Typing multiple words will show all the results where any of the words matches!
Use double quotes (") to group words and narrow down the results:
searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will match once for atlas
I love the ocean.
will match once for ocean
I made an atlas that is not containing the ocean.
will match once for atlas
will match a second time for ocean
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once for atlas
will match a second time for ocean
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I love the ocean.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I made an atlas that is not containing the ocean.
will NOT match, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas not found
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas found once
How to use wildcards?
Wildcards '?' (single character) and '*' (multiple characters) are accepted.
bird will only match the word 'bird'
bir? will match the words 'bir' and 'bird'
bir* will match the words 'bir', 'bird' and 'birds'
*bird* will match the words 'bird', 'birds', 'seabird' and 'seabirds'
How to use the filters?
you can search with or without filters, filters are here to narrow down your search results using predefined lists
using filters
multiple selects within one filter will be used as OR statements
selecting both Belgium and France
will show all records where Belgium has been selected and
all records where France has been selected
different filters will be used with AND statement in search
selecting both Belgium as country and French as language
will show all records where Belgium has been selected as country and
where French has been selected as language
all combination are possible
selecting both Belgium and France as country
and French and Dutch as language
will show all records where Belgium has been selected as country and
where French or Dutch has been selected as language
and all records where France has been selected as country and
where French or Dutch has been selected as language
without filters
when searching without filters the different words will be searched in all fields that are not a filter
selecting Belgium as country without the use of a searchword
or selecting no country in the filters and using Belgium as a searchword
will give two different results.
special filters
clicking on the button My Records will show only your records
Type something in the input field to search for a specific text inside all entries of the catalogue.
Typing multiple words will show all the results where any of the words matches!
Use double quotes (") to group words and narrow down the results (see help for some examples):
searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
you were looking for : Types : Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
total results: 84
Adjacent Sensors, Water Temperature, Air Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Relative Humidity - Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (ODIS id: 405)
go to: Nuestros Servicios // Temperatura Superficial del Mar // Sensores Anexos
Display of real-tim ...
Adjacent Sensors, Water Temperature, Air Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Relative Humidity - Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service
go to: Nuestros Servicios // Temperatura Superficial del Mar // Sensores Anexos
Display of real-time sensor measurements water temperature, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity (sensors associated with sea level stations). The real-time visualization is only graphically considering the last 48 hours of measurements.
Adjacent Sensors, Water Temperature, Air Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Relative Humidity - Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (ODIS id 405)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 29/03/2019
Last update: 23/10/2023
Ms Teresa Carolina Calvete ( OceanExpert :
Adjacent Sensors, Water Temperature, Air Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Relative Humidity - Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service
Original (non-English) name
Promedios Mensuales Sensores Anexos, Temperatura del Agua, Temperatura del Aire, Presión Atmosférica y Humedad Relativa - Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile
go to: Nuestros Servicios // Temperatura Superficial del Mar // Sensores Anexos
Display of real-time sensor measurements water temperature, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity (sensors associated with sea level stations). The real-time visualization is only graphically considering the last 48 hours of measurements.
Types: Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Chile
Host Countries: Chile
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Long-term monitoring, long-term trends, operational service, sea level, time-series
Last updated: 23/10/2023
American Tropical Seas Observatory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 923)
The Tropical Seas of the Americas Observatory Portal (TRITON) is an initiative of the Geosciences Pr ...
American Tropical Seas Observatory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The Tropical Seas of the Americas Observatory Portal (TRITON) is an initiative of the Geosciences Program of the Institute for Marine and Coastal Research - INVEMAR (Colombia). TRITON aims to be a tool to support research, productive activities and the follow-up of the evolution (monitoring) of oceanic conditions in the Caribbean region. To this end, TRITON displays in an almost permanent way and in close to real-time (between 6 hours and 2 days late) highly relevant oceanographic information in the highest spatial resolution possible for the entire basin.
The global oceanographic information displayed in TRITON comes from or has been processed from different satellite databases and free access to numerical model outputs. Its original sources can be consulted in the links provided together with the information corresponding to each variable. The data processing is carried out through PYTHON modules and later it is stored in NetCDF format. The information is displayed through a THREDDS 4.6.9 server (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) in WMS format. WMS services are consumed and interpreted through Arcgis 3.30 Javascript framework.
Version: 2.0
American Tropical Seas Observatory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 923)
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This resource is
Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
American Tropical Seas Observatory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Observatorio de los mares tropicales de las Americas, Triton - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costera de Colombia
TN Diocean. (2018). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 3/2018. Bogotá D.C.,
Colombia: DIMAR. DOI 10.26640/25392212.3.2018
The Tropical Seas of the Americas Observatory Portal (TRITON) is an initiative of the Geosciences Program of the Institute for Marine and Coastal Research - INVEMAR (Colombia). TRITON aims to be a tool to support research, productive activities and the follow-up of the evolution (monitoring) of oceanic conditions in the Caribbean region. To this end, TRITON displays in an almost permanent way and in close to real-time (between 6 hours and 2 days late) highly relevant oceanographic information in the highest spatial resolution possible for the entire basin.
The global oceanographic information displayed in TRITON comes from or has been processed from different satellite databases and free access to numerical model outputs. Its original sources can be consulted in the links provided together with the information corresponding to each variable. The data processing is carried out through PYTHON modules and later it is stored in NetCDF format. The information is displayed through a THREDDS 4.6.9 server (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) in WMS format. WMS services are consumed and interpreted through Arcgis 3.30 Javascript framework.
Version: 2.0
These data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Program and the national programs that contribute to it. (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu, http://argo.jcommops.org). The Argo Program is part of the Global Ocean Observing System.
This portal provides details of each Argo float: floats map, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Argo, float, global ocean, global ocean observing system, in-situ, mapping, ocean circulation, ocean pressure, oceanographic data, profile, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, weather climate and seasonal observation
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Argo Canada - Tracked Float Data & Information (ODIS id: 215)
Argo is the largest ocean climate monitoring system in the world. It is an array of over 4,000 free-drifting floats that collects data on ocean temperature and salinity, providing valuable information on changes to the Earth's climate and hydrological cycle. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is proud to be a strong contributor to the international Argo project. Since 2001, the department has launched over 400 Argo floats, 88 of which are still operating. Argo data is publically available for free and is used for a variety of purposes such as assessing climate change, improving weather forecasts and developing ocean models.
Argo Canada - Tracked Float Data & Information (ODIS id 215)
Argo is the largest ocean climate monitoring system in the world. It is an array of over 4,000 free-drifting floats that collects data on ocean temperature and salinity, providing valuable information on changes to the Earth's climate and hydrological cycle. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is proud to be a strong contributor to the international Argo project. Since 2001, the department has launched over 400 Argo floats, 88 of which are still operating. Argo data is publically available for free and is used for a variety of purposes such as assessing climate change, improving weather forecasts and developing ocean models.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, French
Countries: Canada
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baffin Bay, Barents Sea, Beaufort Sea, Davis Strait, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Indian Ocean, Labrador Sea, Norwegian Sea, Pacific Ocean, Southeast Pacific Ocean (140W), Southwest Pacific Ocean (140W)
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: CTD, salinity, water temperature
Last updated: 29/11/2021
These data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Program and the national programs that contribute to it. (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu, http://argo.jcommops.org). The Argo Program is part of the Global Ocean Observing System
This portal enables data discovery of Argo data (geospatial interface) and data download.
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Argo, Chlorophyll, data services, float, global ocean, global ocean observing system, in-situ, mapping, ocean chemistry, ocean pressure, oxygen, profile, salinity, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, temperature, weather research and forecasting innovation
Last updated: 29/11/2021
Argo DOI - Argo GDAC monthly snapshots DOIs (ODIS id: 413)
Argo data-management assigns DOIs to its documents and datasets for two main objectives:
1. Citation: in a publication, the DOI is efficiently tracked by bibliographic surveys.
2. Traceability: the DOI is a direct and permanent link to the document or data set used in a publication.
Argo DOI - Argo GDAC monthly snapshots DOIs (ODIS id 413)
These data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Program and the national programs that contribute to it. (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu, http://argo.jcommops.org). The Argo Program is part of the Global Ocean Observing System.
Argo data-management assigns DOIs to its documents and datasets for two main objectives:
1. Citation: in a publication, the DOI is efficiently tracked by bibliographic surveys.
2. Traceability: the DOI is a direct and permanent link to the document or data set used in a publication.
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Argo, climate and seasonal observation, float, global ocean, global ocean observing system, in-situ, multi-year, ocean circulation, ocean pressure, sea water salinity, sea water temperature
Last updated: 29/11/2021
The program's aim is to collect and analyze the biological, chemical and physical field data that are necessary to:
characterize and understand the causes of oceanic variability at the seasonal, inter-annual and decadal scales
provide multidisciplinary data sets that can be used to establish relationships among the biological, chemical and physical variables
provide adequate data to support the sound development of ocean activities
Fisheries and Oceans Canada. ([year]). Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program Website. Retrieved [date] from Fisheries and Oceans Canada
The program's aim is to collect and analyze the biological, chemical and physical field data that are necessary to:
characterize and understand the causes of oceanic variability at the seasonal, inter-annual and decadal scales
provide multidisciplinary data sets that can be used to establish relationships among the biological, chemical and physical variables
provide adequate data to support the sound development of ocean activities
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, French
Countries: Canada
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Fundy, Gulf of St. Lawrence, North Atlantic Ocean, Northwest Atlantic Ocean (40W)
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: CTD, Chlorophyll, Sea surface temperature, nutrients, oxygen, salinity
Last updated: 29/09/2021
Autonomous Wave Forecast System - SOCIB (ODIS id: 2035)
SAPO (Autonomous Wave Forecast System) of Balearic Islands is a 72-hour forecast service that SOCIB developed in collaboration with Puertos del Estado. This system runs on SOCIB's computing center. SWAN model is executed in automatic mode twice a day, using as input wave and wind forecasts provided by Puertos del Estado. The model results show the evolution of waves characteristics (height, period and direction) from deep to shallow waters, with a resolution of 1.4 km. Finer resolution (0.5km) simulations around the Balearic Islands are also available on SOCIB thredds server.
Autonomous Wave Forecast System - SOCIB (ODIS id 2035)
Sistema Autónomo de Predicción de Oleaje Illes Balears
Data generated by SAPO are freely available, provided that SOCIB and Puertos del Estado are properly acknowledged.
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10.
SAPO (Autonomous Wave Forecast System) of Balearic Islands is a 72-hour forecast service that SOCIB developed in collaboration with Puertos del Estado. This system runs on SOCIB's computing center. SWAN model is executed in automatic mode twice a day, using as input wave and wind forecasts provided by Puertos del Estado. The model results show the evolution of waves characteristics (height, period and direction) from deep to shallow waters, with a resolution of 1.4 km. Finer resolution (0.5km) simulations around the Balearic Islands are also available on SOCIB thredds server.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Model outputs are available in NetCDF format through SOCIB THREDDS catalog: Individual model run outputs and aggregated data
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Balearic Islands coastal areas, Ibiza channel and Mallorca channel
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Modelling, forecast model output, forecasting system, wave height and direction, waves
Last updated: 13/10/2022
Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id: 402)
Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC) was established in 2002, as part of the Institu ...
Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre
Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC) was established in 2002, as part of the Institute of Oceanology-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS). It operates as a centre for oceanographic data collating and is responsible for processing, archiving and distributing marine data. BGODC is also developing techniques for oceanographic data processing and database maintenance. Since 2004 BGODC operates as National Oceanographic Data Centre.
It provides real-time data: (i) SYSTEM FOR SEA ENVIRONMENT MONITORING: wind, air temperature, humidity, water temperature, salinity ; (ii) sea-level station data; (iii) open sea station data.
Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (ODIS id 402)
Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC) was established in 2002, as part of the Institute of Oceanology-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS). It operates as a centre for oceanographic data collating and is responsible for processing, archiving and distributing marine data. BGODC is also developing techniques for oceanographic data processing and database maintenance. Since 2004 BGODC operates as National Oceanographic Data Centre.
It provides real-time data: (i) SYSTEM FOR SEA ENVIRONMENT MONITORING: wind, air temperature, humidity, water temperature, salinity ; (ii) sea-level station data; (iii) open sea station data.
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Russian
Countries: Bulgaria
Host Countries: Bulgaria
Sea Region: Black Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: air humidity, air temperature, ferrybox, oceanographic data, salinity, sea level, water temperature, wind
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Buoys - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1232)
CARICOOS operates a network of observing assets including data buoys. Data from these assets and val ...
Buoys - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
CARICOOS operates a network of observing assets including data buoys. Data from these assets and value-added data products such as graphs and maps are provided free of charge to the general public through the web page www.caricoos.org. This web page brings together coastal ocean data and forecasts from a variety of sources including satellites, ocean instruments and numerical models to give the user an integrated view of past, present conditions in the US Caribbean region. Data are provided online by a number of organizations including NOAA, NASA, ONR Universities and others to whom credit is given. Data and graphics, other than NOAA National Weather Service products, are presented as experimental products.
Buoys - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1232)
CARICOOS operates a network of observing assets including data buoys. Data from these assets and value-added data products such as graphs and maps are provided free of charge to the general public through the web page www.caricoos.org. This web page brings together coastal ocean data and forecasts from a variety of sources including satellites, ocean instruments and numerical models to give the user an integrated view of past, present conditions in the US Caribbean region. Data are provided online by a number of organizations including NOAA, NASA, ONR Universities and others to whom credit is given. Data and graphics, other than NOAA National Weather Service products, are presented as experimental products.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: buoys, data buoy, forecast model output, oceanographic data
Last updated: 12/10/2021
Buoys - Coastal Zone Management Unit of Barbados (ODIS id: 398)
As one of the outputs of the Coastal Risk Assessment and Management Programme (CRMP) the CZMU has in ...
Buoys - Coastal Zone Management Unit of Barbados
As one of the outputs of the Coastal Risk Assessment and Management Programme (CRMP) the CZMU has installed three oceanographic buoys along the south, east and north coasts of Barbados (see map below). The buoys are located in deep water (>80 m) and will provide the CZMU with data required to accurately model how open ocean waves and currents translate to the wave and current patterns observed in the nearshore region. This increased knowledge will enable the Unit to better understand beach erosion and accretion trends, and enhance the effectiveness of beach protection/restoration interventions in the future.
The parameters being captured by these buoys include wave height and direction, current speed and direction, wind speed and direction, and seawater temperature.
Data from 3 buoys can be visualized online.
Buoys - Coastal Zone Management Unit of Barbados (ODIS id 398)
As one of the outputs of the Coastal Risk Assessment and Management Programme (CRMP) the CZMU has installed three oceanographic buoys along the south, east and north coasts of Barbados (see map below). The buoys are located in deep water (>80 m) and will provide the CZMU with data required to accurately model how open ocean waves and currents translate to the wave and current patterns observed in the nearshore region. This increased knowledge will enable the Unit to better understand beach erosion and accretion trends, and enhance the effectiveness of beach protection/restoration interventions in the future.
The parameters being captured by these buoys include wave height and direction, current speed and direction, wind speed and direction, and seawater temperature.
Data from 3 buoys can be visualized online.
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Barbados
Host Countries: Barbados
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: coastal monitoring, current speed and direction, data buoy, oceanographic data, oceanography, operational oceanography, sea state, sea water temperature, wave height and direction, waves, wind speed
Last updated: 04/10/2023
Buoys Network Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal (ODIS id: 1240)
The information provided by the Hydrographic Institute (IH) is the result of real-time processing of ...
