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go to: Nuestros Servicios // Temperatura Superficial del Mar // Sensores Anexos
Display of real-tim ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms Teresa Carolina Calvete ( OceanExpert : 17026 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.shoa.cl/php/index.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.shoa.cl/php/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Adjacent Sensors, Water Temperature, Air Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Relative Humidity - Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Promedios Mensuales Sensores Anexos, Temperatura del Agua, Temperatura del Aire, Presión Atmosférica y Humedad Relativa - Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile | ||||
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Abstract | go to: Nuestros Servicios // Temperatura Superficial del Mar // Sensores Anexos Display of real-time sensor measurements water temperature, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity (sensors associated with sea level stations). The real-time visualization is only graphically considering the last 48 hours of measurements. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada | ||||
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The African Marine Atlas developed by the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) ...
Submitter/Owner | Tanya C Haddad ( OceanExpert : 20792 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://acma.africanmarineatlas.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://legacy.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=41&Itemid=80) | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iodepo/odis-arch/master/collection/tempHosting/data-acma/sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | African Coastal and Marine Atlas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | African Marine Atlas | ||||
Acronym | ACMA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The African Marine Atlas developed by the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) was officially launched on 23 February 2007 at the IOC Project Office for International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) in Ostend, Belgium. The African Marine Atlas, which can be accessed at http://www.africanmarineatlas.net, provides substantial maps, images, data and information to coastal resource managers, planners and decision-makers from various administrative institutions and specialized agencies in Africa. The Atlas will be of immense benefit to national institutions and a variety of users such as environmentalists, local administrators, park managers, scientific community, fishing cooperatives, tourists, hotel keepers, teachers, NGOs, the general public, and any other interested persons. It has over 800 downloadable data products africanmarineatlas_map.jpgderived from the fields of marine geo-sphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geopolitical and the human socio-economic dimensions. The Atlas indicates areas of intense use along the coastline requiring careful management and provides potential foresight on likely consequences of specific decisions. Further, the Atlas indicates gaps in knowledge and information base, where additional efforts may be directed. The Atlas will also act in other ways as a guide to recreational opportunities and tourist attractions. In developing the Atlas, the main objective was to collate available geospatial datasets and information on the marine environment and to summarize it into an African Marine Atlas suite. The website is one of a set of Marine Atlas products that will include web data services, web mapping and an Atlas publication when completed. The Atlas was realized through intensive work between May 2006 and February 2007 by a team of 16 marine scientists and GIS experts from NODC’s in Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, and Tanzania. International ocean data experts provided key inputs in data analysis. It is based on an extensive survey of coastal and marine data needs undertaken in early 2006 in all the countries participating in ODINAFRICA. Primary partners in this project were the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the African Coelecanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP). UNEP will develop a clearinghouse and information system on coastal and marine resources of Eastern Africa from the regional atlas. The Atlas has brought great benefits to participating national institutions and Africa as a whole, by encouraging scientists to work together, learn new techniques, and build teams that will continue to regularly update the Atlas with national and local scale data sets. In 2018 with assistance from the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), the AMA project transitioned to the GeoNode Platform and became known as the African Coastal and Marine Atlas (ACMA). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/alaska/habitat-conservation/alaska-shorezone | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Alaska ShoreZone | ||||
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Abstract | The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than 120,000 km of shoreline in Alaska, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. As of 2018, approximately 94% of the state has ShoreZone imagery and of the area imaged approximately 98% is mapped. This project has been funded by NOAA and a number of other agencies and organizations throughout the years. This standardized system catalogs both geomorphic and biological resources at mapping scales of better than 1:10,000. The high resolution, the attribute-rich dataset is a useful tool for extrapolation of site data over broad spatial ranges for creating a variety of habitat models and oil spill response tools. Low tide, oblique aerial imagery sets this system apart from other mapping efforts. You can "fly the coastline" (aerial video), view and download still photos, and access physical and biological data using our interactive website. Power users can download the entire ShoreZone geodatabase. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA Fisheries' National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle | ||||
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The Tropical Seas of the Americas Observatory Portal (TRITON) is an initiative of the Geosciences Pr ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert : 12914 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://triton.invemar.org.co | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https:// | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | American Tropical Seas Observatory - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Observatorio de los mares tropicales de las Americas, Triton - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costera de Colombia | ||||
Acronym | TRITON - INVEMAR | ||||
Citation | TN Diocean. (2018). Manual de Referencia en Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de Datos Oceánicos. Número 3/2018. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: DIMAR. DOI 10.26640/25392212.3.2018 | ||||
Abstract | The Tropical Seas of the Americas Observatory Portal (TRITON) is an initiative of the Geosciences Program of the Institute for Marine and Coastal Research - INVEMAR (Colombia). TRITON aims to be a tool to support research, productive activities and the follow-up of the evolution (monitoring) of oceanic conditions in the Caribbean region. To this end, TRITON displays in an almost permanent way and in close to real-time (between 6 hours and 2 days late) highly relevant oceanographic information in the highest spatial resolution possible for the entire basin. The global oceanographic information displayed in TRITON comes from or has been processed from different satellite databases and free access to numerical model outputs. Its original sources can be consulted in the links provided together with the information corresponding to each variable. The data processing is carried out through PYTHON modules and later it is stored in NetCDF format. The information is displayed through a THREDDS 4.6.9 server (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) in WMS format. WMS services are consumed and interpreted through Arcgis 3.30 Javascript framework. Version: 2.0 | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | ||||
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Planktonic ostracods are a neglected component of mesoplanktonic communities, despite being almost u ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marcin Wichorowski ( OceanExpert : 16805 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://deep.iopan.gda.pl/ostracoda/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
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ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | An Atlas of Southern Ocean Planctonic Ostracods | ||||
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Abstract | Planktonic ostracods are a neglected component of mesoplanktonic communities, despite being almost ubiquitous throughout the World's oceans. Currently the number of planktonic ostracods described from oceanic waters is 203. In addition there are 34 species of the family Thaumatocyprididae, which are predominantly either benthic or cavernicolous. We present a listing of the currently recognized species. In inshore waters, particularly in the vicinity of coral reefs, there is a great diversity of myodocopid ostracods that can be sampled in the water column especially at night. Most of these myodocopid species are not holoplanktonic, entering the water column at certain stages of their life histories. This site only covers the holoplanktonic species and does not deal with any of the neritic species.
In oceanic waters the vast majority of planktonic ostracods are halocyprids. They are often very abundant, and rank second to copepods in numerical abundance particularly in subthermocline waters. They may occur almost everywhere from the surface to abyssal depths. However, they are seldom encountered in the upper 100-200m of the water column at high latitudes (>50 deg), for example they are infrequently sampled by the Continuous Plankton Recorder, which is towed at 8-10m (Williams, 1975). However, their relatively small size (0.5->3mm) means their contribution to the overall planktonic biomass is usually small (<5%). Most species appear to be detritivores, seemingly adapted to exploit marine snow and other sinking particulates. The group frequently goes unreported, because there is a perception that they are difficult to identify, and so they are overlooked. This difficulty is more the result of a lack of good manuals of identification, rather than any greater intrinsic difficulty of identifying them compared with most other components of the plankton. As well as the halocyprids, there are eight very striking species of carnivorous deepwater myodocopids (i.e. Gigantocypris and Macrocypridina ) that are planktonic, but only two have been recorded from the Southern Ocean.
In preparing this atlas, we have compiled a complete inventory of published records for all known species that can be geo-positioned with reasonable accuracy. These data have been supplemented with a considerable body of unpublished data derived from material collected by Discovery Investigations mostly in the 1930's (identified by MVA). Our aim is ultimately to generate a global atlas for all the species. Here as an initial step we have focused on the species that have been recorded from the Southern Ocean |
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN) | ||||
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Planktonic ostracods are a neglected component of mesoplanktonic communities, despite being almost u ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://deep.iopan.gda.pl/ostracoda/index.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://deep.iopan.gda.pl/ostracoda/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | An Atlas of Southern Ocean Planktonic Ostracods | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Planktonic ostracods are a neglected component of mesoplanktonic communities, despite being almost ubiquitous throughout the World's oceans. Currently the number of planktonic ostracods described from oceanic waters is 203. In addition there are 34 species of the family Thaumatocyprididae, which are predominantly either benthic or cavernicolous. We present a listing of the currently recognized species |
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-tim ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/drupal/ani/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Animations - Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array | ||||
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Abstract | The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-time for climate research and forecasting. Major components include the TAO/TRITON array in the Pacific, PIRATA in the Atlantic, and RAMA in the Indian Ocean. The major phenomenological foci of this array are: (i) El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific; (ii) The interhemispheric dipole mode, equatorial warm events, and hurricane activity in the Atlantic; (iii) The monsoons, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and intraseasonal variability in the Indian Ocean. The referred web page provides 3-D animations for temperature, currents, SST, wind. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | ||||
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The Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research (SDLS) was created in April 1991 ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://sdls.ogs.trieste.it/cache/index.jsp | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://nodc.inogs.it/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Antarctic Seismic Data Library System | ||||
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Acronym | SDLS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research (SDLS) was created in April 1991 under the auspices of SCAR to provide open access to all multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) data collected south of 60° S. The SDLS functions under the mandates of the Antarctic Treaty (ATCM XVI-12), and as such, all institutions that collect MCS data in Antarctica must submit their data to the SDLS for use in cooperative research projects. MCS data are submitted to the SDLS within 4 years of collection and remain in the library under SDLS guidelines until 8 years after collection. Thereafter, the data are available for unrestricted use, although recognition of the data collector is requested. The MCS data in the SDLS may be accessed at library branches worldwide. MCS data are supplied to SDLS branches in a 'final stack' version in digital SEG-Y format on CD/DVD-ROM where they can be viewed and studied, but may not be copied without permission of the data collector. The SDLS is a research facility and not a data bank; MCS data in the SDLS are for use in cooperative research projects, and may not be used for commercial purposes. This latest version of the SDLS website has been completely rebuilt, adding new functionalities, interactive data viewers and a new metadata structure based on OGC standards O&M (ISO/DIN 19156) and SensorML. SVG interactive graphics are still used but there is no longer any need to use the Adobe plugin. This also removes the restriction of the type of browser to use; any regular browser is now acceptable. The portal is now based on the SNAP framework, which is a web-based infrastructure developed by OGS where geophysical data can be located, interactively previewed and accessed. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | ||||
Technical notes | Data contained in the SDLS are subdivided into six principal geographic regions around Antarctica (Ross Sea (RS), Wilkes Land (WL), Enderby Land (EL), Weddell Sea (WS), Antarctic Peninsula (AP), Marie Byrd Land (MBL)). | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Antarctic | ||||
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The main purpose of this map collection is to illustrate, in general, where aquaculture is taking pl ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/naso-maps/naso-home/en | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/naso-maps/naso-home/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Aquaculture maps collection - FAO National Aquaculture Sector Overview | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | NASOMaps | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The main purpose of this map collection is to illustrate, in general, where aquaculture is taking place. Characteristics that accompany the administrative units or individual farms include; cultured species, technology used, culture systems, environments, farm characteristics, production, quantities and values, seed input quantity and characteristics, and main issues (credit, diseases, environmental impact, etc.). The collection also includes statistics on aquaculture production for 2009 and plans are underway to include statistics related to land and water use in aquaculture during 2012. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | Maps are available at national level and at administrative level and/or when available, at an individual farm level. The National production page includes a map on aquaculture production of aquatic animals for human consumption (tonnes) in 2009. Select one country from the map by clicking on that country or select from the drop-down lists to display the production statistics by country. The Browse map page provides an up-to-date overview of the NASO maps currently available at administrative level and individual farm level. Simply click on one of the markers shown in the world map to display the corresponding map for the country being selected. A Search by Country page gives the user the option of selecting the country by its name to display data at an administrative level or individual farm level. An Advanced Search gives the user the option to select a country and then select some of the characteristics that accompany the administrative units or individual farms locations (e.g. cultured species, technology used, culture systems, etc). Additional help ( show | hide ) The maps can be viewed in three modes: Map (streets); Satellite (a mosaic of images obtained by remote sensing) and Terrain (satellite images). User can zoom and pan to any given location. The icons representing the different Organism Divisions (fish, molluscs, crustaceans, seaweeds, other) at administrative level are located at the centre of the administrative unit, therefore they do not represent the position of the farm. Whereas, the icons representing the different Organism Divisions at an individual farm level are placed exactly were the individual farm is located. Additional tools include: View in a larger map (displays the map in Google maps); View in Google Earth (automatically displays the map in Google Earth if Google Earth has been installed, for installation see http://earth.google.com/); and RSS (most commonly expanded as "Really Simple Syndication") allows Web users manage the NASO information being provided. | ||||
