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searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
I made an atlas to use at school.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
I love the ocean.
will NOT match, ocean atlas not found
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will NOT match, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas not found
I made a new ocean atlas.
will match once, the 2 adjacent words ocean atlas found once
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searching for ocean atlas will give you all the results for ocean AND all the results for atlas
searching for "ocean atlas" will only give you the results for the 2 adjacent words ocean and atlas
you were looking for : Types : Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
total results: 109
Adaptation to Climate Change in Colombian Coastal Cities. Guide for the Formulation of Adaptation Plans (ODIS id: 953)
The guide is mainly oriented to the decision-makers, it explains the importance and conditions of ur ...
Adaptation to Climate Change in Colombian Coastal Cities. Guide for the Formulation of Adaptation Plans
The guide is mainly oriented to the decision-makers, it explains the importance and conditions of urban planning, resilience and adaptation in the coastal areas of Colombia, a description of urban planning and the role of citizens in the face of climate change presents a route for transformation, useful tools for cities to adapt to this phenomenon and examples of successful cases of adapted cities.
Adaptation to Climate Change in Colombian Coastal Cities. Guide for the Formulation of Adaptation Plans (ODIS id 953)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Adaptation to Climate Change in Colombian Coastal Cities. Guide for the Formulation of Adaptation Plans
Original (non-English) name
Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Ciudades Costeras de Colombia Guía Para la Formulación de Planes de Adaptación
Invemar, Grupo Laera, GCAP y CDKN (Eds.). 2014. Adaptación al cambio climático en ciudades costeras de Colombia. Guía para la formulación de planes de adaptación. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 65. Santa Marta. 40 p.
The guide is mainly oriented to the decision-makers, it explains the importance and conditions of urban planning, resilience and adaptation in the coastal areas of Colombia, a description of urban planning and the role of citizens in the face of climate change presents a route for transformation, useful tools for cities to adapt to this phenomenon and examples of successful cases of adapted cities.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Adaptation Plans, Climate change, Coastal zone
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data (ODIS id: 298)
Accredited through the MEDIN partnership, and core-funded by the Department for the Environment, Foo ...
Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data
Accredited through the MEDIN partnership, and core-funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish Government, DASSH provides tools and services for the long-term curation, management and publication of marine species and habitats data, within the UK and internationally.
Working closely with partners and data providers we are committed to the FAIR Data Principles, to make marine biodiversity data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
DASSH is a flagship initiative of the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and builds on the MBA's historic role in marine science. Through partnerships with other UK and European data centres DASSH contributes to data portals including the NBN Atlas, EMODnet, EurOBIS and GBIF.
The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is one of the world’s longest-running societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support. Since 1884 we have been providing a unified, clear, independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community and currently have a growing membership in over 40 countries. We also run a leading marine biological research laboratory where many eminent scientists - including 7 Nobel prize winners - have carried out their research.
Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data (ODIS id 298)
Accredited through the MEDIN partnership, and core-funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish Government, DASSH provides tools and services for the long-term curation, management and publication of marine species and habitats data, within the UK and internationally.
Working closely with partners and data providers we are committed to the FAIR Data Principles, to make marine biodiversity data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
DASSH is a flagship initiative of the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and builds on the MBA's historic role in marine science. Through partnerships with other UK and European data centres DASSH contributes to data portals including the NBN Atlas, EMODnet, EurOBIS and GBIF.
The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is one of the world’s longest-running societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support. Since 1884 we have been providing a unified, clear, independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community and currently have a growing membership in over 40 countries. We also run a leading marine biological research laboratory where many eminent scientists - including 7 Nobel prize winners - have carried out their research.
The purpose of this paper is to outline various approaches to area-based management of coastal and marine areas and to measure progress of their implementation in Asia and the Pacific as a proxy for progress on SDG indicator 14.2.1. To measure progress on SDG indicator 14.2.1 in Asia and the Pacific, online literature was used to determine stages of implementation of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) between 2009 and 2019. During this period 29 countries out of 46 coastal member States were found to have made substantial progress in MSP implementation.
Asia-Pacific Marine Spatial Planning Snapshot 2009-2019 (ODIS id 744)
The purpose of this paper is to outline various approaches to area-based management of coastal and marine areas and to measure progress of their implementation in Asia and the Pacific as a proxy for progress on SDG indicator 14.2.1. To measure progress on SDG indicator 14.2.1 in Asia and the Pacific, online literature was used to determine stages of implementation of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) between 2009 and 2019. During this period 29 countries out of 46 coastal member States were found to have made substantial progress in MSP implementation.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Coastal zone, Marine, SDG indicator, SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, marine areas, marine spatial planning, statistics, sustainable development
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. The Regional Ocean Accounts Platform brings together information, resources and partners as part of a global effort to develop statistical guidance for Ocean Accounts based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of SDG14, Ocean Governance and sustainable Ocean practices
Asia-Pacific Regional Ocean Accounts Platform (ODIS id 742)
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. The Regional Ocean Accounts Platform brings together information, resources and partners as part of a global effort to develop statistical guidance for Ocean Accounts based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of SDG14, Ocean Governance and sustainable Ocean practices
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Ecosystems, SDG14, Training and education, expertise, marine spatial planning
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts (2018) (ODIS id: 750)
Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts (2018)
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). This requires a conversation among scientists, policy makers and statisticians and to this end, ESCAP invited national and international experts for the first Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts in Bangkok on 1-3 August 2018.
The workshop provided guidance for testing in national pilot studies, including reviews of governance gaps and good practices.
Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts (2018) (ODIS id 750)
Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts (2018)
Original (non-English) name
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). This requires a conversation among scientists, policy makers and statisticians and to this end, ESCAP invited national and international experts for the first Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts in Bangkok on 1-3 August 2018.
The workshop provided guidance for testing in national pilot studies, including reviews of governance gaps and good practices.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, conservation, ocean accounting, policy framework, policy makers, statistics
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (ODIS id: 745)
Assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Sustainable Development Goal 14 aims to aims to conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The increasingly adverse impacts of climate change -including ocean acidification-, overfishing and marine pollution are jeopardizing recent gains in protecting the ocean. Against this backdrop, ESCAP resolution E/ESCAP/RES/72/9 requested the secretariat, inter alia, to undertake an assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14. This report presents findings of an assessment undertaken by ESCAP to gain a better understanding of the capacity development needs in relation to SDG 14 in Asia and the Pacific and to help inform ESCAP’s work in this area. The assessment was undertaken through an online survey, a pilot case study, desk-based research and telephone interviews. A webinar was organized to present the findings of this assessment and is available in the URL.
Assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (ODIS id 745)
Assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Original (non-English) name
Sustainable Development Goal 14 aims to aims to conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The increasingly adverse impacts of climate change -including ocean acidification-, overfishing and marine pollution are jeopardizing recent gains in protecting the ocean. Against this backdrop, ESCAP resolution E/ESCAP/RES/72/9 requested the secretariat, inter alia, to undertake an assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14. This report presents findings of an assessment undertaken by ESCAP to gain a better understanding of the capacity development needs in relation to SDG 14 in Asia and the Pacific and to help inform ESCAP’s work in this area. The assessment was undertaken through an online survey, a pilot case study, desk-based research and telephone interviews. A webinar was organized to present the findings of this assessment and is available in the URL.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Capacity Development, Climate change, Ocean acidification, SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, assessment and advice, marine resources, oceans, pollution, statistics, sustainable development
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Benguela Current Convention Spatial Data Portal (ODIS id: 3313)
The Benguela Current Convention (BCC) GeoData Portal is an online digital platform that stores and p ...
Benguela Current Convention Spatial Data Portal
The Benguela Current Convention (BCC) GeoData Portal is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the marine environment and human societies in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Its two primary objectives are:
(1) to support integrated ocean governance on the regional and national levels
(2) to support access and sharing of spatial data of the BCC contracting parties Angola, Namibia and South Africa.
Benguela Current Convention Spatial Data Portal (ODIS id 3313)
The Benguela Current Convention (BCC) GeoData Portal is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the marine environment and human societies in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Its two primary objectives are:
(1) to support integrated ocean governance on the regional and national levels
(2) to support access and sharing of spatial data of the BCC contracting parties Angola, Namibia and South Africa.
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Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Journals (open source and commercial), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: Angola, Namibia, South Africa
Host Countries: Angola, Namibia, South Africa
Sea Region: Southeast Atlantic Ocean (20W)
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Fish, GIS, commercial fishing, commercial species, environment, fish-farming, fisheries activities, mariculture, marine spatial planning, minerals, oil and gas deposits, oil spill mitigation, petroleum
Last updated: 04/11/2024
We aim to achieve increased comparability between Biomolecular Ocean Practices (BOPs). Currently, th ...
Better Biomolecular Ocean Practices
We aim to achieve increased comparability between Biomolecular Ocean Practices (BOPs). Currently, the wealth of ocean biomolecular practices is shared in diverse formats (e.g. text in publications, pdfs, ...). To better compare differences in practices and integrate data generated using BOPs, we developed markdown templates as well as standardized metadata describing protocols (called Minimum Information about an Omics Protocol or "MIOP"). Our goal is to create machine-readable protocol documents where changes can be tracked, assigned DOIs, and linked to associated datasets. These tools will also allow us to compare protocols at scale and make protocols more findable.
Better Biomolecular Ocean Practices (ODIS id 3294)
Samuel, Robyn M., et al. "Toward a global public repository of community protocols to encourage best practices in biomolecular ocean observing and research." Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021): 758694. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.758694
We aim to achieve increased comparability between Biomolecular Ocean Practices (BOPs). Currently, the wealth of ocean biomolecular practices is shared in diverse formats (e.g. text in publications, pdfs, ...). To better compare differences in practices and integrate data generated using BOPs, we developed markdown templates as well as standardized metadata describing protocols (called Minimum Information about an Omics Protocol or "MIOP"). Our goal is to create machine-readable protocol documents where changes can be tracked, assigned DOIs, and linked to associated datasets. These tools will also allow us to compare protocols at scale and make protocols more findable.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Last updated: 24/04/2024
Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions (ODIS id: 1114)
The conventions for CF (Climate and Forecast) metadata are designed to promote the processing and sh ...
Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions
The conventions for CF (Climate and Forecast) metadata are designed to promote the processing and sharing of files created with the NetCDF API. The CF conventions are increasingly gaining acceptance and have been adopted by a number of projects and groups as a primary standard. The conventions define metadata that provides a definitive description of what the data in each variable represents and the spatial and temporal properties of the data. This enables users of data from different sources to decide which quantities are comparable and facilitates building applications with powerful extraction, regrinding, and display capabilities.
Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions (ODIS id 1114)
The conventions for CF (Climate and Forecast) metadata are designed to promote the processing and sharing of files created with the NetCDF API. The CF conventions are increasingly gaining acceptance and have been adopted by a number of projects and groups as a primary standard. The conventions define metadata that provides a definitive description of what the data in each variable represents and the spatial and temporal properties of the data. This enables users of data from different sources to decide which quantities are comparable and facilitates building applications with powerful extraction, regrinding, and display capabilities.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Code lists and vocabularies, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: NetCDF, Network Common Data Form
Last updated: 11/10/2021
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (ODIS id: 754)
The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a structured catalog of ecologi ...
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard
The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a structured catalog of ecological terms that also provides a framework for interpreting, classifying, and inter-relating observational data from all types of sensors and platforms. The CMECS vocabulary describes coastal and marine environments from the head of tide in estuaries to the depths of the oceans and Great Lakes, and offers an umbrella under which a national coastal and marine ecological classification can grow and evolve.
Endorsed by the FGDC in 2012, CMECS builds upon approaches from published national, regional, and local habitat classification procedures. As an FGDC standard, federally funded projects working with environmental data in marine settings should use CMECS as their primary classification system or include CMECS attributes for their data.
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (ODIS id 754)
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard
Original (non-English) name
citation to fill
The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a structured catalog of ecological terms that also provides a framework for interpreting, classifying, and inter-relating observational data from all types of sensors and platforms. The CMECS vocabulary describes coastal and marine environments from the head of tide in estuaries to the depths of the oceans and Great Lakes, and offers an umbrella under which a national coastal and marine ecological classification can grow and evolve.
Endorsed by the FGDC in 2012, CMECS builds upon approaches from published national, regional, and local habitat classification procedures. As an FGDC standard, federally funded projects working with environmental data in marine settings should use CMECS as their primary classification system or include CMECS attributes for their data.
Types: Code lists and vocabularies, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Belgium, GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Coastal zone, Ecological Classification, environmental data, estuaries, habitat classification procedures, inter-relating observational data, lakes, marine environments, oceans, vocabularies
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Coastal erosion rate/index of Colombia (ODIS id: 924)
The index shows the rate of coastal erosion of the coastline of the Caribbean, Pacific and insular a ...
Coastal erosion rate/index of Colombia
The index shows the rate of coastal erosion of the coastline of the Caribbean, Pacific and insular areas of Colombia. Conceptually, the variables considered to develop the statistical operation are based on: i) Distance (spatial variation between coastlines - meters), ii) Time (number of years between coastlines - years) and iii) Thematic segments of the territory (geomorphology, ecosystems, population, among others). Methodologically, there are 3 main components, which are remote sensors, the platform for processing and automation of satellite images and finally the GIS (Geographic Information Systems), the latter will allow the development of Geostatistics, obtaining results such as erosion rates, percentage of the country's coastline in erosion, by region, by the department, geomorphological units and ecosystems, among other data. Finally, the analyzes are carried out at the national, regional (Caribbean, Insular and Pacific) and departmental levels (12 coastal).
Coastal erosion rate/index of Colombia (ODIS id 924)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
The index shows the rate of coastal erosion of the coastline of the Caribbean, Pacific and insular areas of Colombia. Conceptually, the variables considered to develop the statistical operation are based on: i) Distance (spatial variation between coastlines - meters), ii) Time (number of years between coastlines - years) and iii) Thematic segments of the territory (geomorphology, ecosystems, population, among others). Methodologically, there are 3 main components, which are remote sensors, the platform for processing and automation of satellite images and finally the GIS (Geographic Information Systems), the latter will allow the development of Geostatistics, obtaining results such as erosion rates, percentage of the country's coastline in erosion, by region, by the department, geomorphological units and ecosystems, among other data. Finally, the analyzes are carried out at the national, regional (Caribbean, Insular and Pacific) and departmental levels (12 coastal).
The coastal indicator knowledge and information system is an information source and education tool for managers, students, researchers and policy makers with an interest in the coastal zone. It consists of a series of fact sheets that provide background scientific information on measures that are commonly thought of or used as indicators. These “indicators” are described in terms of:
what they are;
what causes them to change;
their significance;
considerations for their measurement and interpretation;
existing information and data; and
key questions and further research needs.
The indicator fact sheets are linked to other coastal fact sheets (including those on human pressure indicators, coastal issues and economic considerations) and to conceptual models of estuarine function . In this way, we try to convey the complexity of the various measures, and where possible, their interconnectedness and the coastal geomorphic settings where they are best applied.
Coastal indicator factsheets - OzCoasts (ODIS id 3143)
The coastal indicator knowledge and information system is an information source and education tool for managers, students, researchers and policy makers with an interest in the coastal zone. It consists of a series of fact sheets that provide background scientific information on measures that are commonly thought of or used as indicators. These “indicators” are described in terms of:
what they are;
what causes them to change;
their significance;
considerations for their measurement and interpretation;
existing information and data; and
key questions and further research needs.
The indicator fact sheets are linked to other coastal fact sheets (including those on human pressure indicators, coastal issues and economic considerations) and to conceptual models of estuarine function . In this way, we try to convey the complexity of the various measures, and where possible, their interconnectedness and the coastal geomorphic settings where they are best applied.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: Coral Sea, Great Australian Bight, Great Barrier Reef (Coastal Waters), Gulf of Carpentaria, Tasman Sea, Torres Strait
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Climate change, Coastal zone, coastal management indicators, economic value, habitat alterations, indicators, species alterations, water quality
Last updated: 25/12/2021
Coasts of Chile. Natural Enviroment, Climate Change, Oceanic Engineering and Coastal Management - University of Valparaíso (ODIS id: 1309)
Coasts of Chile. Natural Enviroment, Climate Change, Oceanic Engineering and Coastal Management - University of Valparaíso
The reality in Chile tells us that almost a million people live below 10 meters above sea level; a quarter of its population is distributed in 100 coastal communes and two insular ones; where 467 officially registered fishing coves support 92,000 workers linked to artisanal fishing. In addition to the above, approximately 3,400 fish farms and aquaculture concessions are important sources of work, to which are added half a million people who carry out related activities, including traders, intermediaries and exporters, highlighting that 95% of the country's commercial exchange it develops across the oceans. This book is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary contribution to the knowledge of the coast of Chile.
Coasts of Chile. Natural Enviroment, Climate Change, Oceanic Engineering and Coastal Management - University of Valparaíso (ODIS id 1309)
Coasts of Chile. Natural Enviroment, Climate Change, Oceanic Engineering and Coastal Management - University of Valparaíso
Original (non-English) name
Costas de Chile. Medio Natural, Cambio Climático, Ingeniería Oceánica y Gestión Costera - Universidad de Valparaíso
Morales, Esteban & Winckler, Patricio. (2020). Costas de Chile. Medio Natural, Cambio Climático, Ingeniería Oceánica y Gestión Costera.
The reality in Chile tells us that almost a million people live below 10 meters above sea level; a quarter of its population is distributed in 100 coastal communes and two insular ones; where 467 officially registered fishing coves support 92,000 workers linked to artisanal fishing. In addition to the above, approximately 3,400 fish farms and aquaculture concessions are important sources of work, to which are added half a million people who carry out related activities, including traders, intermediaries and exporters, highlighting that 95% of the country's commercial exchange it develops across the oceans. This book is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary contribution to the knowledge of the coast of Chile.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile
Host Countries: Chile
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: coastal and marine environment, coastal dynamics, coastal erosion, coastal monitoring, coastal zone management
Last updated: 17/05/2021
Conventions - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 1318)
The industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the upsurge in international commerce which followed resulted in the adoption of a number of international treaties related to shipping, including safety. The subjects covered included tonnage measurement, the prevention of collisions, signalling and others.
