Typing multiple words will show all the results where any of the words matches!
Use double quotes (") to group words and narrow down the results:
searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will match once for atlas
I love the ocean.
will match once for ocean
I made an atlas that is not containing the ocean.
will match once for atlas
will match a second time for ocean
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once for atlas
will match a second time for ocean
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I love the ocean.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I made an atlas that is not containing the ocean.
will NOT match, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas not found
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas found once
How to use wildcards?
Wildcards '?' (single character) and '*' (multiple characters) are accepted.
bird will only match the word 'bird'
bir? will match the words 'bir' and 'bird'
bir* will match the words 'bir', 'bird' and 'birds'
*bird* will match the words 'bird', 'birds', 'seabird' and 'seabirds'
How to use the filters?
you can search with or without filters, filters are here to narrow down your search results using predefined lists
using filters
multiple selects within one filter will be used as OR statements
selecting both Belgium and France
will show all records where Belgium has been selected and
all records where France has been selected
different filters will be used with AND statement in search
selecting both Belgium as country and French as language
will show all records where Belgium has been selected as country and
where French has been selected as language
all combination are possible
selecting both Belgium and France as country
and French and Dutch as language
will show all records where Belgium has been selected as country and
where French or Dutch has been selected as language
and all records where France has been selected as country and
where French or Dutch has been selected as language
without filters
when searching without filters the different words will be searched in all fields that are not a filter
selecting Belgium as country without the use of a searchword
or selecting no country in the filters and using Belgium as a searchword
will give two different results.
special filters
clicking on the button My Records will show only your records
Type something in the input field to search for a specific text inside all entries of the catalogue.
Typing multiple words will show all the results where any of the words matches!
Use double quotes (") to group words and narrow down the results (see help for some examples):
searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
you were looking for : Types : Education and training materials (related to oceans)
total results: 170
Activities and Curricula - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id: 2778)
Activities and Curricula - NOAA Marine Debris Program
Download an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, coloring activities, and formal curricula for Grades 1-12. All curricula and activities are available for download and print!
Activities and Curricula - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id 2778)
Activities and Curricula - NOAA Marine Debris Program
Original (non-English) name
Activities and Curricula - NOAA MDP
Download an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, coloring activities, and formal curricula for Grades 1-12. All curricula and activities are available for download and print!
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, marine debris, open access, pollution
Last updated: 30/10/2021
Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System - UNIDATA at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (ODIS id: 2316)
Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System - UNIDATA at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System) is a meteorological display and analysis package originally developed by the National Weather Service and Raytheon. Here at Unidata, we provide a slightly modified version, which is tailored for education use for our primary user base of US Academic institutions, their faculty, and students. AWIPS takes a unified approach to data ingest, and most data types follow a path through the system starting with an LDM client requesting data from the Unidata IDD. These data files are then decoded and stored as HDF5 and Postgres metadata by EDEX.
Unidata supports two visualization frameworks for rendering AWIPS data: CAVE (a desktop Java application), and the Python Data Access Framework (python-awips).
Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System - UNIDATA at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (ODIS id 2316)
Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System - UNIDATA at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Original (non-English) name
AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System) is a meteorological display and analysis package originally developed by the National Weather Service and Raytheon. Here at Unidata, we provide a slightly modified version, which is tailored for education use for our primary user base of US Academic institutions, their faculty, and students. AWIPS takes a unified approach to data ingest, and most data types follow a path through the system starting with an LDM client requesting data from the Unidata IDD. These data files are then decoded and stored as HDF5 and Postgres metadata by EDEX.
Unidata supports two visualization frameworks for rendering AWIPS data: CAVE (a desktop Java application), and the Python Data Access Framework (python-awips).
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: safety
Last updated: 25/09/2021
The African Marine Atlas developed by the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) was officially launched on 23 February 2007 at the IOC Project Office for International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) in Ostend, Belgium.
The African Marine Atlas, which can be accessed at http://www.africanmarineatlas.net, provides substantial maps, images, data and information to coastal resource managers, planners and decision-makers from various administrative institutions and specialized agencies in Africa. The Atlas will be of immense benefit to national institutions and a variety of users such as environmentalists, local administrators, park managers, scientific community, fishing cooperatives, tourists, hotel keepers, teachers, NGOs, the general public, and any other interested persons. It has over 800 downloadable data products africanmarineatlas_map.jpgderived from the fields of marine geo-sphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geopolitical and the human socio-economic dimensions.
The Atlas indicates areas of intense use along the coastline requiring careful management and provides potential foresight on likely consequences of specific decisions. Further, the Atlas indicates gaps in knowledge and information base, where additional efforts may be directed. The Atlas will also act in other ways as a guide to recreational opportunities and tourist attractions.
In developing the Atlas, the main objective was to collate available geospatial datasets and information on the marine environment and to summarize it into an African Marine Atlas suite.
The website is one of a set of Marine Atlas products that will include web data services, web mapping and an Atlas publication when completed.
The Atlas was realized through intensive work between May 2006 and February 2007 by a team of 16 marine scientists and GIS experts from NODC’s in Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, and Tanzania. International ocean data experts provided key inputs in data analysis. It is based on an extensive survey of coastal and marine data needs undertaken in early 2006 in all the countries participating in ODINAFRICA.
Primary partners in this project were the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the African Coelecanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP). UNEP will develop a clearinghouse and information system on coastal and marine resources of Eastern Africa from the regional atlas. The Atlas has brought great benefits to participating national institutions and Africa as a whole, by encouraging scientists to work together, learn new techniques, and build teams that will continue to regularly update the Atlas with national and local scale data sets.
In 2018 with assistance from the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), the AMA project transitioned to the GeoNode Platform and became known as the African Coastal and Marine Atlas (ACMA).
The African Marine Atlas developed by the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) was officially launched on 23 February 2007 at the IOC Project Office for International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) in Ostend, Belgium.
The African Marine Atlas, which can be accessed at http://www.africanmarineatlas.net, provides substantial maps, images, data and information to coastal resource managers, planners and decision-makers from various administrative institutions and specialized agencies in Africa. The Atlas will be of immense benefit to national institutions and a variety of users such as environmentalists, local administrators, park managers, scientific community, fishing cooperatives, tourists, hotel keepers, teachers, NGOs, the general public, and any other interested persons. It has over 800 downloadable data products africanmarineatlas_map.jpgderived from the fields of marine geo-sphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geopolitical and the human socio-economic dimensions.
The Atlas indicates areas of intense use along the coastline requiring careful management and provides potential foresight on likely consequences of specific decisions. Further, the Atlas indicates gaps in knowledge and information base, where additional efforts may be directed. The Atlas will also act in other ways as a guide to recreational opportunities and tourist attractions.
In developing the Atlas, the main objective was to collate available geospatial datasets and information on the marine environment and to summarize it into an African Marine Atlas suite.
The website is one of a set of Marine Atlas products that will include web data services, web mapping and an Atlas publication when completed.
The Atlas was realized through intensive work between May 2006 and February 2007 by a team of 16 marine scientists and GIS experts from NODC’s in Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, and Tanzania. International ocean data experts provided key inputs in data analysis. It is based on an extensive survey of coastal and marine data needs undertaken in early 2006 in all the countries participating in ODINAFRICA.
Primary partners in this project were the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the African Coelecanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP). UNEP will develop a clearinghouse and information system on coastal and marine resources of Eastern Africa from the regional atlas. The Atlas has brought great benefits to participating national institutions and Africa as a whole, by encouraging scientists to work together, learn new techniques, and build teams that will continue to regularly update the Atlas with national and local scale data sets.
In 2018 with assistance from the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), the AMA project transitioned to the GeoNode Platform and became known as the African Coastal and Marine Atlas (ACMA).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Geospatial data, data and tools, data visualization, mapping, marine environments
Last updated: 03/05/2024
The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than 120,000 km of shoreline in Alaska, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. As of 2018, approximately 94% of the state has ShoreZone imagery and of the area imaged approximately 98% is mapped. This project has been funded by NOAA and a number of other agencies and organizations throughout the years.
This standardized system catalogs both geomorphic and biological resources at mapping scales of better than 1:10,000. The high resolution, the attribute-rich dataset is a useful tool for extrapolation of site data over broad spatial ranges for creating a variety of habitat models and oil spill response tools.
Low tide, oblique aerial imagery sets this system apart from other mapping efforts. You can "fly the coastline" (aerial video), view and download still photos, and access physical and biological data using our interactive website. Power users can download the entire ShoreZone geodatabase.
The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than 120,000 km of shoreline in Alaska, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. As of 2018, approximately 94% of the state has ShoreZone imagery and of the area imaged approximately 98% is mapped. This project has been funded by NOAA and a number of other agencies and organizations throughout the years.
This standardized system catalogs both geomorphic and biological resources at mapping scales of better than 1:10,000. The high resolution, the attribute-rich dataset is a useful tool for extrapolation of site data over broad spatial ranges for creating a variety of habitat models and oil spill response tools.
Low tide, oblique aerial imagery sets this system apart from other mapping efforts. You can "fly the coastline" (aerial video), view and download still photos, and access physical and biological data using our interactive website. Power users can download the entire ShoreZone geodatabase.
Issued annually since 2006, the Arctic Report Card is a timely and peer-reviewed source for clear, reliable and concise environmental information on the current state of different components of the Arctic environmental system relative to historical records. The Report Card is intended for a wide audience, including scientists, teachers, students, decision-makers and the general public interested in the Arctic environment and science.
Arctic report card - Arctic Program at NOAA (ODIS id 1574)
Issued annually since 2006, the Arctic Report Card is a timely and peer-reviewed source for clear, reliable and concise environmental information on the current state of different components of the Arctic environmental system relative to historical records. The Report Card is intended for a wide audience, including scientists, teachers, students, decision-makers and the general public interested in the Arctic environment and science.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Arctic research, Scientific Information, arctic regions, decision-making, education, environment, environmental information, environmental protection, environmental science, information services, publications, scientific knowledge, scientific training
Last updated: 17/06/2021
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. The Regional Ocean Accounts Platform brings together information, resources and partners as part of a global effort to develop statistical guidance for Ocean Accounts based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of SDG14, Ocean Governance and sustainable Ocean practices
Asia-Pacific Regional Ocean Accounts Platform (ODIS id 742)
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. The Regional Ocean Accounts Platform brings together information, resources and partners as part of a global effort to develop statistical guidance for Ocean Accounts based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of SDG14, Ocean Governance and sustainable Ocean practices
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Ecosystems, SDG14, Training and education, expertise, marine spatial planning
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Choose a link to view and download awareness materials.
For more information about usage and availability of printed versions, contact the GloFouling PCU.
Awareness Materials - GloFouling Partnership Project (ODIS id 2270)
Choose a link to view and download awareness materials.
For more information about usage and availability of printed versions, contact the GloFouling PCU.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Video, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 06/09/2021
Case studies and tutorials - GlobWave (ODIS id: 2013)
These case studies and tutorials have been provided by GlobWave users to demonstrate the range of applications GlobWave data can be used for.
The case studies shows the range of applications that GlobWave data has been used for whereas the tutorials can be used to by anyone to make themselves more familiar with the various processing procedures that can be applied to the data.
Case studies and tutorials - GlobWave (ODIS id 2013)
These case studies and tutorials have been provided by GlobWave users to demonstrate the range of applications GlobWave data can be used for.
The case studies shows the range of applications that GlobWave data has been used for whereas the tutorials can be used to by anyone to make themselves more familiar with the various processing procedures that can be applied to the data.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, e-learning, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 07/06/2021
CCLME Training Portal (ODIS id: 3298)
The CCLME Training Portal was developed under the frame of the IOC project “Invasive alien species ...
CCLME Training Portal
The CCLME Training Portal was developed under the frame of the IOC project “Invasive alien species and other ocean stressors: Furthering the scientific knowledge and capacity basis in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem”. This Portal is dedicated to showcasing and providing information on academic programmes related to oceanography and marine sciences within the CCLME region, fostering education and capacity building in the area.
The CCLME Training Portal was developed under the frame of the IOC project “Invasive alien species and other ocean stressors: Furthering the scientific knowledge and capacity basis in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem”. This Portal is dedicated to showcasing and providing information on academic programmes related to oceanography and marine sciences within the CCLME region, fostering education and capacity building in the area.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: North Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: CCLME, Training and education
Last updated: 13/05/2024
Classroom Activities - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
SECOORA is dedicated to promoting knowledge of coastal ocean observing through accessible resources and student opportunities. Whether a teacher, student, or interested individual we have something for you. Explore ocean observing classroom activities here.
Classroom Activities - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (ODIS id 2630)
Classroom Activities - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Original (non-English) name
Classroom Activities - SECOORA
SECOORA is dedicated to promoting knowledge of coastal ocean observing through accessible resources and student opportunities. Whether a teacher, student, or interested individual we have something for you. Explore ocean observing classroom activities here.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 18/10/2021
Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook - Delft University of Technology (ODIS id: 2246)
Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook - Delft University of Technology
In the context of Delft University of Technology’s Open Textbook series this textbook is published as an Open Access version of lecture notes that have been developed to support and supplement a Delft University of Technology first year Master course on Coastal Dynamics. The textbook focuses on the interrelation between physical wave, flow and sediment transport phenomena and the resulting morphodynamics of a wide variety of coastal systems. The textbook is unique in that it explicitly connects the dynamics of open coasts and tidal basins; not only is the interaction between open coasts and tidal basins of basic importance for the evolution of most coastal systems, but describing the similarities between their physical processes is highly instructive as well. This textbook emphasizes these similarities to the benefit of understanding shared processes, such as nonlinearities in flow and sediment transport. Some prior knowledge with respect to the dynamics of flow, waves and sediment transport is recommended.
The authors would like to track the reach and use of this Open Textbook. Therefore, they would be very pleased if you could fill out a form to provide information on your intended use of this book. The form also provides options to subscribe for update notifications and give feedback.
In line with TU Delft Open Science policies, this Open Textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), except where otherwise stated. This work can be redistributed in unmodified form, or in modified form with proper attribution and under the same license as the original, for non-commercial uses only.
Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook - Delft University of Technology (ODIS id 2246)
Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook - Delft University of Technology
Original (non-English) name
Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook - TUDelft
In the context of Delft University of Technology’s Open Textbook series this textbook is published as an Open Access version of lecture notes that have been developed to support and supplement a Delft University of Technology first year Master course on Coastal Dynamics. The textbook focuses on the interrelation between physical wave, flow and sediment transport phenomena and the resulting morphodynamics of a wide variety of coastal systems. The textbook is unique in that it explicitly connects the dynamics of open coasts and tidal basins; not only is the interaction between open coasts and tidal basins of basic importance for the evolution of most coastal systems, but describing the similarities between their physical processes is highly instructive as well. This textbook emphasizes these similarities to the benefit of understanding shared processes, such as nonlinearities in flow and sediment transport. Some prior knowledge with respect to the dynamics of flow, waves and sediment transport is recommended.
The authors would like to track the reach and use of this Open Textbook. Therefore, they would be very pleased if you could fill out a form to provide information on your intended use of this book. The form also provides options to subscribe for update notifications and give feedback.
In line with TU Delft Open Science policies, this Open Textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), except where otherwise stated. This work can be redistributed in unmodified form, or in modified form with proper attribution and under the same license as the original, for non-commercial uses only.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Dutch
Countries: Netherlands
Host Countries: Netherlands
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment
Keywords: coastal and marine environment, coastal dynamics, flow dynamics, sediment, sediment transport, wave energy, waves
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Coastalwiki - Flanders Marine Institute (ODIS id: 2384)
The Coastal Wiki is a public information site containing a large number of articles dealing with sci ...
Coastalwiki - Flanders Marine Institute
The Coastal Wiki is a public information site containing a large number of articles dealing with scientific, technological and management aspects of coastal zones. Its purpose is to share basic knowledge and information within the communities of coastal and marine scientists and practitioners. You can find information on almost any coastal topic by entering a matching term in the search box. Suggestions appear for articles with your keyword in the title. You can also get a list of all articles in which your keyword is mentioned by clicking on 'containing' under in the search box.
Coastalwiki - Flanders Marine Institute (ODIS id 2384)
The Coastal Wiki is a public information site containing a large number of articles dealing with scientific, technological and management aspects of coastal zones. Its purpose is to share basic knowledge and information within the communities of coastal and marine scientists and practitioners. You can find information on almost any coastal topic by entering a matching term in the search box. Suggestions appear for articles with your keyword in the title. You can also get a list of all articles in which your keyword is mentioned by clicking on 'containing' under in the search box.
Conceptual diagrams are concise and visually-stimulating illustrations that use symbols or drawings to depict the important features, processes and management challenges in a particular environment, such as coastal waterways. This is accomplished using the most current knowledge or understanding of that particular environment and is presented in a way that is easy to understand.
Conceptual diagrams are concise and visually-stimulating illustrations that use symbols or drawings to depict the important features, processes and management challenges in a particular environment, such as coastal waterways. This is accomplished using the most current knowledge or understanding of that particular environment and is presented in a way that is easy to understand.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), no type defined
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Coastal zone, coastal waterways, coastal zone management, conceptual diagrams
Last updated: 25/12/2021
COPERNICUS Marine Training events and Tutorials (ODIS id: 386)
The different ways to mention (credit) the E.U Copernicus Marine Service are available paragraph 2.4 of the CMEMS Licence, for answering all kind of use by the users of the CMEMS information.
This site includes information on training events related to the COPERNICUS marine programme, as well as online Training Tutorials
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: case study, e-learning, ecology
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Courses - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 943)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Coastal zone, GIS, Integrated coastal zone management, Training and capacity building, Training and education, data management, digital resources
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Courses - Satellite Data Processing, Archiving and Distribution Center at French research institute for the exploitation of the sea (ODIS id: 2014)
Courses - Satellite Data Processing, Archiving and Distribution Center at French research institute for the exploitation of the sea
Original (non-English) name
Find here a Space remote sensing and Remote sensing of surface salinity
Remote sensing of surface salinity courses.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: French
Countries: France
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, earth science, education, knowledge and information, oceanography, open access
Last updated: 12/06/2021
The SDG Academy creates and curates graduate-level courses on sustainable development for learners around the world. From sustainable cities to human rights to climate action, each of our courses addresses the fundamental challenge facing our world today: How do people, communities, businesses and governments coexist, cooperate and collaborate to save the one planet we have? The SDG Academy's courses are fully interactive, so you can meet, debate and learn from both our global faculty of sustainable development experts and your fellow learners. Learn more about the SDG Academy – an initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to afford the fee.
The SDG Academy creates and curates graduate-level courses on sustainable development for learners around the world. From sustainable cities to human rights to climate action, each of our courses addresses the fundamental challenge facing our world today: How do people, communities, businesses and governments coexist, cooperate and collaborate to save the one planet we have? The SDG Academy's courses are fully interactive, so you can meet, debate and learn from both our global faculty of sustainable development experts and your fellow learners. Learn more about the SDG Academy – an initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to afford the fee.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, e-learning, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Currents Tutorial - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id: 2472)
When used in association with water, the term "current" describes the motion of the water. Some currents you may be familiar with are the motion of rainwater as it flows down the street, or the motion of the water in a creek, stream, or river flowing from higher elevation to lower elevation. This motion is caused by gravity. The speed and direction (velocity) of currents can be measured and recorded.
Oceanic currents are driven by several factors. One is the rise and fall of the tides, which is driven by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon on Earth's oceans. Tides create a current in the oceans, near the shore, and in bays and estuaries along the coast. These are called "tidal currents." Tidal currents are the only type of currents that change in a very regular pattern and can be predicted for future dates.
A second factor that drives ocean currents is wind. Winds drive currents that are at or near the ocean's surface. These currents are generally measured in meters per second or in knots (1 knot = 1.15 miles per hour or 1.85 kilometers per hour). Winds drive currents near coastal areas on a localized scale, and in the open ocean on a global scale.
A third factor that drives currents is thermohaline circulation - a process driven by density differences in water due to temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline) in different parts of the ocean. Currents driven by thermohaline circulation occur at both deep and shallow ocean levels and move much slower than tidal or surface currents.
The Currents Tutorial is an overview of the types of currents, what causes them, how they are measured, and how they affect people's lives.
The Roadmap to Resources directs you to online data and education materials from NOAA and other reliable resources.
Currents Tutorial - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id 2472)
When used in association with water, the term "current" describes the motion of the water. Some currents you may be familiar with are the motion of rainwater as it flows down the street, or the motion of the water in a creek, stream, or river flowing from higher elevation to lower elevation. This motion is caused by gravity. The speed and direction (velocity) of currents can be measured and recorded.
Oceanic currents are driven by several factors. One is the rise and fall of the tides, which is driven by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon on Earth's oceans. Tides create a current in the oceans, near the shore, and in bays and estuaries along the coast. These are called "tidal currents." Tidal currents are the only type of currents that change in a very regular pattern and can be predicted for future dates.
A second factor that drives ocean currents is wind. Winds drive currents that are at or near the ocean's surface. These currents are generally measured in meters per second or in knots (1 knot = 1.15 miles per hour or 1.85 kilometers per hour). Winds drive currents near coastal areas on a localized scale, and in the open ocean on a global scale.
A third factor that drives currents is thermohaline circulation - a process driven by density differences in water due to temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline) in different parts of the ocean. Currents driven by thermohaline circulation occur at both deep and shallow ocean levels and move much slower than tidal or surface currents.
The Currents Tutorial is an overview of the types of currents, what causes them, how they are measured, and how they affect people's lives.
The Roadmap to Resources directs you to online data and education materials from NOAA and other reliable resources.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Training and education, current pattern, education
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Data Management Course - University of Minnesota (ODIS id: 1986)
Taking the time to articulate a plan for managing your data management at the beginning of a research project can pay dividends in the long-term. Having a plan for organizing, storing, securing, and sharing your data can provide benefits such as:
- Saving time,
- Reducing confusion,
- Facilitating sharing,
- Complying with funder mandates.
Data Management Course - University of Minnesota (ODIS id 1986)
Taking the time to articulate a plan for managing your data management at the beginning of a research project can pay dividends in the long-term. Having a plan for organizing, storing, securing, and sharing your data can provide benefits such as:
- Saving time,
- Reducing confusion,
- Facilitating sharing,
- Complying with funder mandates.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and education, data management, data training , education
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Data Recipes - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (ODIS id: 2005)
Data Recipes - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center
Tutorials or step-by-step instructions have been developed by GHRC staff to help you learn to discover, visualize and use new data, information, software and techniques. These recipes cover a variety of datasets and processing languages/software.
Data Recipes - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (ODIS id 2005)
Data Recipes - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center
Original (non-English) name
Data Recipes - GHRC
Tutorials or step-by-step instructions have been developed by GHRC staff to help you learn to discover, visualize and use new data, information, software and techniques. These recipes cover a variety of datasets and processing languages/software.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data analysis, e-learning, education, knowledge and information
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Defenders of Wildlife Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool - Alaska Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2751)
Defenders of Wildlife Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool - Alaska Ocean Observing System
The AOOS/Axiom team worked with Defenders of Wildlife to create the framework for the Defenders of Wildlife Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool (BSRTT) using relevant marine mammal and spill response data layers within the AOOS Ocean Data Explorer.
Defenders of Wildlife produced an online demonstration video and a downloadable Tutorial that explain the uses and features of this tool.
Alaska Native communities in this dynamic coastal region are key to effective rapid spill response for continued health of the marine environment. Indigenous knowledge of marine wildlife and their habitat is extremely valuable and must be better integrated and utilized in spill planning, preparedness, and response. The BSRTT empowers communities that are on the frontlines.
The BSRTT draws on the latest technology to be a teaching aid and interactive pathway to foster dialogue and action, and ultimately better preparedness.
Defenders of Wildlife Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool - Alaska Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2751)
Defenders of Wildlife Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool - Alaska Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
The AOOS/Axiom team worked with Defenders of Wildlife to create the framework for the Defenders of Wildlife Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool (BSRTT) using relevant marine mammal and spill response data layers within the AOOS Ocean Data Explorer.
Defenders of Wildlife produced an online demonstration video and a downloadable Tutorial that explain the uses and features of this tool.
Alaska Native communities in this dynamic coastal region are key to effective rapid spill response for continued health of the marine environment. Indigenous knowledge of marine wildlife and their habitat is extremely valuable and must be better integrated and utilized in spill planning, preparedness, and response. The BSRTT empowers communities that are on the frontlines.
The BSRTT draws on the latest technology to be a teaching aid and interactive pathway to foster dialogue and action, and ultimately better preparedness.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Bering Sea, Bering Strait
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Keywords: coastal monitoring, education, marine environments, wildlife, wildlife conservation
Last updated: 30/10/2021
Digital Learning Research Data (ODIS id: 1613)
Following the project initiated by the Urfist network and Inist-CNRS, under the aegis of the Digital ...