Buoys Network Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal
The information provided by the Hydrographic Institute (IH) is the result of real-time processing of the 10-minute records: significant height, maximum height, average period, maximum period, peak direction and the surface water temperature. The query is made through a map, where the user selects the station he wants, and accesses the last available information.
The query can also be made through graphs where the user can select, either as to the parameters to be consulted (height, period, direction and temperature), or as to the observation periods (ranging from the last 24 hours, up to the total set of comments).
The information provided on the map is corrected for the adopted legal time. In all other products (tables and graphs), the information is referred to the UTC time zone (coordinated universal time).
Buoys Network Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal (ODIS id 1240)
Buoys Network Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal
Original (non-English) name
Rede de Boias Mapa - Instituro Hidrografico Marinha-Portugal
Buoys Network Map - IH
The information provided by the Hydrographic Institute (IH) is the result of real-time processing of the 10-minute records: significant height, maximum height, average period, maximum period, peak direction and the surface water temperature. The query is made through a map, where the user selects the station he wants, and accesses the last available information.
The query can also be made through graphs where the user can select, either as to the parameters to be consulted (height, period, direction and temperature), or as to the observation periods (ranging from the last 24 hours, up to the total set of comments).
The information provided on the map is corrected for the adopted legal time. In all other products (tables and graphs), the information is referred to the UTC time zone (coordinated universal time).
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Portuguese
Countries: Portugal
Host Countries: Portugal
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: buoys, operational oceanography, operational service, real-time data, sea state, waves
Last updated: 01/06/2023
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (ODIS id: 3318)
CalCOFI is a long-term ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically stud ...
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
CalCOFI is a long-term ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, chemistry, and biology of the ocean to inform the sustainable management of marine ecosystems in the context of climate variability and change.
CalCOFI conducts quarterly cruises from north of San Francisco Bay to San Diego and extends from the coast to 300 miles (500 km) offshore, spanning state, national, and international waters.
CalCOFI is a unique partnership between government and academic organizations including NOAA’s Fisheries Service (federal partner), California Department of Fish & Wildlife (state partner), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (academic partner).
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (ODIS id 3318)
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
Original (non-English) name
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
See individual dataset for full citation.
CalCOFI is a long-term ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, chemistry, and biology of the ocean to inform the sustainable management of marine ecosystems in the context of climate variability and change.
CalCOFI conducts quarterly cruises from north of San Francisco Bay to San Diego and extends from the coast to 300 miles (500 km) offshore, spanning state, national, and international waters.
CalCOFI is a unique partnership between government and academic organizations including NOAA’s Fisheries Service (federal partner), California Department of Fish & Wildlife (state partner), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (academic partner).
CalCOFI is a unique partnership between government and academic organizations including NOAA’s Fisheries Service (federal partner), California Department of Fish & Wildlife (state partner), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (academic partner).
SIO Technical Group
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
8880 Biological Grade, La Jolla, CA 92037
+1 858-822-0305
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
"box": "18.4 -164.1 47.9 -106.0"
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Mexico, United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Northeast Pacific Ocean (180W)
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Last updated: 12/11/2024
Calypso - HF Radar Monitoring System and Response against Marine Oil Spills in the Malta Channel (ODIS id: 437)
Calypso - HF Radar Monitoring System and Response against Marine Oil Spills in the Malta Channel
The CALYPSO HF radar network consists of multiple CODAR Seasonde radar stations on the Maltese Islands and the southern coast of Sicily, providing synoptic maps of sea surface currents in real-time every hour and with a high resolution and coverage in space.
CALYPSO is a 2-year project partly financed by the EU under the Operational Programme Italia-Malta 2007-2013 and co-ordinated by Prof. Aldo Drago from the Physical Oceanography Unit of the University of Malta. It brings together 3 other partners from Malta – namely Transport Malta, Civil Protection Department, and Armed Forces of Malta – and 4 partners from Sicily – ARPA Sicilia, IAMC-CNR Capo Granitola, Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA), and Università di Catania (CUTGANA). The consortium consists of research entities and also public entities with responsibilities for civil and environmental protection, surveillance, security, and response to hazards.
The main project deliverable is the setting up of a permanent and fully operational HF radar observing system, capable of recording (in real-time with hourly updates) surface currents in the Malta Channel. The system consists of HF radar installations on northern Malta and southern Sicilian shores at selected sites and combines stations to elaborate and publish data to users.
Collected data, combined to numerical models, are intended to primarily support applications to optimize intervention in case of oil spill response as well as endow tools for search and rescue, security, safer navigation, improved metro-marine forecasts, monitoring of sea conditions in critical areas such as proximity to ports, and better management of the marine space between Malta and Sicily.
Calypso - HF Radar Monitoring System and Response against Marine Oil Spills in the Malta Channel (ODIS id 437)
Calypso - HF Radar Monitoring System and Response against Marine Oil Spills in the Malta Channel
Original (non-English) name
The data are derived by the HF radar system developed within the CALYPSO project partly financed by the EU under the Operational Programme Italia-Malta 2007-2013, and co-ordinated by Prof. Aldo Drago from the Physical Oceanography Unit of the IOI-Malta Operational Centre of the University of Malta.
The CALYPSO HF radar network consists of multiple CODAR Seasonde radar stations on the Maltese Islands and the southern coast of Sicily, providing synoptic maps of sea surface currents in real-time every hour and with a high resolution and coverage in space.
CALYPSO is a 2-year project partly financed by the EU under the Operational Programme Italia-Malta 2007-2013 and co-ordinated by Prof. Aldo Drago from the Physical Oceanography Unit of the University of Malta. It brings together 3 other partners from Malta – namely Transport Malta, Civil Protection Department, and Armed Forces of Malta – and 4 partners from Sicily – ARPA Sicilia, IAMC-CNR Capo Granitola, Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA), and Università di Catania (CUTGANA). The consortium consists of research entities and also public entities with responsibilities for civil and environmental protection, surveillance, security, and response to hazards.
The main project deliverable is the setting up of a permanent and fully operational HF radar observing system, capable of recording (in real-time with hourly updates) surface currents in the Malta Channel. The system consists of HF radar installations on northern Malta and southern Sicilian shores at selected sites and combines stations to elaborate and publish data to users.
Collected data, combined to numerical models, are intended to primarily support applications to optimize intervention in case of oil spill response as well as endow tools for search and rescue, security, safer navigation, improved metro-marine forecasts, monitoring of sea conditions in critical areas such as proximity to ports, and better management of the marine space between Malta and Sicily.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Italy, Malta, REGIONAL
Host Countries: Malta
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: HF radar, data portal, oceanographic data, oil spill mitigation, open access, operational oceanography, pollution, sea surface currents
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository (ODIS id: 324)
REDMIC (the Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository, acronym in Spanish) is a permanent sys ...
Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository
REDMIC (the Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository, acronym in Spanish) is a permanent systematic system for the storage, safeguard and service of marine data, following the philosophy behind OpenData and OpenScience. It was specifically designed for the Canary Islands and, by extension, Macaronesia. However, it has been approached as a pilot project with the intention of reapplying it to other regions and, overtime, using it to manage a public repository as a registry for marine data.
REDMIC is different to others in that marine data of whatever kind (maritime transport, oceanography, biodiversity, fisheries, etc.) are introduced in an integrated manner in the same system of geographical information. Therefore, the effort to gather all data is only made once at the beginning, so they can be used and combined as often as necessary with the utmost speed. REDMIC is inspired by the following principles: Exploitability: facilitating the successive use of data. Generavity: storing data by maximising its potential of use.
Traceability: providing data related to how the original data were obtained and allowing the knowledge of its modifications.
Publicity: publicly funded system for the safeguard, harmonisation and service of data. Versality: allowing for its use as a general repository (all kinds of data) or as an institutional repository (limited to a sort of information or product).
Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository (ODIS id 324)
Repositorio de Datos Marinos Integrados de Canarias
REDMIC, Canary Islands
REDMIC (the Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository, acronym in Spanish) is a permanent systematic system for the storage, safeguard and service of marine data, following the philosophy behind OpenData and OpenScience. It was specifically designed for the Canary Islands and, by extension, Macaronesia. However, it has been approached as a pilot project with the intention of reapplying it to other regions and, overtime, using it to manage a public repository as a registry for marine data.
REDMIC is different to others in that marine data of whatever kind (maritime transport, oceanography, biodiversity, fisheries, etc.) are introduced in an integrated manner in the same system of geographical information. Therefore, the effort to gather all data is only made once at the beginning, so they can be used and combined as often as necessary with the utmost speed. REDMIC is inspired by the following principles: Exploitability: facilitating the successive use of data. Generavity: storing data by maximising its potential of use.
Traceability: providing data related to how the original data were obtained and allowing the knowledge of its modifications.
Publicity: publicly funded system for the safeguard, harmonisation and service of data. Versality: allowing for its use as a general repository (all kinds of data) or as an institutional repository (limited to a sort of information or product).
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Spanish
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: CTD, Cetaceans, Chlorophyll, Digital repository, Epibenthos, Macrobenthos, Marine birds , Ocean Observing System, Ocean acidification, Satellite, Sea surface temperature, bathymetry, biodiversity, breeding colonies, cruise summary reports, document repository, experts, metadata, sea level, tides
Last updated: 30/09/2021
Cefas Data Hub (ODIS id: 1082)
The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's lon ...
Cefas Data Hub
The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's longest-established marine research organisations, has provided advice on the sustainable exploitation of marine resources since 1902. Today Cefas works in support of a healthy environment and a growing blue economy providing innovative solutions for the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food security. The Cefas Data Portal provides access to over 2125 metadata records, with over 6402 data sets available to download and connect to in support of commitments to Open Science. Datasets available are increasingly diverse and include many legacy datasets including those from fish, shellfish and plankton surveys from the 1980's to the present day. Other increasingly international datasets made available include species migration data from tagging activities and data on habitat and sediment, ecosystem change, human activities including marine litter, otolith sampling and fish stomach contents, oceanography, acoustics, health and water quality. Data is provided under UK Open Government License by default where feasible.
The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's longest-established marine research organisations, has provided advice on the sustainable exploitation of marine resources since 1902. Today Cefas works in support of a healthy environment and a growing blue economy providing innovative solutions for the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food security. The Cefas Data Portal provides access to over 2125 metadata records, with over 6402 data sets available to download and connect to in support of commitments to Open Science. Datasets available are increasingly diverse and include many legacy datasets including those from fish, shellfish and plankton surveys from the 1980's to the present day. Other increasingly international datasets made available include species migration data from tagging activities and data on habitat and sediment, ecosystem change, human activities including marine litter, otolith sampling and fish stomach contents, oceanography, acoustics, health and water quality. Data is provided under UK Open Government License by default where feasible.
Currently over 135 DOIs for data and data products
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Aquatic pathology, Chartering, Climate change, Laboratory services and analysis, Modelling, Programme management, Research, advice and consultancy, Surveys, Training and capacity building, UK and Overseas work, aquatic animal health, assessment and advice, data management, ecosystem understanding, emergency response, marine biodiversity, marine monitoring, ocean and coastal processes, sanitary surveys, sea temperature and salinity trends, seafood safety, sustainable fisheries, technology
Last updated: 30/03/2023
CHINA NEAR-GOOS Delayed Mode DataBase (ODIS id: 554)
China Delayed Mode Database for NEAR-GOOS (CDMDB) is operated by the National Marine Data and Inform ...
CHINA NEAR-GOOS Delayed Mode DataBase
China Delayed Mode Database for NEAR-GOOS (CDMDB) is operated by the National Marine Data and Information Service of China (NMDIS). CDMDB service provides oceanographic data and information products (Buoy data, Ship reports, GTS data, Meteorological data, SST and salinity data, wind and wave data, and so on), free of charge, to all the NEAR-GOOS users through the Internet.
CHINA NEAR-GOOS Delayed Mode DataBase (ODIS id 554)
China Delayed Mode Database for NEAR-GOOS (CDMDB) is operated by the National Marine Data and Information Service of China (NMDIS). CDMDB service provides oceanographic data and information products (Buoy data, Ship reports, GTS data, Meteorological data, SST and salinity data, wind and wave data, and so on), free of charge, to all the NEAR-GOOS users through the Internet.
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: China
Sea Region: North Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Sea surface temperature, operational oceanography, sea level, waves
Last updated: 04/10/2021
Citizen Science Water Level Application - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (ODIS id: 1377)
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Public participation, Scientific Information, WebGIS, citizen science, tides, water level
Last updated: 14/10/2021
Coastal Data Information Program (ODIS id: 1078)
The Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) is an extensive network for monitoring waves and beaches ...
Coastal Data Information Program
The Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) is an extensive network for monitoring waves and beaches along the coastlines of the United States. Since its inception in 1975, the program has produced a vast database of publicly-accessible environmental data for use by coastal engineers and planners, scientists, mariners, and marine enthusiasts. The program has also remained at the forefront of coastal monitoring, developing numerous innovations in instrumentation, system control and management, computer hardware and software, field equipment, and installation techniques.
CDIP is operated by the Ocean Engineering Research Group (OERG), part of the Integrative Oceanography Division (IOD) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO).
When used for web displays and online resources, please provide a link to the CDIP homepage. For instance, in standard html: Data courtesy of <a href=https://cdip.ucsd.edu/>CDIP</a>. For offline references, please choose the appropriate form from the following recommended acknowledgements. (1) Short form (figure captions, etc.) “… data from CDIP, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.” (2)
Longer form (in text) “…data were furnished by the Coastal Data Information Program, Integrative Oceanography Division, operated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.” (3) Full form (acknowledgements at conclusion of papers, etc.) “…data were furnished by the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP), Integrative Oceanography Division, operated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the California Department of Parks and Recreation.” (4)
The Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) is an extensive network for monitoring waves and beaches along the coastlines of the United States. Since its inception in 1975, the program has produced a vast database of publicly-accessible environmental data for use by coastal engineers and planners, scientists, mariners, and marine enthusiasts. The program has also remained at the forefront of coastal monitoring, developing numerous innovations in instrumentation, system control and management, computer hardware and software, field equipment, and installation techniques.
CDIP is operated by the Ocean Engineering Research Group (OERG), part of the Integrative Oceanography Division (IOD) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO).
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on projects, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Pacific Ocean, Straits of Florida, World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Monitoring, Numerical model prediction, Sea surface temperature, moored buoy, waves
Last updated: 11/10/2021
Coriolis data centre (ODIS id: 353)
CORIOLIS contributes to the French operational oceanography program for the in-situ observations. Th ...
Coriolis data centre
CORIOLIS contributes to the French operational oceanography program for the in-situ observations. The 7 institutes involved in operational oceanography in France (CNES, CNRS, Ifremer, IPEV, IRD, Météo-France, Shom) decided in 2001 to joint their efforts within Coriolis in order to :
• organize and maintain data acquisition in a real-time and delayed mode of in-situ measurements necessary for operational oceanography.
• set up an operational in-situ data centre,
• develop and improve the technology necessary for operational oceanography.
Its objective is to develop continuous, automatic, and permanent observation networks. The data collected will enable water properties to be mapped, such as temperature, and ocean circulation.
The importance of Coriolis is visible through the applications that are developed based on these data :
1. Coriolis, Myocean and the COPERNICUS Marine Core service: COPERNICUS is a major European initiative to monitor the state of earth's environment, support policy decisions, and provide a wide range of services to users. MyOcean is the first project of the ocean component of COPERNICUS, the so-called COPERNICUS Marine Core Service. Coriolis coordinates the MyOcean in-situ Thematic Assembly Center and provides in-situ data needed to constrain and validate the MyOcean global and regional Modelling and Forecasting Centers
2. Ocean variability inferred from in-situ data: The global ocean plays a major role in the Earth’s climate. One way of observing and understanding the Earth’s energy balance is to evaluate the average temperature change from the surface down to the deep ocean – the so called ocean heat content. Monthly gridded global temperature fields based on in-situ measurements have been used to estimate global mean heat content variations. A clear trend of the heat content during the past years has been highlighted using in-situ data.