By the end of the nineteenth century suggestions had even been made for the creation of a permanent international maritime body to deal with these and future measures. The plan was not put into effect, but international co-operation continued in the twentieth century, with the adoption of still more internationally-developed treaties.
By the time IMO came into existence in 1958, several important international conventions had already been developed, including the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea of 1948, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil of 1954 and treaties dealing with load lines and the prevention of collisions at sea.
IMO was made responsible for ensuring that the majority of these conventions were kept up to date. It was also given the task of developing new conventions as and when the need arose.
The creation of IMO coincided with a period of tremendous change in world shipping and the Organization was kept busy from the start developing new conventions and ensuring that existing instruments kept pace with changes in shipping technology. It is now responsible for more than 50 international conventions and agreements and has adopted numerous protocols and amendments.
Conventions - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 1318)
The industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the upsurge in international commerce which followed resulted in the adoption of a number of international treaties related to shipping, including safety. The subjects covered included tonnage measurement, the prevention of collisions, signalling and others.
By the end of the nineteenth century suggestions had even been made for the creation of a permanent international maritime body to deal with these and future measures. The plan was not put into effect, but international co-operation continued in the twentieth century, with the adoption of still more internationally-developed treaties.
By the time IMO came into existence in 1958, several important international conventions had already been developed, including the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea of 1948, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil of 1954 and treaties dealing with load lines and the prevention of collisions at sea.
IMO was made responsible for ensuring that the majority of these conventions were kept up to date. It was also given the task of developing new conventions as and when the need arose.
The creation of IMO coincided with a period of tremendous change in world shipping and the Organization was kept busy from the start developing new conventions and ensuring that existing instruments kept pace with changes in shipping technology. It is now responsible for more than 50 international conventions and agreements and has adopted numerous protocols and amendments.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Maritime transport, convention, human activities
Last updated: 13/10/2021
Coordinating Working Party Handbook of Fishery Statistics - FAO (ODIS id: 997)
Coordinating Working Party Handbook of Fishery Statistics - FAO
Considering capture fisheries and aquaculture from a global or a regional perspective requires national fisheries statistical programmes to be coherent and consistent, and demands a common set of regional or interregional statistical standards which apply internationally recognized definitions, classifications and codes. The CWP Handbook of Fisheries Statistics was created to serve as the basis for this integration.
The CWP Handbook covers the concepts, definitions, classifications and data exchange protocols – and not least the codes as applied to capture fisheries and aquaculture statistics globally. Many of these concepts and definitions are applied in a wider context, but the user is advised to check the validity of such applications. The Handbook indicates the principles applied by the international agencies and no attempt has been made to include details of national systems, many of which, having been developed for specific national purposes, may differ from those employed internationally.
The intended users of this Handbook are the CWP Member Agencies, national fishery and aquaculture statistics offices, national administrations and other fishery and aquaculture agencies. The Handbook is also intended to assist in the development of national standards as logical extensions of the international standards. Authorities considering introducing or revising national statistical systems are requested to ensure that the system developed incorporates a high degree of compatibility with the international standards described here.
Coordinating Working Party Handbook of Fishery Statistics - FAO (ODIS id 997)
Coordinating Working Party Handbook of Fishery Statistics - FAO
Original (non-English) name
CWP Handbook - FAO
Considering capture fisheries and aquaculture from a global or a regional perspective requires national fisheries statistical programmes to be coherent and consistent, and demands a common set of regional or interregional statistical standards which apply internationally recognized definitions, classifications and codes. The CWP Handbook of Fisheries Statistics was created to serve as the basis for this integration.
The CWP Handbook covers the concepts, definitions, classifications and data exchange protocols – and not least the codes as applied to capture fisheries and aquaculture statistics globally. Many of these concepts and definitions are applied in a wider context, but the user is advised to check the validity of such applications. The Handbook indicates the principles applied by the international agencies and no attempt has been made to include details of national systems, many of which, having been developed for specific national purposes, may differ from those employed internationally.
The intended users of this Handbook are the CWP Member Agencies, national fishery and aquaculture statistics offices, national administrations and other fishery and aquaculture agencies. The Handbook is also intended to assist in the development of national standards as logical extensions of the international standards. Authorities considering introducing or revising national statistical systems are requested to ensure that the system developed incorporates a high degree of compatibility with the international standards described here.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Code lists and vocabularies, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: aquaculture, aquaculture statistics, capture fisheries, classifications and codes, fisheries, fisheries statistics, international standards
Last updated: 09/10/2021
CSR Tool Manual - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (ODIS id: 972)
Data guidelines - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Data Guidelines provide a list of information that should be collected with your data to ensure they can be re-used in the future. The guidelines are tailored to different methods and are arranged below by theme.
Data guidelines - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (ODIS id 1311)
Data guidelines - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Original (non-English) name
Data guidelines - MEDIN
Data Guidelines provide a list of information that should be collected with your data to ensure they can be re-used in the future. The guidelines are tailored to different methods and are arranged below by theme.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Archeology, Digital repository, bathymetry, biodiversity, data management, human impact, marine chemistry, marine geophysics, quality control, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 10/05/2023
Data home - UNIDATA (ODIS id: 767)
Forecast model output, satellite data, radar data, lightning data, aircraft-borne (ACARS), GPS metro ...
Data home - UNIDATA
Forecast model output, satellite data, radar data, lightning data, aircraft-borne (ACARS), GPS metro (SuomiNet), textual weather bulletins.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS08 Terrestrial
Keywords: GPS Meteo, Modelling, Satellite, Training and education, earth-science, forecast model output, lightning, open access, radar
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Data Order Manual - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (ODIS id: 296)
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Persian
Countries: Iran
Host Countries: Iran
Sea Region: Caspian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: data management, data order manual, oceanographic data, oceanography
Last updated: 11/11/2023
Data Portal - World Resources Institute (ODIS id: 1493)
WRI produces and curates data sets as part of our commitment to turn information into action. These ...
Data Portal - World Resources Institute
WRI produces and curates data sets as part of our commitment to turn information into action. These products are based on our research, which are held to traditional academic standards of excellence, including objectivity and rigor.
Data Portal - World Resources Institute (ODIS id 1493)
WRI produces and curates data sets as part of our commitment to turn information into action. These products are based on our research, which are held to traditional academic standards of excellence, including objectivity and rigor.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: climate, climate data, climate research, data and information, data portal, environmental data, environmental information, environmental protection, human activities, human impact, open access, open data
Last updated: 23/06/2021
Data Quality Control Manual - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (ODIS id: 295)
DIHIDRONAV Hydrographic Technical Standards - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
The document approved by a hydrographic and navigation directorate that establishes technical specifications based on the results of experience and technological development, which must be met.
DIHIDRONAV Hydrographic Technical Standards - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 722)
DIHIDRONAV Hydrographic Technical Standards - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
Normas Técnicas Hidrografícas DIHIDRONAV - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
The document approved by a hydrographic and navigation directorate that establishes technical specifications based on the results of experience and technological development, which must be met.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: document repository, hydrography
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Directory Interchange Format content metadata (ODIS id: 1115)
The Directory Interchange Format (DIF) content metadata is a specific set of attributes for describing Earth science data at the collection level. From its inception in the late 1980’s as a way to document and exchange information on scientific data to its implementation in NASA's Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), the DIF has evolved to serve the user community in the discovery, access and use of Earth science and related data. GCMD metadata records are now maintained in the Common Metadata Repository (CMR), and the DIF is one of several supported formats for submitting metadata to CMR.
The DIF, the ECHO metadata model, and the ISO 19115 standards for science metadata formed the basis for NASA's Unified Metadata Model (UMM) used by CMR.
Directory Interchange Format content metadata (ODIS id 1115)
The Directory Interchange Format (DIF) content metadata is a specific set of attributes for describing Earth science data at the collection level. From its inception in the late 1980’s as a way to document and exchange information on scientific data to its implementation in NASA's Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), the DIF has evolved to serve the user community in the discovery, access and use of Earth science and related data. GCMD metadata records are now maintained in the Common Metadata Repository (CMR), and the DIF is one of several supported formats for submitting metadata to CMR.
The DIF, the ECHO metadata model, and the ISO 19115 standards for science metadata formed the basis for NASA's Unified Metadata Model (UMM) used by CMR.
Types: Code lists and vocabularies, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Directory Interchange Format, Earth Science vocabularies, NASA's Unified Metadata Model (UMM), earth science, interoperability, metadata
Last updated: 02/12/2021
Discovery metadata standard - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (ODIS id: 1116)
Discovery metadata standard - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Discovery metadata is a list of information that accompanies a data set and allows other people to find out what the data set contains, where it was collected and how they can get hold of it.
MEDIN has produced a standard for marine metadata and a set of tools to create metadata records that comply with the MEDIN Metadata Standard.
Discovery metadata standard - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (ODIS id 1116)
Discovery metadata standard - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Original (non-English) name
Discovery metadata standard - MEDIN
Discovery metadata is a list of information that accompanies a data set and allows other people to find out what the data set contains, where it was collected and how they can get hold of it.
MEDIN has produced a standard for marine metadata and a set of tools to create metadata records that comply with the MEDIN Metadata Standard.
Types: Code lists and vocabularies, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: MEDIN discovery metadata standard, metadata
Last updated: 11/10/2021
Documents - Spanish Cetacean Society (ODIS id: 1314)
In this section you can download the documents published by the Spanish Cetacean Society (SEC).
Here you will find reports, manuals, protocols and other types of documentation resulting from the different projects in which the SEC has participated from its creation in 1999 to the present.
Documents - Spanish Cetacean Society (ODIS id 1314)
In this section you can download the documents published by the Spanish Cetacean Society (SEC).
Here you will find reports, manuals, protocols and other types of documentation resulting from the different projects in which the SEC has participated from its creation in 1999 to the present.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Spain
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Archive, Cetaceans, document repository, procedures, reports
Last updated: 17/05/2021
European Marine Observation and Data Network (ODIS id: 119)
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. These organisations work together to observe the sea, process the data according to international standards and make that information freely available as interoperable data layers and data products.
This "collect once and use many times" philosophy benefits all marine data users, including policy makers, scientists, private industry and the public. It has been estimated that such an integrated marine data policy will save at least one billion Euros per year, as well as opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (ODIS id 119)
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. These organisations work together to observe the sea, process the data according to international standards and make that information freely available as interoperable data layers and data products.
This "collect once and use many times" philosophy benefits all marine data users, including policy makers, scientists, private industry and the public. It has been estimated that such an integrated marine data policy will save at least one billion Euros per year, as well as opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth.
Metadata services: The EMODnet catalogues and other partner catalogues (IFREMER, etc.) offer the ability to search collections of metadata for data, services and related information objects related to the EMODnet Marine Data. The data catalogues offer a CSW endpoint to other client applications to connect to the service and query the metadata held in the catalogue.
CSW GetCapabilities: The mandatory GetCapabilities operation allows CSW clients to retrieve service metadata from a server. The response to a GetCapabilities request shall be an XML document containing service metadata about the server. This subclause specifies the XML document that a CSW server shall return to describe its capabilities. https://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/emodnet/eng/csw?service=CSW&request=GetCapabilities&VERSION=2.0.2
CSW GetRecords
GetRecords requests allow to query and filter the catalogue metadata records.
EMODnet central portal GetRecords example:
https://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/emodnet/eng/csw?REQUEST=GetRecords&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&ELEMENTSETNAME=summary&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2&CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE=FILTER&CONSTRAINT_LANGUAGE_VERSION=1.1.0&RESULTTYPE=results&TYPENAMES=csw:Record&CONSTRAINT=<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"><ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo><ogc:PropertyName>dc:type</ogc:PropertyName><ogc:Literal>dataset</ogc:Literal></ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo></ogc:Filter>&maxRecords=1000
For more information on EMODnet web service, please follow the link:
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on projects, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay, Black Sea, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea, Kattegat, Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Sea of Azov, Sea of Marmara, St. George's Channel, Tyrrhenian Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities, no theme defined
Keywords: Geospatial data, Marine, Open Geospatial Consortium, bathymetry, biology, chemistry, geology, human activities, metadata, physics, seabed habitats
Last updated: 24/11/2023
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Chemistry (ODIS id: 1094)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Chemistry
EMODnet Chemistry provides easy access to marine chemical data, standardised harmonized validated data collections and reliable data products, which are highly relevant to assessing ecosystem status according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, for all European marine regions.
Numerous substances are considered; most of them are invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected and tracked using special sensors or by laboratory analysis. This evidence-based information is essential for understanding seawater chemistry and its natural and/or human-induced variations. It is also essential for identifying and taking action against spatio-temporal environmental changes that pose risks to marine ecosystems and human health.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Chemistry (ODIS id 1094)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Chemistry
Original (non-English) name
EMODnet Chemistry
Users are requested to acknowledge EMODnet and its data providers when using data or products based on its services. Data users must respect the data copyrights of originators, as documented in the metadata, and SeaDataNet data policy. Any individual data source (data originators) should be cited, if it constitutes a substantial proportion of the data.
Any person making substantial use of data must contact the data originator prior to publication, and should possibly consider the data source(s) for co-authorship of published results.
Aggregated data products (map layers) are public domain and freely available for all users under an open data license indicated in the metadata.
EMODnet Chemistry provides easy access to marine chemical data, standardised harmonized validated data collections and reliable data products, which are highly relevant to assessing ecosystem status according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, for all European marine regions.
Numerous substances are considered; most of them are invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected and tracked using special sensors or by laboratory analysis. This evidence-based information is essential for understanding seawater chemistry and its natural and/or human-induced variations. It is also essential for identifying and taking action against spatio-temporal environmental changes that pose risks to marine ecosystems and human health.
Web Service: https://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/products/api
OpenDap: http://ec.oceanbrowser.net:8081/data/emodnet-domains/
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS02 Chemical oceanography
Keywords: ArcGis, Eutrophication, Marine litter, acidity, chemical oceanography, marine biochemistry
Last updated: 21/11/2023
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Geology (ODIS id: 1091)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Geology
EMODnet Geology has succeeded in bringing together harmonised offshore data including sea-floor geology, seabed substrates, rates of coastline migration, geological events and probabilities, mineral resources and submerged landscapes.
EMODnet Geology consolidates the existing data products with higher resolution and more contents. New services are being built, so users can investigate and search for borehole and grab sample data, seismic survey data, and multibeam survey data using interactive maps and tools.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Geology (ODIS id 1091)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Geology
Original (non-English) name
EMODnet Geology
EMODnet Geology has succeeded in bringing together harmonised offshore data including sea-floor geology, seabed substrates, rates of coastline migration, geological events and probabilities, mineral resources and submerged landscapes.
EMODnet Geology consolidates the existing data products with higher resolution and more contents. New services are being built, so users can investigate and search for borehole and grab sample data, seismic survey data, and multibeam survey data using interactive maps and tools.
The EMODnet Geology portal provides access to information and services produced by the EMODnet Geology project and is powered by GeoNetwork (http://geonetwork-opensource.org/) open-source software. This is a catalogue application to manage spatially referenced resources based on the principles of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and International and Open Standards for services and protocols (a.o. from ISO/TC211 and OGC). Data within the portal are made online available via GeoServer (http://geoserver.org) as WFS (Web Feature Service) and WMS (Web Map Service). These services are powered by EGDI (European Geological Data Infrastructure).
(1) WMS (raster access)
Seabed Substrate maps https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/gtk/wms
Sea-floor (bedrock) https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/bgr/wms
Coastal Behavior https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/tno/wms
Events and Probabilities https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/ispra/wms
Marine Minerals https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/gsi/wms
Submerged Landscapes https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/bgs/wms
(2) WFS (vector access)
Seabed Substrate maps https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/gtk/wfs
Sea-floor (bedrock) https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/bgr/wfs
Coastal Behavior https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/tno/wfs
Events and Probabilities https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/ispra/wfs
Marine Minerals https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/gsi/wfs
Submerged Landscapes https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geoserver/bgs/wfs
(3) CSW (catalogue access): https://drive.emodnet-geology.eu/geonetwork/srv/eng/csw
(4) SLD (styled layer description)
Seabed Substrate maps Folk 5 Folk 7 Folk 16
Sea-floor (bedrock) Age Lithology Geomorphology
(5) Online metadata catalogue
Data products can also be found using the EGDI metadata database (hosted by Czech Geological Survey).
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS10 Environment
Keywords: Aggregate resources, Coastline migration, Geological events, Seabed lithology, Stratigraphy, Submerged landscapes, seafloor, seafloor mapping, seafloor topography, sediment, sediment transport
Last updated: 21/11/2023
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics (ODIS id: 1095)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics
EMODnet Physics is an upstream ocean data integrating service. It builds on the discovery of data sources or providers and their connection to the EMODnet Physics infrastructure. It provides a single point of access to in situ ocean physics time-series data and vertical profiles, data products and metadata built with common standards, free of charge and no restrictions.
The available parameters cover temperature, salinity and currents profiles, sea level trends, wave height and period, wind speed and direction, water turbidity (light attenuation), underwater noise, river flow, and sea-ice coverage.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics (ODIS id 1095)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Physics
Original (non-English) name
EMODnet Physics
EMODnet Physics is an upstream ocean data integrating service. It builds on the discovery of data sources or providers and their connection to the EMODnet Physics infrastructure. It provides a single point of access to in situ ocean physics time-series data and vertical profiles, data products and metadata built with common standards, free of charge and no restrictions.
The available parameters cover temperature, salinity and currents profiles, sea level trends, wave height and period, wind speed and direction, water turbidity (light attenuation), underwater noise, river flow, and sea-ice coverage.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Real-time observing systems (and access to their metadata and data)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: ArcGis, Sea surface temperature, Under water acoustic pollution , analysis and visualization of oceanographic data, sea ice, sea level anomaly, sea surface salinity, sea water temperature, water temperature, wave height and direction, wind stress
Last updated: 21/11/2023
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Seabed Habitats (ODIS id: 1093)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Seabed Habitats
Seabed Habitats provides access to seabed habitat data in Europe. This includes new products such as the EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe (AKA EUSeaMap) and habitat maps and observations gathered from surveys across Europe.
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Seabed Habitats (ODIS id 1093)
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Seabed Habitats
Original (non-English) name
EMODnet Seabed Habitats
Seabed Habitats provides access to seabed habitat data in Europe. This includes new products such as the EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe (AKA EUSeaMap) and habitat maps and observations gathered from surveys across Europe.
