official establishment (in June 1990) of the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB). Data provided by the IHO Member States are available for download from the DCDB web site. It is possible to search, view or download all available data using the DCDB Web Map Server and GEODAS interfaces.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Multibeam, bathymetry, data access, data collection, data services, digital resources, mapping, oceanographic data, open access, seabed mapping, seafloor mapping
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Data centres - British Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id: 1666)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: information collections, knowledge and information, online database, research infrastructure
Last updated: 06/06/2021
Data Lab - World Resources Institute (ODIS id: 2831)
Reliable, accessible data is essential for analyzing global problems and creating sustainable soluti ...
Data Lab - World Resources Institute
Reliable, accessible data is essential for analyzing global problems and creating sustainable solutions. WRI’s work depends on data to provide effective, actionable recommendations for government leaders, the private sector and civil society.
WRI’s Data Lab works throughout the institute to help our researchers harness the full power of the data revolution and use modern technology to solve today’s most pressing issues. The Data Lab upholds WRI’s rigorous data standards and commitment to open data and knowledge-sharing. Over time, we will scale up the use of innovative analytical methods, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to build tools that help partners and users advance solutions for sustainable development.
Data Lab - World Resources Institute (ODIS id 2831)
Reliable, accessible data is essential for analyzing global problems and creating sustainable solutions. WRI’s work depends on data to provide effective, actionable recommendations for government leaders, the private sector and civil society.
WRI’s Data Lab works throughout the institute to help our researchers harness the full power of the data revolution and use modern technology to solve today’s most pressing issues. The Data Lab upholds WRI’s rigorous data standards and commitment to open data and knowledge-sharing. Over time, we will scale up the use of innovative analytical methods, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to build tools that help partners and users advance solutions for sustainable development.
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Technical notes
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Best practices, data analysis, data curation, data quality monitoring
Last updated: 10/02/2022
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure Subsystem - Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1358)
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure Subsystem - Integrated Ocean Observing System
A coherent strategy that enables the integration of marine data streams across disciplines, institutions, time scales, and geographic regions is central to the success of IOOS and other regional, national, and international ocean and coastal observing systems. The system that must be developed, while challenging, is within the scope of current information technology (IT). It can be developed by building upon existing capabilities through relatively straightforward software engineering. The greatest challenge to enhancing marine data integration is one of coordination and cooperation among the members of IOOS and its user communities.
The IOOS Program Office coordinates the infrastructure to enable the integration of marine data streams.
One of the primary goals of the Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem is making discovery, access, and understanding ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes information for the public. To help IOOS researchers and partners make their data available online, the DMAC system enables the integration of marine data streams across disciplines, institutions, time scales, and geographic regions. Accessing IOOS data is possible through a suite of national and regional Data Portal and Viewers. The success of data integration with this distributed system is only possible through the use of common standards, formats, and data services. The U.S. IOOS Program Office maintains information on how to contribute data to IOOS and updates those steps and policies as new standards and technologies emerge.
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure Subsystem - Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1358)
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure Subsystem - Integrated Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
A coherent strategy that enables the integration of marine data streams across disciplines, institutions, time scales, and geographic regions is central to the success of IOOS and other regional, national, and international ocean and coastal observing systems. The system that must be developed, while challenging, is within the scope of current information technology (IT). It can be developed by building upon existing capabilities through relatively straightforward software engineering. The greatest challenge to enhancing marine data integration is one of coordination and cooperation among the members of IOOS and its user communities.
The IOOS Program Office coordinates the infrastructure to enable the integration of marine data streams.
One of the primary goals of the Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem is making discovery, access, and understanding ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes information for the public. To help IOOS researchers and partners make their data available online, the DMAC system enables the integration of marine data streams across disciplines, institutions, time scales, and geographic regions. Accessing IOOS data is possible through a suite of national and regional Data Portal and Viewers. The success of data integration with this distributed system is only possible through the use of common standards, formats, and data services. The U.S. IOOS Program Office maintains information on how to contribute data to IOOS and updates those steps and policies as new standards and technologies emerge.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data integrator, data management, information management, information services, interoperability, science-quality data, scientific knowledge
Last updated: 14/10/2021
Digital Commons - California State University (ODIS id: 306)
Digital Commons @ CSUMB promotes discovery and research by providing open access to a wide range of ...
Digital Commons - California State University
Digital Commons @ CSUMB promotes discovery and research by providing open access to a wide range of digital resources created by CSUMB faculty, staff and students as well as archival materials. Masters theses and undergraduate capstone projects on marine science, watersheds and environmental science are also available here.
Digital Commons - California State University (ODIS id 306)
Digital Commons @ CSUMB promotes discovery and research by providing open access to a wide range of digital resources created by CSUMB faculty, staff and students as well as archival materials. Masters theses and undergraduate capstone projects on marine science, watersheds and environmental science are also available here.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Digital repository, data archive, digital resources, research data
Last updated: 14/02/2022
Directory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 949)
Directory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Corresponds to the internal institutional directory organized alphabetically, indicating the name of the officer you will find their contact details such as telephone extension, mail. The directory will also indicate the position.
Directory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 949)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Directory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Directorio interno - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Directory - INVEMAR
Corresponds to the internal institutional directory organized alphabetically, indicating the name of the officer you will find their contact details such as telephone extension, mail. The directory will also indicate the position.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Earth System Grid Federation (ODIS id: 2839)
The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) enterprise system is a collaboration that ...
Earth System Grid Federation
The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) enterprise system is a collaboration that develops, deploys and maintains software infrastructure for the management, dissemination, and analysis of model output and observational data. ESGF's primary goal is to facilitate advancements in Earth System Science. It is an interagency and international effort led by the Department of Energy (DOE), and co-funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Science Foundation (NSF), and international laboratories such as the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ), the Australian National University (ANU) National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), and the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). The ESGF mission is to:
-Support current CMIP6 activities, and prepare for future assessments,
-Develop data and metadata facilities for inclusion of observations and reanalysis products for CMIP6 use,
-Enhance and improve current climate research infrastructure capabilities through involvement of the software development community and through adherence to sound software principles,
-Foster collaboration across agency and political boundaries.
-Integrate and interoperate with other software designed to meet the objectives of ESGF: e.g., software developed by NASA, NOAA, ESIP, and the European IS-INES,
-Create software infrastructure and tools that facilitate scientific advancements.
ESGF P2P is a component architecture expressly designed to handle large-scale data management for worldwide distribution. The team of computer scientists and climate scientists has developed an operational system for serving climate data from multiple locations and sources. Model simulations, satellite observations, and reanalysis products are all being served from the ESGF P2P distributed data archive.
The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) enterprise system is a collaboration that develops, deploys and maintains software infrastructure for the management, dissemination, and analysis of model output and observational data. ESGF's primary goal is to facilitate advancements in Earth System Science. It is an interagency and international effort led by the Department of Energy (DOE), and co-funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Science Foundation (NSF), and international laboratories such as the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ), the Australian National University (ANU) National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), and the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). The ESGF mission is to:
-Support current CMIP6 activities, and prepare for future assessments,
-Develop data and metadata facilities for inclusion of observations and reanalysis products for CMIP6 use,
-Enhance and improve current climate research infrastructure capabilities through involvement of the software development community and through adherence to sound software principles,
-Foster collaboration across agency and political boundaries.
-Integrate and interoperate with other software designed to meet the objectives of ESGF: e.g., software developed by NASA, NOAA, ESIP, and the European IS-INES,
-Create software infrastructure and tools that facilitate scientific advancements.
ESGF P2P is a component architecture expressly designed to handle large-scale data management for worldwide distribution. The team of computer scientists and climate scientists has developed an operational system for serving climate data from multiple locations and sources. Model simulations, satellite observations, and reanalysis products are all being served from the ESGF P2P distributed data archive.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Modelling, data analysis, data management, data products, metadata, meteorological data, observation data, operational service
Last updated: 04/11/2021
East Coast Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch (ODIS id: 2848)
The CoastWatch mission is to provide access to near real-time and long-term satellite data to monitor, restore, and manage U.S. coastal and ocean resources, in addition to understanding ecosystems and climate to further enhance society's quality of life. Our primary users include federal, state, and local coastal resource managers, marine scientists, commercial companies, and the general public.
The East Coast Node provides remote sensing data products and customized decision-making applications for regions from Maine to Florida. Anyone may access data free of charge. CoastWatch data is used by local managers and scientists in a variety of ways including ecological forecasting, monitoring algal blooms, tracking sediment plumes, and studying temperature effects on fish populations. We work with regional and local stakeholders to build customized applications for environmental mangagement and decision-making. We are located at NOAA's Chesapeake Bay Office.
East Coast Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch (ODIS id 2848)
The CoastWatch mission is to provide access to near real-time and long-term satellite data to monitor, restore, and manage U.S. coastal and ocean resources, in addition to understanding ecosystems and climate to further enhance society's quality of life. Our primary users include federal, state, and local coastal resource managers, marine scientists, commercial companies, and the general public.
The East Coast Node provides remote sensing data products and customized decision-making applications for regions from Maine to Florida. Anyone may access data free of charge. CoastWatch data is used by local managers and scientists in a variety of ways including ecological forecasting, monitoring algal blooms, tracking sediment plumes, and studying temperature effects on fish populations. We work with regional and local stakeholders to build customized applications for environmental mangagement and decision-making. We are located at NOAA's Chesapeake Bay Office.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: coastal monitoring, ecosystem understanding, environmental data, near real time data, satellite data
Last updated: 05/11/2021
Eastern South Pacific - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 282)
Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) is an open-access platform that contributes to facilita ...
Eastern South Pacific - Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) is an open-access platform that contributes to facilitating free and free access to information on marine biodiversity, it is an alliance between institutions and professionals that is made up of 24 nodes worldwide.
ESP-OBIS (Eastern South Pacific) represents the regional node (RON) of the Eastern South Pacific and its main mission is to establish links with data providers, as well as guarantee the quality of the data published on the platform.
ESP-OBIS is responsible for the dissemination of data and information on the distribution of species and biodiversity in waters of the Eastern South Pacific. Our role is to promote open access to data on marine species in the region through the OBIS portal, as well as to promote the OBIS data management guidelines to the scientific community in the region. Likewise, we can provide support to government entities for decision-making on conservation and management areas.
ESP-OBIS was launched in 2008 to contribute to the global initiative of the international OBIS program, whose fundamental mission is the search, compilation, and integration of marine diversity from all areas that comprise the region, with a focus on the coastal system, areas oceanic and deep-ocean communities.
Eastern South Pacific - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 282)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 11/01/2019
Last update: 30/09/2021
Dr. Ruben Veloso Escribano ( OceanExpert :
Eastern South Pacific - Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Original (non-English) name
OBIS Pacifico sur Oriental
Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) is an open-access platform that contributes to facilitating free and free access to information on marine biodiversity, it is an alliance between institutions and professionals that is made up of 24 nodes worldwide.
ESP-OBIS (Eastern South Pacific) represents the regional node (RON) of the Eastern South Pacific and its main mission is to establish links with data providers, as well as guarantee the quality of the data published on the platform.
ESP-OBIS is responsible for the dissemination of data and information on the distribution of species and biodiversity in waters of the Eastern South Pacific. Our role is to promote open access to data on marine species in the region through the OBIS portal, as well as to promote the OBIS data management guidelines to the scientific community in the region. Likewise, we can provide support to government entities for decision-making on conservation and management areas.
ESP-OBIS was launched in 2008 to contribute to the global initiative of the international OBIS program, whose fundamental mission is the search, compilation, and integration of marine diversity from all areas that comprise the region, with a focus on the coastal system, areas oceanic and deep-ocean communities.
Employee directory - Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries was founded in 1930 as the first national scientific institution dedicated to marine research. The scientific activity of the Institute has been multidisciplinary from the beginning, encompassing biological, chemical and physical oceanography as well as sedimentology, fishery and mariculture.
Today, the basic orientation of the Institute’s work is fundamental scientific research in the framework of various projects funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ). A significant part of this research aims at detecting complex interactions that shape the Adriatic marine environment, since understanding the ecosystem’s functioning represents a necessary prerequisite to creating measures for the protection of ecosystem and its biological resources, with a view to sustainable exploitation.
In addition, numerous projects funded by the European Commission or different commercial entities, enable us to carry out monitoring of populations and stocks of marine organisms, biotope mapping, initial assessments of the marine environment and various studies on environmental state and impacts. The physical, chemical and biological long-term data series collected by the Institute represent a valuable basis for the implementation of European directives, aiming at aquatic environment management and protection (MSFD, WFD).
Employee directory - Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (ODIS id 1712)
Employee directory - Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Original (non-English) name
Imenik djelatnika - Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo
The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries was founded in 1930 as the first national scientific institution dedicated to marine research. The scientific activity of the Institute has been multidisciplinary from the beginning, encompassing biological, chemical and physical oceanography as well as sedimentology, fishery and mariculture.
Today, the basic orientation of the Institute’s work is fundamental scientific research in the framework of various projects funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ). A significant part of this research aims at detecting complex interactions that shape the Adriatic marine environment, since understanding the ecosystem’s functioning represents a necessary prerequisite to creating measures for the protection of ecosystem and its biological resources, with a view to sustainable exploitation.
In addition, numerous projects funded by the European Commission or different commercial entities, enable us to carry out monitoring of populations and stocks of marine organisms, biotope mapping, initial assessments of the marine environment and various studies on environmental state and impacts. The physical, chemical and biological long-term data series collected by the Institute represent a valuable basis for the implementation of European directives, aiming at aquatic environment management and protection (MSFD, WFD).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Croatian
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Croatia
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: expertise, experts, marine environments, marine fishery resources, marine knowledge, marine science, research infrastructure, scientific development
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Employees - Institute of Marine Research (ODIS id: 1715)
List of members at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Norwegian
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts, online database
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Environment Canterbury - Regional Council of New Zealand (ODIS id: 1691)
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Ngāi Tahu we are Environment Canterbury - your Regional Council. ...
Environment Canterbury - Regional Council of New Zealand
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Ngāi Tahu we are Environment Canterbury - your Regional Council. Find out more about the work of your Council, our team and how you can engage with us.
We work with partners and other agencies to protect the health of our environment to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all of us. Learn about our vision and purpose, our values and the work we do.
Environment Canterbury - Regional Council of New Zealand (ODIS id 1691)
Environment Canterbury - Regional Council of New Zealand
Original (non-English) name
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Ngāi Tahu we are Environment Canterbury - your Regional Council. Find out more about the work of your Council, our team and how you can engage with us.
We work with partners and other agencies to protect the health of our environment to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all of us. Learn about our vision and purpose, our values and the work we do.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Host Countries: New Zealand
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: decision-making, environment, environmental protection, environmental sustainability, human activities, policy and management recommendations, policy makers
Last updated: 04/06/2021
EU PolarNet inventory of polar observational/monitoring and modelling programmes - Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (ODIS id: 2954)
EU PolarNet inventory of polar observational/monitoring and modelling programmes - Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks
SAON CON has contributed to the EU-PolarNet deliverable "Inventory of existing monitoring and modelling programmes". A description of the inventory can be found here.
EU PolarNet inventory of polar observational/monitoring and modelling programmes - Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (ODIS id 2954)
EU PolarNet inventory of polar observational/monitoring and modelling programmes - Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks
Original (non-English) name
EU PolarNet inventory of polar observational/monitoring and modelling programmes - SAON
SAON CON has contributed to the EU-PolarNet deliverable "Inventory of existing monitoring and modelling programmes". A description of the inventory can be found here.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: climate monitoring, information and resources, monitoring programmes, observing system, polar environment
Last updated: 04/12/2021
Eurocean (ODIS id: 2993)
EurOcean is an independent, non-profit, scientific organization founded in 2002, by the Portuguese F ...
EurOcean is an independent, non-profit, scientific organization founded in 2002, by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the French National Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer).
It supports European Ocean Science and Technology advances, by fostering information exchange, interaction, and innovation among its members, the ocean community, and society.
EurOcean provides comprehensive databases of information on topics related to marine science and technology in Europe with priority given to three main domains: Marine Knowledge Management, Marine Research Infrastructures, and Ocean Public Outreach and Awareness activities.
It is an active participant in a number of European-funded projects and it contributes to initiatives aiming to promote a Blue Society and the implementation of the European Maritime Policy.
EurOcean is an independent, non-profit, scientific organization founded in 2002, by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the French National Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer).
It supports European Ocean Science and Technology advances, by fostering information exchange, interaction, and innovation among its members, the ocean community, and society.
EurOcean provides comprehensive databases of information on topics related to marine science and technology in Europe with priority given to three main domains: Marine Knowledge Management, Marine Research Infrastructures, and Ocean Public Outreach and Awareness activities.
It is an active participant in a number of European-funded projects and it contributes to initiatives aiming to promote a Blue Society and the implementation of the European Maritime Policy.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: information management, knowledge and information, marine environments, marine science, networking
Last updated: 12/12/2024
European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres (ODIS id: 1348)
- a network linking European aquatic sciences libraries and information centres,
- a ...
European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres
- a network linking European aquatic sciences libraries and information centres,
- a forum for the exchange of information and ideas relevant to aquatic sciences in Europe,
-an independent, non-profit, European interest group,
- a regional group of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC).
- to provide an organisation for the exchange of ideas and views on issues of mutual concern,
- collect and present views and proposals on behalf of the members to other organisations,
- to encourage cooperation within Europe and to build links with other national, regional and international aquatic science libraries and information networks
to undertake joint projects, to improve the flow, exchange and dissemination of aquatic information.
European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres (ODIS id 1348)
European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres
Original (non-English) name
- a network linking European aquatic sciences libraries and information centres,
- a forum for the exchange of information and ideas relevant to aquatic sciences in Europe,
-an independent, non-profit, European interest group,
- a regional group of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC).
- to provide an organisation for the exchange of ideas and views on issues of mutual concern,
- collect and present views and proposals on behalf of the members to other organisations,
- to encourage cooperation within Europe and to build links with other national, regional and international aquatic science libraries and information networks
to undertake joint projects, to improve the flow, exchange and dissemination of aquatic information.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: digital library, library, marine science
Last updated: 19/05/2021
European Directory of Marine Organisations (ODIS id: 3321)
EDMO contains up-to-date addresses and activity profiles of research institutes, data holding centre ...
European Directory of Marine Organisations
EDMO contains up-to-date addresses and activity profiles of research institutes, data holding centres, monitoring agencies, governmental and private organisations, that are in one way or another engaged in oceanographic and marine research activities, data & information management and/or data acquisition activities. Currently, EDMO lists and describes more than 5.000 organisations.
EDMO offers two interfaces, a regular HTML interface for "human users" and a SPARQL Endpoint for machine applications.
European Directory of Marine Organisations (ODIS id 3321)
EDMO contains up-to-date addresses and activity profiles of research institutes, data holding centres, monitoring agencies, governmental and private organisations, that are in one way or another engaged in oceanographic and marine research activities, data & information management and/or data acquisition activities. Currently, EDMO lists and describes more than 5.000 organisations.
EDMO offers two interfaces, a regular HTML interface for "human users" and a SPARQL Endpoint for machine applications.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: Marine, marine and coastal research, metadata, metadata interoperability, organisations
Last updated: 05/12/2024
European Geological Data Infrastructure (ODIS id: 2411)
EGDI is EuroGeoSurveys’ European Geological Data Infrastructure. It provides access to Pan-Europea ...
European Geological Data Infrastructure
EGDI is EuroGeoSurveys’ European Geological Data Infrastructure. It provides access to Pan-European and national geological datasets and services from the Geological Survey Organizations of Europe.
First-time users should choose one of the main geological topics from the menu. Experienced users can access compiled maps and data directly by choosing from the submenus. You may also browse all data sets in one single map viewer.
Search the site using the search bar or search for even more data sets using the EGDI metadata catalogue.
European Geological Data Infrastructure (ODIS id 2411)
EGDI is EuroGeoSurveys’ European Geological Data Infrastructure. It provides access to Pan-European and national geological datasets and services from the Geological Survey Organizations of Europe.
First-time users should choose one of the main geological topics from the menu. Experienced users can access compiled maps and data directly by choosing from the submenus. You may also browse all data sets in one single map viewer.
Search the site using the search bar or search for even more data sets using the EGDI metadata catalogue.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Balearic Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bay of Biscay, Bay of Bothnia, Black Sea, Bothnian Sea, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea, Central Baltic Sea, English Channel, Greenland Sea, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga, Iceland Sea, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea, Kara Sea, Kattegat, Labrador Sea, Mediterranean Region, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin, North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W), Norwegian Sea, Skagerrak, Strait of Gibraltar, Strait of Sicily
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS08 Terrestrial
Keywords: Geospatial data, geology, geoscience data, maps collection, research infrastructure
Last updated: 29/04/2022
European Global Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2936)
EuroGOOS identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceano ...
European Global Ocean Observing System
EuroGOOS identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations are made in Europe’s seas underpinning a suite of fit-for-purpose products and services for marine and maritime end-users.
EuroGOOS is the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS). EuroGOOS Secretariat is located in Brussels, serving 44 members and supporting five regional systems in Europe.
EuroGOOS working groups, networks of observing platforms (task teams), and regional systems (ROOS), provide fora for cooperation, unlock quality marine data and deliver common strategies, priorities and standards. These many EuroGOOS networks work towards integrated, sustained and fit-for-purpose European ocean observing, underpinning the EOOS framework.
European Global Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2936)
EuroGOOS identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations are made in Europe’s seas underpinning a suite of fit-for-purpose products and services for marine and maritime end-users.
EuroGOOS is the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS). EuroGOOS Secretariat is located in Brussels, serving 44 members and supporting five regional systems in Europe.
EuroGOOS working groups, networks of observing platforms (task teams), and regional systems (ROOS), provide fora for cooperation, unlock quality marine data and deliver common strategies, priorities and standards. These many EuroGOOS networks work towards integrated, sustained and fit-for-purpose European ocean observing, underpinning the EOOS framework.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Ocean Observing System, observational oceanography, ocean observation, operational oceanography
Last updated: 16/11/2021
European Ocean Biogeographic Information System (ODIS id: 122)
The European Ocean Biogeographic Information System – EurOBIS – is an online marine biogeographi ...
European Ocean Biogeographic Information System
The European Ocean Biogeographic Information System – EurOBIS – is an online marine biogeographic database compiling data on all living marine creatures. The principle aims of EurOBIS are to centralize the largely scattered biogeographic data on marine species collected by European institutions and to make these data freely available and easily accessible. All data go through a number of quality control procedures before they are made available online [see standards], assuring a minimum level of quality necessary to put the data to good use.
The available data are either collected within European marine waters or by European researchers and institutes outside Europe [see scope]. The database focuses on taxonomy and occurrence records in space and time; all data can be searched and visualised through a set of online mapping tools. All data are freely available online and easily accessible, without requiring a login or password.
The regional approach and thematic focus of EurOBIS - the European marine waters - gives the system a number of advantages compared to its umbrella systems OBIS and GBIF. As EurOBIS is a European system, it can apply for (co-)financing on the European level. National, regional or European funding agencies can thus help cofinance the development and maintenance of the EurOBIS data system.
Due to the specific scope of EurOBIS, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) - the host institute of EurOBIS - can focus on the continuous gathering of additional data and information which cannot be captured in the data systems of e.g. OBIS and GBIF. The Flanders Marine Institute also invests in the development of relevant analysis tools and applications that can run on the EurOBIS data system.
The existence, continuation and growth of EurOBIS is only possible by contributions of a whole range of data providers from all over Europe. If you would be interested in contributing data, please go to ‘how to contribute?’.
EurOBIS was developed in 2004 and received funding from the MarBEF Network of Excellence ‘Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning’ which was carried out by the Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems Programme of the European community’s Sixth Framework Programme until 2009.
After 2009, financial contributions from EMODnet (2009-2012) were used by EurOBIS to fund specific mini data grant programmes. Researchers could apply for small data grants, to be used to finance the digitization of datasets that can contribute to EurOBIS. These mini data grants are profitable in two ways: (1) paper data at the risk of being lost are rescued through these data digitization actions and (2) the involved institutes and researchers are becoming aware of the advantages of publishing their data online, leading to additional datasets being shared.
From 2012 onwards, EurOBIS receives financial support through LifeWatch. EurOBIS is part of the central taxonomic backbone of LifeWatch which aims at standardizing species data and integrating the distributed biodiversity data repositories and operating facilities. During LifeWatch, EurOBIS will focus on:
A close cooperation with the European marine countries and regions for the identification and capture of marine monitoring and research data. The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) will be an important partner in this, as they will specifically focus on the identification and capture of long-term national monitoring data.
The development of a number of automated quality control procedures, which will help in the general assessment of the quality, completeness and fitness for use of the available occurrence records by the user.
Develop procedures for the management and quality control of the captured data in cooperation with the international OBIS community. These best practice procedures will help in streamlining the necessary quality control actions and the data transfer from regional nodes to the international OBIS system.
Further develop the link between (Eur)OBIS and WoRMS, with a focus on the taxonomy. All taxa present in (Eur)OBIS which are not yet present in WoRMS will be thoroughly screened and presented to the WoRMS taxonomic editors. In the end, each taxon name in OBIS should either be present in WoRMS, or an annotation should be given why the name cannot be added to WoRMS.
European Ocean Biogeographic Information System (ODIS id 122)
EurOBIS data. European node of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (EurOBIS).
Available online at www.eurobis.org. Consulted on 2019-04-12.
The European Ocean Biogeographic Information System – EurOBIS – is an online marine biogeographic database compiling data on all living marine creatures. The principle aims of EurOBIS are to centralize the largely scattered biogeographic data on marine species collected by European institutions and to make these data freely available and easily accessible. All data go through a number of quality control procedures before they are made available online [see standards], assuring a minimum level of quality necessary to put the data to good use.
The available data are either collected within European marine waters or by European researchers and institutes outside Europe [see scope]. The database focuses on taxonomy and occurrence records in space and time; all data can be searched and visualised through a set of online mapping tools. All data are freely available online and easily accessible, without requiring a login or password.
The regional approach and thematic focus of EurOBIS - the European marine waters - gives the system a number of advantages compared to its umbrella systems OBIS and GBIF. As EurOBIS is a European system, it can apply for (co-)financing on the European level. National, regional or European funding agencies can thus help cofinance the development and maintenance of the EurOBIS data system.
Due to the specific scope of EurOBIS, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) - the host institute of EurOBIS - can focus on the continuous gathering of additional data and information which cannot be captured in the data systems of e.g. OBIS and GBIF. The Flanders Marine Institute also invests in the development of relevant analysis tools and applications that can run on the EurOBIS data system.
The existence, continuation and growth of EurOBIS is only possible by contributions of a whole range of data providers from all over Europe. If you would be interested in contributing data, please go to ‘how to contribute?’.
EurOBIS was developed in 2004 and received funding from the MarBEF Network of Excellence ‘Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning’ which was carried out by the Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems Programme of the European community’s Sixth Framework Programme until 2009.