3. new autonomous platforms to observe marine ecosystems: Marine ecosystems are a key component of the Earth system. Their evolution can now be monitored and analyzed thanks to biogeochemical sensors. Specifically designed for autonomous platforms, these sensors are able to measure biogeochemical parameters such as chlorophyll concentration and its vertical distribution. They have been demonstrated on Gliders and new Argo floats called PROVBIO.
Coriolis data centre (ODIS id 353)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 13/02/2019
Last update: 28/11/2021
Mr. Loic Petit de la Villeon ( OceanExpert :
CORIOLIS contributes to the French operational oceanography program for the in-situ observations. The 7 institutes involved in operational oceanography in France (CNES, CNRS, Ifremer, IPEV, IRD, Météo-France, Shom) decided in 2001 to joint their efforts within Coriolis in order to :
• organize and maintain data acquisition in a real-time and delayed mode of in-situ measurements necessary for operational oceanography.
• set up an operational in-situ data centre,
• develop and improve the technology necessary for operational oceanography.
Its objective is to develop continuous, automatic, and permanent observation networks. The data collected will enable water properties to be mapped, such as temperature, and ocean circulation.
The importance of Coriolis is visible through the applications that are developed based on these data :
1. Coriolis, Myocean and the COPERNICUS Marine Core service: COPERNICUS is a major European initiative to monitor the state of earth's environment, support policy decisions, and provide a wide range of services to users. MyOcean is the first project of the ocean component of COPERNICUS, the so-called COPERNICUS Marine Core Service. Coriolis coordinates the MyOcean in-situ Thematic Assembly Center and provides in-situ data needed to constrain and validate the MyOcean global and regional Modelling and Forecasting Centers
2. Ocean variability inferred from in-situ data: The global ocean plays a major role in the Earth’s climate. One way of observing and understanding the Earth’s energy balance is to evaluate the average temperature change from the surface down to the deep ocean – the so called ocean heat content. Monthly gridded global temperature fields based on in-situ measurements have been used to estimate global mean heat content variations. A clear trend of the heat content during the past years has been highlighted using in-situ data.
3. new autonomous platforms to observe marine ecosystems: Marine ecosystems are a key component of the Earth system. Their evolution can now be monitored and analyzed thanks to biogeochemical sensors. Specifically designed for autonomous platforms, these sensors are able to measure biogeochemical parameters such as chlorophyll concentration and its vertical distribution. They have been demonstrated on Gliders and new Argo floats called PROVBIO.
The coriolis system is aiming in providing an ocean data service at a global level. So most of the countries contributing to the ocean observation are potential data sources
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, French
Countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, GLOBAL, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, REGIONAL, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, United States
Host Countries: France, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Marine, Ocean Observing System, Sea surface temperature, ocean circulation, ocean currents, operational oceanography, oxygen, salinity, sea level
Last updated: 28/11/2021
Data Center Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id: 6)
Data Center Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
The Data Center is the core of SOCIB. Through it, SOCIB is developing and implementing a general data management system to guarantee international standards, quality assurance and inter-operability. The combination of different sources and types of information (time series, profiles, trajectories, grids/meshes, images, acoustic data, etc.) requires appropriate methods to ingest, catalogue, display and distribute this information. The general goal of the SOCIB Data Centre is to provide users with a system to locate and download the data of interest (near real time and delayed mode) and to visualize and manage the information. Following SOCIB principles, data need to be: 1) discoverable and accessible; 2) freely available; 3) interoperable and standardized (Tintoré et al. 2012 and 2013). These principles are in line with the challenges and opportunities of Open Data (European Commission 2010; Reichman et al. 2011; Urban et al. 2012).
To accomplish the full lifecycle data (from the modeling and observing systems ingestion up to the user), the data center has defined seven steps for the Data Management Process: (1) Platform management and communication; (2) Quality Control assurance; (3) Metadata Aggregation and Standardization; (4) Data Archive; (5) Data Search and Discovery; (6) Data Policy and distribution; (7) Data Viewing.
The Data Centre of SOCIB is therefore responsible for directing the different stages of data management, ranging from data acquisition to its distribution and visualization through web applications. The implemented system in the Data Centre relies on open source solutions, following other architectures adopted within the context of marine spatial data infrastructures (Cinnirella et al. 2012).
The main data managed by SOCIB comes from its own observation platforms (e.g., HF radar, gliders, drifters, buoys), numerical models or information generated from the SIAS Division. In addition, the Data Centre also performs the management of data coming from external data providers through various collaborations, for example with Harbour Authorities (e.g., Puertos del Estado) or with research groups (e.g., CSIC).
Data processing involves managing different processes such as standardization and data conversion, as well as data validation. Processes include data ingestion, quality controls, generation of new products and data archival. The generation of metadata follows interoperable and international standards in order to facilitate data discovery, while adopting the European Directive INSPIRE (European Commission 2007). Data Centre uses different applications for data processing; these include Java, Matlab, R, Python and Geographic Information System (GIS). Data from observation platforms and numerical models are stored in netCDF repositories, while vector data are stored in spatial databases implemented with PostGIS. The management of metadata is done through two main tools. On the one hand, all metadata coming from the SOCIB observation platforms are managed by an internal application. On the other hand, the rest of the metadata is edited and stored using the application Geonetwork.
The distribution and access to data is done through web services (i.e., OGC, REST). THREDDS and Geoserver are used to generate OGC services from the netCDF repository and PostGIS databases, respectively. In addition, the Data Centre has implemented a REST web service, called data discovery. These services allow that data generated by SOCIB could be integrated into applications developed by the Data Centre itself or by third parties, thus providing system interoperability. The OGC catalogue service (CSW) is currently implemented with the Geonetwork catalogue. However, further developments are currently underway to harvest the THREDDS catalogue by Geonetwork to integrate all the metadata in a single catalogue service (CSW).
Finally, the SOCIB Data Center also develops specific tools for the different facilities when required. As a result, several web applications have been implemented, responding to interests from a wide range of users. As an example, some applications are designed to manage the instrumentation platforms by the researchers, while other applications are directed to stakeholders and general public by providing a general view of the data produced at SOCIB. These applications have been developed using different technologies (e.g., OpenLayers, KML, iOS). All of them use the web services described above, and some of them can incorporate OGC services provided by external organizations.
Data Center Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id 6)
Data Center Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
Original (non-English) name
Centro de Datos - Sistema de Observación y predicción Costero de las Islas Baleares
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements:
In applications or websites:
Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es).
In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo.
In publications:
Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog)
Dataset without DOI:
Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es).
and cite the following publication:
Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
The Data Center is the core of SOCIB. Through it, SOCIB is developing and implementing a general data management system to guarantee international standards, quality assurance and inter-operability. The combination of different sources and types of information (time series, profiles, trajectories, grids/meshes, images, acoustic data, etc.) requires appropriate methods to ingest, catalogue, display and distribute this information. The general goal of the SOCIB Data Centre is to provide users with a system to locate and download the data of interest (near real time and delayed mode) and to visualize and manage the information. Following SOCIB principles, data need to be: 1) discoverable and accessible; 2) freely available; 3) interoperable and standardized (Tintoré et al. 2012 and 2013). These principles are in line with the challenges and opportunities of Open Data (European Commission 2010; Reichman et al. 2011; Urban et al. 2012).
To accomplish the full lifecycle data (from the modeling and observing systems ingestion up to the user), the data center has defined seven steps for the Data Management Process: (1) Platform management and communication; (2) Quality Control assurance; (3) Metadata Aggregation and Standardization; (4) Data Archive; (5) Data Search and Discovery; (6) Data Policy and distribution; (7) Data Viewing.
The Data Centre of SOCIB is therefore responsible for directing the different stages of data management, ranging from data acquisition to its distribution and visualization through web applications. The implemented system in the Data Centre relies on open source solutions, following other architectures adopted within the context of marine spatial data infrastructures (Cinnirella et al. 2012).
The main data managed by SOCIB comes from its own observation platforms (e.g., HF radar, gliders, drifters, buoys), numerical models or information generated from the SIAS Division. In addition, the Data Centre also performs the management of data coming from external data providers through various collaborations, for example with Harbour Authorities (e.g., Puertos del Estado) or with research groups (e.g., CSIC).
Data processing involves managing different processes such as standardization and data conversion, as well as data validation. Processes include data ingestion, quality controls, generation of new products and data archival. The generation of metadata follows interoperable and international standards in order to facilitate data discovery, while adopting the European Directive INSPIRE (European Commission 2007). Data Centre uses different applications for data processing; these include Java, Matlab, R, Python and Geographic Information System (GIS). Data from observation platforms and numerical models are stored in netCDF repositories, while vector data are stored in spatial databases implemented with PostGIS. The management of metadata is done through two main tools. On the one hand, all metadata coming from the SOCIB observation platforms are managed by an internal application. On the other hand, the rest of the metadata is edited and stored using the application Geonetwork.
The distribution and access to data is done through web services (i.e., OGC, REST). THREDDS and Geoserver are used to generate OGC services from the netCDF repository and PostGIS databases, respectively. In addition, the Data Centre has implemented a REST web service, called data discovery. These services allow that data generated by SOCIB could be integrated into applications developed by the Data Centre itself or by third parties, thus providing system interoperability. The OGC catalogue service (CSW) is currently implemented with the Geonetwork catalogue. However, further developments are currently underway to harvest the THREDDS catalogue by Geonetwork to integrate all the metadata in a single catalogue service (CSW).
Finally, the SOCIB Data Center also develops specific tools for the different facilities when required. As a result, several web applications have been implemented, responding to interests from a wide range of users. As an example, some applications are designed to manage the instrumentation platforms by the researchers, while other applications are directed to stakeholders and general public by providing a general view of the data produced at SOCIB. These applications have been developed using different technologies (e.g., OpenLayers, KML, iOS). All of them use the web services described above, and some of them can incorporate OGC services provided by external organizations.
The distribution and access to data is done through web services (i.e., OGC, REST). THREDDS and Geoserver are used to generate OGC services from the netCDF repository and PostGIS databases, respectively. In addition, the Data Centre has implemented a REST web service, called data discovery.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
29.349641, -12.805649, 48.422076, 40.743211
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Mediterranean Region, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin, Strait of Gibraltar
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Best practices, CSR, CTD, Chlorophyll, Climate change, Coastal zone, Digital repository, Monitoring, Numerical model prediction, Phytoplankton, chemistry, coastal habitats, cruise summary reports, data buoy, physics, salinity, water temperature
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Data Explorer - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id: 832)
The Data Explorer is an exceptional tool to search across data points, download full datasets using ERDDAP, compare datasets across regions and disciplines, and generate shareable custom data views.
Data Explorer - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id 832)
The Data Explorer is an exceptional tool to search across data points, download full datasets using ERDDAP, compare datasets across regions and disciplines, and generate shareable custom data views.
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on vessels (including research vessels), Multimedia content, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: atmosphere, coastal ocean waters, data buoy, data discovey, data portal, data services, oceans, open access, open data, open ocean
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Data Portal - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id: 465)
OOI’s data portal contains data from each of OOI’s seven arrays (including the suspended Southern Ocean and Argentine Basin Arrays), 80 platforms, and 800 instruments, measuring 200 different ocean parameters. Designed as a one-stop shop to get users the data they need, the portal is a key resource to answer important science questions about the changing ocean
Users can access real-time data from the Regional Cabled Array. From the Coastal and Global Arrays, users can access both telemetered (real-time data from deployed instruments) and recovered data, which is downloaded once instruments have been recovered, via the portal. You can explore OOI data and create customized searches by location, time, and ocean parameters measured. Users can also avail themselves of portal features such as generating plots and visualizing data for easy incorporation of data results into research papers and classroom activities.
Data Portal - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id 465)
Citing OOI Data
The “Ocean Observatories Initiative” should be cited as the source for any data used in research projects or papers derived from OOI instrumentation, including posts on social media where a link to the OOI data must be provided.
General Data Source
When citing OOI as the general data source, we encourage authors to use the following format:
NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal,
http://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org. Downloaded on (date_accessed).
Specific Instrument and Time Frame
When citing data from a specific instrument and time range, we suggest the following format:
NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal,
http://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org, (data_type, reference_designator) data from (start_date) to (end_date). Downloaded on (date_accessed).
For example: NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal, http://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org, Bottom Pressure Tilt (RS03CCAL-MJ03F-05-BOTPTA301) data from 25 January 2015 to 25 May 2016. Downloaded on 17 June 2016.
OOI’s data portal contains data from each of OOI’s seven arrays (including the suspended Southern Ocean and Argentine Basin Arrays), 80 platforms, and 800 instruments, measuring 200 different ocean parameters. Designed as a one-stop shop to get users the data they need, the portal is a key resource to answer important science questions about the changing ocean
Users can access real-time data from the Regional Cabled Array. From the Coastal and Global Arrays, users can access both telemetered (real-time data from deployed instruments) and recovered data, which is downloaded once instruments have been recovered, via the portal. You can explore OOI data and create customized searches by location, time, and ocean parameters measured. Users can also avail themselves of portal features such as generating plots and visualizing data for easy incorporation of data results into research papers and classroom activities.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: ADCP, AUV, CTD, Glider, cabled obsrvatories, coastal endurance array, coastal monitoring, coastal ocean waters, current meters, cyberinfrastructure, data portal, data quality, data services, moored buoy, mooring, nitrate, nutrients, ocean observation, oceanographic data, open access, open ocean, operational oceanography, oxygen, pH, profiling buoy, science-driven ocean observing network, sea water salinity, sea water temperature
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Datasets - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ODIS id: 1435)
Datasets - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ECMWF produce and disseminate weather forecast data for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NHMSs) of ECMWF Member and Co-operating States and their authorised users.
ECMWF also archives data and makes this available to authorised users. Some data is also made available under licence and some is publicly available.
Datasets - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ODIS id 1435)
Datasets - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Original (non-English) name
Datasets - ECMWF
ECMWF produce and disseminate weather forecast data for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NHMSs) of ECMWF Member and Co-operating States and their authorised users.
ECMWF also archives data and makes this available to authorised users. Some data is also made available under licence and some is publicly available.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Atmospheric reanalysis data, Modelling, atmosphere, data analysis, data archive, data portal, data services, meteorological data, meteorological services, real-time data
Last updated: 19/10/2021
Deployments web client application - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id: 1532)
Dapp is a web based client application, developed by the SOCIB Data Center, intended to display and ...
Deployments web client application - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
Dapp is a web based client application, developed by the SOCIB Data Center, intended to display and download deployments data from SOCIB. Dapp provides additional features such as:
- Browse and display any deployments made by SOCIB,
- Create customized maps with several deployments and WMS map layers.
Deployments web client application - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands (ODIS id 1532)
Deployments web client application - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands
Original (non-English) name
Deployments web client application - SOCIB
Dapp is a web based client application, developed by the SOCIB Data Center, intended to display and download deployments data from SOCIB. Dapp provides additional features such as:
- Browse and display any deployments made by SOCIB,
- Create customized maps with several deployments and WMS map layers.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Glider, animal behavior, animal tagging, data and information, data services, data visualization, lagrangian platforms , real-time data, research vessel
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Earthquake Information - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (ODIS id: 653)
As a Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) for the Indian Ocean, the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning Syste ...