EMODnet Seabed Habitats provides the following key services to users: 1. Map viewer: a free, interactive mapping portal (webGIS) for viewing and downloading seabed habitat data as well as secondary input data layers to the broad-scale mapping such as energy and light penetration at the seabed. Users can build a query based on specific criteria such as geographic area, data layer or specific habitat. Alternatively, users can simply browse for information using the icons provided. 2. Web services: all layers can be exported using the Web Map Service (WMS) to personal desktop GIS applications or to other web mapping portals. 3. Download: Information can also be freely-downloaded in GIS format to be easily overlaid with users’ datasets. 4. Search: fully searchable metadata describing the file content is provided with the files following INSPIRE directive standards.
Data Catalogues: https://www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/access-data/layer-search/
Data Products: https://www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/access-data/download-data/
OGC service:
For map images of the general EMODnet Seabed Habitats datasets and products such as EUSeaMap:
https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/emodnet_view/wms - Web Map Service (WMS)
For map images of the individual habitat map and model datasets collated by EMODnet Seabed Habitats:
https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/emodnet_view_maplibrary/wms - Web Map Service (WMS)
Similarly for access to true data (where available) via Web Feature Service (WFS): https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/emodnet_open/wfs
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom, REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Adriatic Sea, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Ecosystems, environment, habitats classification
Last updated: 24/11/2023
Existing regulations requirements on biofouling - GloFouling Partnership Project
Existing regulations requirements on biofouling: International Maritime Organization (IMO), New Zealand, United States (California State) and Australia.
Existing regulations requirements on biofouling - GloFouling Partnership Project (ODIS id 2271)
Existing regulations requirements on biofouling - GloFouling Partnership Project
Original (non-English) name
Existing regulations requirements on biofouling: International Maritime Organization (IMO), New Zealand, United States (California State) and Australia.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: biofouling, environmental protection, regulations and policies, shipping
Last updated: 06/09/2021
GIS in Ecology (ODIS id: 1974)
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS for short, are rapidly becoming an essential tool in many are ...
GIS in Ecology
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS for short, are rapidly becoming an essential tool in many areas of ecological research. However, getting to grips with how to correctly use GIS in ecological research is not necessarily straight-forward.
The would-be ecological GIS user is faced with a whole new set of unfamiliar and confusing jargon, making it difficult to know where to start. This difficulty is further amplified by the fact that most training, instruction and advice currently available has been developed to teach the GIS skills required by geographers rather than ecologists. Many ecologists are put off by these difficulties and abandon their attempts to use GIS in their research.
However, GIS is a powerful tool for ecologists and, in our experience, with the correct introduction, anyone can get to grips with it quickly and easily, to the great benefit of their research.
The key is to not try to learn how to use GIS as an abstract set of concepts and tasks, and certainly not to learn how geographers use it (why, for example, would an ecologist ever need to know how to work out what the best site is for a new superstore?). Rather, the key is to specifically learn how to apply it to the type of tasks which are needed to use GIS in ecological research.
GIS in Ecology was set up by Dr. Colin MacLeod in 2011 with the aim of making GIS as accessible as possible by providing in-person training courses, onlinetraining courses, books, advice and consultancy for ecologists by ecologists.
We aim to do this using the type of language that ecologists can understand, and by showing them specifically how to use GIS to do the everyday tasks ecologists need to know in order to quickly start using GIS in their research.
This is done using a teaching framework called the TOL Approach® which we have developed to help teach practical skills to life scientists.
We also provide an online forum where ecologists can ask questions and discuss issues specifically related to the use of GIS in ecology.
Through this, we hope to greatly expand the use of GIS in ecological research, to the benefit of all.
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS for short, are rapidly becoming an essential tool in many areas of ecological research. However, getting to grips with how to correctly use GIS in ecological research is not necessarily straight-forward.
The would-be ecological GIS user is faced with a whole new set of unfamiliar and confusing jargon, making it difficult to know where to start. This difficulty is further amplified by the fact that most training, instruction and advice currently available has been developed to teach the GIS skills required by geographers rather than ecologists. Many ecologists are put off by these difficulties and abandon their attempts to use GIS in their research.
However, GIS is a powerful tool for ecologists and, in our experience, with the correct introduction, anyone can get to grips with it quickly and easily, to the great benefit of their research.
The key is to not try to learn how to use GIS as an abstract set of concepts and tasks, and certainly not to learn how geographers use it (why, for example, would an ecologist ever need to know how to work out what the best site is for a new superstore?). Rather, the key is to specifically learn how to apply it to the type of tasks which are needed to use GIS in ecological research.
GIS in Ecology was set up by Dr. Colin MacLeod in 2011 with the aim of making GIS as accessible as possible by providing in-person training courses, onlinetraining courses, books, advice and consultancy for ecologists by ecologists.
We aim to do this using the type of language that ecologists can understand, and by showing them specifically how to use GIS to do the everyday tasks ecologists need to know in order to quickly start using GIS in their research.
This is done using a teaching framework called the TOL Approach® which we have developed to help teach practical skills to life scientists.
We also provide an online forum where ecologists can ask questions and discuss issues specifically related to the use of GIS in ecology.
Through this, we hope to greatly expand the use of GIS in ecological research, to the benefit of all.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: GIS, Information and knowledge products, e-learning, ecological applications, ecology, information and resources, knowledge and information, mapping
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 879)
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization
GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments.
GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information.
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 879)
Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization
Original (non-English) name
GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments.
GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information of platforms (buoys, sensors, floats, gliders, satellites), Information on experts and organizations, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Maritime transport, shipping
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox help pages in html, and associated pdf files.
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox in Matlab - Help pages and pdf files only !!!!
This is a work in progress repository. It is intended to be a method of assisting those who are translating the code into their prefered language.
Do not download this code and treat it as an distributed release of the GSW code - it is not under any circumstance.
The ONLY location to download software is from the TEOS-10 website http://www.TEOS-10.org/.
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox help pages in html, and associated pdf files.
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox in Matlab - Help pages and pdf files only !!!!
This is a work in progress repository. It is intended to be a method of assisting those who are translating the code into their prefered language.
Do not download this code and treat it as an distributed release of the GSW code - it is not under any circumstance.
The ONLY location to download software is from the TEOS-10 website http://www.TEOS-10.org/.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Gibbs-SeaWater, oceanography, sea water
Last updated: 02/05/2021
Guide for quality control of temperature and salinity data of regional oceanographic cruises (ODIS id: 3245)
Guide for quality control of temperature and salinity data of regional oceanographic cruises
This publication is a product of the Specialized Working Group of Database (GTE-BD in Spanish) of regional cruises of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS), with the contributions of institutions from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The guide recommends practices for quality control of salinity and temperature data of the water column obtained from CTD, in the oceanographic cruises of the program for the Regional Study of the El Niño Phenomenon (CCR-ERFEN in Spanish). In the proposed quality tests, the quality flags recommended by the international IODE program are applied. The data processed with this methodology will be part of the CPPS Regional Database.
Guide for quality control of temperature and salinity data of regional oceanographic cruises (ODIS id 3245)
Guide for quality control of temperature and salinity data of regional oceanographic cruises
Original (non-English) name
Guía para el control de calidad de datos de temperatura y salinidad obtenidos en cruceros oceanográficos regionales
CPPS. 2023. Guía para el control de calidad de datos de temperatura y salinidad obtenidos en cruceros oceanográficos regionales. Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur ‐ CPPS. Guayaquil, Ecuador. 30 p.
This publication is a product of the Specialized Working Group of Database (GTE-BD in Spanish) of regional cruises of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS), with the contributions of institutions from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The guide recommends practices for quality control of salinity and temperature data of the water column obtained from CTD, in the oceanographic cruises of the program for the Regional Study of the El Niño Phenomenon (CCR-ERFEN in Spanish). In the proposed quality tests, the quality flags recommended by the international IODE program are applied. The data processed with this methodology will be part of the CPPS Regional Database.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Host Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, REGIONAL
Sea Region: South Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: cruise report, data quality, salinity, temperature
Last updated: 19/07/2024
Guide for the recognition of juvenile scleractinal corals in the Caribbean - SiAM (ODIS id: 939)
Guide for the recognition of juvenile scleractinal corals in the Caribbean - SiAM
The guide is not only a full-color photographic compendium of juvenile and adult corals from the Caribbean Sea but an illustrative text on the morphology and types of growth of scleractinian corals.
Guide for the recognition of juvenile scleractinal corals in the Caribbean - SiAM (ODIS id 939)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Guide for the recognition of juvenile scleractinal corals in the Caribbean - SiAM
Original (non-English) name
Guía para el reconocimiento de corales escleractínios juveniles en el Caribe - SiAM
Dueñas, L.F., J. Montenegro, A. Acosta, F. Cárdenas, M. Sepúlveda, A. Vidal, C. Villamil. 2010. Guía para el reconocimiento de corales Escleractíneos juveniles en el Caribe. INVEMAR Serie de Documentos Generales No. 42. XPRESS Estudio Gráfico y Digital, Bogotá D.C. Colombia.
The guide is not only a full-color photographic compendium of juvenile and adult corals from the Caribbean Sea but an illustrative text on the morphology and types of growth of scleractinian corals.
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service (ODIS id: 1990)
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive ...
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive data, Funders, Identifying data and researchers, Managing data, Institutional planning, Metadata, Technical documents, and others.
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service (ODIS id 1990)
Guides and resources - Australian National Data Service
Original (non-English) name
Guides and resources - ANDS
Guides and resources include: Printed resources, Reports, Policy and licensing, Ethics and sensitive data, Funders, Identifying data and researchers, Managing data, Institutional planning, Metadata, Technical documents, and others.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Host Countries: Australia
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, Training and education, data management, data services, information services, knowledge and information, reports, technical documents
Last updated: 24/06/2021
Handbook for Responsible Artisanal Shrimp Fishing in Colombia Adaptation of the Suripera Net (ODIS id: 947)
Technical document evaluating the use of artisanal fishing gear for shrimp in Colombian artisanal ma ...
Handbook for Responsible Artisanal Shrimp Fishing in Colombia Adaptation of the Suripera Net
Technical document evaluating the use of artisanal fishing gear for shrimp in Colombian artisanal marine fisheries. The design of the suripera net is presented, it is described how it is built and the required materials. Then the results of experimental tests are shown where the performance of the suripera was compared with traditional fishing gear on the Pacific coast.
Handbook for Responsible Artisanal Shrimp Fishing in Colombia Adaptation of the Suripera Net (ODIS id 947)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Handbook for Responsible Artisanal Shrimp Fishing in Colombia Adaptation of the Suripera Net
Original (non-English) name
Manual Para la Pesca Artesanal Responsable de Camarón en Colombia Adaptación de la Red Suripera
Rico-Mejía, F. & M Rueda. 2011. Manual para la pesca artesanal responsable de camarón en Colombia: adaptación de la red suripera. INVEMAR, COLCIENCIAS, INCODER. Serie de publicaciones generales del INVEMAR No. 51. Santa Marta, Colombia. 25p.
Technical document evaluating the use of artisanal fishing gear for shrimp in Colombian artisanal marine fisheries. The design of the suripera net is presented, it is described how it is built and the required materials. Then the results of experimental tests are shown where the performance of the suripera was compared with traditional fishing gear on the Pacific coast.
Handbook of Quality Control Procedures and Methods for Surface Meteorology Data - COAPS
The Data Assembly Center (DAC) for Surface Meteorology at Florida State University is charged with collecting, quality controlling, archiving, and distributing all underway surface meteorological data from WOCE vessels worldwide. The scope of the DAC 's collection efforts also includes all surface meteorological data from WOCE-sponsored experiments (i.e. Subduction Experiment). Types of data collected include standard ship bridge observations, advanced automated systems (e.g. Improved METeorology (IMET) measurements system), and all other practically obtainable surface meteorological data from WOCE research vessels and buoys.
Once the data are collected, the DAC verifies the accuracy of the measurements using a series of data quality evaluation procedures. The focus of the DAC Handbook of Quality Control Procedures and Methods is to describe the methodology and detail these quality control (QC) procedures. The DAC intends for this document to be used by the WOCE scientific community as well as other interested researchers. The flagging procedures contained in this report may also be of general interest to data evaluators from the international data centers (NCDC, NCAR, BODC, etc.).
The overall goal of the DAC's QC is to provide a well-documented, reliable, and consistent data set to the scientific community. The DAC evaluates the data to the best level possible with the QC results depending primarily on the level of knowledge of the incoming data as well as examination and analysis of the data. Information provided about how the data were collected, i.e. metadata, is an essential component of any data set, particularly in light of the historical context of climate variability. Metadata will be included with all DAC quality controlled data sets either as additions to the data or as a part of the QC reports. Ideally, the metadata contains information on the instrument setup, calibrations, and formats for the meteorological data.
Data quality flagging, not value replacement, is the method used to denote suspect or erroneous data. The choice to flag questionable data at the DAC, as opposed to data correction, was made to insure the data remain in the original form that was sent to the DAC. For scientific reasons, the end user must determine appropriate utilization of the flags provided. This will allow additional processing/decisions to be made at later times.
The QC procedure for all WOCE data sets is a four-step process schematically outlined in Fig. 1. The process begins with the acquisition of a WOCE meteorological data set and accompanying metadata (e.g. README file). The first step of the QC is converting the meteorological data to a standard format for internal use at the DAC. The format includes metadata and is described in Section 2. Once converted, the data are sent through an automated preprocessing program that checks for values outside of a realistic range, statistical outliers, unrealistic ship movements, etc. The preprocessing procedures are outlined in Section 3. During the third step of the QC, the preprocessed meteorological data are visually inspected by a trained Data Quality Evaluator (DQE) using the VIsual Data Assessment Tool (VIDAT). VIDAT is an interactive, graphically-based tool developed at the FSU DAC, that allows the DQE to add or remove QC flags from the meteorological data. VIDAT is described in detail in Section 4. When the meteorological data have passed all final inspections, the data are converted to a standard format suitable for public distribution and further analysis. At this time a QC report is written combining flag information from the preprocessor and the DQE 's VIDAT evaluation. More information, i.e. calibrations done prior to the data's arrival at the DAC, may be extracted from the metadata and added to the QC report. The resulting quality controlled data and report are then made available for the WOCE community.
Handbook of Quality Control Procedures and Methods for Surface Meteorology Data - COAPS (ODIS id 3240)
Handbook of Quality Control Procedures and Methods for Surface Meteorology Data - COAPS
Original (non-English) name
The Data Assembly Center (DAC) for Surface Meteorology at Florida State University is charged with collecting, quality controlling, archiving, and distributing all underway surface meteorological data from WOCE vessels worldwide. The scope of the DAC 's collection efforts also includes all surface meteorological data from WOCE-sponsored experiments (i.e. Subduction Experiment). Types of data collected include standard ship bridge observations, advanced automated systems (e.g. Improved METeorology (IMET) measurements system), and all other practically obtainable surface meteorological data from WOCE research vessels and buoys.
Once the data are collected, the DAC verifies the accuracy of the measurements using a series of data quality evaluation procedures. The focus of the DAC Handbook of Quality Control Procedures and Methods is to describe the methodology and detail these quality control (QC) procedures. The DAC intends for this document to be used by the WOCE scientific community as well as other interested researchers. The flagging procedures contained in this report may also be of general interest to data evaluators from the international data centers (NCDC, NCAR, BODC, etc.).
The overall goal of the DAC's QC is to provide a well-documented, reliable, and consistent data set to the scientific community. The DAC evaluates the data to the best level possible with the QC results depending primarily on the level of knowledge of the incoming data as well as examination and analysis of the data. Information provided about how the data were collected, i.e. metadata, is an essential component of any data set, particularly in light of the historical context of climate variability. Metadata will be included with all DAC quality controlled data sets either as additions to the data or as a part of the QC reports. Ideally, the metadata contains information on the instrument setup, calibrations, and formats for the meteorological data.
Data quality flagging, not value replacement, is the method used to denote suspect or erroneous data. The choice to flag questionable data at the DAC, as opposed to data correction, was made to insure the data remain in the original form that was sent to the DAC. For scientific reasons, the end user must determine appropriate utilization of the flags provided. This will allow additional processing/decisions to be made at later times.
The QC procedure for all WOCE data sets is a four-step process schematically outlined in Fig. 1. The process begins with the acquisition of a WOCE meteorological data set and accompanying metadata (e.g. README file). The first step of the QC is converting the meteorological data to a standard format for internal use at the DAC. The format includes metadata and is described in Section 2. Once converted, the data are sent through an automated preprocessing program that checks for values outside of a realistic range, statistical outliers, unrealistic ship movements, etc. The preprocessing procedures are outlined in Section 3. During the third step of the QC, the preprocessed meteorological data are visually inspected by a trained Data Quality Evaluator (DQE) using the VIsual Data Assessment Tool (VIDAT). VIDAT is an interactive, graphically-based tool developed at the FSU DAC, that allows the DQE to add or remove QC flags from the meteorological data. VIDAT is described in detail in Section 4. When the meteorological data have passed all final inspections, the data are converted to a standard format suitable for public distribution and further analysis. At this time a QC report is written combining flag information from the preprocessor and the DQE 's VIDAT evaluation. More information, i.e. calibrations done prior to the data's arrival at the DAC, may be extracted from the metadata and added to the QC report. The resulting quality controlled data and report are then made available for the WOCE community.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: atmospheric and oceanic research, Research Cruises, World Ocean Circulation Experiment, meteorological data, meteorology, ocean modelling, open access, quality control
Last updated: 29/11/2021
Protocol elaborated within the framework of the GEF SAMP Project. The methodology synthesizes monitoring stations for coral areas, as well as procedures for collecting information on coral cover, the cover of green macroalgae, abundance and biomass of herbivorous fish and abundance and biomass of predatory fish associated with the reef. The ICTAC evaluates the general condition of biotic integrity, and therefore the state of conservation of coral areas, and the changes in health over time, by incorporating these variables into an arithmetic average.