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Standardized distribution maps for over 25,000 species of fishes marine mammals and invertebrates. A ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.aquamaps.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.fishbase.se/search.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | AquaMaps | ||||
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Citation | General citation Kaschner, K., K. Kesner-Reyes, C. Garilao, J. Rius-Barile, T. Rees, and R. Froese. 2019. AquaMaps: Predicted range maps for aquatic species. World wide web electronic publication, www.aquamaps.org, version 10/2019. Cite individual maps as, e.g., Computer Generated Map for Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod). www.aquamaps.org, version 10/2019 (accessed 01 Oct 2019). Reviewed Native Distribution Map for Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod). www.aquamaps.org, version 10/2019 (accessed 01 Oct 2019). Cite biodiversity maps as, e.g., Shark and Ray Biodiversity Map. www.aquamaps.org, version 10/2019 (accessed 01 Oct 2019). Cite the environmental dataset as, e.g., Kesner-Reyes, K., Segschneider, J., Garilao, C., Schneider, B., Rius-Barile, J., Kaschner, K., and Froese, R.(editors). AquaMaps Environmental Dataset: Half-Degree Cells Authority File (HCAF). World Wide Web electronic publication, www.aquamaps.org/main/envt_main.php, ver. 7, 10/2019. | ||||
Abstract | Standardized distribution maps for over 25,000 species of fishes marine mammals and invertebrates. As of August 2015, we have 22,889 total maps for marine species 12,068 marine fishes 118 marine mammals 10,159 other marine metazoans Kingdom Animalia and not Fish and not Class Mammalia 116 biodiversity maps by pre-defined phylogenetic groups 66 checklists by LMEs 240 checklists by country or island/territory AquaMaps is a tool for generating model-based large scale predictions of natural occurrences of species. For marine species, the model uses estimates of environmental preferences with respect to depth water, temperature, salinity, primary productivity, and association with sea ice or coastal areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | ||||
Technical notes | Online maps/ C | ||||
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The ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is the foremost collection of geographic information from aroun ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/en/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.esri.com/en-us/home | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World - ESRI | ||||
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Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | The ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is the foremost collection of geographic information from around the globe. It includes maps apps and data layers related to some physical ocean data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Technical notes | SHP | ||||
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The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) is in the Science Directorate located at the NASA Langley ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://arcgis.asdc.larc.nasa.gov/portal/home/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://earthdata.nasa.gov/eosdis/daacs/asdc | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | ArcGIS Portal - Atmospheric Science Data Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ArcGIS Portal - ASDC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) is in the Science Directorate located at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), in Hampton, Virginia. The Science Directorate's Climate Science Branch, Atmospheric Composition Branch, and Chemistry and Dynamics Branch work with ASDC to study changes in the Earth and its atmosphere. Data products translate those findings into meaningful knowledge that inspires action by scientists, educators, decision makers, and the public. The ASDC supports over 60 projects and provides access to more than 1000 archived collections. These data sets were created from satellite measurements, field experiments, and modeled data products. The ASDC projects focus on the Earth science disciplines Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, and Tropospheric Composition. The Data Center was established in 1991 to support the Earth Observing System (EOS) as part of NASA's Earth Science enterprise and the U.S. Global Change Research Program, and is one of several Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) sponsored by NASA as part of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). The Data Center specializes in atmospheric data important to understanding the causes and processes of global climate change and the consequences of human activities on the climate. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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This is a link to the Fisheries and Oceans Canada's ArcGIS public REST Services Directory.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Mathieu Ouellet ( OceanExpert : 13035 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://gisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/FGP | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ArcGIS REST Services Directory - Fisheries and Oceans Canada | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | This is a link to the Fisheries and Oceans Canada's ArcGIS public REST Services Directory. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | ||||
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Maritime Border Line of the Republic of Indonesia with neighboring countries.
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://hdc.pushidrosal.id/arcgis/rest/services/batas_maritim_indonesia/MapServer | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://hdc.pushidrosal.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ArcGIS REST Services Directory - Indonesia's Maritime Boundaries | ||||
Original (non-English) name | ArcGIS REST Services Directory - Batas Maritim Indonesia | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Maritime Border Line of the Republic of Indonesia with neighboring countries. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Pushidrosal | ||||
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Data of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://gis.bmkg.go.id/arcgis/rest/services | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ArcGIS REST Services Directory - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ArcGIS REST Services Directory - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Data of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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This site lists all the geospatial data services that are available from NIWA.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Kevin Mackay ( OceanExpert : 19633 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://gis.niwa.co.nz/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ArcGIS REST Services Directory - NIWA | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | This site lists all the geospatial data services that are available from NIWA. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Institute of Water and Atmosphere | ||||
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This portal integrates various types of Arctic data from sensor feeds, operational oceanographic and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://portal.aoos.org/?v=rand&portal_id=3 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://aoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Arctic Data Integration Portal - Alaska Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Arctic Data Integration Portal - AOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This portal integrates various types of Arctic data from sensor feeds, operational oceanographic and atmospheric models, satellite observations and GIS data sets describing the biological and physical characteristics of the Arctic region. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA/US Integrated Ocean Observing System | ||||
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The Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD) has devepoed Argo Float Atlases in the Indian Oce ...
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/atlas?cat=argo | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Argo Float Atlas in the Indian Ocean - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Argo Float Atlas in the Indian Ocean - INCOD | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD) has devepoed Argo Float Atlases in the Indian Ocean from 2012 until now. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Oman Sea and Indian Ocean | ||||
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Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions in the damage and protection ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www3.uca.es/serv/geoportal/html/getData.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.uca.es/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Arqueomonitor Data Portal | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions in the damage and protection of Underwater Historical Heritage CTM2009-08668 and CTM2010-1636. The ARQUEOMONITOR Project, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (CTM2009-08668 and CTM2010-16363) studied in what grade, the generation, conservation or degradation of archaeological sites are influenced by marine environmental variables, employing two wrecks of the same chronology subjected to very different environmental conditions, Fougueux and Bucentaure (1805). In order to correlate the conservation status achieved at each site with the local marine environmental conditions we have studied the main physical, chemical and biological factors that can impact on the shipwreck materials. Also, modern samples of the materials usually found in these shipwrecks have been disposed at each site, and their evolution over time has been studied, preventing thus the alteration of archaeological remains. The results obtained allowed to develop new in situ methods for protection of deposits and its elements, and develop predictive models of permanence through knowledge of materials and analysis of risk factors imposed by the marine environment. By combining the major milestones of the project (environmental monitoring, degradation studies and methods of safeguarding) it has been developed a standardized Archaeological Management Plan which compares sites through the establishment of similarities and differences. Now, the results are being dumped into a Data Portal, which will facilitate access to the information for researchers from different areas of knowledge involved in the management of the Archaeological underwater heritage who try to predict short-term potential threats on deposits. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Bay of Cadiz | ||||
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The CariCOOS Caribbean Asset Explorer is a tool for exploring
Caribbean observations and forecast. ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://assets.maracoos.org/?config=cari | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Assets Explorer - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Assets Explorer - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The CariCOOS Caribbean Asset Explorer is a tool for exploring Caribbean observations and forecast. A project to enhance CaRA users’ experience and capabilities by expanding access to integrated CariCOOS observations and forecasts. Based on the MARACOOS Assets Explore developed by RPS ASA (assets.maracoos.org). It takes advantage of DMAC standards and web services supported by US IOOS. CariCOOS has successful observations, products, and web access – the CCAE will make them (and others) accessible through a common interface. Products and users can be expanded to the wider Caribbean in support of the Global Ocean Observing System Regional Alliance for the Wider Caribbean (IOCARIBE-GOOS). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA/US Integrated Ocean Observing System | ||||
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ATLAS is a European Horizon 2020 project "A transatlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.atlas-horizon2020.eu/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.eu-atlas.org/index.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ATLAS GeoNode | ||||
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Abstract | ATLAS is a European Horizon 2020 project "A transatlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for Europe". This GeoNode page acts as a central hub for project partners to discover, visualize and download ATLAS geospatial data through a dedicated online GIS platform. Here you can find links to tutorials for submitting data sets at PANGAEA and uploading files to ZENODO. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The University of Edinburgh | ||||
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Welcome to the Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic. Arctic communities are acti ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.arcticcbm.org/index.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.arcticobserving.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic - Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic - SAON | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Welcome to the Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic. Arctic communities are actively involved with observing social and environmental change; this atlas was designed to showcase the many community-based monitoring (CBM) and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) initiatives across the circumpolar region. While interest in community-based monitoring (CBM) is growing, there has been little coordination of initiatives at a circumpolar level. The Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring in a Changing Arctic was initiated as a task of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) to help address this gap. It is intended to serve as an inventory of initiatives that will assist with network building and identification of best practices and challenges for the field. A secondary phase of the project will draw on CBM initiatives inventoried by the atlas, as well as a literature review, and interviews and input from practitioners, to draft a review of the state of CBM in the Arctic. CBM and TK initiatives are identified for the atlas through outreach by project collaborators and content partners. Many initiatives have provided information directly to the atlas, while in some cases, information was drawn from published articles or information that project Principal Investigators (PIs) have made publicly available on the Internet. In these cases, project PIs have been contacted to request permission to add them to the atlas. Anticipated benefits of this project include: 1) Communities involved in monitoring will have an easier time connecting with one another and will have a better sense of how their approaches to monitoring fit within a wider context; 2) Researchers, funders, and other members of the Arctic monitoring community will better understand the role and potential of community-based monitoring. The atlas is being developed under the direction of the Inuit Circumpolar Council in partnership with Brown University, the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA), and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami's Inuit Qaujisarvingat: Inuit Knowledge Centre. The atlas draws on the Nunaliit Atlas Framework hosted by Carleton University's Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre. Additionally, a number of institutions are collaborating as "content partners" by assisting with identification of CBM and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) initiatives. Content partners include the European Commission through their "Study on Arctic Lay and Traditional Knowledge: Community-based Monitoring Programmes in the EU Arctic," implemented by the Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology (NORDECO). Additionally, the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) and Alaska Sea Grant are assisting with identification of CBM initiatives in Alaska. While the Atlas was initially developed with a focus on environmental monitoring programs, environmental change and social change in the Arctic are significantly connected. Additionally, many communities take a holistic perspective on change and emphasize connections and linkages between the environment and society. The atlas was designed to be flexible to allow mapping of social and environmental monitoring initiatives. As a pilot social monitoring focus, we are currently working on developing a Mental Health and Wellness map within the atlas that draws on the Circumpolar Inuit Health Priorities: Best Health Practices and Research, a report completed in 2012 by ICC-Canada. We envision expanding this map to include other health and wellness initiatives in the future. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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This document consists of a description of the treatment, processing and analysis of oceanographic d ...