Earthquake Information - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System
As a Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) for the Indian Ocean, the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) offers web access to ocean-wide tsunami warning products.
Registered users may login in order to access warning bulletins issued by InaTEWS. The InaTEWS-BMKG functions as an approved Tsunami Service Provider of the IOTWMS that is an integral part of the Global Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, established and coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.
Earthquake Information - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (ODIS id 653)
Earthquake Information - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System
Original (non-English) name
Informasi Gempabumi Dirasakan - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System
Earthquake Information - INATEWS
As a Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) for the Indian Ocean, the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) offers web access to ocean-wide tsunami warning products.
Registered users may login in order to access warning bulletins issued by InaTEWS. The InaTEWS-BMKG functions as an approved Tsunami Service Provider of the IOTWMS that is an integral part of the Global Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, established and coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Indonesian
Countries: Indonesia
Host Countries: Indonesia
Sea Region: Banda Sea, Celebes Sea, Jawa Sea
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: Geospatial data, WebGIS, earthquake, oceans, operational service, tsunami
Last updated: 06/10/2021
ERDDAP Server - French research institute for the exploitation of the sea (ODIS id: 414)
ERDDAP Server - French research institute for the exploitation of the sea
27 matching datasets, listed in alphabetical order. ERDDAP is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data (for example, data from satellites and buoys).
ERDDAP Server - French research institute for the exploitation of the sea (ODIS id 414)
ERDDAP Server - French research institute for the exploitation of the sea
Original (non-English) name
27 matching datasets, listed in alphabetical order. ERDDAP is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data (for example, data from satellites and buoys).
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Argo, Climate change, Glider, biogeochemistry, climate monitoring, climatology, global ocean, metadata, oceanographic data, oceans
Last updated: 29/11/2021
ERDDAP Server - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id: 466)
The ERDDAP (National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration’s Environmental Research Division’s Data Access Program) Server is a free and open-source Java “servlet” that converts and serves a variety of scientific datasets using common file formats. The OOI ERDDAP server provides a simple, consistent way to access and download uncabled, telemetered data from OOI moorings and gliders. Datasets can be downloaded in common file formats, such as Python, R, Javascript, and MATLAB, with the capability of creating graphs and maps.
All information about every ERDAPP request is contained in the URL of each request, which makes it easy to automate searching for and using data in other applications. Proficient users can build their own custom interfaces. Many organizations (including NOAA, NASA, and USGS) run ERDDAP servers to serve their data. Because of its widespread use and accessibility, the ERDDAP principal developer and user community have created user guides, instruction videos, and code examples to facilitate access by new users.
ERDDAP Server - Ocean Observatories Initiative (ODIS id 466)
Citing OOI Data The “Ocean Observatories Initiative” should be cited as the source for any data used in research projects or papers derived from OOI instrumentation, including posts on social media where a link to the OOI data must be provided. General Data Source When citing OOI as the general data source, we encourage authors to use the following format: NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal, http://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org. Downloaded on (date_accessed). Specific Instrument and Time Frame When citing data from a specific instrument and time range, we suggest the following format: NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal, http://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org, (data_type, reference_designator) data from (start_date) to (end_date). Downloaded on (date_accessed). For example: NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal, http://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org, Bottom Pressure Tilt (RS03CCAL-MJ03F-05-BOTPTA301) data from 25 January 2015 to 25 May 2016. Downloaded on 17 June 2016.
The ERDDAP (National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration’s Environmental Research Division’s Data Access Program) Server is a free and open-source Java “servlet” that converts and serves a variety of scientific datasets using common file formats. The OOI ERDDAP server provides a simple, consistent way to access and download uncabled, telemetered data from OOI moorings and gliders. Datasets can be downloaded in common file formats, such as Python, R, Javascript, and MATLAB, with the capability of creating graphs and maps.
All information about every ERDAPP request is contained in the URL of each request, which makes it easy to automate searching for and using data in other applications. Proficient users can build their own custom interfaces. Many organizations (including NOAA, NASA, and USGS) run ERDDAP servers to serve their data. Because of its widespread use and accessibility, the ERDDAP principal developer and user community have created user guides, instruction videos, and code examples to facilitate access by new users.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: ADCP, AUV, CTD, Glider, atmosphere, cabled obsrvatories, chemistry, coastal endurance array, coastal monitoring, coastal ocean waters, current meters, data buoy, data management, data services, delayed-mode data, e-infrastructure, in-situ, moored buoy, mooring, nitrate, nutrients, ocean chemistry, open access, open ocean, operational oceanography, oxygen, pH, real-time data, science-driven ocean observing network
Last updated: 02/10/2021
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics (ODIS id: 1095)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics
EMODnet Physics is an upstream ocean data integrating service. It builds on the discovery of data sources or providers and their connection to the EMODnet Physics infrastructure. It provides a single point of access to in situ ocean physics time-series data and vertical profiles, data products and metadata built with common standards, free of charge and no restrictions.
The available parameters cover temperature, salinity and currents profiles, sea level trends, wave height and period, wind speed and direction, water turbidity (light attenuation), underwater noise, river flow, and sea-ice coverage.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics (ODIS id 1095)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics
Original (non-English) name
EMODnet Physics
EMODnet Physics is an upstream ocean data integrating service. It builds on the discovery of data sources or providers and their connection to the EMODnet Physics infrastructure. It provides a single point of access to in situ ocean physics time-series data and vertical profiles, data products and metadata built with common standards, free of charge and no restrictions.
The available parameters cover temperature, salinity and currents profiles, sea level trends, wave height and period, wind speed and direction, water turbidity (light attenuation), underwater noise, river flow, and sea-ice coverage.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: ArcGis, Sea surface temperature, Under water acoustic pollution , analysis and visualization of oceanographic data, sea ice, sea level anomaly, sea surface salinity, sea water temperature, water temperature, wave height and direction, wind stress
Last updated: 21/11/2023
Fixed Stations facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecast System (ODIS id: 1212)
Fixed Stations facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecast System
Welcome to the fixed stations' facility. Here you can explore all our fixed platforms and click on one of them to display and download the latest data. You can directly display all the variable data and the charts, clicking on the icons.
Fixed Stations facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecast System (ODIS id 1212)
Fixed Stations facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecast System
Original (non-English) name
Infraestructuras Fijas - SOCIB
Fixed Stations - SOCIB
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
Welcome to the fixed stations' facility. Here you can explore all our fixed platforms and click on one of them to display and download the latest data. You can directly display all the variable data and the charts, clicking on the icons.
Coastal areas in the Balearic Islands and Ibiza Channel
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Balearic Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: WebGIS, coastal ocean waters, meteorological data, ocean currents, oceanographic data, operational oceanography, operational service, sea level
Last updated: 11/10/2022
FleetMon (ODIS id: 854)
FleetMon is a commercial company that provides vessel data and shipping data. Your interactive tool ...
FleetMon is a commercial company that provides vessel data and shipping data. Your interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking. Providing you with a real-time view of marine traffic, from a global overview to single ships, it is an outstanding and powerful tool for operations monitoring, fleet tracking, logistics scheduling, research and traffic analysis that runs right in your browser. Several map types are available, including satellite maps and navigation charts.
FleetMon is a commercial company that provides vessel data and shipping data. Your interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking. Providing you with a real-time view of marine traffic, from a global overview to single ships, it is an outstanding and powerful tool for operations monitoring, fleet tracking, logistics scheduling, research and traffic analysis that runs right in your browser. Several map types are available, including satellite maps and navigation charts.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on vessels (including research vessels), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: AIS vessel tracking, marine traffic, traffic analysis
Last updated: 08/09/2020
FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Instititute (ODIS id: 506)
FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Instititute
Floats data visualisation interface. Current records of fundamental ocean properties such as oxygen, pH, nutrients, or chlorophyll describe a range of ocean states. However, the sample-to-sample variability observed in ocean time series may not necessarily reflect actual trends at any given location and time because so few measurements are collected for extended periods and in rapid succession. Furthermore, the limited sampling provides little scientific insight into the processes that actually underlie the snapshot observations.
Developing new tools and techniques to overcome these challenges is a major driver of Ken Johnson’s Chemical Sensor Group activities. Application of this approach in Elkhorn Slough, near MBARI in Central California, highlights some of the advances in understanding when sampling resolution is more closely matched to environmental processes. Opportunities for deploying analogous sensor suites in the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean provide another perspective on how we can address the fundamental problem of “being there”.
FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Instititute (ODIS id 506)
FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Instititute
Original (non-English) name
FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - MBARI
Floats data visualisation interface. Current records of fundamental ocean properties such as oxygen, pH, nutrients, or chlorophyll describe a range of ocean states. However, the sample-to-sample variability observed in ocean time series may not necessarily reflect actual trends at any given location and time because so few measurements are collected for extended periods and in rapid succession. Furthermore, the limited sampling provides little scientific insight into the processes that actually underlie the snapshot observations.
Developing new tools and techniques to overcome these challenges is a major driver of Ken Johnson’s Chemical Sensor Group activities. Application of this approach in Elkhorn Slough, near MBARI in Central California, highlights some of the advances in understanding when sampling resolution is more closely matched to environmental processes. Opportunities for deploying analogous sensor suites in the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean provide another perspective on how we can address the fundamental problem of “being there”.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Chlorophyll, biogeochemistry, data services, oceanographic data, pH, profile, profiling buoy, sea water pressure, sea water salinity, sea water temperature
Last updated: 04/10/2021
Geographic Information Gateway - New York Department of State Office of Planning and Development (ODIS id: 335)
The Geographic Information Gateway (Gateway) is an award-winning, state-of-the-art website providing ...
Geographic Information Gateway - New York Department of State Office of Planning and Development
The Geographic Information Gateway (Gateway) is an award-winning, state-of-the-art website providing public access to data, real-time information, interactive tools, and expert knowledge relevant to the Office of Planning and Development’s activities throughout New York State. Interactive map viewers allow users to easily download, visualize, and explore geographic data. A Latest Conditions page provides access to real-time information across the State, such as water quality, tide levels, and beach conditions. Also included on this site are illustrated stories, which highlight case studies, showcase community success stories, and demonstrate how the Office uses available geographic information to improve planning and decision-making. The Gateway’s suite of information and tools serves as a valuable resource for New York communities, an educational resource for schools and universities, and a guide for the responsible development of the State’s resources.
Geographic Information Gateway - New York Department of State Office of Planning and Development (ODIS id 335)
Geographic Information Gateway - New York Department of State Office of Planning and Development
Original (non-English) name
Gateway - NYS DOS Office of Planning and Development
The Geographic Information Gateway (Gateway) is an award-winning, state-of-the-art website providing public access to data, real-time information, interactive tools, and expert knowledge relevant to the Office of Planning and Development’s activities throughout New York State. Interactive map viewers allow users to easily download, visualize, and explore geographic data. A Latest Conditions page provides access to real-time information across the State, such as water quality, tide levels, and beach conditions. Also included on this site are illustrated stories, which highlight case studies, showcase community success stories, and demonstrate how the Office uses available geographic information to improve planning and decision-making. The Gateway’s suite of information and tools serves as a valuable resource for New York communities, an educational resource for schools and universities, and a guide for the responsible development of the State’s resources.
New York State, including offshore areas in the Northwest Atlantic Out to the toe of the continental shelf and the US Great Lakes Ontario (entire US portion) and Erie (NY portion)
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on projects, Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Multimedia content, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: North Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Cetaceans, Chlorophyll, Digital repository, Epibenthos, Macrobenthos, Mammals, Marine, Marine birds , Occurrence, Sea surface temperature, bathymetry, biodiversity, hydrography, metadata, sea level, tides
Last updated: 30/09/2021
Glider facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id: 1210)
Glider facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
Welcome to the gliders facility. Here you can browse the deployments of our gliders both current and archival.
Additionally, performance charts and post mission reports of all SOCIB campaigns can be found in the Glider Report Section.
Read more about the gliders Note that in the map, you are able to get several information about the gliders in the mission, such as performed trajectory and latest information transmitted by the glider (by clicking the icon over the map). In the table below the map, current and archival deployments are shown, providing several ways of data displaying and downloading.
Glider facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id 1210)
Glider facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de Planeadores Submarinos - SOCIB
Glider facility - SOCIB
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
Welcome to the gliders facility. Here you can browse the deployments of our gliders both current and archival.
Additionally, performance charts and post mission reports of all SOCIB campaigns can be found in the Glider Report Section.
Read more about the gliders Note that in the map, you are able to get several information about the gliders in the mission, such as performed trajectory and latest information transmitted by the glider (by clicking the icon over the map). In the table below the map, current and archival deployments are shown, providing several ways of data displaying and downloading.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Region
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Glider, WebGIS, dissolved oxygen, oceanographic data, operational oceanography, operational service, sea water electrical conductivity, sea water pressure, sea water salinity, sea water temperature
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Data Portal (ODIS id: 809)
GOA-ON works to improve our understanding of global ocean acidification conditions and ecosystem res ...
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Data Portal
GOA-ON works to improve our understanding of global ocean acidification conditions and ecosystem responses by making ocean acidification data easily accessible.
The GOA-ON Data Explorer provides access and visualization to ocean acidification data and data synthesis products being collected around the world from a wide range of sources, including moorings, research cruises, and fixed time series stations. Layers contain contoured world-wide data; Platforms include icons for various observing assets, some of which display real-time data and many of which include links to data and metadata. For a given asset measuring carbonate chemistry, metadata includes information on which parameters are measured, links to data providers, and other useful details. The inventory of GOA-ON assets can be searched interactively by region, platform type, and variables by using the Filters tool.
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Data Portal (ODIS id 809)
Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Data Portal
Original (non-English) name
GOA-ON Data Portal
GOA-ON works to improve our understanding of global ocean acidification conditions and ecosystem responses by making ocean acidification data easily accessible.
The GOA-ON Data Explorer provides access and visualization to ocean acidification data and data synthesis products being collected around the world from a wide range of sources, including moorings, research cruises, and fixed time series stations. Layers contain contoured world-wide data; Platforms include icons for various observing assets, some of which display real-time data and many of which include links to data and metadata. For a given asset measuring carbonate chemistry, metadata includes information on which parameters are measured, links to data providers, and other useful details. The inventory of GOA-ON assets can be searched interactively by region, platform type, and variables by using the Filters tool.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Online Map application
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Climate change, GIS, Geospatial data, Monitoring, Ocean acidification, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, alkalinity, ammonium concentration, biogeochemistry, carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen, global ocean acidification, global ocean observing system, metadata, moored buoy, nitrate, nutrients, ocean carbon, oceanography, oceans, pH, particulate organic carbon, phosphate concentration, primary production, profiling buoy, research vessel, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, silicate concentration
Last updated: 20/03/2021
Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (ODIS id: 352)
GOSUD data are provided by volunteer contributors who are willing to build freely accessible global ...
Global Ocean Surface Underway Data
GOSUD data are provided by volunteer contributors who are willing to build freely accessible global datasets, promote standard methodologies and agree on common data policy. The observations are collected from different categories of platforms such as research vessels, merchant ships but also sailing ships or cruise vessels. Whenever possible, data or data subsets are transmitted in real-time. Ocean surface is the location of strong exchanges with the atmosphere but also with ice and continents. Ship based underway measurements can make a significant contribution to the observation of this very active layer on condition that the datasets produced would be properly qualified and assembled.