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Original (non-English) name
Protocolo Indicador Condición Tendencia Áreas Coralinas - SiAM
Rodríguez-Rincón, A. M., S. M. Navarrete-Ramírez, D. I. Gómez-López y R. Navas-Camacho. 2014. Protocolo Indicador Condición Tendencia Áreas Coralinas (ICTAC). Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 66, Santa Marta. 52 p.
Protocol elaborated within the framework of the GEF SAMP Project. The methodology synthesizes monitoring stations for coral areas, as well as procedures for collecting information on coral cover, the cover of green macroalgae, abundance and biomass of herbivorous fish and abundance and biomass of predatory fish associated with the reef. The ICTAC evaluates the general condition of biotic integrity, and therefore the state of conservation of coral areas, and the changes in health over time, by incorporating these variables into an arithmetic average.
INDICATOR PROTOCOL of Use of hydrobiological resources (ODIS id: 945)
In the booklet, we present the estimation protocol of two indicators related to the hidrobiological ...
INDICATOR PROTOCOL of Use of hydrobiological resources
In the booklet, we present the estimation protocol of two indicators related to the hidrobiological resources use, applicable in the Colombian Marine Protected Areas. We suggested to estimate the relative abundance of the resource as a measure of the population size, and the ratio between the catches mean size and the maturity at length (L50), as a measure of the fishing impact on the size structure and the reproductive potential.
INDICATOR PROTOCOL of Use of hydrobiological resources (ODIS id 945)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
INDICATOR PROTOCOL of Use of hydrobiological resources
Original (non-English) name
Protocolo Indicador de Uso de recursos hidrobiológicos
Rueda, M., D. Bustos-Montes, E. Viloria y S. M. Navarrete-Ramírez. 2014. Protocolo Indicador Uso de recursos hidrobiológicos. Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 72, Santa Marta. 40 p.
In the booklet, we present the estimation protocol of two indicators related to the hidrobiological resources use, applicable in the Colombian Marine Protected Areas. We suggested to estimate the relative abundance of the resource as a measure of the population size, and the ratio between the catches mean size and the maturity at length (L50), as a measure of the fishing impact on the size structure and the reproductive potential.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Fishing, Monitoring, Socio-economics, fisheries statistics
Last updated: 23/11/2023
International Chamber of Shipping (ODIS id: 857)
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for the ...
International Chamber of Shipping
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for the shipping industry, representing shipowners and operators in all sectors and trades.
ICS membership comprises national shipowners' associations in Asia, Europe and the Americas whose member shipping companies operate over 80% of the world's merchant tonnage.
Established in 1921, ICS is concerned with all technical, legal, employment affairs and policy issues that may affect international shipping.
ICS represents shipowners with the various intergovernmental regulatory bodies that impact on shipping, including the International Maritime Organization.
ICS also develops best practices and guidance, including a wide range of publications and free resources that are used by ship operators globally.
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for the shipping industry, representing shipowners and operators in all sectors and trades.
ICS membership comprises national shipowners' associations in Asia, Europe and the Americas whose member shipping companies operate over 80% of the world's merchant tonnage.
Established in 1921, ICS is concerned with all technical, legal, employment affairs and policy issues that may affect international shipping.
ICS represents shipowners with the various intergovernmental regulatory bodies that impact on shipping, including the International Maritime Organization.
ICS also develops best practices and guidance, including a wide range of publications and free resources that are used by ship operators globally.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Publications/ Interactive Flag State Performance Table
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information on vessels (including research vessels), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: practices and guidance, shipping
Last updated: 30/11/2020
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 1316)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships - International Maritime Organization
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes.
The MARPOL Convention was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO. The Protocol of 1978 was adopted in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977. As the 1973 MARPOL Convention had not yet entered into force, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. The combined instrument entered into force on 2 October 1983. In 1997, a Protocol was adopted to amend the Convention and a new Annex VI was added which entered into force on 19 May 2005. MARPOL has been updated by amendments through the years.
The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes. Special Areas with strict controls on operational discharges are included in most Annexes.
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 1316)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships - International Maritime Organization
Original (non-English) name
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes.
The MARPOL Convention was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO. The Protocol of 1978 was adopted in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977. As the 1973 MARPOL Convention had not yet entered into force, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. The combined instrument entered into force on 2 October 1983. In 1997, a Protocol was adopted to amend the Convention and a new Annex VI was added which entered into force on 19 May 2005. MARPOL has been updated by amendments through the years.
The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes. Special Areas with strict controls on operational discharges are included in most Annexes.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Maritime transport, convention, environmental protection
Last updated: 13/10/2021
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 1315)
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 - International Maritime Organization
The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the safety of merchant ships. The first version was adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic disaster, the second in 1929, the third in 1948, and the fourth in 1960. The 1974 version includes the tacit acceptance procedure - which provides that an amendment shall enter into force on a specified date unless, before that date, objections to the amendment are received from an agreed number of Parties.
As a result the 1974 Convention has been updated and amended on numerous occasions. The Convention in force today is sometimes referred to as SOLAS, 1974, as amended.
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 1315)
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 - International Maritime Organization
Original (non-English) name
SOLAS Convention - IMO
The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the safety of merchant ships. The first version was adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic disaster, the second in 1929, the third in 1948, and the fourth in 1960. The 1974 version includes the tacit acceptance procedure - which provides that an amendment shall enter into force on a specified date unless, before that date, objections to the amendment are received from an agreed number of Parties.
As a result the 1974 Convention has been updated and amended on numerous occasions. The Convention in force today is sometimes referred to as SOLAS, 1974, as amended.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Maritime transport, convention, human activities, safety
Last updated: 13/10/2021
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id: 1317)
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers - International Maritime Organization
The 1978 STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level. Previously the standards of training, certification and watchkeeping of officers and ratings were established by individual governments, usually without reference to practices in other countries. As a result standards and procedures varied widely, even though shipping is the most international of all industries.
The Convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers which countries are obliged to meet or exceed.
The 1995 amendments, adopted by a Conference, represented a major revision of the Convention, in response to a recognized need to bring the Convention up to date and to respond to critics who pointed out the many vague phrases, such as "to the satisfaction of the Administration", which resulted in different interpretations being made.
The 1995 amendments entered into force on 1 February 1997. One of the major features of the revision was the division of the technical annex into regulations, divided into Chapters as before, and a new STCW Code, to which many technical regulations were transferred. Part A of the Code is mandatory while Part B is recommended.
Dividing the regulations up in this way makes administration easier and it also makes the task of revising and updating them more simple: for procedural and legal reasons there is no need to call a full conference to make changes to Codes.
Another major change was the requirement for Parties to the Convention are required to provide detailed information to IMO concerning administrative measures taken to ensure compliance with the Convention. This represented the first time that IMO had been called upon to act in relation to compliance and implementation - generally, implementation is down to the flag States, while port State control also acts to ensure compliance. Under Chapter I, regulation I/7 of the revised Convention, Parties are required to provide detailed information to IMO concerning administrative measures taken to ensure compliance with the Convention, education and training courses, certification procedures and other factors relevant to implementation.The information is reviewed by panels of competent persons, nominated by Parties to the STCW Convention, who report on their findings to the IMO Secretary-General, who, in turn, reports to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on the Parties which fully comply. The MSC then produces a list (the so called "white list") of "confirmed Parties" in compliance with the STCW Convention.
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers - International Maritime Organization (ODIS id 1317)
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers - International Maritime Organization
Original (non-English) name
The 1978 STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level. Previously the standards of training, certification and watchkeeping of officers and ratings were established by individual governments, usually without reference to practices in other countries. As a result standards and procedures varied widely, even though shipping is the most international of all industries.
The Convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers which countries are obliged to meet or exceed.
The 1995 amendments, adopted by a Conference, represented a major revision of the Convention, in response to a recognized need to bring the Convention up to date and to respond to critics who pointed out the many vague phrases, such as "to the satisfaction of the Administration", which resulted in different interpretations being made.
The 1995 amendments entered into force on 1 February 1997. One of the major features of the revision was the division of the technical annex into regulations, divided into Chapters as before, and a new STCW Code, to which many technical regulations were transferred. Part A of the Code is mandatory while Part B is recommended.
Dividing the regulations up in this way makes administration easier and it also makes the task of revising and updating them more simple: for procedural and legal reasons there is no need to call a full conference to make changes to Codes.
Another major change was the requirement for Parties to the Convention are required to provide detailed information to IMO concerning administrative measures taken to ensure compliance with the Convention. This represented the first time that IMO had been called upon to act in relation to compliance and implementation - generally, implementation is down to the flag States, while port State control also acts to ensure compliance. Under Chapter I, regulation I/7 of the revised Convention, Parties are required to provide detailed information to IMO concerning administrative measures taken to ensure compliance with the Convention, education and training courses, certification procedures and other factors relevant to implementation.The information is reviewed by panels of competent persons, nominated by Parties to the STCW Convention, who report on their findings to the IMO Secretary-General, who, in turn, reports to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on the Parties which fully comply. The MSC then produces a list (the so called "white list") of "confirmed Parties" in compliance with the STCW Convention.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Training and education, convention, human activities, standardization
Last updated: 13/10/2021
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 724)
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
More and more companies are looking for new ways to generate added value, and one of those ways can undoubtedly be the implementation of an ISO 14001 environmental management system.
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 724)
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de Gestión Ambiental ISO 14001:2015 - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
More and more companies are looking for new ways to generate added value, and one of those ways can undoubtedly be the implementation of an ISO 14001 environmental management system.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Best practices
Last updated: 08/10/2021
ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 725)
ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
The international standard ISO 37001, introduced in October 2016, promotes a series of measures to help companies public and private organizations to prevent, detect and combat bribery through the implementation of a System of Anti-bribery Management. Bribery and corruption are problems that the global community has viewed as
destructive and threatening.
In this regard, After having satisfactorily concluded the audit process carried out in March 2019 by the certifying entity "Business Alliance for Secure Commerce" (BASC), on April 15, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation received from the aforementioned body, the ISO 37001: 2016 Certificate, becoming one of the first organizations in the defense sector that comply with international standards that reflect management with responsibility and transparency.
ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 725)
ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
Sistema Gestión Antisoborno ISO 37001: 2016 - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
The international standard ISO 37001, introduced in October 2016, promotes a series of measures to help companies public and private organizations to prevent, detect and combat bribery through the implementation of a System of Anti-bribery Management. Bribery and corruption are problems that the global community has viewed as
destructive and threatening.
In this regard, After having satisfactorily concluded the audit process carried out in March 2019 by the certifying entity "Business Alliance for Secure Commerce" (BASC), on April 15, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation received from the aforementioned body, the ISO 37001: 2016 Certificate, becoming one of the first organizations in the defense sector that comply with international standards that reflect management with responsibility and transparency.
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Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS12 Human activities
Last updated: 29/10/2020
It is a new functional typology for ecosystems by providing a global framework for reporting on Aichi targets Sustainable Development Goals and natural capital accounting as well as for structuring global risk assessments for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems. The theoretical framework is critical to ensuring classification robustness with a changing knowledge base plus the flexibility to accommodate new information. The hierarchical framework integrates both top-down approaches essential for global consistency and bottom-up approaches to incorporate established ecological classifications already in use and incorporated into policy infrastructure in regional national and sub-national levels e.g. EUNIS habitat classification. This is crucial as important conservation action occurs at local levels where most expertise resides.
It is a new functional typology for ecosystems by providing a global framework for reporting on Aichi targets Sustainable Development Goals and natural capital accounting as well as for structuring global risk assessments for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems. The theoretical framework is critical to ensuring classification robustness with a changing knowledge base plus the flexibility to accommodate new information. The hierarchical framework integrates both top-down approaches essential for global consistency and bottom-up approaches to incorporate established ecological classifications already in use and incorporated into policy infrastructure in regional national and sub-national levels e.g. EUNIS habitat classification. This is crucial as important conservation action occurs at local levels where most expertise resides.
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Map ongoing updated
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Ecosystems, UN sustainable development goals, conservation, global ecosystem typology, habitats classification
Last updated: 04/09/2020
Coastal, estuarine and fluvial environments are vulnerable to future climate change, but successful adaptation to climate change requires an improved prediction of environmental responses over long timescales. However, predicting the impacts of climate change is difficult due to the non-linear responses of biota and sediment transport to changes like rising sea levels or more frequent extreme events such as intense rainfall or storm surges. Future management of the impacts of climate change therefore requires better modelling of the interaction between biota and morphodynamics under predicted changes to hydrodynamic forcing.
Flume experiments provide a unique opportunity to isolate and quantify the impact of different forcing regimes on morphodynamics and biota under controlled conditions, which is essential for validating and improving numerical simulations of the natural environment. Successful physical modelling for climate change adaptation needs to meet the challenge of incorporating and scaling non-linear responses resulting from changes in event frequency and magnitude. RECIPE will address this challenge by developing new innovative experimental techniques, methods and protocols across the following areas: variability in forcing, morphodynamics and biology.
Coastal, estuarine and fluvial environments are vulnerable to future climate change, but successful adaptation to climate change requires an improved prediction of environmental responses over long timescales. However, predicting the impacts of climate change is difficult due to the non-linear responses of biota and sediment transport to changes like rising sea levels or more frequent extreme events such as intense rainfall or storm surges. Future management of the impacts of climate change therefore requires better modelling of the interaction between biota and morphodynamics under predicted changes to hydrodynamic forcing.
Flume experiments provide a unique opportunity to isolate and quantify the impact of different forcing regimes on morphodynamics and biota under controlled conditions, which is essential for validating and improving numerical simulations of the natural environment. Successful physical modelling for climate change adaptation needs to meet the challenge of incorporating and scaling non-linear responses resulting from changes in event frequency and magnitude. RECIPE will address this challenge by developing new innovative experimental techniques, methods and protocols across the following areas: variability in forcing, morphodynamics and biology.
The main aims of ‘FREE Data’ are to develop tools and protocols for the effective sharing of data that allows effective flux and exchange with numerical modelling and field case studies. As part of the work we will test and demonstrate these tools and protocols with a range of datasets, starting with relatively simple cases and building up to the most complex and most interdisciplinary datasets that will be generated in HYDRALAB+: those produced by work on ecohydraulics.
This Joint Research Activity will develop new methods for sharing and exchanging experimental results to encourage greater data flux and will demonstrate how the exchange of data between laboratories, numerical models and the field environment provides comprehensive solutions to climate change adaptation.
Achieving this will lead to the creation of a free market in open data, which can be used, reused and redistributed by anyone.
The main aims of ‘FREE Data’ are to develop tools and protocols for the effective sharing of data that allows effective flux and exchange with numerical modelling and field case studies. As part of the work we will test and demonstrate these tools and protocols with a range of datasets, starting with relatively simple cases and building up to the most complex and most interdisciplinary datasets that will be generated in HYDRALAB+: those produced by work on ecohydraulics.
This Joint Research Activity will develop new methods for sharing and exchanging experimental results to encourage greater data flux and will demonstrate how the exchange of data between laboratories, numerical models and the field environment provides comprehensive solutions to climate change adaptation.
Achieving this will lead to the creation of a free market in open data, which can be used, reused and redistributed by anyone.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Netherlands, REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Modelling, data access, open access
Last updated: 20/09/2021
Longhurst Biogeographical Provinces (ODIS id: 760)
The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst. The division has been based on the prevailing role of physical forcing as a regulator of phytoplankton distribution. Note that the boundaries of these provinces are not fixed in time and space but are dynamic and move under seasonal and interannual changes in physical forcing. At the first level of reduction Longhurst recognised four principal biomes the Polar biome the Westerlies biome the Trade winds biome and the Coastal biome. These four biomes are recognised in every major ocean basin. At the next level of reduction the ocean basins are divided into provinces roughly ten for each basin. These regions provide a template for data analysis or for making parameter assignments on a global scale. Please refer to Longhurst s publications when using these shapefiles.
The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst. The division has been based on the prevailing role of physical forcing as a regulator of phytoplankton distribution. Note that the boundaries of these provinces are not fixed in time and space but are dynamic and move under seasonal and interannual changes in physical forcing. At the first level of reduction Longhurst recognised four principal biomes the Polar biome the Westerlies biome the Trade winds biome and the Coastal biome. These four biomes are recognised in every major ocean basin. At the next level of reduction the ocean basins are divided into provinces roughly ten for each basin. These regions provide a template for data analysis or for making parameter assignments on a global scale. Please refer to Longhurst s publications when using these shapefiles.
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Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: GIS, Geospatial data, biogeographical provinces, biomes
Last updated: 04/09/2020
Mangrove forest trend condition indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 931)
Mangrove forest trend condition indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Protocol elaborated within the framework of the GEF SAMP Project. The methodology describes the field methods for data collection of the variables that make up the indicator, such as species mangrove density, mangrove basal area, regeneration, number of propagules per mangrove species, and abundance of resident birds. The ICTBM assesses the general condition of biotic integrity and, therefore, the conservation status of mangrove forests and change over time, based on the incorporation of information on these variables into a single numerical value calculated as a geometric weighted average.
Mangrove forest trend condition indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 931)
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First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Mangrove forest trend condition indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
PROTOCOLO INDICADOR CONDICIÓN TENDENCIA BOSQUES DE MANGLAR - Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Navarrete-Ramírez, S. M., A. M. Rodríguez-Rincón. 2014. Protocolo Indicador Condición Tendencia Bosques de Manglar (ICTBM). Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 67, Santa Marta. 40 p.
Protocol elaborated within the framework of the GEF SAMP Project. The methodology describes the field methods for data collection of the variables that make up the indicator, such as species mangrove density, mangrove basal area, regeneration, number of propagules per mangrove species, and abundance of resident birds. The ICTBM assesses the general condition of biotic integrity and, therefore, the conservation status of mangrove forests and change over time, based on the incorporation of information on these variables into a single numerical value calculated as a geometric weighted average.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS10 Environment
Keywords: Monitoring, ecosystems protection, management and conservation, mangrove
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Manual of analytical techniques for the determination of physicochemical parameters and marine pollutants: waters, sediments and organisms - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 964)
Manual of analytical techniques for the determination of physicochemical parameters and marine pollutants: waters, sediments and organisms - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The manual is a technical document that explains the methods to collect and preserve marine waters and sediments; and procedures to analysis of physicochemical parameters and contaminants.