After 2009, financial contributions from EMODnet (2009-2012) were used by EurOBIS to fund specific mini data grant programmes. Researchers could apply for small data grants, to be used to finance the digitization of datasets that can contribute to EurOBIS. These mini data grants are profitable in two ways: (1) paper data at the risk of being lost are rescued through these data digitization actions and (2) the involved institutes and researchers are becoming aware of the advantages of publishing their data online, leading to additional datasets being shared.
From 2012 onwards, EurOBIS receives financial support through LifeWatch. EurOBIS is part of the central taxonomic backbone of LifeWatch which aims at standardizing species data and integrating the distributed biodiversity data repositories and operating facilities. During LifeWatch, EurOBIS will focus on:
A close cooperation with the European marine countries and regions for the identification and capture of marine monitoring and research data. The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) will be an important partner in this, as they will specifically focus on the identification and capture of long-term national monitoring data.
The development of a number of automated quality control procedures, which will help in the general assessment of the quality, completeness and fitness for use of the available occurrence records by the user.
Develop procedures for the management and quality control of the captured data in cooperation with the international OBIS community. These best practice procedures will help in streamlining the necessary quality control actions and the data transfer from regional nodes to the international OBIS system.
Further develop the link between (Eur)OBIS and WoRMS, with a focus on the taxonomy. All taxa present in (Eur)OBIS which are not yet present in WoRMS will be thoroughly screened and presented to the WoRMS taxonomic editors. In the end, each taxon name in OBIS should either be present in WoRMS, or an annotation should be given why the name cannot be added to WoRMS.
Data can be submitted to EurOBIS using different data formats.
The accepted data formats are:
Excel spreadsheet (.xls, .xlsx)
Access database (.mdb, .accdb)
Comma/tab separated values (.csv)
Text file (.txt)
Although one of the above data formats is preferred, it is not limited to the above. Data can also be submitted through the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) developed by GBIF. If you would like to submit data through IPT, please contact us.
When preparing your data for submission, it is important to pay attention to the field names you use. EurOBIS follows the OBIS Schema field names. As this slightly differs from the generally accepted Darwin Core Standard (e.g. used in IPT), the table below includes the term-by-term mapping of the currently used OBIS Schema field names and the Darwin Core Terms. Slight differences in definitions or recommended vocabularies may occur and are also documented in the table.
Data can be submitted using either one of the vocabularies, as they can easily be mapped to each other. The mapping between OBIS and DarwinCore can be found below.
The Darwin Core Occurrence format has a lot more terms available than the EurOBIS Schema: not all information from a DarwinCore file will be made visible in EurOBIS. The full list of DarwinCore fieldnames can be consulted on the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) website or in this Excel document.
If there would be doubt on the relation between field names, the data management team will contact you for clarification.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Digital repository, Marine, biodiversity
Last updated: 25/11/2021
The ocean is a source of life for human beings. It gives us food, oxygen and energy. It is home to many species and acts as climate regulator. Understanding how we influence the ocean and how the ocean influences us is at the core of ocean literacy. This understanding allows us to make responsible choices to better protect our ocean and to use the opportunities it offers in a sustainable manner. This is what we are striving for in Europe, contributing to the improvement of the well-being of Europeans, as envisioned and recently confirmed in the European Green Deal.
The European Ocean Coalition (EU4Ocean) connects diverse organisations, projects and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean. Supported by the European Commission, this bottom-up inclusive initiative aims at uniting the voices of Europeans to make the ocean a concern of everyone!
This coalition will:
Contribute to enhancing awareness and the engagement of all parties involved in the sustainable management of our ocean and seas;
Help coalition members to become ocean advocates in their own field/role/region as well as agents of transition supporting changes in perception, values, attitudes and behaviour towards more sustainable practices, management of the ocean and blue economy opportunities;
Put ocean literacy high on the policy agenda, contributing inter alias to the implementation of the EU marine and maritime policies and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030, in particular the SDG 14 Life below water.
The EU4Ocean coalition combines EU-wide activities with actions dedicated to the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean (including the North Sea), the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the global ocean.
The coalition is made up of three components: a Platform for organisations and individuals engaged in Ocean Literacy initiatives, a European Youth Forum for the Ocean and a Network of European Blue Schools.
Awards will be given to outstanding active individuals, organisations and initiatives from the three networks.
The ocean is a source of life for human beings. It gives us food, oxygen and energy. It is home to many species and acts as climate regulator. Understanding how we influence the ocean and how the ocean influences us is at the core of ocean literacy. This understanding allows us to make responsible choices to better protect our ocean and to use the opportunities it offers in a sustainable manner. This is what we are striving for in Europe, contributing to the improvement of the well-being of Europeans, as envisioned and recently confirmed in the European Green Deal.
The European Ocean Coalition (EU4Ocean) connects diverse organisations, projects and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean. Supported by the European Commission, this bottom-up inclusive initiative aims at uniting the voices of Europeans to make the ocean a concern of everyone!
This coalition will:
Contribute to enhancing awareness and the engagement of all parties involved in the sustainable management of our ocean and seas;
Help coalition members to become ocean advocates in their own field/role/region as well as agents of transition supporting changes in perception, values, attitudes and behaviour towards more sustainable practices, management of the ocean and blue economy opportunities;
Put ocean literacy high on the policy agenda, contributing inter alias to the implementation of the EU marine and maritime policies and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030, in particular the SDG 14 Life below water.
The EU4Ocean coalition combines EU-wide activities with actions dedicated to the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean (including the North Sea), the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the global ocean.
The coalition is made up of three components: a Platform for organisations and individuals engaged in Ocean Literacy initiatives, a European Youth Forum for the Ocean and a Network of European Blue Schools.
Awards will be given to outstanding active individuals, organisations and initiatives from the three networks.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: networking, ocean literacy , sustainable development
Last updated: 03/10/2021
European Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2493)
EOOS is a coordinating framework designed to align and integrate Europe’s ocean observing capacity ...
European Ocean Observing System
EOOS is a coordinating framework designed to align and integrate Europe’s ocean observing capacity, promote a systematic and collaborative approach to collecting information on the state and variability of our seas, and underpin sustainable management of the marine environment and its resources.
EOOS is a coordinating framework designed to align and integrate Europe’s ocean observing capacity, promote a systematic and collaborative approach to collecting information on the state and variability of our seas, and underpin sustainable management of the marine environment and its resources.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: observational oceanography, observing system
Last updated: 05/02/2022
A total of 11 HYDRALAB partners are offering Access to 18 experimental installations. They have been been grouped in the following categories of facilities. To view information on facilities available for access, please click on a category.
A total of 11 HYDRALAB partners are offering Access to 18 experimental installations. They have been been grouped in the following categories of facilities. To view information on facilities available for access, please click on a category.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Netherlands, REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Facilities, research infrastructure
Last updated: 20/09/2021
Facilities - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University (ODIS id: 2119)
Facilities - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University
Our wide range of research interests demands an equally wide range of facilities and equipment. These enable integrated studies of terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric systems, using chemical, biochemical, physical and biological analysis.
Facilities - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University (ODIS id 2119)
Facilities - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University
Original (non-English) name
Our wide range of research interests demands an equally wide range of facilities and equipment. These enable integrated studies of terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric systems, using chemical, biochemical, physical and biological analysis.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Facilities, earth science, environment, research infrastructure
Last updated: 19/06/2021
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department supports all efforts to promote Blue Growth - with its emphasis on reconciling social and economic development with environmental performance - to all fisheries and aquaculture policies. The Department leads efforts to promote and support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its related instruments, in addition to providing scientific advice, strategic planning, and training materials. Moreover, it serves as a neutral forum in bringing together relevant actors to discuss issues related to international cooperation and multi-stakeholder approaches to fisheries and aquaculture management.
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department supports all efforts to promote Blue Growth - with its emphasis on reconciling social and economic development with environmental performance - to all fisheries and aquaculture policies. The Department leads efforts to promote and support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its related instruments, in addition to providing scientific advice, strategic planning, and training materials. Moreover, it serves as a neutral forum in bringing together relevant actors to discuss issues related to international cooperation and multi-stakeholder approaches to fisheries and aquaculture management.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: aquaculture, expertise, experts, fisheries statistics
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Fishery Fact Sheets Search - FAO Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (ODIS id: 1006)
Fishery Fact Sheets Search - FAO Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System
Search Fishery Fact Sheets (available) using various tools: a simple full-text search, an advanced search using fishery name, species, area or other components.
The primary aim of the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) is to provide access to a wide range of high-quality information on the global monitoring and management of fishery marine resources. The partnership nowadays brings together 16 Institutions representing 20 Regional Fisheries Bodies (RFBs).
Fishery Fact Sheets Search - FAO Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (ODIS id 1006)
Fishery Fact Sheets Search - FAO Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System
Original (non-English) name
Fishery Fact Sheets - FAO FIRMS
Search Fishery Fact Sheets (available) using various tools: a simple full-text search, an advanced search using fishery name, species, area or other components.
The primary aim of the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) is to provide access to a wide range of high-quality information on the global monitoring and management of fishery marine resources. The partnership nowadays brings together 16 Institutions representing 20 Regional Fisheries Bodies (RFBs).
Types: Data catalogue, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: FIGIS, Fishery Bodies, Fishery information system, fisheries, fisheries information, fisheries inventory, fisheries management
Last updated: 09/10/2021
GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability Initiative - Assosication for Geographic Information (ODIS id: 1144)
GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability Initiative - Assosication for Geographic Information
“GEMINI” is the UK geographic metadata standard. It provides guidance on how to publish geographic metadata in a way that conforms to relevant ISO standards and the UK’s implementation of the European INSPIRE regulations.
UK GEMINI (GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability Initiative) is a specification for a set of metadata elements for describing geospatial data resources. It has been produced and is maintained by the Standards Committee. It is provided free of charge by the AGI for the benefit of the GI community, under a Creative Commons license.
GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability Initiative - Assosication for Geographic Information (ODIS id 1144)
GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability Initiative - Assosication for Geographic Information
Original (non-English) name
“GEMINI” is the UK geographic metadata standard. It provides guidance on how to publish geographic metadata in a way that conforms to relevant ISO standards and the UK’s implementation of the European INSPIRE regulations.
UK GEMINI (GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability Initiative) is a specification for a set of metadata elements for describing geospatial data resources. It has been produced and is maintained by the Standards Committee. It is provided free of charge by the AGI for the benefit of the GI community, under a Creative Commons license.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: INSPIRE Directive, geographic metadata standard, metadata, metadata guidelines, metadata interoperability
Last updated: 06/02/2021
Ghana National Oceanographic Data Center (ODIS id: 68)
The Ghana Oceanographic Data Centre (GODC) is the hub of the Ocean Data and Information Exchange Net ...
Ghana National Oceanographic Data Center
The Ghana Oceanographic Data Centre (GODC) is the hub of the Ocean Data and Information Exchange Network (ODINAFRICA) project activities in Ghana. It was inaugurated during the first ODINAFRICA National Workshop held in Accra on the 15th and 16th August 2002, during the second phase of the project, ODINAFRICA-II.
GODC is part of a network of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Centres in 40 countries and island states in and around Africa. The host institution for the Project in Ghana is the Marine Fisheries Research Division (MFRD).
Ghana National Oceanographic Data Center (ODIS id 68)
The Ghana Oceanographic Data Centre (GODC) is the hub of the Ocean Data and Information Exchange Network (ODINAFRICA) project activities in Ghana. It was inaugurated during the first ODINAFRICA National Workshop held in Accra on the 15th and 16th August 2002, during the second phase of the project, ODINAFRICA-II.
GODC is part of a network of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Centres in 40 countries and island states in and around Africa. The host institution for the Project in Ghana is the Marine Fisheries Research Division (MFRD).
Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) provides open access to finding species interaction data (e.g., predator-prey, pollinator-plant, pathogen-host, parasite-host) by combining existing open datasets using open source software.
GloBI continuously scans existing data infrastructures and registries and tracks the species interactions data they make available. Found species interaction data are then resolved and integrated. So, rather than being a giant centralized repository of species interaction data, GloBI is more of a search index that helps to find existing species interaction datasets in their native cyber-habitat.
To credit GloBI for more easily finding interaction data, please use to following citation to reference GloBI:
Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014). Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.08.005.
Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) provides open access to finding species interaction data (e.g., predator-prey, pollinator-plant, pathogen-host, parasite-host) by combining existing open datasets using open source software.
GloBI continuously scans existing data infrastructures and registries and tracks the species interactions data they make available. Found species interaction data are then resolved and integrated. So, rather than being a giant centralized repository of species interaction data, GloBI is more of a search index that helps to find existing species interaction datasets in their native cyber-habitat.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Species interactions, data access, data analysis, ecological dynamics, open access
Last updated: 18/09/2021
Global Cryosphere Watch - World Meteorological Organization (ODIS id: 2958)
The World Meteorological Organization's Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) is an international mechanism ...
Global Cryosphere Watch - World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization's Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) is an international mechanism for supporting all key cryospheric in-situ and remote sensing observations. To meet the needs of WMO Members and partners in delivering services to users, the media, public, decision and policy makers, GCW provides authoritative, clear, and useable data, information, and analyses on the past, current and future state of the cryosphere. GCW includes observation, monitoring, assessment, product development, prediction, and research. It provides the framework for reliable, comprehensive, sustained observing of the cryosphere through a coordinated and integrated approach on national to global scales to deliver quality-assured global and regional products and services. GCW organizes analyses and assessments of the cryosphere to support science, decision-making and environmental policy. To meet these objectives, GCW implementation encompasses:
Requirements: Meet evolving cryospheric observing requirements of WMO Members, partners, and the scientific community, by contributing to the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) process;
Integration: Provide a framework to assess the state of the cryosphere and its interactions within the Earth System;
Standardization: Enhance the quality of observational data by improving observing standards and best practices for the measurement of essential cryospheric variables;
Access: Improve exchange of, access to, and utilization of observations and products from WMO observing systems and those of its partners;
Coordination: Foster research and development activities and coherent planning for future observing systems and global observing network optimization.
The observing component of GCW is a component of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS). Through WIGOS and the WMO Information System (WIS), GCW will provide a fundamental contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). GCW will organize analyses and assessments of the cryosphere to support science, decision-making, environmental policy and services through, inter alia, its foundational support to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).
Global Cryosphere Watch - World Meteorological Organization (ODIS id 2958)
Global Cryosphere Watch - World Meteorological Organization
Original (non-English) name
Global Cryosphere Watch - WMO
The World Meteorological Organization's Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) is an international mechanism for supporting all key cryospheric in-situ and remote sensing observations. To meet the needs of WMO Members and partners in delivering services to users, the media, public, decision and policy makers, GCW provides authoritative, clear, and useable data, information, and analyses on the past, current and future state of the cryosphere. GCW includes observation, monitoring, assessment, product development, prediction, and research. It provides the framework for reliable, comprehensive, sustained observing of the cryosphere through a coordinated and integrated approach on national to global scales to deliver quality-assured global and regional products and services. GCW organizes analyses and assessments of the cryosphere to support science, decision-making and environmental policy. To meet these objectives, GCW implementation encompasses:
Requirements: Meet evolving cryospheric observing requirements of WMO Members, partners, and the scientific community, by contributing to the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) process;
Integration: Provide a framework to assess the state of the cryosphere and its interactions within the Earth System;
Standardization: Enhance the quality of observational data by improving observing standards and best practices for the measurement of essential cryospheric variables;
Access: Improve exchange of, access to, and utilization of observations and products from WMO observing systems and those of its partners;
Coordination: Foster research and development activities and coherent planning for future observing systems and global observing network optimization.
The observing component of GCW is a component of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS). Through WIGOS and the WMO Information System (WIS), GCW will provide a fundamental contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). GCW will organize analyses and assessments of the cryosphere to support science, decision-making, environmental policy and services through, inter alia, its foundational support to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS09 Cryosphere
Keywords: monitoring system, observing system, remote sensing
Last updated: 04/12/2021
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 879)
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization
GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments.
GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information.
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 879)
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization
Original (non-English) name
GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments.
GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Maritime transport, shipping
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (ODIS id: 749)
The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership responds to the urgent need to interlink different types of da ...
Global Ocean Accounts Partnership
The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership responds to the urgent need to interlink different types of data, statistics and other evidence concerning oceans, and embed use of this connected evidence in laws, policies and development planning. The Partnership is a coordination and communication structure for diverse member institutions, who have a common interest to ensure that the values and benefits of oceans are recognized and accounted for in decision-making about social and economic development. The Partnership will achieve this objective by developing a shared technical framework for ocean accounting, coupled with collaborative capacity-building activities that support the development, maintenance, and ongoing use in decision-making, of holistic ocean accounts that link together social, environmental and economic statistics.
The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership responds to the urgent need to interlink different types of data, statistics and other evidence concerning oceans, and embed use of this connected evidence in laws, policies and development planning. The Partnership is a coordination and communication structure for diverse member institutions, who have a common interest to ensure that the values and benefits of oceans are recognized and accounted for in decision-making about social and economic development. The Partnership will achieve this objective by developing a shared technical framework for ocean accounting, coupled with collaborative capacity-building activities that support the development, maintenance, and ongoing use in decision-making, of holistic ocean accounts that link together social, environmental and economic statistics.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Partnership, SDG14, decision-making, development planning, ocean accounting, oceans, statistics
Last updated: 05/11/2020
GODAE OceanView (ODIS id: 795)
In 2009, with the clear understanding that the GODAE achievements needed to be continued and built u ...
GODAE OceanView
In 2009, with the clear understanding that the GODAE achievements needed to be continued and built upon, two new groups emerged from GODAE to take on the ongoing challenges and demands of operational oceanography:
GOV - GODAE OceanView;
ET-OOFS - JCOMM Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecasting;
The GODAE OceanView Science Team (GOVST) continues to provide coordination and leadership in consolidating and improving global & regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems on an international level.
The GOVST aims to encourage international collaboration to address the scientific and technical challenges associated with operational oceanography. The role of GOVST is to foster research that will lead to the enhancement of existing systems and the development of next generation systems. The GOVST is linked to JCOMM, but has a free remit to investigate a wide range of scientific and technical issues.
In 2009, with the clear understanding that the GODAE achievements needed to be continued and built upon, two new groups emerged from GODAE to take on the ongoing challenges and demands of operational oceanography:
GOV - GODAE OceanView;
ET-OOFS - JCOMM Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecasting;
The GODAE OceanView Science Team (GOVST) continues to provide coordination and leadership in consolidating and improving global & regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems on an international level.
The GOVST aims to encourage international collaboration to address the scientific and technical challenges associated with operational oceanography. The role of GOVST is to foster research that will lead to the enhancement of existing systems and the development of next generation systems. The GOVST is linked to JCOMM, but has a free remit to investigate a wide range of scientific and technical issues.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
See each dataset
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: forecast model output, forecasting system, oceanography, oceans, operational oceanography
Last updated: 08/11/2020
Governance - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id: 1722)
Governance - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Governance - IMOS
List of members at the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 18/12/2021
Governance - Distributed System of Scientific Collections (ODIS id: 1738)
Governance - Distributed System of Scientific Collections
Original (non-English) name
Governance - DiSSCo
List of members and related information at the Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Netherlands
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Governance - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 1745)
After the successful decade-long Census of Marine Life project, for which OBIS was the data and info ...
Governance - Ocean Biodiversity Information System
After the successful decade-long Census of Marine Life project, for which OBIS was the data and information dissemination component, OBIS found a new home when in June 2009, the Member States of IOC-UNESCO adopted OBIS as part of its IODE programme. The IOC-UNESCO Member States had repeatedly identified the need to acquire biogeographic data for ocean and coastal resource management and agreed that knowledge of the ocean’s biodiversity is of such importance to national and global environmental issues that the responsibility for OBIS’ continuing success should be assumed by governments. The information below provides information on how OBIS fits into the mandates from the United Nations, UNESCO and IOC, and provide links to the decisions and recommendations and the workplan which are developed as part of the OBIS steering group and IODE.
Governance - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 1745)
Governance - Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Original (non-English) name
Governance - OBIS
After the successful decade-long Census of Marine Life project, for which OBIS was the data and information dissemination component, OBIS found a new home when in June 2009, the Member States of IOC-UNESCO adopted OBIS as part of its IODE programme. The IOC-UNESCO Member States had repeatedly identified the need to acquire biogeographic data for ocean and coastal resource management and agreed that knowledge of the ocean’s biodiversity is of such importance to national and global environmental issues that the responsibility for OBIS’ continuing success should be assumed by governments. The information below provides information on how OBIS fits into the mandates from the United Nations, UNESCO and IOC, and provide links to the decisions and recommendations and the workplan which are developed as part of the OBIS steering group and IODE.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Great Lakes Node - NOAA CoastWatch (ODIS id: 2849)
CoastWatch is a nationwide National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program within whi ...
Great Lakes Node - NOAA CoastWatch
CoastWatch is a nationwide National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program within which the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) functions as the Great Lakes regional node. In this capacity, GLERL obtains, produces, and delivers environmental data and products for near real-time observation of the Great Lakes to support environmental science, decision making, and supporting research. This is achieved by providing access to near real-time and retrospective satellite observations and in-situ Great Lakes data. The goals and objectives of the CoastWatch Great Lakes Program directly support NOAA’s statutory responsibilities in estuarine and marine science living marine resource protection, and ecosystem monitoring and management.
The CoastWatch node at GLERL provides clients including Federal, state, and local agencies, academic institutions, commercial/industries and the public, both within and outside of the Great Lakes region, with access to near real-time satellite observations and in-situ data for the Great Lakes. CoastWatch data are used in a variety of ways, including near real-time observation and tracking of algal blooms, plumes, ice cover, wind, water intake temperatures at fish hatcheries, two and three dimensional modeling of Great Lakes physical parameters such as wave height and currents damage assessment modeling, research, and educational and recreational activities. In addition, through a cooperative project with Michigan Sea Grant, Great Lakes CoastWatch satellite-derived surface temperature imagery is contoured and made available via Michigan State Sea Grant’s web site. Great Lakes CoastWatch data and products benefit riparians as well as commercial and recreational users.
GLERL is currently receiving a product suite of 33 enhanced digital images including satellite-derived surface temperature (Fig. 1.1), visible and near-infrared reflectance, brightness temperatures, cloud masks, and satellite/solar zenith angle data from the NOAA/AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) series of satellites as well as GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) visible, near infrared, and water vapor data. These products are acquired by GLERL from NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) on a daily schedule via Internet. In addition, MODIS true color 250m resolution imagery (Fig. 1.2) of each Great Lake (received near real-time from the Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin), in-situ and modeled data, including marine and meteorological observations, buoy observations, water level gauge measurements from NOAA's National Ocean Service, and Great Lakes Surface Environmental Analysis (GLSEA) composite charts (Fig. 1.3), are routinely acquired or produced, stored, and made available to Great Lakes CoastWatch data users. Great Lakes Forecasting system (nowcast and forecast) products are also available to CoastWatch data users. Near real-time AVHRR satellite data for the past 2 weeks are available at GLERL, and access to a retrospective archive that begins in 1990 is available via an Internet link to the NOAA CoastWatch Active Access System at the NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
CoastWatch is a nationwide National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program within which the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) functions as the Great Lakes regional node. In this capacity, GLERL obtains, produces, and delivers environmental data and products for near real-time observation of the Great Lakes to support environmental science, decision making, and supporting research. This is achieved by providing access to near real-time and retrospective satellite observations and in-situ Great Lakes data. The goals and objectives of the CoastWatch Great Lakes Program directly support NOAA’s statutory responsibilities in estuarine and marine science living marine resource protection, and ecosystem monitoring and management.
The CoastWatch node at GLERL provides clients including Federal, state, and local agencies, academic institutions, commercial/industries and the public, both within and outside of the Great Lakes region, with access to near real-time satellite observations and in-situ data for the Great Lakes. CoastWatch data are used in a variety of ways, including near real-time observation and tracking of algal blooms, plumes, ice cover, wind, water intake temperatures at fish hatcheries, two and three dimensional modeling of Great Lakes physical parameters such as wave height and currents damage assessment modeling, research, and educational and recreational activities. In addition, through a cooperative project with Michigan Sea Grant, Great Lakes CoastWatch satellite-derived surface temperature imagery is contoured and made available via Michigan State Sea Grant’s web site. Great Lakes CoastWatch data and products benefit riparians as well as commercial and recreational users.
GLERL is currently receiving a product suite of 33 enhanced digital images including satellite-derived surface temperature (Fig. 1.1), visible and near-infrared reflectance, brightness temperatures, cloud masks, and satellite/solar zenith angle data from the NOAA/AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) series of satellites as well as GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) visible, near infrared, and water vapor data. These products are acquired by GLERL from NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) on a daily schedule via Internet. In addition, MODIS true color 250m resolution imagery (Fig. 1.2) of each Great Lake (received near real-time from the Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin), in-situ and modeled data, including marine and meteorological observations, buoy observations, water level gauge measurements from NOAA's National Ocean Service, and Great Lakes Surface Environmental Analysis (GLSEA) composite charts (Fig. 1.3), are routinely acquired or produced, stored, and made available to Great Lakes CoastWatch data users. Great Lakes Forecasting system (nowcast and forecast) products are also available to CoastWatch data users. Near real-time AVHRR satellite data for the past 2 weeks are available at GLERL, and access to a retrospective archive that begins in 1990 is available via an Internet link to the NOAA CoastWatch Active Access System at the NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: data products, ecosystem assessment, ecosystem understanding, environmental data, lakes, near real time data, satellite data
Last updated: 10/02/2022
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service (ODIS id: 1990)
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive ...
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive data, Funders, Identifying data and researchers, Managing data, Institutional planning, Metadata, Technical documents, and others.
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service (ODIS id 1990)
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service
Original (non-English) name
Guides and resources - ANDS
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive data, Funders, Identifying data and researchers, Managing data, Institutional planning, Metadata, Technical documents, and others.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data services, information services, knowledge and information, reports, technical documents
Last updated: 24/06/2021
The ESCAP Health Ocean eHub is part of the ESCAP SDG Helpdesk and provides a variety of tools, methodologies, guidelines and policy briefs related to the sustainable management of the Ocean and implementation of SDG 14 in Asia-Pacific Region.
The ESCAP Health Ocean eHub is part of the ESCAP SDG Helpdesk and provides a variety of tools, methodologies, guidelines and policy briefs related to the sustainable management of the Ocean and implementation of SDG 14 in Asia-Pacific Region.