Digital Learning Research Data
Following the project initiated by the Urfist network and Inist-CNRS, under the aegis of the Digital Scientific Library, DoRANum is now a service platform open to partnerships. The evolution of this platform in the spirit of open science is part of the projects of the Committee for Open Science and the GIS “Urfist Network” .
DoRANum offers a coordinated access distance training system, integrating various self-training resources on the topic of research data management and sharing. Existing or created within the framework of the project, these resources offer several paths and modes of learning. The diversity of resources and the complementarity of modes and paths make it possible to meet the expectations and uses of the target audiences: researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students and information professionals from higher education and research institutions.
This service brings together the network of Urfists (regional units for training in scientific and technical information) and Inist-CNRS as well as representatives of the higher education and research community.
Following the project initiated by the Urfist network and Inist-CNRS, under the aegis of the Digital Scientific Library, DoRANum is now a service platform open to partnerships. The evolution of this platform in the spirit of open science is part of the projects of the Committee for Open Science and the GIS “Urfist Network” .
DoRANum offers a coordinated access distance training system, integrating various self-training resources on the topic of research data management and sharing. Existing or created within the framework of the project, these resources offer several paths and modes of learning. The diversity of resources and the complementarity of modes and paths make it possible to meet the expectations and uses of the target audiences: researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students and information professionals from higher education and research institutions.
This service brings together the network of Urfists (regional units for training in scientific and technical information) and Inist-CNRS as well as representatives of the higher education and research community.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects
Languages: French
Countries: France
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and education, data management, open access, open science, resources management
Last updated: 15/06/2021
This page provides the Jupyter notebooks (examples and exercises) for the DIVAnd user workshops and training sessions organised in the frame of H2020 SeaDataCloud project.
Diva and DIVAnd are software tools designed to generate gridded fields from in-situ observations.
The 1st workshop (Liège, 3-6 April 2018) was focused on the creation of gridded products and climatologies using DIVAnd. The organizational details are available.
Within the 2nd SeaDataCloud training course (19-26 June 2019), the objective is to introduce participants to the Julia language, the Jupyter notebooks and the new Virtual Research Environment.
The 2nd workshop (Bologna, 27-30 January 2020) was attended by beginners, intermediate and advanced users, and the goal was to help them create new products with DIVAnd.
Charles Troupin, Alexander Barth, jmbeckers, Sylvain Watelet, & Katrin Leinweber. (2020, April 27). gher-ulg/Diva-Workshops: v1.2 (Version v1.2). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3769037
This page provides the Jupyter notebooks (examples and exercises) for the DIVAnd user workshops and training sessions organised in the frame of H2020 SeaDataCloud project.
Diva and DIVAnd are software tools designed to generate gridded fields from in-situ observations.
The 1st workshop (Liège, 3-6 April 2018) was focused on the creation of gridded products and climatologies using DIVAnd. The organizational details are available.
Within the 2nd SeaDataCloud training course (19-26 June 2019), the objective is to introduce participants to the Julia language, the Jupyter notebooks and the new Virtual Research Environment.
The 2nd workshop (Bologna, 27-30 January 2020) was attended by beginners, intermediate and advanced users, and the goal was to help them create new products with DIVAnd.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: DIVA, SeaDataNet, data analysis, interpolation, oceanography, python, spatial analysis
Last updated: 29/04/2021
This page provides the Jupyter notebooks (examples and exercises) for the DIVAnd user workshops and training sessions organised in the frame of H2020 SeaDataCloud project.
Diva and DIVAnd are software tools designed to generate gridded fields from in-situ observations.
Notebooks can be previewed with the service nbviewer.
Charles Troupin, Alexander Barth, jmbeckers, Sylvain Watelet, & Katrin Leinweber. (2020, April 27). gher-ulg/Diva-Workshops: v1.2 (Version v1.2). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3769037
This page provides the Jupyter notebooks (examples and exercises) for the DIVAnd user workshops and training sessions organised in the frame of H2020 SeaDataCloud project.
Diva and DIVAnd are software tools designed to generate gridded fields from in-situ observations.
Notebooks can be previewed with the service nbviewer.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: data analysis, education, interpolation, oceanography, spatial analysis
Last updated: 04/07/2021
Dorset Coast Digital Archive - Bournemouth University (ODIS id: 2975)
The Dorset Coast Digital Archive reveals a treasury of information and artefacts that underpins the ...
Dorset Coast Digital Archive - Bournemouth University
The Dorset Coast Digital Archive reveals a treasury of information and artefacts that underpins the rich history of the region.
The archive reflects the cultural heritage, natural environment and local histories of Dorset. Look at over 20,000 images from the past, compare maps from different centuries through the interactive Maps, discover more about the rich diversity of the region through the Learning Packages (1, 2 and 3 Life-Long Learning and 4 Schools) and travel through time with the interactive Timeline.
Dorset Coast Digital Archive - Bournemouth University (ODIS id 2975)
Dorset Coast Digital Archive - Bournemouth University
Original (non-English) name
DCDA - Bournemouth University
The Dorset Coast Digital Archive reveals a treasury of information and artefacts that underpins the rich history of the region.
The archive reflects the cultural heritage, natural environment and local histories of Dorset. Look at over 20,000 images from the past, compare maps from different centuries through the interactive Maps, discover more about the rich diversity of the region through the Learning Packages (1, 2 and 3 Life-Long Learning and 4 Schools) and travel through time with the interactive Timeline.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), no type defined
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: English Channel
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Archive, Digital repository, digital library, education, image gallery
Last updated: 11/12/2021
Educacional material - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ODIS id: 1980)
Educacional material - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Original (non-English) name
Education material - ECMWF
Find here: Lecture Notes, eLearning (online resources) and Training course materials.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, Under water acoustic pollution , e-learning, education, information and resources, information services, understanding and experimenting
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Educacional material - Satellite Environment Control of Baltic Sea (ODIS id: 1979)
Educacional material - Satellite Environment Control of Baltic Sea
Experiments: this page contains experiments describing the phenomena and processes occurring in the oceans. Presented experiments does not require specialized equipment, so anyone can do them at home.
Colouring pages: printable colouring pages prepared by Agnieszka Bogusz. Topics invite the youngest children to learn and explore knowledge of Baltic ecosystem.
Educacional material - Satellite Environment Control of Baltic Sea (ODIS id 1979)
Educacional material - Satellite Environment Control of Baltic Sea
Original (non-English) name
Educacional material - SaltBaltyk
Experiments: this page contains experiments describing the phenomena and processes occurring in the oceans. Presented experiments does not require specialized equipment, so anyone can do them at home.
Colouring pages: printable colouring pages prepared by Agnieszka Bogusz. Topics invite the youngest children to learn and explore knowledge of Baltic ecosystem.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Polish
Countries: Poland
Host Countries: Poland
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and education, education, information and resources, information services, knowledge and information, marine knowledge, understanding and experimenting
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Education - Antarctica New Zealand (ODIS id: 3033)
Whether it’s number-crunching penguin statistics, scrutinising ecological resilience in the Dry Valleys or investigating technological breakthroughs in ice-shelf travel, Antarctica has all areas of learning covered.
Scientists have been studying Antarctica since the days of the first explorers, drawn by its extreme environment, unique species and pristine nature. More recently, the focus has turned to climate change – how the World is influencing Antarctica, and how Antarctica is impacting the rest of the World.
Delve into these Antarctic educational resources with real-world applications woven into all learning areas. Follow lesson plans, or design your own using the wide range of freely available content.
Welcome to Classroom Antarctica!
Whether it’s number-crunching penguin statistics, scrutinising ecological resilience in the Dry Valleys or investigating technological breakthroughs in ice-shelf travel, Antarctica has all areas of learning covered.
Scientists have been studying Antarctica since the days of the first explorers, drawn by its extreme environment, unique species and pristine nature. More recently, the focus has turned to climate change – how the World is influencing Antarctica, and how Antarctica is impacting the rest of the World.
Delve into these Antarctic educational resources with real-world applications woven into all learning areas. Follow lesson plans, or design your own using the wide range of freely available content.
Welcome to Classroom Antarctica!
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Host Countries: New Zealand
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, education, polar environment
Last updated: 25/12/2021
The ATLAS educational portfolio is a suite of learning resources designed to engage diverse public groups with key themes, approaches and results from the ATLAS project. Under the banner of “Atlantic Adventures with ATLAS” the resources include a downloadable cold-water coral reef survey mat, augmented reality colouring sheets, activity packs and other things, all with instructions and background science summaries.
They were all developed especially for ATLAS, designed for use by project partners, teachers, informal educators, and also suitable for home-learning. The resources can be used on their own or combined to provide a full range of activities and a workshop suitable for science festivals, schools*, open days, community events.
The ATLAS educational portfolio is a suite of learning resources designed to engage diverse public groups with key themes, approaches and results from the ATLAS project. Under the banner of “Atlantic Adventures with ATLAS” the resources include a downloadable cold-water coral reef survey mat, augmented reality colouring sheets, activity packs and other things, all with instructions and background science summaries.
They were all developed especially for ATLAS, designed for use by project partners, teachers, informal educators, and also suitable for home-learning. The resources can be used on their own or combined to provide a full range of activities and a workshop suitable for science festivals, schools*, open days, community events.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, information and resources, knowledge and information, knowledge products, open access
Last updated: 02/12/2021
Our education programs are friendly, hands-on activities where sharing knowledge and experiences is emphasised.
BirdLife Australia staff and volunteers know and love birds. They have access to training and resources to help them guide your discovery of birds in their natural habitat.
The BirdLife National Education Committee is made up of people for whom environmental education, particularly about birds, is important. Their collective experience provides insights that assist development of our programs and education activities.
Our team of volunteer educators are always looking for new people to help out. By becoming a volunteer educator you can share your knowledge with community groups, beginner birders and schools.
Our education programs are friendly, hands-on activities where sharing knowledge and experiences is emphasised.
BirdLife Australia staff and volunteers know and love birds. They have access to training and resources to help them guide your discovery of birds in their natural habitat.
The BirdLife National Education Committee is made up of people for whom environmental education, particularly about birds, is important. Their collective experience provides insights that assist development of our programs and education activities.
Our team of volunteer educators are always looking for new people to help out. By becoming a volunteer educator you can share your knowledge with community groups, beginner birders and schools.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Great Australian Bight, Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters), Gulf of Carpentaria, Indian Ocean, Tasman Sea, Timor Sea, Torres Strait
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, conservation, education, knowledge and information, knowledge products, seabirds
Last updated: 29/12/2021
Education - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2002)
CARICOOS education and outreach staff is dedicated to developing a variety of educational activities ...
Education - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
CARICOOS education and outreach staff is dedicated to developing a variety of educational activities so that the public can:
- know what products CARICOOS has and how to access them.
- correctly interpret each of the products that are provided free of charge on the CARICOOS website.
- know the applicability of the real-time data of the buoy and the forecasts (graphic maps) in decision-making.
- understand basic fundamentals about waves, winds and currents and their relevance in our daily lives.
Education - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2002)
Education - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Education - CARICOOS
CARICOOS education and outreach staff is dedicated to developing a variety of educational activities so that the public can:
- know what products CARICOOS has and how to access them.
- correctly interpret each of the products that are provided free of charge on the CARICOOS website.
- know the applicability of the real-time data of the buoy and the forecasts (graphic maps) in decision-making.
- understand basic fundamentals about waves, winds and currents and their relevance in our daily lives.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, Video, education, knowledge and information, outreach and education
Last updated: 17/06/2021
Education - NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ODIS id: 2784)
Education - NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries serves as the trustee for a network of underwater parks encompassing more than 600,000 square miles of marine and Great Lakes waters. The network includes a system of 15 national marine sanctuaries and Papahānaumokuākea and Rose Atoll marine national monuments. Few places on the planet can compete with the diversity of the National Marine Sanctuary System, which protects America's most iconic natural and cultural marine resources. The system works with diverse partners and stakeholders to promote responsible, sustainable ocean uses that ensure the health of our most valued ocean places. A healthy ocean is the basis for thriving recreation, tourism and commercial activities that drive coastal economies. The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries also leads the National Marine Protected Areas Center, the nation's hub for building innovative partnerships and tools to protect our special ocean.
Here you will find a collection of educational tools for teachers and students.
Education - NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ODIS id 2784)
Education - NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Original (non-English) name
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries serves as the trustee for a network of underwater parks encompassing more than 600,000 square miles of marine and Great Lakes waters. The network includes a system of 15 national marine sanctuaries and Papahānaumokuākea and Rose Atoll marine national monuments. Few places on the planet can compete with the diversity of the National Marine Sanctuary System, which protects America's most iconic natural and cultural marine resources. The system works with diverse partners and stakeholders to promote responsible, sustainable ocean uses that ensure the health of our most valued ocean places. A healthy ocean is the basis for thriving recreation, tourism and commercial activities that drive coastal economies. The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries also leads the National Marine Protected Areas Center, the nation's hub for building innovative partnerships and tools to protect our special ocean.
Here you will find a collection of educational tools for teachers and students.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: conservation, education, information and resources, marine areas
Last updated: 31/10/2021
A central pillar of Ocean Exploration Trust’s mission is inspiring and motivating the next generation of explorers and STEM professionals.
We host a suite of free educational programs and resources to introduce teachers, students, science centers, and local communities to the excitement of discovery and the role models who push back the boundaries of the unknown and inspire explorers around the world.
A central pillar of Ocean Exploration Trust’s mission is inspiring and motivating the next generation of explorers and STEM professionals.
We host a suite of free educational programs and resources to introduce teachers, students, science centers, and local communities to the excitement of discovery and the role models who push back the boundaries of the unknown and inspire explorers around the world.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, ROV, education, exploration activities, games, knowledge and information, knowledge products, marine debris, science, seafloor, ship wrecks
Last updated: 26/12/2021
Education Activities - NOAA Center for Tsunami Research (ODIS id: 2908)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Training and education, information and resources, tsunami
Last updated: 14/11/2021
Educational Links and Resources - International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (ODIS id: 586)
Educational Links and Resources - International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group
The International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG) was established in 1996 following a resolution endorsed by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), and is an international Committee of experts with representatives from national space agencies as well as the ocean colour user community (research scientists). IOCCG promotes the application of remotely-sensed ocean-colour data through coordination, training, liaison between providers (space agencies) and users (scientists), advocacy and provision of expert advice. Objectives include developing consensus and synthesis at the world scale in the subject area of satellite ocean colour radiometry (OCR), establishing specialised scientific working groups to investigate various aspects of ocean-colour technology and its applications, and addressing continuity and consistency of ocean colour radiance datasets through the CEOS OCR-Virtual Constellation. The IOCCG also has a strong interest in capacity building and conducts and sponsors advanced ocean colour training courses in various countries around the world.
The IOCCG is an Affiliated Programme of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and an Associate Member of CEOS. The activities of the IOCCG are supported by national Space Agencies and other organisations, and upon infrastructure support from SCOR and the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) where the IOCCG Project Office is hosted.
The referred web page contains a comprehensive list of on-line trials and training modules as well as a list of additional on-line resources.
Educational Links and Resources - International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (ODIS id 586)
Educational Links and Resources - International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group
Original (non-English) name
Educational Links and Resources - IOCCG
The International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG) was established in 1996 following a resolution endorsed by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), and is an international Committee of experts with representatives from national space agencies as well as the ocean colour user community (research scientists). IOCCG promotes the application of remotely-sensed ocean-colour data through coordination, training, liaison between providers (space agencies) and users (scientists), advocacy and provision of expert advice. Objectives include developing consensus and synthesis at the world scale in the subject area of satellite ocean colour radiometry (OCR), establishing specialised scientific working groups to investigate various aspects of ocean-colour technology and its applications, and addressing continuity and consistency of ocean colour radiance datasets through the CEOS OCR-Virtual Constellation. The IOCCG also has a strong interest in capacity building and conducts and sponsors advanced ocean colour training courses in various countries around the world.
The IOCCG is an Affiliated Programme of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and an Associate Member of CEOS. The activities of the IOCCG are supported by national Space Agencies and other organisations, and upon infrastructure support from SCOR and the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) where the IOCCG Project Office is hosted.
The referred web page contains a comprehensive list of on-line trials and training modules as well as a list of additional on-line resources.
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Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: HAB, coastal ocean waters, harmful algae, ocean colour, ocean observation, ocean pressure, open ocean, red tide, remote sensing
Last updated: 17/10/2020
Educational Resources - Carbon Program at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (ODIS id: 2809)
Educational Resources - Carbon Program at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
The PMEL Carbon Group has been involved in the development of a variety of educational tools for educators, students, and the broader public that describe the ocean carbon cycle and how it is changing over time. Through these resources, we strive to contribute to NOAA's goal to improve the Nation's fundamental understanding of the systems of the natural world, the relationships and interactions between the living and non-living environment, and the ability to understand and utilize scientific evidence to make informed decisions regarding environmental problems.
Our primary goal is to provide accurate, relevant information about the science we conduct to help educate the public.
Educational Resources - Carbon Program at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (ODIS id 2809)
Educational Resources - Carbon Program at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Original (non-English) name
Educational Resources - PMEL Carbon Program
The PMEL Carbon Group has been involved in the development of a variety of educational tools for educators, students, and the broader public that describe the ocean carbon cycle and how it is changing over time. Through these resources, we strive to contribute to NOAA's goal to improve the Nation's fundamental understanding of the systems of the natural world, the relationships and interactions between the living and non-living environment, and the ability to understand and utilize scientific evidence to make informed decisions regarding environmental problems.
Our primary goal is to provide accurate, relevant information about the science we conduct to help educate the public.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, information and resources, ocean health, open access
Last updated: 31/10/2021
Educational Resources - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (ODIS id: 2006)
Educational Resources - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center
The following is a list of resources for educators. Resources listed here deal primarily with global change, hydrology and science education.
- Electronic Information,
- Material Designed Specifically for Educators,
- Research Data Suitable for Educators,
- Conferences and Workshops,
- Newsletters,
- Funding,
- Satellite Data in the Classroom.
Educational Resources - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (ODIS id 2006)
Educational Resources - Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center
Original (non-English) name
Educational Resources - GHRC
The following is a list of resources for educators. Resources listed here deal primarily with global change, hydrology and science education.
- Electronic Information,
- Material Designed Specifically for Educators,
- Research Data Suitable for Educators,
- Conferences and Workshops,
- Newsletters,
- Funding,
- Satellite Data in the Classroom.
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, earth science, education, knowledge and information, science
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, information and resources, marine ecosystems, marine environments, open access
Last updated: 30/10/2021
Educational Resources - NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (ODIS id: 2699)
Educational Resources - NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
The mission of NESDIS Education is to provide opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the information we collect, which spans from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the Sun, and how we use it to learn about and protect our environment.
We aim to inspire students and the public, help educators incorporate resources into their teaching, and build enduring relationships with partners whose expertise complements our own.
Educational Resources - NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (ODIS id 2699)
Educational Resources - NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
Original (non-English) name
Educational Resources - NOAA-NESDIS
The mission of NESDIS Education is to provide opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the information we collect, which spans from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the Sun, and how we use it to learn about and protect our environment.
We aim to inspire students and the public, help educators incorporate resources into their teaching, and build enduring relationships with partners whose expertise complements our own.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, earth science, environment, information and resources
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Educational Resources - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id: 2716)
Educational Resources - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Each reserve is a living outdoor classroom that advances estuary and data literacy and provides meaningful, hands-on educational experiences for adults, children, and teachers.
The opportunities are as varied as the locations and include topics such as climate change and building backyard habitats. Educational experiences provide an exciting entryway for people to become actively involved in coastal conservation.
Educational Resources - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id 2716)
Educational Resources - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Original (non-English) name
Educational Resources - NOAA NERRS
Each reserve is a living outdoor classroom that advances estuary and data literacy and provides meaningful, hands-on educational experiences for adults, children, and teachers.
The opportunities are as varied as the locations and include topics such as climate change and building backyard habitats. Educational experiences provide an exciting entryway for people to become actively involved in coastal conservation.
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, no theme defined
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, information and resources
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Educational resources - Satellite Altimetry Data (ODIS id: 2009)
The Argonautica educational project is organized by Cnes for school children to educate them in environmental monitoring. The boardgame is a game made by our colleagues from JPL, with middle schools in mind. The books and magazines ranges from school to people with a science basis. Courses are more dedicated to university students.
Educational resources - Satellite Altimetry Data (ODIS id 2009)
The Argonautica educational project is organized by Cnes for school children to educate them in environmental monitoring. The boardgame is a game made by our colleagues from JPL, with middle schools in mind. The books and magazines ranges from school to people with a science basis. Courses are more dedicated to university students.
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Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, French
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, altimetry, e-learning, earth science, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Here you will find a modular teachers' workbook, a set of supporting teaching materials that are referenced in the teachers' workbook and a series of links taking you to further resources inside this website or from external sources. The teachers' workbook has been developed in conjunction with SponGES touring exhibition (May 2018 - Canada; November 2019 - Spain; June-October 2019 - Portugal).
Here you will find a modular teachers' workbook, a set of supporting teaching materials that are referenced in the teachers' workbook and a series of links taking you to further resources inside this website or from external sources. The teachers' workbook has been developed in conjunction with SponGES touring exhibition (May 2018 - Canada; November 2019 - Spain; June-October 2019 - Portugal).
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, ocean literacy , oceans, open access, sponges
Last updated: 02/12/2021
Education and Outreach - Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ODIS id: 3046)
Education and Outreach - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Education plays a vital role in fish and wildlife conservation. Whether you are a hunter, angler, teacher, parent, or an aspiring outdoors person, we have resources to help. Search the main categories to learn about our many offerings including workshops for teachers, curricula and informational materials. Browse our calendar to find dates of our clinics, camps, community events and skills classes for youth and adults, and much more.
Education and Outreach - Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ODIS id 3046)
Education and Outreach - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Original (non-English) name
Education and Outreach - ADF&G
Education plays a vital role in fish and wildlife conservation. Whether you are a hunter, angler, teacher, parent, or an aspiring outdoors person, we have resources to help. Search the main categories to learn about our many offerings including workshops for teachers, curricula and informational materials. Browse our calendar to find dates of our clinics, camps, community events and skills classes for youth and adults, and much more.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, Gulf of Alaska
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, education, wildlife conservation
Last updated: 01/01/2022
Education and Outreach - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (ODIS id: 1998)
At CSIRO, we're passionate about the power of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM ...
Education and Outreach - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
At CSIRO, we're passionate about the power of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to unlock a better future for all Australians.
A trusted leader in STEM education, our programs aim to inspire the pursuit of further STEM education among students and the community, to equip the emerging workforce with tomorrow's skill sets, and to strengthen collaboration between industry and classrooms across Australia.
Education and Outreach - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (ODIS id 1998)
Education and Outreach - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Original (non-English) name
Education and Outreach - CSIRO
At CSIRO, we're passionate about the power of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to unlock a better future for all Australians.
A trusted leader in STEM education, our programs aim to inspire the pursuit of further STEM education among students and the community, to equip the emerging workforce with tomorrow's skill sets, and to strengthen collaboration between industry and classrooms across Australia.
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Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters), Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, knowledge and information, outreach and education
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Education and Outreach - International Ocean Discovery Program (ODIS id: 2012)
Education and Outreach - International Ocean Discovery Program
Teaching materials, Fellowships and internships, Outreach Officers Program, School of Rock expeditions, Sign Up for Live Ship-to-Shore Video Events.
The content of this website is based upon work supported by the IODP JRSO, which is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation.
Education and Outreach - International Ocean Discovery Program (ODIS id 2012)
Education and Outreach - International Ocean Discovery Program
Original (non-English) name
Education and Outreach - IODP
Teaching materials, Fellowships and internships, Outreach Officers Program, School of Rock expeditions, Sign Up for Live Ship-to-Shore Video Events.
The content of this website is based upon work supported by the IODP JRSO, which is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation.
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Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Education and Research Outputs - Channel Coastal Observatory (ODIS id: 2115)
Education and Research Outputs - Channel Coastal Observatory
Although the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes do not carry out academic research per se, the field data collected, archived and made freely available via the website are eminently suitable for research projects at a range of levels, from undergraduate dissertations to PhD research. Shown in the tables below are examples of where the data have been used in previous research, together with suggestions of locations suitable for similar projects. Potential new topics are also suggested, which can be studied at any level, as appropriate. Included in both tables are the main data types which can be employed.