Manual of analytical techniques for the determination of physicochemical parameters and marine pollutants: waters, sediments and organisms - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 964)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Manual of analytical techniques for the determination of physicochemical parameters and marine pollutants: waters, sediments and organisms - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Manual de técnicas analíticas para la determinación de parámetros fisicoquímicos y contaminantes marinos: aguas, sedimentos y organismos - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Manual of analytical techniques for the determination of physicochemical parameters and marine pollutants: waters, sediments and organisms - INVEMAR
Garay, J., Ramírez G., Betancourt J., Marín B., Cadavid B., Panizzo L., Lesmes L., Sánchez J., Lozano S., Franco A., 2003. Manual de técnicas analíticas para la determinación de parámetros fisicoquímicos y contaminantes marinos: Aguas, sedimentos y organismos. INVEMAR. Santa Marta. 148 p.
The manual is a technical document that explains the methods to collect and preserve marine waters and sediments; and procedures to analysis of physicochemical parameters and contaminants.
MANICE is the Manual of Standard Procedures for Observing and Reporting Ice Conditions.
MANICE is the authoritative document for observing all forms of ice:
- Sea Ice,
- Lake and River Ice, and
- Ice of Land Origin.
The most recent version of MANICE was revised in June 2005.
Manual of Ice - Government of Canada (ODIS id 2543)
MANICE is the Manual of Standard Procedures for Observing and Reporting Ice Conditions.
MANICE is the authoritative document for observing all forms of ice:
- Sea Ice,
- Lake and River Ice, and
- Ice of Land Origin.
The most recent version of MANICE was revised in June 2005.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Host Countries: Canada
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: ice, ice level, observer data, standardization, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Manual of marine and coastal ecosystem methods to establish environmental impacts - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 935)
The manual establishes the field and laboratory procedures for the characterization of marine and co ...
Manual of marine and coastal ecosystem methods to establish environmental impacts - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The manual establishes the field and laboratory procedures for the characterization of marine and coastal ecosystems and associated communities (phytoplankton, zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, nekton, soft bottoms, coral reefs, seagrasses, rocky shoreline, sandy shoreline, and mangroves and associated fauna).
Manual of marine and coastal ecosystem methods to establish environmental impacts - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 935)
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First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Manual of marine and coastal ecosystem methods to establish environmental impacts - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Manual de métodos de ecosistemas marinos y costeros con miras a establecer impactos ambientales - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Manual of marine and coastal ecosystem methods to establish environmental impacts - INVEMAR
"Báez-Polo,A. (ed) 2013. Manual de métodos de ecosistemas marinos y costeros con miras a establecer impactos ambientales. Convenio para fortalecimiento de los métodos de investigación marina para actividades costa afuera por parte del sector de hidrocarburos. Invemar-ANH. Santa Marta, D.T.C.H. 21
2 p. + anexos"
The manual establishes the field and laboratory procedures for the characterization of marine and coastal ecosystems and associated communities (phytoplankton, zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, nekton, soft bottoms, coral reefs, seagrasses, rocky shoreline, sandy shoreline, and mangroves and associated fauna).
Manual of the identification of cites of marine invertebrates of Colombia - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 936)
Manual of the identification of cites of marine invertebrates of Colombia - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The identification manual was designed, so that the customs and police authorities that support control of the fauna trade, quickly identify the specimens of corals and snails protected by CITES.
Manual of the identification of cites of marine invertebrates of Colombia - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 936)
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First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Manual of the identification of cites of marine invertebrates of Colombia - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
MANUAL DEI DENTIFICACIÓN CITES DE INVERTEBRADOS MARINOS DE COLOMBIA - Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Manual of the identification of cites of marine invertebrates of Colombia - SiAM-INVEMAR
Reyes, J. y Santodomingo N., Manual de identificación CITES de Invertebrados Marinos de Colombia. - - Medellín: Servigráficas, 2002. 97 p. Serie de Documentos generales /INVEMAR; No. 8; Serie Manuales de identificación CITES de Colombia.
The identification manual was designed, so that the customs and police authorities that support control of the fauna trade, quickly identify the specimens of corals and snails protected by CITES.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: Best practices, manuals, procedures
Last updated: 31/10/2021
Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystems – Feasibility Study (ODIS id: 746)
Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystems – Feasibility Study
This paper presents findings of a feasibility study for a Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystem (MGOE) program to produce a series of maps of global coastal and marine ecosystems (e.g. substrate, seagrass, mangrove, coral reef and biotic etc.). The maps will be based on existing spatial datasets and ecosystem classifications of ocean and marine areas.
The ongoing benefits of the Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystem program will facilitate international collaborations for ocean and coastal research, establish a common ocean ecosystem mapping vocabulary and encourage an internationally consistent approach for global ocean ecosystem mapping into the future. We anticipate that the output of this program will facilitate international-scale cross-disciplinary studies of ocean ecosystems. It is our intent that, by collating all the available marine and ocean ecosystem datasets into a single framework, a single classification system and a spatial coordinate, and promoting and extending the availability of these through public use rules, institutions will work collaboratively to address worldwide data gaps and solutions. It is encouraged for researchers worldwide to share their ocean and marine ecosystem data.
Two major tasks are included in this study: reviewing both the existing datasets and the classification frameworks and then summarize recommendations on the best datasets and suitable classification methods for mapping global ocean ecosystems.
We have also suggested a work plan and timeline for creating an initial map of global ocean ecosystems, including areas where data are not available.
Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystems – Feasibility Study (ODIS id 746)
Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystems – Feasibility Study
Original (non-English) name
This paper presents findings of a feasibility study for a Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystem (MGOE) program to produce a series of maps of global coastal and marine ecosystems (e.g. substrate, seagrass, mangrove, coral reef and biotic etc.). The maps will be based on existing spatial datasets and ecosystem classifications of ocean and marine areas.
The ongoing benefits of the Mapping Global Ocean Ecosystem program will facilitate international collaborations for ocean and coastal research, establish a common ocean ecosystem mapping vocabulary and encourage an internationally consistent approach for global ocean ecosystem mapping into the future. We anticipate that the output of this program will facilitate international-scale cross-disciplinary studies of ocean ecosystems. It is our intent that, by collating all the available marine and ocean ecosystem datasets into a single framework, a single classification system and a spatial coordinate, and promoting and extending the availability of these through public use rules, institutions will work collaboratively to address worldwide data gaps and solutions. It is encouraged for researchers worldwide to share their ocean and marine ecosystem data.
Two major tasks are included in this study: reviewing both the existing datasets and the classification frameworks and then summarize recommendations on the best datasets and suitable classification methods for mapping global ocean ecosystems.
We have also suggested a work plan and timeline for creating an initial map of global ocean ecosystems, including areas where data are not available.
Marine Water Quality Indicator: ICAMPFF Protocol - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The protocol explains the operation and use of the Marine Water Quality Index – ICAM. This index qualifies qualitatively water quality for the preservation of marine aquatic flora and fauna.
Marine Water Quality Indicator: ICAMPFF Protocol - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 962)
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Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Marine Water Quality Indicator: ICAMPFF Protocol - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Protocolo del Indicador Calidad del Agua Marina: ICAMPFF - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
"Vivas-Aguas, L.J., Navarrete-Ramírez S. M.,
2014. Protocolo Indicador Calidad de Agua (ICAMPFF).
Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema
de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y
PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar
No. 69, Santa Marta. 32 p."
The protocol explains the operation and use of the Marine Water Quality Index – ICAM. This index qualifies qualitatively water quality for the preservation of marine aquatic flora and fauna.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Persian
Countries: Iran
Host Countries: Iran
Sea Region: Caspian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Marine, data management, grey literature, metadata
Last updated: 11/11/2023
Methodological Guide for the Development of REDD + Type Projects in Mangrove Ecosystem - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 954)
This guide constitutes a contribution from research to lay the conceptual and methodological basis f ...
Methodological Guide for the Development of REDD + Type Projects in Mangrove Ecosystem - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
This guide constitutes a contribution from research to lay the conceptual and methodological basis for the development of REDD + type projects in mangrove forests as a conservation alternative. It indicates the step by step process to develop this type of projects based on the experience gained, highlighting the advantages for environmental, and financial sustainability in the MPAs.
Methodological Guide for the Development of REDD + Type Projects in Mangrove Ecosystem - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 954)
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First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 09/10/2021
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Methodological Guide for the Development of REDD + Type Projects in Mangrove Ecosystem - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Guía Metodológica para el Desarrollo de Proyectos Tipo REDD+ en Ecosistema de Manglar - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Invemar, Carbono y Bosques y CVS. 2015. Guía Metodológica para el desarrollo de proyectos tipo REDD+ en ecosistemas de manglar: Elaborada con base en la experiencia del proyecto piloto tipo REDD+ del DMI Cispata, La Balsa, Tinajones y sectores aledaños del Delta Estuarino río Sinú. Eds: Rojas, M., Zamora-Bornachera, A.P. y Sierra-Correa, P.C. Serie de publicaciones Generales del Invemar # 85, Santa Marta. 40 p.
This guide constitutes a contribution from research to lay the conceptual and methodological basis for the development of REDD + type projects in mangrove forests as a conservation alternative. It indicates the step by step process to develop this type of projects based on the experience gained, highlighting the advantages for environmental, and financial sustainability in the MPAs.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: conservation, management and conservation, mangrove, marine protected areas
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 2: Coastal Zone Planning - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 951)
The guide contains a step-by-step methodology for the development of an integrated coastal zone mana ...
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 2: Coastal Zone Planning - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The guide contains a step-by-step methodology for the development of an integrated coastal zone management process and delves into the tasks required for the formulation and adoption of an ICZM Plan. It contains a toolbox transversal to the process, such as geographic information systems, remote sensing, participation workshops, and means of information dissemination.
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 2: Coastal Zone Planning - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 951)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 2: Coastal Zone Planning - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Guía Metodológica Para el Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras en Colombia, Manual 2: Desarrollo Etapas - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Rojas Giraldo, X., Sierra-Correa P.C., Lozano-Rivera P., López Rodríguez A. 2010. Guía metodológica para el manejo integrado de las zonas costeras en Colombia, manual 2: planificación de la zona costera. Serie de Documentos Generales INVEMAR No.44, 74 p.
The guide contains a step-by-step methodology for the development of an integrated coastal zone management process and delves into the tasks required for the formulation and adoption of an ICZM Plan. It contains a toolbox transversal to the process, such as geographic information systems, remote sensing, participation workshops, and means of information dissemination.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 3: Governance - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 952)
The guide contains the elements of governance defined in each of the previous manuals (1 and 2) to i ...
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 3: Governance - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The guide contains the elements of governance defined in each of the previous manuals (1 and 2) to integrate them into a single proposal that adequately provides the inputs that link the different public, private and community actors in the formulation process and implementation of the integrated management coastal zones plans, ensuring the legitimacy of decisions and facilitating their implementation.
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 3: Governance - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 952)
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This resource is
Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Methodological Guide for the Integrated Coastal Zones Management of Colombia, Manual 3: Governance - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Guía Metodológica para el Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras en Colombia, Manual 3: Gobernanza - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
INVEMAR. 2013. Guía metodológica para el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en Colombia. Manual 3: Gobernanza. Editores: Sanclemente, G.; A.P., Zamora Bornachera; A. López Rodríguez; M. Hernández-Ortiz; F.A., Arias-Isaza y P.C., Sierra-Correa. Serie de publicaciones Generales INVEMAR No. 61. 71 p.
The guide contains the elements of governance defined in each of the previous manuals (1 and 2) to integrate them into a single proposal that adequately provides the inputs that link the different public, private and community actors in the formulation process and implementation of the integrated management coastal zones plans, ensuring the legitimacy of decisions and facilitating their implementation.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Mobile and sessile organisms of the rocky coastline of the colombian pacific: a visual guide for their identification - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 940)
Mobile and sessile organisms of the rocky coastline of the colombian pacific: a visual guide for their identification - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
This guide constitutes the first effort to fill the gap that exists regarding the taxonomic information of sessile and mobile organisms associated with the rocky coast in the Colombian Pacific. Conservation students, researchers, and decision-makers are expected to make use of it, not only to understand the structure of communities but to maintain their biodiversity.
Mobile and sessile organisms of the rocky coastline of the colombian pacific: a visual guide for their identification - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 940)
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This resource is
Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Mobile and sessile organisms of the rocky coastline of the colombian pacific: a visual guide for their identification - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Organismos sésiles y móviles del litoral rocoso del Pacífico colombiano: una guía visual para su identificación - Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Mobile and sessile organisms of the rocky coastline of the colombian pacific: a visual guide for their identification - SiAM-INVEMAR
García-Suárez, SD., Acosta, A., Londoño-Cruz, E., Cantera K, JR. 2012. Organismos Sésiles y Móviles del Litoral Rocoso: en el Pacífico Colombiano: Una Guía Visual para su Identificación. INVEMAR Serie de Documentos Especiales No. 26. Unión Gráfica Ltda. Bogotá D.C. Colombia, 133 p.
This guide constitutes the first effort to fill the gap that exists regarding the taxonomic information of sessile and mobile organisms associated with the rocky coast in the Colombian Pacific. Conservation students, researchers, and decision-makers are expected to make use of it, not only to understand the structure of communities but to maintain their biodiversity.
The Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS) is a research synthesis effort funded by Shell
Exploration & Production Company and ConocoPhillips, and administered and managed by the North
Pacific Marine Research Institute through the North Pacific Research Board with oversight from the U.S.
National Science Foundation Division of Polar Programs. The goal of the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional
Synthesis (PacMARS) effort is to facilitate new and cross-disciplinary synergies in our understanding of
the marine ecosystem of the greater Bering Strait region, including the northern Bering, Chukchi and
Beaufort seas. The specific objectives of the PacMARS research team and collaborators are as follows:
(1) identify and synthesize existing data sets that are critical for evaluating the current state of knowledge
of this marine ecosystem, including human dimensions, and (2) define the high-priority, overarching
scientific themes and research needs for the next decade or more of marine ecosystem studies in the
Pacific Arctic Region.
Multidisciplinary programs US arctic (ODIS id 1686)
Final Report - Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis
PacMARS Final Report
The Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS) is a research synthesis effort funded by Shell
Exploration & Production Company and ConocoPhillips, and administered and managed by the North
Pacific Marine Research Institute through the North Pacific Research Board with oversight from the U.S.
National Science Foundation Division of Polar Programs. The goal of the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional
Synthesis (PacMARS) effort is to facilitate new and cross-disciplinary synergies in our understanding of
the marine ecosystem of the greater Bering Strait region, including the northern Bering, Chukchi and
Beaufort seas. The specific objectives of the PacMARS research team and collaborators are as follows:
(1) identify and synthesize existing data sets that are critical for evaluating the current state of knowledge
of this marine ecosystem, including human dimensions, and (2) define the high-priority, overarching
scientific themes and research needs for the next decade or more of marine ecosystem studies in the
Pacific Arctic Region.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Arctic operations, Arctic research, Scientific Information, arctic communities, ecosystem assessment, ecosystem understanding, knowledge and information, reports, research literature
Last updated: 04/06/2021
Municipal Guide for the incorporation of environmental determinants of the coastal zone in the Territorial Ordering Plans: municipalities of San Antero and San Bernardo del Viento - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 955)
The guide constitutes an essential tool to support municipal environmental management, given that it ...
Municipal Guide for the incorporation of environmental determinants of the coastal zone in the Territorial Ordering Plans: municipalities of San Antero and San Bernardo del Viento - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The guide constitutes an essential tool to support municipal environmental management, given that it contains specific guidelines on the use and exploitation of coastal ecosystems and resources, it establishes guidelines for the articulation of actions on the territory in accordance with the general model of the country’s territorial order. Likewise, it proposes guidelines and recommendations for comprehensive risk management, coastal erosion management and adaptation to the effects of climate change.
Municipal Guide for the incorporation of environmental determinants of the coastal zone in the Territorial Ordering Plans: municipalities of San Antero and San Bernardo del Viento - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 955)
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This resource is
Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Municipal Guide for the incorporation of environmental determinants of the coastal zone in the Territorial Ordering Plans: municipalities of San Antero and San Bernardo del Viento - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Guía Municipal para la incorporación de determinantes ambientales de zona costera en los Planes de Ordenamiento Territorial: municpios de San Antero y San Bernardo del Viento - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Municipal Guide for the incorporation of environmental determinants of the coastal zone in the Territorial Ordering Plans: municipalities of San Antero and San Bernardo del Viento - INVEMAR
CVS - INVEMAR. 2011. Guía Municipal para la incorporación de determinantes ambientales de zona costera en los Planes de Ordenamiento Territorial: municpios de San Antero y San Bernardo del Viento. Corporación Autónoma Regional de los Valles del Sinú y del San Jorge (CVS) e Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR). Santa Marta, 58 p. (Serie de publicaciones generales INVEMAR No. 50).
The guide constitutes an essential tool to support municipal environmental management, given that it contains specific guidelines on the use and exploitation of coastal ecosystems and resources, it establishes guidelines for the articulation of actions on the territory in accordance with the general model of the country’s territorial order. Likewise, it proposes guidelines and recommendations for comprehensive risk management, coastal erosion management and adaptation to the effects of climate change.
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021
Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean have a new Work Plan 2021-2025 and will continue with the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in the Colombian ocean data and marine information management, to facilitate the exchange and access to these nation's resources. There are many challenges, including to promote open and timely access, use and reuse of the country's ocean data and information, as well as promoting the dissemination of national information systems. In this first newsletter of the CTN Diocean 2021, information is presented about data initiatives for informed decision-making; the first national metrics of 2020 on data and information access and use; experiences on ocean spatial data; a report from the IODE National Coordination; and finally, trainings and other events related to ocean data.
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021 (ODIS id 3244)
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021
Original (non-English) name
Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánicos - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021
Boletín CTN Diocean
CTN Diocean. (2022). Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Datos e Información Oceánica - CTN Diocean No. 1 / 2021. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO).
Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean have a new Work Plan 2021-2025 and will continue with the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in the Colombian ocean data and marine information management, to facilitate the exchange and access to these nation's resources. There are many challenges, including to promote open and timely access, use and reuse of the country's ocean data and information, as well as promoting the dissemination of national information systems. In this first newsletter of the CTN Diocean 2021, information is presented about data initiatives for informed decision-making; the first national metrics of 2020 on data and information access and use; experiences on ocean spatial data; a report from the IODE National Coordination; and finally, trainings and other events related to ocean data.