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Multimedia content
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: East China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Indian Ocean, Japan Sea, North Pacific Ocean, Northeast Pacific Ocean (180W), Northwest Pacific Ocean (180W), Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, Singapore Strait, Solomon Sea, South China Sea, South Pacific Ocean, Southeast Pacific Ocean (140W), Southwest Pacific Ocean (140W), Timor Sea, Yellow Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: SDG, SDG indicator, SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable development
Last updated: 09/10/2021
HF Radar - Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1229)
High frequency (HF) radar systems measure the speed and direction of ocean surface currents in near real-time. Currents in the ocean are equivalent to winds in the atmosphere because they move things from one location to another. These currents carry nutrients as well as pollutants, so it is important to know the currents for ecological and economic reasons. The currents carry any floating object, which is why U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue operators use HF radar data to make critical decisions when rescuing disabled vessels and people stranded in the water.
These radars can measure currents over a large region of the coastal ocean, from a few kilometers offshore up to about 200 km, and can operate under any weather conditions. They are located near the water’s edge, and need not be situated atop a high point of land. Traditionally, crews placed current measuring devices directly into the water to retrieve current speeds. While these direct measurement systems are still widely used as a standard reference, HF radars are the only sensors that can measure large areas at once with the detail that is required for the important applications described here. Not even satellites have the temporal and spatial resolution for coastal ocean current measurement.
HF Radar - Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1229)
High frequency (HF) radar systems measure the speed and direction of ocean surface currents in near real-time. Currents in the ocean are equivalent to winds in the atmosphere because they move things from one location to another. These currents carry nutrients as well as pollutants, so it is important to know the currents for ecological and economic reasons. The currents carry any floating object, which is why U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue operators use HF radar data to make critical decisions when rescuing disabled vessels and people stranded in the water.
These radars can measure currents over a large region of the coastal ocean, from a few kilometers offshore up to about 200 km, and can operate under any weather conditions. They are located near the water’s edge, and need not be situated atop a high point of land. Traditionally, crews placed current measuring devices directly into the water to retrieve current speeds. While these direct measurement systems are still widely used as a standard reference, HF radars are the only sensors that can measure large areas at once with the detail that is required for the important applications described here. Not even satellites have the temporal and spatial resolution for coastal ocean current measurement.
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Caribbean Sea, Chukchi Sea, Gulf of California, North Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: coastal ocean waters, current speed and direction, ocean circulation, oceanographic data, operational oceanography, radar, real-time data
Last updated: 12/10/2021
Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (ODIS id: 2718)
The Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) is a robust environmental monito ...
Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System
The Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) is a robust environmental monitoring network operated and managed by a consortium of governmental, academic, and private institutions with shared interest in high-frequency monitoring in the Hudson River watershed. HRECOS monitoring stations are geographically distributed along the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, and are equipped with sensors that continuously record a suite of water quality and weather parameters every 15 minutes, with most stations operating year-round. Remote telemetry at each station transmits real-time data for the public to freely view and download using an easily-accessible interface at hrecos.org. HRECOS works to improve the capacity of regional river and estuary stakeholders to: understand the ecosystem and manage water resources, provide baseline monitoring data necessary for applied research and modeling, support the use of real-time data in educational settings, provide policy makers and emergency managers with data products to guide decision making, and provide information for safe and efficient commercial use and recreational activities.
Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (ODIS id 2718)
Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System
Original (non-English) name
The Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) is a robust environmental monitoring network operated and managed by a consortium of governmental, academic, and private institutions with shared interest in high-frequency monitoring in the Hudson River watershed. HRECOS monitoring stations are geographically distributed along the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, and are equipped with sensors that continuously record a suite of water quality and weather parameters every 15 minutes, with most stations operating year-round. Remote telemetry at each station transmits real-time data for the public to freely view and download using an easily-accessible interface at hrecos.org. HRECOS works to improve the capacity of regional river and estuary stakeholders to: understand the ecosystem and manage water resources, provide baseline monitoring data necessary for applied research and modeling, support the use of real-time data in educational settings, provide policy makers and emergency managers with data products to guide decision making, and provide information for safe and efficient commercial use and recreational activities.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Keywords: environmental monitoring, real-time data, resources management, rivers, water quality
Last updated: 05/02/2022
HYDRO-ECANOGRAPHICAL COMPANIES - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 715)
HYDRO-ECANOGRAPHICAL COMPANIES - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
The companies detailed below are registered in this Directorate to carry out Hydro-Oceanographic studies in accordance with the regular procedure contemplated in the Single Ordered Text of Administrative Procedures of the Peruvian Navy.
In this regard, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation recommends that the administrations carry out a suitable evaluation in the choice of the companies they hire, having to inquire about their antecedents; as well as the technical characteristics and efficiency of its elaborated studies.
HYDRO-ECANOGRAPHICAL COMPANIES - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 715)
HYDRO-ECANOGRAPHICAL COMPANIES - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
EMPRESAS HIDRO-CEANOGRÁFICAS - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
The companies detailed below are registered in this Directorate to carry out Hydro-Oceanographic studies in accordance with the regular procedure contemplated in the Single Ordered Text of Administrative Procedures of the Peruvian Navy.
In this regard, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation recommends that the administrations carry out a suitable evaluation in the choice of the companies they hire, having to inquire about their antecedents; as well as the technical characteristics and efficiency of its elaborated studies.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: experts
Last updated: 08/10/2021
HYDROGRAPHICAL EXPERTS - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 716)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: experts
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Discover research infrastructures and programmes.
Europe has an extensive network of marine research infrastructure which incorporates a wide range of facilities including research vessels and embarkable equipment, on-land and offshore research and test facilities in the physical, biological and chemical domain as well as numerous remote and in-situ observation facilities. Consolidation, co-ordination and more streamlined access to such facilities is being promoted at European and regional level. Discover how EurOcean promotes this integration.
Discover research infrastructures and programmes.
Europe has an extensive network of marine research infrastructure which incorporates a wide range of facilities including research vessels and embarkable equipment, on-land and offshore research and test facilities in the physical, biological and chemical domain as well as numerous remote and in-situ observation facilities. Consolidation, co-ordination and more streamlined access to such facilities is being promoted at European and regional level. Discover how EurOcean promotes this integration.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: aquaculture data, data collection, research infrastructure, research vessel
Last updated: 12/12/2021
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - University of Tasmania (ODIS id: 1694)
The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) is an internationally recognised centre of exc ...
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - University of Tasmania
The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) is an internationally recognised centre of excellence at the University of Tasmania.
Strategically located at the gateway to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, our research spans these key themes:
- fisheries and aquaculture;
- ecology and biodiversity;
- oceans and cryosphere.
With collaborative partners across the globe, we deliver our research to users across governments, industries, institutions, and communities. We educate and mentor the next generation of world leaders in science, technology, and policy through competitive and rigorous university programs.
Based on IMAS's activities, in the 2017 CWUR world university rankings by subject the University of Tasmania was ranked fourth in the world for Marine and Freshwater Biology, and seventh in the world for both Fisheries and Oceanography. In the QS Rankings by Subject for 2017 the University of Tasmania was ranked in the top 50 for Earth and Marine Sciences, which covers the bulk of IMAS’s research and teaching activities.
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - University of Tasmania (ODIS id 1694)
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - University of Tasmania
Original (non-English) name
IMAS- University of Tasmania
The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) is an internationally recognised centre of excellence at the University of Tasmania.
Strategically located at the gateway to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, our research spans these key themes:
- fisheries and aquaculture;
- ecology and biodiversity;
- oceans and cryosphere.
With collaborative partners across the globe, we deliver our research to users across governments, industries, institutions, and communities. We educate and mentor the next generation of world leaders in science, technology, and policy through competitive and rigorous university programs.
Based on IMAS's activities, in the 2017 CWUR world university rankings by subject the University of Tasmania was ranked fourth in the world for Marine and Freshwater Biology, and seventh in the world for both Fisheries and Oceanography. In the QS Rankings by Subject for 2017 the University of Tasmania was ranked in the top 50 for Earth and Marine Sciences, which covers the bulk of IMAS’s research and teaching activities.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: marine science, research infrastructure, scientific development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 965)
Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
To carry out basic and applied scientific research based on natural renewable resources and marine and coastal ecosystems, which is of national interest. The purpose is to gather necessary scientific knowledge to formulate policies, make decisions and to elaborate plans and projects that will help us in the development of; the management of sustainable resources, the recovery of marine and coastal ecosystems, and to improve the quality of life of Colombians through the rational implementation of the scientific capacity of the Institute and its articulation with other public and private entities
Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 965)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras "José Benito Vives de Andréis"
INVEMAR. (year). Instituto de investigaciones marinas y costeras. Disponible en https://www.invemar.org.co (Fecha de consulta)
To carry out basic and applied scientific research based on natural renewable resources and marine and coastal ecosystems, which is of national interest. The purpose is to gather necessary scientific knowledge to formulate policies, make decisions and to elaborate plans and projects that will help us in the development of; the management of sustainable resources, the recovery of marine and coastal ecosystems, and to improve the quality of life of Colombians through the rational implementation of the scientific capacity of the Institute and its articulation with other public and private entities
Institute of Marine Research NMD in-situ TAC Arctic for Copernicus - Norway
Original (non-English) name
IMR hosts the Norwegian Marine Data centre and in charge of the operation of the Arctic INSITU TAC component.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Last updated: 26/07/2020
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS ERIC) Ocean Thematic Centre (ODIS id: 256)
Our mission is to produce standardized, high-precision, and long-term observations and facilitate re ...
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS ERIC) Ocean Thematic Centre
Our mission is to produce standardized, high-precision, and long-term observations and facilitate research to understand the carbon cycle and to provide necessary information on greenhouse gases. We promote technological developments and demonstrations related to greenhouse gases by linking research, education, and innovation. With our high-precision data, we aim to support policy- and decision-making to combat climate change and its impacts.
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS ERIC) Ocean Thematic Centre (ODIS id 256)
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS ERIC) Ocean Thematic Centre
Original (non-English) name
For most of the ICOS data we will provide you with the citation to use through the landing page of the data object, from this page you will always be able to download the data object again. The PID or DOI of the data object will always resolve to its landing page when you submit this to the handle system (https://hdl.handle.net/yourpidhandle or https://doi.org/yourdoihandle).
You may also use or link to pictures from the ICOS websites or use visualisations if you add the link to the original and the text "ICOS RI, licensed under CC4BY" followed by the link to the original.
Our mission is to produce standardized, high-precision, and long-term observations and facilitate research to understand the carbon cycle and to provide necessary information on greenhouse gases. We promote technological developments and demonstrations related to greenhouse gases by linking research, education, and innovation. With our high-precision data, we aim to support policy- and decision-making to combat climate change and its impacts.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
The ICOS data is available at the ICOS Data Portal
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baffin Bay, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Celtic Sea, English Channel, Kattegat, Labrador Sea, North Sea, Skagerrak, Unknown
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Climate change, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, long-term variations, methane
Last updated: 29/09/2021
Integrated Marine Information System - Flanders Marine Institute (ODIS id: 123)
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) developed an online information system to provide an overview of th ...
Integrated Marine Information System - Flanders Marine Institute
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) developed an online information system to provide an overview of the marine scientific landscape in Flanders. Information on datasets, publications, persons and institutions is stored in a structured manner in this system. IMIS can be used at institutional level as well as at project level.
Integrated Marine Information System - Flanders Marine Institute (ODIS id 123)
Integrated Marine Information System - Flanders Marine Institute
Original (non-English) name
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) developed an online information system to provide an overview of the marine scientific landscape in Flanders. Information on datasets, publications, persons and institutions is stored in a structured manner in this system. IMIS can be used at institutional level as well as at project level.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels)
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, metadata
Last updated: 27/09/2021
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (ODIS id: 2963)
IASOA has an emphasis on concrete outcomes:
- Support of a data access portal, suitable for fun ...
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
IASOA has an emphasis on concrete outcomes:
- Support of a data access portal, suitable for fundamental research,
- Publication and presentation of original research,
- Mobilization of the IASOA network to support national and international research programs,
- Development of science-based services for environmental agencies.
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (ODIS id 2963)
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
Original (non-English) name
IASOA has an emphasis on concrete outcomes:
- Support of a data access portal, suitable for fundamental research,
- Publication and presentation of original research,
- Mobilization of the IASOA network to support national and international research programs,
- Development of science-based services for environmental agencies.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Arctic research, networking, observing system
Last updated: 06/12/2021
International Union for Conservation of Nature (ODIS id: 2261)
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, is a membership Union composed of both governm ...
International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organisations and the input of more than 18,000 experts. This diversity and vast expertise makes IUCN the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.
IUCN helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice. IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. IUCN's work is supported by more than 1,000 professional staff in 60 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world. The Union's headquarters are located in Gland, near Geneva.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (ODIS id 2261)
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organisations and the input of more than 18,000 experts. This diversity and vast expertise makes IUCN the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.
IUCN helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice. IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. IUCN's work is supported by more than 1,000 professional staff in 60 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world. The Union's headquarters are located in Gland, near Geneva.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: assessment and advice, environment, environmental information, environmental protection, environmental science, environmental sustainability, policy makers, research network
Last updated: 03/09/2021
Many scientists in government institutions and in academia are carrying out research within the Strait of Georgia. Many of these programs are long term programs, while others last only a few years. Some projects are very collaborative in nature; others are being implemented by academics that may be at institutions overseas.
The following inventory provides information on many of the researchers currently working (or have recently worked) on projects within the Strait of Georgia.
Original (non-English) name
Many scientists in government institutions and in academia are carrying out research within the Strait of Georgia. Many of these programs are long term programs, while others last only a few years. Some projects are very collaborative in nature; others are being implemented by academics that may be at institutions overseas.
The following inventory provides information on many of the researchers currently working (or have recently worked) on projects within the Strait of Georgia.
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Focus on the British Columbia west coast waters, and especially the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia, Juan de Fuca Strait and Puget Sound).
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: directory, expertise, experts
Last updated: 29/09/2020
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (ODIS id: 2169)
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has been engaged in a variety of ...
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has been engaged in a variety of research and development activities as one of Japan’s research institutes covering a broad spectrum of marine science and technology.
Recent years have seen great and dramatic changes in Japan’s social circumstances. In particular, the Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred on 11 March 2011, required a re-examination and re-evaluation of the entire concept of Japan’s future, including national disaster prevention/mitigation measures and approaches to global environmental problems.
On a more positive note, the research and development conducted by JAMSTEC during the past five years have significantly progressed beyond originally conceived domains. At the same time, immediate application of research results is demanded by society more than ever before, and thus, greater efforts are being made to satisfy such demands.
Taking this into account, and looking at the next 15 years, JAMSTEC has decided to reconsider its goals and approaches and to redefine them as a new vision.
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (ODIS id 2169)
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Original (non-English) name
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has been engaged in a variety of research and development activities as one of Japan’s research institutes covering a broad spectrum of marine science and technology.
Recent years have seen great and dramatic changes in Japan’s social circumstances. In particular, the Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred on 11 March 2011, required a re-examination and re-evaluation of the entire concept of Japan’s future, including national disaster prevention/mitigation measures and approaches to global environmental problems.
On a more positive note, the research and development conducted by JAMSTEC during the past five years have significantly progressed beyond originally conceived domains. At the same time, immediate application of research results is demanded by society more than ever before, and thus, greater efforts are being made to satisfy such demands.
Taking this into account, and looking at the next 15 years, JAMSTEC has decided to reconsider its goals and approaches and to redefine them as a new vision.
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Data policy
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Japanese
Countries: Japan
Host Countries: Japan
Sea Region: Japan Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: earth science, earth-science, environment, environmental information, environmental research, human activities, oceanography, risk management
Last updated: 03/07/2021
Japan Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2166)
JAMSTEC has served as a regional OBIS node for Japan for years with support from the Japan Oceanographic Data Center. It has gathered data on the distribution of marine species recorded by Japanese researchers, and made them openly accessible through the Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) – a database operated by JAMSTEC, and through OBIS. In recognition of such efforts, JAMSTEC was accepted as an Associate Data Unit (ADU) of IODE on January 19, 2015, giving JAMSTEC a much more important role as the regional OBIS node for Japan.
The regional OBIS node for Japan at JAMSTEC changed its name on April 1 from the Japan Regional OBIS Node (J-RON) to the Japan Ocean Biogeographic Information System Center (J-OBIS), and its secretariat was placed under JAMSTEC's Global Oceanographic Data Center (GODAC) located in Nago, Okinawa. And today, on July 1, the J-OBIS website was launched for Japanese researchers and data providers.
J-OBIS will continue its efforts to gather the marine geographical data from biological research in Japan and make them available through BISMaL and OBIS to researchers and data collectors in the world, with the cooperation of Japanese research institutions.
Japan Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2166)
JAMSTEC has served as a regional OBIS node for Japan for years with support from the Japan Oceanographic Data Center. It has gathered data on the distribution of marine species recorded by Japanese researchers, and made them openly accessible through the Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) – a database operated by JAMSTEC, and through OBIS. In recognition of such efforts, JAMSTEC was accepted as an Associate Data Unit (ADU) of IODE on January 19, 2015, giving JAMSTEC a much more important role as the regional OBIS node for Japan.
The regional OBIS node for Japan at JAMSTEC changed its name on April 1 from the Japan Regional OBIS Node (J-RON) to the Japan Ocean Biogeographic Information System Center (J-OBIS), and its secretariat was placed under JAMSTEC's Global Oceanographic Data Center (GODAC) located in Nago, Okinawa. And today, on July 1, the J-OBIS website was launched for Japanese researchers and data providers.
J-OBIS will continue its efforts to gather the marine geographical data from biological research in Japan and make them available through BISMaL and OBIS to researchers and data collectors in the world, with the cooperation of Japanese research institutions.
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Spatial Coverage
Data policy
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Japanese
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Japan
Sea Region: Japan Sea, North Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, data access, information collections, marine science, open access
Last updated: 04/07/2021
Japan Oceanographic Data Center (ODIS id: 2167)
As the synthetic marine data bank of Japan, the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) collects and ...
Japan Oceanographic Data Center
As the synthetic marine data bank of Japan, the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) collects and manages the oceanographic data observed by various organizations in Japan, which include the governmental organizations, universities and the other marine research institutes. Then JODC ensures data quality, and provides various users with such marine data.
JODC has been also acting as National Oceanographic Data Center of International Oceanographic Data and information Exchange(IODE) promoted by UNESCO/IOC since 1965.
As the synthetic marine data bank of Japan, the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) collects and manages the oceanographic data observed by various organizations in Japan, which include the governmental organizations, universities and the other marine research institutes. Then JODC ensures data quality, and provides various users with such marine data.
JODC has been also acting as National Oceanographic Data Center of International Oceanographic Data and information Exchange(IODE) promoted by UNESCO/IOC since 1965.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Japanese
Countries: Japan
Host Countries: Japan
Sea Region: Japan Sea, North Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: data collection, data curation, data distribution, data management, data publication, data quality, data services
Last updated: 25/11/2021
The array of multi-disciplinary facilities offered by Jerico RI with use of the cabled observatories, gliders and AUV, multi-platform facilities, fixed platforms, and calibration labs.
JERICO-RI is an integrated pan-European multidisciplinary and multi-platform research infrastructure dedicated to a holistic appraisal of coastal marine system changes.
It is seamlessly bridging existing continental, atmospheric and open ocean RIs, thus filling a key gap in the ESFRI landscape. JERICO-RI establishes the framework upon which coastal marine systems are observed, analysed, understood and forecasted.
JERICO-RI enables open-access to state-of-the-art and innovative facilities, resources, FAIR data and fit-for-purpose services, fostering international science collaboration.
The array of multi-disciplinary facilities offered by Jerico RI with use of the cabled observatories, gliders and AUV, multi-platform facilities, fixed platforms, and calibration labs.
JERICO-RI is an integrated pan-European multidisciplinary and multi-platform research infrastructure dedicated to a holistic appraisal of coastal marine system changes.
It is seamlessly bridging existing continental, atmospheric and open ocean RIs, thus filling a key gap in the ESFRI landscape. JERICO-RI establishes the framework upon which coastal marine systems are observed, analysed, understood and forecasted.
JERICO-RI enables open-access to state-of-the-art and innovative facilities, resources, FAIR data and fit-for-purpose services, fostering international science collaboration.
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
European coastal areas
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Balearic Sea, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay, Bay of Bothnia, Black Sea, Bothnian Sea, Celtic Sea, Central Baltic Sea, English Channel, Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland, Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin, Strait of Gibraltar
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: JERICO, calibration laboratory, field reports, fixed platforms, multi-platform facilities
Last updated: 08/04/2021
Kenya Meteorological Department (ODIS id: 85)
To facilitate accessible meteorological information and services and infusion of scientific knowledg ...
Kenya Meteorological Department
To facilitate accessible meteorological information and services and infusion of scientific knowledge to spur socio-economic growth and development.
Functions of the Kenya Meteorological Department:
Provision of meteorological and climatological services to agriculture, forestry, water resources management, civil aviation and the private sector including industry, commerce and public utilities for the better exploitation and utilization of natural resources for national development;
Provision of meteorological services to shipping in the western Indian Ocean including the issuing of cyclone warnings for the safety of merchant and other ships;
Provision of meteorological services to military aviation for the safety of the Kenya Air Force aircraft for national defence;
Organization and administration of surface and upper air meteorological observations within its area of responsibility and the publication of climatological data;
Maintenance of an efficient telecommunications system for rapid collection and dissemination of meteorological information required for national and international use in accordance with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) procedures;
Co-ordination of research in meteorology and climatology including co-operation with other authorities in all aspects of applied meteorological research, and the maintenance of the National Meteorological Library;
Evolvement of suitable training programmes in all fields of meteorology and other related scientific subjects which are relevant to the development of Kenya and other countries that participate in the Department's training activities.
To facilitate accessible meteorological information and services and infusion of scientific knowledge to spur socio-economic growth and development.
Functions of the Kenya Meteorological Department:
Provision of meteorological and climatological services to agriculture, forestry, water resources management, civil aviation and the private sector including industry, commerce and public utilities for the better exploitation and utilization of natural resources for national development;
Provision of meteorological services to shipping in the western Indian Ocean including the issuing of cyclone warnings for the safety of merchant and other ships;
Provision of meteorological services to military aviation for the safety of the Kenya Air Force aircraft for national defence;
Organization and administration of surface and upper air meteorological observations within its area of responsibility and the publication of climatological data;
Maintenance of an efficient telecommunications system for rapid collection and dissemination of meteorological information required for national and international use in accordance with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) procedures;
Co-ordination of research in meteorology and climatology including co-operation with other authorities in all aspects of applied meteorological research, and the maintenance of the National Meteorological Library;
Evolvement of suitable training programmes in all fields of meteorology and other related scientific subjects which are relevant to the development of Kenya and other countries that participate in the Department's training activities.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Kenya
Host Countries: Kenya
Sea Region: Indian Ocean
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: weather foreast
Last updated: 25/09/2021
Knowledge Resource Center Network - Ministry of Earth Sciences of Government of India (ODIS id: 1585)
KRCNet is an ambitious project of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), through which attempt has b ...
Knowledge Resource Center Network - Ministry of Earth Sciences of Government of India
KRCNet is an ambitious project of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), through which attempt has been made to develop a system for accessing MoES knowledge products developed in MoES and its institutes from a centralized portal. MoES Knowledge Resource Center Network (KRCNet) aims to develop an integrated information system for providing one point 24x7 access to the Knowledge products like books, reports, journals, presentations, photographs, videos etc.
The full text documents and other documents will be uploaded in the digital repository and will be integrated in the KRCNet portal. Keeping in mind the spectacular development in information Technology and Digital India initiatives of Government of India, the traditional libraries of MoES system will be upgraded into world class Knowledge Resources Center (KRC). KRCs will be connected with each other and integrated into the KRCNet portal.
Knowledge Resource Center Network - Ministry of Earth Sciences of Government of India (ODIS id 1585)
Knowledge Resource Center Network - Ministry of Earth Sciences of Government of India
Original (non-English) name
KRCNet is an ambitious project of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), through which attempt has been made to develop a system for accessing MoES knowledge products developed in MoES and its institutes from a centralized portal. MoES Knowledge Resource Center Network (KRCNet) aims to develop an integrated information system for providing one point 24x7 access to the Knowledge products like books, reports, journals, presentations, photographs, videos etc.
The full text documents and other documents will be uploaded in the digital repository and will be integrated in the KRCNet portal. Keeping in mind the spectacular development in information Technology and Digital India initiatives of Government of India, the traditional libraries of MoES system will be upgraded into world class Knowledge Resources Center (KRC). KRCs will be connected with each other and integrated into the KRCNet portal.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: India
Host Countries: India
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Digital repository, Scientific Information, Video, data access, data and information, digital library, image gallery, library, open access, publications, publishing services, research literature
Last updated: 17/06/2021
Linkedin (ODIS id: 1742)
Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and succes ...
Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. With more than 756 million members worldwide, including executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network. The company has a diversified business model with revenue coming from Talent Solutions, Marketing Solutions, Sales Solutions and Premium Subscriptions products. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, LinkedIn has offices across the globe.
Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. With more than 756 million members worldwide, including executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network. The company has a diversified business model with revenue coming from Talent Solutions, Marketing Solutions, Sales Solutions and Premium Subscriptions products. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, LinkedIn has offices across the globe.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expert knowledge, expertise, experts, research
Last updated: 04/07/2021
MARine COastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations (MARCO-BOLO): Strengthening biodiversity observation in support of decision making.
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Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Last updated: 28/01/2025
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas (ODIS id: 2121)
The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas - MBON Pole to Pole - is a ...
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas
The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas - MBON Pole to Pole - is a Knowledge Sharing Network dedicated to the collection, use and sharing of marine biodiversity data in a coordinated, standardized manner leveraging on existing infrastructure managed by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS; IOC-UNESCO), the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), and the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS).
The MBON Pole to Pole aims to become a key resource for decision-making and management of living resources across countries in the Americas and support their reporting requirements of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas (ODIS id 2121)
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas
Original (non-English) name
MBON Pole to Pole
The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas - MBON Pole to Pole - is a Knowledge Sharing Network dedicated to the collection, use and sharing of marine biodiversity data in a coordinated, standardized manner leveraging on existing infrastructure managed by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS; IOC-UNESCO), the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), and the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS).
The MBON Pole to Pole aims to become a key resource for decision-making and management of living resources across countries in the Americas and support their reporting requirements of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: collaboration, collaborative global initiative, environmental science, knowledge network, marine biodiversity, observing system
Last updated: 19/06/2021
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (ODIS id: 2174)
The Marine Biological Association conducts, promotes and supports scientific research into all aspec ...
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
The Marine Biological Association conducts, promotes and supports scientific research into all aspects of life in the sea. We're working with our ever-growing membership to provide a clear and independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community.
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (ODIS id 2174)
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Original (non-English) name
The Marine Biological Association conducts, promotes and supports scientific research into all aspects of life in the sea. We're working with our ever-growing membership to provide a clear and independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Ecosystems, Surveys, ecosystem assessment, environment, marine biology, marine science
Last updated: 04/07/2021
Find information on marine pests in New Zealand waters.