GOSUD aims at assembling in-situ observations of the world ocean surface collected by a variety of ships and at distributing quality controlled datasets. Until December 2018, the variables considered by GOSUD were temperature and salinity. To reach this objective, GOSUD strategy is to work on the following aspects:
i) Establish direct contact with the data collectors in order to facilitate all stages of the process from data acquisition to data transmission and feedback on the data quality.
ii) Encourage standard procedures for instrument settings and maintenance, water samples analysis, real-time quality control, and delayed mode processing and provide the corresponding documentation.
iii) Ensure real-time transmission and apply automatic quality controls on the real-time dataflow.
iv)Fully document the delayed mode datasets through metadata and links to publications.
v) Facilitate data access by a large community of users by offering fully documented datasets and products.
vi) Highlight the synthetic products based on the GOSUD datasets developed by scientific organizations.
Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) is an initiative of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) program. Following recommendation IODE-XVI.10 (Lisbon November 2000): “… to acquire, quality control, store in the standard format, and disseminate the collected underway sea surface salinity data …the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) Project was established in 2001.
Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (ODIS id 352)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 13/02/2019
Last update: 02/10/2021
Mr. Loic Petit de la Villeon ( OceanExpert :
GOSUD data are provided by volunteer contributors who are willing to build freely accessible global datasets, promote standard methodologies and agree on common data policy. The observations are collected from different categories of platforms such as research vessels, merchant ships but also sailing ships or cruise vessels. Whenever possible, data or data subsets are transmitted in real-time. Ocean surface is the location of strong exchanges with the atmosphere but also with ice and continents. Ship based underway measurements can make a significant contribution to the observation of this very active layer on condition that the datasets produced would be properly qualified and assembled.
GOSUD aims at assembling in-situ observations of the world ocean surface collected by a variety of ships and at distributing quality controlled datasets. Until December 2018, the variables considered by GOSUD were temperature and salinity. To reach this objective, GOSUD strategy is to work on the following aspects:
i) Establish direct contact with the data collectors in order to facilitate all stages of the process from data acquisition to data transmission and feedback on the data quality.
ii) Encourage standard procedures for instrument settings and maintenance, water samples analysis, real-time quality control, and delayed mode processing and provide the corresponding documentation.
iii) Ensure real-time transmission and apply automatic quality controls on the real-time dataflow.
iv)Fully document the delayed mode datasets through metadata and links to publications.
v) Facilitate data access by a large community of users by offering fully documented datasets and products.
vi) Highlight the synthetic products based on the GOSUD datasets developed by scientific organizations.
Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) is an initiative of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) program. Following recommendation IODE-XVI.10 (Lisbon November 2000): “… to acquire, quality control, store in the standard format, and disseminate the collected underway sea surface salinity data …the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) Project was established in 2001.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on projects, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Sweden, United States, South Africa
Host Countries: France, GLOBAL, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Ocean Observing System, Sea surface temperature, operational oceanography, salinity
Last updated: 02/10/2021
Hadera Marine Monitoring Station (GLOSS Station #80), Meteomarine observations (ODIS id: 132)
Hadera Marine Monitoring Station (GLOSS Station #80), Meteomarine observations
Wind waves parameters and currents from 4 to 20 meters depths observed on Hadera coast station by RDI ADCP (about 2 km offshore) are presented in form of charts.
Hadera Marine Monitoring Station (GLOSS Station #80), Meteomarine observations (ODIS id 132)
Hadera Marine Monitoring Station (GLOSS Station #80), Meteomarine observations
Original (non-English) name
Wind waves parameters and currents from 4 to 20 meters depths observed on Hadera coast station by RDI ADCP (about 2 km offshore) are presented in form of charts.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Israel
Host Countries: Israel
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Monitoring, ocean currents, sea level, water temperature, waves
Last updated: 27/09/2021
HF Radar Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id: 1211)
HF Radar Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
The HF Radar facility provides real-time surface current data in the Ibiza Channel. If you are interested in the technical details of functioning of the HF Radar instrument, read general information or access to the presentation at the HF Radar National Meeting.
All HF Radar Data has passed a battery of tests to ensure that the data being produced is of the highest quality and therefore, a QC flag can be displayed. Data can be downloaded in KMZ or NetCDF format. For a wider and more complete functionality use Lw4nc2 application.
In this map, the latest currents available are represented (by their direction and speed value). Use the player and the time slider to check out the currents for previous observations (the last three months are available in this viewer). Active additional layers (velocity components, magnitude or QC status flags) using the layer controls located at the top right corner. Double click on any point of the map to get a time-series plot in that point for each one of the selected parameters.
Automatic data processing reports are generated on a monthly basis in order to extract useful and meaningful information from HF radar data and system performance. Access to all monthly reports available from September 2013 up to now.
HF Radar Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id 1211)
HF Radar Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de Radar HF - SOCIB
HF Radar facility - SOCIB
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
The HF Radar facility provides real-time surface current data in the Ibiza Channel. If you are interested in the technical details of functioning of the HF Radar instrument, read general information or access to the presentation at the HF Radar National Meeting.
All HF Radar Data has passed a battery of tests to ensure that the data being produced is of the highest quality and therefore, a QC flag can be displayed. Data can be downloaded in KMZ or NetCDF format. For a wider and more complete functionality use Lw4nc2 application.
In this map, the latest currents available are represented (by their direction and speed value). Use the player and the time slider to check out the currents for previous observations (the last three months are available in this viewer). Active additional layers (velocity components, magnitude or QC status flags) using the layer controls located at the top right corner. Double click on any point of the map to get a time-series plot in that point for each one of the selected parameters.
Automatic data processing reports are generated on a monthly basis in order to extract useful and meaningful information from HF radar data and system performance. Access to all monthly reports available from September 2013 up to now.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Region
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: HF radar, WebGIS, ocean currents, oceanographic data, oceanography, operational oceanography, operational service
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ODIS id: 109)
INCOIS, being the central repository for marine data in the country, receives voluminous oceanograph ...
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
INCOIS, being the central repository for marine data in the country, receives voluminous oceanographic data in real-time, from a variety of in-situ and remote sensing observing systems. The Ocean Information Bank provides information on physical, chemical, biological and geological parameters of ocean and coasts on spatial and temporal domains that is vital for both research and operational oceanography. The Ocean Information Bank is supported by the data received from Ocean Observing Systems in the Indian Ocean (both the in-situ platforms and satellites) as well as by a chain of Marine Data Centres.
Further, INCOIS has been designated as the National Oceanographic Data Centre by the International Oceanographic Data Exchange Programme (IODE) of International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Further, INCOIS serves as the National Argo Data Centre, Regional Argo Data Centre, and also the regional data centre and clearinghouse for the Indian Ocean region for the IOGOOS Programme.
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ODIS id 109)
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Original (non-English) name
INCOIS, being the central repository for marine data in the country, receives voluminous oceanographic data in real-time, from a variety of in-situ and remote sensing observing systems. The Ocean Information Bank provides information on physical, chemical, biological and geological parameters of ocean and coasts on spatial and temporal domains that is vital for both research and operational oceanography. The Ocean Information Bank is supported by the data received from Ocean Observing Systems in the Indian Ocean (both the in-situ platforms and satellites) as well as by a chain of Marine Data Centres.
Further, INCOIS has been designated as the National Oceanographic Data Centre by the International Oceanographic Data Exchange Programme (IODE) of International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Further, INCOIS serves as the National Argo Data Centre, Regional Argo Data Centre, and also the regional data centre and clearinghouse for the Indian Ocean region for the IOGOOS Programme.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: India
Host Countries: India
Sea Region: Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Monitoring, Ocean Observing System, Satellite, Sea surface temperature, moored buoy, ocean circulation, ocean colour, ocean currents, ocean evaporation, remote sensing, sea surface salinity, tides
Last updated: 29/11/2021
Institute of Marine Research NMD in-situ TAC Arctic for Copernicus - Norway (ODIS id: 56)
Institute of Marine Research NMD in-situ TAC Arctic for Copernicus - Norway
Original (non-English) name
IMR hosts the Norwegian Marine Data centre and in charge of the operation of the Arctic INSITU TAC component.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Host Countries: Norway
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Last updated: 26/07/2020
Ireland's Digital Ocean (ODIS id: 703)
This website is a portal to data collected in and around Ireland’s maritime zone. It collects toge ...
Ireland's Digital Ocean
This website is a portal to data collected in and around Ireland’s maritime zone. It collects together data and information provided by a number of organisations into one place. The development of this website has been funded by the Marine Institute.
This website is a portal to data collected in and around Ireland’s maritime zone. It collects together data and information provided by a number of organisations into one place. The development of this website has been funded by the Marine Institute.
The network is managed by the Marine Institute in collaboration with Met Éireann and the UK Met Office. The Irish Weather Buoy Network is designed to improve weather forecasts and safety at sea around Ireland. The buoy network provides vital data for weather forecasts, shipping bulletins, gale and swell warnings as well as data for general public information and research. Buoy data is also helpful for validating our operational models.
Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network (ODIS id 704)
The network is managed by the Marine Institute in collaboration with Met Éireann and the UK Met Office. The Irish Weather Buoy Network is designed to improve weather forecasts and safety at sea around Ireland. The buoy network provides vital data for weather forecasts, shipping bulletins, gale and swell warnings as well as data for general public information and research. Buoy data is also helpful for validating our operational models.
OGS is recognised as the Italian National Oceanographic Data Centre (OGS-NODC) within the International Oceanographic Data Exchange System of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) since 27/6/2002. OGS as part of the IOC's network of National Oceanographic Data Centres has designated responsibility for the coordination of data and information management at national level. The oceanographic database covers the fields of marine physics, chemical, biological, underway geophysics and general information on Italian oceanographic cruises and data sets. The data center manages large sets of marine and ocean data, originating from our institute and from other parties in our country, in a variety of data management systems and configurations. A major objective and challenge is to provide an integrated and harmonised overview and access to these biodiversity datasets through the GBIF network. The harvesting of marine (near) real-time data with multiple data formats, the conversion in a homogeneous and standard format, the structuring in a database and, finally, the automation of the marine data validation is obtained using XML and OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards for data transport and representation. The adoption of Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) specifications enables real time integration of data and metadata, related to the data processing and calibration, the data collection instruments and the data quality control. Our technological choice is led by the requirements of interoperability, as ability to cooperate and exchange information, and resilience, as ability of adaptation to new needs. The international standard SensorML has been used as a profile, adapted to our needs and results as a joint effort of the Italian RITMARE, the European SeaDataNet, Eurofleet and ODIP community.
OGS is recognised as the Italian National Oceanographic Data Centre (OGS-NODC) within the International Oceanographic Data Exchange System of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) since 27/6/2002. OGS as part of the IOC's network of National Oceanographic Data Centres has designated responsibility for the coordination of data and information management at national level. The oceanographic database covers the fields of marine physics, chemical, biological, underway geophysics and general information on Italian oceanographic cruises and data sets. The data center manages large sets of marine and ocean data, originating from our institute and from other parties in our country, in a variety of data management systems and configurations. A major objective and challenge is to provide an integrated and harmonised overview and access to these biodiversity datasets through the GBIF network. The harvesting of marine (near) real-time data with multiple data formats, the conversion in a homogeneous and standard format, the structuring in a database and, finally, the automation of the marine data validation is obtained using XML and OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards for data transport and representation. The adoption of Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) specifications enables real time integration of data and metadata, related to the data processing and calibration, the data collection instruments and the data quality control. Our technological choice is led by the requirements of interoperability, as ability to cooperate and exchange information, and resilience, as ability of adaptation to new needs. The international standard SensorML has been used as a profile, adapted to our needs and results as a joint effort of the Italian RITMARE, the European SeaDataNet, Eurofleet and ODIP community.
Lagrangian platforms - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
Welcome to the lagrangian platforms facility. Here you can browse the deployments of surface drifters and Argo profilers both current and archival. Read more about them
Note that in the map, you are able to get several information about the currently deployed instruments, such as performed trajectory and the latest information transmitted by the instrument (by clicking the icon over the map). In the table, current and archival deployments are shown, providing several ways of data displaying and downloading.
Lagrangian platforms - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id 1209)
Lagrangian platforms - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de Plataformas Lagrangianas - SOCIB
Lagrangian platforms - SOCIB
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
Welcome to the lagrangian platforms facility. Here you can browse the deployments of surface drifters and Argo profilers both current and archival. Read more about them
Note that in the map, you are able to get several information about the currently deployed instruments, such as performed trajectory and the latest information transmitted by the instrument (by clicking the icon over the map). In the table, current and archival deployments are shown, providing several ways of data displaying and downloading.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Region, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Argo, lagrangian platforms , oceanographic data, operational oceanography, operational service, profiling buoy, surface drifters
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Live Access Server - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ODIS id: 396)
The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access ...
Live Access Server - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data. It can present distributed data sets as a unified virtual database through the use of DODS networking. Ferret is the default visualization application used by LAS, though other applications (Matlab, IDL, GrADS, ...) can also be used.
It allows plotting Argo Data products (SST), ASCAT, Microwave, global climatology, NOAA High-Resolution SST, ocean analysis, ocean colour products, Oscar wind dataset, and Quickscat data products.
Live Access Server - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ODIS id 396)
Live Access Server - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Original (non-English) name
The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data. It can present distributed data sets as a unified virtual database through the use of DODS networking. Ferret is the default visualization application used by LAS, though other applications (Matlab, IDL, GrADS, ...) can also be used.
It allows plotting Argo Data products (SST), ASCAT, Microwave, global climatology, NOAA High-Resolution SST, ocean analysis, ocean colour products, Oscar wind dataset, and Quickscat data products.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: India, United States
Host Countries: India, United States
Sea Region: Indian Ocean, World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Geospatial data, Sea surface temperature, data services, global climatology, global ocean, ocean colour, open access
Last updated: 14/02/2022
Marine Conditions (ODIS id: 362)
The "Marine Conditions" application developed by the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) displays ...
Marine Conditions
The "Marine Conditions" application developed by the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) displays a wide range of recent and near real-time data collected by various monitoring systems installed in a vast territory from the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence Gulf. Thus, this Web application allows the visualization and access to multiple physico-chemical data measured by sensors from buoys, tide gauges, thermographs, radars and meteorological stations. Data related to air, currents, water, waves and winds are available.
[Dataset Owner]. [YEAR(s) of the downloaded data set]. [Name of dataset]. Data published on St. Lawrence Global Observatory's-SLGO portal. [https://slgo.ca]. Access date: [YYYY-MM-DD].
The "Marine Conditions" application developed by the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) displays a wide range of recent and near real-time data collected by various monitoring systems installed in a vast territory from the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence Gulf. Thus, this Web application allows the visualization and access to multiple physico-chemical data measured by sensors from buoys, tide gauges, thermographs, radars and meteorological stations. Data related to air, currents, water, waves and winds are available.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English, French
Countries: Canada
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Fundy, Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake St. Clair, Lake Superior, Laurentian Great Lakes, North Atlantic Ocean
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Ocean acidification, Phytoplankton, Sea surface temperature, nutrients, ocean carbon, ocean colour, ocean currents, oxygen, salinity, sea level, water temperature, waves
Last updated: 14/02/2019
Marine Operations - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Marine Operations - CARICOOS
Explore the map to find navigational tools for your region. You can also go to each of these products independently by navigating the side menu.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: HF radar, Ship tracker, aerosols, current speed and direction, data services, data visualization, forecast model output, forecasting system, oceanographic data, oceanography, open access, open data, operational oceanography, tides, wind speed
Last updated: 20/06/2021
Vessel tracking, public regarding vessel positions, and movements, ports, traffic voyage details, shipping. Marine traffic is a commercial company but provides some free data. This company combines satellite data with a vast network of terrestrial stations. The initial data collection is based on the Automatic Identification System AIS. For each position, the company provides LON, LAT, VESSEL MMSI, STATUS, SPEED, COURSE, HEADING, and TIMESTAMP UTC. For each port call, the company provides PORT ID, PORT NAME, VESSEL MMSI, TIMESTAMP, ARR/ DEP. This company may also provide additional vessel parameters e.g. vessel name, type dimensions, flag, etc. Free for online map charge for data download.