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 2 / 2022
Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee (CTN Diocean) of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO) presents the second issue of its digital publication 'Newsletter CTN Diocean'. On this occasion, the inter-institutional articulation around the planning and execution of the 'CTN Diocean Webinar: Access and management of oceanic data' that was part of the 'Ocean Decade Laboratories: An accessible ocean' is highlighted, as an unprecedented activity in which the capabilities of the country's oceanic information systems were revealed. Initiatives related to ocean data and information developed in 2022 by members and guests of the committee are also described, such as seminars, training courses, the development of geographic and mobile phone applications that contribute to ocean data for decision-making. The experiences in data management, standards and good practices focused on the production of marine-coastal official statistics and the implementation of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommendations for weather observers. Likewise, the document shows metrics of 2021 about colombian ocean data and information access for different disciplines, and the position of the country in the international catalogs Aquadocs, OceanExpert and ODISCat.
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 2 / 2022 (ODIS id 3265)
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN Diocean No. 2 / 2022
Original (non-English) name
Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánicos - CTN Diocean No. 2 / 2022
Boletín CTN Diocean
CTN Diocean. (2023). Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Datos e Información Oceánica - CTN Diocean No. 2 / 2022. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO).
Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee (CTN Diocean) of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO) presents the second issue of its digital publication 'Newsletter CTN Diocean'. On this occasion, the inter-institutional articulation around the planning and execution of the 'CTN Diocean Webinar: Access and management of oceanic data' that was part of the 'Ocean Decade Laboratories: An accessible ocean' is highlighted, as an unprecedented activity in which the capabilities of the country's oceanic information systems were revealed. Initiatives related to ocean data and information developed in 2022 by members and guests of the committee are also described, such as seminars, training courses, the development of geographic and mobile phone applications that contribute to ocean data for decision-making. The experiences in data management, standards and good practices focused on the production of marine-coastal official statistics and the implementation of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommendations for weather observers. Likewise, the document shows metrics of 2021 about colombian ocean data and information access for different disciplines, and the position of the country in the international catalogs Aquadocs, OceanExpert and ODISCat.
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN DIOCEAN NO. 3 / 2023
The CTN Diocean Newsletter is an annual publication of the Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee. In this issue, among others, thee recognitions achieved at the international level by institutions that are part of the committee and that contribute to the strengthening of oceanic data management in Colombia stand out: the first, open oceanographic data as an activity of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; and the second, the co-presidency for the intersessional period 2023-2025 of the program for the International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IOC-IODE) together with Sweden; and finally, the advice that Colombia is providing to the IODE coordination of Panama.
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN DIOCEAN NO. 3 / 2023 (ODIS id 3309)
Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN DIOCEAN NO. 3 / 2023
Original (non-English) name
Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánicos - CTN Diocean No. 3 / 2023
Boletín CTN Diocean
CTN Diocean. (2024). Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Datos e Información Oceánica - CTN Diocean No. 3 / 2023. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO).
The CTN Diocean Newsletter is an annual publication of the Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee. In this issue, among others, thee recognitions achieved at the international level by institutions that are part of the committee and that contribute to the strengthening of oceanic data management in Colombia stand out: the first, open oceanographic data as an activity of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; and the second, the co-presidency for the intersessional period 2023-2025 of the program for the International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IOC-IODE) together with Sweden; and finally, the advice that Colombia is providing to the IODE coordination of Panama.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, South Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial
Keywords: data management, information management, open access, open data
Last updated: 19/07/2024
Notices to Lessees and Operators Data Repository and Registry - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2616)
Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) are formal documents that provide clarification, description ...
Notices to Lessees and Operators Data Repository and Registry - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) are formal documents that provide clarification, description, or interpretation of a regulation or OCS standard; provide guidelines on the implementation of a special lease stipulation or regional requirement; provide a better understanding of the scope and meaning of a regulation by explaining BSEE interpretation of a requirement; or transmit administrative information such as current telephone listings and a change in BSEE personnel or office address. This stipulation require offshore lesees to provide oceanographic data. This site was developed to faciliate the collection, processing and reporting of the required data to the public.
Notices to Lessees and Operators Data Repository and Registry - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 2616)
Notices to Lessees and Operators Data Repository and Registry - Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
NLT Data Repository and Registry - GCOOS
Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) are formal documents that provide clarification, description, or interpretation of a regulation or OCS standard; provide guidelines on the implementation of a special lease stipulation or regional requirement; provide a better understanding of the scope and meaning of a regulation by explaining BSEE interpretation of a requirement; or transmit administrative information such as current telephone listings and a change in BSEE personnel or office address. This stipulation require offshore lesees to provide oceanographic data. This site was developed to faciliate the collection, processing and reporting of the required data to the public.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Gulf of Mexico
Themes: no theme defined
Keywords: data access, observation data, oceanographic data
Last updated: 14/10/2021
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). National pilots of statistical guidance under development have been undertaken to ensure the guidance is relevant, practical and useful to policy and decision makers. This resource provides access to national pilots for China, Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Thailand and Vietnam.
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). National pilots of statistical guidance under development have been undertaken to ensure the guidance is relevant, practical and useful to policy and decision makers. This resource provides access to national pilots for China, Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Thailand and Vietnam.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: Canada, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Samoa
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: SDG14, statistics
Last updated: 08/10/2021
The OceanBestPractices Repository is the hub of the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) which comprises: repository archive; sophisticated but user-friendly web interface; advanced technology including text mining and semantic tagging; peer-reviewed journal linked to the repository; a training component supported by the OceanTeacher Global Academy and a community forum.
The OceanBestPractices Repository(OBPS-R) is an open access, permanent, digital repository of community best practices in ocean-related sciences and applications maintained by the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO-IOC as an IOC (IODE, GOOS) coordinated activity. OBPS-R offers an array of services in discovery, access and training of Best Practices working with the technical communities that originate and use best practices. It’s home organization, IODE, has collaborative relations with many of the prominent institutes, networks and organizations that are the source of ocean data and information.
OceanBestPractices is a trusted repository for the global ocean research and observing community to publish their best practice documents by depositing them into OBPS-R. Dissemination is extended by the repository being indexed by all the major search engines and harvested by such services as Google Scholar, Scopus, OpenAIRE, ASFA etc. To support such indexing, OBPS-R provides DOIs for submitted best practices.
Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS). Oostende, Belgium, International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange(IODE) of UNESCO-IOC. Available: https://www.oceanbestpractices.org/ (Accessed ...)
The OceanBestPractices Repository is the hub of the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) which comprises: repository archive; sophisticated but user-friendly web interface; advanced technology including text mining and semantic tagging; peer-reviewed journal linked to the repository; a training component supported by the OceanTeacher Global Academy and a community forum.
The OceanBestPractices Repository(OBPS-R) is an open access, permanent, digital repository of community best practices in ocean-related sciences and applications maintained by the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO-IOC as an IOC (IODE, GOOS) coordinated activity. OBPS-R offers an array of services in discovery, access and training of Best Practices working with the technical communities that originate and use best practices. It’s home organization, IODE, has collaborative relations with many of the prominent institutes, networks and organizations that are the source of ocean data and information.
OceanBestPractices is a trusted repository for the global ocean research and observing community to publish their best practice documents by depositing them into OBPS-R. Dissemination is extended by the repository being indexed by all the major search engines and harvested by such services as Google Scholar, Scopus, OpenAIRE, ASFA etc. To support such indexing, OBPS-R provides DOIs for submitted best practices.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Last updated: 04/04/2024
Ocean Health Index (ODIS id: 816)
The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a ...
Ocean Health Index
The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems.
The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and partnerships between organizations including the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium.
Scores for status trend and resilience and likely future status The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. Global databases are used for annual assessment of goals in 221 regions including all coastal countries territories and the Antarctic inland to 1 km from the shore and seaward to either 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ or 3 nm. Areas beyond national jurisdiction High Seas are assessed less frequently.
The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems.
The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and partnerships between organizations including the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium.
Scores for status trend and resilience and likely future status The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. Global databases are used for annual assessment of goals in 221 regions including all coastal countries territories and the Antarctic inland to 1 km from the shore and seaward to either 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ or 3 nm. Areas beyond national jurisdiction High Seas are assessed less frequently.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Ecosystems, Ocean Health Index, Partnership, ecological analysis, ocean health, oceans
Last updated: 13/11/2020
Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community (ODIS id: 689)
Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community
The Pacific Data Hub (PDH) aims to deliver the most comprehensive collection of data and information about the Pacific and from the Pacific, including key areas such as population statistics, fisheries science, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and resilience, public health surveillance, conservation of plant genetic resources for food security, and human rights.
Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community (ODIS id 689)
Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community
Original (non-English) name
Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community
The Pacific Data Hub (PDH) aims to deliver the most comprehensive collection of data and information about the Pacific and from the Pacific, including key areas such as population statistics, fisheries science, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and resilience, public health surveillance, conservation of plant genetic resources for food security, and human rights.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English, French
Countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Climate change, Socio-economics, data discovey, energy
Last updated: 01/11/2022
Pacific Environment Portal (ODIS id: 3293)
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national ...
Pacific Environment Portal
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national Pacific data. It provides easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and store regional and national Pacific data. It provides easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on experts and organizations, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Multimedia content
Languages: English, French
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Palau, REGIONAL, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Last updated: 23/04/2024
Pacific Environment Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (ODIS id: 1497)
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and reuse regional and national ...
Pacific Environment Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and reuse regional and national data. Our main purpose is to provide easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels. This Pacific Environment Portal is part of the Pacific Data Ecosystem, a partnership between Pacific Island Countries, SPREP and SPC. Visit the Pacific Data Hub for more data.
The Pacific Environment Portal automatically pulls in data from national repositories. This provides back-up and redundancy for national repositories. The countries retain data ownership. The online repository can be used to store and access any data type including tables (Excel, CSV) documents (Word and PDF), GIS files (.geojson, .shp, .tab) and any other file type including non-environmental datasets.
We encourage you to use publicly available government data to analyse and develop tools and applications to benefit all citizens.
Pacific Environment Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (ODIS id 1497)
Pacific Environment Portal - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Original (non-English) name
Pacific Environment Portal - SPREP
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and reuse regional and national data. Our main purpose is to provide easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels. This Pacific Environment Portal is part of the Pacific Data Ecosystem, a partnership between Pacific Island Countries, SPREP and SPC. Visit the Pacific Data Hub for more data.
The Pacific Environment Portal automatically pulls in data from national repositories. This provides back-up and redundancy for national repositories. The countries retain data ownership. The online repository can be used to store and access any data type including tables (Excel, CSV) documents (Word and PDF), GIS files (.geojson, .shp, .tab) and any other file type including non-environmental datasets.
We encourage you to use publicly available government data to analyse and develop tools and applications to benefit all citizens.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: data and information, data collection, decision-making, environment, environmental data, environmental information, environmental protection, environmental science, open access, open data
Last updated: 23/06/2021
PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ODIS id: 222)
The data publisher PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and ...
PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Sciences
The data publisher PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system and biodiversity research. The Core Trust Seal certified information system guarantees long-term availability of its content through a commitment of the two hosting institutions, the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Sciences (AWI), Bremerhaven and the Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Bremen.
Most of the data are freely available and can be used under the terms of the license mentioned on the data set description. A few password protected data sets are under moratorium from ongoing projects. The description of each data set is always visible and includes the principle investigator (PI) who may be asked for access.
Each dataset can be identified, shared, published and cited by using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI Name). PANGAEA also allows data to be published as supplements to science articles or as citable data collections in combination with data journals like ESSD, Geoscience Data Journal, Scientific Data, or others.
PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ODIS id 222)
The data publisher PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system and biodiversity research. The Core Trust Seal certified information system guarantees long-term availability of its content through a commitment of the two hosting institutions, the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Sciences (AWI), Bremerhaven and the Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Bremen.
Most of the data are freely available and can be used under the terms of the license mentioned on the data set description. A few password protected data sets are under moratorium from ongoing projects. The description of each data set is always visible and includes the principle investigator (PI) who may be asked for access.
Each dataset can be identified, shared, published and cited by using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI Name). PANGAEA also allows data to be published as supplements to science articles or as citable data collections in combination with data journals like ESSD, Geoscience Data Journal, Scientific Data, or others.
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Technical notes
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Journals (open source and commercial), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: Germany
Host Countries: Germany
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS09 Cryosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Agriculture, DOI, Digital repository, atmosphere, biology, chemistry, ecology, fisheries, lakes and rivers, oceanographic data
Last updated: 13/08/2024
Protocol for use and data processing of the CTD Sea-Bird (ODIS id: 3219)
Protocol for use and data processing of the CTD Sea-Bird
This manual establishes the guidelines for manage the Sea Bird Electronics profiler (CTD SBE 19 PLUS), as well the procedures for the operation this oceanographic instrument and process the collected data in the oceanographic research cruises of the Southeastern Pacific Joint Regional (CPPS). It is a product of the CPPS- Specialized Database Working Group (GTE-BD) of regional cruises, within the framework of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) program and with the participation of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Protocol for use and data processing of the CTD Sea-Bird (ODIS id 3219)
Protocol for use and data processing of the CTD Sea-Bird
Original (non-English) name
Protocolo del uso del CTD Sea-Bird y procesamiento de datos
Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (2015) Protocolo del Uso del CTDSea-Bird y Procesamiento de Datos Guayaquil, Ecuador, Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur-CPPS. 23pp. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25607/OBP-1098
This manual establishes the guidelines for manage the Sea Bird Electronics profiler (CTD SBE 19 PLUS), as well the procedures for the operation this oceanographic instrument and process the collected data in the oceanographic research cruises of the Southeastern Pacific Joint Regional (CPPS). It is a product of the CPPS- Specialized Database Working Group (GTE-BD) of regional cruises, within the framework of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) program and with the participation of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Host Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Sea Region: South Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: CTD, in-situ measurements, salinity, temperature
Last updated: 24/09/2021
Protocol indicator population density of Lionfish - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 933)
Protocol indicator population density of Lionfish - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The lionfish as an invasive species, alter the structure and composition of the biological communities of reef ecosystems, by competing with native species for food and space, modifying the trophic web, displacing native species from their natural habitats and even extinguishing them, causing thus decrease in biodiversity and irreversible ecosystem alterations (MADS, 2012).
Protocol indicator population density of Lionfish - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 933)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Protocol indicator population density of Lionfish - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
PROTOCOLO INDICADOR DENSIDAD POBLACIONAL DE PEZ LEÓN - Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Protocol indicator population density of lionfish - SiAM-INVEMAR
Navarrete-Ramírez, S. M. 2014. Protocolo Indicador Densidad poblacional de pez león (Pterois volitans). Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 70, Santa Marta. 24 p
The lionfish as an invasive species, alter the structure and composition of the biological communities of reef ecosystems, by competing with native species for food and space, modifying the trophic web, displacing native species from their natural habitats and even extinguishing them, causing thus decrease in biodiversity and irreversible ecosystem alterations (MADS, 2012).
Publications - Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
WIOMSA is a publisher of the Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences and the WIOMSA Book Series. WIO Journal of Marine Science was established in 2002, is published twice a year both in print and online format. It attracts contributions from prominent scientists from within and outside the region. Since 2006, it has been listed in the Institute of for Scientific Information (ISI) database, an indication of the quality of papers it publishes. Through, its Book Series, WIOMSA publishes books on topical issues.
Further, through its competitive research grant program, grants are provided to support publication of books and manuals. Some of the books that have been published through this mechanism are Poissons de l’océan Indien et de la mer Rouge, Whales and Dolphins; and A Field Guide to Marine Mammals of East Africa – Third Edition.
A number of practitioner/management-relevant guides have been produced in collaboration with partners. These include: Managing Marine Protected Areas. A Toolkit for the Western Indian Ocean (with IUCN); Producing Half-Pearls (Mabe) (University of Hawaii Hilo&CRC/URI); A Guide to milkfish farming in the WIO region (with CRC/URI) and A School Teacher’s Guide to Marine Environmental Education in the Western Indian Ocean Region (with UNEP and WWF).
WIOMSA’s popular publications aim to provide an avenue for publishing different types of articles on the coastal and marine environment from the countries of the Western Indian Ocean region. The contributors to these publications are not only marine scientists but also other stakeholders in the marine and coastal environment who write to share their well researched stories, views and thinking. These publications include:
Policy Briefs. WIOMSA supports productions of policy briefs with policy and management recommendations from findings of the MASMA-funded projects. The briefs are mainly targeting decision-makers and general public.
WIOMSA News brief. A quarterly production that features news and activities of the Association and its members, including research activities, events and forthcoming opportunities.
The WIOMSA Magazine. Launched in 2007, the magazine covers topical stories, exciting features, thought-provoking opinion pieces and stunning pictures of the coastal and marine environment of the WIO region, using popular language and a fresh and colourful presentation. It targets the general public, decision-makers, academics and students. Articles are written by professional journalists and scientists. Advertisement space is on offer at very competitive rates.
WIOMSA Annual Report. Produced in print and online, the WIOMSA Annual report summaries the Association’s accomplishments for the year in terms of research, capacity building, and communication and extension activities.
Electronic media. In addition to maintaining a website and blog, WIOMSA has interactive CD-ROMs on “A Training Manual for MPA Managers” and “Managing Marine Protected Areas-A Toolkit for the Western Indian Ocean” and DVDs on “Beaches Under Siege – A story of beaches in Kenya”. This was aired on national television in Kenya. A DVD on “Sea-Cucumber: an unknown resource” was produced in 2007 in collaboration with the Multi Media centre at the University of La Réunion.
Other materials. High quality awareness materials such as calendars, brochures, flyers, and beach wraps (Khangas) have been produced. Calendars and wraps (Khangas) are on sale at affordable prices to raise money for the Association.
Publications - Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (ODIS id 2143)
Publications - Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
Original (non-English) name
Publications - WIOMSA
WIOMSA is a publisher of the Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences and the WIOMSA Book Series. WIO Journal of Marine Science was established in 2002, is published twice a year both in print and online format. It attracts contributions from prominent scientists from within and outside the region. Since 2006, it has been listed in the Institute of for Scientific Information (ISI) database, an indication of the quality of papers it publishes. Through, its Book Series, WIOMSA publishes books on topical issues.