Search collated national data and read about research and management of marine pests in New Zealand.
This website was developed in partnership between the Biosecurity New Zealand and NIWA, with the support of Silverstripe and Catalyst.
NIWA contracted the Wellington based web development companies Catalyst, to design and build the portal to specifications developed by Biosecurity New Zealand and NIWA. Catalyst used the Open Source content management system (CMS) called SilverStripe, to build the portal. Graphic design for the site was styled by Catalyst. The web mapping client is WebAppBuilder for ArcGIS built into ArcGIS Online by ESRI. Most of the Open Source components are supported by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
Find information on marine pests in New Zealand waters.
Search collated national data and read about research and management of marine pests in New Zealand.
This website was developed in partnership between the Biosecurity New Zealand and NIWA, with the support of Silverstripe and Catalyst.
NIWA contracted the Wellington based web development companies Catalyst, to design and build the portal to specifications developed by Biosecurity New Zealand and NIWA. Catalyst used the Open Source content management system (CMS) called SilverStripe, to build the portal. Graphic design for the site was styled by Catalyst. The web mapping client is WebAppBuilder for ArcGIS built into ArcGIS Online by ESRI. Most of the Open Source components are supported by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Host Countries: New Zealand
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Marine Species, biofouling, ecosystems protection, environmental impact assessment, environmental survey, invasive species
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Marine Core Repository and Laboratory - Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (ODIS id: 2100)
Marine Core Repository and Laboratory - Taiwan Ocean Research Institute
By participating IMAGES (International Marine Past Global Change Study) program, Taiwanese scientists have used successfully the great capabilities of long coring system such as that on French R/V Marion Dufresne in the last decade by collecting very long cores (>40 m) in many important locations in the seas around Taiwan and the western Pacific. For the needs of marine geology and geophysics studies, a 2000-ton Research Vessel Legend of TORI equips with a giant CALYPSO coring system and deep-sea winch system, which is as well as R/V Marion Dufresne coring facilities. The sea trial of giant piston/gravity coring system onboard the R/V Legend (LGD-T31: 2019.12.10-12; LGD-T32: 2020.01.14-16) provides a good opportunity to examine the core quality on the recovered sediment. To perform continuous sequences of undisturbed sediments taken with the 8-m giant piston/gravity coring system, we compared several marine cores in the Kaoping shelf/slope offshore southwestern Taiwan. Overall, the recovery for these cores is ~25-28%. Based on AMS radiocarbon dating with mixed planktic foraminifera, we find the ages of 0-1 cm sediment sample at Core LGD-T31-B-PC1 and LGD-T31-B-PC2 are ~ 1 ka. It implies some coretop sediments are lack during coring. We further observe that LGD-T32 cores are severe stretched than others. The upper section of core LGD-T32-A-PC is stretched by up to 30 cm. Though sediment stretching and disturbances are existed at these giant piston cores, we consider the similarity of non-destructive measurements at downcore sediments confirmed that both cores record the same climatic and environmental changes. For having indispensable high-resolution records to unravel past ocean and climate dynamics, further sea trail and technology development are needed to improve recovery.
Marine Core Repository and Laboratory - Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (ODIS id 2100)
Marine Core Repository and Laboratory - Taiwan Ocean Research Institute
Original (non-English) name
By participating IMAGES (International Marine Past Global Change Study) program, Taiwanese scientists have used successfully the great capabilities of long coring system such as that on French R/V Marion Dufresne in the last decade by collecting very long cores (>40 m) in many important locations in the seas around Taiwan and the western Pacific. For the needs of marine geology and geophysics studies, a 2000-ton Research Vessel Legend of TORI equips with a giant CALYPSO coring system and deep-sea winch system, which is as well as R/V Marion Dufresne coring facilities. The sea trial of giant piston/gravity coring system onboard the R/V Legend (LGD-T31: 2019.12.10-12; LGD-T32: 2020.01.14-16) provides a good opportunity to examine the core quality on the recovered sediment. To perform continuous sequences of undisturbed sediments taken with the 8-m giant piston/gravity coring system, we compared several marine cores in the Kaoping shelf/slope offshore southwestern Taiwan. Overall, the recovery for these cores is ~25-28%. Based on AMS radiocarbon dating with mixed planktic foraminifera, we find the ages of 0-1 cm sediment sample at Core LGD-T31-B-PC1 and LGD-T31-B-PC2 are ~ 1 ka. It implies some coretop sediments are lack during coring. We further observe that LGD-T32 cores are severe stretched than others. The upper section of core LGD-T32-A-PC is stretched by up to 30 cm. Though sediment stretching and disturbances are existed at these giant piston cores, we consider the similarity of non-destructive measurements at downcore sediments confirmed that both cores record the same climatic and environmental changes. For having indispensable high-resolution records to unravel past ocean and climate dynamics, further sea trail and technology development are needed to improve recovery.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Chinese
Countries: China
Host Countries: China
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: core samples, marine geochemistry, marine geology, marine science, sea-floor characteristics, seafloor cores
Last updated: 20/06/2021
Marine Freshwater Research Institute Iceland (ODIS id: 3097)
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) is a government institute under the auspices of the ...
Marine Freshwater Research Institute Iceland
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) is a government institute under the auspices of the Ministry of Industries and Innovation. The institute employs around 190 staff, operates 2 research vessels and 10 branches around the country, including an aquaculture experimental station. MFRI conducts various marine and freshwater research and provides the Ministry with scientific advice based on its research on marine and freshwater resources and the environment. MFRI is leading in marine and freshwater research in Icelandic territories and the arctic, providing advice on sustainable use and protection of the environment with an ecosystem approach by monitoring marine and freshwater ecosystems. The main research priorities are research on marine and freshwater ecosystems, sustainable exploitation of main stocks, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, research on fishing technology and seafloor and habitat mapping.
MFRI is highly regarded in the scientific community and is therefore a valuable research partner, active at an international level with a strong infrastructure and high quality equipment. MFRI is an appealing work place with progressive human resources policy to strengthen the institute’s competiveness and an effective gender equality policy.
Marine Freshwater Research Institute Iceland (ODIS id 3097)
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) is a government institute under the auspices of the Ministry of Industries and Innovation. The institute employs around 190 staff, operates 2 research vessels and 10 branches around the country, including an aquaculture experimental station. MFRI conducts various marine and freshwater research and provides the Ministry with scientific advice based on its research on marine and freshwater resources and the environment. MFRI is leading in marine and freshwater research in Icelandic territories and the arctic, providing advice on sustainable use and protection of the environment with an ecosystem approach by monitoring marine and freshwater ecosystems. The main research priorities are research on marine and freshwater ecosystems, sustainable exploitation of main stocks, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, research on fishing technology and seafloor and habitat mapping.
MFRI is highly regarded in the scientific community and is therefore a valuable research partner, active at an international level with a strong infrastructure and high quality equipment. MFRI is an appealing work place with progressive human resources policy to strengthen the institute’s competiveness and an effective gender equality policy.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Icelandic
Countries: Iceland
Host Countries: Iceland
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: marine ecosystems, marine resources, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable development
Last updated: 23/01/2022
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: no theme defined
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre (ODIS id: 1972)
The Marine Training platform is a an EMBRC-ERIC service platform dedicated to Marine education and t ...
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre
The Marine Training platform is a an EMBRC-ERIC service platform dedicated to Marine education and training. EMBRC-ERIC is a pan-European 'research infrastructure' for marine biology and ecology research. With its services, it aims to answer fundamental questions regarding the health of oceanic ecosystems in a changing environment. Training the next generation as well as re-training the current generation of Blue workers belongs to the key goals of the infrastructure. This Marine Training platfom hopes to give answer to trainees in search of a training and trainers looking for support.
MarineTraining.eu started in 2013 as one of the services of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) and it is hosted at Ghent University (UGent). Since its foundation more than 200 years ago, Ghent University is a centre of excellence in academic education and research. Maritime and Marine skills were ubiquitous in the history of the University and in its current research and education curricula. Within the principles of cross-disciplinarity, transferable skills, internationalization, industry collaboration, and lifelong learning, an interdisciplinary consortium within the university has been set up in order to generate innovative results, enhance technological innovation and boost Marine science training. Consequently, that vast expertise in Marine human capacity building allowed Ghent University to coordinate and to participate in numerous European Commission funded research projects and joint programmes for the enhancement of human potential to fully integrate higher education, research and industry.
In the light of this background, the Marine Training Platform has been initiated as one of the services of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) EMBRC project to facilitate and centralize access to Marine human capacity building opportunities in Europe.
Marine Training's main driver was the total lack of information and overview for finding Marine and Maritime Master programmes in Europe. As a result, the Marine Training Platform was born and is continuously expanding to showcase numerous programme and short course offers around the world.
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre (ODIS id 1972)
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre
Original (non-English) name
Marine Training - EMBRC
The Marine Training platform is a an EMBRC-ERIC service platform dedicated to Marine education and training. EMBRC-ERIC is a pan-European 'research infrastructure' for marine biology and ecology research. With its services, it aims to answer fundamental questions regarding the health of oceanic ecosystems in a changing environment. Training the next generation as well as re-training the current generation of Blue workers belongs to the key goals of the infrastructure. This Marine Training platfom hopes to give answer to trainees in search of a training and trainers looking for support.
MarineTraining.eu started in 2013 as one of the services of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) and it is hosted at Ghent University (UGent). Since its foundation more than 200 years ago, Ghent University is a centre of excellence in academic education and research. Maritime and Marine skills were ubiquitous in the history of the University and in its current research and education curricula. Within the principles of cross-disciplinarity, transferable skills, internationalization, industry collaboration, and lifelong learning, an interdisciplinary consortium within the university has been set up in order to generate innovative results, enhance technological innovation and boost Marine science training. Consequently, that vast expertise in Marine human capacity building allowed Ghent University to coordinate and to participate in numerous European Commission funded research projects and joint programmes for the enhancement of human potential to fully integrate higher education, research and industry.
In the light of this background, the Marine Training Platform has been initiated as one of the services of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) EMBRC project to facilitate and centralize access to Marine human capacity building opportunities in Europe.
Marine Training's main driver was the total lack of information and overview for finding Marine and Maritime Master programmes in Europe. As a result, the Marine Training Platform was born and is continuously expanding to showcase numerous programme and short course offers around the world.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Training and education, education, information services, knowledge and information, marine science, ocean sciences
Last updated: 05/12/2024
Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2176)
Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System
The Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (MedOBIS) is a distributed system that allows you to search multiple datasets simultaneously for biogeographic information on marine organisms. An attempt to collect, format, analyze and disseminate surveyed marine biological data deriving from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea region is currently under development at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR, Greece). The effort has been supported by the MedOBIS project (Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System) and has been carried out in cooperation with the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki (Greece), the National Institute of Oceanography (Israel), and the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Ukraine). The aim is to develop a taxon-based biogeography database and online data server with a link to survey and provide satellite environmental data. In its completion, the MedOBIS online marine biological data system (http://www.medobis.org/) will be a single source of biological and environmental data (raw and analyzed) as well as an online GIS tool for access to historical and current data by marine researchers. It will function as the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea node of EurOBIS (the European node of the International OBIS initiative, part of the Census of Marine Life). The spatial component of data has led to the integration of datasets by means of the Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The latter is widely used as the natural framework for spatial data handling. GIS serves as the basic technological infrastructure for several online marine biodiversity databases available on the Internet today. Developments like OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System, http://www.iobis.org/), OBIS-SEAMAP (Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations, http://seamap.env.duke.edu) and FIGIS (FAO Fisheries Global Information System, http://www.fao.org/fi/figis) facilitate the study of anthropogenic impacts on threatened species, enhance our ability to test biogeographic and biodiversity models, support modeling efforts to predict distribution changes in response to environmental change and develop a strong potential for the public outreach component. In addition, such online database systems provide a broader view of marine biodiversity problems and allow the development of management practices that are based on synthetic analysis of interdisciplinary data. Towards this end, a new online marine biological information system is developed. MedOBIS (Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System) intends to assemble, formulate and disseminate marine biological data for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions focusing on the assurance and longevity of historical surveyed data, the assembly of current and new information, and the dissemination of raw and integrated biological and environmental data and future products through the Internet. To provide a taxon-based search capability to the MedOBIS development, the sampling data, as well as the relevant spatial data, are stored in the database, so taxonomic data can be linked with the geographical data by queries. To reference each species to its location on the map, the database queries are stored and added to the applet as individual layers. A search function written in JavaScript searches the attribute data of that layer displays the results in a separate window and marks the matching stations on the map. Finally, selecting several stations by drawing a zooming rectangle on the map provides a list with predefined themes from which the user may select more information. As more data will be assembled in time-series databases, additional future work will include the development of the MedOBIS data analysis phase, which is planned to include GIS modeling/mapping of species-environment interactions.
Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2176)
Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Original (non-English) name
Hellenic Centre For Marine Research, MedOBIS - Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research; Institute of Marine Biology and Genetics; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Department, Heraklion, Greece.
The Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (MedOBIS) is a distributed system that allows you to search multiple datasets simultaneously for biogeographic information on marine organisms. An attempt to collect, format, analyze and disseminate surveyed marine biological data deriving from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea region is currently under development at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR, Greece). The effort has been supported by the MedOBIS project (Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System) and has been carried out in cooperation with the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki (Greece), the National Institute of Oceanography (Israel), and the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Ukraine). The aim is to develop a taxon-based biogeography database and online data server with a link to survey and provide satellite environmental data. In its completion, the MedOBIS online marine biological data system (http://www.medobis.org/) will be a single source of biological and environmental data (raw and analyzed) as well as an online GIS tool for access to historical and current data by marine researchers. It will function as the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea node of EurOBIS (the European node of the International OBIS initiative, part of the Census of Marine Life). The spatial component of data has led to the integration of datasets by means of the Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The latter is widely used as the natural framework for spatial data handling. GIS serves as the basic technological infrastructure for several online marine biodiversity databases available on the Internet today. Developments like OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System, http://www.iobis.org/), OBIS-SEAMAP (Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations, http://seamap.env.duke.edu) and FIGIS (FAO Fisheries Global Information System, http://www.fao.org/fi/figis) facilitate the study of anthropogenic impacts on threatened species, enhance our ability to test biogeographic and biodiversity models, support modeling efforts to predict distribution changes in response to environmental change and develop a strong potential for the public outreach component. In addition, such online database systems provide a broader view of marine biodiversity problems and allow the development of management practices that are based on synthetic analysis of interdisciplinary data. Towards this end, a new online marine biological information system is developed. MedOBIS (Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System) intends to assemble, formulate and disseminate marine biological data for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions focusing on the assurance and longevity of historical surveyed data, the assembly of current and new information, and the dissemination of raw and integrated biological and environmental data and future products through the Internet. To provide a taxon-based search capability to the MedOBIS development, the sampling data, as well as the relevant spatial data, are stored in the database, so taxonomic data can be linked with the geographical data by queries. To reference each species to its location on the map, the database queries are stored and added to the applet as individual layers. A search function written in JavaScript searches the attribute data of that layer displays the results in a separate window and marks the matching stations on the map. Finally, selecting several stations by drawing a zooming rectangle on the map provides a list with predefined themes from which the user may select more information. As more data will be assembled in time-series databases, additional future work will include the development of the MedOBIS data analysis phase, which is planned to include GIS modeling/mapping of species-environment interactions.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Greece
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, information collections, marine science
Last updated: 04/07/2021
Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2929)
The Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) has been estab ...
Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System
The Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) has been established in 2012 to further develop operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea.
MONGOOS is promoting partnerships and capacity building for GOOS in the Mediterranean Sea.
MONGOOS is creating a continuous working framework with EuroGOOS and GOOS Africa in order to define common roles and activities in the Mediterranean Sea, and foster collaboration with Black Sea GOOS and global ocean GOOS initiatives.
Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2929)
Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
The Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) has been established in 2012 to further develop operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea.
MONGOOS is promoting partnerships and capacity building for GOOS in the Mediterranean Sea.
MONGOOS is creating a continuous working framework with EuroGOOS and GOOS Africa in order to define common roles and activities in the Mediterranean Sea, and foster collaboration with Black Sea GOOS and global ocean GOOS initiatives.
Members - Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network
Original (non-English) name
Members - GOA-ON
List of Members of the Members - Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Mentor Database - Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (ODIS id: 1751)
Mentor Database - Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
Since its inception, APECS activities have aimed to help provide a continuum of knowledge in polar and cryospheric research. We are very grateful to the many senior researchers and professionals that have served as mentors for our many activities. In an effort to ensure a broad representation of mentors at our events, and to help young researchers around the globe develop relationships with senior mentors, APECS is creating a database of those people willing to serve as mentors to young researchers in a variety of ways. This may include meeting students at conferences, answering email enquiries and providing general career guidance for young scientists.
The key role played by mentors within APECS is sharing their knowledge and insights with APECS members through personal communication with early-career researchers or through presentations/participation in mentor panel discussions, career development workshops and APECS meetings/symposia. We hope mentors will be approachable; be able to respond to the occasional email, and be happy to comment on ideas or research proposals. However, we also understand that mentors may be unavailable for periods of time and will need to manage these activities in a sustainable way.
Mentor Database - Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (ODIS id 1751)
Mentor Database - Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
Original (non-English) name
Mentor Database - APECS
Since its inception, APECS activities have aimed to help provide a continuum of knowledge in polar and cryospheric research. We are very grateful to the many senior researchers and professionals that have served as mentors for our many activities. In an effort to ensure a broad representation of mentors at our events, and to help young researchers around the globe develop relationships with senior mentors, APECS is creating a database of those people willing to serve as mentors to young researchers in a variety of ways. This may include meeting students at conferences, answering email enquiries and providing general career guidance for young scientists.
The key role played by mentors within APECS is sharing their knowledge and insights with APECS members through personal communication with early-career researchers or through presentations/participation in mentor panel discussions, career development workshops and APECS meetings/symposia. We hope mentors will be approachable; be able to respond to the occasional email, and be happy to comment on ideas or research proposals. However, we also understand that mentors may be unavailable for periods of time and will need to manage these activities in a sustainable way.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Germany, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts, mentoring, online database
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System - NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (ODIS id: 2575)
MADIS is a meteorological observational database and data delivery system that provides observations ...
Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System - NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction
MADIS is a meteorological observational database and data delivery system that provides observations that cover the globe.
MADIS ingests data from NOAA data sources and non-NOAA providers, decodes the data then encodes all of the observational data into a common format with uniform observational units and time stamps. Quality checks are conducted and the integrated data sets are stored along with a series of flags indicating the results of the various QC checks. MADIS provides several methods for users to access the data to meet their needs. Users can request data from July of 2001, which is when MADIS was first available to the public, to the present.
To provide these services, MADIS leverages partnerships with international agencies; federal, state, and local agencies (e.g., states' Departments of Transportation); universities; volunteer networks; and the private sector (e.g., airlines, railroads) to integrate and quality check observations from their stations with those of NOAA.
MADIS runs operationally at the NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO) as part of the Integrated Dissemination Project (IDP). All MADIS data is being added to NOAA's data archive that is run by the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Research and development efforts are being provided by NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) Global Systems Division (GSD).
Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System - NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (ODIS id 2575)
Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System - NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Original (non-English) name
MADIS is a meteorological observational database and data delivery system that provides observations that cover the globe.
MADIS ingests data from NOAA data sources and non-NOAA providers, decodes the data then encodes all of the observational data into a common format with uniform observational units and time stamps. Quality checks are conducted and the integrated data sets are stored along with a series of flags indicating the results of the various QC checks. MADIS provides several methods for users to access the data to meet their needs. Users can request data from July of 2001, which is when MADIS was first available to the public, to the present.
To provide these services, MADIS leverages partnerships with international agencies; federal, state, and local agencies (e.g., states' Departments of Transportation); universities; volunteer networks; and the private sector (e.g., airlines, railroads) to integrate and quality check observations from their stations with those of NOAA.
MADIS runs operationally at the NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO) as part of the Integrated Dissemination Project (IDP). All MADIS data is being added to NOAA's data archive that is run by the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Research and development efforts are being provided by NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) Global Systems Division (GSD).
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data ingestion, data management, meteorological data
Last updated: 11/10/2021
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia (ODIS id: 67)
The vision of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is for Namibia to be a leading nation w ...
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia
The vision of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is for Namibia to be a leading nation with a well-developed aquaculture industry, to responsibly manage living aquatic and resources to continuously ensure a conducive environment for the fishing and aquaculture sector to prosper.
While environmental uncertainties must always be recognised as an issue in any strategy for the fishing industry, the government has accepted that some level of certainty for fishing companies must be in place. A clear statement of the government's intent in the development and management of the fisheries sector has thus been made and the mechanisms for long term rights and fish quotas established.
Critical main sector issues are as follows:
Maintaining stock recovery. This is required to ensure the sustainable utilisation of marine resources. This will be achieved by the promotion of stock recovery to long term sustainable yield levels through the conservation of marine resources and the protection of the Namibian EEZ. The current strategy is setting total allowable catches (TACs) at levels low enough to promote recovery of depleted stocks.
Compliance Control:
To protect the Namibian EEZ, the Ministry will continue to curb illegal fishing and harmful fishing practices. Monitoring, control and surveillance will become an even more important issue in the future, since the enhanced status of fish stocks will become an increasingly attractive target for illegal fishing.
Industrial development:
To ensure that gains in rebuilding fish resources are translated into economic gains in terms of increased private incomes, employment and government revenue, the industry must be given a viable economic environment. Furthermore, to ensure that the central importance of maintaining a policy environment that encourages investment is recognised. This is especially important in on-shore processing and in areas such as quality control and export promotion.
To be able to take up opportunities provided by development of the fisheries sector, Namibians must be able to acquire skills through training. In addition, to increase the role which Namibian businesses play in the sector, supporting policies and programmes are needed for the allocation of fishing rights and quotas. This goal will be achieved by strengthening the research and training capacities of the fishing industry.
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia (ODIS id 67)
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia
Original (non-English) name
The vision of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is for Namibia to be a leading nation with a well-developed aquaculture industry, to responsibly manage living aquatic and resources to continuously ensure a conducive environment for the fishing and aquaculture sector to prosper.
While environmental uncertainties must always be recognised as an issue in any strategy for the fishing industry, the government has accepted that some level of certainty for fishing companies must be in place. A clear statement of the government's intent in the development and management of the fisheries sector has thus been made and the mechanisms for long term rights and fish quotas established.
Critical main sector issues are as follows:
Maintaining stock recovery. This is required to ensure the sustainable utilisation of marine resources. This will be achieved by the promotion of stock recovery to long term sustainable yield levels through the conservation of marine resources and the protection of the Namibian EEZ. The current strategy is setting total allowable catches (TACs) at levels low enough to promote recovery of depleted stocks.
Compliance Control:
To protect the Namibian EEZ, the Ministry will continue to curb illegal fishing and harmful fishing practices. Monitoring, control and surveillance will become an even more important issue in the future, since the enhanced status of fish stocks will become an increasingly attractive target for illegal fishing.
Industrial development:
To ensure that gains in rebuilding fish resources are translated into economic gains in terms of increased private incomes, employment and government revenue, the industry must be given a viable economic environment. Furthermore, to ensure that the central importance of maintaining a policy environment that encourages investment is recognised. This is especially important in on-shore processing and in areas such as quality control and export promotion.
To be able to take up opportunities provided by development of the fisheries sector, Namibians must be able to acquire skills through training. In addition, to increase the role which Namibian businesses play in the sector, supporting policies and programmes are needed for the allocation of fishing rights and quotas. This goal will be achieved by strengthening the research and training capacities of the fishing industry.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Namibia
Host Countries: Namibia
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Fish, Fishing, MSP, expertise, fisheries statistics, marine spatial planning
Last updated: 04/07/2021
National Fisheries Research Institute (ODIS id: 231)
The mission of the INRH is the evaluation of fishery resources and their monitoring, the study of th ...
National Fisheries Research Institute
The mission of the INRH is the evaluation of fishery resources and their monitoring, the study of the functioning of marine and coastal ecosystems as well as the monitoring of the quality and health of the marine environment. The institute is in charge of the testing of fishing techniques and the valuation of seafood products and the evaluation of the aquaculture potential of the national coastline and carrying out research, able to contribute to the development of Moroccan aquaculture.
National Fisheries Research Institute (ODIS id 231)
The mission of the INRH is the evaluation of fishery resources and their monitoring, the study of the functioning of marine and coastal ecosystems as well as the monitoring of the quality and health of the marine environment. The institute is in charge of the testing of fishing techniques and the valuation of seafood products and the evaluation of the aquaculture potential of the national coastline and carrying out research, able to contribute to the development of Moroccan aquaculture.
National Marine Data and Information Service of China
National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) is a government funded public institution subordinates to the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, responsible for the management of national marine data and information resources, providing guidance and scientific stewardship for the national marine data and information; and providing information and technical support for marine economy, marine management, public service and marine environmental protection, and conducting related research.
Develop the national marine data and information strategy, standards and regulations, provide technical support for national marine information communication network and the planning and establishing of the marine information security system, and undertake project demonstration and assessment of marine information systems at all levels.
Responsible for national marine data collection, management, processing and distribution, and the construction and operation of the marine environmental and geographical information service platform, undertake quality control and evaluation of marine data and information products.
Responsible for the follow-up study and analysis of marine development trend domestic and abroad, undertake investigation and decision-making consultation for ocean strategies, policies, and significant issues, and provide technical support for drafting the national ocean strategy, planning, laws and regulations.
Acting as the China National Marine Archives and Library, provide marine archive and literature services, and give scientific and professional guidance to the implementation of marine archiving.
Provide operational supports for national marine economy and social development survey, statistics and accounting, draw up and release the leading indicator, index, and report of marine economic operation, and study the policy, approach, and method on promoting marine economy and industry development.
Undertake the operational support and data and information system building of marine ecological environment protection, sea area utilization management, island protection and exploration, and provide technical support for the implementation of national marine spatial planning.
Responsible for operational tide and tidal current forecast, sea level change prediction and evaluation, develop and release marine environment data re-analysis products, and issue theChina Sea Level BulletinandChina Marine Climatological Bulletin.
Operation of the marine environmental data and information support system.
On behalf of China, participate in activities of the international marine data and information exchange, undertake and fulfill relative international responsibilities, serving as the International Ocean Institute-China Regional Center for the Western Pacific Region (IOI-China Regional Center) and the WMO-IOC Centre for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data, Tianjin, China (CMOC/China).
National Marine Data and Information Service of China (ODIS id 3096)
National Marine Data and Information Service of China
Original (non-English) name
National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) is a government funded public institution subordinates to the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, responsible for the management of national marine data and information resources, providing guidance and scientific stewardship for the national marine data and information; and providing information and technical support for marine economy, marine management, public service and marine environmental protection, and conducting related research.
Develop the national marine data and information strategy, standards and regulations, provide technical support for national marine information communication network and the planning and establishing of the marine information security system, and undertake project demonstration and assessment of marine information systems at all levels.