Please notify us of any use of Regional Monitoring data in this or any other University research so that we can update the table; it also helps us to assess the wider use of the data, and aids the case for maintaining this freely-accessible data archive.
Education and Research Outputs - Channel Coastal Observatory (ODIS id 2115)
Education and Research Outputs - Channel Coastal Observatory
Original (non-English) name
Education and Research Outputs - CCO
Although the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes do not carry out academic research per se, the field data collected, archived and made freely available via the website are eminently suitable for research projects at a range of levels, from undergraduate dissertations to PhD research. Shown in the tables below are examples of where the data have been used in previous research, together with suggestions of locations suitable for similar projects. Potential new topics are also suggested, which can be studied at any level, as appropriate. Included in both tables are the main data types which can be employed.
Please notify us of any use of Regional Monitoring data in this or any other University research so that we can update the table; it also helps us to assess the wider use of the data, and aids the case for maintaining this freely-accessible data archive.
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Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: Celtic Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: data access, education, open access, project development, research data
Last updated: 19/06/2021
Education Hub - Antarctica New Zealand (ODIS id: 3034)
Scientists have been studying Antarctica since the days of the first explorers, drawn by its extreme environment, unique species and pristine nature. More recently, the focus has turned to climate change – how the World is influencing Antarctica, and how Antarctica is impacting the rest of the World.
Delve into these Antarctic educational resources with real-world applications woven into all learning areas. Follow lesson plans, or design your own using the wide range of freely available content.
Education Hub - Antarctica New Zealand (ODIS id 3034)
Scientists have been studying Antarctica since the days of the first explorers, drawn by its extreme environment, unique species and pristine nature. More recently, the focus has turned to climate change – how the World is influencing Antarctica, and how Antarctica is impacting the rest of the World.
Delve into these Antarctic educational resources with real-world applications woven into all learning areas. Follow lesson plans, or design your own using the wide range of freely available content.
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Host Countries: New Zealand
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, education, image gallery, polar environment, polar geography
Last updated: 25/12/2021
Education materials - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory at NOAA
Original (non-English) name
Education materials - PMEL-NOAA
You will find links to educational resources for various topics.
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Argo, Hydrothermal Vents, Information and knowledge products, Ocean acidification, Training and education, Underwater Volcanoes, Video, education, el nino, environment, knowledge and information, marine knowledge, oceanography, open science, tsunami
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Education Modules - Marine Geoscience Data System (ODIS id: 1642)
MGDS education components focus primarily on the creation of educational material, on-line educational resources, and participation in workshops for educators. The educational material covers a range of content and approaches involving the use of geoscience research data in education.
Education Modules - Marine Geoscience Data System (ODIS id 1642)
MGDS education components focus primarily on the creation of educational material, on-line educational resources, and participation in workshops for educators. The educational material covers a range of content and approaches involving the use of geoscience research data in education.
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Training and education, digital resources, education, geosciences, knowledge and information, knowledge products, open access
Last updated: 13/06/2021
Education Resources - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program (ODIS id: 2696)
Education Resources - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program
We work with our agency and academic partners to create materials for students, parents, teachers and the general public about meteorology, space science, weather phenomena, the environment, and Earth-observing satellites like the GOES-R Series. These efforts support broader national initiatives to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
Education Resources - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program (ODIS id 2696)
Education Resources - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program
Original (non-English) name
Education Resources - GOES R-Series - NOAA-NASA
We work with our agency and academic partners to create materials for students, parents, teachers and the general public about meteorology, space science, weather phenomena, the environment, and Earth-observing satellites like the GOES-R Series. These efforts support broader national initiatives to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Video, education, information and resources
Last updated: 24/10/2021
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, information and resources
Last updated: 11/10/2021
Education tools and resources - NOAA Office of Education (ODIS id: 2782)
Education tools and resources - NOAA Office of Education
NOAA Education keeps citizens informed and engaged in our planet’s dynamic environment, from space weather to fish migration patterns. We provide education resources, educator and student opportunities, and competitive funding for education projects.
The NOAA education community includes programs, partners, and individuals from across NOAA. NOAA educators are skilled translators who work with students, educators, and lifelong learners everywhere. We connect people with NOAA’s unique science, places, products, and services.
Education tools and resources - NOAA Office of Education (ODIS id 2782)
Education tools and resources - NOAA Office of Education
Original (non-English) name
NOAA Education keeps citizens informed and engaged in our planet’s dynamic environment, from space weather to fish migration patterns. We provide education resources, educator and student opportunities, and competitive funding for education projects.
The NOAA education community includes programs, partners, and individuals from across NOAA. NOAA educators are skilled translators who work with students, educators, and lifelong learners everywhere. We connect people with NOAA’s unique science, places, products, and services.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, education, information and resources
Last updated: 10/02/2022
Each reserve is a living outdoor classroom that advances estuary and data literacy and provides meaningful, hands-on educational experiences for adults, children, and teachers.
The opportunities are as varied as the locations and include topics such as climate change and building backyard habitats. Educational experiences provide an exciting entryway for people to become actively involved in coastal conservation.
Educators come to the reserves to get involved in field research, an experience that brings science to life and shows them how to access reserve data for use in the classroom. Contact your local reserve to learn about the TOTE (Teachers on the Estuary) program.
Courses and workshops give citizens and community leaders the scientific and practical knowledge they need to raise awareness of estuary importance and inspire sustainable behaviors.
Students are also encouraged to visit the research reserves, participate in hands-on field experiences, and enjoy the estuary. To make it easier to bring reserve data and estuary science into the classroom, the reserves created the Estuary Education website for students and teachers.
Each reserve is a living outdoor classroom that advances estuary and data literacy and provides meaningful, hands-on educational experiences for adults, children, and teachers.
The opportunities are as varied as the locations and include topics such as climate change and building backyard habitats. Educational experiences provide an exciting entryway for people to become actively involved in coastal conservation.
Educators come to the reserves to get involved in field research, an experience that brings science to life and shows them how to access reserve data for use in the classroom. Contact your local reserve to learn about the TOTE (Teachers on the Estuary) program.
Courses and workshops give citizens and community leaders the scientific and practical knowledge they need to raise awareness of estuary importance and inspire sustainable behaviors.
Students are also encouraged to visit the research reserves, participate in hands-on field experiences, and enjoy the estuary. To make it easier to bring reserve data and estuary science into the classroom, the reserves created the Estuary Education website for students and teachers.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), no type defined
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Coastal zone, Ocean acidification, coastal and estuarine studies, coral bleaching, education, el nino, sea level, water quality
Last updated: 25/12/2021
eTraining Hydrosphere - Globe Program (ODIS id: 1981)
This introductory module introduces GLOBE’s hydrosphere investigation area. You will learn why it is important to document and monitor the hydrosphere. You will be introduced to the different GLOBE protocols used to collect hydrosphere data. Step by step instructions for documenting a hydrosphere study site are outlined, as well as the steps you need to follow to report a new hydrosphere study site to the GLOBE database using GLOBE’s mobile data app.
eTraining Hydrosphere - Globe Program (ODIS id 1981)
This introductory module introduces GLOBE’s hydrosphere investigation area. You will learn why it is important to document and monitor the hydrosphere. You will be introduced to the different GLOBE protocols used to collect hydrosphere data. Step by step instructions for documenting a hydrosphere study site are outlined, as well as the steps you need to follow to report a new hydrosphere study site to the GLOBE database using GLOBE’s mobile data app.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Russian
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data training , earth science, earth-science, education, information and resources, knowledge and information, understanding and experimenting, water cycle
Last updated: 24/06/2021
The European Atlas of the Seas provides information about Europe’s marine environment. Users can view predefined and ready to use maps, covering topics such as nature, tourism, security, energy, passenger transport, sea bottom, climate change, fishing stocks and quotas, aquaculture, and much more.
Users can also benefit from an enriched catalogue with more than 295 map layers, covering a wide range of topics, to explore, collate and create their own maps. These maps can be printed, shared and embedded in articles or presentations. The Atlas is the ideal tool for teachers, students, researchers and professionals, or anyone who wishes to know more about the European seas and its coastal areas.
The European Atlas of the Seas provides information about Europe’s marine environment. Users can view predefined and ready to use maps, covering topics such as nature, tourism, security, energy, passenger transport, sea bottom, climate change, fishing stocks and quotas, aquaculture, and much more.
Users can also benefit from an enriched catalogue with more than 295 map layers, covering a wide range of topics, to explore, collate and create their own maps. These maps can be printed, shared and embedded in articles or presentations. The Atlas is the ideal tool for teachers, students, researchers and professionals, or anyone who wishes to know more about the European seas and its coastal areas.
The European Atlas of the Seas (hereafter ‘the Atlas’) is an easy to use and interactive web-based geographic application, providing general marine data and maritime information along with statistics on the European seas and coasts. The Atlas catalogue of maps covers various natural and socio-economic aspects and features in the marine and coastal regions of Europe.
The Atlas is a public window to access information and maps based data originating primarily from the European Commission and its agencies and the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). Its aim is to bring statistical data in a comprehensive visual way to the broad public and at the same time serve as a support tool for the marine policy and blue economy.
(1) Access the help, legal notice and feedback form
(2) Discover all the data available: you can search for map layers in the search box, select a predefined map or create and save your own map.
(3) On the map viewer, you can study and compare the data and extract and manage the content details.
(4) Print the map or share it via social networks.
* The Atlas is available in the 24 official EU languages.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
European Seas
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Argo, Beach litter, Blue energy, Coastal zone, Contamination, EMODnet, Eutrophication, FAIRness, Geospatial data, Interactive maps, MSP, Marine litter, Tourism, Training and education, Zooplankton, algae, alkalinity, amonia, aquaculture, bathymetry, benthos, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, biological classification, biomass distribution, biota, blue economy, coastal geology, coastal habitats, coastal impact, coastal mapping, coastal protection, data portal, data visualization, dissolved oxygen, e-learning, ecological marine units, ecology, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring facilities, environmental policy, fish populations, fisheries, fishing effort, fishing vessels, marine chemistry, marine ecosystems, marine fishery resources, marine geology, marine habitats, marine knowledge, marine policy, marine protected areas, maritime, open access, operational service, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, tsunami, wind
Last updated: 09/11/2023
European Marine Observation and Data Network (ODIS id: 119)
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. These organisations work together to observe the sea, process the data according to international standards and make that information freely available as interoperable data layers and data products.
This "collect once and use many times" philosophy benefits all marine data users, including policy makers, scientists, private industry and the public. It has been estimated that such an integrated marine data policy will save at least one billion Euros per year, as well as opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (ODIS id 119)
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. These organisations work together to observe the sea, process the data according to international standards and make that information freely available as interoperable data layers and data products.
This "collect once and use many times" philosophy benefits all marine data users, including policy makers, scientists, private industry and the public. It has been estimated that such an integrated marine data policy will save at least one billion Euros per year, as well as opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth.
Metadata services: The EMODnet catalogues and other partner catalogues (IFREMER, etc.) offer the ability to search collections of metadata for data, services and related information objects related to the EMODnet Marine Data. The data catalogues offer a CSW endpoint to other client applications to connect to the service and query the metadata held in the catalogue.
CSW GetCapabilities: The mandatory GetCapabilities operation allows CSW clients to retrieve service metadata from a server. The response to a GetCapabilities request shall be an XML document containing service metadata about the server. This subclause specifies the XML document that a CSW server shall return to describe its capabilities. https://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/emodnet/eng/csw?service=CSW&request=GetCapabilities&VERSION=2.0.2
CSW GetRecords
GetRecords requests allow to query and filter the catalogue metadata records.
EMODnet central portal GetRecords example:
https://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/emodnet/eng/csw?REQUEST=GetRecords&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&ELEMENTSETNAME=summary&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2&CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE=FILTER&CONSTRAINT_LANGUAGE_VERSION=1.1.0&RESULTTYPE=results&TYPENAMES=csw:Record&CONSTRAINT=<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"><ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo><ogc:PropertyName>dc:type</ogc:PropertyName><ogc:Literal>dataset</ogc:Literal></ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo></ogc:Filter>&maxRecords=1000
For more information on EMODnet web service, please follow the link:
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay, Black Sea, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea, Kattegat, Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Sea of Azov, Sea of Marmara, St. George's Channel, Tyrrhenian Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities, no theme defined
Keywords: Geospatial data, Marine, Open Geospatial Consortium, bathymetry, biology, chemistry, geology, human activities, metadata, physics, seabed habitats
Last updated: 24/11/2023
EyeOnWater - Citizens’ Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring (ODIS id: 2423)
EyeOnWater - Citizens’ Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring
Water colour observations belong to the oldest time series of climate data. Water colour is an Essential Climate Variable designated by the World Meteorological Organization for which sustained and climate quality measurements are needed to track and analyze climate change.
This is nowadays considered an important water colouraspect of the science of natural-water-optics, since the colour of the ocean is partly determined by phytoplankton. A variation in phytoplankton abundance implies a change in the uptake of CO2, the primary greenhouse warming gas, suggesting a possible role of these organisms in the regulation of climate.
Coastal waters, rivers and lakes can vary in colour due to natural events, such as algal growth, during spring that can make the water greener. However, the colour can also be affected by human activities. For example, sewage or fertilizers can impact the amount of nutrients in the water that cause phytoplankton to grow. This phenomenon is known as eutrophication.
A change in water colour affects the recreational value of a water body. Generally, people prefer to swim in blue-green clear waters than dark and murky waters. More importantly, a change in water colour could have a harmful effect through harmful algal blooms and other phenomena.
EyeOnWater - Citizens’ Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring (ODIS id 2423)
EyeOnWater - Citizens’ Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring
Original (non-English) name
EyeOnWater - Citclops
Water colour observations belong to the oldest time series of climate data. Water colour is an Essential Climate Variable designated by the World Meteorological Organization for which sustained and climate quality measurements are needed to track and analyze climate change.
This is nowadays considered an important water colouraspect of the science of natural-water-optics, since the colour of the ocean is partly determined by phytoplankton. A variation in phytoplankton abundance implies a change in the uptake of CO2, the primary greenhouse warming gas, suggesting a possible role of these organisms in the regulation of climate.
Coastal waters, rivers and lakes can vary in colour due to natural events, such as algal growth, during spring that can make the water greener. However, the colour can also be affected by human activities. For example, sewage or fertilizers can impact the amount of nutrients in the water that cause phytoplankton to grow. This phenomenon is known as eutrophication.
A change in water colour affects the recreational value of a water body. Generally, people prefer to swim in blue-green clear waters than dark and murky waters. More importantly, a change in water colour could have a harmful effect through harmful algal blooms and other phenomena.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Spain, REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Public participation, citizen science, marine ecosystems, monitoring activities, water quality
Last updated: 18/09/2021
Fact Sheets - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id: 2777)
Hang a display in learning centers to educate visitors about “garbage patches” or put a poster in your classroom. Download and print fast information on marine debris, the Marine Debris Program, and other hot topics.
Fact Sheets - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id 2777)
Hang a display in learning centers to educate visitors about “garbage patches” or put a poster in your classroom. Download and print fast information on marine debris, the Marine Debris Program, and other hot topics.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Garbage patches, Information and knowledge products, education, marine debris, open access, pollution
Last updated: 30/10/2021
Fishing - NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (ODIS id: 2379)
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Bass Strait, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: education, fisheries activities, fisheries management, management and conservation, marine resources
Last updated: 27/03/2022
Fish Tagging Methods - Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (ODIS id: 3104)
Fish Tagging Methods - Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
Original (non-English) name
Fish Tagging Methods - MFRI
Internal tagging of cod with DSTs and double tagging with a DST and a
conventional tag.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Iceland
Host Countries: Iceland
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Fish, tracking
Last updated: 23/01/2022
Follow the glider - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id: 1978)
Follow the glider - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
Follow the Glider is a web tool aimed at students and developed by CEFAS, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) and SOCIB (Balearic Coastal Monitoring and Forecasting System) as part of the European FP7 – JERICO project. It is based on the glider-monitoring tool available at www.socib.es.
Our aim is to help students from a variety of different grade levels to find out what underwater gliders are and gain awareness of their importance for coastal research. We also strive to enable students to monitor the gliders that SOCIB is currently using in the Balearic coastal area.
Follow the Glider is part of the JERICO European project. JERICO’s mission is to develop a network that will coordinate the activities of different European coastal observatories, share experiences, and establish an organization that will warrant periodical, ongoing, sustainable environmental information and other marine environment products throughout the European coastal areas. This will enable us to protect the environment and its biodiversity, gain a better understanding of climate change, and provide more accurate forecasts of its impacts, contributing to sustainable use of marine resources.
Follow the glider - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id 1978)
Follow the glider - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
Original (non-English) name
Folow the glider - SOCIB
Follow the Glider is a web tool aimed at students and developed by CEFAS, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) and SOCIB (Balearic Coastal Monitoring and Forecasting System) as part of the European FP7 – JERICO project. It is based on the glider-monitoring tool available at www.socib.es.
Our aim is to help students from a variety of different grade levels to find out what underwater gliders are and gain awareness of their importance for coastal research. We also strive to enable students to monitor the gliders that SOCIB is currently using in the Balearic coastal area.
Follow the Glider is part of the JERICO European project. JERICO’s mission is to develop a network that will coordinate the activities of different European coastal observatories, share experiences, and establish an organization that will warrant periodical, ongoing, sustainable environmental information and other marine environment products throughout the European coastal areas. This will enable us to protect the environment and its biodiversity, gain a better understanding of climate change, and provide more accurate forecasts of its impacts, contributing to sustainable use of marine resources.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Spain, REGIONAL
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Region
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Glider, Training and education, data visualization, education, knowledge and information, oceanographic instruments, oceanographic research, oceanography
Last updated: 11/10/2022
For Educators - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id: 2008)
Educators are integrating real-time ocean data into undergraduate science coursework to expand students’ understanding of ocean processes and issues affecting the ocean. With real ocean data, students are building analytical and problem-solving skills and visualizing concepts through real-world examples. The following are some tools to help you get started using OOI data in your classroom.
For Educators - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id 2008)
Educators are integrating real-time ocean data into undergraduate science coursework to expand students’ understanding of ocean processes and issues affecting the ocean. With real ocean data, students are building analytical and problem-solving skills and visualizing concepts through real-world examples. The following are some tools to help you get started using OOI data in your classroom.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, Video, e-learning, education, knowledge and information
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond (ODIS id: 1992)
The FOSTER portal is an e-learning platform that brings together the best training resources address ...
Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond
The FOSTER portal is an e-learning platform that brings together the best training resources addressed to those who need to know more about Open Science, or need to develop strategies and skills for implementing Open Science practices in their daily workflows. Here you will find a growing collection of training materials. Many different users - from early-career researchers, to data managers, librarians, research administrators, and graduate schools - can benefit from the portal. In order to meet their needs, the existing materials will be extended from basic to more advanced-level resources. In addition, discipline-specific resources will be created.
Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond (ODIS id 1992)
Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond
Original (non-English) name
The FOSTER portal is an e-learning platform that brings together the best training resources addressed to those who need to know more about Open Science, or need to develop strategies and skills for implementing Open Science practices in their daily workflows. Here you will find a growing collection of training materials. Many different users - from early-career researchers, to data managers, librarians, research administrators, and graduate schools - can benefit from the portal. In order to meet their needs, the existing materials will be extended from basic to more advanced-level resources. In addition, discipline-specific resources will be created.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, e-learning, education, knowledge and information, networking, open science
Last updated: 17/05/2021
GALILEO Open Learning Materials (ODIS id: 2000)
GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University ...
GALILEO Open Learning Materials
GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University System of Georgia, including open textbooks and ancillary materials.
This repository is administrated by Affordable Learning Georgia, an initiative of GALILEO and the University System of Georgia which aims to reduce the cost of textbooks to students and contribute to their retention, progression, and graduation. For more about Affordable Learning Georgia, visit Affordable Learning Georgia's website.
Most works hosted in GALILEO Open Learning Materials have a Creative Commons license, allowing the reuse, redistribution, remix, and revision of these materials. To learn more about Creative Commons licenses, please visit the Creative Commons Licenses Page.
GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University System of Georgia, including open textbooks and ancillary materials.
This repository is administrated by Affordable Learning Georgia, an initiative of GALILEO and the University System of Georgia which aims to reduce the cost of textbooks to students and contribute to their retention, progression, and graduation. For more about Affordable Learning Georgia, visit Affordable Learning Georgia's website.
Most works hosted in GALILEO Open Learning Materials have a Creative Commons license, allowing the reuse, redistribution, remix, and revision of these materials. To learn more about Creative Commons licenses, please visit the Creative Commons Licenses Page.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, Video, education, knowledge and information, open access, open textbooks
Last updated: 17/06/2021
Games Apps and Models - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program (ODIS id: 2695)
Games Apps and Models - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program
Learn more about weather, meteorology and the GOES-R Series Program by playing some fun and educational games! Find out how a hurricane forms, how GOES-R series satellites will help improve weather forecasts, how the satellites contribute to search and rescue efforts, and how the sun affects weather on Earth.
Games Apps and Models - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program (ODIS id 2695)
Games Apps and Models - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites-R Series - NOAA and NASA program
Original (non-English) name
Games Apps and Models - GOES R-Series - NOAA-NASA
Learn more about weather, meteorology and the GOES-R Series Program by playing some fun and educational games! Find out how a hurricane forms, how GOES-R series satellites will help improve weather forecasts, how the satellites contribute to search and rescue efforts, and how the sun affects weather on Earth.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, meteorology, weather
Last updated: 24/10/2021
Access to the services and VREs operated by both the BlueBRIDGE consortium and the iMarine initiative to serve cases ranging from stock assessment to aquaculture atlas generation, strategic investment and scientific training. Datasets include species distribution maps, environmental data, and area regulation zones.
All the products are accompanied with rich descriptions capturing general attributes, e.g. title and creator(s), as well as usage policies and licences.
Access to the services and VREs operated by both the BlueBRIDGE consortium and the iMarine initiative to serve cases ranging from stock assessment to aquaculture atlas generation, strategic investment and scientific training. Datasets include species distribution maps, environmental data, and area regulation zones.
All the products are accompanied with rich descriptions capturing general attributes, e.g. title and creator(s), as well as usage policies and licences.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Virtual Research Environment, data analysis, data and information, scientific training
Last updated: 04/07/2021
GIS in Ecology (ODIS id: 1974)
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS for short, are rapidly becoming an essential tool in many are ...
GIS in Ecology
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS for short, are rapidly becoming an essential tool in many areas of ecological research. However, getting to grips with how to correctly use GIS in ecological research is not necessarily straight-forward.
The would-be ecological GIS user is faced with a whole new set of unfamiliar and confusing jargon, making it difficult to know where to start. This difficulty is further amplified by the fact that most training, instruction and advice currently available has been developed to teach the GIS skills required by geographers rather than ecologists. Many ecologists are put off by these difficulties and abandon their attempts to use GIS in their research.
However, GIS is a powerful tool for ecologists and, in our experience, with the correct introduction, anyone can get to grips with it quickly and easily, to the great benefit of their research.
The key is to not try to learn how to use GIS as an abstract set of concepts and tasks, and certainly not to learn how geographers use it (why, for example, would an ecologist ever need to know how to work out what the best site is for a new superstore?). Rather, the key is to specifically learn how to apply it to the type of tasks which are needed to use GIS in ecological research.
GIS in Ecology was set up by Dr. Colin MacLeod in 2011 with the aim of making GIS as accessible as possible by providing in-person training courses, onlinetraining courses, books, advice and consultancy for ecologists by ecologists.
We aim to do this using the type of language that ecologists can understand, and by showing them specifically how to use GIS to do the everyday tasks ecologists need to know in order to quickly start using GIS in their research.
This is done using a teaching framework called the TOL Approach® which we have developed to help teach practical skills to life scientists.
We also provide an online forum where ecologists can ask questions and discuss issues specifically related to the use of GIS in ecology.
Through this, we hope to greatly expand the use of GIS in ecological research, to the benefit of all.
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS for short, are rapidly becoming an essential tool in many areas of ecological research. However, getting to grips with how to correctly use GIS in ecological research is not necessarily straight-forward.
The would-be ecological GIS user is faced with a whole new set of unfamiliar and confusing jargon, making it difficult to know where to start. This difficulty is further amplified by the fact that most training, instruction and advice currently available has been developed to teach the GIS skills required by geographers rather than ecologists. Many ecologists are put off by these difficulties and abandon their attempts to use GIS in their research.
However, GIS is a powerful tool for ecologists and, in our experience, with the correct introduction, anyone can get to grips with it quickly and easily, to the great benefit of their research.