Submitter/Owner | Christian Bermúdez-Rivas ( OceanExpert : 25896 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cecoldodigital.dimar.mil.co/49 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://cecoldo.dimar.mil.co/web/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Atlas of Oceanographic Data for Colombia 1922-2013. Temperature, salinity, density, geostrophic velocity | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Atlas de los datos oceanográficos de Colombia 1922-2013. Temperatura, salinidad, densidad, velocidad geostrófica | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | Andrade, C.A., O.E. Rangel y E. Herrera. Atlas de los Datos Oceanográficos de Colombia 1922-2013 Temperatura, Salinidad, Densidad, Velocidad Geostrófica. (Formato impreso y aplicativo digital). Dirección General Marítima-Ecopetrol S.A. Ed. Dimar. Bogotá, Colombia. 117 pp. 2015. | ||||
Abstract | This document consists of a description of the treatment, processing and analysis of oceanographic data collected by the Colombian Navy and General Maritime Directorate in the Caribbean and Pacific waters of Colombia and neighboring basins, supplemented with data from the NODC database. The analysis is presented in maps of horizontal distributions for climatological fields of temperature, salinity, density and dynamic topographies at standard depths and calculations of geostrophic velocity in vertical profiles, based on data averaged in a grid of ½ degree of latitude and longitude. The purpose of the maps is to illustrate the characteristics of the distributions of these parameters in both basins. After comprehensive quality control of all available data, the fields used to generate climatological maps were calculated by analyzing statistics at 17 standard depths and plotted using DataInterpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) for the printed material and using Optimal Interpolation for the digital application. Maps of mean distributions are presented for the overall data set and for decadal, annual, seasonal and monthly averages with corresponding standard deviations and standard error at standard depths down to 2500 m. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Atlas of the Lagoon is a collection of interactive maps with associated texts, tables, illustrat ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.silvenezia.it | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.silvenezia.it | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Atlas of the Lagoon of Venice | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Atlante della Laguna - Il geoportale della laguna, del territorio e della zona costiera di Venezia | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Atlas of the Lagoon is a collection of interactive maps with associated texts, tables, illustrations and external databases covering various aspects of the lagoon environment, the territory and the coastal area of Venice. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Venezia Lagoon | ||||
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Here the results of the analysis of the latest atmospheric dynamics conditions over Indonesia’s te ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/tag/?tag=dinamika-atmosfer&lang=EN | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Atmospheric Dynamics - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Dinamika Atmosfer - BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
Acronym | Atmospheric Dynamics - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Here the results of the analysis of the latest atmospheric dynamics conditions over Indonesia’s territory. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The Balearic RIssaga Forecasting System (BRIFS) aims to quantitatively predict the occurrence of ext ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Juan Gabriel Fernández ( OceanExpert : 38703 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.socib.eu/?seccion=modelling&facility=rissagaforecast | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.socib.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Balearic RIssaga Forecasting System - SOCIB | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistema de predicción de Meteo-Tsunamis - SOCIB | ||||
Acronym | BRIFS - SOCIB | ||||
Citation | If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10 | ||||
Abstract | The Balearic RIssaga Forecasting System (BRIFS) aims to quantitatively predict the occurrence of extreme sea level oscillations associated with meteotsunamis in the Menorcan harbour of Ciutadella. Combining both atmospheric and oceanic modelling, the system is run once a day in the morning and provides a 48-hour prediction of air pressure disturbances and associated sea level response over the Balearic shelf and in Ciutadella harbour. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) is implemented in a two-nested-grid configuration over the Western Mediterranean basin, with a grid refinement (4km) over an area around the Balearic Islands extending to the South until the Algerian coast. Ninety-seven vertical levels are employed with a finer resolution in the lower levels to adequately resolve the characteristic inversion layer associated with Rissaga phenomena. Initial state and boundary conditions are prescribed from the synoptic atmospheric conditions described by the FNL/GFS analysis/forecast from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). WRF air pressure outputs with a 2-minute temporal resolution are used to force a two-nested grid configuration of the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). ROMS is a 3D free-surface, split-explicit primitive equation model with Boussinesq and hydrostatic approximations. Due to the 2-dimensional nature of the processes involved in the build-up of the rissaga, BRIFS does not consider any density stratification. The larger domain covers the Balearic Islands with a horizontal resolution of 1km. It provides the boundary conditions to the inner domain, which covers the area around Ciutadella with a spatial resolution of 10m. Further details of the system configuration can be found in Renault et al. (2011). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | DISCLAIMER: The experimental products presented in this section are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Ongoing research is carried out to improve the system. Particular events caused by very local convection cells are known to be very challenging to reproduce. This forecasting system aims at complementing the actual AEMET Rissaga alert system by providing quantitative predictions of sea level oscillations in Ciutadella harbour. Timely delivery of daily predictions is not guaranteed. | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Ciutadella harbour, Menorca | ||||
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The cultural heritage (CH) of the Baltic Sea is exceptionally versatile and well preserved even in a ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://balticrimdataportal.eu/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.submariner-network.eu/balticrim | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management Data Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | BalticRIM Data Portal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The cultural heritage (CH) of the Baltic Sea is exceptionally versatile and well preserved even in a global comparison. To date, these cultural assets are barely included in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea. The BalticRIM project aims to integrate cultural heritage resource management into MSP in the Baltic Sea, using the opportunity of the ongoing processes driven by the MSP Directive across all Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries. It will contribute to some lacking dimension of sustainability in the MSP processes in the BSR, thereby closing gaps to support regional efforts and to become an international model of MSP implementation. BalticRIM aims to improve the capacity of regional and maritime cultural heritage (MCH) planning agencies by developing, testing and implementing new planning solutions, innovative ways of public participation as well as sectoral MCH concepts throughout the BSR. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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This interactive viewer allows for the identification of NOAA bathymetric data for both visualizatio ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/bathymetry/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Bathymetric Data Viewer - NOAA | ||||
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Abstract | This interactive viewer allows for the identification of NOAA bathymetric data for both visualization and download. The viewer contains single-beam tracklines, multibeam surveys and mosaics for data visualization, the NOS hydrographic surveys, BAG footprints and shaded imagery, digital elevation models (DEMs), and coastal LiDAR datasets available. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Benguela Current Convention (BCC) GeoData Portal is an online digital platform that stores and p ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Zukile Hutu ( OceanExpert : 18057 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://geodata.benguelacc.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.benguelacc.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iodepo/odis-arch/master/collection/tempHosting/data-benguelacc/sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Benguela Current Convention Spatial Data Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | BCC GeoData | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Benguela Current Convention (BCC) GeoData Portal is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the marine environment and human societies in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Its two primary objectives are: (1) to support integrated ocean governance on the regional and national levels (2) to support access and sharing of spatial data of the BCC contracting parties Angola, Namibia and South Africa. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Bering Sea Project is a partnership between the North Pacific Research Board and the National Sc ...
Submitter/Owner | Don STOTT ( OceanExpert : 27426 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.eol.ucar.edu/project/BeringSea | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.eol.ucar.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Bering Sea Project Data Archive | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Bering Sea Project is a partnership between the North Pacific Research Board and the National Science Foundation that seeks to understand the impacts of climate change and dynamic sea ice cover on the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem. More than one hundred scientists are engaged in field research and ecosystem modeling to link climate, physical oceanography, plankton, fishes, seabirds, marine mammals, humans, traditional knowledge and economic outcomes to better understand the mechanisms that sustain this highly productive region. We invite you to explore the program website to learn more about the Bering Sea Project's hypotheses, focal areas of study, integrated goals, participants, and ecological and social context. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, National Center for Atmospheric Research | ||||
Technical notes | To the extent that any materials published in a UCAR data repository are protected by copyright, you are hereby granted a license to use such material, unless otherwise stated, subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode). To the extent that any materials published in a UCAR data repository are not protected by copyright, you are hereby granted permission to use such materials for any lawful purpose. When using any materials obtained from a UCAR data repository, you agree to use the recommended data citation format provided by that UCAR data repository. If you have questions concerning this recommendation please contact the user online help service at the UCAR data repository. | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | 53.00, -180.00, 63.00, -163.00 | ||||
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A sea state is typically composed of either wind-sea, swell-sea, or a combination of the two. Wind-s ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ccoresources/bimodalseas/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Bimodal Seas around the English Coastline - Channel Coastal Observatory | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Bimodal Seas around the English Coastline - CCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A sea state is typically composed of either wind-sea, swell-sea, or a combination of the two. Wind-seas are generated by local winds, while swell-seas generally have been generated in a distant storm and dispersed out of the generating area. A combination of sea and swell can produce bimodal sea conditions. Data from Datawell directional Waverider buoys deployed by the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes of England, plus data from 3 industry buoys kindly provided by RWE Innogy and Wave Hub Limited, together provide an opportunity to assess the extent of bimodal seas both spatially and temporally. The monthly percentage of occurrence of bimodal sea conditions are given in the following spreadsheet, together with summary statistics for monthly, seasonal and annual occurrence. This document will be updated annually. The method for deriving statistics for bimodal seas and an assessment of their occurrence around the English coastline are described in: Mason, T. & Dhoop, T. (2018) Occurrence of Bimodal Seas around the English Coastline TN02. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The "Biodiversity" Web application developed by SLGO provides information on the presence, abundance ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms. Anne-Sophie Ste-Marie ( OceanExpert : 36559 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://ogsl.ca/bio/?lg=en | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://slgo.ca/en/biodiversity/context | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Biodiversity - St. Lawrence Global Observatory | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Biodiversité - Observatoire Global du Saint-Laurent | ||||
Acronym | Biodiversity - SLGO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The "Biodiversity" Web application developed by SLGO provides information on the presence, abundance and distribution of living species found in the River, Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The users can find information on several hundred species living in St. Lawrence. The interactive mapping application allows visualizing data from various research surveys and monitoring programs. These official data come from SLGO's member and partner organizations. The "Biodiversity" application was developed through the joint work of SLGO and a panel of experts from the members of its Scientific Advisory Committee. Members of that panel were consulted before and during the application development exercise to make sure to consider the common needs of experts, to include the desired functionalities for that tool and to identify the challenges in integrating and visualizing the data. The "Biodiversity" application allows disseminating a large number of databases in a single interface and its main feature is to optimize data discovery. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Observatoire global du Saint-Laurent | ||||
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This database allows viewing and searching observational data on species and their spatiotemporal di ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://maps.helcom.fi/website/biodiversity | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://helcom.fi/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Biodiversity database - Baltic Marine Environmental Protection Commission | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Biodiversity database - HELCOM | ||||
Citation | By consulting and/or downloading data from HELCOM Biodiversity database, the user agrees to the following: The data can be used, given that each data point is cited appropriately as described in "citation" attribute and HELCOM Biodiversity database is referred to maps.helcom.fi/website/biodiversity Please report your publication that made use of HELCOM’s species database and its available data to data@helcom.fi Disclaimer: Data in the database is stemming from various sources. While there has been considerable quality assurance efforts, the accuracy of data cannot be guaranteed. | ||||
Abstract | This database allows viewing and searching observational data on species and their spatiotemporal distribution in the Baltic Sea. The aim of HELCOM’s biodiversity database is to collate all available species data as reported by Contracting Parties. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission | ||||
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The Biological Information System for Marine Life, in short BISMaL, is a web-based data system for b ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Takashi Hosono ( OceanExpert : 26688 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/bismal/e/index.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.jamstec.go.jp/e/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Biological Information System for Marine Life | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | BISMal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Biological Information System for Marine Life, in short BISMaL, is a web-based data system for biodiversity information, particularly in biogeographic data of marine organisms. BISMaL was constructed by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and is operated in the Global Oceanographic Data Center (GODAC) of JAMSTEC. BISMaL mainly collects information on marine organisms around Japan. And its aim is to open information of marine organisms to the public and to contribute to a better understanding of marine biodiversity. BISMaL is an integrated data system including photographs, movies, distribution records, references, and brief descriptions of morphology/ecology of each species or its higher taxon. Although BISMaL is a data system of JAMSTEC, it also works as the system of the Japan Ocean Biodiversity Information System Center (J-OBIS), the Japan node of the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS). Data and information collected and integrated by J-OBIS are opened to the public and provided to OBIS through BISMaL. BISMaL is contributing to global data sharing and information exchange as well as working as a data system of JAMSTEC. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Global Oceanographic Data Center (GODAC) | ||||
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In the framework of EU-MC project SIMSEA, a modelling study has been initiated to validate the Gener ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Volodymyr Myroshnychenko ( OceanExpert : 12946 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://old.ims.metu.edu.tr/DekosimModels/BlackSeaModels.shtml | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://dekosim.ims.metu.edu.tr/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Black Sea Ecosystem Models | ||||
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Abstract | In the framework of EU-MC project SIMSEA, a modelling study has been initiated to validate the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM) for Black Sea’s simulations. The model is forced with atmospheric data from the European Regional Downscaling Experiment (EURO-CORDEX), river runoff from Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) and is initialised with temperature and salinity 3D fields coming from the project MEDAR/MEDATLAS II. Simulations are performed in a closed basin configuration with boundary conditions at the Bosphorus strait ensuring a net zero water flux balance in the Black Sea. An accurate method to calculate the optical depth estimated from satellite data has been involved. The model has been validated against measured/calculated temperature and salinity fields. The simulations with our hydrodynamic model correctly capture the Black Sea’s hydrodynamics – the strong halocline at 70-150 m, the Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL) at ~70 m, the doming of the isohalines due to the cyclonic Rim current, sea surface temperature variation, etc. A new Black Sea Ecosystem Model (BSSM) is linked via the Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM,) with our hydrodynamic model. The coupled physical-ecosystem modelling system has been also calibrated and validated for the Black Sea runs. The numerical experiments indicate that the biogeochemical components of the model rather successfully reproduce the main features and state variable evolution in the Black Sea ecosystem: the growth in phytoplankton biomass and changes in seasonal cycles of the main ecosystem components. It is concluded that the physical processes are important for a reliable reproduction of seasonal and inter-annual changes in the ecosystem. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences | ||||
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A map of the global distribution of seafloor geomorphic features A portal for information on the glo ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.bluehabitats.org/?page_id=9 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.grida.no/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Blue Habitats | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | A map of the global distribution of seafloor geomorphic features A portal for information on the global distribution of marine blue habitats. Knowledge on the distribution of blue habitats is an important input into ocean management marine spatial planning and biodiversity conservation. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | UNEP-GRID (UNEP-Arendal) | ||||
Technical notes | SHP/ Figures | ||||
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CARICOOS operates a network of observing assets including data buoys. Data from these assets and val ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://ioos.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Buoys - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Buoys - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | CARICOOS operates a network of observing assets including data buoys. Data from these assets and value-added data products such as graphs and maps are provided free of charge to the general public through the web page www.caricoos.org. This web page brings together coastal ocean data and forecasts from a variety of sources including satellites, ocean instruments and numerical models to give the user an integrated view of past, present conditions in the US Caribbean region. Data are provided online by a number of organizations including NOAA, NASA, ONR Universities and others to whom credit is given. Data and graphics, other than NOAA National Weather Service products, are presented as experimental products. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA/US Integrated Ocean Observing System | ||||
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WebGIS application with the status of kelp protection in California.