Vessel tracking, public regarding vessel positions, and movements, ports, traffic voyage details, shipping. Marine traffic is a commercial company but provides some free data. This company combines satellite data with a vast network of terrestrial stations. The initial data collection is based on the Automatic Identification System AIS. For each position, the company provides LON, LAT, VESSEL MMSI, STATUS, SPEED, COURSE, HEADING, and TIMESTAMP UTC. For each port call, the company provides PORT ID, PORT NAME, VESSEL MMSI, TIMESTAMP, ARR/ DEP. This company may also provide additional vessel parameters e.g. vessel name, type dimensions, flag, etc. Free for online map charge for data download.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on vessels (including research vessels), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium
Host Countries: Belgium
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: GIS, Geospatial data, Maritime transport, global databse, marine traffic
Last updated: 08/09/2020
In the UK, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for the provision of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) to ships at sea, which includes the broadcast of warnings and forecasts. The Met Office initiates warnings and prepares routine forecasts for dissemination on behalf of the MCA.
In the UK, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for the provision of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) to ships at sea, which includes the broadcast of warnings and forecasts. The Met Office initiates warnings and prepares routine forecasts for dissemination on behalf of the MCA.
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea, English Channel, North Sea
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: operational service, real-time data, weather foreast
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Meteorological Service - Chilean Army (ODIS id: 2275)
For the initial mission, by affinity of its task oriented towards the sea, the initial support to the Navy has gradually been extended to almost all activities in the maritime field. This is the case of periodic broadcasts for commercial navigation, materialized in daily forecasts, bad weather warnings, in Spanish and English and broadcasting of meteorological charts via radio-facsimile, incorporated as regular broadcasts in the context of international commitments acquired for meteorological surveillance. of the Southeast Pacific , as a contribution to the protection of human life at sea.
The area covered with the maritime weather forecasts is called METAREA XV , which extends from Cape Horn and the coastline, to Longitude 120º Weste and from the limit with Peru (METAREA XVI) to the South Pole , in the Antarctica http://weather.gmdss.org/XV.html divided in turn, into 10 or more zones, as required by each particular atmospheric situation and the geographic conditions of the sector .
The Navy Meteorological Service is a permanent member of the National Oceanographic Committee (CONA) , also participating in national working groups formed for the study of regional phenomena, effects of global climate changes and remote sensing systems, contributing to the scientific development of the country, through Seminars and Congresses, support for Antarctic Campaigns , international regattas and other events of interest. It also participates in the meetings of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), as well as expert panels on sea ice, atmospheric modeling, observation systems, and satellite monitoring.
Meteorological information is disseminated by radio stations, local press and the Internet, aimed at supporting artisanal fishing, nautical sports and maritime activities in general, including notices to the National Emergency Office of the Ministry of the Interior (ONEMI) , when it exists. Evidence of the proximity of Bad Weather situations, with characteristics of Temporary or due to the occurrence of Swells, through press releases and interaction on social networks (from 2010 and 2011).
Meteorological Service - Chilean Army (ODIS id 2275)
For the initial mission, by affinity of its task oriented towards the sea, the initial support to the Navy has gradually been extended to almost all activities in the maritime field. This is the case of periodic broadcasts for commercial navigation, materialized in daily forecasts, bad weather warnings, in Spanish and English and broadcasting of meteorological charts via radio-facsimile, incorporated as regular broadcasts in the context of international commitments acquired for meteorological surveillance. of the Southeast Pacific , as a contribution to the protection of human life at sea.
The area covered with the maritime weather forecasts is called METAREA XV , which extends from Cape Horn and the coastline, to Longitude 120º Weste and from the limit with Peru (METAREA XVI) to the South Pole , in the Antarctica http://weather.gmdss.org/XV.html divided in turn, into 10 or more zones, as required by each particular atmospheric situation and the geographic conditions of the sector .
The Navy Meteorological Service is a permanent member of the National Oceanographic Committee (CONA) , also participating in national working groups formed for the study of regional phenomena, effects of global climate changes and remote sensing systems, contributing to the scientific development of the country, through Seminars and Congresses, support for Antarctic Campaigns , international regattas and other events of interest. It also participates in the meetings of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), as well as expert panels on sea ice, atmospheric modeling, observation systems, and satellite monitoring.
Meteorological information is disseminated by radio stations, local press and the Internet, aimed at supporting artisanal fishing, nautical sports and maritime activities in general, including notices to the National Emergency Office of the Ministry of the Interior (ONEMI) , when it exists. Evidence of the proximity of Bad Weather situations, with characteristics of Temporary or due to the occurrence of Swells, through press releases and interaction on social networks (from 2010 and 2011).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Chile
Host Countries: Chile
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Forecast charts , Sea surface temperature, operational service, rainfall intensity, warning system, waves, weather foreast, weather information
Last updated: 06/09/2021
Modelling and Forecasting facility - SOCIB (ODIS id: 3227)
The Modelling and Forecasting Facility platform maintains three operational forecasting systems:
An ocean forecasting system representing currents, temperature, salinity and sea level in the western Mediterranean Sea
A meteo-tsunami forecasting system aiming to predict the occurrence of meteo-tsunamis ("rissagues") in Ciutadella Harbor (Menorca, Spain)
A wave forecasting system implemented around the Balearic Islands
The development and improvement of the forecasting systems are based on the scientific research carried out in the Modelling and Forecasting Facility in collaboration with others Spanish and international institutions.
Modelling and Forecasting facility - SOCIB (ODIS id 3227)
Data generated by SAPO are freely available, provided that SOCIB and Puertos del Estado are properly acknowledged.
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10.
The Modelling and Forecasting Facility platform maintains three operational forecasting systems:
An ocean forecasting system representing currents, temperature, salinity and sea level in the western Mediterranean Sea
A meteo-tsunami forecasting system aiming to predict the occurrence of meteo-tsunamis ("rissagues") in Ciutadella Harbor (Menorca, Spain)
A wave forecasting system implemented around the Balearic Islands
The development and improvement of the forecasting systems are based on the scientific research carried out in the Modelling and Forecasting Facility in collaboration with others Spanish and international institutions.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Model outputs are available in NetCDF format through SOCIB THREDDS catalog: Individual model run outputs and aggregated data
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Balearic Islands coastal areas, Ibiza channel and Mallorca channel
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Modelling, forecast model output, forecasting system, ocean circulation, ocean currents, ocean modelling, wave height and direction, waves
Last updated: 11/10/2022
UNAM's Mareographic Service protects, documents and analyzes tidal data from more than 50 years of measurements in more than 30 locations, and maintains sea level monitoring at various sites in the country. The measurement of sea level at UNAM represents one of the pioneering and most important efforts to monitor environmental variables in an operational way in Mexico.
Servicio Mareográfico de la UNAM http://www.mareografico.unam.mx/portal/ accesado el 8/feb/2019.
UNAM's Mareographic Service protects, documents and analyzes tidal data from more than 50 years of measurements in more than 30 locations, and maintains sea level monitoring at various sites in the country. The measurement of sea level at UNAM represents one of the pioneering and most important efforts to monitor environmental variables in an operational way in Mexico.
Near Real-time Underway Data - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Near Real-time Underway Data (NRUD) displays voyage tracks and underway data timeseries plots. The track and associated underway measurements are sent from ships and uploaded approximately every hour. The data has not been quality controlled.
Near Real-time Underway Data - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (ODIS id 288)
Near Real-time Underway Data - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Original (non-English) name
Near Real-time Underway Data (NRUD) displays voyage tracks and underway data timeseries plots. The track and associated underway measurements are sent from ships and uploaded approximately every hour. The data has not been quality controlled.
Data from multiple sensors on the RV Investigator are merged into a single file and uploaded via FTP to an onshore site. NRUD polls for new data and uploads this into the database.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Australian and adjacent seas
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Bass Strait, Coral Sea, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Last updated: 14/02/2022
NIB MBS mooring time series - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics (ODIS id: 190)
NIB MBS mooring time series - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics
Stainless-steel buoy Vida was manufactured and deployed in operation in 2008 by the company Manta d.o.o.. The buoy's hull is made of stainless steel 6 mm thick. It is 2.5 m in diameter and the height of the upper-most sensor (the anemometer) is 5 m. The buoy is fixed with three chains, which are attached to the buoy's hull at points separated by 120 degrees around the hull's perimeter. The chains connect the buoy to three concrete anchors on the seafloor at a depth of 22 m.
On the buoy there are the following instruments:
An acoustic Gill's Instruments 3D anemometer (height 5 m), a Vaisala air temperature and humidity sensor (height 3.5 m), a Seacat of Seabird T and C probe (depth 3 m) with a Wetlab fluorometer for chl-a measurements, an oxygen sensor 'Optode' of Aanderaa, also at a depth of 3 m. An Xsens motion sensor (accelerometer/compass-tilt sensor) is placed in the buoy's hull just below the top-cover of the hull and under the mast. An AWAC current meter from Nortek As is mounted at the seafloor, at a depth of 22 m. There are three surveillance web cameras. One underwater camera is mounted at the bottom of the buoy at about 2 m depth. The buoy is also equipped with three solar panels and a wind generator.
Inside the buoy's hull are the: power supply electronics, lead batteries and a fuel cell, safety control electronics (sensor to monitor CO2 gas inside the hull, open-hatch IR sensor and three sensors to measure water levels).
data acquisition electronics
The communication system is an ethernet microwave link, functioning at two frequencies (two transmitters, one at 2.4 GHz, another at 5 GHz). Data are transmitted with a speed of at least 5 Mbit/s.
All connecting cables between the instruments measuring the atmosphere and the electronics are passed through the mast, while cables connecting underwater instruments with the electronics go through a 'pipe' of about 0.3 m in diameter. One end of the pipe penetrates the bottom of the buoy's hull then passes through the top plate of the hull, to a height of about 1 m where it turns down and goes back through the top plate of the hull. In this way, the cables enter the buoy's hull from the sea.
The maintenance of the buoy is guaranteed by our collaboration with the Slovenian Environment AgencyARSO.
The coordinates of the oceanographic buoy Vida are: 45° 32.925' N, 13° 33.042' E
NIB MBS mooring time series - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics (ODIS id 190)
NIB MBS mooring time series - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics
Original (non-English) name
NIB MBS mooring time series - EMODnet Physics
Stainless-steel buoy Vida was manufactured and deployed in operation in 2008 by the company Manta d.o.o.. The buoy's hull is made of stainless steel 6 mm thick. It is 2.5 m in diameter and the height of the upper-most sensor (the anemometer) is 5 m. The buoy is fixed with three chains, which are attached to the buoy's hull at points separated by 120 degrees around the hull's perimeter. The chains connect the buoy to three concrete anchors on the seafloor at a depth of 22 m.
On the buoy there are the following instruments:
An acoustic Gill's Instruments 3D anemometer (height 5 m), a Vaisala air temperature and humidity sensor (height 3.5 m), a Seacat of Seabird T and C probe (depth 3 m) with a Wetlab fluorometer for chl-a measurements, an oxygen sensor 'Optode' of Aanderaa, also at a depth of 3 m. An Xsens motion sensor (accelerometer/compass-tilt sensor) is placed in the buoy's hull just below the top-cover of the hull and under the mast. An AWAC current meter from Nortek As is mounted at the seafloor, at a depth of 22 m. There are three surveillance web cameras. One underwater camera is mounted at the bottom of the buoy at about 2 m depth. The buoy is also equipped with three solar panels and a wind generator.
Inside the buoy's hull are the: power supply electronics, lead batteries and a fuel cell, safety control electronics (sensor to monitor CO2 gas inside the hull, open-hatch IR sensor and three sensors to measure water levels).
data acquisition electronics
The communication system is an ethernet microwave link, functioning at two frequencies (two transmitters, one at 2.4 GHz, another at 5 GHz). Data are transmitted with a speed of at least 5 Mbit/s.
All connecting cables between the instruments measuring the atmosphere and the electronics are passed through the mast, while cables connecting underwater instruments with the electronics go through a 'pipe' of about 0.3 m in diameter. One end of the pipe penetrates the bottom of the buoy's hull then passes through the top plate of the hull, to a height of about 1 m where it turns down and goes back through the top plate of the hull. In this way, the cables enter the buoy's hull from the sea.
The maintenance of the buoy is guaranteed by our collaboration with the Slovenian Environment AgencyARSO.
The coordinates of the oceanographic buoy Vida are: 45° 32.925' N, 13° 33.042' E
Stainless-steel buoy Vida was manufactured and deployed in operation in 2008 by the company Manta d.o.o.. The buoy's hull is made of stainless steal 6 mm thick. It is 2.5 m in diameter and the height of the upper-most sensor (the anemometer) is 5 m. The buoy is fixed with three chains, which are attached to the buoy's hull at points separated by 120 degrees around the hull's perimeter. The chains connect the buoy to three concrete anchors on the seafloor at a depth of 22 m. On the buoy there are the following instruments: An acoustic Gill's Instruments 3D anemometer (height 5 m), a Vaisala air temperature and humidity sensor (height 3.5 m), a Seacat of Seabird T and C probe (depth 3 m), an oxygen sensor 'Optode' of Aanderaa, at a depth of 22m. An Xsens motion sensor (accelerometer/compass-tilt sensor) is placed in the buoy's hull just below the top-cover of the hull and under the mast. An AWAC current meter from Nortek As is mounted at the seafloor, at a depth of 22 m.
NIB MBS Oceanographic data and services (ODIS id 275)
Stainless-steel buoy Vida was manufactured and deployed in operation in 2008 by the company Manta d.o.o.. The buoy's hull is made of stainless steal 6 mm thick. It is 2.5 m in diameter and the height of the upper-most sensor (the anemometer) is 5 m. The buoy is fixed with three chains, which are attached to the buoy's hull at points separated by 120 degrees around the hull's perimeter. The chains connect the buoy to three concrete anchors on the seafloor at a depth of 22 m. On the buoy there are the following instruments: An acoustic Gill's Instruments 3D anemometer (height 5 m), a Vaisala air temperature and humidity sensor (height 3.5 m), a Seacat of Seabird T and C probe (depth 3 m), an oxygen sensor 'Optode' of Aanderaa, at a depth of 22m. An Xsens motion sensor (accelerometer/compass-tilt sensor) is placed in the buoy's hull just below the top-cover of the hull and under the mast. An AWAC current meter from Nortek As is mounted at the seafloor, at a depth of 22 m.
The coordinates of the oceanographic buoy Vida are: 45° 32.925' N, 13° 33.042' E
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Slovenian
Countries: Slovenia
Host Countries: Slovenia
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: PAR, hydrostatic pressure, sea currents,tides, moored buoy, air temperature, air humidity,
Last updated: 30/09/2021
Norwegian Argo infrastructure (ODIS id: 57)
NorArgo is an ocean observing system for the Arctic that monitor, in near real-time, essential physi ...
Norwegian Argo infrastructure
NorArgo is an ocean observing system for the Arctic that monitor, in near real-time, essential physical and ecosystem variables. It will operate an array of ~30 autonomous vertical profiling floats, Argo floats, that will carry various sensors (pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen, pH, nitrate, etc.). NorArgo is funded by the Norwegian Research Council for 2018-2023 (through the infrastructure project NorArgo2).