Further, through its competitive research grant program, grants are provided to support publication of books and manuals. Some of the books that have been published through this mechanism are Poissons de l’océan Indien et de la mer Rouge, Whales and Dolphins; and A Field Guide to Marine Mammals of East Africa – Third Edition.
A number of practitioner/management-relevant guides have been produced in collaboration with partners. These include: Managing Marine Protected Areas. A Toolkit for the Western Indian Ocean (with IUCN); Producing Half-Pearls (Mabe) (University of Hawaii Hilo&CRC/URI); A Guide to milkfish farming in the WIO region (with CRC/URI) and A School Teacher’s Guide to Marine Environmental Education in the Western Indian Ocean Region (with UNEP and WWF).
WIOMSA’s popular publications aim to provide an avenue for publishing different types of articles on the coastal and marine environment from the countries of the Western Indian Ocean region. The contributors to these publications are not only marine scientists but also other stakeholders in the marine and coastal environment who write to share their well researched stories, views and thinking. These publications include:
Policy Briefs. WIOMSA supports productions of policy briefs with policy and management recommendations from findings of the MASMA-funded projects. The briefs are mainly targeting decision-makers and general public.
WIOMSA News brief. A quarterly production that features news and activities of the Association and its members, including research activities, events and forthcoming opportunities.
The WIOMSA Magazine. Launched in 2007, the magazine covers topical stories, exciting features, thought-provoking opinion pieces and stunning pictures of the coastal and marine environment of the WIO region, using popular language and a fresh and colourful presentation. It targets the general public, decision-makers, academics and students. Articles are written by professional journalists and scientists. Advertisement space is on offer at very competitive rates.
WIOMSA Annual Report. Produced in print and online, the WIOMSA Annual report summaries the Association’s accomplishments for the year in terms of research, capacity building, and communication and extension activities.
Electronic media. In addition to maintaining a website and blog, WIOMSA has interactive CD-ROMs on “A Training Manual for MPA Managers” and “Managing Marine Protected Areas-A Toolkit for the Western Indian Ocean” and DVDs on “Beaches Under Siege – A story of beaches in Kenya”. This was aired on national television in Kenya. A DVD on “Sea-Cucumber: an unknown resource” was produced in 2007 in collaboration with the Multi Media centre at the University of La Réunion.
Other materials. High quality awareness materials such as calendars, brochures, flyers, and beach wraps (Khangas) have been produced. Calendars and wraps (Khangas) are on sale at affordable prices to raise money for the Association.
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: REGIONAL
Sea Region: Indian Ocean, Mozambique Channel
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Digital repository, Marine, Marine Environmental Education, Scientific Information, WIOMSA, books and manuals, coastal and marine environment, marine areas, marine mammals, marine science, oceans, policy and management recommendations, publications, reports
Last updated: 14/02/2021
Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Real Time Oceanographic Data - U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 1312)
Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Real Time Oceanographic Data - U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
The key objective of QARTOD is to sustain a process for establishing QA/QC procedures that will:
1. Establish authoritative QA/QC procedures for the U.S. IOOS core variables, as necessary, including detailed information about the sensors and procedures used to measure the variables.
2. Produce written manuals for these QA/QC procedures.
3. From the list of individual QA/QC procedures and guidelines developed, define a baseline set of QA/QC procedures that can be used for certification of RCOOS data providers.
4. Facilitate QA/QC integration with Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and other international ocean observation efforts.
5. Engage the Federal Agencies and IOOS Regions that are part of, or contribute to, US IOOS who will use the established QA/QC procedure.
6. Work efficiently, without duplication of effort, to facilitate the implementation of common QA/QC procedures amongst US IOOS Partners.
Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Real Time Oceanographic Data - U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (ODIS id 1312)
Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Real Time Oceanographic Data - U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
The key objective of QARTOD is to sustain a process for establishing QA/QC procedures that will:
1. Establish authoritative QA/QC procedures for the U.S. IOOS core variables, as necessary, including detailed information about the sensors and procedures used to measure the variables.
2. Produce written manuals for these QA/QC procedures.
3. From the list of individual QA/QC procedures and guidelines developed, define a baseline set of QA/QC procedures that can be used for certification of RCOOS data providers.
4. Facilitate QA/QC integration with Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and other international ocean observation efforts.
5. Engage the Federal Agencies and IOOS Regions that are part of, or contribute to, US IOOS who will use the established QA/QC procedure.
6. Work efficiently, without duplication of effort, to facilitate the implementation of common QA/QC procedures amongst US IOOS Partners.
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography
Keywords: manuals, oceanographic data, quality control, real-time data, standardization, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 13/10/2021
Quality Management Framework Certificate - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (ODIS id: 1089)
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: Iran
Host Countries: Iran
Sea Region: Caspian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf
Themes: DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Ocean Data Platform, data management, quality control, quality management
Last updated: 11/11/2023
Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id: 723)
Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
In July 2008, it began its implementation processes of the Quality Management System under the ISO 9001: 2000 standard, achieving its 1st certification in November 2008 for the process and in 2009, Senior Management decided to adapt and expand the scope of the ISO 9001: 2008 and certified in ISO 14001: 2004. Already in November 2017, it was possible to migrate to the new version of ISO 9001: 2015 adapting to the changes in the new version 2015.
Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú (ODIS id 723)
Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú
Original (non-English) name
Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad ISO 9001:2015 - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú
In July 2008, it began its implementation processes of the Quality Management System under the ISO 9001: 2000 standard, achieving its 1st certification in November 2008 for the process and in 2009, Senior Management decided to adapt and expand the scope of the ISO 9001: 2008 and certified in ISO 14001: 2004. Already in November 2017, it was possible to migrate to the new version of ISO 9001: 2015 adapting to the changes in the new version 2015.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Host Countries: Peru
Sea Region: Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Archive, Best practices
Last updated: 08/10/2021
Questionnaires for Monitoring the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries - FAO (ODIS id: 1052)
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Responsible Fisheries, aquaculture, fisheries, fisheries management
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance (ODIS id: 1310)
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance
These documents include an overview about available and free training resources in the area of agricultural data management. A detailed description is provided for resources that are related to RDA. Other free resources that are available online are listed as well.
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance (ODIS id 1310)
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - Research Data Alliance
Original (non-English) name
Recommendations and Capacity Development Resource Kit - RDA
These documents include an overview about available and free training resources in the area of agricultural data management. A detailed description is provided for resources that are related to RDA. Other free resources that are available online are listed as well.
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Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Information on experts and organizations, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS08 Terrestrial
Keywords: Best practices, research data, research network, standardization, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 17/05/2021
REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Los Tinajones: a guide for the community - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 956)
This is a guide for the community members who live in marine protected areas and rely on the mangrov ...
REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Los Tinajones: a guide for the community - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
This is a guide for the community members who live in marine protected areas and rely on the mangrove ecosystem. It explains the REDD + initiative in mangroves and some activities developed within the framework of the REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Tinajones project, whose main actors are the inhabitants themselves.
REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Los Tinajones: a guide for the community - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 956)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 27/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Los Tinajones: a guide for the community - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
REDD+ Cispatá, la Balsa y los Tinajones: una guía para la comunidad - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Los Tinajones: a guide for the community - INVEMAR
Invemar, Fundación Omacha y CVS. 2016. REDD+ Cispata, La Balsa y Tinajones: Una guía para la comunidad. Elaborada con base en la experiencia piloto tipo REDD+ del DMI Cispata, La Balsa, Tinajones y sectores aledaños del Delta Estuarino Río Sinú. Eds: H. Verona, M. Páez, G. Rodríguez. Bogotá D.C. 28 P.
This is a guide for the community members who live in marine protected areas and rely on the mangrove ecosystem. It explains the REDD + initiative in mangroves and some activities developed within the framework of the REDD + Cispatá, La Balsa and Tinajones project, whose main actors are the inhabitants themselves.
It contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degradation. Data on global threats and local threats of reefs could be found in SHP. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs.
It contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degradation. Data on global threats and local threats of reefs could be found in SHP. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Journals (open source and commercial), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography
Keywords: Climate change, GIS, Geospatial data, coral reefs, ecosystem services, fisheries, oceans
Last updated: 08/09/2020
Reefs at Risk Revisited - World Resources Institute (ODIS id: 609)
Reefs at Risk Revisited - World Resources Institute
This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world's coral reefs. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degradation.
Through this web page you can also download data in xls format, GIS metadata, kml files and fact sheets.
Reefs at Risk Revisited - World Resources Institute (ODIS id 609)
Reefs at Risk Revisited - World Resources Institute
Original (non-English) name
Reefs at Risk Revisited - WRI
This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world's coral reefs. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degradation.
Through this web page you can also download data in xls format, GIS metadata, kml files and fact sheets.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Climate change, coral reef degradation, coral reefs, global assessment
Last updated: 10/04/2021
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 1 / 2016 (ODIS id: 3216)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 1 / 2016
The “Colombian Oceanographic Data and Information Coordination Committee” (CTN Diocean, by its initials in Spanish) was created by Resolution No. 005/2015 of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO, by its initials in Spanish), to promote the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in colombian oceanographic data and marine information management. One of the concerns of the CTN Diocean is the ocean data and information access and exchange at the national, regional and local level; for this reason, it created the Working Group on Best Practices in Data Management (GT MPGD, by its initials in Spanish) and included in its Work Plan 2015-2020 the identification and recommendation of best practices on management, conservation, publication and exchange of colombian oceanic data. In this framework, the GT MPGD presents the first edition of a special publication titled "Reference Manual on Best Practices of Oceanic Data Management", which contains a set of recommendations already accepted in national and international community, which is expected to be incorporated by the producers and managers of Colombian ocean data and information. This edition has three chapters: the first one shows an inventory with a brief description of information systems and oceanographic and marine-coastal monitoring networks in the national context; the second one, a list of standards, formats and vocabularies widely used by the national and international community; finally, an application case study of standards, formats and vocabularies of the Colombian Oceanographic Data Center (Cecoldo, by its initials in Spanish).
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 1 / 2016 (ODIS id 3216)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 1 / 2016
Original (non-English) name
Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 1 / 2016
CTN Diocean. (2016). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 1 / 2016. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO)
The “Colombian Oceanographic Data and Information Coordination Committee” (CTN Diocean, by its initials in Spanish) was created by Resolution No. 005/2015 of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO, by its initials in Spanish), to promote the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in colombian oceanographic data and marine information management. One of the concerns of the CTN Diocean is the ocean data and information access and exchange at the national, regional and local level; for this reason, it created the Working Group on Best Practices in Data Management (GT MPGD, by its initials in Spanish) and included in its Work Plan 2015-2020 the identification and recommendation of best practices on management, conservation, publication and exchange of colombian oceanic data. In this framework, the GT MPGD presents the first edition of a special publication titled "Reference Manual on Best Practices of Oceanic Data Management", which contains a set of recommendations already accepted in national and international community, which is expected to be incorporated by the producers and managers of Colombian ocean data and information. This edition has three chapters: the first one shows an inventory with a brief description of information systems and oceanographic and marine-coastal monitoring networks in the national context; the second one, a list of standards, formats and vocabularies widely used by the national and international community; finally, an application case study of standards, formats and vocabularies of the Colombian Oceanographic Data Center (Cecoldo, by its initials in Spanish).
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 2 /2017
The “Colombian Oceanographic Data and Information Coordination Committee” (CTN Diocean, by its initials in Spanish) was created by Resolution No. 005/2015 of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO, by its initials in Spanish), to promote the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in colombian oceanographic data and marine information management. One of the concerns of the CTN Diocean is the ocean data and information access and exchange at the national, regional and local level; for this reason, it created the Working Group on Best Practices in Data Management (GT MPGD, by its initials in Spanish) and included in its Work Plan 2015-2020 the identification and recommendation of best practices on management, conservation, publication and exchange of colombian oceanic data. In this framework, the GT MPGD presents the second edition of a special publication titled "Reference Manual on Best Practices of Oceanic Data Management", which contains a set of recommendations already accepted in national and international community, which is expected to be incorporated by the producers and managers of Colombian ocean data and information. This edition includes an updated national inventory of ocean data information systems; best practices for access and data exchange policy (regulatory framework, principles, among others); type and description of licenses and use agreements; and experiences of national data exchange.
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 2 /2017 (ODIS id 3217)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 2 /2017
Original (non-English) name
Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 2 / 2017
CTN Diocean. (2017). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 2 / 2017. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO)
The “Colombian Oceanographic Data and Information Coordination Committee” (CTN Diocean, by its initials in Spanish) was created by Resolution No. 005/2015 of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO, by its initials in Spanish), to promote the articulation of efforts and institutional capacities in colombian oceanographic data and marine information management. One of the concerns of the CTN Diocean is the ocean data and information access and exchange at the national, regional and local level; for this reason, it created the Working Group on Best Practices in Data Management (GT MPGD, by its initials in Spanish) and included in its Work Plan 2015-2020 the identification and recommendation of best practices on management, conservation, publication and exchange of colombian oceanic data. In this framework, the GT MPGD presents the second edition of a special publication titled "Reference Manual on Best Practices of Oceanic Data Management", which contains a set of recommendations already accepted in national and international community, which is expected to be incorporated by the producers and managers of Colombian ocean data and information. This edition includes an updated national inventory of ocean data information systems; best practices for access and data exchange policy (regulatory framework, principles, among others); type and description of licenses and use agreements; and experiences of national data exchange.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, South Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: data management, data portal, policy database
Last updated: 24/09/2021
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 3/2018 (ODIS id: 921)
controlled language tool product of the documentary and research work carried out at the institute, ...
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 3/2018
controlled language tool product of the documentary and research work carried out at the institute, contains the descriptors that allow researchers to identify, search and retrieve marine information.
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 3/2018 (ODIS id 921)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 3/2018
Original (non-English) name
Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos Número 3/2018
"CTN Diocean. (2018). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 3/2018. Bogotá D.C.,
Colombia: DIMAR. DOI 10.26640/25392212.3.2018"
controlled language tool product of the documentary and research work carried out at the institute, contains the descriptors that allow researchers to identify, search and retrieve marine information.
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 5 / 2020
In the fifth year of operation and the 2015-2020 Work Plan completed, the National Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee (Spanish: Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánica, CTN Diocean) of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO), reliese its digital publication "Reference Manual on Ocean Best Data Management Practices" number 5 of 2020, in its commitment to provide information to the community about experiences in the implementation of good and best practices by producers, users, administrators and managers of the ocean data in the national level, in different disciplines such as oceanography, marine meteorology, biodiversity, protected areas, marine environment, etc. This title presents an inventory of colombian coastal-marine indicator; analysis of a national survey on ocean data and information access carried out in 2019; the activities development by the Committee in the last five years, and finally, a contribution from the Colombian Geological Service (SGC) with a review of geographic information standards implemented in the country since 2003, through Committee 028 of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (Spanish: Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación, ICONTEC)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 5 / 2020 (ODIS id 3218)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Ocean Data Management Number 5 / 2020
Original (non-English) name
Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 5 / 2020
CTN Diocean. (2020). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 5 / 2020. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO)
In the fifth year of operation and the 2015-2020 Work Plan completed, the National Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee (Spanish: Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánica, CTN Diocean) of the Colombian Ocean Commission (CCO), reliese its digital publication "Reference Manual on Ocean Best Data Management Practices" number 5 of 2020, in its commitment to provide information to the community about experiences in the implementation of good and best practices by producers, users, administrators and managers of the ocean data in the national level, in different disciplines such as oceanography, marine meteorology, biodiversity, protected areas, marine environment, etc. This title presents an inventory of colombian coastal-marine indicator; analysis of a national survey on ocean data and information access carried out in 2019; the activities development by the Committee in the last five years, and finally, a contribution from the Colombian Geological Service (SGC) with a review of geographic information standards implemented in the country since 2003, through Committee 028 of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (Spanish: Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación, ICONTEC)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Oceanic Data Management
“Reference Manual on Best Practices of Oceanic Data Management” is a serial publication of the National Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee (CTN Diocean) of Colombia, in which topics of interest for the national community in this matter are developed, allowing a multidisciplinary meeting point and the dissemination of the country's capabilities.
The first issue of the publication included information about formats, standards and vocabularies; the second focused on recommendations for the formulation of access and exchange ocean data policies; the third number discloses the guides and methodologies applied by the institutions and the academy in the different stages of the life cycle of ocean data; the fourth issue includes experiences in archeology and data and information rescue.
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Oceanic Data Management (ODIS id 966)
Reference Manual on Best Practices for Oceanic Data Management
Original (non-English) name
Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos
CTN Diocean. Reference Manual on Best Practices for Oceanic Data Management. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Colombian Ocean Commission
“Reference Manual on Best Practices of Oceanic Data Management” is a serial publication of the National Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee (CTN Diocean) of Colombia, in which topics of interest for the national community in this matter are developed, allowing a multidisciplinary meeting point and the dissemination of the country's capabilities.
The first issue of the publication included information about formats, standards and vocabularies; the second focused on recommendations for the formulation of access and exchange ocean data policies; the third number discloses the guides and methodologies applied by the institutions and the academy in the different stages of the life cycle of ocean data; the fourth issue includes experiences in archeology and data and information rescue.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Host Countries: Colombia
Sea Region: Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS08 Terrestrial, DS10 Environment, DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: aerial images, database, digitalisation, docments conservation, marine biology, marine geology, meteorological data, oceanographic data, oceanographic research
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Research4life (ODIS id: 1308)
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academi ...
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. We aim to improve teaching, research and policymaking in health, agriculture, the environment and other life, physical and social sciences.
Since 2002, Research4Life have provided researchers at more than 10,000 institutions in over 125 lower- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to up 140,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, applied sciences and legal information.
We do this in partnership with organisations in the fields of scholarly communications, technology and international development: WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, ILO; Cornell and Yale Universities; the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and more than 180 international publisher partners.
There are five programs through which users can access content: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI).
Research4Life provides institutions in low-and middle-income countries with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. We aim to improve teaching, research and policymaking in health, agriculture, the environment and other life, physical and social sciences.
Since 2002, Research4Life have provided researchers at more than 10,000 institutions in over 125 lower- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to up 140,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, applied sciences and legal information.