Submitter/Owner | Timothe Vincent ( OceanExpert : 49100 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://protectedseas.maps.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=1d6c7a100baa4c25adbbfd7e299c0cfb | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://protectedseas.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | CA Kelp Protections - ProtectedSeas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | WebGIS application with the status of kelp protection in California. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | ProtectedSeas | ||||
Technical notes | While we make every effort to ensure that the information presented on this website is error-free, errors may occur. We ask that you notify us immediately of any errors that you discover in our data. We will make every effort to correct them. Boundaries are approximate. Multiple regulations may apply at once, and regulations cited on this website may not be up-to-date. Users are responsible for being aware of the latest regulations. Any regulatory summaries provided on this website do not represent the United States Government’s construction or interpretation of the regulations and may not be used for enforcement and compliance purposes. With respect to documents, databases, regulatory citations, and other information available on this website, neither the United States Government nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed; nor represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.The views and opinions of authors expressed on this web site do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government. The appearance of external links on this website does not constitute endorsement of external web sites or the information, products, or services contained therein by the Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Ocean Service/Marine Protected Areas Center. The inclusion of the NOAA logo on the webmap reflects NOAA’s role in providing MPA boundary data and collaborating with ProtectedSeas.net to expand geographic and program coverage of MPA boundaries and attributes, but does not indicate NOAA endorsement of the presentation or summary of this data set or associated regulatory summaries. The data on this website does not represent and should not be construed to represent any agency determination, view, or policy. | ||||
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REDMIC (the Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository, acronym in Spanish) is a permanent sys ...
Submitter/Owner | Ninoska Adern Febles ( OceanExpert : 27967 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://redmic.es/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
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ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Repositorio de Datos Marinos Integrados de Canarias | ||||
Acronym | REDMIC | ||||
Citation | REDMIC, Canary Islands | ||||
Abstract | REDMIC (the Canary Islands Integrated Marine Data Repository, acronym in Spanish) is a permanent systematic system for the storage, safeguard and service of marine data, following the philosophy behind OpenData and OpenScience. It was specifically designed for the Canary Islands and, by extension, Macaronesia. However, it has been approached as a pilot project with the intention of reapplying it to other regions and, overtime, using it to manage a public repository as a registry for marine data. REDMIC is different to others in that marine data of whatever kind (maritime transport, oceanography, biodiversity, fisheries, etc.) are introduced in an integrated manner in the same system of geographical information. Therefore, the effort to gather all data is only made once at the beginning, so they can be used and combined as often as necessary with the utmost speed. REDMIC is inspired by the following principles: Exploitability: facilitating the successive use of data. Generavity: storing data by maximising its potential of use. Traceability: providing data related to how the original data were obtained and allowing the knowledge of its modifications. Publicity: publicly funded system for the safeguard, harmonisation and service of data. Versality: allowing for its use as a general repository (all kinds of data) or as an institutional repository (limited to a sort of information or product). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Foundation Observatorio Ambiental Granadilla | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Canary Islands | ||||
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The Caribbean Marine Atlas is a digital technological platform online which function as a repository ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caribbeanmarineatlas.net/home/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caribbeanmarineatlas.net | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iodepo/odis-arch/master/collection/tempHosting/data-caribbeanmarineatlas/sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Caribbean Marine Atlas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CMA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Caribbean Marine Atlas is a digital technological platform online which function as a repository of geospatial and documental information to support decision making in Integrated Coastal Zone Management ICZM as well as for monitoring and evaluation of Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem CLME. Who will benefit from CMA2: The Atlas, its tools and contents are addressed to professionals in charge of planning, ministries and national and regional authorities, decision-makers, policymakers and potential partners related to ICZM of country pilots in this phase, to the country partners of CLME+ project and the rest of countries, institutions or stakeholders interested from the Caribbean. CMA2 project looks to create, charge and maintain a sustainable operationalization of an online digital “Caribbean Marine Atlas” technology platform in support of Integrated Coastal Zone Management - ICZM (with special attention to: coastal hazards, climate change, biodiversity and habitats, fisheries, land-based sources of pollution) and Ecosystem-based Management for CLME. The platform is being piloted in selected countries for regional and national-level consultation and decision-making. Training, awareness building and dissemination activities are conducted. The CMA2 project builds upon the experience and lessons learnt in the CMA1 and SPINCAM Projects. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to ge ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert : 12914 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caribbeanmarineatlas.net/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caribbeanmarineatlas.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https:// | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Caribbean marine Atlas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CMA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the "Marine Environment and Human Societies in the Wider Caribbean Region". Its two primary objectives are: (1) to support regional-level Integrated Ocean Governance, (2) to support Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in the IOCARIBE Member States. Its contents are directed towards organizations and professionals with responsibilities for conducting analyses, providing advice and/or making decisions on the governance and management of the marine environment at the regional, sub-regional and national levels. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | ||||
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The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's lon ...
Submitter/Owner | Laura Hanley ( OceanExpert : 42488 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://data.cefas.co.uk | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.cefas.co.uk | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Cefas Data Hub | ||||
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Citation | Cefas Data Portal | ||||
Abstract | The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's longest-established marine research organisations, has provided advice on the sustainable exploitation of marine resources since 1902. Today Cefas works in support of a healthy environment and a growing blue economy providing innovative solutions for the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food security. The Cefas Data Portal provides access to over 2125 metadata records, with over 6402 data sets available to download and connect to in support of commitments to Open Science. Datasets available are increasingly diverse and include many legacy datasets including those from fish, shellfish and plankton surveys from the 1980's to the present day. Other increasingly international datasets made available include species migration data from tagging activities and data on habitat and sediment, ecosystem change, human activities including marine litter, otolith sampling and fish stomach contents, oceanography, acoustics, health and water quality. Data is provided under UK Open Government License by default where feasible. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | ||||
Technical notes | Currently over 135 DOIs for data and data products | ||||
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WaveNet, Cefas’ strategic wave monitoring network for the United Kingdom, provides a single source ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://wavenet.cefas.co.uk/Map | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.cefas.co.uk/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Cefas WaveNet interactive map | ||||
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Abstract | WaveNet, Cefas’ strategic wave monitoring network for the United Kingdom, provides a single source of real-time wave data from a network of wave buoys located in areas at risk from flooding. In operation since 2002, WaveNet collects and processes data from the Cefas-operated Datawell Directional Waverider buoys, tethered at strategic locations around the UK coastline. The WaveNet system also gathers wave data from a variety of third party platforms and programmes (industry and public sector-funded), all of which are freely available for visualisation on the WaveNet website. Cefas sends the wave data to the Met Office (to help improve the wave and tidal surge model) and the National Flood Forecasting Service for access by the UK Coastal Flood Forecasting Service (UKCFF). Regional flood forecasters, local authorities and other stakeholders use the near-real time data from the buoys and the model predictions to provide better advice, guidance and warnings to emergency responders and communities about imminent coastal flood risk. On a longer timescale, the data can provide coastal engineers and scientists with a better understanding of the wave climate when designing coastal flood defences and as evidence for climate change studies. Some data are available for download from the WaveNet website; the procedure to access the data archive is available below. Please also see the Data Policy page for guidance on any restrictions on the use of the data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | ||||
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The Census of Marine Life was a global network of researchers in more than 80 nations engaged in a 1 ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://comlmaps.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://mgel.env.duke.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Census of Marine Life - Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Census of Marine Life - MGEL | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Census of Marine Life was a global network of researchers in more than 80 nations engaged in a 10-year scientific initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the oceans. The world's first comprehensive census of the past, present, and future of life in the oceans was released in October 2010. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Information about wind speed, wave height and swell.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Peter J. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 6552 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://peta-maritim.bmkg.go.id/framestatic/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Center for Maritime Meteorology - Ocean Forecast System - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Pusat Meteorologi Maritim - Ocean Forecast System - Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika | ||||
Acronym | Center for Maritime Meteorology - OFS - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Information about wind speed, wave height and swell. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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The CEOS International Directory Network (IDN) is a Gateway to the world of Earth Science data. The ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://idn.ceos.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nasa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | CEOS International Directory Network IDN | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The CEOS International Directory Network (IDN) is a Gateway to the world of Earth Science data. The CEOS IDN is an international effort developed to assist researchers in locating information on available datasets. The directory is sponsored as a service to the Earth science community. CEOS was established in September, 1984 in response to a recommendation from a Panel of Experts on Remote Sensing from Space and set up under the aegis of the G7 Economic Summit of Industrial Nations Working Group on Growth, Technology, and Employment. This Panel recognized the multidisciplinary nature of space-based Earth observations and the value of coordinating international Earth observation efforts to benefit society. Accordingly, the original function of CEOS was to coordinate and harmonize Earth observations to make it easier for the user community to access and use data. CEOS initially focused on interoperability, common data formats, the inter-calibration of instruments, and common validation and inter-comparison of products. However, over time, the circumstances surrounding the collection and use of space-based Earth observations have changed. The number of Earth-observing satellites has vastly increased. Onboard instruments are more complex and are capable of collecting new types of data in ever-growing volumes. The user community has expanded and become more diverse as different data types become available and new applications for Earth observations are developed. Users have become more organized, forming several international bodies that coordinate and levy Earth observation requirements. In response to this changing environment, CEOS has evolved, becoming more complex and expanding the number and scope of its activities. In addition to its original charge, CEOS now focuses on validated requirements levied by external organizations, works closely with other satellite coordinating bodies (e.g. the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites, CGMS), and continues its role as the primary forum for international coordination of space-based Earth observations. Over the past three decades, CEOS has significantly contributed to the advancement of space-based Earth observation community efforts. CEOS Agencies communicate, collaborate, and exchange information on Earth observation activities, spurring useful partnerships such as the Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS). CEOS played an influential role in the establishment and ongoing development of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). CEOS, through the major investments made by CEOS Agencies in developing the space segment of GEOSS, continues to provide space-based Earth observations in support of GEOSS implementation. CEOS Agencies work together to launch multi-agency collaborative missions, and such cooperative efforts have highly benefited users all around the world. CEOS also provides an established means of communicating with external organizations, enabling CEOS to understand and act upon these organizations’ Earth observation needs and requirements. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Vector files of chart features and available in S-57 format.