The key is to not try to learn how to use GIS as an abstract set of concepts and tasks, and certainly not to learn how geographers use it (why, for example, would an ecologist ever need to know how to work out what the best site is for a new superstore?). Rather, the key is to specifically learn how to apply it to the type of tasks which are needed to use GIS in ecological research.
GIS in Ecology was set up by Dr. Colin MacLeod in 2011 with the aim of making GIS as accessible as possible by providing in-person training courses, onlinetraining courses, books, advice and consultancy for ecologists by ecologists.
We aim to do this using the type of language that ecologists can understand, and by showing them specifically how to use GIS to do the everyday tasks ecologists need to know in order to quickly start using GIS in their research.
This is done using a teaching framework called the TOL Approach® which we have developed to help teach practical skills to life scientists.
We also provide an online forum where ecologists can ask questions and discuss issues specifically related to the use of GIS in ecology.
Through this, we hope to greatly expand the use of GIS in ecological research, to the benefit of all.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: GIS, Information and knowledge products, e-learning, ecological applications, ecology, information and resources, knowledge and information, mapping
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 879)
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization
GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments.
GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information.
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 879)
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization
Original (non-English) name
GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments.
GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Maritime transport, shipping
Last updated: 09/10/2021
GODAE OceanView (ODIS id: 795)
In 2009, with the clear understanding that the GODAE achievements needed to be continued and built u ...
GODAE OceanView
In 2009, with the clear understanding that the GODAE achievements needed to be continued and built upon, two new groups emerged from GODAE to take on the ongoing challenges and demands of operational oceanography:
GOV - GODAE OceanView;
ET-OOFS - JCOMM Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecasting;
The GODAE OceanView Science Team (GOVST) continues to provide coordination and leadership in consolidating and improving global & regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems on an international level.
The GOVST aims to encourage international collaboration to address the scientific and technical challenges associated with operational oceanography. The role of GOVST is to foster research that will lead to the enhancement of existing systems and the development of next generation systems. The GOVST is linked to JCOMM, but has a free remit to investigate a wide range of scientific and technical issues.
In 2009, with the clear understanding that the GODAE achievements needed to be continued and built upon, two new groups emerged from GODAE to take on the ongoing challenges and demands of operational oceanography:
GOV - GODAE OceanView;
ET-OOFS - JCOMM Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecasting;
The GODAE OceanView Science Team (GOVST) continues to provide coordination and leadership in consolidating and improving global & regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems on an international level.
The GOVST aims to encourage international collaboration to address the scientific and technical challenges associated with operational oceanography. The role of GOVST is to foster research that will lead to the enhancement of existing systems and the development of next generation systems. The GOVST is linked to JCOMM, but has a free remit to investigate a wide range of scientific and technical issues.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
See each dataset
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: forecast model output, forecasting system, oceanography, oceans, operational oceanography
Last updated: 08/11/2020
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox help pages in html, and associated pdf files.
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox in Matlab - Help pages and pdf files only !!!!
This is a work in progress repository. It is intended to be a method of assisting those who are translating the code into their prefered language.
Do not download this code and treat it as an distributed release of the GSW code - it is not under any circumstance.
The ONLY location to download software is from the TEOS-10 website http://www.TEOS-10.org/.
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox help pages in html, and associated pdf files.
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox in Matlab - Help pages and pdf files only !!!!
This is a work in progress repository. It is intended to be a method of assisting those who are translating the code into their prefered language.
Do not download this code and treat it as an distributed release of the GSW code - it is not under any circumstance.
The ONLY location to download software is from the TEOS-10 website http://www.TEOS-10.org/.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Gibbs-SeaWater, oceanography, sea water
Last updated: 02/05/2021
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service (ODIS id: 1990)
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive ...
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive data, Funders, Identifying data and researchers, Managing data, Institutional planning, Metadata, Technical documents, and others.
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service (ODIS id 1990)
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service
Original (non-English) name
Guides and resources - ANDS
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive data, Funders, Identifying data and researchers, Managing data, Institutional planning, Metadata, Technical documents, and others.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data services, information services, knowledge and information, reports, technical documents
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Harmful Algal Bloom Resources - NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (ODIS id: 2488)
Harmful Algal Bloom Resources - NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur when algae — simple photosynthetic organisms that live in the sea and freshwater — grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds. There are many kinds of HABs, caused by a variety of algal groups with different toxins. The HABs in fresh and marine waters are usually very different, but they overlap in low salinity estuaries (places where rivers meet the sea). The human illnesses caused by HABs, though rare, can be debilitating or even fatal. States have rigorous monitoring programs to ensure that commercially harvested fish and shellfish are safe to eat. HABs have been reported in every U.S. coastal state, and their occurrence may be on the rise. HABs are a national concern because they affect not only the health of people and marine ecosystems, but also the "health" of local and regional economies.
Harmful Algal Bloom Resources - NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (ODIS id 2488)
Harmful Algal Bloom Resources - NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Original (non-English) name
HAB Resources - NOAA-NCCOS
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur when algae — simple photosynthetic organisms that live in the sea and freshwater — grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds. There are many kinds of HABs, caused by a variety of algal groups with different toxins. The HABs in fresh and marine waters are usually very different, but they overlap in low salinity estuaries (places where rivers meet the sea). The human illnesses caused by HABs, though rare, can be debilitating or even fatal. States have rigorous monitoring programs to ensure that commercially harvested fish and shellfish are safe to eat. HABs have been reported in every U.S. coastal state, and their occurrence may be on the rise. HABs are a national concern because they affect not only the health of people and marine ecosystems, but also the "health" of local and regional economies.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Algal bloom, coastal monitoring, products and services
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Hawaiian Koʻa (Coral) Card - Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
The Hawaiian Koʻa (Coral) Card was developed by researchers from the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology’s Coral Reef Ecology Lab to help determine the health and bleaching status of Hawaiʻi’s coral reefs based on actual health factors related to each color. The color of corals serves as a health indicator and helps to identify baselines, current conditions, and change over time. The Koʻa Card was designed for use by everyone, including the community, citizen scientists, researchers, students, resource managers, recreational users and visitors.
Hawaiian Koʻa (Coral) Card - Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2606)
Hawaiian Koʻa (Coral) Card - Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Hawaiian Koʻa (Coral) Card - PacIOOS
When using these data, please cite the following publication:
Bahr, K.D., S.J.L. Severino, A.O. Tsang, et al. 2020. The Hawaiian Koʻa Card: coral health and bleaching assessment color reference card for Hawaiian corals. SN Applied Sciences 2, 1706. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03487-3.
The Hawaiian Koʻa (Coral) Card was developed by researchers from the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology’s Coral Reef Ecology Lab to help determine the health and bleaching status of Hawaiʻi’s coral reefs based on actual health factors related to each color. The color of corals serves as a health indicator and helps to identify baselines, current conditions, and change over time. The Koʻa Card was designed for use by everyone, including the community, citizen scientists, researchers, students, resource managers, recreational users and visitors.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Monitoring, climate change impacts, coral bleaching, coral diseases, coral reefs conservation, coral reefs monitoring
Last updated: 14/10/2021
The ESCAP Health Ocean eHub is part of the ESCAP SDG Helpdesk and provides a variety of tools, methodologies, guidelines and policy briefs related to the sustainable management of the Ocean and implementation of SDG 14 in Asia-Pacific Region.
The ESCAP Health Ocean eHub is part of the ESCAP SDG Helpdesk and provides a variety of tools, methodologies, guidelines and policy briefs related to the sustainable management of the Ocean and implementation of SDG 14 in Asia-Pacific Region.
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Multimedia content
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: East China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Indian Ocean, Japan Sea, North Pacific Ocean, Northeast Pacific Ocean (180W), Northwest Pacific Ocean (180W), Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, Singapore Strait, Solomon Sea, South China Sea, South Pacific Ocean, Southeast Pacific Ocean (140W), Southwest Pacific Ocean (140W), Timor Sea, Yellow Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: SDG, SDG indicator, SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable development
Last updated: 09/10/2021
How-to Guides - Digital Curation Centre (ODIS id: 1993)
How-to Guides provide working-level knowledge of curation topics. Each provides background concepts and practical steps aiming to help people in research or support roles implement data management capabilities in their organisation, or better align them with best practices.
How-to Guides - Digital Curation Centre (ODIS id 1993)
How-to Guides provide working-level knowledge of curation topics. Each provides background concepts and practical steps aiming to help people in research or support roles implement data management capabilities in their organisation, or better align them with best practices.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: FAIRness, Training and education, consultation and facilitation, data access, data curation, data management, data services, data training , education
Last updated: 24/06/2021
GEBCO aims to provide the most authoritative publicly available bathymetric data sets for the world's oceans.
In order to assist and encourage further participation in bathymetric grid development work, GEBCO has created a technical reference manual, the IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book, on how to build bathymetric grids.
Access a copy of the IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book from web pages hosted at the US Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry.
A wide range of topics are included, for example:
- gathering data,
- data cleaning,
- gridding examples,
- software overviews.
The IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book includes input from a number of individuals and organisations, all of whom are experts in their respective fields.
Originally released in October 2012, find out what’s new in the latest (October 2019) release.
The IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book is maintained and made available by Chief Editor, Dr Karen Marks.
The citation for this publication is: International Hydrographic Organization, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, The IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book, IHO Publication B-11, Monaco, Sep. 2018, 416 pp - IOC Manuals and Guides 63, France, Sep. 2018, 429 pp.
GEBCO aims to provide the most authoritative publicly available bathymetric data sets for the world's oceans.
In order to assist and encourage further participation in bathymetric grid development work, GEBCO has created a technical reference manual, the IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book, on how to build bathymetric grids.
Access a copy of the IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book from web pages hosted at the US Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry.
A wide range of topics are included, for example:
- gathering data,
- data cleaning,
- gridding examples,
- software overviews.
The IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book includes input from a number of individuals and organisations, all of whom are experts in their respective fields.
Originally released in October 2012, find out what’s new in the latest (October 2019) release.
The IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book is maintained and made available by Chief Editor, Dr Karen Marks.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Training and education, bathymetry, mapping, ocean mapping
Last updated: 23/09/2021
Imaging FlowCytobot Gallery - University of California Santa Cruz (ODIS id: 2527)
Imaging FlowCytobot Gallery - University of California Santa Cruz
The Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) is an in-situ automated submersible flow cytometer that generates images of particles taken from the aquatic environment.
The IFCB uses a combination of flow cytometric and video technology to capture high resolution images of suspended particles. The optical and image data are then transmitted to shore in real time.
The images at left are of samples collected from Monterey Bay, California. Follow the links for more photos of each species.
Imaging FlowCytobot Gallery - University of California Santa Cruz (ODIS id 2527)
Imaging FlowCytobot Gallery - University of California Santa Cruz
Original (non-English) name
The Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) is an in-situ automated submersible flow cytometer that generates images of particles taken from the aquatic environment.
The IFCB uses a combination of flow cytometric and video technology to capture high resolution images of suspended particles. The optical and image data are then transmitted to shore in real time.
The images at left are of samples collected from Monterey Bay, California. Follow the links for more photos of each species.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Marine Species, Phytoplankton, image gallery
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Index of coastal eutrophication (ICEP) (ODIS id: 736)
This video shows how the index for coastal eutrophication potential (ICEP) is measured. it is based ...
Index of coastal eutrophication (ICEP)
This video shows how the index for coastal eutrophication potential (ICEP) is measured. it is based on loads and ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica delivered by rivers to coastal waters. This indicator assumes that excess nitrogen or phosphorus relative to silica will result in increased growth of potentially harmful algae (ICEP>0)
Index of coastal eutrophication (ICEP) (ODIS id 736)
This video shows how the index for coastal eutrophication potential (ICEP) is measured. it is based on loads and ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica delivered by rivers to coastal waters. This indicator assumes that excess nitrogen or phosphorus relative to silica will result in increased growth of potentially harmful algae (ICEP>0)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable development
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Introduction to Physical Oceanography by R. Stewart.
Based on the work of Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart's "Introduction to Physical Oceanography" was the first oceanography textbook for many students. It was always the free high-quality source of basic oceanographic knowledge. Robert Stewart retired in 2009 and did not update the book after that. With his permission, we now publish the latest version of the book's LaTeX source code on GitHub. Dr. Stewart gives his permission to update the book by fixing errors and adding new information. He has only two conditions:
Don’t let the book grow into an encyclopedia. It is an INTRODUCTION, leaving details to more expert and focused publications (which could also be on the web server). Keep the book focused on the most important issues students need to know about. Today, satellite oceanography needs to be emphasized as most of our knowledge comes from satellites and drifters.
My only request is that the book not be offered for sale. It should be open source and available to everyone at no cost.
We are going to update the book through the usual GitHub procedure with PRs and code review. Any help and contributions from the oceanographic community will be greatly appreciated.
Introduction to Physical Oceanography by R. Stewart.
Based on the work of Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart's "Introduction to Physical Oceanography" was the first oceanography textbook for many students. It was always the free high-quality source of basic oceanographic knowledge. Robert Stewart retired in 2009 and did not update the book after that. With his permission, we now publish the latest version of the book's LaTeX source code on GitHub. Dr. Stewart gives his permission to update the book by fixing errors and adding new information. He has only two conditions:
Don’t let the book grow into an encyclopedia. It is an INTRODUCTION, leaving details to more expert and focused publications (which could also be on the web server). Keep the book focused on the most important issues students need to know about. Today, satellite oceanography needs to be emphasized as most of our knowledge comes from satellites and drifters.
My only request is that the book not be offered for sale. It should be open source and available to everyone at no cost.
We are going to update the book through the usual GitHub procedure with PRs and code review. Any help and contributions from the oceanographic community will be greatly appreciated.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: oceanography
Last updated: 01/05/2021
This repository contains course materials for EESC4925. The lecture notes are in the form of interactive Jupyter Notebooks.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: oceanography, python
Last updated: 26/04/2021
IUCN UNEP WCMC Protect Planet Ocean: Explore the World's marine protected areas (ODIS id: 872)
Over 70% of the surface of Earth is ocean, comprised of highly diverse ecosystems, and providing a w ...
IUCN UNEP WCMC Protect Planet Ocean: Explore the World's marine protected areas
Over 70% of the surface of Earth is ocean, comprised of highly diverse ecosystems, and providing a wide range of marine ecosystem services that support human society, health and the economy. This website presents the most recent official coverage statistics for marine protected areas, updated monthly from the World Database on Protected Areas.
Marine Protected Areas MPAs Marine Reserves Marine World Heritage Sites Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas updated monthly with submissions from governments non governmental organizations landowners and communities. It is managed by the United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre UNEP WCMC .
IUCN UNEP WCMC Protect Planet Ocean: Explore the World's marine protected areas (ODIS id 872)
IUCN UNEP WCMC Protect Planet Ocean: Explore the World's marine protected areas
Original (non-English) name
UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2020) Marine Protected Planet [On-line], [April, 2020], Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN Available at: www.protectedplanet.net.
Over 70% of the surface of Earth is ocean, comprised of highly diverse ecosystems, and providing a wide range of marine ecosystem services that support human society, health and the economy. This website presents the most recent official coverage statistics for marine protected areas, updated monthly from the World Database on Protected Areas.
Marine Protected Areas MPAs Marine Reserves Marine World Heritage Sites Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas updated monthly with submissions from governments non governmental organizations landowners and communities. It is managed by the United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre UNEP WCMC .
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: MPA, marine protected areas
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Learning Activities - Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment program (ODIS id: 2830)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, earth science, earth-science, education, open access, protocol
Last updated: 04/11/2021
Learning Resources - Data Management Training Clearinghouse (ODIS id: 1991)
Learning Resources - Data Management Training Clearinghouse
The Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse is a registry for online learning resources focusing on research data management.
It was created in a collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey's Community for Data Integration, the Earth Sciences Information Partnership (ESIP), and DataONE.
Learning Resources - Data Management Training Clearinghouse (ODIS id 1991)
Learning Resources - Data Management Training Clearinghouse
Original (non-English) name
Learning Resources - DMT Clearinghouse
The Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse is a registry for online learning resources focusing on research data management.
It was created in a collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey's Community for Data Integration, the Earth Sciences Information Partnership (ESIP), and DataONE.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data training , education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Learning Resources in Data Science and Open Science - Global Map of Human Impacts to Marine Ecosystems (ODIS id: 2912)
Learning Resources in Data Science and Open Science - Global Map of Human Impacts to Marine Ecosystems
The material NCEAS has developed for in-person courses in open science and data science can be great reference material to use at your own pace. Select materials are listed below. If you are looking for or curious about materials from a specific previous training, click the button at the bottom of this page to view our complete archive.
Learning Resources in Data Science and Open Science - Global Map of Human Impacts to Marine Ecosystems (ODIS id 2912)
Learning Resources in Data Science and Open Science - Global Map of Human Impacts to Marine Ecosystems
Original (non-English) name
Learning Resources in Data Science and Open Science - NCEAS
The material NCEAS has developed for in-person courses in open science and data science can be great reference material to use at your own pace. Select materials are listed below. If you are looking for or curious about materials from a specific previous training, click the button at the bottom of this page to view our complete archive.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, data analysis, data management, education, open access, open science
Last updated: 14/11/2021
Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics started in 2016, this project was meant to store the LaTeX files used to create the colloquium poster for the 2016 edition. It has evolved into a more consistent repository with a few Jupyter notebooks designed to prepare figures and illustrations for the Colloquium and that could be re-used for future editions, hopefully.
For the 50th Edition (2018), the plan was to have an overview of the previous editions in terms of countries, topics and participants.
Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics started in 2016, this project was meant to store the LaTeX files used to create the colloquium poster for the 2016 edition. It has evolved into a more consistent repository with a few Jupyter notebooks designed to prepare figures and illustrations for the Colloquium and that could be re-used for future editions, hopefully.
For the 50th Edition (2018), the plan was to have an overview of the previous editions in terms of countries, topics and participants.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Modelling, data analysis, data assimilation, numerical simulations, oceanography, python, remote sensing, submesoscale, turbulence
Last updated: 01/05/2021
Lifewatch e-lab (ODIS id: 115)
LifeWatch builds and operates open E-science infrastructure that can support biodiversity and ecosys ...
Lifewatch e-lab
LifeWatch builds and operates open E-science infrastructure that can support biodiversity and ecosystem research. The developed e-services facilitate open data exchange, visualization and analysis and are provided to the user through dedicated Virtual Laboratories and applications. Virtual labs that provide marine services can be accessed through the Marine Virtual Research Environment (VRE).
LifeWatch builds and operates open E-science infrastructure that can support biodiversity and ecosystem research. The developed e-services facilitate open data exchange, visualization and analysis and are provided to the user through dedicated Virtual Laboratories and applications. Virtual labs that provide marine services can be accessed through the Marine Virtual Research Environment (VRE).
Maine In-sity Sound and Color Lab: Ocean Optics Class 2017 - Calibration and Validation for Ocean Color Remote Sensing
Our laboratory specializes in the interpretation of physical properties of aquatic environments. We test, calibrate and deploy a variety of sensors in particular those that measure optical properties.
Two approaches characterize the use of these measurements: the 'forward' approach consists of understanding how different properties of material in aquatic environments contribute to the optical and acoustical properties of the ocean. The 'inverse' approach consists of determining the properties of the material in aquatic environments (e.g. concentration, size, composition) from in-situ or remotely measured optical and acoustical properties.
We regularly test and deploy novel commercial instruments. As such the data sets we collect are unique. We share the data we collect with the community. If you are looking for data feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide it to you with no strings attached except acknowledgment to the grant that funded collection of the data.
The referred web page links to data, instruments, code, papers and videos of lectures related to the Ocean Optics class 2017.
Maine In-sity Sound and Color Lab: Ocean Optics Class 2017 - Calibration and Validation for Ocean Color Remote Sensing (ODIS id 587)
Maine In-sity Sound and Color Lab: Ocean Optics Class 2017 - Calibration and Validation for Ocean Color Remote Sensing
Original (non-English) name
Our laboratory specializes in the interpretation of physical properties of aquatic environments. We test, calibrate and deploy a variety of sensors in particular those that measure optical properties.
Two approaches characterize the use of these measurements: the 'forward' approach consists of understanding how different properties of material in aquatic environments contribute to the optical and acoustical properties of the ocean. The 'inverse' approach consists of determining the properties of the material in aquatic environments (e.g. concentration, size, composition) from in-situ or remotely measured optical and acoustical properties.
We regularly test and deploy novel commercial instruments. As such the data sets we collect are unique. We share the data we collect with the community. If you are looking for data feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide it to you with no strings attached except acknowledgment to the grant that funded collection of the data.
The referred web page links to data, instruments, code, papers and videos of lectures related to the Ocean Optics class 2017.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: calibration, ocean observation, ocean optics, remote sensing
Last updated: 05/10/2021
MANTRA - Research Data Service at University of Edinburgh (ODIS id: 1987)
MANTRA is a free, online non-assessed course with guidelines to help you understand and reflect on h ...
MANTRA - Research Data Service at University of Edinburgh
MANTRA is a free, online non-assessed course with guidelines to help you understand and reflect on how to manage the digital data you collect throughout your research. It has been crafted for the use of post-graduate students, early career researchers, and also information professionals. It is freely available on the web for anyone to explore on their own.
Through a series of interactive online units you will learn about terminology, key concepts, and best practice in research data management.
MANTRA - Research Data Service at University of Edinburgh (ODIS id 1987)
MANTRA - Research Data Service at University of Edinburgh
Original (non-English) name
Research Data MANTRA [online course, https://mantra.edina.ac.uk/] by the Research Data Service, University of Edinburgh is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
MANTRA is a free, online non-assessed course with guidelines to help you understand and reflect on how to manage the digital data you collect throughout your research. It has been crafted for the use of post-graduate students, early career researchers, and also information professionals. It is freely available on the web for anyone to explore on their own.
Through a series of interactive online units you will learn about terminology, key concepts, and best practice in research data management.
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Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and education, data management, data training , education, information management, research data
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Marine Data and Science e-lectures - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id: 479)
Marine Data and Science e-lectures - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System
The Integrated Marine Observing System e-lectures are designed for marine scientists. These lectures are designed to be topic-specific to provide you with a hands-on approach to learning by teaching you how to use real ocean observational datasets collected by the Integrated Marine Observing System.
There are three different topics covered in these lectures: Ocean Primary Productivity, the Carbon Cycle and Acidification.
The modules were developed by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) in collaboration with the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN), the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course,
You will know the basics of ocean primary productivity/ ocean carbon cycle/ ocean acidification.
You will be able to explain which processes are involved in primary productivity/carbon cycle/ocean acidification, how it is measured and why it is important.
You will learn different methods of ocean observing including in situ and remote sensing and how these observations can be used.
You will gain knowledge of the advantages of open data and know where to find ocean data through the Australian Ocean Data Network or other databases and how to access these datasets.
You will gain experience on how to analyse and interpret the data with options given on coding languages to achieve this. The data laboratories are developed in Matlab and either in R or Python, or both.
Marine Data and Science e-lectures - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id 479)
Marine Data and Science e-lectures - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Marine Data and Science e-lectures - IMOS
The Integrated Marine Observing System e-lectures are designed for marine scientists. These lectures are designed to be topic-specific to provide you with a hands-on approach to learning by teaching you how to use real ocean observational datasets collected by the Integrated Marine Observing System.
There are three different topics covered in these lectures: Ocean Primary Productivity, the Carbon Cycle and Acidification.
The modules were developed by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) in collaboration with the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN), the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course,
You will know the basics of ocean primary productivity/ ocean carbon cycle/ ocean acidification.
You will be able to explain which processes are involved in primary productivity/carbon cycle/ocean acidification, how it is measured and why it is important.
You will learn different methods of ocean observing including in situ and remote sensing and how these observations can be used.
You will gain knowledge of the advantages of open data and know where to find ocean data through the Australian Ocean Data Network or other databases and how to access these datasets.
You will gain experience on how to analyse and interpret the data with options given on coding languages to achieve this. The data laboratories are developed in Matlab and either in R or Python, or both.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Southern Ocean, Southwest Pacific Ocean (140W)
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography
Keywords: Training and education, expertise
Last updated: 18/12/2021
Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id: 2003)
Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators - NOAA Marine Debris Program
The Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators was created through a collaboration between the NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. This toolkit provides many useful marine debris resources and adapts the MDP's Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project, a robust citizen science monitoring initiative, for classroom use. The Toolkit is designed to assist teachers in educating their students about marine debris and involving them in marine debris research and outreach. Using the Toolkit, students conduct marine debris surveys, which can help to provide valuable information on where, when, and what kind of debris is showing up. Students can enter their data into a national database, analyze monitoring results, and become involved in marine debris stewardship within their communities.
Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id 2003)
Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators - NOAA Marine Debris Program
Original (non-English) name
Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators - NOAA-MDP
The Marine Debris Monitoring Toolkit for Educators was created through a collaboration between the NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. This toolkit provides many useful marine debris resources and adapts the MDP's Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project, a robust citizen science monitoring initiative, for classroom use. The Toolkit is designed to assist teachers in educating their students about marine debris and involving them in marine debris research and outreach. Using the Toolkit, students conduct marine debris surveys, which can help to provide valuable information on where, when, and what kind of debris is showing up. Students can enter their data into a national database, analyze monitoring results, and become involved in marine debris stewardship within their communities.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, knowledge and information, manuals, marine debris
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 922)
Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Through the website, people can access descriptive information about the Museum, history, games, exhibitions, contact data, and review the information and request the services the Museum provides (deposit, loan/egress and consultation of biological material).
Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 922)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Museo de Historia Natual Marina de Colombia (MHNMC) - Makuriwa. INVEMAR. Available: http://museomakuriwa.invemar.org.co/
Through the website, people can access descriptive information about the Museum, history, games, exhibitions, contact data, and review the information and request the services the Museum provides (deposit, loan/egress and consultation of biological material).
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: biological classification, biological collections, biological material, biology, museum
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre (ODIS id: 1972)
The Marine Training platform is a an EMBRC-ERIC service platform dedicated to Marine education and t ...
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre
The Marine Training platform is a an EMBRC-ERIC service platform dedicated to Marine education and training. EMBRC-ERIC is a pan-European 'research infrastructure' for marine biology and ecology research. With its services, it aims to answer fundamental questions regarding the health of oceanic ecosystems in a changing environment. Training the next generation as well as re-training the current generation of Blue workers belongs to the key goals of the infrastructure. This Marine Training platfom hopes to give answer to trainees in search of a training and trainers looking for support.
MarineTraining.eu started in 2013 as one of the services of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) and it is hosted at Ghent University (UGent). Since its foundation more than 200 years ago, Ghent University is a centre of excellence in academic education and research. Maritime and Marine skills were ubiquitous in the history of the University and in its current research and education curricula. Within the principles of cross-disciplinarity, transferable skills, internationalization, industry collaboration, and lifelong learning, an interdisciplinary consortium within the university has been set up in order to generate innovative results, enhance technological innovation and boost Marine science training. Consequently, that vast expertise in Marine human capacity building allowed Ghent University to coordinate and to participate in numerous European Commission funded research projects and joint programmes for the enhancement of human potential to fully integrate higher education, research and industry.
In the light of this background, the Marine Training Platform has been initiated as one of the services of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) EMBRC project to facilitate and centralize access to Marine human capacity building opportunities in Europe.
Marine Training's main driver was the total lack of information and overview for finding Marine and Maritime Master programmes in Europe. As a result, the Marine Training Platform was born and is continuously expanding to showcase numerous programme and short course offers around the world.
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre (ODIS id 1972)
Marine Training - European Marine Biological Resource Centre
Original (non-English) name
Marine Training - EMBRC
The Marine Training platform is a an EMBRC-ERIC service platform dedicated to Marine education and training. EMBRC-ERIC is a pan-European 'research infrastructure' for marine biology and ecology research. With its services, it aims to answer fundamental questions regarding the health of oceanic ecosystems in a changing environment. Training the next generation as well as re-training the current generation of Blue workers belongs to the key goals of the infrastructure. This Marine Training platfom hopes to give answer to trainees in search of a training and trainers looking for support.
MarineTraining.eu started in 2013 as one of the services of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) and it is hosted at Ghent University (UGent). Since its foundation more than 200 years ago, Ghent University is a centre of excellence in academic education and research. Maritime and Marine skills were ubiquitous in the history of the University and in its current research and education curricula. Within the principles of cross-disciplinarity, transferable skills, internationalization, industry collaboration, and lifelong learning, an interdisciplinary consortium within the university has been set up in order to generate innovative results, enhance technological innovation and boost Marine science training. Consequently, that vast expertise in Marine human capacity building allowed Ghent University to coordinate and to participate in numerous European Commission funded research projects and joint programmes for the enhancement of human potential to fully integrate higher education, research and industry.
In the light of this background, the Marine Training Platform has been initiated as one of the services of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) EMBRC project to facilitate and centralize access to Marine human capacity building opportunities in Europe.
Marine Training's main driver was the total lack of information and overview for finding Marine and Maritime Master programmes in Europe. As a result, the Marine Training Platform was born and is continuously expanding to showcase numerous programme and short course offers around the world.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Training and education, education, information services, knowledge and information, marine science, ocean sciences
Last updated: 05/12/2024
Maritime Stepping Stones (ODIS id: 2187)
Maritime Stepping Stones (MaSS) is a database of stories about wrecks and sites underwater. MaSS aim ...
Maritime Stepping Stones
Maritime Stepping Stones (MaSS) is a database of stories about wrecks and sites underwater. MaSS aims to give a complete picture of a site in its archaeological and historic environment. It is not our intention to give exact positions.
MaSS is an application made so that everyone interested in Underwater Cultural Heritage can contribute by adding new sites, information, images etc.
Maritime Stepping Stones (MaSS) is a database of stories about wrecks and sites underwater. MaSS aims to give a complete picture of a site in its archaeological and historic environment. It is not our intention to give exact positions.
MaSS is an application made so that everyone interested in Underwater Cultural Heritage can contribute by adding new sites, information, images etc.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Dutch
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Netherlands
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: maritime, online database, ship wrecks, underwater maritime heritage
Last updated: 06/07/2021
Master Programs Data - Institute for Marine Remote Sensing (ODIS id: 2136)
Master Programs Data - Institute for Marine Remote Sensing
The Institute for Marine Remote Sensing of the College of Marine Science is located in the Knight Oceanographic Research Center (KORC) building at the University of South Florida (USF) in St. Petersburg, Florida. Our research activities focus on the analysis of digital data obtained by satellite and airborne sensors, and on the development of applications of these data at local, regional, and global scales.
Our main objective is to provide resource managers and other key decision makers with information and tools that enable a better understanding of historical and current changes occurring in the world's oceans on a large spatial and temporal scale. In situ optical and biological data are collected for ground truthing and to relate the apparent and inherent optical properties of water constituents with the remote sensors' signal. We specialize in coastal processes of highly variable regions like the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and Cuba using instruments such as AVHRR, CZCS, SeaWiFS, MODIS, and Landsat. We use other sensors such as altimeters and scatterometers to examine the physical environment in the adjacent deep ocean.
The IMARS team of graduate students and post-doctoral scientists are actively engaged in a variety of research projects which are contributing to new processes and creating new data tools. Check out two of our current projects: the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Sanctuaries project and the Pole-to-Pole MBON project.
Master Programs Data - Institute for Marine Remote Sensing (ODIS id 2136)
Master Programs Data - Institute for Marine Remote Sensing
Original (non-English) name
The Institute for Marine Remote Sensing of the College of Marine Science is located in the Knight Oceanographic Research Center (KORC) building at the University of South Florida (USF) in St. Petersburg, Florida. Our research activities focus on the analysis of digital data obtained by satellite and airborne sensors, and on the development of applications of these data at local, regional, and global scales.
Our main objective is to provide resource managers and other key decision makers with information and tools that enable a better understanding of historical and current changes occurring in the world's oceans on a large spatial and temporal scale. In situ optical and biological data are collected for ground truthing and to relate the apparent and inherent optical properties of water constituents with the remote sensors' signal. We specialize in coastal processes of highly variable regions like the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and Cuba using instruments such as AVHRR, CZCS, SeaWiFS, MODIS, and Landsat. We use other sensors such as altimeters and scatterometers to examine the physical environment in the adjacent deep ocean.
The IMARS team of graduate students and post-doctoral scientists are actively engaged in a variety of research projects which are contributing to new processes and creating new data tools. Check out two of our current projects: the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Sanctuaries project and the Pole-to-Pole MBON project.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, hydrography, open access
Last updated: 02/07/2021
Medclic - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id: 1976)
MEDCLIC is a project spearheaded by ICTS SOCIB and "la Caixa" Foundation with the aim of understandi ...
Medclic - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
MEDCLIC is a project spearheaded by ICTS SOCIB and "la Caixa" Foundation with the aim of understanding and forecasting the ocean processes occurring in the Mediterranean and bringing oceanography to everyone while.
Medclic - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id 1976)
Medclic - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
Original (non-English) name
Medclic - SOCIB
MEDCLIC is a project spearheaded by ICTS SOCIB and "la Caixa" Foundation with the aim of understanding and forecasting the ocean processes occurring in the Mediterranean and bringing oceanography to everyone while.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Region, Strait of Gibraltar
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Training and education, education, information and resources, knowledge and information, marine project, marine science, oceanographic research, oceanography, research projects
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Medclic Kids App - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id: 1977)
The MEDCLIC KIDS APP is an educational app designed to introduce little ones to the world of marine ...
Medclic Kids App - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
The MEDCLIC KIDS APP is an educational app designed to introduce little ones to the world of marine science by playing, developed by the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) within the framework of the “MEDCLIC: The Mediterranean just a click away” project in collaboration with Obra Social "la Caixa".
APP MEDCLIC KIDS is free-of-charge and ad-free. It has an oceanography-related interactive screen, puzzles, and memory and vocabulary games. In MEDCLIC KIDS APP, Glidey is a friendly, yellow underwater glider who explains to us how marine technologies help us to get to know about and conserve our seas.
Medclic Kids App - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id 1977)
Medclic Kids App - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
Original (non-English) name
Medclic Kids App - SOCIB
The MEDCLIC KIDS APP is an educational app designed to introduce little ones to the world of marine science by playing, developed by the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) within the framework of the “MEDCLIC: The Mediterranean just a click away” project in collaboration with Obra Social "la Caixa".
APP MEDCLIC KIDS is free-of-charge and ad-free. It has an oceanography-related interactive screen, puzzles, and memory and vocabulary games. In MEDCLIC KIDS APP, Glidey is a friendly, yellow underwater glider who explains to us how marine technologies help us to get to know about and conserve our seas.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content, Software (ocean related)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Region, Strait of Gibraltar
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Training and education, education, knowledge and information, marine science, oceanography
Last updated: 11/10/2022
MIT OpenCourseWare - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (ODIS id: 1995)
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open ...
MIT OpenCourseWare - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.
MIT OpenCourseWare - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (ODIS id 1995)
MIT OpenCourseWare - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Original (non-English) name
MIT OCW - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data training , e-learning, education, open access
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Multimedia Resources - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id: 2781)
Check out a sampling of multimedia resources from the NOAA Marine Debris Program. Here you’ll find photos, videos, mobile apps, infographics, marine debris artwork, Story Maps, and audio files such as songs. Download the ones you like best!
Multimedia Resources - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id 2781)
Check out a sampling of multimedia resources from the NOAA Marine Debris Program. Here you’ll find photos, videos, mobile apps, infographics, marine debris artwork, Story Maps, and audio files such as songs. Download the ones you like best!
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: image gallery, marine debris, open access, pollution, video repository
Last updated: 30/10/2021
Multivariate analysis is the area of statistics that deals with observations made on many variables. The main objective is to study how the variables are related to one another, and how they work in combination to distinguish between the cases on which the observations are made.
The analysis of multivariate data permeates every research discipline: biology, medicine, environmental science, sociology, economics, education, linguistics, archaeology, anthropology, psychology and behavioural science, to name a few, and has even been applied in philosophy. All natural and physical processes are essentially multivariate in nature—the challenge is to understand the process in a multivariate way, where variables are connected and their relationships understood, as opposed to a bunch of univariate processes, i.e. single variables at a time, isolated from one another.
Multivariate Statistics' Project - Fundación BBVA (ODIS id 1330)
Multivariate analysis is the area of statistics that deals with observations made on many variables. The main objective is to study how the variables are related to one another, and how they work in combination to distinguish between the cases on which the observations are made.
The analysis of multivariate data permeates every research discipline: biology, medicine, environmental science, sociology, economics, education, linguistics, archaeology, anthropology, psychology and behavioural science, to name a few, and has even been applied in philosophy. All natural and physical processes are essentially multivariate in nature—the challenge is to understand the process in a multivariate way, where variables are connected and their relationships understood, as opposed to a bunch of univariate processes, i.e. single variables at a time, isolated from one another.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects, Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: ecological analysis, research projects, statistical analysis, statistics
Last updated: 16/04/2021
National Ocean Service Education Resources - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id: 2475)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, information and resources, knowledge products
Last updated: 05/02/2022
National Science Digital Library (USA) (ODIS id: 517)
The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) provides high quality online educational resources fo ...
National Science Digital Library (USA)
The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings. The NSDL collection contains structured descriptive information (metadata) about web-based educational resources held on other sites by their providers. These providers have contributed this metadata to NSDL for organized search and open access to educational resources via this website and its services.
Most resources in the library adhere to principles of Open Educational Resource (OER) access, although some resources are restricted to provider site membership, or may have a cost associated with them (indicated in the full record of the resource).
National Science Digital Library (USA) (ODIS id 517)
The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings. The NSDL collection contains structured descriptive information (metadata) about web-based educational resources held on other sites by their providers. These providers have contributed this metadata to NSDL for organized search and open access to educational resources via this website and its services.
Most resources in the library adhere to principles of Open Educational Resource (OER) access, although some resources are restricted to provider site membership, or may have a cost associated with them (indicated in the full record of the resource).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: digital library, digital resources, science
Last updated: 13/10/2020
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). National pilots of statistical guidance under development have been undertaken to ensure the guidance is relevant, practical and useful to policy and decision makers. This resource provides access to national pilots for China, Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Thailand and Vietnam.
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). National pilots of statistical guidance under development have been undertaken to ensure the guidance is relevant, practical and useful to policy and decision makers. This resource provides access to national pilots for China, Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Thailand and Vietnam.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Canada, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Samoa
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: SDG14, statistics
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). This requires the development of training materials and resources to support the strengthening of capacities to produce Ocean Accounts.
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). This requires the development of training materials and resources to support the strengthening of capacities to produce Ocean Accounts.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: SDG14, statistics
Last updated: 08/10/2021
The OceanBestPractices Repository is the hub of the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) which comprises: repository archive; sophisticated but user-friendly web interface; advanced technology including text mining and semantic tagging; peer-reviewed journal linked to the repository; a training component supported by the OceanTeacher Global Academy and a community forum.
The OceanBestPractices Repository(OBPS-R) is an open access, permanent, digital repository of community best practices in ocean-related sciences and applications maintained by the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO-IOC as an IOC (IODE, GOOS) coordinated activity. OBPS-R offers an array of services in discovery, access and training of Best Practices working with the technical communities that originate and use best practices. It’s home organization, IODE, has collaborative relations with many of the prominent institutes, networks and organizations that are the source of ocean data and information.
OceanBestPractices is a trusted repository for the global ocean research and observing community to publish their best practice documents by depositing them into OBPS-R. Dissemination is extended by the repository being indexed by all the major search engines and harvested by such services as Google Scholar, Scopus, OpenAIRE, ASFA etc. To support such indexing, OBPS-R provides DOIs for submitted best practices.
Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS). Oostende, Belgium, International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange(IODE) of UNESCO-IOC. Available: https://www.oceanbestpractices.org/ (Accessed ...)
The OceanBestPractices Repository is the hub of the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) which comprises: repository archive; sophisticated but user-friendly web interface; advanced technology including text mining and semantic tagging; peer-reviewed journal linked to the repository; a training component supported by the OceanTeacher Global Academy and a community forum.
The OceanBestPractices Repository(OBPS-R) is an open access, permanent, digital repository of community best practices in ocean-related sciences and applications maintained by the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO-IOC as an IOC (IODE, GOOS) coordinated activity. OBPS-R offers an array of services in discovery, access and training of Best Practices working with the technical communities that originate and use best practices. It’s home organization, IODE, has collaborative relations with many of the prominent institutes, networks and organizations that are the source of ocean data and information.
OceanBestPractices is a trusted repository for the global ocean research and observing community to publish their best practice documents by depositing them into OBPS-R. Dissemination is extended by the repository being indexed by all the major search engines and harvested by such services as Google Scholar, Scopus, OpenAIRE, ASFA etc. To support such indexing, OBPS-R provides DOIs for submitted best practices.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Last updated: 04/04/2024
Welcome to the Eurofleets+ Ocean Classroom Portal. You can access a variety of ocean literacy resources on research vessels and underwater robots (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles(AUVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Click on any of the images to access the resource and use the filters to narrow your search.
Welcome to the Eurofleets+ Ocean Classroom Portal. You can access a variety of ocean literacy resources on research vessels and underwater robots (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles(AUVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Click on any of the images to access the resource and use the filters to narrow your search.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, knowledge and information, knowledge products, research vessel
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Ocean Colour Educate - European Space Agency Climate Office (ODIS id: 3016)
Ocean Colour Educate - European Space Agency Climate Office
ESA learning resources for students, scientists and the public.
The grand challenge the world will face in the coming decades will undoubtedly be dealing with climate change. The consequences of a warming climate are far-reaching and are already affecting terrestrial and marine ecosystems, crop yields, and altering hydrological systems which, in turn, affect water resources. With impacts on the natural environment and society for generations to come, climate change is high on political, strategic and economic agendas worldwide.
To prepare for this challenge, the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) has developed Educational Resources which are learning materials for educators, students and the interested public. The educational resources target three categories:
1. Climate for schools; classroom resource packs for primary and secondary school children.
2. Climate for science excellence; self-study and teaching material for tertiary education, a Massive Online Open Course and a Summer School.
3. Climate for the public; playful games to understand aspects of climate change and the role of satellite data in monitoring it.
Ocean Colour Educate - European Space Agency Climate Office (ODIS id 3016)
Ocean Colour Educate - European Space Agency Climate Office
Original (non-English) name
Ocean Colour Educate- ESA climate office
ESA learning resources for students, scientists and the public.
The grand challenge the world will face in the coming decades will undoubtedly be dealing with climate change. The consequences of a warming climate are far-reaching and are already affecting terrestrial and marine ecosystems, crop yields, and altering hydrological systems which, in turn, affect water resources. With impacts on the natural environment and society for generations to come, climate change is high on political, strategic and economic agendas worldwide.
To prepare for this challenge, the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) has developed Educational Resources which are learning materials for educators, students and the interested public. The educational resources target three categories:
1. Climate for schools; classroom resource packs for primary and secondary school children.
2. Climate for science excellence; self-study and teaching material for tertiary education, a Massive Online Open Course and a Summer School.
3. Climate for the public; playful games to understand aspects of climate change and the role of satellite data in monitoring it.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, information and resources
Last updated: 21/12/2021
Ocean Data View (ODIS id: 341)
Ocean Data View (ODV) is a software package for the interactive exploration, analysis and visualizat ...
Ocean Data View
Ocean Data View (ODV) is a software package for the interactive exploration, analysis and visualization of oceanographic and other geo-referenced profile, time-series, trajectory or sequence data. ODV runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX (Solaris, Irix, AIX) systems. ODV data and configuration files are platform-independent and can be exchanged between different systems.
Use ODV to produce:
- property/property plots of selected stations,
- scatter plots for sets of stations,
- color sections along arbitrary cruise tracks,
- color distributions on general isosurfaces,
- temporal evolution plots of tracer fields,
- differences of tracer fields between repeats,
- geostrophic velocity sections,
- animations (3MB)
- interrupted maps.
ODV can display original data points or gridded fields based on the original data. ODV has two fast weighted-averaging gridding algorithms as well as the advanced DIVA gridding software built-in. Gridded fields can be color-shaded and/or contoured. ODV supports five different map projections and can be used to produce high-quality cruise maps. ODV graphics output can be sent directly to printers or may be exported to PostScript, gif, png, or jpg files. The resolution of exported graphics files is specified by the user and not limited by the pixel resolution of the screen.
The ODV data format allows dense storage and very fast data access. Large data collections with millions of stations can easily be maintained and explored on inexpensive desktop and notebook computers. Data from Argo, GTSPP, CCHDO, CORA, World Ocean Database, World Ocean Atlas, World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), SeaDataNet, and Medar/Medatlas can be directly imported into ODV. Ready-to-use versions of the WOCE data, the gridded World Ocean Atlas as well as many other important geoscience datasets are available for download.
ODV also supports the netCDF format and lets you explore and visualize CF, COARDS, GDT and CDC compliant netCDF datasets. This works with netCDF files on your local machine as well as with remote netCDF files served by an OPeNDAP server. Climate data in netCDF format are available here.
The various global or regional high-resolution coastline and topography resources can be installed via the View>Settings option. Packages for special regions of interest can be produced on request.
ODV has more than 70,000 registered users at leading research institutes worldwide. The UNESCO Ocean Teacher project employs ODV as one of its main analysis and display tools. In addition, ODV is used as a visualization tool for the Pangaea information system. Pangaea data sets can be easily converted into ODV collections using the Pan2Applic application.
ODV may be used free of charge for non-commercial, non-military research, and teaching purposes. If used in scientific papers, reports, or posters, ODV must be referenced as follows: Schlitzer, Reiner, Ocean Data View, odv.awi.de, 2020. Usage of ODV for commercial and military purposes requires the purchase of an ODV software license. For more information please see the ODV license document.
Ocean Data View (ODV) is a software package for the interactive exploration, analysis and visualization of oceanographic and other geo-referenced profile, time-series, trajectory or sequence data. ODV runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX (Solaris, Irix, AIX) systems. ODV data and configuration files are platform-independent and can be exchanged between different systems.
Use ODV to produce:
- property/property plots of selected stations,
- scatter plots for sets of stations,
- color sections along arbitrary cruise tracks,
- color distributions on general isosurfaces,
- temporal evolution plots of tracer fields,
- differences of tracer fields between repeats,
- geostrophic velocity sections,
- animations (3MB)
- interrupted maps.
ODV can display original data points or gridded fields based on the original data. ODV has two fast weighted-averaging gridding algorithms as well as the advanced DIVA gridding software built-in. Gridded fields can be color-shaded and/or contoured. ODV supports five different map projections and can be used to produce high-quality cruise maps. ODV graphics output can be sent directly to printers or may be exported to PostScript, gif, png, or jpg files. The resolution of exported graphics files is specified by the user and not limited by the pixel resolution of the screen.
The ODV data format allows dense storage and very fast data access. Large data collections with millions of stations can easily be maintained and explored on inexpensive desktop and notebook computers. Data from Argo, GTSPP, CCHDO, CORA, World Ocean Database, World Ocean Atlas, World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), SeaDataNet, and Medar/Medatlas can be directly imported into ODV. Ready-to-use versions of the WOCE data, the gridded World Ocean Atlas as well as many other important geoscience datasets are available for download.
ODV also supports the netCDF format and lets you explore and visualize CF, COARDS, GDT and CDC compliant netCDF datasets. This works with netCDF files on your local machine as well as with remote netCDF files served by an OPeNDAP server. Climate data in netCDF format are available here.
The various global or regional high-resolution coastline and topography resources can be installed via the View>Settings option. Packages for special regions of interest can be produced on request.
ODV has more than 70,000 registered users at leading research institutes worldwide. The UNESCO Ocean Teacher project employs ODV as one of its main analysis and display tools. In addition, ODV is used as a visualization tool for the Pangaea information system. Pangaea data sets can be easily converted into ODV collections using the Pan2Applic application.
ODV may be used free of charge for non-commercial, non-military research, and teaching purposes. If used in scientific papers, reports, or posters, ODV must be referenced as follows: Schlitzer, Reiner, Ocean Data View, odv.awi.de, 2020. Usage of ODV for commercial and military purposes requires the purchase of an ODV software license. For more information please see the ODV license document.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Germany
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: ADCP, CTD, Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA), ODV software, Static maps, Training and capacity building, Training and education, XBT, analysis and visualization of oceanographic data, color distributions on general isosurfaces, color sections along arbitrary cruise tracks, data quality, e-learning, geostrophic velocity sections, interactive exploration, scatter plots for sets of stations, temporal evolution plots of tracer fields
Last updated: 30/09/2021
OceanDocs - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 706)
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: Elamite
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Dredging, coastal dynamics, hydrodynamics
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Ocean Facts - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id: 2478)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, information and resources, ocean sciences
Last updated: 05/02/2022
In the massive open online course One Planet – One Ocean: From Science to Solutions, learn from the world's leading experts on ocean science. They will present the issues and potential solutions – grounded in rigorous scientific research – to fight for our endangered waters.
