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Types : Education and training materials (related to oceans)

total results: 170

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Activities and Curricula - NOAA Marine Debris Program (ODIS id: 2778)
Download an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, coloring activities, and formal curricula for Grad ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English Countries: United States Host Countries: United States Sea Region: no searegion defined Themes: DS10 Environment Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, marine debris, open access, pollution
Last updated: 30/10/2021

Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System - UNIDATA at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (ODIS id: 2316)
AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System) is a meteorological display and analysis pack ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: United States Host Countries: United States Sea Region: no searegion defined Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: safety
Last updated: 25/09/2021

African Coastal and Marine Atlas (ODIS id: 3125)
The African Marine Atlas developed by the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) ... more

Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English Countries: REGIONAL Host Countries: REGIONAL Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities Keywords: Geospatial data, data and tools, data visualization, mapping, marine environments
Last updated: 03/05/2024

Alaska ShoreZone (ODIS id: 614)
The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Multimedia content
Languages: English Countries: United States Host Countries: United States Sea Region: Pacific Ocean Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities Keywords: Archeology, Coastal zone, Marine Species, Video, coastal habitats, coastal mapping, coastal monitoring, coastal protection, conservation, environmental sensitivity index, marine habitats, oil spill response planning, photos
Last updated: 06/10/2021

Arctic report card - Arctic Program at NOAA (ODIS id: 1574)
Issued annually since 2006, the Arctic Report Card is a timely and peer-reviewed source for clear, r ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English Countries: United States Host Countries: United States Sea Region: Arctic Ocean Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere Keywords: Arctic research, Scientific Information, arctic regions, decision-making, education, environment, environmental information, environmental protection, environmental science, information services, publications, scientific knowledge, scientific training
Last updated: 17/06/2021

Asia-Pacific Regional Ocean Accounts Platform (ODIS id: 742)
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented ... more

Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English Countries: GLOBAL Host Countries: GLOBAL Sea Region: World Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline Keywords: Ecosystems, SDG14, Training and education, expertise, marine spatial planning
Last updated: 08/10/2021

Awareness Materials - GloFouling Partnership Project (ODIS id: 2270)
Choose a link to view and download awareness materials. For more information about usage and avail ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English Countries: GLOBAL Host Countries: GLOBAL Sea Region: World Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Video, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 06/09/2021

Case studies and tutorials - GlobWave (ODIS id: 2013)
These case studies and tutorials have been provided by GlobWave users to demonstrate the range of ap ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Multimedia content
Languages: English Countries: REGIONAL Host Countries: REGIONAL Sea Region: World Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, e-learning, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 07/06/2021

CCLME Training Portal (ODIS id: 3298)
The CCLME Training Portal was developed under the frame of the IOC project “Invasive alien species ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English Countries: REGIONAL Host Countries: REGIONAL Sea Region: North Atlantic Ocean Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture Keywords: CCLME, Training and education
Last updated: 13/05/2024

Classroom Activities - Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (ODIS id: 2630)
SECOORA is dedicated to promoting knowledge of coastal ocean observing through accessible resources ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans)
Languages: English Countries: REGIONAL Host Countries: United States Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: Information and knowledge products, education, knowledge and information, open access
Last updated: 18/10/2021

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