Responsible for national marine data collection, management, processing and distribution, and the construction and operation of the marine environmental and geographical information service platform, undertake quality control and evaluation of marine data and information products.
Responsible for the follow-up study and analysis of marine development trend domestic and abroad, undertake investigation and decision-making consultation for ocean strategies, policies, and significant issues, and provide technical support for drafting the national ocean strategy, planning, laws and regulations.
Acting as the China National Marine Archives and Library, provide marine archive and literature services, and give scientific and professional guidance to the implementation of marine archiving.
Provide operational supports for national marine economy and social development survey, statistics and accounting, draw up and release the leading indicator, index, and report of marine economic operation, and study the policy, approach, and method on promoting marine economy and industry development.
Undertake the operational support and data and information system building of marine ecological environment protection, sea area utilization management, island protection and exploration, and provide technical support for the implementation of national marine spatial planning.
Responsible for operational tide and tidal current forecast, sea level change prediction and evaluation, develop and release marine environment data re-analysis products, and issue theChina Sea Level BulletinandChina Marine Climatological Bulletin.
Operation of the marine environmental data and information support system.
On behalf of China, participate in activities of the international marine data and information exchange, undertake and fulfill relative international responsibilities, serving as the International Ocean Institute-China Regional Center for the Western Pacific Region (IOI-China Regional Center) and the WMO-IOC Centre for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data, Tianjin, China (CMOC/China).
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Chinese
Countries: China
Host Countries: China
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: data analysis, decision-making, information management, marine environments, marine science
Last updated: 23/01/2022
National Oceanographic Data Committee of the Netherlands (ODIS id: 3093)
The National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands is the national platform for exc ...
National Oceanographic Data Committee of the Netherlands
The National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands is the national platform for exchange of oceanographic and marine data and information, and for advisory services in the field of ocean and marine data management.
The speed and the ease with which users can identify, locate, access, exchange and use oceanographic and marine data, data products and information are vital for the success of marine research projects, for effective support of marine economic activities, and sustainable marine environmental management. Data are acquired for a wide range of disciplines, by in-situ and remote sensing observations, using a large variety of platforms, instruments and methods, and are processed and managed by thousands of institutes and agencies from all over the globe. Data are required by end-users and intermediate users at different time scales, from real-time with first level automatic quality indicators to long data series, validated through extensive quality control.
Ocean and marine data and information are very important for research, but also for monitoring, predicting and managing the marine environment, assessing fish stocks and biodiversity, offshore engineering, controling any hazard or disaster, and tourist industry. Data support the execution of international protocols, conventions and agreements, which have been signed by coastal states for protection of the seas, such as the OSPAR convention for the North Sea. Data are also essential for implementation of Europe’s environmental policy concerning Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), the Water Framework Directive, and the new Marine Strategy.
Users want easy identification, viewing, access and combination of data across disciplines, organisations and countries, using internet facilities.
Therefore the overall objective of the National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands is to effect a major and significant improvement in the overview and access to marine and oceanographic data and data-products from government and research institutes in the Netherlands. This is not done alone and only with a national focus, but on a European scale as an active partner in the Pan-European SeaDataNet project and on a global scale as the Netherlands representative in major international organisations in this field, ICES and IOC-IODE.
SeaDataNet is the leading initiative in Europe, actively operating and further developing a Pan-European infrastructure for managing, indexing and providing access to ocean and marine data sets and data products, acquired via research cruises and other observational activities. SeaDataNet is coordinated by the National Oceanographic Data Centre’s from 35 countries around European seas. This is done as an EU Research Infrastructures I3 project, which was awarded in the FP6 programme and began in early 2006. It focuses on interconnecting the data centres to provide integrated on-line access to the most comprehensive sets of multi- disciplinary in-situ and remote sensing marine data, meta-data and products.
This underpins European directives and recent large-scale framework programmes on global and European scales (GEOSS and GMES), that urge provision of access to, and exchange of, environmental data and information. The Blue Paper on an integrated EU maritime policy strongly promotes an integrated and intersectorial approach to ocean affairs in Europe which requires reinforced cooperation and effective coordination of all sea-related policies at the different decision-making levels. As one of its measures it proposes the development of a European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNet) to facilitate long-term and sustainable access to the interoperable, high-quality data necessary to understand biological, chemical and physical behaviour of seas and oceans.
The INSPIRE Directive aims for the creation of a European spatial information infrastructure that delivers integrated spatial information services to end-users. These services should allow users to identify and access spatial or geographical information from a wide range of sources, from the local level to the global level, in an inter-operable way for a variety of uses. The implementation is foreseen as ‘system of systems’, indicating that where possible use will be made of existing components, organisations and networks. The emphasis is on improving mutual cohesion, cooperation, exchange of data, harmonisation of quality of data, harmonisation of protocols for data access, not only within sectors and at national scale, but also across sectors and borders.
The National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands undertakes a national project NODCi (2006 – 2009) for developing and implementing a national network, interconnecting the data centres of major marine institutes in the Netherlands. This functions as the Dutch node in the SeaDataNet infrastructure.
National Oceanographic Data Committee of the Netherlands (ODIS id 3093)
National Oceanographic Data Committee of the Netherlands
Original (non-English) name
The National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands is the national platform for exchange of oceanographic and marine data and information, and for advisory services in the field of ocean and marine data management.
The speed and the ease with which users can identify, locate, access, exchange and use oceanographic and marine data, data products and information are vital for the success of marine research projects, for effective support of marine economic activities, and sustainable marine environmental management. Data are acquired for a wide range of disciplines, by in-situ and remote sensing observations, using a large variety of platforms, instruments and methods, and are processed and managed by thousands of institutes and agencies from all over the globe. Data are required by end-users and intermediate users at different time scales, from real-time with first level automatic quality indicators to long data series, validated through extensive quality control.
Ocean and marine data and information are very important for research, but also for monitoring, predicting and managing the marine environment, assessing fish stocks and biodiversity, offshore engineering, controling any hazard or disaster, and tourist industry. Data support the execution of international protocols, conventions and agreements, which have been signed by coastal states for protection of the seas, such as the OSPAR convention for the North Sea. Data are also essential for implementation of Europe’s environmental policy concerning Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), the Water Framework Directive, and the new Marine Strategy.
Users want easy identification, viewing, access and combination of data across disciplines, organisations and countries, using internet facilities.
Therefore the overall objective of the National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands is to effect a major and significant improvement in the overview and access to marine and oceanographic data and data-products from government and research institutes in the Netherlands. This is not done alone and only with a national focus, but on a European scale as an active partner in the Pan-European SeaDataNet project and on a global scale as the Netherlands representative in major international organisations in this field, ICES and IOC-IODE.
SeaDataNet is the leading initiative in Europe, actively operating and further developing a Pan-European infrastructure for managing, indexing and providing access to ocean and marine data sets and data products, acquired via research cruises and other observational activities. SeaDataNet is coordinated by the National Oceanographic Data Centre’s from 35 countries around European seas. This is done as an EU Research Infrastructures I3 project, which was awarded in the FP6 programme and began in early 2006. It focuses on interconnecting the data centres to provide integrated on-line access to the most comprehensive sets of multi- disciplinary in-situ and remote sensing marine data, meta-data and products.
This underpins European directives and recent large-scale framework programmes on global and European scales (GEOSS and GMES), that urge provision of access to, and exchange of, environmental data and information. The Blue Paper on an integrated EU maritime policy strongly promotes an integrated and intersectorial approach to ocean affairs in Europe which requires reinforced cooperation and effective coordination of all sea-related policies at the different decision-making levels. As one of its measures it proposes the development of a European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNet) to facilitate long-term and sustainable access to the interoperable, high-quality data necessary to understand biological, chemical and physical behaviour of seas and oceans.
The INSPIRE Directive aims for the creation of a European spatial information infrastructure that delivers integrated spatial information services to end-users. These services should allow users to identify and access spatial or geographical information from a wide range of sources, from the local level to the global level, in an inter-operable way for a variety of uses. The implementation is foreseen as ‘system of systems’, indicating that where possible use will be made of existing components, organisations and networks. The emphasis is on improving mutual cohesion, cooperation, exchange of data, harmonisation of quality of data, harmonisation of protocols for data access, not only within sectors and at national scale, but also across sectors and borders.
The National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) of the Netherlands undertakes a national project NODCi (2006 – 2009) for developing and implementing a national network, interconnecting the data centres of major marine institutes in the Netherlands. This functions as the Dutch node in the SeaDataNet infrastructure.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Netherlands
Host Countries: Netherlands
Sea Region: North Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: data management network, marine environments, ocean sciences, oceanographic data
Last updated: 23/01/2022
National Oceanography Centre (ODIS id: 686)
The NOC is one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions. We provide the UK’s National Capab ...
National Oceanography Centre
The NOC is one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions. We provide the UK’s National Capability needed to be a top global player, to lead and participate in international cooperations.
We undertake world-leading research in large scale oceanography and ocean measurement technology innovation; working with government and business to turn great science and technology into advice and applications. We support scientists in universities and research institutes with facilities, research infrastructure and irreplaceable data assets – enabling the UK to harness the full power and diversity of its ocean science talent. The National Oceanography Centre is an independent self-governing organisation – a charitable company limited by guarantee. The NOC is funded by UK Research and Innovation to work on National Capability programmes, and manages on its behalf, the National Marine Equipment Pool – Europe’s largest fleet of autonomous and robotic vehicles, and two state of the art research ships RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook. The NOC has two sites, Southampton and Liverpool, and employs around 650 staff. We are co-located at both sites with leading UK Universities, giving us a unique position in UK marine research. A truly multi-disciplinary centre, our research encompasses Marine Geoscience, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate, Marine Systems Modelling, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems, and Ocean Technology and Engineering. We are home to the nation’s marine data assets; the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility (BOSCORF) and the Discovery Collections. We work collaboratively with over 40 other UK marine institutions through the NOC Association for Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries, and engage with users of the UK marine infrastructure through the Marine Facilities Advisory Board, and with the beneficiaries of our long term underpinning National capability Science programmes, through the CLASS Advisory Board. We facilitate international co-operation in science by representing the UK internationally, leading the UK delegation of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, through our membership of the European Marine Board, and through partnerships with other research institutions and organisations worldwide.
The NOC is one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions. We provide the UK’s National Capability needed to be a top global player, to lead and participate in international cooperations.
We undertake world-leading research in large scale oceanography and ocean measurement technology innovation; working with government and business to turn great science and technology into advice and applications. We support scientists in universities and research institutes with facilities, research infrastructure and irreplaceable data assets – enabling the UK to harness the full power and diversity of its ocean science talent. The National Oceanography Centre is an independent self-governing organisation – a charitable company limited by guarantee. The NOC is funded by UK Research and Innovation to work on National Capability programmes, and manages on its behalf, the National Marine Equipment Pool – Europe’s largest fleet of autonomous and robotic vehicles, and two state of the art research ships RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook. The NOC has two sites, Southampton and Liverpool, and employs around 650 staff. We are co-located at both sites with leading UK Universities, giving us a unique position in UK marine research. A truly multi-disciplinary centre, our research encompasses Marine Geoscience, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate, Marine Systems Modelling, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems, and Ocean Technology and Engineering. We are home to the nation’s marine data assets; the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility (BOSCORF) and the Discovery Collections. We work collaboratively with over 40 other UK marine institutions through the NOC Association for Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries, and engage with users of the UK marine infrastructure through the Marine Facilities Advisory Board, and with the beneficiaries of our long term underpinning National capability Science programmes, through the CLASS Advisory Board. We facilitate international co-operation in science by representing the UK internationally, leading the UK delegation of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, through our membership of the European Marine Board, and through partnerships with other research institutions and organisations worldwide.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Research Cruises, Research, advice and consultancy, research data, research projects, research vessel
Last updated: 02/05/2024
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (ODIS id: 2168)
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
NRIFS is one of the Fisheries Research Institutes of Fisheries Research Agency (FRA) which is a National Institute and Development Agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Our task is to promote specialized R&D forming the basis of fisheries sciences such as fisheries economics, stock management, oceanography, food technology and aquatic genomics, in order to dissolve problems occurring in fisheries industries in cooperation with the other Fisheries Research Institutes of FRA.
In addition, NRIFS conducts research on fisheries resources and ocean environment in the area of central and southern Pacific coast, in order to deal with the regional problems in cooperation with the National Research Institute of Aquaculture (NRIA).
NRIFS has been challenging to reveal the production systems and biological characteristics of fisheries organisms, to establish the fisheries resource assessment and management technologies, and to induce fisheries industries to the tertiary sector, towards our goal of “sustainable utilization of fisheries resources.”
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (ODIS id 2168)
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Original (non-English) name
NRIFS is one of the Fisheries Research Institutes of Fisheries Research Agency (FRA) which is a National Institute and Development Agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Our task is to promote specialized R&D forming the basis of fisheries sciences such as fisheries economics, stock management, oceanography, food technology and aquatic genomics, in order to dissolve problems occurring in fisheries industries in cooperation with the other Fisheries Research Institutes of FRA.
In addition, NRIFS conducts research on fisheries resources and ocean environment in the area of central and southern Pacific coast, in order to deal with the regional problems in cooperation with the National Research Institute of Aquaculture (NRIA).
NRIFS has been challenging to reveal the production systems and biological characteristics of fisheries organisms, to establish the fisheries resource assessment and management technologies, and to induce fisheries industries to the tertiary sector, towards our goal of “sustainable utilization of fisheries resources.”
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Japanese
Countries: Japan
Host Countries: Japan
Sea Region: Japan Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: environmental research, environmental science, fisheries, food science, marine science, marine technology, stock assessment, stock management
Last updated: 03/07/2021
Network - Distributed System of Scientific Collections (ODIS id: 2449)
DiSSCo today represents the largest ever formal agreement between organisations of this type. These ...
Network - Distributed System of Scientific Collections
DiSSCo today represents the largest ever formal agreement between organisations of this type. These organisations join forces to develop and operate as a distributed Research Infrastructure.
Network - Distributed System of Scientific Collections (ODIS id 2449)
Network - Distributed System of Scientific Collections
Original (non-English) name
Network - DISSCo
DiSSCo today represents the largest ever formal agreement between organisations of this type. These organisations join forces to develop and operate as a distributed Research Infrastructure.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Belgium, Netherlands
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: data collection, natural sciences, networking infrastructure
Last updated: 24/09/2021
NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (ODIS id: 2880)
NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System
The Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) is an electronic library of NOAA environmental data. This web site provides capabilities for finding and obtaining those data.
CLASS is NOAA's premiere on-line facility for the distribution of NOAA and US Department of Defense (DoD) Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) data, NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data, and derived data.
NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (ODIS id 2880)
NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System
Original (non-English) name
The Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) is an electronic library of NOAA environmental data. This web site provides capabilities for finding and obtaining those data.
CLASS is NOAA's premiere on-line facility for the distribution of NOAA and US Department of Defense (DoD) Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) data, NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data, and derived data.
Types: Data catalogue, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: data access, environmental data, meteorological data, satellite data
Last updated: 07/11/2021
Established in 2009, the Northeast Ocean Data Portal provides free, user-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps and data on the ocean ecosystem, economy, and culture of the northeastern United States. The Portal’s maps show the richness and diversity of the ecosystem and illustrate the many ways that humans and environmental resources interact. Portal users can view maps and data by theme, by creating custom maps in the Data Explorer, and by downloading data for use in other applications.
To use Northeast Ocean Data Portal maps or data in your work, please cite:
NROC (Northeast Regional Ocean Council). 2009. Northeast Ocean Data Portal, www.northeastoceandata.org. Date accessed: MM/DD/YYYY.
Established in 2009, the Northeast Ocean Data Portal provides free, user-friendly access to expert-reviewed interactive maps and data on the ocean ecosystem, economy, and culture of the northeastern United States. The Portal’s maps show the richness and diversity of the ecosystem and illustrate the many ways that humans and environmental resources interact. Portal users can view maps and data by theme, by creating custom maps in the Data Explorer, and by downloading data for use in other applications.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Ecosystems, data access, data visualization, decision-making, mapping, marine environments, marine resources, ocean health
Last updated: 05/02/2022
North Pacific Research Board (ODIS id: 1678)
The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) was created by Congress under Title IV of H.R. 2107, signed ...
North Pacific Research Board
The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) was created by Congress under Title IV of H.R. 2107, signed into law on November 14, 1997 as P.L. 105-83 and codified as 43 U.S.C. §1474d. The Board was established in 2001. The Board is authorized to recommend marine research to the Secretary of Commerce to be funded through a competitive grant program using part of the interest earned from the Environmental Improvement and Restoration Fund (EIRF) created under 43 U.S.C. §1474d. The EIRF was part of a large settlement by the U.S. Supreme Court pertaining to a land dispute in the Arctic known as Dinkum Sands. The enabling legislation requires the funds to be used to conduct research on or relating to the fisheries or marine ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean. NPRB must strive to avoid duplicating other research and must emphasize research designed to address pressing fishery management issues or marine ecosystem information needs.
The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) was created by Congress under Title IV of H.R. 2107, signed into law on November 14, 1997 as P.L. 105-83 and codified as 43 U.S.C. §1474d. The Board was established in 2001. The Board is authorized to recommend marine research to the Secretary of Commerce to be funded through a competitive grant program using part of the interest earned from the Environmental Improvement and Restoration Fund (EIRF) created under 43 U.S.C. §1474d. The EIRF was part of a large settlement by the U.S. Supreme Court pertaining to a land dispute in the Arctic known as Dinkum Sands. The enabling legislation requires the funds to be used to conduct research on or relating to the fisheries or marine ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean. NPRB must strive to avoid duplicating other research and must emphasize research designed to address pressing fishery management issues or marine ecosystem information needs.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, North Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Fishery Resource, Research Coordination, fishing activity, marine resources, marine science, networking infrastructure, research network, scientific development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
North Slope Science Initiative (ODIS id: 1676)
The mission of the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) is to improve the scientific and regulatory ...
North Slope Science Initiative
The mission of the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) is to improve the scientific and regulatory understanding of Alaska’s North Slope in the context of resource development and environmental change and to identify data and information products that management agencies and governments will need in the future.
The mission of the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) is to improve the scientific and regulatory understanding of Alaska’s North Slope in the context of resource development and environmental change and to identify data and information products that management agencies and governments will need in the future.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Scientific Information, conservation, digital resources, environmental protection, environmental science, information and resources, open access, open science, research data, resources management, scientific knowledge
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). National pilots of statistical guidance under development have been undertaken to ensure the guidance is relevant, practical and useful to policy and decision makers. This resource provides access to national pilots for China, Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Thailand and Vietnam.
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). National pilots of statistical guidance under development have been undertaken to ensure the guidance is relevant, practical and useful to policy and decision makers. This resource provides access to national pilots for China, Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Thailand and Vietnam.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Canada, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Samoa
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: SDG14, statistics
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Ocean and Ice - Danish Meteorological Institute (ODIS id: 3072)
This DMI marine services homepage aims to provide information about the state of the sea at present, and for the near future.
DMIs core marine activities are storm surge warnings, ice charting, waves, ocean currents, satellite surveillance, ocean climate and marine data.
Marine focus areas are the North Sea, the Baltic, Greenland/Arctic and Faroese waters. The North Atlantic and other selected areas are also covered.
In addition to the free products on the web page, DMI offers consultancies on subjects like ocean data, user specified forecasts for ocean or ice, analysis and professional advising.
Ocean and Ice - Danish Meteorological Institute (ODIS id 3072)
This DMI marine services homepage aims to provide information about the state of the sea at present, and for the near future.
DMIs core marine activities are storm surge warnings, ice charting, waves, ocean currents, satellite surveillance, ocean climate and marine data.
Marine focus areas are the North Sea, the Baltic, Greenland/Arctic and Faroese waters. The North Atlantic and other selected areas are also covered.
In addition to the free products on the web page, DMI offers consultancies on subjects like ocean data, user specified forecasts for ocean or ice, analysis and professional advising.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Denmark
Host Countries: Denmark
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Kattegat, North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Skagerrak
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data products, data services, meteorological data, ocean climate, satellite data, sea surface, warning system
Last updated: 16/01/2022
OceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals (ODIS id: 4)
The OceanExpert system, formerly known as Global Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Professionals, ...
OceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals
The OceanExpert system, formerly known as Global Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Professionals, is a database containing information on individuals active on issues related to the marine (and freshwater environment). OceanExpert was developed in 1997 under the auspices of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM). OceanExpert is a free product but can be used only for non-profit purposes. As an individual professional you are welcome to add your information to the database. If you would like to collaborate with the OceanExpert project by coordinating input for your institution or country then please contact us. In order to improve global coverage of the database we are constantly looking for national or regional input coordinators. OceanExpert contains information on more than 13000 individual experts and 3000 institutions and organisations.
OceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals (ODIS id 4)
OceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals
Original (non-English) name
The OceanExpert system, formerly known as Global Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Professionals, is a database containing information on individuals active on issues related to the marine (and freshwater environment). OceanExpert was developed in 1997 under the auspices of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM). OceanExpert is a free product but can be used only for non-profit purposes. As an individual professional you are welcome to add your information to the database. If you would like to collaborate with the OceanExpert project by coordinating input for your institution or country then please contact us. In order to improve global coverage of the database we are constantly looking for national or regional input coordinators. OceanExpert contains information on more than 13000 individual experts and 3000 institutions and organisations.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: metadata
Last updated: 18/06/2024
Oceanographic Institute of the Army (ODIS id: 61)
The Oceanographic Institute of the Ecuador Army aims to develop the hydro-oceanographic characteriz ...
Oceanographic Institute of the Army
The Oceanographic Institute of the Ecuador Army aims to develop the hydro-oceanographic characterization of the jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional maritime spaces of national interest, and implement and maintain maritime signaling systems, to help guarantee the safety of navigation, development, defense and sovereignty of the Ecuadorian maritime territory, as well how to execute expeditions and coordinate scientific research activities that promote the Geopolitical and Oceanopolitical projection of Ecuador in Antarctica.
The Oceanographic Institute of the Ecuador Army aims to develop the hydro-oceanographic characterization of the jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional maritime spaces of national interest, and implement and maintain maritime signaling systems, to help guarantee the safety of navigation, development, defense and sovereignty of the Ecuadorian maritime territory, as well how to execute expeditions and coordinate scientific research activities that promote the Geopolitical and Oceanopolitical projection of Ecuador in Antarctica.
Oceans and Atmosphere - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Understanding Australia's variable and changing climate will allow industries and communities to increase their resilience, prepare and respond, particularly in relation to natural disasters. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere provides information about the health of the atmosphere, from long-lived greenhouse gases and aerosols that change the heat stored in the atmosphere, right through to hazardous air pollutants that influence human and ecosystem health. We use this information to ensure that our climate and earth system models can accurately simulate the likely impacts of human behaviour on our earth systems into the future.
Sharing our ocean's wealth for the benefit of all Australians requires careful balancing of multiple uses and conservation through planning, management and cooperation. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere provides the large-scale multidisciplinary science to inform this use of Australia's marine environment. We develop tools for decision making in coastal regions and provide scientific support to authorities and industries responsible for the sustainable management and use of Australian and international fisheries.
Oceans and Atmosphere - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (ODIS id 2356)
Oceans and Atmosphere - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Original (non-English) name
Oceans and Atmosphere - CSIRO
Understanding Australia's variable and changing climate will allow industries and communities to increase their resilience, prepare and respond, particularly in relation to natural disasters. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere provides information about the health of the atmosphere, from long-lived greenhouse gases and aerosols that change the heat stored in the atmosphere, right through to hazardous air pollutants that influence human and ecosystem health. We use this information to ensure that our climate and earth system models can accurately simulate the likely impacts of human behaviour on our earth systems into the future.
Sharing our ocean's wealth for the benefit of all Australians requires careful balancing of multiple uses and conservation through planning, management and cooperation. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere provides the large-scale multidisciplinary science to inform this use of Australia's marine environment. We develop tools for decision making in coastal regions and provide scientific support to authorities and industries responsible for the sustainable management and use of Australian and international fisheries.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: atmosphere, ecosystem assessment, marine environments, marine science, research infrastructure, sustainable development
Last updated: 14/02/2022
Oceanscape (ODIS id: 1098)
Oceanscape is an effort of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO), initially cre ...
Oceanscape is an effort of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO), initially created in partnership with the GEO Blue Planet Initiative, to identify the numerous organisations (including projects, programmes, and other structures) working in the “ocean space”, and to clarify the connections between them (as well as identifying opportunities to make connections where none exist).
POGO, a founding member of GEO Blue Planet, led the development of, and continues to maintain the Oceanscape portal. This portal, which was launched during Ocean Obs’19 in September 2019, is a community effort that aims to serve a variety of stakeholders:
the scientific community, who may not be aware of all the initiatives taking place in the “ocean space”, and who could benefit from identifying synergies, new collaborations and avoiding overlap or duplication;
NGOs, as well as the private sector, who may be looking for suitable organisations for collaboration;
governments and funding agencies, who may not have a clear picture of the “oceanscape” of organisations, what they are each doing and how they differ from one another.
Oceanscape is an effort of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO), initially created in partnership with the GEO Blue Planet Initiative, to identify the numerous organisations (including projects, programmes, and other structures) working in the “ocean space”, and to clarify the connections between them (as well as identifying opportunities to make connections where none exist).
POGO, a founding member of GEO Blue Planet, led the development of, and continues to maintain the Oceanscape portal. This portal, which was launched during Ocean Obs’19 in September 2019, is a community effort that aims to serve a variety of stakeholders:
the scientific community, who may not be aware of all the initiatives taking place in the “ocean space”, and who could benefit from identifying synergies, new collaborations and avoiding overlap or duplication;
NGOs, as well as the private sector, who may be looking for suitable organisations for collaboration;
governments and funding agencies, who may not have a clear picture of the “oceanscape” of organisations, what they are each doing and how they differ from one another.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: knowledge exchange and information systems, knowledge network, knowledge representations, online database, organisations, programmes, relationships
Last updated: 24/06/2024
The Ocean Tracking Network is a global aquatic animal tracking, data management, and partnership platform headquartered at Dalhousie University in Canada.
OTN and its partners are using electronic tags to track many keystones, commercially important, and endangered species at an international scale, across all ocean regions.
The OTN Data Centre is responsible for the collection, aggregation, cross-referencing, and dissemination (both public and private) of acoustic detection data. OTNDC also maintains linkages to sibling acoustic telemetry data centres all over the world and feeds global biogeographical information systems such as OBIS with animal tracking data as it is eventually made publicly available under the terms of the OTN Data Policy.
Below you can find OTN-affiliated projects and filter them by collection, contact, country, or species. Click on a marker on the map to reveal information about the project. You can then click the title of the project to view the individual project page.