This Massive Open Online Course was broadcast in 2016, 2017 and 2018, attracting over 9000 participants from 62 countries. Although the course is not live at present, you can access all its resources through the link at the top right of this page. It provides you a knowledge base that brings to you to the science and fascination of the ocean. Marine scientists team with economists, lawyers and philosophers to bring you a holistic view of how the ocean functions, how human interactions with the ocean can be understood, and what solutions are available to support both sustainable use and stewardship of our blue planet.
In the massive open online course One Planet – One Ocean: From Science to Solutions, learn from the world's leading experts on ocean science. They will present the issues and potential solutions – grounded in rigorous scientific research – to fight for our endangered waters.
This Massive Open Online Course was broadcast in 2016, 2017 and 2018, attracting over 9000 participants from 62 countries. Although the course is not live at present, you can access all its resources through the link at the top right of this page. It provides you a knowledge base that brings to you to the science and fascination of the ocean. Marine scientists team with economists, lawyers and philosophers to bring you a holistic view of how the ocean functions, how human interactions with the ocean can be understood, and what solutions are available to support both sustainable use and stewardship of our blue planet.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Ecosystems, aquaculture, climate, fisheries, global change, global ocean, marine life
Last updated: 05/10/2021
OCEANOGRAPHIC AND METEROLOGICAL ATLAS OF THE PERUVIAN SEA - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 712)
At present, the competitive patterns of this globalized world show the importance of having an educated population capable of assimilating new technologies and innovating. Knowledge plays an important role since it is through it that development and the ability to increase wealth are generated, maintaining or increasing the economic and social prosperity of its inhabitants.
OCEANOGRAPHIC AND METEROLOGICAL ATLAS OF THE PERUVIAN SEA - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 712)
Original (non-English) name
ATLAS OCEANOGRAFICO Y METEREOLOGICO DEL MAR PERUANO - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
At present, the competitive patterns of this globalized world show the importance of having an educated population capable of assimilating new technologies and innovating. Knowledge plays an important role since it is through it that development and the ability to increase wealth are generated, maintaining or increasing the economic and social prosperity of its inhabitants.
✴This app is the best resource for your Oceanography Study.✴
【Topics Covered Based On Below Concepts】
*Introduction To Oceanography
*What will we learn here?
*The Water Cycle
*The Nutrient Cycle
The place of physical oceanography in science; tools and prerequisites: projections, ocean topography
*Tools and prerequisites for physical oceanography
*Topographic features of the oceans
*Objects of study in Physical Oceanography
*Properties of seawater
*The Global Oceanic Heat Budget
*Heat Budget Outputs
*Distribution of temperature and salinity with depth; the density stratification
*Acoustic Properties
*Nutrients, oxygen and growth-limiting trace metals in the ocean
*Aspects of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
*Inertial motion
*The Ekman Layer
*Thermohaline processes; water mass formation; the seasonal thermocline
*Circulation in Mediterranean Seas
*Waves of finite amplitude
*Long Waves (shallow water waves )
*Internal Waves
*Shape of the Tidal Wave
*Oceanographic instrumentation
*Towed vehicles
*Measurements of hydrographic properties
*Wave measurements
✴This app is the best resource for your Oceanography Study.✴
【Topics Covered Based On Below Concepts】
*Introduction To Oceanography
*What will we learn here?
*The Water Cycle
*The Nutrient Cycle
The place of physical oceanography in science; tools and prerequisites: projections, ocean topography
*Tools and prerequisites for physical oceanography
*Topographic features of the oceans
*Objects of study in Physical Oceanography
*Properties of seawater
*The Global Oceanic Heat Budget
*Heat Budget Outputs
*Distribution of temperature and salinity with depth; the density stratification
*Acoustic Properties
*Nutrients, oxygen and growth-limiting trace metals in the ocean
*Aspects of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
*Inertial motion
*The Ekman Layer
*Thermohaline processes; water mass formation; the seasonal thermocline
*Circulation in Mediterranean Seas
*Waves of finite amplitude
*Long Waves (shallow water waves )
*Internal Waves
*Shape of the Tidal Wave
*Oceanographic instrumentation
*Towed vehicles
*Measurements of hydrographic properties
*Wave measurements
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: India
Host Countries: India
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: education, mobile phone application, oceanography
Last updated: 23/12/2021
A general introduction to Python as a tool for data analysis in oceanography.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: India
Host Countries: India
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: data analysis, oceanography, python
Last updated: 02/05/2021
OceanTeacher Global Academy - IOC/UNESCO (ODIS id: 359)
The OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) established a global network of Regional Training Centres to deliver customized training for ocean experts and professionals to increase national and regional capacity in coastal and marine sciences, services and management. The RTCs include Belgium, Colombia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mozambique, Senegal, Iran and China.
The OceanTeacher e-Learning Platform enables the sharing of standardized, quality training contents in a coordinated framework, whilst allowing the use of different languages as well as local/regional case studies. It is a comprehensive web-based training platform that supports classroom training (face to face), blended training (combining classroom and distance learning), and online (distance) learning.
Courses cover a range of topics related to the IOC programs, contributing to the IOC Mandate and the implementation of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy, enabling equitable participation of all IOC MS and IOC Programmes.
OceanTeacher Global Academy - IOC/UNESCO (ODIS id 359)
The OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) established a global network of Regional Training Centres to deliver customized training for ocean experts and professionals to increase national and regional capacity in coastal and marine sciences, services and management. The RTCs include Belgium, Colombia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mozambique, Senegal, Iran and China.
The OceanTeacher e-Learning Platform enables the sharing of standardized, quality training contents in a coordinated framework, whilst allowing the use of different languages as well as local/regional case studies. It is a comprehensive web-based training platform that supports classroom training (face to face), blended training (combining classroom and distance learning), and online (distance) learning.
Courses cover a range of topics related to the IOC programs, contributing to the IOC Mandate and the implementation of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy, enabling equitable participation of all IOC MS and IOC Programmes.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Last updated: 02/10/2021
The purpose of the Data Analysis course is to provide an
introduction to a variety of concepts and techniques used in
interpreting atmospheric and ocean measurements and numerical
model output, with an emphasis on time
series. In most cases, applying these
techniques requires computing, hence
at least minimal programming. This raises the question of
which computer language and other software to use.
For this course we have chosen Python as the language. It
is widely used in almost all applications of computing
(e.g., Facebook and Google are major users of Python), and
it is gaining prominance in many areas of science, including
biology (especially neuroscience and bioinformatics) and the
earth sciences (with atmospheric science being perhaps the
most rapid adopter). Do you want to verify the LIGO
gravitational wave discovery? It's all
`here `_
in Python.
If you will need to do some programming as a student and/or as a
professional, a moderate amount of time spent learning good
tools and practices at an early stage will pay off ever
after. By working in Python with both simulated and real data
sets, we will try to develop computing skill along
with an understanding of basic statistics and data analysis
techniques. Along the way we will introduce tools such as
Distributed Version Control Systems (Mercurial and git) and
the Python `Sphinx `_ web-site
generator used to make this site.
The purpose of the Data Analysis course is to provide an
introduction to a variety of concepts and techniques used in
interpreting atmospheric and ocean measurements and numerical
model output, with an emphasis on time
series. In most cases, applying these
techniques requires computing, hence
at least minimal programming. This raises the question of
which computer language and other software to use.
For this course we have chosen Python as the language. It
is widely used in almost all applications of computing
(e.g., Facebook and Google are major users of Python), and
it is gaining prominance in many areas of science, including
biology (especially neuroscience and bioinformatics) and the
earth sciences (with atmospheric science being perhaps the
most rapid adopter). Do you want to verify the LIGO
gravitational wave discovery? It's all
`here `_
in Python.
If you will need to do some programming as a student and/or as a
professional, a moderate amount of time spent learning good
tools and practices at an early stage will pay off ever
after. By working in Python with both simulated and real data
sets, we will try to develop computing skill along
with an understanding of basic statistics and data analysis
techniques. Along the way we will introduce tools such as
Distributed Version Control Systems (Mercurial and git) and
the Python `Sphinx `_ web-site
generator used to make this site.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Training and capacity building, Training and education, data analysis, python
Last updated: 04/07/2021
Open Access Repository - Marine Institute (ODIS id: 523)
The Marine Institute Open Access Repository facilitates full-text access to the publications of the ...
Open Access Repository - Marine Institute
The Marine Institute Open Access Repository facilitates full-text access to the publications of the Marine Institute in accordance with copyright permissions. The aim of the Repository is to collect, preserve and provide open access to the publications of the Marine Institute, including the research publications supported by National and European funded marine research programmes.
Open Access Repository - Marine Institute (ODIS id 523)
The Marine Institute Open Access Repository facilitates full-text access to the publications of the Marine Institute in accordance with copyright permissions. The aim of the Repository is to collect, preserve and provide open access to the publications of the Marine Institute, including the research publications supported by National and European funded marine research programmes.
CFOO is a regional, multi-institutional, Centre of Excellence in observational and operational oceanography, associated applied research and species management programs.
Based in South Africa, CFOO was established with the intent on developing in-situ monitoring, observational and operational oceanography in conjunction with marine species management, particularly Endangered species. In achieving this, CFOO will incorporate training, education, human capacity development, scientific research, R & D, engineering and renewable energy applications. Accessibility using modern techniques is key to the effective use of the resources available, particularly the live data. This will include ‘in-field’ data entry via mobile or tablet for tracking animals and assist environmental law enforcement.
Operational Oceanography Species Management App (ODIS id 3166)
CFOO is a regional, multi-institutional, Centre of Excellence in observational and operational oceanography, associated applied research and species management programs.
Based in South Africa, CFOO was established with the intent on developing in-situ monitoring, observational and operational oceanography in conjunction with marine species management, particularly Endangered species. In achieving this, CFOO will incorporate training, education, human capacity development, scientific research, R & D, engineering and renewable energy applications. Accessibility using modern techniques is key to the effective use of the resources available, particularly the live data. This will include ‘in-field’ data entry via mobile or tablet for tracking animals and assist environmental law enforcement.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: South Africa
Host Countries: South Africa
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Marine Species, Monitoring, Training and education, mobile phone application, observational oceanography, observations, operational oceanography
Last updated: 23/12/2021
OSGeo Resources - Open Source Geospatial Foundation (ODIS id: 1984)
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to f ...
OSGeo Resources - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community driven development.
GeoForAll have done a substantial amount of work in the field of geodata visualisation research and education. One example is the FOSS4G GeoAcademy Curriculum lectures and labs, maintained and made available for download from the Spatial {Query} Lab on behalf of the GeoAcademy.
The lectures focus on a vendor-agnostic set of theories and principles. The lectures and labs are freely available to use and have been released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. They are in line with the Geospatial Technology Competency Model, and all labs focus on the use of Free and Open Source GIS Software (FOSS4G). They are also available on GitHub.
OSGeo Resources - Open Source Geospatial Foundation (ODIS id 1984)
OSGeo Resources - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Original (non-English) name
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community driven development.
GeoForAll have done a substantial amount of work in the field of geodata visualisation research and education. One example is the FOSS4G GeoAcademy Curriculum lectures and labs, maintained and made available for download from the Spatial {Query} Lab on behalf of the GeoAcademy.
The lectures focus on a vendor-agnostic set of theories and principles. The lectures and labs are freely available to use and have been released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. They are in line with the Geospatial Technology Competency Model, and all labs focus on the use of Free and Open Source GIS Software (FOSS4G). They are also available on GitHub.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Geospatial data, Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data training , e-learning, education, geosciences, information and resources, knowledge and information
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Outreach - Glaciology Research Group at Oregon State University (ODIS id: 2812)
Public outreach and education is a big part of science. We visit schools, work with writers to write ...
Outreach - Glaciology Research Group at Oregon State University
Public outreach and education is a big part of science. We visit schools, work with writers to write magazine articles, invite teachers to come to the field with use. These are a selection of our bigger outreach efforts.
Outreach - Glaciology Research Group at Oregon State University (ODIS id 2812)
Outreach - Glaciology Research Group at Oregon State University
Original (non-English) name
Public outreach and education is a big part of science. We visit schools, work with writers to write magazine articles, invite teachers to come to the field with use. These are a selection of our bigger outreach efforts.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: ice, outreach and education, polar environment
Last updated: 31/10/2021
Meetings and workshops: GODAE OceanView regularly organises science team (GOVST) and task team (TT) meetings and workshops where internal and external experts can exchange knowledge and build networks. These events generally invite contributions from othere science team and international groups, and provide a forum for the main operational and research institutions involved in global ocean analysis and forecasting to develop collaborations and international coordination of their activities.
In addtion GODAE OceanView also organises symposia and supports summer schools, to exchange its accomplishments with the wider ocean community and to support the next generation of ocean scientists.
Capacity Building: GODAE OceanView is visible in the broad spectrum of the research and operational oceanographic community. Information about research activities are distributed via a number of media, including publications, magazines and brochures, the GODAE OceanView website and also through symposia and summer schools.
The GOVST offers a central portal from where an overview of the various national contributions can be obtained and from where proper references and links are set up to the research activities in its Task Teams and in the national contributions. GOVST is aiming to provide a coordinated response to any overarching scientific requests from operational oceanography stakeholders, such as space agencies, and international organizations.
Education & Training: the lasting legacy of the GODAE OceanView will result from investment in educational activities that will prepare the next generation of scientists trained to advance real-time ocean forecasting and the objective design and implementation of ocean observing systems. GODAE OceanView will continue to strive to organise events for early career scientists, professionals and students on the current state of the art in operational oceanography and related advances in the ocean sciences.
Education supported by GODAE OceanView will take a variety of forms, including attendance of workshops and summer schools, access to related literature and tutorials, participation in cutting edge research activities and training through international exchange visits and internships.
Meetings and workshops: GODAE OceanView regularly organises science team (GOVST) and task team (TT) meetings and workshops where internal and external experts can exchange knowledge and build networks. These events generally invite contributions from othere science team and international groups, and provide a forum for the main operational and research institutions involved in global ocean analysis and forecasting to develop collaborations and international coordination of their activities.
In addtion GODAE OceanView also organises symposia and supports summer schools, to exchange its accomplishments with the wider ocean community and to support the next generation of ocean scientists.
Capacity Building: GODAE OceanView is visible in the broad spectrum of the research and operational oceanographic community. Information about research activities are distributed via a number of media, including publications, magazines and brochures, the GODAE OceanView website and also through symposia and summer schools.
The GOVST offers a central portal from where an overview of the various national contributions can be obtained and from where proper references and links are set up to the research activities in its Task Teams and in the national contributions. GOVST is aiming to provide a coordinated response to any overarching scientific requests from operational oceanography stakeholders, such as space agencies, and international organizations.
Education & Training: the lasting legacy of the GODAE OceanView will result from investment in educational activities that will prepare the next generation of scientists trained to advance real-time ocean forecasting and the objective design and implementation of ocean observing systems. GODAE OceanView will continue to strive to organise events for early career scientists, professionals and students on the current state of the art in operational oceanography and related advances in the ocean sciences.
Education supported by GODAE OceanView will take a variety of forms, including attendance of workshops and summer schools, access to related literature and tutorials, participation in cutting edge research activities and training through international exchange visits and internships.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and capacity building, Training and education, cooperation, information exchange, marine science, oceanographic research, oceanography, operational oceanography, research network
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Outreach and Education - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (ODIS id: 3063)
Outreach and Education - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
To encourage an ocean-literate public and an upcoming generation of marine scientists and engineers, BOEM's Environmental Studies Program-sponsored research results are sometimes used to prepare materials for teachers, including video and audio files. Educators, in collaboration with BOEM scientists, develop materials for formal and informal educators using data or information from actual research projects. Development of teacher resources is often an integral part of the research design. Sample teacher resources are described below. All completed ESP reports are available on-line as full electronic PDF documents in the Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS).
Outreach and Education - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (ODIS id 3063)
Outreach and Education - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Original (non-English) name
Outreach and Education - BOEM
To encourage an ocean-literate public and an upcoming generation of marine scientists and engineers, BOEM's Environmental Studies Program-sponsored research results are sometimes used to prepare materials for teachers, including video and audio files. Educators, in collaboration with BOEM scientists, develop materials for formal and informal educators using data or information from actual research projects. Development of teacher resources is often an integral part of the research design. Sample teacher resources are described below. All completed ESP reports are available on-line as full electronic PDF documents in the Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS).
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Training and education, education
Last updated: 16/01/2022
Pacific Climate Change Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (ODIS id: 1498)
Pacific Climate Change Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Original (non-English) name
The one stop location for accessing climate resources, news, events and more in the Pacific Islands region.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Climate change, climate change impacts, climate monitoring, environment, environmental information, environmental science, information and resources, visual resources
Last updated: 23/06/2021
Pacific Environment Portal (ODIS id: 3293)
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national ...
Pacific Environment Portal
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national Pacific data. It provides easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national Pacific data. It provides easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Multimedia content
Languages: English, French
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Palau, REGIONAL, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Last updated: 23/04/2024
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade (ODIS id: 3272)
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade
Peace Boat US launches “Youth for the SDGs” program for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development during its inaugural voyage on the Pacific World! Join us here online for details about our citizen science data collection projects and updates from the voyage to the Arctic and Latin America.
Peace Boat US is excited to announce the launch of a new series of programs as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Peace Boat US is a nonprofit organization working to promote a culture of peace and sustainability through educational programs held onboard Peace Boat’s ship which sails with the logo of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the hull. Peace Boat, which holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations (ECOSOC), invites youth leaders from around the world, working towards sustainability in their home communities, to travel onboard, engaging in capacity building, citizen science programs and experiences in the ports of call that enrich their understanding of marine science and climate action on a global scale. Highlighting the theme of this year’s United Nations World Oceans Day: “Planet Ocean, Tides are Changing, we seek to raise awareness about Life Below Water and encourage positive action for our blue planet.
As we embark on the inaugural voyage of Peace Boat’s new ship, the Pacific World, we plan to scale up our initiatives for Ocean Literacy, and our commitment to education for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Educational onboard and port programs are designed to familiarize youth with the practical realities of environmental sustainability, intercultural communication, citizen science and education for the UN
Sustainable Development Goals—drawing on our 40 years experience of educational programs. Furthermore, the role of sustainable tourism will also be explored, both as a tool for education and awareness raising about ocean degradation and climate change, and also in connection to SDG Target 14.7. Peace Boat’s Global Voyages for the UN Ocean Decade will create the framework for hundreds of educational programs, advocacy campaigns, media appeal and applied research, as well as for hosting international conferences, public awareness raising events and exhibitions on green technologies, climate action, and ocean welfare.
114th Global Voyage Program details can be found here:
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade (ODIS id 3272)
Peace Boat US "Youth for the SDGs" Program for the UN Ocean Decade
Original (non-English) name
Peace Boat US Youth for the SDGs Program for the UN Ocean Decade
PB US Youth for the SDGs
Courtesy of Peace Boat US - www.peaceboat-us.org
Peace Boat US launches “Youth for the SDGs” program for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development during its inaugural voyage on the Pacific World! Join us here online for details about our citizen science data collection projects and updates from the voyage to the Arctic and Latin America.
Peace Boat US is excited to announce the launch of a new series of programs as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Peace Boat US is a nonprofit organization working to promote a culture of peace and sustainability through educational programs held onboard Peace Boat’s ship which sails with the logo of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the hull. Peace Boat, which holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations (ECOSOC), invites youth leaders from around the world, working towards sustainability in their home communities, to travel onboard, engaging in capacity building, citizen science programs and experiences in the ports of call that enrich their understanding of marine science and climate action on a global scale. Highlighting the theme of this year’s United Nations World Oceans Day: “Planet Ocean, Tides are Changing, we seek to raise awareness about Life Below Water and encourage positive action for our blue planet.
As we embark on the inaugural voyage of Peace Boat’s new ship, the Pacific World, we plan to scale up our initiatives for Ocean Literacy, and our commitment to education for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Educational onboard and port programs are designed to familiarize youth with the practical realities of environmental sustainability, intercultural communication, citizen science and education for the UN
Sustainable Development Goals—drawing on our 40 years experience of educational programs. Furthermore, the role of sustainable tourism will also be explored, both as a tool for education and awareness raising about ocean degradation and climate change, and also in connection to SDG Target 14.7. Peace Boat’s Global Voyages for the UN Ocean Decade will create the framework for hundreds of educational programs, advocacy campaigns, media appeal and applied research, as well as for hosting international conferences, public awareness raising events and exhibitions on green technologies, climate action, and ocean welfare.
114th Global Voyage Program details can be found here:
Peace Boat US is an international non profit organization and holds 501(c)3 tax exempt status in the USA. Data collection is created during our Youth for the SDGs program by youth leaders ages 18 - 30 years old and experts in the field of citizen science.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Journals (open source and commercial), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Blue energy, Cetaceans, Climate change, air temperature, biodiversity, biology, blue economy, citizen science, climate
Last updated: 27/07/2023
Polarpedia (ODIS id: 2300)
Polarpedia is a free online encyclopedia on polar research. It is a tool of EDU-ARCTIC’s education ...
Polarpedia is a free online encyclopedia on polar research. It is a tool of EDU-ARCTIC’s educational program, accessible without registration, and an extensive knowledge base of the Arctic, with more than 500 terms translated to 16 national European languages.
Polarpedia contains photos, graphics and animations or videos.
An additional part of Polarpedia, Games & Quizes, contains educational resources for teachers and students in forms of online games, quizzes, worksheets, experiments or teamwork proposals.
Polarpedia is a free online encyclopedia on polar research. It is a tool of EDU-ARCTIC’s educational program, accessible without registration, and an extensive knowledge base of the Arctic, with more than 500 terms translated to 16 national European languages.
Polarpedia contains photos, graphics and animations or videos.
An additional part of Polarpedia, Games & Quizes, contains educational resources for teachers and students in forms of online games, quizzes, worksheets, experiments or teamwork proposals.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: Danish, English, Spanish, Croatian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Albanian, Serbian
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, information and resources, polar environment
Last updated: 24/09/2021
Precipitation Science educational resources and educators pages - NASA (ODIS id: 3153)
Rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation affect every part of life on Earth. Rain falls on the c ...
Precipitation Science educational resources and educators pages - NASA
Rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation affect every part of life on Earth. Rain falls on the crops we eat, fills the reservoirs of water we drink, and is an integral part of everyday weather and long term climate trends. This website, presented by NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, provides students and educators with resources to learn about Earth’s water cycle, weather and climate, and the technology and societal applications of studying them.
GPM is an international satellite mission that uses multiple satellites orbiting Earth to collect rain, snow and other precipitation data worldwide every three hours. On February 27th, 2014, NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched a Core Observatory satellite carrying advanced instruments that improve our precipitation-measuring capabilities and bring all the data from the partner satellites into a unified global dataset.
Precipitation Science educational resources and educators pages - NASA (ODIS id 3153)
Precipitation Science educational resources and educators pages - NASA
Original (non-English) name
Rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation affect every part of life on Earth. Rain falls on the crops we eat, fills the reservoirs of water we drink, and is an integral part of everyday weather and long term climate trends. This website, presented by NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, provides students and educators with resources to learn about Earth’s water cycle, weather and climate, and the technology and societal applications of studying them.
GPM is an international satellite mission that uses multiple satellites orbiting Earth to collect rain, snow and other precipitation data worldwide every three hours. On February 27th, 2014, NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched a Core Observatory satellite carrying advanced instruments that improve our precipitation-measuring capabilities and bring all the data from the partner satellites into a unified global dataset.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), education, precipitation, water cycle, weather climate and seasonal observation
Last updated: 25/12/2021
Products and Services - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2618)
Products and Services - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Working with hundreds of stakeholder communities and learning their needs has helped us to develop products useful for everything from ocean navigation and hurricane trajectories to monitoring coastal areas for harmful algal blooms and tracking the movements of invasive species.
Products and Services - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2618)
Products and Services - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Products and Services - GCOOS
Working with hundreds of stakeholder communities and learning their needs has helped us to develop products useful for everything from ocean navigation and hurricane trajectories to monitoring coastal areas for harmful algal blooms and tracking the movements of invasive species.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products
Last updated: 14/10/2021
pymoc package (ODIS id: 1947)
A simple model suite for the MOC.
PyMOC is a suite of python modules to build simple "toy" models f ...
pymoc package
A simple model suite for the MOC.
PyMOC is a suite of python modules to build simple "toy" models for ocean's Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC).
The model suite consists of several independent modules representing various ocean regions and dynamics. Specifically, there are modules for calculating the 1-D advective-diffusive buoyancy tendencies averaged over ocean basins, given the net isopycnal transports in and out of the column. The isopycnal transports are computed as diagnostic relationships, with modules to calculate the wind- and eddy-driven residual circulation in a southern-ocean-like re-entrant channel, as well as the geostrophic exchange between different basins or basin regions. These modules may be coupled to study the circulation in a wide range of different configurations.