NOAA ENCs support marine navigation by ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.charts.noaa.gov/InteractiveCatalog/nrnc.shtml | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Chart Locator - NOAA Office of Coast Survey | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ENC- NOAA Office of Coast Survey | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Vector files of chart features and available in S-57 format. NOAA ENCs support marine navigation by providing the official Electronic Navigational Chart used in ECDIS and in electronic charting systems. NOAA ENCs are updated weekly with Notice to Mariner corrections. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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We provide global forecasts, climate reanalyses and specific datasets, designed to meet different us ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://apps.ecmwf.int/webapps/opencharts | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ecmwf.int/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Charts Catalogue - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Charts Catalogue - ECMWF | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | We provide global forecasts, climate reanalyses and specific datasets, designed to meet different user requirements. These are available via the web, point-to-point dissemination, data servers and broadcasting. ECMWF’s operational forecasts aim to show how the weather is most likely to evolve. To do this, the Centre produces an ensemble of predictions. Individually they are full descriptions of the evolution of the weather. Collectively they indicate the likelihood of a range of future weather scenarios. Our Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) provides forecasts and associated verification at different resolutions and for multiple time ranges. Our products present key aspects of the forecast evolution and the associated uncertainty. The verification provides essential feedback on the quality of the forecasting system. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | ||||
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Welcome to the wave information website of the School of Oceanic Civil Engineering of the University ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://oleaje.uv.cl/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://oleaje.uv.cl/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Chilean Wave Atlas | ||||
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Citation | The total or partial reproduction of this publication is authorized, by any means or procedure, provided that it is included the bibliographic citation of the book. How to cite this book: Beyá J., Álvarez M., Gallardo A., Hidalgo H., Aguirre C., Valdivia J., Parra C., Méndez L., Contreras F., Winckler P., Molina M. (2016 ). Chilean Wave Atlas. First edition. Valparaíso, Chile, School of Oceanic Civil Engineering - University of Valparaíso. | ||||
Abstract | Welcome to the wave information website of the School of Oceanic Civil Engineering of the University of Valparaíso . On this site you will find statistical and forecast information for waves generated within the framework of the Fondef-Idea IT13I20006 project "A Wave Atlas for Chile". The statistical information presented in the section "Atlas de Oleaje de Chile" was generated with the Wavewatch III v.4.18 model calibrated from satellite and buoy altimetry measurements, which was later corrected for systematic errors. This information corresponds to the best available on the project completion date and meets the main objective and motivation, which is to make the statistical behavior of the waves off the coast of Chile freely available. The swell information from the Atlas was analyzed with a level of detail rarely seen. Thus, it was possible to characterize the operational and extreme wave climate, also including advanced technical aspects such as storm surge duration, storm trajectory, spectral shape, multimodality and uncertainty, among others. The wave forecast is generated with the Wavewatch III model from NOAA operational forecast wind fields . Information is delivered in deep waters and in front of the mouth of the most important ports. Climate change projections were generated from global climate models whose bias was corrected using information from the Wave Atlas. The information on historical swells was compiled from bibliographic sources, press archives, and records of the Chilean Navy. Degree memories , technical reports and publications in conferences and magazines support and complement the content presented in this document. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The website is maintained by National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) Ministry of Natura ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Ting Yu ( OceanExpert : 17910 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.ccufn.org.cn/web/placename/data.view | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.ccufn.org.cn//web/placenameGlobal/setLang.view?langType=en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | China Undersea Feature Name Network: Data service | ||||
Original (non-English) name | 中国海底地名网 | ||||
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Abstract | The website is maintained by National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) Ministry of Natural Resources, China. The data disseminated at the Map Service Page includes Chinese Undersea Feature Names adopted by GEBCO/SCUFN, with gazetteer of the names, generic feature type and geographic position of features on the seafloor. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Marine Data and Information Service | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Global | ||||
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Use this crowd-sourced web application to report and view water levels and study the impacts of high ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://noaa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=8e4a278576964f47b4fc050e51f344ca | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Citizen Science Water Level Application - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | NCCOS - NCCOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Use this crowd-sourced web application to report and view water levels and study the impacts of high tide flooding. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
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The CLIMARES website was created as an institutional initiative to promote the dissemination of rese ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms Carolina Garcia Valencia ( OceanExpert : 10200 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://climares.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.invemar.org.co/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | CLIMARES - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | CLIMARES - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia | ||||
Acronym | CLIMARES - INVEMAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The CLIMARES website was created as an institutional initiative to promote the dissemination of research and activities that have been carried out in INVEMAR in the field of climate change in coastal areas over the course of nearly 12 years of work, with the participation of a interdisciplinary group of professionals. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | National extent of Colombia | ||||
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This page contains information on ocean and atmospheric conditions documenting or driving climate va ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/climate-variability | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Climate Variability - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Climate Variability - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This page contains information on ocean and atmospheric conditions documenting or driving climate variability. The image depicts the latest sea surface temperature (SST). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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CoastAdapt is an information delivery and decision support framework. It is for anyone with an inter ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://coastadapt.com.au/coastadapt-interactive-map | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://coastadapt.com.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | CoastAdapt Shoreline Explorer | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | CoastAdapt is an information delivery and decision support framework. It is for anyone with an interest in Australia’s coast, the risks it faces from climate change and sea-level rise, and what can be done to respond to those risks. CoastAdapt contains information and guidance to help people from all walks of life understand climate change and the responses available to manage the impacts. Although there is a focus on Australia’s coastal regions, CoastAdapt also links the user to climate change resources on the NCCARF website and beyond that are relevant to Australia more broadly. There are three datasets in Shoreline Explorer: Sediment compartments (Section 1 in this document). This summarises the available information on physical (i.e., ocean currents, geomorphology etc.) coastal risks for each coastal compartment in Australia. Smartline (Section 2). This comes in a basic version and an advanced version. It is by far the most complex of the datasets in CoastAdapt, so you may wish to try the basic version first. It provides information on erodibility of the coastline based on geology. Water Observations from Space (Section 3). This provides information on present-day flood risk using satellite data. Local government boundaries are also provided. You can look at more than one dataset at once. Each dataset has a horizontal slider bar below its name – this controls the transparency and opacity of the dataset. Sliding it to the left makes the data more transparent, and to the right more opaque. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Geoscience Australia | ||||
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The public availability of satellite data and new analytical tools for processing big data, such as ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/marine-geology/coastal-behavior/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Coastal Behavior - European Geological Data Infrastructure | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Coastal Behavior - EGDI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The public availability of satellite data and new analytical tools for processing big data, such as the Google Earth Engine, enable us to look at coastline migration in a new way. Scripts for automated detection of the land-water boundary generate numerous data points for each part of the European coastline. When averaged by year and analyzed for a decadal period, these data points form the basis for a new pan-European coastline-migration map that covers a consistent time period relevant for present-day coastal-zone management, eliminates data gaps, and portrays a single coastline indicator that is assumed to correspond to the mid-tide land-water boundary. As part of EMODnet-Geology, Gerben Hagenaars at Deltares performed an analysis for tens of thousands of transects with a spacing of 500 meters, giving a map resolution of 1:1,000,000. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Deltares | ||||
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The presented information displays storm surge, flood, wind, and wave information from coastal ocean ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://cera.coastalrisk.live/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://coastalrisk.live/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment - NOAA | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CERA - NOAA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The presented information displays storm surge, flood, wind, and wave information from coastal ocean and inland flooding models. Model data may not be a total water level guidance. Actual water levels can be significantly higher due to waves, river input, rainfall or other water sources currently not represented in a particular model. Please always check with your regional National Weather Service forecast service for the official water level forecast. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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CeisNet It is an acronym for Coastal Environmental Information Service, which is the English name fo ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Norio Baba ( OceanExpert : 13092 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/JODC/ceisnet/index.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Coastal Environmental Information Service | ||||
Original (non-English) name | CeisNet(シーズネット)とは | ||||
Acronym | CeisNet | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | CeisNet It is an acronym for Coastal Environmental Information Service, which is the English name for "Coastal Sea Environmental Conservation Information," and is a nickname for providing "Coastal Sea Environmental Conservation Information" on the Internet. At CeisNet, which is currently provided, you can use WebGIS to view various information recorded in the "Coastal Sea Area Environmental Conservation Information" while freely overlaying it on the map displayed on your computer. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Japan Oceanographic Data Center | ||||
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A global plankton database that contains over 400,000 observations of copepods along with other zoop ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/copepod/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Coastal Oceanic Plankton Ecology, Production, and Observation Database | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | COPEPOD | ||||
Citation | The content of the COPEPOD plankton database is updated on a monthly-to-quarterly basis. Every two years a printed NOAA technical memorandum is created to summarize the full data content, as well as the latest protocols for quality control and data product synthesis (i.e., new gridded fields, compilations, etc.). This allows users to cite a printed reference or a web site (depending on preference and/or the requirements of their intended publication or works). The most recent printed NOAA technical memorandum (NMFS-F/ST-37, aka "COPEPOD-2014") is available as an electronic PDF file (here) . The database can be cited as follows: O'Brien, T.D. 2014. COPEPOD: The Global Plankton Database. An overview of the 2014 database contents, processing methods, and access interface. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/ST-37, 29p. To cite the online database, some possible format examples are: COPEPOD: the global plankton database. ONLINE. 2019. Available: https://www.st.nfms.noaa.gov/copepod [8-Sep-2009]." ... or ... Plankton data were acquired from the COPEPOD global plankton database <https://www.st.nfms.noaa.gov/copepod>. | ||||
Abstract | A global plankton database that contains over 400,000 observations of copepods along with other zooplankton, phytoplankton, and microbial plankton taxa. COPEPOD: The global plankton database. COPEPODITE: The global time-series directory and time series analysis toolkit. NAUPLIUS: Ecosystems data products and visualization tools. COPEPEDIA: Taxonomic information photos and biometric data. This database provides fisheries and marine ecosystems investigators with an integrated data set of quality reviewed globally distributed plankton data along with any available co-sampled environmental hydrographic and meteorological data. These data are provided in a variety of forms e.g. spatial mean fields time-series graphical maps and figures and compilations e.g. from individual data sets to regional or taxa based compilations. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
Technical notes | Text/ Html/ CVS/ Maps | ||||
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Want to know what the Australian coastline may look like in 2100? Coastal Risk Australia (CRA) has b ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.coastalrisk.com.au/home | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Coastal Risk Australia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Want to know what the Australian coastline may look like in 2100? Coastal Risk Australia (CRA) has been developed to show you just that. It is an interactive map tool designed to communicate coastal inundation associated with sea level rise to the year 2100. Using Google Earth Engine technology, CRA allows you to investigate the extent of coastal inundation using the latest 3D models of the Australian coastline. Data have been captured using airborne LiDAR technology to create detailed digital elevation models (DEMs), which are then combined with ‘bucket-fill’ inundation modelling to create the map-based visualisations. This capability has been developed through long term investments and partnerships between FrontierSI and NGIS Australia. The DEMs which underpin the inundation models are now available for download from Geoscience Australia at http://www.ga.gov.au/elvis/. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | The data provided in this tool has been developed to help communicate the risks of sea level rise and storm surge. The data is not provided as professional advice, and should not be relied upon for site specific decision making or for making financial or any other commitments. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of materials presented, the developers make no expressed or implied warranties (including warranties of merchantability and fitness) with respect to the accuracy, completeness, character, function, or capabilities of the tool and the data and images accessed through it. Appropriate use and conclusions drawn from the data and images are the responsibility of the user. The developers expressly disclaims liability for any loss, however caused and whether due to negligence or otherwise, arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or reliance on, this visualisation tool or the information contained in it, by any person. The Coastal Risk Australia website does not include the dynamic response of unconsolidated shorelines (eg. sand, mud and shell) or the increase in tidal flows in coastal waterways that will result from different coastal configurations in some locations. Nor does the model take account of the effects of catchment flooding from coincident extreme rainfall events. More detailed local study may be required to ensure that particular local circumstances and dynamics are adequately considered in any adaptation response to sea level rise. | ||||
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abstract to fill
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://marine.rutgers.edu/cool/maracoos/imagery/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://maracoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | CODAR Surface Current Maps - Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CODAR Surface Current Maps - MARACOOS | ||||
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Abstract | abstract to fill | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Rutgers University, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences | ||||
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The Oceanography Research Center is a government agency under the Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://crmis.oseanografi.lipi.go.id | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://oseanografi.lipi.go.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Condition of Coral Reefs in monitoring sites - LIPI Oceanographic Research Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CRMIS - LIPI Oceanography Research Center | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Oceanography Research Center is a government agency under the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). The center functions as a research center focusing on oceanography, marine biodiversity and ecology, marine bio-prospecting and aquaculture. Thi portal is the Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Research Center for Physics (LIPI) | ||||
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BMKG has the status of a Non-Departmental Government Institution headed by a Head of the Agency. BMK ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cews.bmkg.go.id/depan.bmkg | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://web.meteo.bmkg.go.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Consecutive Rainless Day Monitoring - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Monitoring Hari Tanpa Hujan Berturut-turut - BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