The Ocean Tracking Network is a global aquatic animal tracking, data management, and partnership platform headquartered at Dalhousie University in Canada.
OTN and its partners are using electronic tags to track many keystones, commercially important, and endangered species at an international scale, across all ocean regions.
The OTN Data Centre is responsible for the collection, aggregation, cross-referencing, and dissemination (both public and private) of acoustic detection data. OTNDC also maintains linkages to sibling acoustic telemetry data centres all over the world and feeds global biogeographical information systems such as OBIS with animal tracking data as it is eventually made publicly available under the terms of the OTN Data Policy.
Below you can find OTN-affiliated projects and filter them by collection, contact, country, or species. Click on a marker on the map to reveal information about the project. You can then click the title of the project to view the individual project page.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Best practices, Digital repository, Marine, Occurrence, animal behavior, animal tagging, aquatic animal tracking, directory, document repository, metadata
Last updated: 09/07/2021
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ODIS id: 1741)
ORCID is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from our member organizations. We a ...
Open Researcher and Contributor ID
ORCID is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from our member organizations. We are community-built and governed by a Board of Directors representative of our membership with wide stakeholder representation. ORCID is supported by a dedicated and knowledgeable professional staff.
ORCID is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from our member organizations. We are community-built and governed by a Board of Directors representative of our membership with wide stakeholder representation. ORCID is supported by a dedicated and knowledgeable professional staff.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Arabic, Czech, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: collaboration, cooperation, experts, online database, research network, scientific development
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Meetings and workshops: GODAE OceanView regularly organises science team (GOVST) and task team (TT) meetings and workshops where internal and external experts can exchange knowledge and build networks. These events generally invite contributions from othere science team and international groups, and provide a forum for the main operational and research institutions involved in global ocean analysis and forecasting to develop collaborations and international coordination of their activities.
In addtion GODAE OceanView also organises symposia and supports summer schools, to exchange its accomplishments with the wider ocean community and to support the next generation of ocean scientists.
Capacity Building: GODAE OceanView is visible in the broad spectrum of the research and operational oceanographic community. Information about research activities are distributed via a number of media, including publications, magazines and brochures, the GODAE OceanView website and also through symposia and summer schools.
The GOVST offers a central portal from where an overview of the various national contributions can be obtained and from where proper references and links are set up to the research activities in its Task Teams and in the national contributions. GOVST is aiming to provide a coordinated response to any overarching scientific requests from operational oceanography stakeholders, such as space agencies, and international organizations.
Education & Training: the lasting legacy of the GODAE OceanView will result from investment in educational activities that will prepare the next generation of scientists trained to advance real-time ocean forecasting and the objective design and implementation of ocean observing systems. GODAE OceanView will continue to strive to organise events for early career scientists, professionals and students on the current state of the art in operational oceanography and related advances in the ocean sciences.
Education supported by GODAE OceanView will take a variety of forms, including attendance of workshops and summer schools, access to related literature and tutorials, participation in cutting edge research activities and training through international exchange visits and internships.
Meetings and workshops: GODAE OceanView regularly organises science team (GOVST) and task team (TT) meetings and workshops where internal and external experts can exchange knowledge and build networks. These events generally invite contributions from othere science team and international groups, and provide a forum for the main operational and research institutions involved in global ocean analysis and forecasting to develop collaborations and international coordination of their activities.
In addtion GODAE OceanView also organises symposia and supports summer schools, to exchange its accomplishments with the wider ocean community and to support the next generation of ocean scientists.
Capacity Building: GODAE OceanView is visible in the broad spectrum of the research and operational oceanographic community. Information about research activities are distributed via a number of media, including publications, magazines and brochures, the GODAE OceanView website and also through symposia and summer schools.
The GOVST offers a central portal from where an overview of the various national contributions can be obtained and from where proper references and links are set up to the research activities in its Task Teams and in the national contributions. GOVST is aiming to provide a coordinated response to any overarching scientific requests from operational oceanography stakeholders, such as space agencies, and international organizations.
Education & Training: the lasting legacy of the GODAE OceanView will result from investment in educational activities that will prepare the next generation of scientists trained to advance real-time ocean forecasting and the objective design and implementation of ocean observing systems. GODAE OceanView will continue to strive to organise events for early career scientists, professionals and students on the current state of the art in operational oceanography and related advances in the ocean sciences.
Education supported by GODAE OceanView will take a variety of forms, including attendance of workshops and summer schools, access to related literature and tutorials, participation in cutting edge research activities and training through international exchange visits and internships.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and capacity building, Training and education, cooperation, information exchange, marine science, oceanographic research, oceanography, operational oceanography, research network
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Pacific Climate Change Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (ODIS id: 1498)
Pacific Climate Change Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Original (non-English) name
The one stop location for accessing climate resources, news, events and more in the Pacific Islands region.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Climate change, climate change impacts, climate monitoring, environment, environmental information, environmental science, information and resources, visual resources
Last updated: 23/06/2021
Pacific Environment Portal (ODIS id: 3293)
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national ...
Pacific Environment Portal
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national Pacific data. It provides easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national Pacific data. It provides easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Multimedia content
Languages: English, French
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Palau, REGIONAL, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Last updated: 23/04/2024
Provision of high quality service to the maritime industry, guaranteeing legal security, free enterp ...
Panama Maritime Authority - Safeguarding Our Maritime Interests
Provision of high quality service to the maritime industry, guaranteeing legal security, free enterprise and a competitive market; through compliance with national and international regulations, within a framework of transparency and environmental social responsibility.
Panama Maritime Authority - Safeguarding Our Maritime Interests (ODIS id 203)
Panama Maritime Authority - Safeguarding Our Maritime Interests
Original (non-English) name
Autoridad Maritima de Panama - Salvaguarda de Nuestros Intereses Maritimos
Provision of high quality service to the maritime industry, guaranteeing legal security, free enterprise and a competitive market; through compliance with national and international regulations, within a framework of transparency and environmental social responsibility.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Panama
Host Countries: Panama
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Socio-economics, expertise, shipping
Last updated: 29/09/2021
PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ODIS id: 222)
The data publisher PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and ...
PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Sciences
The data publisher PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system and biodiversity research. The Core Trust Seal certified information system guarantees long-term availability of its content through a commitment of the two hosting institutions, the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Sciences (AWI), Bremerhaven and the Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Bremen.
Most of the data are freely available and can be used under the terms of the license mentioned on the data set description. A few password protected data sets are under moratorium from ongoing projects. The description of each data set is always visible and includes the principle investigator (PI) who may be asked for access.
Each dataset can be identified, shared, published and cited by using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI Name). PANGAEA also allows data to be published as supplements to science articles or as citable data collections in combination with data journals like ESSD, Geoscience Data Journal, Scientific Data, or others.
PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ODIS id 222)
The data publisher PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system and biodiversity research. The Core Trust Seal certified information system guarantees long-term availability of its content through a commitment of the two hosting institutions, the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Sciences (AWI), Bremerhaven and the Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Bremen.
Most of the data are freely available and can be used under the terms of the license mentioned on the data set description. A few password protected data sets are under moratorium from ongoing projects. The description of each data set is always visible and includes the principle investigator (PI) who may be asked for access.
Each dataset can be identified, shared, published and cited by using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI Name). PANGAEA also allows data to be published as supplements to science articles or as citable data collections in combination with data journals like ESSD, Geoscience Data Journal, Scientific Data, or others.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Journals (open source and commercial), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Germany
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Agriculture, DOI, Digital repository, atmosphere, biology, chemistry, ecology, fisheries, lakes and rivers, oceanographic data
Last updated: 13/08/2024
Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (ODIS id: 3247)
The POGO website provides information on:
a) POGO member institutions (names, countries, logos, URL ...
Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean
The POGO website provides information on:
a) POGO member institutions (names, countries, logos, URLs and links to institutional entries on the Oceanscape portal)
b) observing systems operated by POGO members
c) case studies on the societal benefits of ocean observing written in collaboration with member institutions and based on observational programmes they are conducting
d) lists of recipients of POGO-SCOR fellowships and other training grants from 2001 to present
Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (ODIS id 3247)
The POGO website provides information on:
a) POGO member institutions (names, countries, logos, URLs and links to institutional entries on the Oceanscape portal)
b) observing systems operated by POGO members
c) case studies on the societal benefits of ocean observing written in collaboration with member institutions and based on observational programmes they are conducting
d) lists of recipients of POGO-SCOR fellowships and other training grants from 2001 to present
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline
Last updated: 13/10/2022
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (ODIS id: 2897)
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) was created with a clear ...
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) was created with a clear mission—to foster and sustain healthy and resilient coasts and oceans, communities and economies across the Seas of East Asia through integrated management solutions and partnerships.
For over two decades, the organization has provided solutions for effective management of coasts and oceans across the shared seas of East Asia. As the regional coordinating mechanism for the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA), a shared marine strategy among 14 countries in the region, PEMSEA works with national and local governments, companies, research and science institutions, communities, international agencies, regional programs, investors and donors towards implementation of the SDS-SEA. Crucial networks such as learning centers also contribute their expertise and coastal management skills to the shared goals of the SDS-SEA.
We aim to proactively build effective intergovernmental and intersectoral partnerships and expand the capacities of countries and other stakeholders with innovative, cross-cutting policies, tools and services for integrated coastal and ocean management. PEMSEA applies integrated coastal management (ICM) as our primary approach for generating and sustaining healthy oceans, people and economies.
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (ODIS id 2897)
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
Original (non-English) name
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) was created with a clear mission—to foster and sustain healthy and resilient coasts and oceans, communities and economies across the Seas of East Asia through integrated management solutions and partnerships.
For over two decades, the organization has provided solutions for effective management of coasts and oceans across the shared seas of East Asia. As the regional coordinating mechanism for the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA), a shared marine strategy among 14 countries in the region, PEMSEA works with national and local governments, companies, research and science institutions, communities, international agencies, regional programs, investors and donors towards implementation of the SDS-SEA. Crucial networks such as learning centers also contribute their expertise and coastal management skills to the shared goals of the SDS-SEA.
We aim to proactively build effective intergovernmental and intersectoral partnerships and expand the capacities of countries and other stakeholders with innovative, cross-cutting policies, tools and services for integrated coastal and ocean management. PEMSEA applies integrated coastal management (ICM) as our primary approach for generating and sustaining healthy oceans, people and economies.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Philippines
Sea Region: Andaman Sea, Celebes Sea, East China Sea, Molucca Sea, Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, Sulu Sea, Yellow Sea
Themes: DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Integrated coastal zone management, coastal zone management, decision-making, environment, resources management, sustainable development
Last updated: 13/11/2021
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade (ODIS id: 3272)
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade
Peace Boat US launches “Youth for the SDGs” program for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development during its inaugural voyage on the Pacific World! Join us here online for details about our citizen science data collection projects and updates from the voyage to the Arctic and Latin America.
Peace Boat US is excited to announce the launch of a new series of programs as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Peace Boat US is a nonprofit organization working to promote a culture of peace and sustainability through educational programs held onboard Peace Boat’s ship which sails with the logo of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the hull. Peace Boat, which holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations (ECOSOC), invites youth leaders from around the world, working towards sustainability in their home communities, to travel onboard, engaging in capacity building, citizen science programs and experiences in the ports of call that enrich their understanding of marine science and climate action on a global scale. Highlighting the theme of this year’s United Nations World Oceans Day: “Planet Ocean, Tides are Changing, we seek to raise awareness about Life Below Water and encourage positive action for our blue planet.
As we embark on the inaugural voyage of Peace Boat’s new ship, the Pacific World, we plan to scale up our initiatives for Ocean Literacy, and our commitment to education for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Educational onboard and port programs are designed to familiarize youth with the practical realities of environmental sustainability, intercultural communication, citizen science and education for the UN
Sustainable Development Goals—drawing on our 40 years experience of educational programs. Furthermore, the role of sustainable tourism will also be explored, both as a tool for education and awareness raising about ocean degradation and climate change, and also in connection to SDG Target 14.7. Peace Boat’s Global Voyages for the UN Ocean Decade will create the framework for hundreds of educational programs, advocacy campaigns, media appeal and applied research, as well as for hosting international conferences, public awareness raising events and exhibitions on green technologies, climate action, and ocean welfare.
114th Global Voyage Program details can be found here:
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade (ODIS id 3272)
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade
Original (non-English) name
Peace Boat US Youth for the SDGs Program for the UN Ocean Decade
PB US Youth for the SDGs
Courtesy of Peace Boat US - www.peaceboat-us.org
Peace Boat US launches “Youth for the SDGs” program for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development during its inaugural voyage on the Pacific World! Join us here online for details about our citizen science data collection projects and updates from the voyage to the Arctic and Latin America.
Peace Boat US is excited to announce the launch of a new series of programs as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Peace Boat US is a nonprofit organization working to promote a culture of peace and sustainability through educational programs held onboard Peace Boat’s ship which sails with the logo of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the hull. Peace Boat, which holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations (ECOSOC), invites youth leaders from around the world, working towards sustainability in their home communities, to travel onboard, engaging in capacity building, citizen science programs and experiences in the ports of call that enrich their understanding of marine science and climate action on a global scale. Highlighting the theme of this year’s United Nations World Oceans Day: “Planet Ocean, Tides are Changing, we seek to raise awareness about Life Below Water and encourage positive action for our blue planet.
As we embark on the inaugural voyage of Peace Boat’s new ship, the Pacific World, we plan to scale up our initiatives for Ocean Literacy, and our commitment to education for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Educational onboard and port programs are designed to familiarize youth with the practical realities of environmental sustainability, intercultural communication, citizen science and education for the UN
Sustainable Development Goals—drawing on our 40 years experience of educational programs. Furthermore, the role of sustainable tourism will also be explored, both as a tool for education and awareness raising about ocean degradation and climate change, and also in connection to SDG Target 14.7. Peace Boat’s Global Voyages for the UN Ocean Decade will create the framework for hundreds of educational programs, advocacy campaigns, media appeal and applied research, as well as for hosting international conferences, public awareness raising events and exhibitions on green technologies, climate action, and ocean welfare.
114th Global Voyage Program details can be found here:
Peace Boat US is an international non profit organization and holds 501(c)3 tax exempt status in the USA. Data collection is created during our Youth for the SDGs program by youth leaders ages 18 - 30 years old and experts in the field of citizen science.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Journals (open source and commercial), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Blue energy, Cetaceans, Climate change, air temperature, biodiversity, biology, blue economy, citizen science, climate
Last updated: 27/07/2023
PEGO Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2826)
The OBIS node for the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman is run by the National Oceanographic Data Centre at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS).
PEGO Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2826)
The OBIS node for the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman is run by the National Oceanographic Data Centre at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Gulf of Oman
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, observational oceanography, observing system
Last updated: 01/11/2021
People - Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (ODIS id: 1748)
People - Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
Original (non-English) name
People - BCO-DMO
List of members at the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts, online database
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - Carbon Program at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (ODIS id: 2810)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 31/10/2021
People - Census of Marine Life (ODIS id: 1730)
The Research Principal Investigator and staff behind the Census Mapping and Visualization effort.
People - Census of Marine Life
The Research Principal Investigator and staff behind the Census Mapping and Visualization effort.
The Research Principal Investigator and staff behind the Census Mapping and Visualization effort.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (ODIS id: 1734)
People - Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research
Original (non-English) name
People - ISRAMAR
List of members at the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (ISRAMAR).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Israel
Host Countries: Israel
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University (ODIS id: 1755)
People - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University
Original (non-English) name
List of members at the Lancaster Environment Centre.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - Marine Geomatics Research Lab (ODIS id: 1752)
The Marine Geomatics Lab is composed of an amazing group of people, including graduate students (MSc and PhD) but also regularly undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows. I encourage you to visit the pages to discover the team and look at the projects students have done or are currently conducting.
People - Marine Geomatics Research Lab (ODIS id 1752)
The Marine Geomatics Lab is composed of an amazing group of people, including graduate students (MSc and PhD) but also regularly undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows. I encourage you to visit the pages to discover the team and look at the projects students have done or are currently conducting.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 12/05/2021
People - Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (ODIS id: 1728)
List of members and related information at the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (MGEL).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (ODIS id: 1744)
People - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
NIWA's Board of Directors is responsible to our shareholders (the New Zealand Government) for the strategic direction and operational performance of the company.
People - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (ODIS id 1736)
People - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Original (non-English) name
People - NIWA
NIWA's Board of Directors is responsible to our shareholders (the New Zealand Government) for the strategic direction and operational performance of the company.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Host Countries: New Zealand
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - Norwegian Polar Data Centre (ODIS id: 2659)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 19/10/2021
People - Oceanlab at University of Aberdeen (ODIS id: 1754)
List of members at the Ocean Lab at University of Aberdeen.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 12/06/2021
People - Scottish Oceans Institute (ODIS id: 1753)
List of members at the Scottish Oceans Institute (SOI).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
People - Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe (ODIS id: 2496)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, REGIONAL
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, no theme defined
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (ODIS id: 3128)
The Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS), constitutes a regional maritime system, an all ...
Permanent Commission of the South Pacific
The Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS), constitutes a regional maritime system, an alliance, a strategic, political and operational option in the Southeast Pacific, to consolidate the presence of the coastal countries in said geographical area and its projection in an effective and coordinated, both towards the surrounding areas and the link with the Pacific Basin.
The origin of the CPPS dates back to 1952 when its founding document, the Declaration of Santiago, was signed. This manifestation was a visionary document whose content in the preamble states: "Governments have the obligation to ensure their peoples the necessary conditions of subsistence and to provide them with the means for their economic development" (Santiago Declaration of 1952).
The Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS) is an intergovernmental organization, created by agreement between Chile, Ecuador and Peru, to which Colombia subsequently joined in 1979. Therefore, the CPPS is a legal person under international law in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of Paracas, Peru, of January 14, 1966.
The CPPS is the Executive Secretary of the 1981 Lima Agreement and the Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific.
The CPPS has established a north and has defined the crucial actions to achieve it by incorporating in its philosophy a new strategic orientation that contemplates, in its development, the ability to understand the environment, in its context and the opportunities that derive from it. The institution has been managing the protection of its maritime resources for sixty years.
Today the CPPS is an organization that promotes and coordinates cooperation between its members and with other organizations of the international community in maritime affairs. Its main activities include carrying out scientific studies related to the El Niño phenomenon in order to timely forecast this phenomenon and alert their populations to the climatic risks associated with this event. This activity is carried out through research cruises carried out with the support of the research vessels of the four member countries, coordinated by the CPPS, constituting a joint action, unique at the international level.
Another important activity of the CPPS in the field of prevention is the coordination of the regional tsunami warning system in the Southeast Pacific, it promotes education for the population in order to reduce their risks and their effects on coastal populations and also helps in the adequate preparation of prevention institutions to face these phenomena.
The CPPS maintains support programs for artisanal fishing promoting the training of fishermen in order to guarantee sustainable fishing and avoid overexploitation of marine resources. In this same context, the CPPS supports the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, an activity that puts the resources of our region at risk and that requires a coordinated effort from its member countries. The CPPS and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representation in Ecuador collaborate to promote the adoption of the port state governing agreement and its main criteria.
Another management coordinated by the CPPS is the support to its member states for an adequate assessment of their marine and coastal ecosystems in order to create awareness of their economic importance for the benefit of their population.
In addition, the CPPS, as Executive Secretary of the 1981 Lima Agreement and of the Action Plan, carries out activities to monitor and control marine pollution in each of the member countries, providing an updated overview of the state of ocean health in the Southeast Pacific region.
Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (ODIS id 3128)
The Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS), constitutes a regional maritime system, an alliance, a strategic, political and operational option in the Southeast Pacific, to consolidate the presence of the coastal countries in said geographical area and its projection in an effective and coordinated, both towards the surrounding areas and the link with the Pacific Basin.
The origin of the CPPS dates back to 1952 when its founding document, the Declaration of Santiago, was signed. This manifestation was a visionary document whose content in the preamble states: "Governments have the obligation to ensure their peoples the necessary conditions of subsistence and to provide them with the means for their economic development" (Santiago Declaration of 1952).
The Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS) is an intergovernmental organization, created by agreement between Chile, Ecuador and Peru, to which Colombia subsequently joined in 1979. Therefore, the CPPS is a legal person under international law in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of Paracas, Peru, of January 14, 1966.
The CPPS is the Executive Secretary of the 1981 Lima Agreement and the Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific.
The CPPS has established a north and has defined the crucial actions to achieve it by incorporating in its philosophy a new strategic orientation that contemplates, in its development, the ability to understand the environment, in its context and the opportunities that derive from it. The institution has been managing the protection of its maritime resources for sixty years.
Today the CPPS is an organization that promotes and coordinates cooperation between its members and with other organizations of the international community in maritime affairs. Its main activities include carrying out scientific studies related to the El Niño phenomenon in order to timely forecast this phenomenon and alert their populations to the climatic risks associated with this event. This activity is carried out through research cruises carried out with the support of the research vessels of the four member countries, coordinated by the CPPS, constituting a joint action, unique at the international level.
Another important activity of the CPPS in the field of prevention is the coordination of the regional tsunami warning system in the Southeast Pacific, it promotes education for the population in order to reduce their risks and their effects on coastal populations and also helps in the adequate preparation of prevention institutions to face these phenomena.
The CPPS maintains support programs for artisanal fishing promoting the training of fishermen in order to guarantee sustainable fishing and avoid overexploitation of marine resources. In this same context, the CPPS supports the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, an activity that puts the resources of our region at risk and that requires a coordinated effort from its member countries. The CPPS and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representation in Ecuador collaborate to promote the adoption of the port state governing agreement and its main criteria.
Another management coordinated by the CPPS is the support to its member states for an adequate assessment of their marine and coastal ecosystems in order to create awareness of their economic importance for the benefit of their population.
In addition, the CPPS, as Executive Secretary of the 1981 Lima Agreement and of the Action Plan, carries out activities to monitor and control marine pollution in each of the member countries, providing an updated overview of the state of ocean health in the Southeast Pacific region.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Host Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Sea Region: Southeast Pacific Ocean (140W)
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Research Coordination, assessment and advice, education, marine ecosystems, networking infrastructure, research network, sustainable development, sustainable fisheries, warning system
Last updated: 30/01/2022
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Netherlands
Host Countries: Netherlands
Sea Region: North Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Platforms and Programs - World Ocean Council (ODIS id: 2245)
The World Ocean Council (WOC) is a global, cross-sectoral ocean industry leadership alliance committed to “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”, developed by and for the private sector, with a unique and multi-sectoral approach to address cross-cutting issues affecting ocean sustainable development, science and stewardship of the seas.
The WOC believes that responsible and coordinated Ocean Business Community efforts are essential to a healthy and productive global ocean and its sustainable use, development and stewardship by a responsible Ocean Business Community.
To this end, the WOC engages and brings together leaders from the various ocean industries, including shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, renewable energy (wind, wave, tidal), ports, dredging, cables, as well as the maritime legal, financial and insurance communities, and others to collaborate on responsible use of the seas. We ensure that the Ocean Business Community’s role in ocean sustainable development is understood by all relevant stakeholders (decision makers, policy makers, intergovernmental bodies etc.).
The WOC is growing steadily, as an increasing number and range of ocean industry companies from around the world are distinguishing themselves as leaders in “Corporate Ocean Responsibility” by joining the WOC. More broadly, the continually expanding global WOC network includes 35,000+ ocean industry and media stakeholders around the world.
The WOC is committed to advancing the development and implementation of industry-driven solutions to ocean sustainable development challenges. To this end, the WOC is bringing together the diverse Ocean Business Community and participants from other ocean stakeholders, to collaborate through cross-sectoral “Ocean Platforms” focused on ocean sustainability, science and the challenges of ocean stewardship.
Platforms and Programs - World Ocean Council (ODIS id 2245)
The World Ocean Council (WOC) is a global, cross-sectoral ocean industry leadership alliance committed to “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”, developed by and for the private sector, with a unique and multi-sectoral approach to address cross-cutting issues affecting ocean sustainable development, science and stewardship of the seas.
The WOC believes that responsible and coordinated Ocean Business Community efforts are essential to a healthy and productive global ocean and its sustainable use, development and stewardship by a responsible Ocean Business Community.
To this end, the WOC engages and brings together leaders from the various ocean industries, including shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, renewable energy (wind, wave, tidal), ports, dredging, cables, as well as the maritime legal, financial and insurance communities, and others to collaborate on responsible use of the seas. We ensure that the Ocean Business Community’s role in ocean sustainable development is understood by all relevant stakeholders (decision makers, policy makers, intergovernmental bodies etc.).
The WOC is growing steadily, as an increasing number and range of ocean industry companies from around the world are distinguishing themselves as leaders in “Corporate Ocean Responsibility” by joining the WOC. More broadly, the continually expanding global WOC network includes 35,000+ ocean industry and media stakeholders around the world.
The WOC is committed to advancing the development and implementation of industry-driven solutions to ocean sustainable development challenges. To this end, the WOC is bringing together the diverse Ocean Business Community and participants from other ocean stakeholders, to collaborate through cross-sectoral “Ocean Platforms” focused on ocean sustainability, science and the challenges of ocean stewardship.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: environmental sustainability, industry, policy and management recommendations, policy makers, sustainable development
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on vessels (including research vessels)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: information collections, polar environment, research infrastructure, research vessel, research vessels fleet
Last updated: 04/12/2021
Polar View (ODIS id: 2939)
Polar View is a global organization providing leading-edge satellite-based information and data serv ...
Polar View
Polar View is a global organization providing leading-edge satellite-based information and data services in the polar regions and the cryosphere. Our services support safe and cost-marine operations, improved resource management, sustainable economic growth and risk protection across sectors and around the world. Using satellite earth observation data, in combination with sophisticated models and automatic tools, the satellite images are converted into products that graphically illustrate the characteristics of the ice and snow on any given day.
Our services include enhanced sea ice information (charts and forecasts) as well as ice-edge and iceberg monitoring data. We also provide monitoring services for lake and river ice, snow cover maps and glacier monitoring and assessment.
Polar View services are accurate and timely, delivered in real time, with higher resolution and improved spatial and temporal coverage in comparison to what is available from other providers. Our services are unique in that they can be customized to meet user’s needs and combined with other value added data to offer both cost savings and a competitive advantage.
We help provide safe and efficient transportation routes for merchant vessels travelling in ice infested waters, guide fishing and hunting expeditions for northern residents along the ice edge and improve flood protection and water resource management. Let us know how we can meet your information needs – our services support better decision-making, improved planning, and reduced risk – giving you a competitive advantage while operating in the rapidly evolving and challenging Polar Regions.
Polar View is a global organization providing leading-edge satellite-based information and data services in the polar regions and the cryosphere. Our services support safe and cost-marine operations, improved resource management, sustainable economic growth and risk protection across sectors and around the world. Using satellite earth observation data, in combination with sophisticated models and automatic tools, the satellite images are converted into products that graphically illustrate the characteristics of the ice and snow on any given day.