The intended audiences for this model are researchers, educators and students in the geophysical sciences. The goal is to provide an accessible model appropriate for newcomers to geophysical modeling, but with physics that reflect the current state of our theoretical understanding of the deep ocean overturning circulation.
Configuration and execution of the PyMOC suite requires relatively little technical knowledge or computational resources. All modules are written in pure Python, and the only core dependencies are the NumPy and SciPy libraries. If configuration of your base system environment is undesirable, a preconfigured Docker container has been made available with all required software libraries pre-installed.
Anybody is more than welcome to contibute to the development of PyMOC, but is asked to adhere to the goal of keeping PyMOC well tested, stable, maintainable, and documented.
A simple model suite for the MOC.
PyMOC is a suite of python modules to build simple "toy" models for ocean's Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC).
The model suite consists of several independent modules representing various ocean regions and dynamics. Specifically, there are modules for calculating the 1-D advective-diffusive buoyancy tendencies averaged over ocean basins, given the net isopycnal transports in and out of the column. The isopycnal transports are computed as diagnostic relationships, with modules to calculate the wind- and eddy-driven residual circulation in a southern-ocean-like re-entrant channel, as well as the geostrophic exchange between different basins or basin regions. These modules may be coupled to study the circulation in a wide range of different configurations.
The intended audiences for this model are researchers, educators and students in the geophysical sciences. The goal is to provide an accessible model appropriate for newcomers to geophysical modeling, but with physics that reflect the current state of our theoretical understanding of the deep ocean overturning circulation.
Configuration and execution of the PyMOC suite requires relatively little technical knowledge or computational resources. All modules are written in pure Python, and the only core dependencies are the NumPy and SciPy libraries. If configuration of your base system environment is undesirable, a preconfigured Docker container has been made available with all required software libraries pre-installed.
Anybody is more than welcome to contibute to the development of PyMOC, but is asked to adhere to the goal of keeping PyMOC well tested, stable, maintainable, and documented.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Modelling, advective-diffusive buoyancy, climate, climate research, oceanography, python, transport
Last updated: 01/05/2021
Research4life (ODIS id: 1308)
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academi ...
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. We aim to improve teaching, research and policymaking in health, agriculture, the environment and other life, physical and social sciences.
Since 2002, Research4Life have provided researchers at more than 10,000 institutions in over 125 lower- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to up 140,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, applied sciences and legal information.
We do this in partnership with organisations in the fields of scholarly communications, technology and international development: WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, ILO; Cornell and Yale Universities; the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and more than 180 international publisher partners.
There are five programs through which users can access content: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI).
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. We aim to improve teaching, research and policymaking in health, agriculture, the environment and other life, physical and social sciences.
Since 2002, Research4Life have provided researchers at more than 10,000 institutions in over 125 lower- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to up 140,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, applied sciences and legal information.
We do this in partnership with organisations in the fields of scholarly communications, technology and international development: WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, ILO; Cornell and Yale Universities; the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and more than 180 international publisher partners.
There are five programs through which users can access content: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Capacity Development, Training and education, publications, publishing services
Last updated: 17/05/2021
Research data management open training materials - ZENODO (ODIS id: 1996)
Research data management open training materials - ZENODO
Original (non-English) name
RDM open training materials - ZENODO
Openly accessible online training materials which can be shared and repurposed for RDM training. All contributions in any language are welcome.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Switzerland
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data training , education, knowledge and information, open access, open data, open science, research data
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Resources - Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe (ODIS id: 2495)
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, REGIONAL
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, information and resources, ocean sciences, open access
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Resources for Educators - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2628)
Resources for Educators - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
While GCOOS is a data-driven organization, our mission also includes developing tools that help support a more ocean-literate society. To that end, GCOOS educators have developed a series of lesson plans for educators. Plans are based on national science standards.
Resources for Educators - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2628)
Resources for Educators - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Resources for Educators - GCOOS
While GCOOS is a data-driven organization, our mission also includes developing tools that help support a more ocean-literate society. To that end, GCOOS educators have developed a series of lesson plans for educators. Plans are based on national science standards.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education
Last updated: 14/10/2021
The Education and Outreach Department is part of the United States Science Support Program (USSSP) for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Our mission is to raise awareness about ocean drilling science and its central role in our understanding of the Earth’s past, present and future, teach science content and process, and inspire careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Our approach includes use of authentic data, inquiry-centered activities and interdisciplinary explorations drawing from the adventures of the JOIDES Resolution ship and the earlier ocean drilling ship; the Glomar Challenger.
The JOIDES Resolution (JR) is a research vessel that drills into the ocean floor to collect and study core samples. Scientists use data from the JR to better understand climate change, geology and Earth’s history. It is a part of the International Ocean Discovery Program and is funded by the National Science Foundation.
The Education and Outreach Department is part of the United States Science Support Program (USSSP) for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Our mission is to raise awareness about ocean drilling science and its central role in our understanding of the Earth’s past, present and future, teach science content and process, and inspire careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Our approach includes use of authentic data, inquiry-centered activities and interdisciplinary explorations drawing from the adventures of the JOIDES Resolution ship and the earlier ocean drilling ship; the Glomar Challenger.
The JOIDES Resolution (JR) is a research vessel that drills into the ocean floor to collect and study core samples. Scientists use data from the JR to better understand climate change, geology and Earth’s history. It is a part of the International Ocean Discovery Program and is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, no theme defined
Keywords: Climate change, core samples, e-learning, education, microbiology, mineralogy, oceanic crust, petrology, plate tectonics, sediment cores
Last updated: 25/12/2021
School of Data (ODIS id: 1985)
School of Data is a global network committed to advancing data literacy in civil society. Informatio ...
School of Data
School of Data is a global network committed to advancing data literacy in civil society. Information that directly impact people’s lives is increasingly accessible but civil society is falling behind in making effective use of it. Through our global network of data literacy practitioners and trainers, School of Data seeks to address this data skills gaps in order to amplify the messages of civil society through the use of data. We level the playing field by ensuring that civil society organisations and newsrooms have the knowledge, resources and tools they need to participate fully in the information age.
School of Data is a network of data literacy practitioners composed of organisations and individuals. Together, we implement an array of data literacy programmes in our respective countries and regions. Members of School of Data network work to support civil society organizations (CSOs), journalists, and citizens to engage with and use data in their efforts to create better, more equitable and more sustainable societies. Over the past four years, School of Data has succeeded in developing and sustaining a thriving network of data literacy practitioners across Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Our network includes 13 organisations across the world and a total of 101 active individuals, all of whom contribute to School of Data mission and programmes. We have trained over 6,500 people through our workshops and community events. We have mentored dozens of organisations to become tech savvy and data-driven. Our flagship initiatives, the School of Data Fellowship Programme, was piloted in 2013 and has now successfully supported 31 Fellows in 25 countries to become effective data literacy trainers and to provide long-term data capacity building in their communities. The Fellowship programme specifically run in partnership with organisations in our network and beyond: SocialTIC and Internews in Latin America, the Natural Resource Governance Institute and OD4D in Africa, The Engine Room in Eastern Europe.
Our methodologies and approach for delivering hands-on data training and data literacy skills, such as the data pipeline and the data expedition, have now been replicated in various formats by organisations around the world.
These successes are due to the passionate dedication of the members of the School of Data network who have been adopting, adapting and delivering School of Data training in their local communities while simultaneously feeding back their learnings and materials to be reused by larger network. The governance structure of School of Data reflects this commitment of our network members, who have elected our second Steering Committee tasked of overseeing the strategy of the network.
School of Data is a global network committed to advancing data literacy in civil society. Information that directly impact people’s lives is increasingly accessible but civil society is falling behind in making effective use of it. Through our global network of data literacy practitioners and trainers, School of Data seeks to address this data skills gaps in order to amplify the messages of civil society through the use of data. We level the playing field by ensuring that civil society organisations and newsrooms have the knowledge, resources and tools they need to participate fully in the information age.
School of Data is a network of data literacy practitioners composed of organisations and individuals. Together, we implement an array of data literacy programmes in our respective countries and regions. Members of School of Data network work to support civil society organizations (CSOs), journalists, and citizens to engage with and use data in their efforts to create better, more equitable and more sustainable societies. Over the past four years, School of Data has succeeded in developing and sustaining a thriving network of data literacy practitioners across Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Our network includes 13 organisations across the world and a total of 101 active individuals, all of whom contribute to School of Data mission and programmes. We have trained over 6,500 people through our workshops and community events. We have mentored dozens of organisations to become tech savvy and data-driven. Our flagship initiatives, the School of Data Fellowship Programme, was piloted in 2013 and has now successfully supported 31 Fellows in 25 countries to become effective data literacy trainers and to provide long-term data capacity building in their communities. The Fellowship programme specifically run in partnership with organisations in our network and beyond: SocialTIC and Internews in Latin America, the Natural Resource Governance Institute and OD4D in Africa, The Engine Room in Eastern Europe.
Our methodologies and approach for delivering hands-on data training and data literacy skills, such as the data pipeline and the data expedition, have now been replicated in various formats by organisations around the world.
These successes are due to the passionate dedication of the members of the School of Data network who have been adopting, adapting and delivering School of Data training in their local communities while simultaneously feeding back their learnings and materials to be reused by larger network. The governance structure of School of Data reflects this commitment of our network members, who have elected our second Steering Committee tasked of overseeing the strategy of the network.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, data literacy , data management, data training , education, knowledge and information
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Science & Data - United Nations Environment Programme (ODIS id: 1459)
Science & Data - United Nations Environment Programme
The UN Environment Programme offers more than 15,000 items, from real-time data tools and platforms to key reports, publications, fact sheets, interactives and more.
Science & Data - United Nations Environment Programme (ODIS id 1459)
Science & Data - United Nations Environment Programme
Original (non-English) name
Science & Data - UNEP
The UN Environment Programme offers more than 15,000 items, from real-time data tools and platforms to key reports, publications, fact sheets, interactives and more.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: data analysis, data and information, data collection, document repository, education, environment, environmental information, environmental protection, environmental science, open access, open data
Last updated: 19/10/2021
Collection of files and demos associated with SciPy 2020 Talk "Oceanography, Data Ontology, and the Semantic Web".
Repo with examples of how to explore and plot data in the BCO-DMO data repository using the BCO-DMO Knowledge Graph with Python and Jupyter
Try running BCO-DMO_SPARQL_intro_No-data.ipynb in Binder to explore the BCO-DMO Knowledge Graph with python and SPARQL! Binder (The interactive map visualization will not work on Binder.)
Browse the BCO-DMO Knowledge Graph via the SPARQL endpoint: https://lod.bco-dmo.org/browse/ Check out the Ocean Data Ontolody (odo:) https://ocean-data.org/schema/.
Collection of files and demos associated with SciPy 2020 Talk "Oceanography, Data Ontology, and the Semantic Web".
Repo with examples of how to explore and plot data in the BCO-DMO data repository using the BCO-DMO Knowledge Graph with Python and Jupyter
Try running BCO-DMO_SPARQL_intro_No-data.ipynb in Binder to explore the BCO-DMO Knowledge Graph with python and SPARQL! Binder (The interactive map visualization will not work on Binder.)
Browse the BCO-DMO Knowledge Graph via the SPARQL endpoint: https://lod.bco-dmo.org/browse/ Check out the Ocean Data Ontolody (odo:) https://ocean-data.org/schema/.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
WARNING: The number of SPARQL requests made at one time on the BCO-DMO endpoint is limited. Additionally, the number of results on the endpoint is capped at 10,000 (common restriction for public SPARQL endpoints).
Mapping with NERC Vocabulary tool <-- The code is not public currently, but we will eventually make the app public.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: semantics of data, data ontology, oceanography, python, semantic web
Last updated: 02/05/2021
SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Fish stocks sustainability - FAO E-learning
This course focuses on SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Fish stocks sustainability: “Proportion of
fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels”. It introduces basic fisheries concepts
and definitions, illustrates some technical aspects of classical and data-limited stock
assessment and provides detailed guidance on process and tools for the analysis and
reporting of the Indicator.
SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Fish stocks sustainability - FAO E-learning (ODIS id 1054)
SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Fish stocks sustainability - FAO E-learning
Original (non-English) name
This course focuses on SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Fish stocks sustainability: “Proportion of
fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels”. It introduces basic fisheries concepts
and definitions, illustrates some technical aspects of classical and data-limited stock
assessment and provides detailed guidance on process and tools for the analysis and
reporting of the Indicator.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: SDG, SDG14, Stocks and Fisheries, Sustainable Development Goals, e-learning, environment, fisheries, stock and fishery data, sustainable fisheries
Last updated: 09/10/2021
SDG Indicator 14.b.1 - Implementation of instruments for access to resources and markets for small-scale fisheries - FAO E-learning (ODIS id: 1055)
SDG Indicator 14.b.1 - Implementation of instruments for access to resources and markets for small-scale fisheries - FAO E-learning
Together with the other indicators under SDG 14, it will form a picture of marine activity giving countries intelligence on optimum levels of fishing, aquaculture expansion and fair and secure access to living aquatic resources.
SDG Indicator 14.b.1 - Implementation of instruments for access to resources and markets for small-scale fisheries - FAO E-learning (ODIS id 1055)
SDG Indicator 14.b.1 - Implementation of instruments for access to resources and markets for small-scale fisheries - FAO E-learning
Original (non-English) name
Together with the other indicators under SDG 14, it will form a picture of marine activity giving countries intelligence on optimum levels of fishing, aquaculture expansion and fair and secure access to living aquatic resources.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: SDG indicator, SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, e-learning, fisheries, fisheries management, fisheries protection, small-scale fisheries
Last updated: 09/10/2021
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management (ODIS id: 1079)
SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets ...
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans.
Professional data centres, active in data collection, constitute a Pan-European network providing on-line integrated databases of standardized quality.
The on-line access to in-situ data, meta-data and products is provided through a unique portal interconnecting the interoperable node platforms constituted by the SeaDataNet data centres.
The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology ensure the platforms interoperability. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, is assured by the adoption of standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and preparation of synthesized regional and global statistical products from the most comprehensive in-situ data sets made available by the SeaDataNet partners.
Data, value added products and dictionaries serve wide uses: e.g. research, model initialisation, industrial projects, teaching, marine environmental assessment.
The European lanscape in terms of Marine data management is well established and relies on three main components which are SeaDataNet, EMODnet and Copernicus CMEMS.
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management (ODIS id 1079)
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
Original (non-English) name
SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans.
Professional data centres, active in data collection, constitute a Pan-European network providing on-line integrated databases of standardized quality.
The on-line access to in-situ data, meta-data and products is provided through a unique portal interconnecting the interoperable node platforms constituted by the SeaDataNet data centres.
The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology ensure the platforms interoperability. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, is assured by the adoption of standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and preparation of synthesized regional and global statistical products from the most comprehensive in-situ data sets made available by the SeaDataNet partners.
Data, value added products and dictionaries serve wide uses: e.g. research, model initialisation, industrial projects, teaching, marine environmental assessment.
The European lanscape in terms of Marine data management is well established and relies on three main components which are SeaDataNet, EMODnet and Copernicus CMEMS.
"This VRE is used for development and validation of data services in support to stock assessment, and accessible for developers and advanced users only. Keep following us to learn when specific features will be released through public or specialized VREs.
The Stock Assessment VRE supports the assessment process from harmonizing datasets, selection of model to use, managing the input and output parameters, to publishing and persisting the results. It takes an Open Science approach to stock assessment; it implements a collaborative environment for Reproducible-Repeatable and Reusability (R-R-R) scientific experiments.
The assessments are supported through a portal that includes several state of the art assessment models and tools, that include CMSY-as-a-service, SS3, FLR and a adapted version of DLM Toolkit. The models are still in development, and this VRE is used for their validation. Once ready, they will be available on request to specific communities.
The VRE relies on BlueBRIDGE data services to manage users and content, and to capture process metadata. The VRE also offers access to ample computing resources, enables visualization of maps, and selected output (stored in the workspace) can be accessed remotely to serve webportals. The input data can be managed in an integrated tabular data manager that comes with validation and edit features."
"This VRE is used for development and validation of data services in support to stock assessment, and accessible for developers and advanced users only. Keep following us to learn when specific features will be released through public or specialized VREs.
The Stock Assessment VRE supports the assessment process from harmonizing datasets, selection of model to use, managing the input and output parameters, to publishing and persisting the results. It takes an Open Science approach to stock assessment; it implements a collaborative environment for Reproducible-Repeatable and Reusability (R-R-R) scientific experiments.
The assessments are supported through a portal that includes several state of the art assessment models and tools, that include CMSY-as-a-service, SS3, FLR and a adapted version of DLM Toolkit. The models are still in development, and this VRE is used for their validation. Once ready, they will be available on request to specific communities.
The VRE relies on BlueBRIDGE data services to manage users and content, and to capture process metadata. The VRE also offers access to ample computing resources, enables visualization of maps, and selected output (stored in the workspace) can be accessed remotely to serve webportals. The input data can be managed in an integrated tabular data manager that comes with validation and edit features."
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Fish, Virtual Research Environment, fisheries statistics
Last updated: 20/07/2020
Stories include: News, Newsletters and Voyage blogs.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Great Australian Bight, Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters), Gulf of Carpentaria, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training (ODIS id: 1982)
The Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training (SMART) is a marine science partnership prog ...
Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training
The Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training (SMART) is a marine science partnership programme designed to further develop capacity in carrying out offshore operations on board research vessels for third level students of marine-related science and technologies.
This strategic collaborative inter-institutional programme is led and funded by Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the Marine Institute and is also supported by the Higher Education Authority (HEA).
Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training (ODIS id 1982)
Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training
Original (non-English) name
The Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training (SMART) is a marine science partnership programme designed to further develop capacity in carrying out offshore operations on board research vessels for third level students of marine-related science and technologies.
This strategic collaborative inter-institutional programme is led and funded by Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the Marine Institute and is also supported by the Higher Education Authority (HEA).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Ireland
Host Countries: Ireland
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Training and education, collaborative system, education, knowledge and information, marine knowledge, marine science, networking, understanding and experimenting
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture - FAO E-learning (ODIS id: 1056)
This report addresses a frequently overlooked but extremely important part of world food and
nutrit ...
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture - FAO E-learning
This report addresses a frequently overlooked but extremely important part of world food and
nutrition security: the role and importance of fish in seeking food and nutrition security for all.
Fisheries and aquaculture have often been arbitrarily separated from other parts of the food
and agricultural systems in food security studies, debates and policy-making. I applaud the
Committee on World Food Security for its decision to bring fisheries and aquaculture fully
into the debate about food and nutrition security.
The report presents a synthesis of existing evidence regarding the complex pathways
between fisheries and aquaculture and food and nutrition security, including the
environmental, economic and social dimensions, as well as issues related to governance. It
provides insights on what needs to be done to achieve sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
in order to strengthen their positive impact on food and nutrition security.
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture - FAO E-learning (ODIS id 1056)
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture - FAO E-learning
Original (non-English) name
This report addresses a frequently overlooked but extremely important part of world food and
nutrition security: the role and importance of fish in seeking food and nutrition security for all.
Fisheries and aquaculture have often been arbitrarily separated from other parts of the food
and agricultural systems in food security studies, debates and policy-making. I applaud the
Committee on World Food Security for its decision to bring fisheries and aquaculture fully
into the debate about food and nutrition security.
The report presents a synthesis of existing evidence regarding the complex pathways
between fisheries and aquaculture and food and nutrition security, including the
environmental, economic and social dimensions, as well as issues related to governance. It
provides insights on what needs to be done to achieve sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
in order to strengthen their positive impact on food and nutrition security.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: e-learning, food security, nutrition, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable fisheries
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Teacher's Marine Modules - IODE ASSOCIATED DATA UNIT for International Data and Information exchange (ODIS id: 2001)
Teacher's Marine Modules - IODE ASSOCIATED DATA UNIT for International Data and Information exchange
The IODE ASSOCIATED DATA UNIT (ADU) for International Data and Information exchange (GeoDNA) was established as the unit of IOC/UNESCO International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Programme in 2001 with scientific and educational purposes at the Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Its missions are to collect, acquire, processing, store and disseminate the marine data and metadata sampled by Georgian institutes and agencies, as well as to provide graduate level education in marine sciences.
Its main objectives are to facilitate the access to marine information, to promote the development of indicators on marine science and technology, environment and socio-economics and to encourage cooperation between the National and European Institutions.
From the year of 2006 the Designated National Agency operates within the Centre of Relations with UNESCO of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Teacher's Marine Modules - IODE ASSOCIATED DATA UNIT for International Data and Information exchange (ODIS id 2001)
Teacher's Marine Modules - IODE ASSOCIATED DATA UNIT for International Data and Information exchange
Original (non-English) name
Teacher's Marine Modules - ADU-GeoDNA
The IODE ASSOCIATED DATA UNIT (ADU) for International Data and Information exchange (GeoDNA) was established as the unit of IOC/UNESCO International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Programme in 2001 with scientific and educational purposes at the Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Its missions are to collect, acquire, processing, store and disseminate the marine data and metadata sampled by Georgian institutes and agencies, as well as to provide graduate level education in marine sciences.
Its main objectives are to facilitate the access to marine information, to promote the development of indicators on marine science and technology, environment and socio-economics and to encourage cooperation between the National and European Institutions.
From the year of 2006 the Designated National Agency operates within the Centre of Relations with UNESCO of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English, Georgian
Countries: Georgia
Host Countries: Georgia, GLOBAL
Sea Region: Black Sea, World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data and information, education, knowledge and information, marine science
Last updated: 17/06/2021
The Arctic in the Classroom - Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ODIS id: 3054)
ARCUS is excited to bring a new program into its portfolio for 2016. The Arctic in the Classroom (TA ...
The Arctic in the Classroom - Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
ARCUS is excited to bring a new program into its portfolio for 2016. The Arctic in the Classroom (TAC) program and associated workshop is partnering scientists, educators, & communities to improve Arctic education.
The Alaskan Arctic is a science-rich region with compelling natural landscapes, ecosystems, and people. Arctic science, however, is often not communicated outside the walls of research institutions and public knowledge of the Arctic is poor. At the same time, U.S. students are falling behind in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and teachers are struggling to develop curriculum that engages students and meets new teaching standards. This program provides a nexus between these issues, with activities targeted to educate K-12 teachers, students, communities, and others about the Arctic. In addition to increasing knowledge about the Arctic, this project brings Arctic scientists together with educators who have expertise in communicating complex concepts and facilitates effective learning through the use of real-world Arctic science.
We aim to bring together the best practices in facilitating successful citizen science projects and community-based monitoring to support the collaboration of students, teachers, and researchers in arctic communities.
The Arctic in the Classroom - Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ODIS id 3054)
The Arctic in the Classroom - Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
Original (non-English) name
ARCUS is excited to bring a new program into its portfolio for 2016. The Arctic in the Classroom (TAC) program and associated workshop is partnering scientists, educators, & communities to improve Arctic education.
The Alaskan Arctic is a science-rich region with compelling natural landscapes, ecosystems, and people. Arctic science, however, is often not communicated outside the walls of research institutions and public knowledge of the Arctic is poor. At the same time, U.S. students are falling behind in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and teachers are struggling to develop curriculum that engages students and meets new teaching standards. This program provides a nexus between these issues, with activities targeted to educate K-12 teachers, students, communities, and others about the Arctic. In addition to increasing knowledge about the Arctic, this project brings Arctic scientists together with educators who have expertise in communicating complex concepts and facilitates effective learning through the use of real-world Arctic science.
We aim to bring together the best practices in facilitating successful citizen science projects and community-based monitoring to support the collaboration of students, teachers, and researchers in arctic communities.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Public participation, arctic communities, arctic regions, citizen science, monitoring activities
Last updated: 16/01/2022
Tides and Currents Classroom Resources - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id: 2473)
Tides and Currents Classroom Resources - NOAA National Ocean Service
Teachers need accurate information and resources to integrate ocean, coastal, and climate science into local and state curricula. These resources provide a variety of lesson plans, background information, resource links, tutorials, archived professional development seminars, media galleries, and interactive tools that can be used in a variety of ways in grades 5-12. Many of the resources provided here were created in partnership with the National Science Teachers Association. Teachers can access resources in additional topics at the NSTA Learning Center site, https://learningcenter.nsta.org/.