Acronym | Consecutive Rainless Day Monitoring - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | BMKG has the status of a Non-Departmental Government Institution headed by a Head of the Agency. BMKG has the task of carrying out government duties in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality and Geophysics in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws. Users can find here a Consecutive Rainless Day Monitoring map. The observation period is based on the updating date and analyzed backward until a rainy day is obtained. The data used is CMSS data. Consecutive days without rain are counted from the last day of observation, if the last day does not rain, then it is calculated according to the Criteria. Meanwhile, if the last day of observation there is rain (> = 1mm) it is immediately categorized as Rainy Day (HH). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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The CORA dataset (Coriolis Ocean Dataset for Reanalysis) aims to diffuse all types of in-situ temper ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.coriolis.eu.org/Data-Products/Products/CORA | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://wwz.ifremer.fr/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Coriolis Ocean Dataset for Reanalysis (CORA) | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CORA | ||||
Citation | Cabanes, C., A. Grouazel, K. von Schuckmann, M. Hamon, V. Turpin, C. Coatanoan, F. Paris, S. Guinehut, C. Boone, N. Ferry, C. de Boyer Montégut, T. Carval, G. Reverdin, S. Pouliquen, and P. Y. Le Traon, 2013: The CORA dataset: validation and diagnostics of in-situ ocean temperature and salinity measurements. Ocean Science, 9, 1-18, http://www.ocean-sci.net/9/1/2013/os-9-1-2013.html, doi:10.5194/os-9-1-2013. | ||||
Abstract | The CORA dataset (Coriolis Ocean Dataset for Reanalysis) aims to diffuse all types of in-situ temperature and salinity measurements with a maximal sampling, including high frequency profilers (ARGO, CTD, etc...) surface and sub-surface timeseries (Thermosalinographs and surface drifters, etc...). The current version of the CORA dataset (CORA5.0) stands out from the previous version by the intake of millions profiles from the historical period (1950-1990) and the intake of year 2015 profiles from Coriolis. A very careful validation process is performed on the CORA measurements since the probably erroneous profiles are individually checked by an oceanographer which changes the data quality flags if necessary. This work flow reduces the amount of unnecessary flags leading to a better estimation of the ocean variability. Last, a correction is applied on the XBT measurement depth following the method bu Hamon et al. 2012. The CORA dataset is distributed by the Copernicus Marine and Environement Service online catalogue: Product User Manual and Documentation are also distributed by Copernicus. This datasets diffuses all types of in situ temperature and salinity measurements with a maximal sampling including high frequency profilers ARGO CTD etc... surface and sub surface timeseries Thermosalinographs and surface drifters etc... | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne | ||||
Technical notes | NetCDF | ||||
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The CPR Survey has an open and transparent approach to data availability, data requests and data cit ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.cprsurvey.org/data/our-data/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.cprsurvey.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data - Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Data - CPR Survey | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The CPR Survey has an open and transparent approach to data availability, data requests and data citation. The Survey believes its plankton observation, ancillary datasets and associated metadata should be freely available to collaborating researchers. Increasing the number of scientists that can access and work with CPR Survey datasets will accelerate the progress of marine ecological science and understanding; enhancing the societal benefit derived from Survey data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | ||||
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Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are the most important places in the world for species and their habit ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.keybiodiversityareas.org/kba-data | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.keybiodiversityareas.org/home | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Data - Key Biodiversity Areas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | KBA Data | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are the most important places in the world for species and their habitats. Faced with a global environmental crisis we need to focus our collective efforts on conserving the places that matter most. The KBA Programme supports the identification, mapping, monitoring and conservation of KBAs to help safeguard the most critical sites for nature on our planet – from rainforests to reefs, mountains to marshes, deserts to grasslands and to the deepest parts of the oceans. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Interactive Web Data Delivery System (IWDDS) is INFOMARs primary data download system. Users can ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.infomar.ie/data | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.infomar.ie/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data Access Download - INFOMAR | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Interactive Web Data Delivery System (IWDDS) is INFOMARs primary data download system. Users can browse and download available data based on geographical selection. Bathymetry, backscatter, gravity, magnetics and LiDAR data are available in a variety of formats including Raster, Vector, Grids, Google KMZ files and Fledermaus Scenes. Survey metadata, reports and charts are also available. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Geological Survey of Ireland | ||||
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The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-tim ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/drupal/disdel/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data Display and Delivery - Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array | ||||
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Citation | If you use these data in publications, please acknowledge the GTMBA Project Office of NOAA/PMEL. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of publications utilizing the data for inclusion in the GTMBA bibliography. Relevant publications should be sent to: GTMBA Project Office NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 | ||||
Abstract | The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-time for climate research and forecasting. Major components include the TAO/TRITON array in the Pacific, PIRATA in the Atlantic, and RAMA in the Indian Ocean. The major phenomenological foci of this array are: (i) El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific; (ii) The interhemispheric dipole mode, equatorial warm events, and hurricane activity in the Atlantic; (iii) The monsoons, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and intraseasonal variability in the Indian Ocean. The referred web page allows data display and delivery for the different arrays. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | ||||
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Annual sea surface temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea (map) and monthly mean sea surface temperat ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://t-mednet.org/t-resources/data-explore-1982-2017 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://t-mednet.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data explore 1982-2017 - T-MEDNet | ||||
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Abstract | Annual sea surface temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea (map) and monthly mean sea surface temperatures in the different ecoregions (figure) from 1982 to 2017. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institute of Marine Science | ||||
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EMODnet Biology provides open and free access to interoperable data and data products on temporal an ...
Submitter/Owner | Nathalie Tonné ( OceanExpert : 36066 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/search | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/biology | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data portal - European Marine Observation and Data Network Biology | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Data portal - EMODnet biology | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | EMODnet Biology provides open and free access to interoperable data and data products on temporal and spatial distribution of marine species (angiosperms, benthos, birds, fish, macroalgae, mammals, phytoplankton, reptiles, zooplankton) and species traits from European regional seas, as defined by the EEA’s 'Europe’s seas’ dataset (Arctic Ocean, (North) Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and North Sea). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Europe | ||||
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The Global Earth Observation System of Systems’ Platform (former GEOSS Common Infrastructure, or G ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.geoportal.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.earthobservations.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data Portal - Global Earth Observation System of Systems' Platform | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GEOSS Portal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Global Earth Observation System of Systems’ Platform (former GEOSS Common Infrastructure, or GCI) proactively links existing and planned observing systems around the world and supports the development of new systems where there are gaps. The GEOSS Platform promotes the use of common technical standards so that data from thousands of different instruments can be combined into coherent data sets. The GEOSS Portal offers a single Internet access point to Earth observation data, information and knowledge from all over the world for users with different backgrounds and from different disciplines. The Portal has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface to discover, access and use the ever-growing quantities of GEO resources. Through the Portal, the GEOSS Platform connects the users to the wealth of heterogeneous collections of databases and other portals and provides reliable, up-to-date and user-friendly (current and historical) information – vital for the work of decision/policymakers, planners and emergency managers. Both the public and private sectors but as well citizens are served. Users can discover data considering temporal, thematic and geographic search criteria, and apply progressive filtering to retrieve, quickly and accurately, the resources they need. Information regarding the data can be inspected either via an information window or visually on different background maps if enabled before download. For users with limited or no access to the Internet, there are regions making similar information available via the satellite service, GEONETCast. The GEOSS Platform is a brokering infrastructure. The GEO Discovery and Access Broker (GEO DAB) is the primary mechanism by which all data and information is discovered and accessed. The GEO DAB implements the necessary mediation and harmonization services through Application Program Interfaces (APIs). These APIs allow data providers to share resources without having to make major changes to their technology or standards. Presently GEOSS Platform brokers more than 150 autonomous data catalogs and information systems, useful for the different GEO Societal Benefit Areas including data from: CAFF, Data.gov, Data.uk, EEA, GBIF, Iris, JRC Open Data catalog, NASA, NCAR, NOAA, OCHA HDX, RCMRD, UNEP, UNOSAT, USGS, Web Energy Services, WMO WIS and many more. Data providers are constantly being added and brokered, according to user needs, the thematic and geographic balance of the data and relevance of resources shared. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Group on Earth Observations Secretariat | ||||
Technical notes | See each dataset | ||||
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The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) pursues multidisciplinary and interdisciplinar ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Peter Walsh ( OceanExpert : 32689 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.imas.utas.edu.au/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.utas.edu.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Data Portal - Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Data Portal - IMAS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) pursues multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work to advance understanding of temperate marine, Southern Ocean, and Antarctic environments. IMAS research is characterised as innovative, relevant, and globally distinctive. Education at IMAS delivers world-class programs, resulting in highly trained graduates who serve the needs of academic institutions, industry, government, and the community. IMAS is naturally advantaged by its Southern Ocean location proximal to Antarctica, and hosts one of the world's largest critical masses of marine and Antarctic researchers. IMAS also operates facilities and host data sets of national and global interest and to the benefit of the community. The guiding framework of IMAS is that all data that are not commercial-in-confidence or restricted by legislation or agreement are owned by the University on behalf of the community or Commonwealth, are hosted by an organisation, and are shared with researchers for analysis and interpretation. IMAS is committed to the concept of Open Data. The IMAS Data Portal is an online interface showcasing data from IMAS and its partners. The portal aims to make IMAS data freely and openly available for the benefit of Australian marine and environmental science as a whole. The IMAS Data Portal is hosted and maintained by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania | ||||
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The Marine Biosecurity Porthole contains the most complete source of information on the national dis ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.marinebiosecurity.org.nz/search-for-species/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marinebiosecurity.org.nz/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Data Portal - Marine Biosecurity Porthole | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Marine Biosecurity Porthole contains the most complete source of information on the national distribution of non-native marine species in New Zealand. Distribution records in the portal come from four principal sources: - Port Biological Baseline Surveys, - Marine High Risk Site Surveillance, - Marine Invasive Taxonomic Service, - Other verified observations of non-native marine species. This website was developed in partnership between the Biosecurity New Zealand and NIWA, with the support of Silverstripe and Catalyst. NIWA contracted the Wellington based web development companies Catalyst, to design and build the portal to specifications developed by Biosecurity New Zealand and NIWA. Catalyst used the Open Source content management system (CMS) called SilverStripe, to build the portal. Graphic design for the site was styled by Catalyst. The web mapping client is WebAppBuilder for ArcGIS built into ArcGIS Online by ESRI. Most of the Open Source components are supported by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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WRI produces and curates data sets as part of our commitment to turn information into action. These ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://datasets.wri.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.wri.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Data Portal - World Resources Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Data Portal - WRI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | WRI produces and curates data sets as part of our commitment to turn information into action. These products are based on our research, which are held to traditional academic standards of excellence, including objectivity and rigor. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Geographic information about biodiversity is vital for understanding the many services nature provid ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://mol.org/datasets/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://mol.org | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Datasets - Map of Life | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Datasets - MOL | ||||
Citation | Jetz, W., McPherson, J. M., and Guralnick, R. P. (2012). Integrating biodiversity distribution knowledge: toward a global map of life. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27:151-159. DOI:10.1016/j.tree.2011.09.007 | ||||
Abstract | Geographic information about biodiversity is vital for understanding the many services nature provides and their potential changes, yet remains unreliable and often insufficient. Built on a scalable web platform geared for large biodiversity and environmental data, Map of Life endeavors to provide ‘best-possible’ species range information and species lists for any geographic area. Map of Life aims to support effective and global biodiversity education, monitoring, research and decision-making by assembling and integrating a wide range of knowledge about species distributions and their dynamics over time. Data: the Map of Life assembles and integrates different sources of data describing species distributions worldwide. These data include expert species range maps, species occurrence points, ecoregions, and protected areas from providers like IUCN, WWF, GBIF, and more. All data assets are stored, managed, backed up, and accessed using a hosted cloud instance. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The dataZone is a collection of applications, accesible online or inside the Charles Darwin Research ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.darwinfoundation.org/en/datazone | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.darwinfoundation.org/en/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | dataZone - Charles Darwn Foundation | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Abstract | The dataZone is a collection of applications, accesible online or inside the Charles Darwin Research Station, providing access to all the scientific information stored in several databases, product of almost 60 years of research in the Galapagos Islands. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Fundación Charles Darwin | ||||
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The scale of operation is local national and global shorelines bays seaways national EEZ's ocean bas ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://instaar.colorado.edu/~jenkinsc/dbseabed/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://instaar.colorado.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | dbSEABED | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | The scale of operation is local national and global shorelines bays seaways national EEZ's ocean basins and worldwide. The database deals with coastal estuarine inshore continental shelf continental slope and very deep-sea environments. dbSEABED creates unified detailed mappings of the materials that make the seafloor by efficiently integrating thousands of individual datasets. The goal is to bring decades of seabed information and today's information from marine geology biology engineering and surveys into one seabed mapping that can fulfill the community's needs for ocean bottom information on many spatial scales. The system deals with seabed texture composition acoustic properties color geology and biology. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Colorado at Boulder | ||||
Technical notes | ASCII/ LYR/ QML/ AVL | ||||
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This tool has been developed to convert decimal degree to degree-minute-second and vice versa.