Our services include enhanced sea ice information (charts and forecasts) as well as ice-edge and iceberg monitoring data. We also provide monitoring services for lake and river ice, snow cover maps and glacier monitoring and assessment.
Polar View services are accurate and timely, delivered in real time, with higher resolution and improved spatial and temporal coverage in comparison to what is available from other providers. Our services are unique in that they can be customized to meet user’s needs and combined with other value added data to offer both cost savings and a competitive advantage.
We help provide safe and efficient transportation routes for merchant vessels travelling in ice infested waters, guide fishing and hunting expeditions for northern residents along the ice edge and improve flood protection and water resource management. Let us know how we can meet your information needs – our services support better decision-making, improved planning, and reduced risk – giving you a competitive advantage while operating in the rapidly evolving and challenging Polar Regions.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Denmark
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: monitoring activities, monitoring system, observation data, observing system, polar environment, satellite data
Last updated: 14/02/2022
Products and Services Links - British Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id: 3124)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: open access, products and services
Last updated: 29/01/2022
Program - DigiShape (ODIS id: 3117)
The DigiShape program is designed as a matrix of 4 horizontal data science program lines and 5 verti ...
Program - DigiShape
The DigiShape program is designed as a matrix of 4 horizontal data science program lines and 5 vertical program lines that match the most important societal challenges within the water sector. The focus within DigiShape is on innovating and experimenting with new data science techniques within the water sector. For that reason we do not apply strict limits to the program lines; for example, the vertical program line drought also includes projects that focus on, for example, water quality or climate adaptation.
The individual DigiShape projects are generally linked to several program lines (usually 1 vertical application line and several horizontal data science lines). In this way we guarantee optimal coherence within the program and we stimulate a broad exchange of knowledge about the various social themes.
Below you will find an overview of the different data lines. Clicking on this will take you to a specific page for these program lines with more information and an overview of all related projects.
The DigiShape program is designed as a matrix of 4 horizontal data science program lines and 5 vertical program lines that match the most important societal challenges within the water sector. The focus within DigiShape is on innovating and experimenting with new data science techniques within the water sector. For that reason we do not apply strict limits to the program lines; for example, the vertical program line drought also includes projects that focus on, for example, water quality or climate adaptation.
The individual DigiShape projects are generally linked to several program lines (usually 1 vertical application line and several horizontal data science lines). In this way we guarantee optimal coherence within the program and we stimulate a broad exchange of knowledge about the various social themes.
Below you will find an overview of the different data lines. Clicking on this will take you to a specific page for these program lines with more information and an overview of all related projects.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: Dutch
Countries: Netherlands
Host Countries: Netherlands
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: data services, digitalisation, networking infrastructure, ocean sciences
Last updated: 25/01/2022
ORCID offers a public API that allows organizations that are not ORCID members to connect their systems and applications to the ORCID registry with machine-to-machine communications. The API is a restful API and supports both XML and JSON.
ORCID offers a public API that allows organizations that are not ORCID members to connect their systems and applications to the ORCID registry with machine-to-machine communications. The API is a restful API and supports both XML and JSON.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: experts, networking, research, research network
Last updated: 18/12/2021
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance (ODIS id: 1310)
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance
These documents include an overview about available and free training resources in the area of agricultural data management. A detailed description is provided for resources that are related to RDA. Other free resources that are available online are listed as well.
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance (ODIS id 1310)
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance
Original (non-English) name
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - RDA
These documents include an overview about available and free training resources in the area of agricultural data management. A detailed description is provided for resources that are related to RDA. Other free resources that are available online are listed as well.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS08 Terrestrial
Keywords: Best practices, research data, research network, standardization, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 17/05/2021
Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are a mechanism through which States or organizations that are partie ...
Regional Fishery Bodies - FAO Fisheries Division
Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are a mechanism through which States or organizations that are parties to an international fishery agreement or ("agreement" is fundamental, and different from arrangement) arrangement work together towards the conservation, management and/or development of fisheries. (Some RFBs, especially those with an ecosystem mandate, work with seabirds, etc that are connected with fisheries but are not fish stocks per se.)
Regional Fishery Bodies - FAO Fisheries Division (ODIS id 1061)
Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are a mechanism through which States or organizations that are parties to an international fishery agreement or ("agreement" is fundamental, and different from arrangement) arrangement work together towards the conservation, management and/or development of fisheries. (Some RFBs, especially those with an ecosystem mandate, work with seabirds, etc that are connected with fisheries but are not fish stocks per se.)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Fishing, Spatial data, expertise, fisheries statistics, metadata, statistics
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Collection of Regional Fishery Body fact sheets using a simple word search or browsing RFBs sorted by categories.
he Regional Fishery Bodies summary descriptions provide basic information on each of about 50 established Regional Fishery Bodies (FAO and non-FAO RFBs) that cover the world's marine and inland regions.
This collection of RFBs summary descriptions was designed to facilitate users understanding of worldwide Regional Fishery Bodies.
Using a GIS approach, maps of area of competence for each Regional Fishery Bodies were prepared. When available, limits of the areas were extracted from the statutory documents of the Regional Fishery Bodies. In absence of established limits, a combination of geographic features from authoritative sources was used to assist in defining the approximate limits of the areas of competences.
Regional Fishery Bodies - FAO Fisheries Division (ODIS id 1035)
Collection of Regional Fishery Body fact sheets using a simple word search or browsing RFBs sorted by categories.
he Regional Fishery Bodies summary descriptions provide basic information on each of about 50 established Regional Fishery Bodies (FAO and non-FAO RFBs) that cover the world's marine and inland regions.
This collection of RFBs summary descriptions was designed to facilitate users understanding of worldwide Regional Fishery Bodies.
Using a GIS approach, maps of area of competence for each Regional Fishery Bodies were prepared. When available, limits of the areas were extracted from the statutory documents of the Regional Fishery Bodies. In absence of established limits, a combination of geographic features from authoritative sources was used to assist in defining the approximate limits of the areas of competences.
Types: Data catalogue, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Fishery Bodies, Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs), fisheries, marine and inland regions, online database
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Research Infrastructures and Facilities Database - EurOcean (ODIS id: 2145)
Comprehensive list of all existing facilities in Europe which are dedicated to marine sciences broad ...
Research Infrastructures and Facilities Database - EurOcean
Comprehensive list of all existing facilities in Europe which are dedicated to marine sciences broad range of activities. It provides the first level of knowledge and characteristics for each facility, as well as the links and contact to access the further details provided by the operator.
For who this database is intended for all stakeholders - scientists, engineers, policy makers, private companies, universities - for their respective needs, either as user or as operator, or as designer, or as funder. How to use it search criteria plus an iterative map allow any targeted search of information for every type of request. For more information on how to use it please consult the Search Tips Area.
The landscape of marine research infrastructure is complex, a choice of descriptors was done to provide as much as possible a clear and consistent vision, to provide all relevant information for this “discovery” level of the facilities. All explanations necessary to understand each descriptor are given in the Technical Notes.
This database took in consideration the most recent overviews available. However, the landscape is constantly evolving, new infrastructures appear, others have significant up-gradings, some became out of service, characteristics change,... The approach of a database continuously updated is a necessity and a procedure is proposed to allow all to contribute, see the functions Insert, update or Contact EurOcean.
Research Infrastructures and Facilities Database - EurOcean (ODIS id 2145)
Research Infrastructures and Facilities Database - EurOcean
Original (non-English) name
Comprehensive list of all existing facilities in Europe which are dedicated to marine sciences broad range of activities. It provides the first level of knowledge and characteristics for each facility, as well as the links and contact to access the further details provided by the operator.
For who this database is intended for all stakeholders - scientists, engineers, policy makers, private companies, universities - for their respective needs, either as user or as operator, or as designer, or as funder. How to use it search criteria plus an iterative map allow any targeted search of information for every type of request. For more information on how to use it please consult the Search Tips Area.
The landscape of marine research infrastructure is complex, a choice of descriptors was done to provide as much as possible a clear and consistent vision, to provide all relevant information for this “discovery” level of the facilities. All explanations necessary to understand each descriptor are given in the Technical Notes.
This database took in consideration the most recent overviews available. However, the landscape is constantly evolving, new infrastructures appear, others have significant up-gradings, some became out of service, characteristics change,... The approach of a database continuously updated is a necessity and a procedure is proposed to allow all to contribute, see the functions Insert, update or Contact EurOcean.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Portugal
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Balearic Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bay of Biscay, Black Sea, Celtic Sea, Greenland Sea, Gulf of Finland, Iceland Sea, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea, Kattegat, Mediterranean Region, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin, North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Skagerrak, World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: EurOcean, Marine Research Infrastructures, marine science, online database
Last updated: 13/02/2021
Russian Antarctic Stations (ODIS id: 477)
Contains information on Russian antarctic stations, metadata Russian Antarctic oceanography 1956-200 ...
Russian Antarctic Stations
Contains information on Russian antarctic stations, metadata Russian Antarctic oceanography 1956-2003; sea ice 1978- , meteorology, biology (observed species); information on explorers; photos; songs;
Types: Data catalogue, Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Multimedia content
Languages: English, Russian
Countries: Russia
Host Countries: Russia
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Bellingshausen Sea, Cooperation Sea, Cosmonauts Sea, Davis Sea, Dumont D'Urville Sea, Mawson Sea, Ross Sea, Somov Sea, Weddell Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS09 Cryosphere
Keywords: Research Cruises, atmosphere, ecology, geophysics, glaciers, glaciology, hydrochemistry, hydrology, meteorology, polar geography, research data, research vessel, sea ice
Last updated: 04/10/2021
Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (ODIS id: 2942)
The OSI SAF develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key paramete ...
Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
The OSI SAF develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key parameters of the ocean-atmosphere interface. The OSI SAF also offers climatological data records.
The OSI SAF team focuses on sea surface winds, sea and sea ice surface temperature, radiative fluxes : downward longwave irradiance and surface solar irradiance, sea ice concentration, edge, type, emissivity, drift.
Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (ODIS id 2942)
Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Original (non-English) name
The OSI SAF develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key parameters of the ocean-atmosphere interface. The OSI SAF also offers climatological data records.
The OSI SAF team focuses on sea surface winds, sea and sea ice surface temperature, radiative fluxes : downward longwave irradiance and surface solar irradiance, sea ice concentration, edge, type, emissivity, drift.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Germany, REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS09 Cryosphere
Keywords: atmospheric and oceanic research, climate data, climatology, meteorological data, near real time data, ocean climate, sea ice, sea surface, solar radiation
Last updated: 03/12/2021
Schmidt Ocean Institute (ODIS id: 2140)
Schmidt Ocean Institute works to advance the frontiers of global marine research by providing state ...
Schmidt Ocean Institute
Schmidt Ocean Institute works to advance the frontiers of global marine research by providing state of the art operational, technological, and informational support to the pioneering ocean science and technology development projects at sea.
Schmidt Ocean Institute works to advance the frontiers of global marine research by providing state of the art operational, technological, and informational support to the pioneering ocean science and technology development projects at sea.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: exploration activities, marine science, oceanographic research
Last updated: 28/06/2021
SeaDataNet AISBL is legal entity under the Belgian law (“International non-profit organization”) officially established since May 6th, 2019. According to its statutes , The Organization, which does not seek financial gain, aims to work in the collective interest of its members to improve the quality and effectiveness in the management, the processing and the dissemination of oceanographic data at national, regional and global levels.
SeaDataNet AISBL is legal entity under the Belgian law (“International non-profit organization”) officially established since May 6th, 2019. According to its statutes , The Organization, which does not seek financial gain, aims to work in the collective interest of its members to improve the quality and effectiveness in the management, the processing and the dissemination of oceanographic data at national, regional and global levels.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, resources management
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe project (ODIS id: 2494)
The Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe project (SOPHIE) has developed a research road map for ...
Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe project
The Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe project (SOPHIE) has developed a research road map for the next decade of oceans and human health science across Europe. This work has been funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme.
Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe project (ODIS id 2494)
The Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe project (SOPHIE) has developed a research road map for the next decade of oceans and human health science across Europe. This work has been funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme.
Secretariat members - World Meteorological Organization
The Secretary-General of WMO is appointed by the World Meteorological Congress for a four-year term with a maximum tenure of 8 years. The Secretary-General is responsible for the overall technical and administrative work of the Secretariat. He manages his role by delegating substantive authority to the Deputy Secretary-General and the Assistant Secretary-General. The Secretary-General has the responsibility to appoint all Secretariat staff, including the Deputy Secretary-General and the Assistant Secretary-General, in accordance with regulations established by Congress, and with the approval of the Executive Council.
Secretariat members - World Meteorological Organization (ODIS id 1714)
Secretariat members - World Meteorological Organization
Original (non-English) name
Secretariat members - WMO
The Secretary-General of WMO is appointed by the World Meteorological Congress for a four-year term with a maximum tenure of 8 years. The Secretary-General is responsible for the overall technical and administrative work of the Secretariat. He manages his role by delegating substantive authority to the Deputy Secretary-General and the Assistant Secretary-General. The Secretary-General has the responsibility to appoint all Secretariat staff, including the Deputy Secretary-General and the Assistant Secretary-General, in accordance with regulations established by Congress, and with the approval of the Executive Council.
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
The main missions of ISRA are:
the design and execution of research programs on the plant, forest ...
The main missions of ISRA are:
the design and execution of research programs on the plant, forestry, animal and fishery production and in the rural economy;
the creation of scientific knowledge, the generation of technological innovations and the development of decision-support tools for the improvement of the agricultural sector;
promotion and transfer of research results;
promotion and training in research through research;
the development of scientific cooperation, both inter-African and international, and with Senegalese research institutions and universities.
The main missions of ISRA are:
the design and execution of research programs on the plant, forestry, animal and fishery production and in the rural economy;
the creation of scientific knowledge, the generation of technological innovations and the development of decision-support tools for the improvement of the agricultural sector;
promotion and transfer of research results;
promotion and training in research through research;
the development of scientific cooperation, both inter-African and international, and with Senegalese research institutions and universities.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: Senegal
Host Countries: Senegal
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS08 Terrestrial, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Agriculture, fisheries
Last updated: 29/09/2021
Senegal Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 84)
OBIS Senegal is a node of the Marine Biodiversity Data Management System (OBIS), hosted by the Oceanographic Research Center of Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) of the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA). OBIS Senegal has a subregional scope, since it gathers data collected from west african marine waters. It began its activities in 2014. OBIS Senegal also has ambitions to provide services and tools for data management to institutions in the West African region.
Senegal Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 84)
OBIS Senegal is a node of the Marine Biodiversity Data Management System (OBIS), hosted by the Oceanographic Research Center of Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) of the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA). OBIS Senegal has a subregional scope, since it gathers data collected from west african marine waters. It began its activities in 2014. OBIS Senegal also has ambitions to provide services and tools for data management to institutions in the West African region.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Senegal
Host Countries: Senegal
Sea Region: North Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, information collections, marine science
Last updated: 09/07/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: Scotia Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Ships of Opportunity - Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id: 1227)
Ships of Opportunity - Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System
The IMOS Ships of Opportunity (SOOP) Facility uses a combination of volunteer commercial and research vessels to collect data relating to physical, chemical and biological oceanography and ecology. As chartered vessels for equipment deployment are expensive and time consuming, the use of volunteer vessels, in addition to equipment especially designed to be deployed efficiently and without the need for high-level technical experience is at the core of the Ships of Opportunity Facility.
The use of vessels that undertake continuous transects between ports or regions allow seasonal and annual datasets to be established. The Ships of Opportunity Facility builds upon similar pre-existing programs, expanding to collect a wider variety of data and increasing the number of vessels fitted with the various sampling equipment. The Ships of Opportunity Facility consists of nine different sub-facilities.
Ships of Opportunity - Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id 1227)
Ships of Opportunity - Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source material by including the following statement:
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
The IMOS Ships of Opportunity (SOOP) Facility uses a combination of volunteer commercial and research vessels to collect data relating to physical, chemical and biological oceanography and ecology. As chartered vessels for equipment deployment are expensive and time consuming, the use of volunteer vessels, in addition to equipment especially designed to be deployed efficiently and without the need for high-level technical experience is at the core of the Ships of Opportunity Facility.
The use of vessels that undertake continuous transects between ports or regions allow seasonal and annual datasets to be established. The Ships of Opportunity Facility builds upon similar pre-existing programs, expanding to collect a wider variety of data and increasing the number of vessels fitted with the various sampling equipment. The Ships of Opportunity Facility consists of nine different sub-facilities.
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on vessels (including research vessels)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Expendable Bathythermographs, Research Cruises, Sea surface temperature, Surveys, XBT, acoustics monitoring, carbon cycle, carbon dioxide, plankton, research vessel
Last updated: 18/12/2021
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (ODIS id: 1688)
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI) is a Research Institute conducting research in the South Atlantic from the tropics down to the ice in Antarctica. SAERI’s remit includes the natural and physical sciences. It aims to conduct world class research, teach students, and build capacity within and between the South Atlantic Overseas Territories.
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (ODIS id 1688)
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI) is a Research Institute conducting research in the South Atlantic from the tropics down to the ice in Antarctica. SAERI’s remit includes the natural and physical sciences. It aims to conduct world class research, teach students, and build capacity within and between the South Atlantic Overseas Territories.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: South Atlantic Ocean, South Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Capacity Development, Key Biodiversity Areas, Training and capacity building, Training and education, earth science, ecosystem assessment, ecosystem understanding, ecosystems protection, environmental information, environmental science, knowledge and information, marine science, research projects, resources management, sustainable development, sustainable fisheries
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (ODIS id: 3090)
The Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) stores, retrieves and manipulates multi-di ...
Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography
The Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) stores, retrieves and manipulates multi-disciplinary marine information from the areas around Southern Africa.
SADCO has been in existence since the 1960's, and is now being hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs: Oceans and Coasts (DEA:OC) after previously having been hosted by The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) South Africa. The history of SADCO can be read here.
All new data submitted to SADCO after March 2019 will be archived in the Marine Information Management System (MIMS) and will not be published in SADCO. The data held by SADCO will be slowly transferred to MIMS and once that is complete the old SADCO system will be decommissioned.
Thank you to CSIR, Namibian Ministry for Fisheries and Marine Resources, South African Environmental Observation Network and the South African Navy for their funding support up until March 2019, and to the members of the steering committee that guided SADCO, in particular the Chairs.
Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (ODIS id 3090)
The Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) stores, retrieves and manipulates multi-disciplinary marine information from the areas around Southern Africa.
SADCO has been in existence since the 1960's, and is now being hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs: Oceans and Coasts (DEA:OC) after previously having been hosted by The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) South Africa. The history of SADCO can be read here.
All new data submitted to SADCO after March 2019 will be archived in the Marine Information Management System (MIMS) and will not be published in SADCO. The data held by SADCO will be slowly transferred to MIMS and once that is complete the old SADCO system will be decommissioned.
Thank you to CSIR, Namibian Ministry for Fisheries and Marine Resources, South African Environmental Observation Network and the South African Navy for their funding support up until March 2019, and to the members of the steering committee that guided SADCO, in particular the Chairs.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: South Africa
Host Countries: South Africa
Sea Region: Indian Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: moored buoy, oceanographic data, oceanographic instruments, time-series
Last updated: 19/09/2023
Special Areas of Conservation - Joint Nature Conservation Committee (ODIS id: 1662)
Special Areas of Conservation - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are protected areas in the UK. the UK Government and devolved administrations are required to establish a network of important high-quality conservation sites that will make a significant contribution to conserving the habitats and species identified in Annexes I and II, respectively, of European Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, known as the Habitats Directive. The listed habitat types and species are those considered to be most in need of conservation at a European level (excluding birds). Of the Annex I habitat types, 78 are believed to occur in the UK. Of the Annex II species, 43 are native to, and normally resident in, the UK.
Special Areas of Conservation - Joint Nature Conservation Committee (ODIS id 1662)
Special Areas of Conservation - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Original (non-English) name
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are protected areas in the UK. the UK Government and devolved administrations are required to establish a network of important high-quality conservation sites that will make a significant contribution to conserving the habitats and species identified in Annexes I and II, respectively, of European Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, known as the Habitats Directive. The listed habitat types and species are those considered to be most in need of conservation at a European level (excluding birds). Of the Annex I habitat types, 78 are believed to occur in the UK. Of the Annex II species, 43 are native to, and normally resident in, the UK.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Bristol Channel, English Channel, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, North Sea
Themes: DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, conservation, digital resources, environmental information, environmental protection, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 10/06/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - Australian Institute of Marine Science (ODIS id: 1723)
AIMS undertakes long-term, large-scale and wide-ranging research, thanks to the scientific excellenc ...
Staff directory - Australian Institute of Marine Science
AIMS undertakes long-term, large-scale and wide-ranging research, thanks to the scientific excellence and multidisciplinary strength of our staff. Their expertise also informs our ability to undertake the end-to-end research that is needed to meet Australia’s marine science needs.
Our scientists are on the ground and in the water, mapping, monitoring and collecting information on our marine estate. They are in our labs, analysing data, modelling and pushing the boundaries of tropical marine science.
And they are in meeting rooms and boardrooms, working with environmental managers, regulators, policy-makers and industry operators to translate this knowledge into management and decision-making tools.
Staff directory - Australian Institute of Marine Science (ODIS id 1723)
Staff directory - Australian Institute of Marine Science
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - AIMS
AIMS undertakes long-term, large-scale and wide-ranging research, thanks to the scientific excellence and multidisciplinary strength of our staff. Their expertise also informs our ability to undertake the end-to-end research that is needed to meet Australia’s marine science needs.
Our scientists are on the ground and in the water, mapping, monitoring and collecting information on our marine estate. They are in our labs, analysing data, modelling and pushing the boundaries of tropical marine science.
And they are in meeting rooms and boardrooms, working with environmental managers, regulators, policy-makers and industry operators to translate this knowledge into management and decision-making tools.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea, Timor Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Staff directory - British Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id: 1703)
Staff directory - British Oceanographic Data Centre
Listed here are the personal telephone and email contacts for BODC's staff and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) staff hosted at BODC.
Staff directory - British Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id 1703)
Staff directory - British Oceanographic Data Centre
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - BODC
Listed here are the personal telephone and email contacts for BODC's staff and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) staff hosted at BODC.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - Centre for Ocean Life (ODIS id: 2247)
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Denmark
Host Countries: Denmark
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Staff directory - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (ODIS id: 1698)
Staff directory - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - CSIRO
Find a staff member by searching our staff directory.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts, online database
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (ODIS id: 1705)
Staff directory - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - GEBCO
List of members at the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - Ghana National Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id: 1718)
Staff directory - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
List of members at the Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (ODIS id: 1720)
Staff directory - International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - IAMSLIC
List of members at the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expert knowledge, expertise, experts
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
List of members at the Norwegian Argo Infrastructure (NorArgo).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Norwegian Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - Ocean Biology Processing Group at NASA (ODIS id: 1749)
Staff directory - Ocean Biology Processing Group at NASA
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - OBPG at NASA
List of members at the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) at NASA.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Staff directory - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy (ODIS id: 1717)
Staff directory - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory at NOAA
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - PMEL-NOAA
List of members at the NOAA' Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Staff directory - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/National Center for Atmospheric Research (ODIS id: 1701)
List of members at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)/National Center for At ...
Staff directory - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/National Center for Atmospheric Research
List of members at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Staff directory - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/National Center for Atmospheric Research (ODIS id 1701)
Staff directory - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/National Center for Atmospheric Research
Original (non-English) name
Staff directory - UCAR/NCAR
List of members at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean, World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Staff directory - University of Dar es Salaam (ODIS id: 1702)
List of member of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Tanzania
Host Countries: Tanzania
Sea Region: Indian Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Steering Committee - Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (ODIS id: 1743)
Steering Committee - Second International Indian Ocean Expedition
The principles underlying the structure and representativeness of the IIOE Steering Committee (SC) were first specified in the STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK for the implementation of IIOE-2.
The Steering Committee (SC) consists of a Core Group and a Stakeholder Group.
A duly constituted Steering Committee (SC) sets the high-level policies and take responsibility for the delivery of the project over the 2015-2020 period.
Steering Committee - Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (ODIS id 1743)
Steering Committee - Second International Indian Ocean Expedition
Original (non-English) name
Steering Committee - IIOE-2
The principles underlying the structure and representativeness of the IIOE Steering Committee (SC) were first specified in the STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK for the implementation of IIOE-2.
The Steering Committee (SC) consists of a Core Group and a Stakeholder Group.
A duly constituted Steering Committee (SC) sets the high-level policies and take responsibility for the delivery of the project over the 2015-2020 period.
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
T-MEDNet - Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona, Spain (ODIS id: 2425)
T-MEDNet initiative is devoted to develop an observation network on climate change effects in marine ...
T-MEDNet - Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona, Spain
T-MEDNet initiative is devoted to develop an observation network on climate change effects in marine coastal ecosystems by spreading the acquisition of standard monitoring protocols on seawater temperature and biological indicators over large-scale and long-term.
T-MEDNet members are Public Research Institutions, Marine Protected Areas and NGOs working in near-shore and coastal zone around the Mediterranean Sea.
T-MEDNet - Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona, Spain (ODIS id 2425)
T-MEDNet - Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona, Spain
Original (non-English) name
T-MEDNet initiative is devoted to develop an observation network on climate change effects in marine coastal ecosystems by spreading the acquisition of standard monitoring protocols on seawater temperature and biological indicators over large-scale and long-term.
T-MEDNet members are Public Research Institutions, Marine Protected Areas and NGOs working in near-shore and coastal zone around the Mediterranean Sea.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, no type defined
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Spain, REGIONAL
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Sea surface temperature, bioinformatic data, marine and coastal ecosystems, marine-coastal information, monitoring activities, monitoring system, ocean health
Last updated: 18/09/2021
Team - AZTI (ODIS id: 1727)
The people at AZTI are our main asset to achieve the goals that we have set. AZTI is committed to th ...
Team - AZTI
The people at AZTI are our main asset to achieve the goals that we have set. AZTI is committed to the people in the organisation and in the growth of its human team, which is a reflection of its strength. A human team of over 280 professionals makes possible the growth of the organisation.
The people at AZTI are our main asset to achieve the goals that we have set. AZTI is committed to the people in the organisation and in the growth of its human team, which is a reflection of its strength. A human team of over 280 professionals makes possible the growth of the organisation.
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Technical notes
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Biscay
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Team - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id: 1697)
The EDI team consists of highly motivated and experienced data practitioners, software developers, and research scientists.
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Team - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program (ODIS id: 2697)
Team - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program
Original (non-English) name
GOES R-Series Program Team - NOAA-NASA
Program Team of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series (GOES R-Series ).
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 24/10/2021
Team - National Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id: 1699)
List of members at the National Oceanographic Data Centre (OGS-NODC).