Tides and Currents Classroom Resources - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id 2473)
Tides and Currents Classroom Resources - NOAA National Ocean Service
Original (non-English) name
Tides and Currents Classroom Resources - NOAA-NOS
Teachers need accurate information and resources to integrate ocean, coastal, and climate science into local and state curricula. These resources provide a variety of lesson plans, background information, resource links, tutorials, archived professional development seminars, media galleries, and interactive tools that can be used in a variety of ways in grades 5-12. Many of the resources provided here were created in partnership with the National Science Teachers Association. Teachers can access resources in additional topics at the NSTA Learning Center site, https://learningcenter.nsta.org/.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Training and education, current pattern, education, knowledge products, tides
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Tides and Water Levels Tutorial - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id: 2471)
Tides and Water Levels Tutorial - NOAA National Ocean Service
Maritime activities throughout the world depend on accurate tidal and current information for safe operation. NOAA's National Ocean Service collects, studies and provides access to thousands of historical and real-time observations as well as predictions of water levels, coastal currents and other data.
The Tides and Waters Levels Tutorial is an overview of the complex systems that govern the
movement of tides and water levels.
The Roadmap to Resources complements the information in the tutorial by directing you to additional information and data from NOAA and other reliable resources.
Tides and Water Levels Tutorial - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id 2471)
Tides and Water Levels Tutorial - NOAA National Ocean Service
Original (non-English) name
Tides and Water Levels Tutorial - NOAA-NOS
Maritime activities throughout the world depend on accurate tidal and current information for safe operation. NOAA's National Ocean Service collects, studies and provides access to thousands of historical and real-time observations as well as predictions of water levels, coastal currents and other data.
The Tides and Waters Levels Tutorial is an overview of the complex systems that govern the
movement of tides and water levels.
The Roadmap to Resources complements the information in the tutorial by directing you to additional information and data from NOAA and other reliable resources.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Training and education, tides, water level
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Training - Arctic Data Center (ODIS id: 2007)
Each year, our training and outreach staff help provide hands-on training at Arctic research confere ...
Training - Arctic Data Center
Each year, our training and outreach staff help provide hands-on training at Arctic research conferences and in dedicated training sessions targeting early-career and under-represented populations. Training and outreach focus on effective means for long-term data management, following a curriculum developed and refined by the open science community. Those opportunities and activities are listed below. We also launched a Data Science Fellowship in January 2018, and have developed materials for undergraduate instructors as well.
Each year, our training and outreach staff help provide hands-on training at Arctic research conferences and in dedicated training sessions targeting early-career and under-represented populations. Training and outreach focus on effective means for long-term data management, following a curriculum developed and refined by the open science community. Those opportunities and activities are listed below. We also launched a Data Science Fellowship in January 2018, and have developed materials for undergraduate instructors as well.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, knowledge and information
Last updated: 07/06/2021
Training - EUDAT (ODIS id: 1994)
How can a collaborative data infrastructure support and facilitate research data management? All the ...
Training - EUDAT
How can a collaborative data infrastructure support and facilitate research data management? All the answers in the EUDAT training programme!
Research data management concerns the organisation of data, from its entry to the research data life cycle through to the preservation, archiving and dissemination of valuable results.
The EUDAT Training programme is a training and education service for European research communities, infrastructures and data centres on how EUDAT services support and facilitate research data management. European researchers can also benefit from the training programme by understanding how EUDAT services can play a role in their daily work. The programme is also designed for “new comers” to the research data management field that need and want to build their competences in research data management from scratch.
How can a collaborative data infrastructure support and facilitate research data management? All the answers in the EUDAT training programme!
Research data management concerns the organisation of data, from its entry to the research data life cycle through to the preservation, archiving and dissemination of valuable results.
The EUDAT Training programme is a training and education service for European research communities, infrastructures and data centres on how EUDAT services support and facilitate research data management. European researchers can also benefit from the training programme by understanding how EUDAT services can play a role in their daily work. The programme is also designed for “new comers” to the research data management field that need and want to build their competences in research data management from scratch.
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Data policy
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, collaboration, data management, data training , education, knowledge and information, networking, research data
Last updated: 24/06/2021
This is a live page where more training information will be added in due course. Please check this page as needed to get the latest information.
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Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
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Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and education, data processing, data training , education, engineering, information and resources, knowledge and information, machine learning, understanding and experimenting
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Training and Resources - Core Science Analytics and Synthesis at United States Geological Survey (ODIS id: 1988)
Training and Resources - Core Science Analytics and Synthesis at United States Geological Survey
Value of Data Management, Planning for Data Management, Best Practices for Preparing Science Data to Share, Science Data Lifecycle, Planning for Data Management: Part 2,
Metadata for Research Data, ScienceBase Intro, StructuringUSGSPublicDataRelease.
Training and Resources - Core Science Analytics and Synthesis at United States Geological Survey (ODIS id 1988)
Training and Resources - Core Science Analytics and Synthesis at United States Geological Survey
Original (non-English) name
Training and Resources - CSAS-USGS
Value of Data Management, Planning for Data Management, Best Practices for Preparing Science Data to Share, Science Data Lifecycle, Planning for Data Management: Part 2,
Metadata for Research Data, ScienceBase Intro, StructuringUSGSPublicDataRelease.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data training , education, knowledge and information, research data, science
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Training material - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (ODIS id: 1975)
Training material - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre
Jupyter Notebooks, priorly known as IPython Notebooks, allow in-browser editing for both code and rich text (using the Markdown markup language to provide commentary for the code) as well as execution capabilities of code, with the results of computations attached (i.e plots). The ability to display both code and results inline, as well as live editing, is why the In Situ component of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) has developed with them examples of data downloading and processing (or how-to-handle netCDFs!).
Although there are other tools for netCDF manipulation as well as other ways for INSTAC data downloading (CMEMS Catalogue), we highly recommend you to start with this in-browser application as first approach in understanding INSTAC FTP structure for file exchange and INSTAC data storage (netCDF files). Additional features such as exportation to python scripts for task automatization (i.e crontab) make such notebooks even more attractive.
A subset of examples are listed here, but you may find more at INSTAC github.
INSTAC has been participating in at least two workshops per year since 2015. Here you can find the presentations used during these training sessions. All presentations include a brief introduction to the CMEMS in situ particularities as CMEMS provider of ON-SITE observations followed by a more detailed presentation of a regional distribution unit (i.e IBI, GLO, MED, BAL, ARC etc). La Spezia and Lisbon presentations are particularly useful for checking different NetCDF tools.
Training material - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (ODIS id 1975)
Training material - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre
Original (non-English) name
Training material - CMEMS In Situ TAC
Jupyter Notebooks, priorly known as IPython Notebooks, allow in-browser editing for both code and rich text (using the Markdown markup language to provide commentary for the code) as well as execution capabilities of code, with the results of computations attached (i.e plots). The ability to display both code and results inline, as well as live editing, is why the In Situ component of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) has developed with them examples of data downloading and processing (or how-to-handle netCDFs!).
Although there are other tools for netCDF manipulation as well as other ways for INSTAC data downloading (CMEMS Catalogue), we highly recommend you to start with this in-browser application as first approach in understanding INSTAC FTP structure for file exchange and INSTAC data storage (netCDF files). Additional features such as exportation to python scripts for task automatization (i.e crontab) make such notebooks even more attractive.
A subset of examples are listed here, but you may find more at INSTAC github.
INSTAC has been participating in at least two workshops per year since 2015. Here you can find the presentations used during these training sessions. All presentations include a brief introduction to the CMEMS in situ particularities as CMEMS provider of ON-SITE observations followed by a more detailed presentation of a regional distribution unit (i.e IBI, GLO, MED, BAL, ARC etc). La Spezia and Lisbon presentations are particularly useful for checking different NetCDF tools.
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Contributing Countries
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: France, REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: monitoring programmes, monitoring system, oceanographic data, oceanographic research, oceanography, operational oceanography, research network
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Training not only aims to improve the professional skills and competences of those working and being trained to work within APPLICATE, but it also provides a legacy for future generations of scientists and early career experts working in the fields of climate and weather prediction and modelling. APPLICATE therefore includes a strong training component with a set of tailor-made training activities that will be held throughout the duration of the project.
All training materials, recorded online seminars, lectures and presentations from the summer school are provided as an open resource on the website of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS). Coordination of training activities and synergy with other on-going projects (e.g. YOPP, Blue Action, INTAROS) increases the impact, ensure cost-effectiveness and potentially help to get external funding.
Training not only aims to improve the professional skills and competences of those working and being trained to work within APPLICATE, but it also provides a legacy for future generations of scientists and early career experts working in the fields of climate and weather prediction and modelling. APPLICATE therefore includes a strong training component with a set of tailor-made training activities that will be held throughout the duration of the project.
All training materials, recorded online seminars, lectures and presentations from the summer school are provided as an open resource on the website of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS). Coordination of training activities and synergy with other on-going projects (e.g. YOPP, Blue Action, INTAROS) increases the impact, ensure cost-effectiveness and potentially help to get external funding.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 04/11/2021
Training materials - German Federation for Biological Data (ODIS id: 1989)
We strive for high quality data and data services, making data FAIR - findable, accessible, interope ...
Training materials - German Federation for Biological Data
We strive for high quality data and data services, making data FAIR - findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. For an introduction to the FAIR Guiding Principles see the Scientific Data paper.
In our collection of training and information materials, we inform you on the many aspects of data management.
Training materials - German Federation for Biological Data (ODIS id 1989)
Training materials - German Federation for Biological Data
Original (non-English) name
Training materials - GFBio
We strive for high quality data and data services, making data FAIR - findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. For an introduction to the FAIR Guiding Principles see the Scientific Data paper.
In our collection of training and information materials, we inform you on the many aspects of data management.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: Germany
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: FAIRness, Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data quality, data training , education, information management, knowledge and information
Last updated: 17/05/2021
Training Resources Guide - World Data System (ODIS id: 2259)
A list of training resources offered by WDS Members, as well as a list of identified resources from other organizations, that are acknowledged to be useful. These lists are not complete, but rather it is a 'living' document, and hence will continue to be revised and improved upon over time.
Training Resources Guide - World Data System (ODIS id 2259)
A list of training resources offered by WDS Members, as well as a list of identified resources from other organizations, that are acknowledged to be useful. These lists are not complete, but rather it is a 'living' document, and hence will continue to be revised and improved upon over time.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and capacity building, data curation, data harmonization, data management, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 05/09/2021
Trash Information and Datafor Education and Solutions - Ocean Conservancy (ODIS id: 1454)
Trash Information and Datafor Education and Solutions - Ocean Conservancy
TIDES is a public data system containing the world's largest ocean trash dataset, all collected by volunteers. These citizen science data are collected during the annual International Coastal Cleanup and by users of Clean Swell, Ocean Conservancy's ocean trash data collection app. When exploring this system, you can view ocean trash data at a global scale or even zoom into your local beach. Looking to do your own analysis? Easily download reports for any country, state, region or location. Don't forget to join the TIDES community and contribute your ocean trash data by downloading Clean Swell!
Trash Information and Datafor Education and Solutions - Ocean Conservancy (ODIS id 1454)
Trash Information and Datafor Education and Solutions - Ocean Conservancy
Original (non-English) name
TIDES - Ocean Conservancy
TIDES is a public data system containing the world's largest ocean trash dataset, all collected by volunteers. These citizen science data are collected during the annual International Coastal Cleanup and by users of Clean Swell, Ocean Conservancy's ocean trash data collection app. When exploring this system, you can view ocean trash data at a global scale or even zoom into your local beach. Looking to do your own analysis? Easily download reports for any country, state, region or location. Don't forget to join the TIDES community and contribute your ocean trash data by downloading Clean Swell!
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Marine litter, Ocean monitoring, Public participation, conservation, data and information, database, marine debris, ocean health, ocean state, oceans, pollution, voluntary contributions
Last updated: 19/10/2021
TSUNAMI MAGAZINE - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 713)
TSUNAMI MAGAZINE - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
It is a complex event that involves a group of waves in a body of water of great energy and of variable size that occurs when some extraordinary phenomenon, for example, a tsunami, volcanic eruption, or other underwater explosions.
TSUNAMI MAGAZINE - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 713)
TSUNAMI MAGAZINE - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
REVISTA TSUNAMI - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
It is a complex event that involves a group of waves in a body of water of great energy and of variable size that occurs when some extraordinary phenomenon, for example, a tsunami, volcanic eruption, or other underwater explosions.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: tsunami
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas, updated monthly with submissions from governments, non-governmental organizations, landowners and communities. It is managed by the United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) with support from IUCN and its World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).
It is a publicly available online platform where users can discover terrestrial and marine protected areas, access related statistics and download data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA).
UNEP WCMC IUCN Marine Protected Planet MPAtlas (ODIS id 774)
UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (year), Protected Planet: [insert name of component database; The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)/The Global Database on Protected Areas Management Effectiveness (GD-PAME)] [On-line], [insert month/year of the version downloaded], Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net.
Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas, updated monthly with submissions from governments, non-governmental organizations, landowners and communities. It is managed by the United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) with support from IUCN and its World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).
It is a publicly available online platform where users can discover terrestrial and marine protected areas, access related statistics and download data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA).
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium, GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Aichi Biodiversity Targets, Other effective area-based conservation measures, SDG14, Spatial data, Sustainable Development Goals, biodiversity risks, global assessment, global databse, global ocean, marine protected areas, terrestrial protected areas
Last updated: 08/10/2021
User Guides and Laboratory Manuals - International Ocean Discovery Program (ODIS id: 1320)
User Guides and Laboratory Manuals - International Ocean Discovery Program
Documents are hosted on the JRSO document wiki.
The content of this website is based upon work supported by the IODP JRSO, which is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation.
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international marine research collaboration that explores Earth's history and dynamics using ocean-going research platforms to recover data recorded in seafloor sediments and rocks and to monitor subseafloor environments. IODP depends on facilities funded by three platform providers with financial contributions from five additional partner agencies. Together, these entities represent twenty-three nations whose scientists are selected to staff IODP research expeditions conducted throughout the world's oceans. Scientist activities are managed by the IODP Program Member Offices.
User Guides and Laboratory Manuals - International Ocean Discovery Program (ODIS id 1320)
User Guides and Laboratory Manuals - International Ocean Discovery Program
Original (non-English) name
User Guides and Laboratory Manuals - IODP
Documents are hosted on the JRSO document wiki.
The content of this website is based upon work supported by the IODP JRSO, which is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation.
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international marine research collaboration that explores Earth's history and dynamics using ocean-going research platforms to recover data recorded in seafloor sediments and rocks and to monitor subseafloor environments. IODP depends on facilities funded by three platform providers with financial contributions from five additional partner agencies. Together, these entities represent twenty-three nations whose scientists are selected to staff IODP research expeditions conducted throughout the world's oceans. Scientist activities are managed by the IODP Program Member Offices.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Training and education, manuals, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 16/05/2021
Using Marine Biodiversity to Measure Ecosystem Health - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2619)
Corals and the reefs they build provide these life-sustaining services — and the NOAA Office of Na ...
Using Marine Biodiversity to Measure Ecosystem Health - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Corals and the reefs they build provide these life-sustaining services — and the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is tasked with managing them.
To help with managing these important resources, Sanctuary managers rely on ocean observations to inform Condition Reports — summaries of the state of the reef and of the resources in each Sanctuary. Reports include things like the status and trends of water quality, habitat, and living resources, as well as the human pressures that threaten the integrity of the marine environment. The “State of Sanctuary Resources” section of the report indicates whether conditions are steady, declining or improving.
Historically, there's been a lack of objective criteria to justify a particular rating or assess a particular management strategy because of the complexity of these reef systems.
Now, thanks to advances in interdisciplinary monitoring capabilities, the national Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) is being developed to bridge the information gap.
“MBON is improving the ways we track natural and human systems in marine sanctuaries by using new technologies like eDNA, finding new ways to interpret data on noise in the ocean, and creating tools compiling several kinds of large-scale information into what are called seascapes," said Dr. Steve Gittings, Science Coordinator for NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program. "In combination, they give us much higher confidence in our assessments of sanctuary conditions and trends, and help us identify when management actions are needed."
Six MBON projects, spanning Maine to Florida and Alaska to California, are in development to enable better understanding of the living marine resources that NOAA manages.
In the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, one of the largest marine protected areas in the U.S. that encompasses nearly 2,900 square miles (9,933 km), the South Florida MBON team is working with GCOOS and SECOORA to better characterize resource status so appropriate management responses to pressures can be made. Led by Dr. Frank Muller-Karger, University of South Florida College of Marine Science, it brings together satellite remote sensing, genetic analysis, fish and plankton surveys, and ambient sound recordings. Combined, these innovative approaches are providing a synoptic view of the sanctuary.
Using Marine Biodiversity to Measure Ecosystem Health - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2619)
Using Marine Biodiversity to Measure Ecosystem Health - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Using Marine Biodiversity to Measure Ecosystem Health - GCOOS
Corals and the reefs they build provide these life-sustaining services — and the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is tasked with managing them.
To help with managing these important resources, Sanctuary managers rely on ocean observations to inform Condition Reports — summaries of the state of the reef and of the resources in each Sanctuary. Reports include things like the status and trends of water quality, habitat, and living resources, as well as the human pressures that threaten the integrity of the marine environment. The “State of Sanctuary Resources” section of the report indicates whether conditions are steady, declining or improving.
Historically, there's been a lack of objective criteria to justify a particular rating or assess a particular management strategy because of the complexity of these reef systems.
Now, thanks to advances in interdisciplinary monitoring capabilities, the national Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) is being developed to bridge the information gap.
“MBON is improving the ways we track natural and human systems in marine sanctuaries by using new technologies like eDNA, finding new ways to interpret data on noise in the ocean, and creating tools compiling several kinds of large-scale information into what are called seascapes," said Dr. Steve Gittings, Science Coordinator for NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program. "In combination, they give us much higher confidence in our assessments of sanctuary conditions and trends, and help us identify when management actions are needed."
Six MBON projects, spanning Maine to Florida and Alaska to California, are in development to enable better understanding of the living marine resources that NOAA manages.
In the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, one of the largest marine protected areas in the U.S. that encompasses nearly 2,900 square miles (9,933 km), the South Florida MBON team is working with GCOOS and SECOORA to better characterize resource status so appropriate management responses to pressures can be made. Led by Dr. Frank Muller-Karger, University of South Florida College of Marine Science, it brings together satellite remote sensing, genetic analysis, fish and plankton surveys, and ambient sound recordings. Combined, these innovative approaches are providing a synoptic view of the sanctuary.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: ecosystem assessment, marine biodiversity, ocean health
Last updated: 14/10/2021
Video Gallery - NOAA National Ocean Service (ODIS id: 2476)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Video, video repository
Last updated: 05/02/2022
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Spain, REGIONAL
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Video, open access
Last updated: 18/09/2021
Virtual-learning science unit - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (ODIS id: 2631)
Virtual-learning science unit - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Explore a new comprehensive fourth grade, virtual-learning science unit on the water cycle, weather, climate, and natural processes that shape the Earth’s coasts and communities.
Virtual-learning science unit - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (ODIS id 2631)
Virtual-learning science unit - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Original (non-English) name
Virtual-learning science unit - SECOORA
Explore a new comprehensive fourth grade, virtual-learning science unit on the water cycle, weather, climate, and natural processes that shape the Earth’s coasts and communities.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, e-learning, education, information and resources, information services
Last updated: 18/10/2021
This is a repository of training material available to view and download for users of experimental facilities across the globe. The aim of this repository is to share knowledge and good practice in the use of equipment and facilities using podcasts, webinars and video presentations. These virtual training packages are aimed at next generation researchers and experienced researchers seeking to learn new skills and update their expertise.
Training packages are or will be made available in the following topics:
Velocity data analysis in time and frequency domains;
Measurement noise and advanced techniques for processing acoustic data;
Using PIV and optimal data processing techniques;
Working with plants and/or animals in flume experiments;
Designing and constructing surrogates for physical modelling;
Application, use and data analysis for 2D and 3D laser scanners;
Procedures on general signal acquisition and analysis;
Working with remote access technologies.
Virtual Learning Resource - Hydralab+ (ODIS id 2440)
This is a repository of training material available to view and download for users of experimental facilities across the globe. The aim of this repository is to share knowledge and good practice in the use of equipment and facilities using podcasts, webinars and video presentations. These virtual training packages are aimed at next generation researchers and experienced researchers seeking to learn new skills and update their expertise.
Training packages are or will be made available in the following topics:
Velocity data analysis in time and frequency domains;
Measurement noise and advanced techniques for processing acoustic data;
Using PIV and optimal data processing techniques;
Working with plants and/or animals in flume experiments;
Designing and constructing surrogates for physical modelling;
Application, use and data analysis for 2D and 3D laser scanners;
Procedures on general signal acquisition and analysis;
Working with remote access technologies.
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Netherlands, REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Video, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 20/09/2021
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id: 2004)
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
You can contribute in many ways to protect estuaries and conserve their valuable natural resources. No matter what your background or talent, we have volunteer opportunities at every national estuarine research reserve.
Contact your local reserve to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (ODIS id 2004)
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Original (non-English) name
Volunteering at Estuary Reserves - NOAA-NERRS
You can contribute in many ways to protect estuaries and conserve their valuable natural resources. No matter what your background or talent, we have volunteer opportunities at every national estuarine research reserve.
Contact your local reserve to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Coastal zone, Public participation, coastal monitoring, coastal zone management, estuaries, voluntary contributions
Last updated: 07/06/2021
This VRE supports the FAO Capacity Development Workshops on Stock Status Assessment and Estimation of SDG Indicator 14.4.1 led by Dr Yimin YE, FAO FIAF Branch Chief and Dr Anne-Elise NIEBLAS.
This workshop is part of FAO's initiative to support the process of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by raising awareness and providing technical training on the SDG 14.4.1 Indicator: Percentage of biologically sustainable fish stocks.
This VRE supports the FAO Capacity Development Workshops on Stock Status Assessment and Estimation of SDG Indicator 14.4.1 led by Dr Yimin YE, FAO FIAF Branch Chief and Dr Anne-Elise NIEBLAS.
This workshop is part of FAO's initiative to support the process of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by raising awareness and providing technical training on the SDG 14.4.1 Indicator: Percentage of biologically sustainable fish stocks.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Capacity Development, SDG indicator, SDG14, Stock Status Assessment, Sustainable Development Goals, Virtual Research Environment, fisheries, fisheries management, fisheries statistics, sustainable development, sustainable fisheries
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Our webinars are an opportunity to discover specific aspects, challenges and solutions, across all the maritime sectors, related to biofouling and invasive aquatic species. This is part of the efforts of the GloFouling Partnerships to provide a platform to share knowledge and increase awareness on this important issue that, left undeterred, may impact marine biodiversity and hamper the sustainability of new initiatives related to the Blue Economy.
Webinars are open to all participants, free of charge. While the main language will be English, some webinars will be offered in Spanish and French. Recordings for past webinars are also available here. For information on upcoming and past webinars read below.
Webinars - GloFouling Partnership Project (ODIS id 2267)
Our webinars are an opportunity to discover specific aspects, challenges and solutions, across all the maritime sectors, related to biofouling and invasive aquatic species. This is part of the efforts of the GloFouling Partnerships to provide a platform to share knowledge and increase awareness on this important issue that, left undeterred, may impact marine biodiversity and hamper the sustainability of new initiatives related to the Blue Economy.
Webinars are open to all participants, free of charge. While the main language will be English, some webinars will be offered in Spanish and French. Recordings for past webinars are also available here. For information on upcoming and past webinars read below.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Video, biofouling, invasive species, knowledge and information, knowledge products
Last updated: 07/09/2021
Webinars and presentations - Eurofleets (ODIS id: 2243)
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Capacity Development, Information and knowledge products, Training and capacity building, education, knowledge and information, knowledge products
Last updated: 04/09/2021
Webinar Series - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (ODIS id: 2629)
Webinar Series - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Join SECOORA as we highlight coastal ocean observing in the Southeast! SECOORA members, principal investigators, technology experts and more will be featured every month on the webinar series.
Monthly, usually every 4th Tuesday at 12 PM ET, invited speakers will discuss ocean observing topics.Each webinar will be 60-minutes and recorded and archived for future viewing.
Join the community coastal ocean observing conversation!
Webinar Series - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (ODIS id 2629)
Webinar Series - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Original (non-English) name
Webinar Series - SECOORA
Join SECOORA as we highlight coastal ocean observing in the Southeast! SECOORA members, principal investigators, technology experts and more will be featured every month on the webinar series.
Monthly, usually every 4th Tuesday at 12 PM ET, invited speakers will discuss ocean observing topics.Each webinar will be 60-minutes and recorded and archived for future viewing.
Join the community coastal ocean observing conversation!
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Video, video repository
Last updated: 18/10/2021