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/degreecalculator | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Decimal Degree to Degree-Minute-Second and Vice Versa Tool | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Decimal Degree to Degree-Minute-Second and Vice Versa Tool- INCOD | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This tool has been developed to convert decimal degree to degree-minute-second and vice versa. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
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An integrated set of software tools to support the design, planning, and management of MPAs by ident ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert : 12914 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cinto.invemar.org.co/ssdsampindicadores/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https:// | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Decision Support System - Marine Protected Areas Subsystem | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistema de Soporte de Decisiones - Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas | ||||
Acronym | SSD-SAMP | ||||
Citation | INVEMAR. http://cinto.invemar.org.co/ssdsampindicadores/: Sistema de Soporte de Decisiones del Subsistema de Áreas Marinas Protegidas – SSD SAMP. Santa Marta. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives de Andréis”, Abr. 03 abril de 2020. | ||||
Abstract | An integrated set of software tools to support the design, planning, and management of MPAs by identifying alternatives and existing solutions to achieve a particular goal, estimating future benefits and risks associated with each of them based on the analysis of the historical behavior of the main factors involved. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | ||||
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The ISA Deep Seabed and Ocean Database has been designed to serve as a spatial, internet-based data ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Sheldon Heron Carter ( OceanExpert : 31419 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ISA | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.isa.org.jm | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.isa.org.jm | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://data.isa.org.jm/static/oih/site_map_oih_deepdata.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Deep Seabed and Ocean Database - International Seabed Authority | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | DeepData - ISA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The ISA Deep Seabed and Ocean Database has been designed to serve as a spatial, internet-based data management system. Its main function is to host all deep seabed activities related data and in particular, data collected by the contractors on their exploration activities, as well as any other relevant environmental and resources related data for the Area. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | International Seabed Authority | ||||
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Dapp is a web based client application, developed by the SOCIB Data Center, intended to display and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Juan Gabriel Fernández ( OceanExpert : 38703 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://apps.socib.es/dapp/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.socib.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Deployments web client application - Coastal observation and prediction system of the Balearic Islands | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Deployments web client application - SOCIB | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Dapp is a web based client application, developed by the SOCIB Data Center, intended to display and download deployments data from SOCIB. Dapp provides additional features such as: - Browse and display any deployments made by SOCIB, - Create customized maps with several deployments and WMS map layers. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Search for map servers, geographic information, satellite images and other types of resources, such ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Carlos R. Torres ( OceanExpert : 19846 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | | ||||
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ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Digital Climatic Atlas Mexico | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Atlas Climático Digital México | ||||
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Citation | Atlas Climático Digital México, Accesado el 8/feb/2019 | ||||
Abstract | Search for map servers, geographic information, satellite images and other types of resources, such as: Sea level anomaly, Socioeconomic Aspects and Scenarios, Base Layers, Tropical Cyclones, Extreme Climatology, Ground cover, Vertical columns of atmospheric gases, Chlorophyll A concentration, Electrical Discharges, AR4 Climate Change Scenarios, Bioclimatic Parameters, Average Precipitation, Monthly Average Reanalysis, Meteorological Drought, Medium temperature, Average Maximum Temperature, Minimum Average Temperature, Sea Surface Temperature, Absolute Dynamic Topography, Geostrophic velocity, Climatological wind at sea. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Universidad Autónoma de Baja California | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | 32N a 8N,m -120W a -80W | ||||
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The DCDA is an extensive archive, hosting a great diversity of photographs, newspaper articles, aeri ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ccoresources/dorsetcoast/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Dorset Coast Digital Archive - Channel Coastal Observatory | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | DCDA - CCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The DCDA is an extensive archive, hosting a great diversity of photographs, newspaper articles, aerial images and historical maps of the Dorset coast as far back as 1740. This work is a centrepiece for knowledge exchange on how areas have developed over time through a visual representation. The archive promotes information and an understanding of how the Dorset coast has changed over time, including how the coastal morphology has evolved, how biodiversity has changed and how settlements and society have developed. The archive contains over 20,000 images, which have been grouped into the following categories: Physical changes to the Coast, Settlements and Society and Managing the coast. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Douro’s Inland Waterway Electronic Navigational Chart project is part of «The Douro's Inland ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.hidrografico.pt/vn.douro | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.hidrografico.pt/index/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Douro's inland waterway - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Douro's inland waterway - IH | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Douro’s Inland Waterway Electronic Navigational Chart project is part of «The Douro's Inland Waterway 2020», managed by the “Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo” (APDL), and being essential for the safety of navigation in this route. The project, executed by the Hydrographic Institute, was executed in several stages, namely: - The hydrographic survey of the entire Douro's Inland Waterway; - The definition of the navigation channel for the waterway; - The definition of maritime aids to navigation on the waterway; - The creation of Inland Electronic Navigational Charts for the waterway. After its complete implementation, this will allow a significant increase in the safety of navigation on an inland waterway that is increasingly important for the region and the country. Clicking on a link below will allow you to download a set of charts (.zip format). On the map above you can identify each chart's area. The date allows you to check if you have the last version. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Douro River | ||||
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ReefBase gathers available knowledge about coral reefs into one information repository. It is intend ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/datasets.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.worldfishcenter.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Download GIS Dataset - ReefBase | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | ReefBase: A Global Information System for Coral Reefs. [month, year]. http://www.reefbase.org | ||||
Abstract | ReefBase gathers available knowledge about coral reefs into one information repository. It is intended to facilitate analyses and monitoring of coral reef health and the quality of life of reef-dependent people and to support informed decisions about coral reef use and management. ReefBase is the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), as well as the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN). The ReefBase Project is housed at the WorldFish Center in Penang, Malaysia, with funding through ICRAN from the United Nations Foundation (UNF). ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System (ReefGIS) allows you to display coral reef related data and information on interactive maps. You can zoom, search and query data layers, and save or bookmark the map. Selected datasets in ReefBase can be downloaded here. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine dat ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.marineregions.org/downloads.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marineregions.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Downloads - Marine Regions | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information. However, a unique georeferenced standard of marine place names and areas was not available, hampering several marine geographic applications, for example the linking of these locations to databases to integrate data. The purpose of Marine Regions is therefore to create a standard, relational list of geographic names, coupled with information and maps of the geographic location of these features. This will improve access and clarity of the different geographic, marine names such as seas, sandbanks, ridges and bays and display univocally the boundaries of marine biogeographic or managerial marine areas. Marine Regions is an integration of the VLIMAR Gazetteer and the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. The VLIMAR Gazetteer is a database with geographic, mainly marine names such as seas, sandbanks, seamounts, ridges, bays or even standard sampling stations used in marine research. The geographic cover of the VLIMAR gazetteer is global but initially focused on the Belgian Continental Shelf and the Scheldt Estuary and the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Gradually more regional and global geographic information was added to VLIMAR and combining this information with the Maritime Boundaries database, representing the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the world, led to the creation of marineregions.org. Marine Regions is managed by the Flanders Marine Institute. Funding for the creation of the VLIMAR gazetteer was provided initially through the EU Network of Excellence MarBEF, but also other European initiatives such as Lifewatch provide the necessary funding for the maintenance and management of Marine Regions. Marine Regions depends on data and knowledge sharing from global, European, regional and national data providers and relevant experts. By setting up Collaboration Agreements, data providers will benefit from belonging to the Marine Regions partnership as they would get increased visibility, gain access to a variety of data analysis services which will benefit from integration of several distributed spatial datasets, as well as enjoying the benefit of the creation of stable unique identifiers. An example template of a Collaboration Agreement can be found here. Please contact info@marineregions.org if your organisation is interested to explore this collaboration. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The maps are available free of charge and were produced using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://iodp.tamu.edu/scienceops/maps.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.iodp.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Drill site maps - International Ocean Discovery Program | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Drill site maps - IODP | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The maps are available free of charge and were produced using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | IODP data and samples are typically protected by a 1-year postcruise moratorium, during which time data and samples from a particular expedition are available only to that expedition’s science party and approved shore-based participants. Longer moratorium periods will be in effect for expeditions where sampling takes place postcruise at a shore-based repository. Except where otherwise noted, expedition photos and publications are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction are permitted, provided the original author and source are credited. Expedition photos are provided for free public use provided the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO), and photographer (when known) are acknowledged in the caption or credits accompanying each photo. Expedition maps are provided for free use by researchers, policy makers, the media, and the public. | ||||
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The Oceans discipline encompasses geophysical parameters that characterize the oceans (e.g., tempera ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search?fst0=Oceans | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://earthdata.nasa.gov/discipline/ocean | ||||
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English name | EarthData - Observing System Data and Information System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | EarthData - EOSDIS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Oceans discipline encompasses geophysical parameters that characterize the oceans (e.g., temperature, salinity, sea surface topography, chemistry/biology optics) as well as those physical processes operating within the Earth’s oceans and at its surface. Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) hold ocean data products describing many ocean processes including ocean circulations, winds, heat exchange between the ocean and atmosphere and the interaction of solar radiation with the ocean. Sea ice products also are included in the discipline (in addition to being within the Cryosphere discipline). The primary DAACs for ocean products are the Physical Oceanography DAAC (PO.DAAC) and Ocean Biology DAAC (OB.DAAC). Sea ice products are provided by the Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC (ASF DAAC) and National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC (NSIDC DAAC). Several other DAACs also hold Oceans data as they relate to their respective disciplines. Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography, Coastal Process, Marine Geophysics, Ocean Acoustics, Ocean Chemistry, Ocean Circulation, Ocean Heat Budget, Ocean Optics, Ocean Pressure, Ocean Temperature, Ocean Waves, Ocean Winds, Salinity/Density, Sea Ice, Sea Surface Topography. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The EarthExplorer (EE) user interface, developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), prov ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/tools/usgs-earthexplorer/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://earthdata.nasa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Earth Explorer - United States Geological Survey | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | USGS Earth Explorer | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The EarthExplorer (EE) user interface, developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), provides online search, browse display, metadata export, and data download of satellite, aircraft, and other remote sensing inventories. NASA LP DAAC Collections in EE include: MODIS land data products from both the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, AST_L1T and ASTER GDEM data products acquired from the NASA ASTER mission, NASA MEaSUREs products, ASTER Global Emissivity Datasets, VIIRS data products from the NOAA/NASA joint Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite, and ECOSTRESS products. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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As a Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) for the Indian Ocean, the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning Syste ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://inatews.bmkg.go.id/light/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Earthquake Information - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Informasi Gempabumi Dirasakan - Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System | ||||
