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Types : Software (ocean related)

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2020a_SSH_mapping_NATL60 (ODIS id: 1923)
A challenge on the mapping of satellite altimeter sea surface height data organised by MEOM@IGE, Oce ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: France Host Countries: France Sea Region: World Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: Satellite, oceanography, python, sea surface height
Last updated: 05/02/2022

ADCIRC Model (ODIS id: 1787)
ADCIRC is a system of computer programs for solving time dependent, free surface circulation and tra ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: United States Host Countries: United States Sea Region: World Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: dredging feasibility, larvae, larval transport, material disposal studies, near shore marine operations, wind driven circulation
Last updated: 18/01/2022

adcp-glider (ODIS id: 1933)
Tools for setting up, running and processing data from a Seaglider fitted with a Nortek 1MHz. In ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: United Kingdom Host Countries: United Kingdom Sea Region: World Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: ADCP, Glider, data processing, oceanography, python
Last updated: 01/05/2021

Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System - UNIDATA at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (ODIS id: 2316)
AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System) is a meteorological display and analysis pack ... more

Types: Education and training materials (related to oceans), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: United States Host Countries: United States Sea Region: no searegion defined Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: safety
Last updated: 25/09/2021

AIBECS.jl (ODIS id: 1909)
AIBECS (for Algebraic Implicit Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling System, pronounced like the cool ibe ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: Australia Host Countries: Australia Sea Region: World Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography Keywords: Julia, Modelling, biogeochemistry, fluxes, ocean circulation, oceanography, oceans, transport
Last updated: 30/04/2021

airsea package (ODIS id: 1829)
This module is a translation of the original AIRSEA-2.0 MATLAB toolbox routines for calculating the ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: Brazil Host Countries: Brazil Sea Region: World Themes: DS03 Physical oceanography, DS05 Atmosphere Keywords: air-sea interaction, python
Last updated: 15/05/2021

AODN Open Geospatial Portal repository (ODIS id: 1779)
The AODN open geospatial portal is a Grails application for discovering, subsetting, and downloading ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: Australia Host Countries: Australia Sea Region: World Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS04 Marine geology, DS05 Atmosphere Keywords: Geospatial data, Integrated Marine Observing System, data access, data discovey, geonetwork, geoserver
Last updated: 02/05/2021

API - Channel Coastal Observatory (ODIS id: 1889)
API from the Channel Coastal Observatory

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: United Kingdom Host Countries: United Kingdom Sea Region: Celtic Sea, English Channel, North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea Themes: DS06 Cross-discipline Keywords: API, Coastal zone, data access
Last updated: 26/04/2021

API - Earth System Grid Federation (ODIS id: 2838)
The ESGF search service exposes a RESTful URL that can be used by clients (browsers and desktop clie ... more

Types: Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: REGIONAL Host Countries: United States Sea Region: no searegion defined Themes: DS05 Atmosphere Keywords: API, climate data, earth science, observation data
Last updated: 04/11/2021

API - Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment program (ODIS id: 2827)
API for accessing GLOBE data.

Types: Data systems/portals (allowing downloading of data sets), Software (ocean related)
Languages: English Countries: GLOBAL Host Countries: United States Sea Region: no searegion defined Themes: DS01 Biological oceanography, DS02 Chemical oceanography, DS03 Physical oceanography, DS10 Environment Keywords: collaboration, earth science, education, scientific knowledge
Last updated: 04/11/2021

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