Argo (2000). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC). http://doi.org/10.17882/42182
NorArgo is an ocean observing system for the Arctic that monitor, in near real-time, essential physical and ecosystem variables. It will operate an array of ~30 autonomous vertical profiling floats, Argo floats, that will carry various sensors (pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen, pH, nitrate, etc.). NorArgo is funded by the Norwegian Research Council for 2018-2023 (through the infrastructure project NorArgo2).
Observational Network of Mareographic Stations - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
The mission of the Hydrography and Navigation Directorate is to administer, operate and investigate activities related to environmental sciences in the aquatic field, in order to contribute to national development, provide support and safety in navigation to Naval Units and surfers in general and contribute to the achievement of institutional objectives.
The Oceanography Department carries out the activities of gathering, analyzing, processing and distributing oceanographic, meteorological and numerical modeling information.
The works carried out by this technical department are the investigation and monitoring of oceanographic, meteorological and modeling conditions supporting the investigation, and other activities of responsibility of the Oceanographic Information System, developing activities related to environmental conditions useful for the operational planning of the Institution. and the country's productive sector, contributing to the prevention of natural disasters.
Observational Network of Mareographic Stations - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 73)
Observational Network of Mareographic Stations - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
Red Observacional de Estaciones Mareográficas - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
The mission of the Hydrography and Navigation Directorate is to administer, operate and investigate activities related to environmental sciences in the aquatic field, in order to contribute to national development, provide support and safety in navigation to Naval Units and surfers in general and contribute to the achievement of institutional objectives.
The Oceanography Department carries out the activities of gathering, analyzing, processing and distributing oceanographic, meteorological and numerical modeling information.
The works carried out by this technical department are the investigation and monitoring of oceanographic, meteorological and modeling conditions supporting the investigation, and other activities of responsibility of the Oceanographic Information System, developing activities related to environmental conditions useful for the operational planning of the Institution. and the country's productive sector, contributing to the prevention of natural disasters.
On this page you can see and download selected observations from DMI's measuring stations in Denmark and Greenland. Read more about how to download data.
Observation data are so-called raw data, which means that they are not quality-controlled or otherwise processed. You can read more here about how data is measured.
You can select the country, parameter, measuring station and period. When selecting a parameter, you get a list of stations where the parameter is measured. Below the graph you can see information about the selected measuring station and the year from which the various parameters are available.
Observations - Danish Meteorological Institute (ODIS id 2132)
On this page you can see and download selected observations from DMI's measuring stations in Denmark and Greenland. Read more about how to download data.
Observation data are so-called raw data, which means that they are not quality-controlled or otherwise processed. You can read more here about how data is measured.
You can select the country, parameter, measuring station and period. When selecting a parameter, you get a list of stations where the parameter is measured. Below the graph you can see information about the selected measuring station and the year from which the various parameters are available.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Danish
Countries: Denmark
Host Countries: Denmark
Sea Region: Greenland Sea, Kattegat, Skagerrak
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data access, forecast model output, humidity, observation data, operational oceanography, rain, temperature, water level, water temperature, wind
Last updated: 28/06/2021
Ocean color and SST - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1544)
Ocean color and SST - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Ocean color and SST - CARICOOS
Observations: Ocean Chlorophyll Concentration,
Ocean Color Index,
Floating Algae Index (Sargasso), and
Sea Surface Temperature.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Algal bloom, Chlorophyll, Sea surface temperature, algae, data services, data visualization, ocean colour, oceanographic data, satellite data, satellite imagery
Last updated: 20/06/2021
OceanCurrent - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id: 914)
OceanCurrent provides rapid access to images of satellite sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll ...
OceanCurrent - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System
OceanCurrent provides rapid access to images of satellite sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a and sea level anomalies with geostrophic surface currents overlaid. Maps are available in near-real time and archived, with the location of in-water data (Argo, ocean glider, SealCTD, surface drifters, coastal radar and ships of opportunity) over-plotted and linked to images of the data. A number of SST products are provided: single pass (AVHRR/VIIRS), four-hourly composites of Himawari-8 SST, 6-day night-only composites, SST anomalies and SST percentiles. These images help put the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) data in the context of oceanographic features and events.
OceanCurrent - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (ODIS id 914)
OceanCurrent - Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System
Original (non-English) name
OceanCurrent - IMOS
OceanCurrent provides rapid access to images of satellite sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a and sea level anomalies with geostrophic surface currents overlaid. Maps are available in near-real time and archived, with the location of in-water data (Argo, ocean glider, SealCTD, surface drifters, coastal radar and ships of opportunity) over-plotted and linked to images of the data. A number of SST products are provided: single pass (AVHRR/VIIRS), four-hourly composites of Himawari-8 SST, 6-day night-only composites, SST anomalies and SST percentiles. These images help put the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) data in the context of oceanographic features and events.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Bass Strait, Great Australian Bight, Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters), Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Fishing, Sea surface temperature, altimetry, ocean currents, water temperature
Last updated: 18/12/2021
Ocean monitoring - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy (ODIS id: 2022)
Oceanographic-buoy-Center for marine research-West Istra - Croatia
Monitoring of physical and biological processes in the sea requires continuous measurements of oceanographic parameters, which is made possible by the constant operation of sensors on the oceanographic buoy. Buoy measurements will provide a better understanding of the state of the marine ecosystem and the ability to predict changes using numerical forecasting models. Today's level of development of technology and measurement methods allows the measurement of oceanographic parameters using automatic systems on buoys along the coast and on the high seas. Such systems enable oceanographic measurements in all meteorological conditions, as well as simultaneous remote data transfer to a computer database, and their display on InterNet pages. Noticing the importance of such systems, a large number of developed countries already have buoyant operating systems in coastal and high seas (USA, Canada, UK, Japan, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Greece, etc.).
Oceanographic-buoy-Center for marine research-West Istra - Croatia (ODIS id 46)
Oceanographic-buoy-Center for marine research-West Istra - Croatia
Original (non-English) name
Monitoring of physical and biological processes in the sea requires continuous measurements of oceanographic parameters, which is made possible by the constant operation of sensors on the oceanographic buoy. Buoy measurements will provide a better understanding of the state of the marine ecosystem and the ability to predict changes using numerical forecasting models. Today's level of development of technology and measurement methods allows the measurement of oceanographic parameters using automatic systems on buoys along the coast and on the high seas. Such systems enable oceanographic measurements in all meteorological conditions, as well as simultaneous remote data transfer to a computer database, and their display on InterNet pages. Noticing the importance of such systems, a large number of developed countries already have buoyant operating systems in coastal and high seas (USA, Canada, UK, Japan, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Greece, etc.).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Croatia
Host Countries: Croatia
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: CDOM, Chlorophyll, Marine, Monitoring, air humidity, air pressure, air temperature, atmosphere, dissolved oxygen, moored buoy, oceanographic data, operational oceanography, sea water electrical conductivity, sea water pressure, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, wind, wind speed
Last updated: 14/09/2020
Products - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics (ODIS id: 365)
Products - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics
Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine research and a key issue for various studies, from climate change prediction to offshore engineering. Giving and harmonizing access to marine data from different sources will:
- Help industry, public authorities and researchers find the data and make more effective use of them to develop new products and services.
- Improve our understanding of how the seas behave.
This portal provides access to marine data and data products of a standard format and known quality about current, temperature, salinity, sea level, river, underwater noise, waves, winds and sea ice.
Products - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics (ODIS id 365)
Products - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics
Original (non-English) name
Products - EMODnet Physics
Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine research and a key issue for various studies, from climate change prediction to offshore engineering. Giving and harmonizing access to marine data from different sources will:
- Help industry, public authorities and researchers find the data and make more effective use of them to develop new products and services.
- Improve our understanding of how the seas behave.
This portal provides access to marine data and data products of a standard format and known quality about current, temperature, salinity, sea level, river, underwater noise, waves, winds and sea ice.
The station is located in front of the main building of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, at the entrance of Kastela Bay. Because of the specific location in relation to the land, the measured speed and wind direction are not always in accordance to the speed and wind directions of the surrounding areas (the range between the south-eastern to north-eastern winds show considerably lower speeds), but they are still measured in order to be used as entering parameters in a numerical model.
The station has two groups of sensors: a sensor for the air and a sensor for the sea. Sensors for the air are at an altitude of 6 m above sea level, while the sensors for the sea are at a 0,5 m depth.
Sensor for the air is a Vaisala WXT510 Weather Transmitter, and it measures: air temperature, wind direction, wind speed and gust (the same sensor measures wind gust: wind speed is given as current, and gust is the maximum speed in a period of time), relative air humidity, rain accumulation and air pressure.
Sensor for the sea is a Valeport miniCT Conductivity and Temperature sensor, and it measures sea temperature and conductivity.
Punta Jurana Oceanographic station - Croatia (ODIS id 45)
The station is located in front of the main building of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, at the entrance of Kastela Bay. Because of the specific location in relation to the land, the measured speed and wind direction are not always in accordance to the speed and wind directions of the surrounding areas (the range between the south-eastern to north-eastern winds show considerably lower speeds), but they are still measured in order to be used as entering parameters in a numerical model.
The station has two groups of sensors: a sensor for the air and a sensor for the sea. Sensors for the air are at an altitude of 6 m above sea level, while the sensors for the sea are at a 0,5 m depth.
Sensor for the air is a Vaisala WXT510 Weather Transmitter, and it measures: air temperature, wind direction, wind speed and gust (the same sensor measures wind gust: wind speed is given as current, and gust is the maximum speed in a period of time), relative air humidity, rain accumulation and air pressure.
Sensor for the sea is a Valeport miniCT Conductivity and Temperature sensor, and it measures sea temperature and conductivity.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
39.323450, 12.156181, 46.594532, 19.780692
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: Croatia
Host Countries: Croatia
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Marine, Monitoring, air humidity, air pressure, air temperature, atmosphere, operational oceanography, sea water electrical conductivity, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, solar radiation, wind, wind speed
Last updated: 14/09/2020
This section lists the current platforms that are being processed in the Data Center. For each platform, is displayed information about his instruments and derived products. A derived product is the result of getting variables from variables of different instruments within the platform.
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
This section lists the current platforms that are being processed in the Data Center. For each platform, is displayed information about his instruments and derived products. A derived product is the result of getting variables from variables of different instruments within the platform.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
TUNU: the maximum time until the data will be updated, negative represents the time since last update
LTSR: the last time UTC sample recived
Thredds catalog link (access to processed data)
JwebChart link
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Balearic Islands coastal areas
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Balearic Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data challenges, data management, data quality, data services, products and services
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Real-time monitoring of phytoplankton (ODIS id: 3315)
High frequency data of phytoplankton acquired using an automated flow cytometer
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
From 10°E to 12°E longitude
From 33 °N to 37°N latitude
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: French
Countries: Macao SAR China
Host Countries: Tunisia
Sea Region: Mediterranean Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Phytoplankton
Last updated: 13/01/2025
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Metadata Portal (ODIS id: 3271)
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Metadata Portal
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) metadata portal is an online resource that facilitates the sharing of environmental datasets in an interoperable manner. The scope of the portal is diverse, encompassing various types of data, including oceanographic data (such as RV Belgica en-route data, Tripod data, and FerryBox), geological layers, Marine Spatial Planning, Marine North Sea Forecasting, and biodiversity observations (through GBIF).
The primary objective of this catalog is to provide descriptions for all RBINS datasets and make them globally accessible and visible, going beyond our legal obligation to do so. The catalog adheres to international standards like INSPIRE and ISO19115. It offers links for downloading datasets and, when applicable, provides web services for online visualization on a map.
To enhance the visibility of the Institute's datasets, the catalog also integrates several internal resources, including http://ipt.naturalsciences.be, which disseminates our biodiversity data to GBIF. Furthermore, it automatically shares all datasets with national and international catalogs (such as INSPIRE, the Belgian and European Open Data portals, and the Belgian NGI). Additionally, a unique DOI is assigned to each dataset's metadata, facilitating easy referencing in publications.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Metadata Portal (ODIS id 3271)
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This resource is
Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 05/07/2023
Last update: 05/07/2023
M Nicolas de Ville de Goyet ( OceanExpert :
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Metadata Portal
Original (non-English) name
RBINS Metadata Portal
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) metadata portal is an online resource that facilitates the sharing of environmental datasets in an interoperable manner. The scope of the portal is diverse, encompassing various types of data, including oceanographic data (such as RV Belgica en-route data, Tripod data, and FerryBox), geological layers, Marine Spatial Planning, Marine North Sea Forecasting, and biodiversity observations (through GBIF).
The primary objective of this catalog is to provide descriptions for all RBINS datasets and make them globally accessible and visible, going beyond our legal obligation to do so. The catalog adheres to international standards like INSPIRE and ISO19115. It offers links for downloading datasets and, when applicable, provides web services for online visualization on a map.
To enhance the visibility of the Institute's datasets, the catalog also integrates several internal resources, including http://ipt.naturalsciences.be, which disseminates our biodiversity data to GBIF. Furthermore, it automatically shares all datasets with national and international catalogs (such as INSPIRE, the Belgian and European Open Data portals, and the Belgian NGI). Additionally, a unique DOI is assigned to each dataset's metadata, facilitating easy referencing in publications.
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: Floods, emergency response
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Rímac River Level Control in Chosica - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 730)
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Sea level stations+additional meteo and oceanographic parameters Croatia
Real-Time measurement systems. The station is located in front of the main building of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, at the entrance of Kastela Bay. Because of the specific location in relation to the land, the measured speed and wind direction are not always in accordance to the speed and wind directions of the surrounding areas (the range between the south-eastern to north-eastern winds show considerably lower speeds), but they are still measured in order to be used as entering parameters in a numerical model.
The station has two groups of sensors: a sensor for the air and a sensor for the sea. Sensors for the air are at an altitude of 6 m above sea level, while the sensors for the sea are at a 0,5 m depth.
Sensor for the air is a Vaisala WXT510 Weather Transmitter, and it measures: air temperature, wind direction, wind speed and gust (the same sensor measures wind gust: wind speed is given as current, and gust is the maximum speed in a period of time), relative air humidity, rain accumulation and air pressure.
Sensor for the sea is a Valeport miniCT Conductivity and Temperature sensor, and it measures sea temperature and conductivity.
Sea level stations+additional meteo and oceanographic parameters Croatia (ODIS id 44)
Sea level stations+additional meteo and oceanographic parameters Croatia
Original (non-English) name
Real-Time measurement systems. The station is located in front of the main building of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, at the entrance of Kastela Bay. Because of the specific location in relation to the land, the measured speed and wind direction are not always in accordance to the speed and wind directions of the surrounding areas (the range between the south-eastern to north-eastern winds show considerably lower speeds), but they are still measured in order to be used as entering parameters in a numerical model.
The station has two groups of sensors: a sensor for the air and a sensor for the sea. Sensors for the air are at an altitude of 6 m above sea level, while the sensors for the sea are at a 0,5 m depth.
Sensor for the air is a Vaisala WXT510 Weather Transmitter, and it measures: air temperature, wind direction, wind speed and gust (the same sensor measures wind gust: wind speed is given as current, and gust is the maximum speed in a period of time), relative air humidity, rain accumulation and air pressure.
Sensor for the sea is a Valeport miniCT Conductivity and Temperature sensor, and it measures sea temperature and conductivity.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
39.323450, 12.156181, 46.594532, 19.780692
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Croatian
Countries: Croatia
Host Countries: Croatia
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: sea level
Last updated: 09/09/2020
SmartBay Observatory - Marine Institute (ODIS id: 1407)
The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an important contribution by Ireland to the growing global ...