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Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Italy
Host Countries: Italy
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea, World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 03/06/2021
Team - Ocean Eploration Trust (ODIS id: 2354)
The international Nautilus Corps of Exploration consists of engineers, scientists, technologists, ed ...
Team - Ocean Eploration Trust
The international Nautilus Corps of Exploration consists of engineers, scientists, technologists, educators, students, and mariners. We make discoveries in the fields of geology, biology, and archaeology, while developing and testing innovative tools and technologies for science and communications. We are dedicated to inspiring the next generation of deep-sea explorers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by showcasing the many career paths anyone can take to explore the world’s oceans.
The international Nautilus Corps of Exploration consists of engineers, scientists, technologists, educators, students, and mariners. We make discoveries in the fields of geology, biology, and archaeology, while developing and testing innovative tools and technologies for science and communications. We are dedicated to inspiring the next generation of deep-sea explorers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by showcasing the many career paths anyone can take to explore the world’s oceans.
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 26/12/2021
Team - Satellite Environmental Control of the Baltic Sea (ODIS id: 1725)
List of members at the Scientific Information Systems for the Sea (SISMER).
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English, French
Countries: France
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
Testing Equipment and Services - Oceanlab at University of Aberdeen (ODIS id: 2118)
Testing Equipment and Services - Oceanlab at University of Aberdeen
At Oceanlab we offer independent testing and verification to the offshore industry in our purpose built test facility located in Newburgh, Aberdeenshire.
Serving both UK and international clients we provide a comprehensive range of testing equipment and bespoke services to quickly and accurately assess the reliability of components and assemblies.
Our testing equipment is housed in a large, heated hanger space with full HGV access serviced by a 2.5 ton overhead crane.
Testing Equipment and Services - Oceanlab at University of Aberdeen (ODIS id 2118)
Testing Equipment and Services - Oceanlab at University of Aberdeen
Original (non-English) name
At Oceanlab we offer independent testing and verification to the offshore industry in our purpose built test facility located in Newburgh, Aberdeenshire.
Serving both UK and international clients we provide a comprehensive range of testing equipment and bespoke services to quickly and accurately assess the reliability of components and assemblies.
Our testing equipment is housed in a large, heated hanger space with full HGV access serviced by a 2.5 ton overhead crane.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: marine technology, operational oceanography, service provider
Last updated: 19/06/2021
The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (ODIS id: 2841)
Australian and New Zealand herbaria house over eight million plant, algae and fungi specimens. Herba ...
The Australasian Virtual Herbarium
Australian and New Zealand herbaria house over eight million plant, algae and fungi specimens. Herbarium specimens are an important resource for research on the Australasian flora and provide a permanent record of the occurrence of a species at a particular place and time. The AVH provides access to the collecting data associated with these specimens.
Australian and New Zealand herbaria house over eight million plant, algae and fungi specimens. Herbarium specimens are an important resource for research on the Australasian flora and provide a permanent record of the occurrence of a species at a particular place and time. The AVH provides access to the collecting data associated with these specimens.
Types: Data catalogue, Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: Australia, New Zealand
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: algae, data collection, plantae
Last updated: 05/11/2021
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (ODIS id: 2147)
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (the Black Sea Commission or BSC) via its Permanent Secretariat is the inter governmental body established in implementation of the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention), its Protocols and the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea (first Strategic Action Plan adopted in 1996 and titled "Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea " and the second titled " Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea" adopted in 2009).
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (ODIS id 2147)
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
Original (non-English) name
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (the Black Sea Commission or BSC) via its Permanent Secretariat is the inter governmental body established in implementation of the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention), its Protocols and the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea (first Strategic Action Plan adopted in 1996 and titled "Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea " and the second titled " Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea" adopted in 2009).
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL, Turkey
Sea Region: Black Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: environmental protection, marine water quality, pollution, sustainable development
Last updated: 02/07/2021
Thematic OBIS node for the Oceans Past Initiative (ODIS id: 2183)
The OPI is a node of OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System)
OBIS is a global open-access da ...
Thematic OBIS node for the Oceans Past Initiative
The OPI is a node of OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System)
OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation and sustainable development. OPI provides historical datasets, including HMAP and Norfish data, that feed into the big data arena provided by OBIS.
Thematic OBIS node for the Oceans Past Initiative (ODIS id 2183)
The OPI is a node of OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System)
OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation and sustainable development. OPI provides historical datasets, including HMAP and Norfish data, that feed into the big data arena provided by OBIS.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, biology, oceans
Last updated: 04/07/2021
UK Commercial Organisations - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (ODIS id: 1668)
UK Commercial Organisations - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Original (non-English) name
UK Commercial Organisations - MEDIN
Links to Commercial Organisations.
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: human activities, information collections, organisations
Last updated: 06/06/2021
UK Marine Responsible Organisations - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (ODIS id: 1667)
UK Marine Responsible Organisations - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Original (non-English) name
UK Marine Responsible Organisations - MEDIN
Links to Research Organisations.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: information collections, knowledge and information, research infrastructure
Last updated: 06/06/2021
Underwater Gliders - Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1228)
Gliders are a unique and important observing system used to serve a variety of subsurface observing ...
Underwater Gliders - Integrated Ocean Observing System
Gliders are a unique and important observing system used to serve a variety of subsurface observing missions. Gliders can monitor water currents, temperature, tagged animals and conditions that reveal effects from storms, impacts on fisheries, and the quality of our water. This information creates a more complete picture of what is happening in the ocean, as well as trends scientists, might be able to detect. These versatile vehicles collect information from deep water, as well as at the surface, at a lower cost and less risk than ever before. As scientists deploy more gliders, they are revolutionizing how we observe our ocean. These robots propel us closer to that revolution.
IOOS is now supporting an Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) as well as a glider Data Assembly Center (DAC).
Underwater Gliders - Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1228)
Underwater Gliders - Integrated Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Underwater Gliders - IOOS
Gliders are a unique and important observing system used to serve a variety of subsurface observing missions. Gliders can monitor water currents, temperature, tagged animals and conditions that reveal effects from storms, impacts on fisheries, and the quality of our water. This information creates a more complete picture of what is happening in the ocean, as well as trends scientists, might be able to detect. These versatile vehicles collect information from deep water, as well as at the surface, at a lower cost and less risk than ever before. As scientists deploy more gliders, they are revolutionizing how we observe our ocean. These robots propel us closer to that revolution.
IOOS is now supporting an Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) as well as a glider Data Assembly Center (DAC).
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Barents Sea, Beaufort Sea, Caribbean Sea, Chukchi Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of California, Gulf of Mexico, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake St. Clair, Lake Superior, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Glider, observation data, oceanographic data, oceanographic research
Last updated: 12/10/2021
United Kingdom Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2173)
The UK OBIS Node is hosted at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in Plymouth, UK. The MBA is on ...
United Kingdom Ocean Biodiversity Information System
The UK OBIS Node is hosted at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in Plymouth, UK. The MBA is one of the world’s longest-running societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support. Since 1884 we have been providing a unified, clear, independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community and currently have a growing membership in over 40 countries. We also run a leading marine biological research laboratory where many eminent scientists - including 7 Nobel prize winners - have carried out their research.
United Kingdom Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2173)
United Kingdom Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Original (non-English) name
The UK OBIS Node is hosted at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in Plymouth, UK. The MBA is one of the world’s longest-running societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support. Since 1884 we have been providing a unified, clear, independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community and currently have a growing membership in over 40 countries. We also run a leading marine biological research laboratory where many eminent scientists - including 7 Nobel prize winners - have carried out their research.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, biodiversity, information collections, marine science
Last updated: 25/11/2021
Unit for Information and Valorization of Research Results (ODIS id: 1721)
Unit for Information and Valorization of Research Results
The Unit for Information and Valorization of Research Results (UNIVAL) created in 1987 is a transversal structure of ISRA which supports a variety of activities.
Here you can find a list of members and related information.
Unit for Information and Valorization of Research Results (ODIS id 1721)
Unit for Information and Valorization of Research Results
Original (non-English) name
L’Unité d’Information et de Valorisation des Résultats de la Recherche
The Unit for Information and Valorization of Research Results (UNIVAL) created in 1987 is a transversal structure of ISRA which supports a variety of activities.
Here you can find a list of members and related information.
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Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: French
Countries: Senegal
Host Countries: Senegal
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS08 Terrestrial, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/06/2021
USA Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id: 2180)
Ocean Biodiversity Information System USA (OBIS-USA) brings together marine biological observation data – recorded observations of identifiable marine species at a known time and place, collected primarily from U.S. Waters or with U.S. funding.
USA Ocean Biodiversity Information System (ODIS id 2180)
Ocean Biodiversity Information System USA (OBIS-USA) brings together marine biological observation data – recorded observations of identifiable marine species at a known time and place, collected primarily from U.S. Waters or with U.S. funding.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, OBIS, biodiversity, biology, oceans
Last updated: 09/07/2021
US Arctic Research Comoission (ODIS id: 1683)
The US Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is an independent federal agency created by the Arctic Res ...
US Arctic Research Comoission
The US Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is an independent federal agency created by the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984. It is a presidentially appointed advisory body supported by staff in Washington, DC, and in Anchorage, Alaska. In addition to delivering a biennial report to the President and Congress outlining recommended scientific research goals and objectives for the Arctic, the Commission develops and recommends an integrated national Arctic research policy and builds cooperative links in Arctic research within the federal government, with the State of Alaska, and with international partners.
The US Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is an independent federal agency created by the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984. It is a presidentially appointed advisory body supported by staff in Washington, DC, and in Anchorage, Alaska. In addition to delivering a biennial report to the President and Congress outlining recommended scientific research goals and objectives for the Arctic, the Commission develops and recommends an integrated national Arctic research policy and builds cooperative links in Arctic research within the federal government, with the State of Alaska, and with international partners.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: Arctic research, Research Coordination, arctic communities, arctic regions, cooperation, decision-making, environmental protection, reports, research network, research policy , resources management, scientific development
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id: 2004)
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
You can contribute in many ways to protect estuaries and conserve their valuable natural resources. No matter what your background or talent, we have volunteer opportunities at every national estuarine research reserve.
Contact your local reserve to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id 2004)
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Original (non-English) name
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA-NERRS
You can contribute in many ways to protect estuaries and conserve their valuable natural resources. No matter what your background or talent, we have volunteer opportunities at every national estuarine research reserve.
Contact your local reserve to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Coastal zone, Public participation, coastal monitoring, coastal zone management, estuaries, voluntary contributions
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Web site - Russian Federation NODC (ODIS id: 257)
By the resolution of the Council of Ministers of 04.12.1963 № 1188-437, the Resolution from 16.12. ...
Web site - Russian Federation NODC
By the resolution of the Council of Ministers of 04.12.1963 № 1188-437, the Resolution from 16.12.64 № 287), as well as on the orders of Chief of the Hydrometeorological Service of Academician E.K. Fedorov in Obninsk was founded Natinal Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). In 1971 NODC became a part of RIHMI-IDC. Creation of data center was a major decision to establish the scientific, organizational and legal basis for the formation of the State Fund of data (GOSFOND) for oceanography and agencies to ensure that data from all ministries and agencies engaged in the study of oceans and seas and their resources.
Main tasks of NODC are:
Development of concepts and projects to automate the collection, storage, processing and exchange of information on the marine environment, using modern information and communication technologies;
Development of technology integration;
Development of software application processing of oceanographic data;
Scientific and methodical management units Roshydromet for automating the processing of oceanographic data;
Participation in international activities.
Over the years the NODC has done a lot of organizational and methodological work to identify and record oceanographic data in the NIU various agencies of Russia, the development of formats and technologies entering the data on technical media, the creation of data processing software to meet user requests. Thus was developed a few technologies entry deep data on magnetic tape - the first with punch cards, which worked in 1965-1985., The second - with the tapes for the Seas of Russia (1970-1982 gg.), The third - for devices produce data on magnetic tapes ( 1985-1997 gg.) and PC (c 1995).
Along with identifying data that were collected, and after that - entering information on the technical media. In the mid-sixties, under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, was launched the international exchange of oceanographic data on announced a national program with the National Oceanographic Data Centres USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and other countries. through WDC-A and B at the beginning in a tabular form, and from 1980 on tape, later on diskettes, compact disks, in the second half of the nineties by e-mail, and now through access to the databases online.
In 1970 NODC developed the first automated technology for data tables coastal observations, and in 1977 began recording the data on magnetic tape. Since 1981 RIHMI-MCD shall receive operational messages (BATHY, TESAC, buoys, ship),passed through the global telecommunication network.
Since 1974, data center staff began to participate in the work of teams of data management in the research vessels and put into practice the technologies developed RIHMI-WDC and AARI. As a result of purposeful activity in the data centerRIHMI-WDC was created by an array of national oceanographic data.
In NODC of RIHMI-WDC more than a dozen databases of background information on oceanographic data (cruises, an array of space - time coordinates of oceanographic stations, information about the observations of currents, marine coastal and estuarine stations and posts, observation platforms, formats, data storage morevedcheskih organizations; oceanographic data bases on technical media in various organizations are used. Supports common codes and classifiers (ships, countries, institutions, geographical areas, equipment, etc.) in a volume of more than 30 thousand parameters. more detail with reference information is available in a centralized database Metadata - http://www.esimo.ru/meta/.
To improve information services to scientists and engineers currently in the NODC of RIHMI-WDC widely used Web-based technologies, implemented in 1999-2012 as the subprogramme "United Information System of the World Ocean" Federal Target Program "World Ocean.
By the resolution of the Council of Ministers of 04.12.1963 № 1188-437, the Resolution from 16.12.64 № 287), as well as on the orders of Chief of the Hydrometeorological Service of Academician E.K. Fedorov in Obninsk was founded Natinal Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). In 1971 NODC became a part of RIHMI-IDC. Creation of data center was a major decision to establish the scientific, organizational and legal basis for the formation of the State Fund of data (GOSFOND) for oceanography and agencies to ensure that data from all ministries and agencies engaged in the study of oceans and seas and their resources.
Main tasks of NODC are:
Development of concepts and projects to automate the collection, storage, processing and exchange of information on the marine environment, using modern information and communication technologies;
Development of technology integration;
Development of software application processing of oceanographic data;
Scientific and methodical management units Roshydromet for automating the processing of oceanographic data;
Participation in international activities.
Over the years the NODC has done a lot of organizational and methodological work to identify and record oceanographic data in the NIU various agencies of Russia, the development of formats and technologies entering the data on technical media, the creation of data processing software to meet user requests. Thus was developed a few technologies entry deep data on magnetic tape - the first with punch cards, which worked in 1965-1985., The second - with the tapes for the Seas of Russia (1970-1982 gg.), The third - for devices produce data on magnetic tapes ( 1985-1997 gg.) and PC (c 1995).
Along with identifying data that were collected, and after that - entering information on the technical media. In the mid-sixties, under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, was launched the international exchange of oceanographic data on announced a national program with the National Oceanographic Data Centres USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and other countries. through WDC-A and B at the beginning in a tabular form, and from 1980 on tape, later on diskettes, compact disks, in the second half of the nineties by e-mail, and now through access to the databases online.
In 1970 NODC developed the first automated technology for data tables coastal observations, and in 1977 began recording the data on magnetic tape. Since 1981 RIHMI-MCD shall receive operational messages (BATHY, TESAC, buoys, ship),passed through the global telecommunication network.
Since 1974, data center staff began to participate in the work of teams of data management in the research vessels and put into practice the technologies developed RIHMI-WDC and AARI. As a result of purposeful activity in the data centerRIHMI-WDC was created by an array of national oceanographic data.
In NODC of RIHMI-WDC more than a dozen databases of background information on oceanographic data (cruises, an array of space - time coordinates of oceanographic stations, information about the observations of currents, marine coastal and estuarine stations and posts, observation platforms, formats, data storage morevedcheskih organizations; oceanographic data bases on technical media in various organizations are used. Supports common codes and classifiers (ships, countries, institutions, geographical areas, equipment, etc.) in a volume of more than 30 thousand parameters. more detail with reference information is available in a centralized database Metadata - http://www.esimo.ru/meta/.
To improve information services to scientists and engineers currently in the NODC of RIHMI-WDC widely used Web-based technologies, implemented in 1999-2012 as the subprogramme "United Information System of the World Ocean" Federal Target Program "World Ocean.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: Russia
Host Countries: Russia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Climate change, Spatial data, long-term variations, meteorology, oceanographic data, pollution, sea level
Last updated: 29/09/2021
West Coast Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch (ODIS id: 2850)
The CoastWatch West Coast Regional Node (WCRN) provides rapid dissemination of satellite observation ...
West Coast Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch
The CoastWatch West Coast Regional Node (WCRN) provides rapid dissemination of satellite observation data to governmental, academic, commercial, and public users. The WCRN was established in September 1995. It is hosted by NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center's Environmental Research Division. Presently, CoastWatch WCRN is housed at the Fisheries Ecology Division in Santa Cruz, CA.
West Coast Regional Node - NOAA CoastWatch (ODIS id 2850)
The CoastWatch West Coast Regional Node (WCRN) provides rapid dissemination of satellite observation data to governmental, academic, commercial, and public users. The WCRN was established in September 1995. It is hosted by NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center's Environmental Research Division. Presently, CoastWatch WCRN is housed at the Fisheries Ecology Division in Santa Cruz, CA.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: coastal monitoring, environmental data, near real time data, satellite data
Last updated: 05/11/2021
The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) is an oceanographic time-series and marine biodiversity reference site in the Western English Channel. In situ measurements are undertaken weekly at coastal station L4 and fortnightly at open shelf station E1 using the research vessels of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association. These measurements are complemented by PML's recognised excellence in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing science. By integrating these different observational disciplines we can begin to disentangle the complexity of the marine ecosystem.
The WCO is a partnership between the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association.
The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) is an oceanographic time-series and marine biodiversity reference site in the Western English Channel. In situ measurements are undertaken weekly at coastal station L4 and fortnightly at open shelf station E1 using the research vessels of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association. These measurements are complemented by PML's recognised excellence in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing science. By integrating these different observational disciplines we can begin to disentangle the complexity of the marine ecosystem.
The WCO is a partnership between the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: English Channel
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: marine biodiversity, marine ecosystems, observing system, time-series
Last updated: 11/12/2021
Western Channel Observatory - Plymouth Marine Laboratory (ODIS id: 2133)
Western Channel Observatory - Plymouth Marine Laboratory
The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) is an oceanographic time-series and marine biodiversity reference site in the Western English Channel. In situ measurements are undertaken weekly at coastal station L4 and fortnightly at open shelf station E1 using the research vessels of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association. These measurements are complemented by PML's recognised excellence in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing science. By integrating these different observational disciplines we can begin to disentangle the complexity of the marine ecosystem.
Western Channel Observatory - Plymouth Marine Laboratory (ODIS id 2133)
Western Channel Observatory - Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Original (non-English) name
The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) is an oceanographic time-series and marine biodiversity reference site in the Western English Channel. In situ measurements are undertaken weekly at coastal station L4 and fortnightly at open shelf station E1 using the research vessels of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association. These measurements are complemented by PML's recognised excellence in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing science. By integrating these different observational disciplines we can begin to disentangle the complexity of the marine ecosystem.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: English Channel
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: marine biodiversity, oceanographic data, operational oceanography, time-series
Last updated: 28/06/2021
WikiProject Limnology and Oceanography (ODIS id: 1332)
WikiProject Limnology and Oceanography is a group of editors who aim to improve the reliability and accuracy of Wikipedia pages relating to the study of inland waters and marine environments. If you would like to contribute, please add yourself as a participant in the project, inquire on the talk page, and see the to-do list, below.
This WikiProject is a collaboration to improve articles relating to inland waters and marine environments, including the study of lakes, ponds, reservoirs, streams, rivers, wetlands, groundwater, estuaries, and oceans. We strive for a diverse editor base and aquatic science topics to help combat common biases in Wikipedia.
WikiProject Limnology and Oceanography (ODIS id 1332)
WikiProject Limnology and Oceanography is a group of editors who aim to improve the reliability and accuracy of Wikipedia pages relating to the study of inland waters and marine environments. If you would like to contribute, please add yourself as a participant in the project, inquire on the talk page, and see the to-do list, below.
This WikiProject is a collaboration to improve articles relating to inland waters and marine environments, including the study of lakes, ponds, reservoirs, streams, rivers, wetlands, groundwater, estuaries, and oceans. We strive for a diverse editor base and aquatic science topics to help combat common biases in Wikipedia.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere
Keywords: information and resources, information exchange, information management, information services, limnology, oceanography
Last updated: 04/02/2021
The WMO Information system (WIS) is the single coordinated global infrastructure responsible for the telecommunications and data management functions. It is the pillar of the WMO strategy for managing and moving weather, climate and water information in the 21st century. WIS provides an integrated approach suitable for all WMO Programmes to meet the requirements for routine collection and automated dissemination of observed data and products, as well as data discovery, access and retrieval services for all-weather, climate, water and related data produced by centres and Member countries in the framework of any WMO Programme.
WMO Information System (ODIS id 274)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 11/01/2019
Last update: 29/09/2021
Mr. Etienne M. Charpentier ( OceanExpert :
The WMO Information system (WIS) is the single coordinated global infrastructure responsible for the telecommunications and data management functions. It is the pillar of the WMO strategy for managing and moving weather, climate and water information in the 21st century. WIS provides an integrated approach suitable for all WMO Programmes to meet the requirements for routine collection and automated dissemination of observed data and products, as well as data discovery, access and retrieval services for all-weather, climate, water and related data produced by centres and Member countries in the framework of any WMO Programme.
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Switzerland, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: meteorology, oceans
Last updated: 29/09/2021
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: People Directory (ODIS id: 445)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: People Directory
Find people employed at WHOI. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is dedicated to advancing knowledge of the ocean and its connection with the Earth system through a sustained commitment to excellence in science, engineering, and education, and to the application of this knowledge to problems facing society.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: People Directory (ODIS id 445)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: People Directory
Original (non-English) name
Find people employed at WHOI. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is dedicated to advancing knowledge of the ocean and its connection with the Earth system through a sustained commitment to excellence in science, engineering, and education, and to the application of this knowledge to problems facing society.
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: directory, expertise, experts
Last updated: 02/10/2021
World Data System (ODIS id: 2258)
The World Data System (WDS) is an Interdisciplinary Body of the International Science Council (ISC; ...
World Data System
The World Data System (WDS) is an Interdisciplinary Body of the International Science Council (ISC; formerly ICSU) created by its 29th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique in 2008.
In its Strategic Plan 2012–2017, ICSU has articulated its long-term vision of 'a world where excellence in science is effectively translated into policy making and socio-economic development. In such a world, universal and equitable access to scientific data and information is a reality and all countries have the scientific capacity to use these and to contribute to generating the new knowledge that is necessary to establish their own development pathways in a sustainable manner'
As an ISC Interdisciplinary Body, the mission of the World Data System is to support the ISC’s vision by promoting long-term stewardship of, and universal and equitable access to, quality-assured scientific data and data services, products, and information across all disciplines in the Natural and Social Sciences, and the Humanities. WDS aims to facilitate scientific research under the ISC umbrella by coordinating and supporting trusted scientific data services for the provision, use, and preservation of relevant datasets, while strengthening their links with the research community.
To fulfil its remit, WDS is building worldwide ‘communities of excellence’ for scientific data services by certifying Member Organizations—holders and providers of data or data products—from wide-ranging fields by using internationally recognized standards. WDS Members are the building blocks of a searchable common infrastructure, from which a data system that is both interoperable and distributed can be formed.
WDS brings its Member Organizations together to coordinate their activities and through that process, to achieve an overall capability that transcends individual ones. Membership in WDS provides the imprimatur of ISC—the leading international and multidisciplinary nongovernmental scientific organization—and increases local and international scientific recognition. Membership also increases exposure to potential users and collaborators internationally. It demonstrates that the Member Organizations have a strong and tangible commitment to open data sharing, data and service quality, and data preservation—all of which are increasingly considered prime requirements by science funders and are high on policymakers’ agendas since they benefit the scientific community, economy, and society in general.
The overall objectives of WDS are defined in its Constitution as follows:
Enable universal and equitable access to quality-assured scientific data, data services, products and information
Ensure long term data stewardship
Foster compliance to agreed-upon data standards and conventions
Provide mechanisms to facilitate and improve access to data and data products
The strategy for achieving these objectives is outlined in the current five-year Strategic Plan 2019–2023, structured around three major targets:
1. Improve the sustainability, trust in, and quality of open scientific data services.
2. Nurture active disciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific data services communities.
3. Make trustworthy data services an integral part of international collaborative scientific research.
The World Data System (WDS) is an Interdisciplinary Body of the International Science Council (ISC; formerly ICSU) created by its 29th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique in 2008.
In its Strategic Plan 2012–2017, ICSU has articulated its long-term vision of 'a world where excellence in science is effectively translated into policy making and socio-economic development. In such a world, universal and equitable access to scientific data and information is a reality and all countries have the scientific capacity to use these and to contribute to generating the new knowledge that is necessary to establish their own development pathways in a sustainable manner'
As an ISC Interdisciplinary Body, the mission of the World Data System is to support the ISC’s vision by promoting long-term stewardship of, and universal and equitable access to, quality-assured scientific data and data services, products, and information across all disciplines in the Natural and Social Sciences, and the Humanities. WDS aims to facilitate scientific research under the ISC umbrella by coordinating and supporting trusted scientific data services for the provision, use, and preservation of relevant datasets, while strengthening their links with the research community.
To fulfil its remit, WDS is building worldwide ‘communities of excellence’ for scientific data services by certifying Member Organizations—holders and providers of data or data products—from wide-ranging fields by using internationally recognized standards. WDS Members are the building blocks of a searchable common infrastructure, from which a data system that is both interoperable and distributed can be formed.
WDS brings its Member Organizations together to coordinate their activities and through that process, to achieve an overall capability that transcends individual ones. Membership in WDS provides the imprimatur of ISC—the leading international and multidisciplinary nongovernmental scientific organization—and increases local and international scientific recognition. Membership also increases exposure to potential users and collaborators internationally. It demonstrates that the Member Organizations have a strong and tangible commitment to open data sharing, data and service quality, and data preservation—all of which are increasingly considered prime requirements by science funders and are high on policymakers’ agendas since they benefit the scientific community, economy, and society in general.
The overall objectives of WDS are defined in its Constitution as follows:
Enable universal and equitable access to quality-assured scientific data, data services, products and information
Ensure long term data stewardship
Foster compliance to agreed-upon data standards and conventions
Provide mechanisms to facilitate and improve access to data and data products
The strategy for achieving these objectives is outlined in the current five-year Strategic Plan 2019–2023, structured around three major targets:
1. Improve the sustainability, trust in, and quality of open scientific data services.
2. Nurture active disciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific data services communities.
3. Make trustworthy data services an integral part of international collaborative scientific research.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: data products, data services, natural sciences, policy makers, quality control, research network, science
Last updated: 03/09/2021