We do this in partnership with organisations in the fields of scholarly communications, technology and international development: WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, ILO; Cornell and Yale Universities; the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and more than 180 international publisher partners.
There are five programs through which users can access content: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI).
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Education and training materials (related to oceans), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: Capacity Development, Training and education, publications, publishing services
Last updated: 17/05/2021
SDG14: Navigating Life Below Water in Asia and the Pacific (ODIS id: 743)
SDG14: Navigating Life Below Water in Asia and the Pacific
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals provide a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The Agenda addresses global challenges including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. Goal 14, Life below Water, seeks to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. How are the ambitions of Goal 14 water going? Since its adoption in 2015, is the world on track to meet the ambitions of Goal 14? What are the challenges in measuring change? What are the current data and information challenges? This paper aims to provide an overview of progress made on data availability and reporting for Goal 14 in Asia and the Pacific, the home of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, illustrating challenges and new opportunities.
SDG14: Navigating Life Below Water in Asia and the Pacific (ODIS id 743)
SDG14: Navigating Life Below Water in Asia and the Pacific
Original (non-English) name
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals provide a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The Agenda addresses global challenges including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. Goal 14, Life below Water, seeks to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. How are the ambitions of Goal 14 water going? Since its adoption in 2015, is the world on track to meet the ambitions of Goal 14? What are the challenges in measuring change? What are the current data and information challenges? This paper aims to provide an overview of progress made on data availability and reporting for Goal 14 in Asia and the Pacific, the home of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, illustrating challenges and new opportunities.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, climate, data challenges, data opportunities, environmental degradation, information challenges, oceans, statistics, sustainable development
Last updated: 08/10/2021
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management (ODIS id: 1079)
SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets ...
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans.
Professional data centres, active in data collection, constitute a Pan-European network providing on-line integrated databases of standardized quality.
The on-line access to in-situ data, meta-data and products is provided through a unique portal interconnecting the interoperable node platforms constituted by the SeaDataNet data centres.
The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology ensure the platforms interoperability. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, is assured by the adoption of standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and preparation of synthesized regional and global statistical products from the most comprehensive in-situ data sets made available by the SeaDataNet partners.
Data, value added products and dictionaries serve wide uses: e.g. research, model initialisation, industrial projects, teaching, marine environmental assessment.
The European lanscape in terms of Marine data management is well established and relies on three main components which are SeaDataNet, EMODnet and Copernicus CMEMS.
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management (ODIS id 1079)
SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
Original (non-English) name
SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans.
Professional data centres, active in data collection, constitute a Pan-European network providing on-line integrated databases of standardized quality.
The on-line access to in-situ data, meta-data and products is provided through a unique portal interconnecting the interoperable node platforms constituted by the SeaDataNet data centres.
The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology ensure the platforms interoperability. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, is assured by the adoption of standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and preparation of synthesized regional and global statistical products from the most comprehensive in-situ data sets made available by the SeaDataNet partners.
Data, value added products and dictionaries serve wide uses: e.g. research, model initialisation, industrial projects, teaching, marine environmental assessment.
The European lanscape in terms of Marine data management is well established and relies on three main components which are SeaDataNet, EMODnet and Copernicus CMEMS.
Types: Data catalogue, Data products (model output, forecasting products, climatologies, re-analysis, etc), Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Education and training materials (related to oceans), Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Congo - Brazzaville, Switzerland, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Algeria, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Faroe Islands, France, United Kingdom, Georgia, Guinea, Greece, Croatia, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Latvia, Morocco, Montenegro, Madagascar, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Senegal, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere, DS06 Cross-discipline, DS07 Administration and dimensions
Keywords: CSR, CTD, Digital repository, Geospatial data, Marine, bathymetry, biology, chemistry, cruise summary reports, human activities, metadata, physics, seabed habitats
Last updated: 02/12/2021
Seagrass prairie condition indicator protocol- Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 932)
Seagrass prairie condition indicator protocol- Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Protocol elaborated within the framework of the GEF SAMP project. The methodology monitors and evaluates seagrasses. The protocol presents the criteria for monitoring stations and field data collection on stem density, density off herbivores and omnivores detritivores, the percentage of affectation by Labyrinthula sp. and percentage of invertebrates by the station.
Seagrass prairie condition indicator protocol- Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 932)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Seagrass prairie condition indicator protocol- Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
PROTOCOLO INDICADOR CONDICIÓN TENDENCIA PRADERA DE PASTOS MARINOS - Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Gómez-López, D. I., S. M. Navarrete- Ramírez, R. Navas-Camacho, C. M. Díaz-Sánchez, L. Muñoz-Escobar y E. Galeano. 2014. Protocolo Indicador Condición Tendencia Praderas de Pastos Marinos (ICTPM). Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 68, Santa Marta. 36 p.
Protocol elaborated within the framework of the GEF SAMP project. The methodology monitors and evaluates seagrasses. The protocol presents the criteria for monitoring stations and field data collection on stem density, density off herbivores and omnivores detritivores, the percentage of affectation by Labyrinthula sp. and percentage of invertebrates by the station.
IODP JRSO Portal is a unique collection of expedition photos, technical documents, whole thin-sectio ...
Searchable IODP JRSO Photo/Data Portal
IODP JRSO Portal is a unique collection of expedition photos, technical documents, whole thin-section images, scientific rock and sediment photos, educational activities on the JOIDES Resolution drillship, and scientific expedition history available in the public domain.
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international research collaboration that coordinates seagoing expeditions to study the history of the Earth recorded in sediments and rocks beneath the ocean floor. The JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO) operates the scientific drillship JOIDES Resolution on behalf of the National Science Foundation.
Searchable IODP JRSO Photo/Data Portal (ODIS id 2106)
IODP JRSO Portal is a unique collection of expedition photos, technical documents, whole thin-section images, scientific rock and sediment photos, educational activities on the JOIDES Resolution drillship, and scientific expedition history available in the public domain.
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international research collaboration that coordinates seagoing expeditions to study the history of the Earth recorded in sediments and rocks beneath the ocean floor. The JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO) operates the scientific drillship JOIDES Resolution on behalf of the National Science Foundation.
Technical contact email
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Multimedia content
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: JOIDES Resolution drillship, geology, photos, seafloor cores, technical documents
Last updated: 30/01/2021
The SOS standard is applicable to use cases in which sensor data needs to be managed in an interoperable way. This standard defines a Web service interface that allows querying observations, sensor metadata, as well as representations of observed features. Further, this standard defines means to register new sensors and to remove existing ones. Also, it defines operations to insert new sensor observations. This standard defines this functionality in a binding independent way; two bindings are specified in this document: a KVP binding and a SOAP binding.
The SOS standard is applicable to use cases in which sensor data needs to be managed in an interoperable way. This standard defines a Web service interface that allows querying observations, sensor metadata, as well as representations of observed features. Further, this standard defines means to register new sensors and to remove existing ones. Also, it defines operations to insert new sensor observations. This standard defines this functionality in a binding independent way; two bindings are specified in this document: a KVP binding and a SOAP binding.
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Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: FAIRness, GIS, Geospatial data, Open Geospatial Consortium, interoperability
Last updated: 01/11/2020
Special Areas of Conservation with Marine components - Joint Nature Conservation Committee (ODIS id: 1663)
Special Areas of Conservation with Marine components - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are designated to protect habitats and species listed on Annex I and Annex II of the European Habitats Directive.
SACs with ‘marine components’ protect Annex I habitats and/or Annex II species associated with the marine environment. Marine component habitats range from coastal, intertidal habitats such as coastal lagoons and mudflats and sandflats, to subtidal and deep-sea habitats such as reefs. There are currently 116 SACs with marine components covering approximately 14% of UK waters. SACs with marine components are displayed on JNCC's MPA mapper, and a list of these sites, the habitats and species they protect, and the site boundaries, is available on JNCC's Resource Hub.
Special Areas of Conservation with Marine components - Joint Nature Conservation Committee (ODIS id 1663)
Special Areas of Conservation with Marine components - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Original (non-English) name
SACs with Marine components - JNCC
Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are designated to protect habitats and species listed on Annex I and Annex II of the European Habitats Directive.
SACs with ‘marine components’ protect Annex I habitats and/or Annex II species associated with the marine environment. Marine component habitats range from coastal, intertidal habitats such as coastal lagoons and mudflats and sandflats, to subtidal and deep-sea habitats such as reefs. There are currently 116 SACs with marine components covering approximately 14% of UK waters. SACs with marine components are displayed on JNCC's MPA mapper, and a list of these sites, the habitats and species they protect, and the site boundaries, is available on JNCC's Resource Hub.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Bibliographic infobases including library catalogues and document repositories, Information on projects, Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Multimedia content
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea, English Channel, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, North Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS07 Administration and dimensions, DS10 Environment, DS12 Human activities
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, conservation, digital resources, environmental protection, information and resources, knowledge and information, marine areas, open access
Last updated: 10/06/2021
Specifications and Scopes - Channel Coastal Observatory (ODIS id: 1673)
Specifications and Scopes - Channel Coastal Observatory
The Specifications listed here are those used for the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes.
A national specification is adopted where possible e.g. the specification for bathymetry produced and maintained by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Specifications and Scopes - Channel Coastal Observatory (ODIS id 1673)
Specifications and Scopes - Channel Coastal Observatory
Original (non-English) name
Specifications and Scopes - CCO
The Specifications listed here are those used for the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes.
A national specification is adopted where possible e.g. the specification for bathymetry produced and maintained by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Technical contact email
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Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Host Countries: United Kingdom
Sea Region: Atlantic Ocean, Australian freshwater bodies, Baffin Bay, Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea, English Channel, North Sea
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere
Keywords: Information and knowledge products, data harmonization, data management, data quality, information and resources, open access, standardization, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 06/06/2021
Geo-Seas has adopted the SeaDataNet infrastructure approach and components to interconnect its geological and geophysical data centres and their collections. The SeaDataNet architecture makes use of web technologies, such as SOAP web services for various communication tasks and for providing supporting services for XML metadata validation, serving common vocabularies, authentication of users for data access, and handling the data transaction process between the portal and the interconnected data centres. This is done by web applications. In addition, Java software modules are used for editing and generating metadata files in XML, converting data formats, and for connecting local data centres to the central portal for queries and downloading services.
The standards have been adapted, where needed, for Geo-Seas purposes. This was done after a Geo-Seas examination and further analysis of the Common Data Index (CDI) metadata format, data transport formats and common vocabularies, taking SeaDataNet as basis, but also taking into account international practice and experience from the GeoSciML and One-Geology Europe projects. It has resulted in a number of adaptions for Geo-Seas in good cooperation with the SeaDataNet Technical Task Group that is governing the standards:
Upgrade of the CDI metadata format,
Further extension of the CDI metadata format for seismic data sets,
Extension of the Common Vocabularies,
Extension of supported standard data formats,
Quality Flag scale.
The upgraded standards have also required an upgrading of specific web applications and software tools. For Geo-Seas upgraded versions have been developed for:
MIKADO XML metadata editor software tool,
NEMO ASCII files conversion software tool,
Ends&Bends navigation files software tool,
Download Manager software component.
Note: The software is hosted at the SeaDataNet website, because the upgraded standards, web applications and software tools have been adopted by SeaDataNet enriching the overall infrastructure and its ability to cope with a wide range of data types.
Geo-Seas has adopted the SeaDataNet infrastructure approach and components to interconnect its geological and geophysical data centres and their collections. The SeaDataNet architecture makes use of web technologies, such as SOAP web services for various communication tasks and for providing supporting services for XML metadata validation, serving common vocabularies, authentication of users for data access, and handling the data transaction process between the portal and the interconnected data centres. This is done by web applications. In addition, Java software modules are used for editing and generating metadata files in XML, converting data formats, and for connecting local data centres to the central portal for queries and downloading services.
The standards have been adapted, where needed, for Geo-Seas purposes. This was done after a Geo-Seas examination and further analysis of the Common Data Index (CDI) metadata format, data transport formats and common vocabularies, taking SeaDataNet as basis, but also taking into account international practice and experience from the GeoSciML and One-Geology Europe projects. It has resulted in a number of adaptions for Geo-Seas in good cooperation with the SeaDataNet Technical Task Group that is governing the standards:
Upgrade of the CDI metadata format,
Further extension of the CDI metadata format for seismic data sets,
Extension of the Common Vocabularies,
Extension of supported standard data formats,
Quality Flag scale.
The upgraded standards have also required an upgrading of specific web applications and software tools. For Geo-Seas upgraded versions have been developed for:
MIKADO XML metadata editor software tool,
NEMO ASCII files conversion software tool,
Ends&Bends navigation files software tool,
Download Manager software component.
Note: The software is hosted at the SeaDataNet website, because the upgraded standards, web applications and software tools have been adopted by SeaDataNet enriching the overall infrastructure and its ability to cope with a wide range of data types.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: REGIONAL
Host Countries: United Kingdom, REGIONAL
Sea Region: no searegion defined
Themes: DS04 Marine geology
Keywords: data harmonization, standardization, standards and guidelines
Last updated: 24/09/2021
Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development (ODIS id: 752)
Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 exists, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. There is no standard approach to integrating diverse data on the ocean to support public policy decisions and optimal use of ocean resources. In response to the UN Statistical Commission decision 49/110 in March 2018, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme started to develop statistical guidelines and methods to improve ocean data and statistics.
Taking an accounting approach, UNESCAP and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in collaboration with partners through the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) have produced a preliminary consultation draft of the Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development (Version 0.8), contained in the present document.
The technical guidance describes a statistical framework for compiling ocean-related data, statistics and indicators in a spatially consistent, comparable and coherent manner. Development of the technical guidance started with the identification of nine key technical issues for testing and resolution at the Asia-Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts in August 2018.
Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development (ODIS id 752)
Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development
Original (non-English) name
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 exists, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. There is no standard approach to integrating diverse data on the ocean to support public policy decisions and optimal use of ocean resources. In response to the UN Statistical Commission decision 49/110 in March 2018, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme started to develop statistical guidelines and methods to improve ocean data and statistics.
Taking an accounting approach, UNESCAP and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in collaboration with partners through the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) have produced a preliminary consultation draft of the Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development (Version 0.8), contained in the present document.
The technical guidance describes a statistical framework for compiling ocean-related data, statistics and indicators in a spatially consistent, comparable and coherent manner. Development of the technical guidance started with the identification of nine key technical issues for testing and resolution at the Asia-Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts in August 2018.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: SDG14, Sustainable Development Goals, marine resources, ocean accounting, statistics, sustainable development
Last updated: 05/11/2020
The Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard - Aura Validation Data Center (ODIS id: 1113)
The Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard - Aura Validation Data Center
This document outlines the metadata and data structure requirements developed to facilitate the use of
geophysical datasets by improving their portability and accessibility, and by making their contents self-describing. This approach was originally selected to deal with atmospheric and oceanographic datasets but
has been recently expanded to support all measurements from Earth observation instruments.
The Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard (GEOMS) metadata and data structure requirements
described in this document may be applied to any project where data are to be exchanged.
The Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard - Aura Validation Data Center (ODIS id 1113)
The Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard - Aura Validation Data Center
Original (non-English) name
This document outlines the metadata and data structure requirements developed to facilitate the use of
geophysical datasets by improving their portability and accessibility, and by making their contents self-describing. This approach was originally selected to deal with atmospheric and oceanographic datasets but
has been recently expanded to support all measurements from Earth observation instruments.
The Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard (GEOMS) metadata and data structure requirements
described in this document may be applied to any project where data are to be exchanged.
Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database contains a global inventory of fisheries measures to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database - FAO (ODIS id 1065)
Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database contains a global inventory of fisheries measures to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS11 Fisheries and aquaculture
Keywords: Ecosystems, GIS, Geospatial data, WebGIS, fisheries, fisheries protection, vulnerable marine ecosytems
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Waterfowl richness indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id: 934)
Waterfowl richness indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
The document summarizes the methods used in the field for monitoring aquatic birds associated with marine and coastal environments, considering the particularities of each setting, as well as the species observed.
Waterfowl richness indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia (ODIS id 934)
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Last check was 21/02/2025 14:27
First entry: 21/04/2020
Last update: 23/11/2023
Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert :
Waterfowl richness indicator protocol - Information system Marine Environmental of Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
PROTOCOLO INDICADOR RIQUEZA DE AVES ACUÁTICAS - Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia
Navarrete-Ramírez, S. M. 2014. Protocolo Indicador Riqueza de aves acuáticas. Indicadores de monitoreo biológico del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP). Invemar, GEF y PNUD. Serie de Publicaciones Generales del Invemar No. 71, Santa Marta. 20 p.
The document summarizes the methods used in the field for monitoring aquatic birds associated with marine and coastal environments, considering the particularities of each setting, as well as the species observed.
The FACT Network is a grassroots collaboration of marine scientists using acoustic telemetry and other technologies to better understand and conserve our region’s important fish and sea turtle species. The FACT Network originated as the Florida Atlantic Coast Telemetry Network but has since grown to include partners from the Bahamas to the Carolinas (and is growing everyday) and is now know simply as the FACT Network.
The FACT Network is a grassroots collaboration of marine scientists using acoustic telemetry and other technologies to better understand and conserve our region’s important fish and sea turtle species. The FACT Network originated as the Florida Atlantic Coast Telemetry Network but has since grown to include partners from the Bahamas to the Carolinas (and is growing everyday) and is now know simply as the FACT Network.
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Software (ocean related)
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Host Countries: United States
Sea Region: Gulf of Mexico, Northwest Atlantic Ocean (40W), Straits of Florida
Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS10 Environment
Keywords: data analysis, data visualization, telemetry
Last updated: 25/04/2022
A biogeographic classification of the world s coasts and shelves It is the first ever comprehensive marine classification system with clearly defined boundaries and definitions and was developed to closely link to existing regional systems.
A biogeographic classification of the world s coasts and shelves It is the first ever comprehensive marine classification system with clearly defined boundaries and definitions and was developed to closely link to existing regional systems.
Technical contact email
please check the record details page
Host institution of the resource
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from
Types: Manuals, guidelines, standards and best practices, Maps and atlases (geospatial products)
Languages: English
Countries: GLOBAL
Host Countries: GLOBAL
Sea Region: World
Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline
Keywords: ecology, ecoregions, mapping, marine biogeography, marine protected areas, representative conservation
Last updated: 04/09/2020