SmartBay Observatory - Marine Institute
The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an important contribution by Ireland to the growing global network of real-time data capture systems deployed within the ocean – technology giving us new insights into the ocean which we have not had before.
The observatory was installed on the seafloor 1.5km off the coast of Spiddal. The observatory uses cameras, probes and sensors to permit continuous and remote live underwater monitoring. This observatory equipment allows ocean researchers unique real-time access to monitor ongoing changes in the marine environment. Data relating to the marine environment at the site is transferred in real-time from the SmartBay Observatory through a fibre optic telecommunications cable to the Marine Institute headquarters and onwards onto the internet. The data includes a live video stream, the depth of the observatory node, the sea temperature and salinity, and estimates of the chlorophyll and turbidity levels in the water which give an indication of the volume of phytoplankton and other particles, such as sediment, in the water.
SmartBay Observatory - Marine Institute (ODIS id 1407)
The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an important contribution by Ireland to the growing global network of real-time data capture systems deployed within the ocean – technology giving us new insights into the ocean which we have not had before.
The observatory was installed on the seafloor 1.5km off the coast of Spiddal. The observatory uses cameras, probes and sensors to permit continuous and remote live underwater monitoring. This observatory equipment allows ocean researchers unique real-time access to monitor ongoing changes in the marine environment. Data relating to the marine environment at the site is transferred in real-time from the SmartBay Observatory through a fibre optic telecommunications cable to the Marine Institute headquarters and onwards onto the internet. The data includes a live video stream, the depth of the observatory node, the sea temperature and salinity, and estimates of the chlorophyll and turbidity levels in the water which give an indication of the volume of phytoplankton and other particles, such as sediment, in the water.
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: data access, observation data, oceanographic data
Last updated: 18/10/2021
THREDDS Data Server - Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (ODIS id: 392)
THREDDS Data Server - Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System
Original (non-English) name
Servidor de datos THREDDS de SOCIB
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
Server for storing observational and modeling data from Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB).
Ifremer Thredds Data Server (nmdis, meds, kordi, kma, oma, incois, ciro, csio, coriolis, nodc, aoml).
Unidata's THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using OPeNDAP, OGC WMS, WCS, HTTP protocols.
THREDDS Data Server - Coriolis-Argo-GDAC-Obs (ODIS id 415)
These data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Program and the national programs that contribute to it. (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu, http://argo.jcommops.org). The Argo Program is part of the Global Ocean Observing System.
Ifremer Thredds Data Server (nmdis, meds, kordi, kma, oma, incois, ciro, csio, coriolis, nodc, aoml).
Unidata's THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using OPeNDAP, OGC WMS, WCS, HTTP protocols.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: France
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Argo, atmosphere, climatology, data services, earth science, global ocean, global ocean observing system, meteorology, ocean circulation, ocean pressure, oceanographic data, oceans, open access, profile, sea water salinity, sea water temperature, weather climate and seasonal observation
Last updated: 10/11/2021
Tidal information - Hydrographic Service at Port of London Authority (ODIS id: 1322)
Tidal information - Hydrographic Service at Port of London Authority
The Hydrographic service is responsible for maintaining the 13 recording Tide Gauges along the river and estuary from Richmond to Walton & Margate. A time lapse recording can be found here Tidal Range Film.
An introduction to tidal theory, tidal levels, chart datums and FAQs about Thames tides can be found by clicking here.
Meteorological effects and variations in fresh water flow from the upper Thames can cause marked differences from predicted heights and times.
Time differences for intermediate stations can be found here Tidal Time Differences.
Tidal information - Hydrographic Service at Port of London Authority (ODIS id 1322)
Tidal information - Hydrographic Service at Port of London Authority
Original (non-English) name
Tidal information - Hydrographic Service-PLA
The Hydrographic service is responsible for maintaining the 13 recording Tide Gauges along the river and estuary from Richmond to Walton & Margate. A time lapse recording can be found here Tidal Range Film.
An introduction to tidal theory, tidal levels, chart datums and FAQs about Thames tides can be found by clicking here.
Meteorological effects and variations in fresh water flow from the upper Thames can cause marked differences from predicted heights and times.
Time differences for intermediate stations can be found here Tidal Time Differences.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: North Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Maritime transport, tides forecast
Last updated: 16/05/2021
Tide and tidal information service platform - National Marine Data and Information Service (ODIS id: 551)
Tide and tidal information service platform - National Marine Data and Information Service
The platform provides the tide forecast for coastal tide stations globally, and tidal current predictions for some of the stations. Please note that the data is loaded with astronomical tidal level and tidal current data, excluding the increase or decrease of water and residual changes caused by meteorological or other factors. Under special circumstances, the influence of typhoons, cold waves and floods should also be considered.
Tide and tidal information service platform - National Marine Data and Information Service (ODIS id 551)
Tide and tidal information service platform - National Marine Data and Information Service
Original (non-English) name
Tide and tidal information service platform - NMDIS
The platform provides the tide forecast for coastal tide stations globally, and tidal current predictions for some of the stations. Please note that the data is loaded with astronomical tidal level and tidal current data, excluding the increase or decrease of water and residual changes caused by meteorological or other factors. Under special circumstances, the influence of typhoons, cold waves and floods should also be considered.
Types: Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Chinese
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: China, GLOBAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: ocean currents, operational oceanography, operational service, real-time data, sea level, tides
Last updated: 04/10/2021
Tides and Currents - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1545)
Tides and Currents - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Tides and Currents - CARICOOS
NOAA Tide Observations (NOAA water level observations and predictions), CARICOOS Surface Currents Observations (A map showing real-time surface current observations), CARICOOS HF Radar Surface Currents (Map of observed ocean surface currents), HF Radar 6KM Surface Currents Animation, HF Radar 2KM Surface Currents Animation, Geostrophic Currents (Large scale currents inferred from satellite altimetry).
NCOM AMSEAS Circulation Model (Maps of model-predicted ocean currents, SST and salinity), RTOFS All Depths (Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System), RTOFS Surface
(Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System), CARICOOS FVCOM.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: HF radar, SST analyses, current speed and direction, data services, data visualization, forecast model output, mapping, observation data, observational oceanography, observing system, oceanographic data, real-time data, real-time satellite data, salinity, tides
Last updated: 20/06/2021
Underwater Glider DAC Map - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
The IOOS Underwater Glider DAC Map is a collaborative effort and includes current and historical glider missions dating back to 2005 from the Gulf of Mexico (GCOOS), Southern California (SCCOOS), Northern Pacific (NANOOS), Central and Northern California (CeNCOOS), Great Lakes (GLOS), Mid-Atlantic (MARACOOS) and the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab (AOML). The gliders displayed have been funded by U.S. IOOS, NOAA, ONR, NSF, EPA, BOEM, various universities, state agencies, industries, and non-profit organizations.
Underwater Glider DAC Map - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1231)
Underwater Glider DAC Map - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Underwater Glider DAC Map - CARICOOS
The IOOS Underwater Glider DAC Map is a collaborative effort and includes current and historical glider missions dating back to 2005 from the Gulf of Mexico (GCOOS), Southern California (SCCOOS), Northern Pacific (NANOOS), Central and Northern California (CeNCOOS), Great Lakes (GLOS), Mid-Atlantic (MARACOOS) and the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab (AOML). The gliders displayed have been funded by U.S. IOOS, NOAA, ONR, NSF, EPA, BOEM, various universities, state agencies, industries, and non-profit organizations.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake St. Clair, Pacific Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Southeast Atlantic Ocean (20W)
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Glider, WebGIS, data discovey, data portal, mapping, oceanographic data, open access, open data, real-time data
Last updated: 12/10/2021
Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centre - DWD (ODIS id: 739)
Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centre - DWD
The DWD operates one of two VOS-GDACs (Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centres) for worldwide weather observations made by Voluntary Observing Ships. The VOS-GDACs ensure that data meet agreed quality standards and make the global collections available quarterly.
Since 1964, the collection of weather data on the world's oceans by ship crews, quality control and the provision and archiving of these weather observations has been internationally regulated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). To improve the flow of observation data and to standardize quality control, two Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) were founded in 1993: GCC-Germany in Hamburg (DWD) and GCC-UK in Edinburgh (Met Office). In 2017 the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) was established by the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). The MCDS coordinates the activities of new and already existing maritime meteorological and oceanographic data systems and since 2019 the former GCCs are working as VOS-GDACs in this new system.
National weather services participating in making meteorological observations from ships on the worldwide oceans operate Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs). PMOs install and check meteorological instruments on ships, instruct the crews in observing practices, collect data stored on the ships and carry out a standardized minimum quality control. Data is forwarded to the VOS-GDACs quarterly.
The VOS-GDACs verify that quality control has been carried out properly, assist countries having problems with data supply or quality control, archive the data and make it available for download.
All VOS-GDAC input and output files are stored in the GISC (Global Information System Centre of WMO) and can be retrieved by entering gcc* in the input field.
Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centre - DWD (ODIS id 739)
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First entry: 24/03/2020
Last update: 08/10/2021
Ms Hildrun Otten Balaccanu ( OceanExpert :
Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centre - DWD
Original (non-English) name
The DWD operates one of two VOS-GDACs (Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centres) for worldwide weather observations made by Voluntary Observing Ships. The VOS-GDACs ensure that data meet agreed quality standards and make the global collections available quarterly.
Since 1964, the collection of weather data on the world's oceans by ship crews, quality control and the provision and archiving of these weather observations has been internationally regulated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). To improve the flow of observation data and to standardize quality control, two Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) were founded in 1993: GCC-Germany in Hamburg (DWD) and GCC-UK in Edinburgh (Met Office). In 2017 the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) was established by the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). The MCDS coordinates the activities of new and already existing maritime meteorological and oceanographic data systems and since 2019 the former GCCs are working as VOS-GDACs in this new system.
National weather services participating in making meteorological observations from ships on the worldwide oceans operate Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs). PMOs install and check meteorological instruments on ships, instruct the crews in observing practices, collect data stored on the ships and carry out a standardized minimum quality control. Data is forwarded to the VOS-GDACs quarterly.
The VOS-GDACs verify that quality control has been carried out properly, assist countries having problems with data supply or quality control, archive the data and make it available for download.
All VOS-GDAC input and output files are stored in the GISC (Global Information System Centre of WMO) and can be retrieved by entering gcc* in the input field.
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Marine Meteorology, VOS Observations, maritime, metadata, oceans, quality control, ship, voluntary observing ships, weather data
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Voluntary Observing Ship Global Data Assembly Centre - Met Office UK (ODIS id: 737)
Types: Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS09 Cryosphere
Keywords: Digital repository, Marine, Marine Meteorology, VOS Observations, metadata
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Waves Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
CARICOOS Wave Observations (A map showing real-time wave observations).
CARICOOS Wave Model: Contour Plots (Wave forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), CARICOOS Wave Model: Point Forecasts (Wave and wind forecasts for specific locations (beaches, ports, navigation)), CARICOOS Wave Model: Breaker Height Forecasts (Breaker height forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI).
Waves Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1546)
Waves Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Waves Forecast - CARICOOS
CARICOOS Wave Observations (A map showing real-time wave observations).
CARICOOS Wave Model: Contour Plots (Wave forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), CARICOOS Wave Model: Point Forecasts (Wave and wind forecasts for specific locations (beaches, ports, navigation)), CARICOOS Wave Model: Breaker Height Forecasts (Breaker height forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI).
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: data services, data visualization, forecast model output, forecasting system, observation data, observational oceanography, observing system, oceanographic data, real-time data, waves, wind, wind speed
Last updated: 20/06/2021
Webcams - Hakai Institute (ODIS id: 1420)
Visit the location page to see the webcams on an interactive map, and to view weather station inform ...
Webcams - Hakai Institute
Visit the location page to see the webcams on an interactive map, and to view weather station information of the Hakai Institute.
The Institute is based within the diverse coastal habitats of British Columbia, Canada. The Hakai Institute represents what happens when the elements of funding, infrastructure, science programs, skilled staff, and partners are integrated into one organization. The Hakai Institute—part of the Tula Foundation—has offices in Quadra Island/Campbell River, Victoria, and Vancouver. We also partner with universities, NGOs, First Nations, government agencies, businesses, and local communities.
Visit the location page to see the webcams on an interactive map, and to view weather station information of the Hakai Institute.
The Institute is based within the diverse coastal habitats of British Columbia, Canada. The Hakai Institute represents what happens when the elements of funding, infrastructure, science programs, skilled staff, and partners are integrated into one organization. The Hakai Institute—part of the Tula Foundation—has offices in Quadra Island/Campbell River, Victoria, and Vancouver. We also partner with universities, NGOs, First Nations, government agencies, businesses, and local communities.
Western Mediterranean Operational Forecasting System - SOCIB
The Western Mediterranean OPerational forecasting system (WMOP) is a high-resolution ocean forecasting system implemented over the Western Mediterranean Sea. It is run operationally on a daily basis, producing 72-hour forecasts of ocean temperature, salinity, sea level and currents (Juza et al., 2016(1), Mourre et al., 2018(2)).
Systematic validation procedures based on the inter-comparison of model outputs and satellite and in-situ observations are implemented to continuously assess the accuracy of the model. Model indicators (volume transports, average temperature, salinity, kinetic energy and heat content, maximum mixed layer depth) are also computed every day to monitor the system.
Western Mediterranean Operational Forecasting System - SOCIB (ODIS id 2032)
Western Mediterranean Operational Forecasting System - SOCIB
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de Predicción de corrientes del Mediterráneo Occidental - SOCIB
If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
The Western Mediterranean OPerational forecasting system (WMOP) is a high-resolution ocean forecasting system implemented over the Western Mediterranean Sea. It is run operationally on a daily basis, producing 72-hour forecasts of ocean temperature, salinity, sea level and currents (Juza et al., 2016(1), Mourre et al., 2018(2)).
Systematic validation procedures based on the inter-comparison of model outputs and satellite and in-situ observations are implemented to continuously assess the accuracy of the model. Model indicators (volume transports, average temperature, salinity, kinetic energy and heat content, maximum mixed layer depth) are also computed every day to monitor the system.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
SOCIB Data Centre provides data from SOCIB observation platforms (HF radar, gliders, drifters, buoys), from the operational forecasts produced by the Modelling and Forecasting Facility and from external providers through various collaborations (e.g. Puertos del Estados, CSIC).
Access to data
WMOP 3-hourly surface netcdf files (THREDDS)
WMOP daily 3-dimensional netcdf files (THREDDS)
WMOP netcdf viewer (LW4NC2)
Real-time deployment monitoring application (DAPP)
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Coastal areas Balearic Islands, Mallorca and Ibiza Channels
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Countries: Spain
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: Balearic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Ocean Forecasts, data products, ocean circulation, ocean currents, ocean forecasting, oceanographic data, oceanography, oceans, operational oceanography, operational service, sea level, sea water salinity, sea water temperature
Last updated: 11/10/2022
Wind Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
CARICOOS Wind Observations (A map showing real-time wind observations).
CARICOOS 36-Hours Forecast (1km Resolution) (Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), CARICOOS 5-Day Wind Forecast (2km Resolution) (Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), NWS Wind Forecast (National Weather Service wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI).
Wind Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1547)
Wind Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Wind Forecast - CARICOOS
CARICOOS Wind Observations (A map showing real-time wind observations).
CARICOOS 36-Hours Forecast (1km Resolution) (Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), CARICOOS 5-Day Wind Forecast (2km Resolution) (Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), NWS Wind Forecast (National Weather Service wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI).
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Maps and atlases (geospatial products), Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Forecast charts , data services, data visualization, forecast model output, observation data, observational oceanography, observing system, oceanographic data, real-time data, wind
Last updated: 20/06/2021