Acronym | Earthquake Information - INATEWS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | As a Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) for the Indian Ocean, the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) offers web access to ocean-wide tsunami warning products. Registered users may login in order to access warning bulletins issued by InaTEWS. The InaTEWS-BMKG functions as an approved Tsunami Service Provider of the IOTWMS that is an integral part of the Global Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, established and coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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Audubon Alaska's Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas takes you on a scientifi ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://ak.audubon.org/conservation/ecological-atlas-bering-chukchi-and-beaufort-seas | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://ak.audubon.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas - Audubon Alaska | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Abstract | Audubon Alaska's Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas takes you on a scientific journey through natural history and ecological relationships in the Arctic marine environment. This comprehensive, trans-boundary atlas contains over 100 maps of Arctic marine mammals, seabirds, sea ice, subsistence, and more. The Atlas is organized into six sections that build, layer by layer, the ecological foundation of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Caspian Sea is inland and is located in an extensive continental depression on the border of Eur ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Sergey Belov ( OceanExpert : 13831 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ERSP/atlaskasp/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Electronic guide to the natural environment of the Caspian Sea | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Электронный справочник по природной среде Каспия | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Caspian Sea is inland and is located in an extensive continental depression on the border of Europe and Asia. The Caspian Sea has no connection with the ocean, which formally allows us to call it a lake, but it has all the features of the sea. It is elongated in the meridional direction and is located between 47 degrees. 07 minutes and 36 degrees. 33 minutes s.sh. and 45 degrees. 43 minutes and 54 degrees. 03 minutes v.d. The length of the sea along the meridian is about 1200 km, the average width is 310 km. The sea area at a level mark of 27.5 m BS is 386.4 thousand km. textPhysically and geographically and according to the nature of the underwater relief, the sea is divided into three parts: northern, middle, and southern. The conditional border between the northern and middle parts runs along the line of Chechen Island - Cape Tyub-Karagan, between the middle and southern parts - along the line of Chechen Island. Residential - M. Kuuli. The northern part of the sea is shallow, its average depth is 5 - 6 m, maximum depths of 15 - 20 m are located on the border with the middle part of the sea. The bottom relief is complicated by the presence of banks, islands, Borozdin. The middle part of the sea is a separate basin, the area of the maximum depths of which - the Derbent depression - is shifted to the western coast. The average depth of this part of the sea is 190 m, the greatest is 788 m. The western slope of the Derbent depression is narrow and steep, the eastern slope is strongly stretched. The bottom of the depression is a slightly sloping plain with depths mainly from 400 to 600 m. The southern part of the sea is separated from the middle Absheron threshold, which is a continuation of the Main Caucasian ridge. The depths above this underwater ridge do not exceed 180 m. The deepest part of the South Caspian Basin with a maximum depth of 1025 m for the sea is located east of the Kura delta. Several underwater ridges up to 500 m high rise above the bottom of the basin. Meteorological conditions in different parts of the Caspian Sea are not the same due to its large meridional length. The northern part of the sea is characterized by the prevalence of east and south-east winds for most of the year. In the middle part, winds of the northwestern and southeastern directions prevail, in the area of the Absheron Peninsula due to the orographic effect - the winds of the northern and southern directions. In the southern part of the sea, north and north-east winds prevail in the south-west, north-west winds prevail in the extreme south-east in winter, and south-east in summer. Strong and stormy winds, mainly of northwestern and southeastern directions, are observed most often in spring and winter near the western coast of the Middle Caspian, especially in the area of the Absheron Peninsula. Average annual air temperatures vary from 10 degrees C in the northern part of the sea to 17 degrees C in the south. The coldest month is January, the warmest are July and August. The distribution of precipitation over the sea area is extremely uneven. At the western coast of the southern part of the sea, it ranges from 65 (Oil Rocks) to 1250 mm per year (Lankaran zone). North of the Absheron Peninsula, the amount of precipitation is 400 - 430 mm. The eastern coast is dry, the maximum amount of precipitation does not exceed 15 - 20 mm. Ice appears in the northern part of the sea every November. In severe winters, the entire water area of the northern part is covered with ice; in mild winters, the ice stays in shallow water within the 2 - 3 meter isobath. The appearance of ice in the middle and southern parts of the sea occurs in December - January. The water temperature is subject to latitudinal changes, most pronounced in winter, when the temperature changes from 0 - 0.5 degrees C at the ice edge in the north of the sea to 10 - 11 degrees C in the south, i.e. the difference in water temperature is about 10 degrees C. The summer period is characterized by horizontal uniformity in the temperature distribution in the surface layer: in the middle part of the sea 24 - 25 degrees C, in the southern part 25 - 26 degrees C, in the southeast up to 27 - 28 degrees. C. The maximum water temperature is observed in August. Seasonal changes in water temperature are noticeable in the upper 100-meter layer. In the bottom layers of the sea, the temperature during the year is about 4.5 degrees C in the middle part and 5.8 - 5.9 degrees. From the south. The salinity of water changes especially sharply in the northern part of the sea: from 0.1 ‰ in the mouth areas of the Volga and the Urals to 10 -11 ‰ on the border with the Middle Caspian. In the middle and southern parts of the sea, salinity fluctuations are small. Basically, it is 12.6 - 13.0 ‰, increasing from north to south and from west to east. Salinity increases insignificantly with depth (by 0.1 - 0.2.). The level of the Caspian Sea is subject to significant fluctuations due to changes in the water balance and, above all, in the Volga runoff. During the historical time, sea level has undergone significant fluctuations, continuing in modern conditions. The annual course of the level is characterized by a maximum in June - July and a minimum in February. The range of intra-annual fluctuations is 30 - 35 cm. Surge fluctuations of the level are manifested throughout the sea, but they are most significant in the shallow northern part, where, with maximum surges, the level can increase by 2.0 - 4.5 m, with surges, decrease by 1, 0 - 2.5 m. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk | ||||
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Santos Web Atlas aims to facilitate consultation to assist managers.
Scientific and technical data ...
Submitter/Owner | PhD Silvia Sartor ( OceanExpert : 23540 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://santoswebatlas.com.br/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Environmental and Socioeconomic Atlas of Baixada Santista | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Atlas Ambiental e Socioeconômico da Baixada Santista | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Santos Web Atlas aims to facilitate consultation to assist managers. Scientific and technical data are compiled in Thematic Maps that facilitate the understanding of environmental impacts. Additional content complements the knowledge about each THEME, including metadata. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Escola Politecnica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil | ||||
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The purpose of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia (REDIAM) is the integration, stand ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/site/rediam | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Environmental Information Network of Andalusia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía | ||||
Acronym | REDIAM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The purpose of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia (REDIAM) is the integration, standardization and dissemination of all the environmental information of Andalusia generated by different centers that produce environmental information in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The REDIAM was established by the Law 7/2007, of July 9, on Integrated Environmental Quality Management (GICA), and is governed by the 347/2011 Decree of 22 November, on the structure and functioning of the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia and access to environmental information. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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BOEM’s Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) assesses resource information for over 1.7 million a ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.boem.gov/environment/mapping-and-data | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.boem.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Environmental Mapping and Data - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Environmental Mapping and Data - BOEM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | BOEM’s Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) assesses resource information for over 1.7 million acres of Federal waters, encompassing energy resources (conventional oil and gas and wind) and vast mineral deposits, including valuable sand and gravel and other seabed minerals. Maps and other spatial visualization tools help BOEM scientists consider geographic data and information (e.g., location and distance) to effectively conduct thorough, timely, and effective environmental assessments. For example, integrating whale sighting locations and distances from industry infrastructure into a map of other natural resources makes it easier for scientists to perform accurate impact analyses, recommend effective mitigations, and present this information to decision makers. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the US Department of the Interior | ||||
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KESE is a collection of environmental data collected in the framework of the national environmental ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://kese.envir.ee/kese/welcome.action | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://kese.envir.ee/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Environmental Monitoring Information System Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Keskkonnaseire Infosüsteem Kese | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | KESE is a collection of environmental data collected in the framework of the national environmental monitoring program and related environmental research projects. Monitoring: Map view; Monitoring programs: Programs; State of the environment: I Indicator values, II. Values of aggregated indicators, III-VI Estimates, Public reports, Search report blocks. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA®) is an online mapping tool that integrates ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://response.restoration.noaa.gov/resources/maps-and-spatial-data/environmental-response-management-application-erma | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://response.restoration.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Environmental Response Management Application - Office of Response and Restoration at NOAA | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ERMA - Office of Response and Restoration-NOAA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA®) is an online mapping tool that integrates both static and real-time data, such as Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps, ship locations, weather, and ocean currents, in a centralized, easy-to-use format for environmental responders and natural resource decision makers. ERMA enables a user to quickly and securely upload, analyze, export, and display spatial data in a Geographic Information System (GIS) map. Developed by NOAA and the University of New Hampshire(link is external) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Department of the Interior. ERMA provides environmental resource managers with the data necessary to make informed decisions for environmental response, damage assessment and recovery/ restoration. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Our glider group, with funding from The Ocean Tracking Network (OTN), Marine Environmental Observati ...
Submitter/Owner | Kate Patterson ( OceanExpert : 37127 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://belafonte.ocean.dal.ca:8080/erddap/index.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://ceotr.ocean.dal.ca/gliders/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ERDDAP Server - Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ERDDAP - CEOTR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Our glider group, with funding from The Ocean Tracking Network (OTN), Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) and contributions from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), deploy Teledyne Webb Research Slocum electric gliders and a Liquid Robotics wave glider to help ocean monitoring efforts, collect data for researchers studying ocean habitats and marine animal telemetry. This site provides ERDDAP data access. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | bbox=-129.56,41.65,-55.98,50.74 | ||||
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In this portal you will find a range of visualisations of the eReefs Hydrodynamic and BioGeoChemical ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://ereefs.aims.gov.au/ereefs-aims | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://ereefs.org.au/ereefs | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | eReefs Visualization Portal - Australian Institute of Marine Science | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | eReefs Visualization Portal - AIMS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | In this portal you will find a range of visualisations of the eReefs Hydrodynamic and BioGeoChemical models of the Great Barrier Reef. These models are like weather models, but for the marine environment, providing a picture of the current and historical environmental conditions on the Great Barrier Reef. Here you can see past extreme weather events such as: - Cyclones: Yasi (Feb 2011), Ita (April 2014), Nathan (March 2015), Debbi (March 2017), - Coral bleaching from high temperature (March 2016, March 2017), - Flood plumes with low salinity (North Queensland Flooding 2019, Burdekin Jan 2011). This site provides both direct visualisations of the outputs of the eReefs Hydrodynamic and BioGeoChemical models and aggregations of the hourly and daily data to longer time periods (monthly and annual). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville | ||||
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The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the Laptev Sea is ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Sergey Belov ( OceanExpert : 13831 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ERSP/atlaslaptev/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ERSP on hydrometeorological regime of the Laptev Sea | ||||
Original (non-English) name | ЭРСП по гидрометеорологическому режиму моря Лаптевых | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the Laptev Sea is a reference book containing information on the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the sea. The ERSP was prepared on the basis of the initial domestic and foreign data of hydrometeorological observations accumulated in the State Fund of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIGMI-MCD" for a long time period. The ERA is aimed at a wide range of users associated with the study and practical use of the natural resources of the oceans and seas. It contains extensive tabular and cartographic materials without their textual scientific analysis and does not replace other climatic publications of similar topics. It also presents a general climatic description of the region under study, prepared based on materials. The ERSP is based on the calculated data of operating characteristics in the coastal zone of the sea, obtained from the results of urgent observations at the network of coastal hydrometeorological stations (GMR) and posts (GMP), and data from oceanographic and marine hydrometeorological observations in the open part of the Laptev Sea, including secular stations. cuts. As design parameters of the marine environment, we used such characteristics as water and air temperature, salinity, conditional water density, sea level, wind and wave characteristics, oxygen content, and sound speed. In terms of structure, the ERSP consists of three parts. Its first part provides general background information on the sources of information that forms the basis of calculations. For the coastal zone of the sea, a map is given with the location of coastal observation points, as well as passport data on the GMR (names of stations, their code numbers, coordinates, and observation periods). For the open sea, maps of the water area illumination by observations and reference tables, respectively, for ship hydrometeorological and deep-sea oceanographic observations with the number and period of observations for individual one-degree squares of Marsden and stations of secular sections are provided. In the second part of the ERSP, tabular and graphic materials with the climatic characteristics of the coastal zone of the Laptev Sea are given, containing the calculated data of the average and extreme values of the parameters and their recurrence over long-term months, as well as characteristics of the interannual variability of the parameters. The third part of the ERSP contains the results of calculations of the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the open sea with the presentation of maps of the calculated hydrometeorological and oceanographic fields on the sea surface and on individual observation horizons. In a tabular form, for all one-degree squares and stations of secular sections, statistics of monthly average and extreme values of parameters at standard horizons are given. In general, for the entire water area of the sea, the recurrences of parameter values for multiyear months and their annual variation were calculated. The ERSP has a laser disk with the results of climatic data processing and a software application for accessing them and is supplemented by an NTML version oriented to a standard Internet browser. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the East Siberian ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Sergey Belov ( OceanExpert : 13831 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ERSP/atlaseastsiberian/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ERSP on the hydrometeorological regime of the East Siberian Sea | ||||
Original (non-English) name | ЭРСП по гидрометеорологическому режиму Восточно-Сибирского моря | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the East Siberian Sea is a reference book containing information on the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the sea. The ERSP was prepared on the basis of the initial domestic and foreign data of hydrometeorological observations accumulated in the State Fund of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIGMI-MCD" for a long time period. The ERA is aimed at a wide range of users associated with the study and practical use of the natural resources of the oceans and seas. It contains extensive tabular and cartographic materials without their textual scientific analysis and does not replace other climatic publications of similar topics. It also presents a general climatic description of the region under study, prepared based on materials. The ERSP is based on the calculated data of operating characteristics in the coastal zone of the sea, obtained from the results of urgent observations at the network of marine coastal hydrometeorological stations (HMS) and posts (GMP), and data from oceanographic and marine hydrometeorological observations in the open part of the East Siberian Sea, including stations of secular sections. As design parameters of the marine environment, we used such characteristics as water and air temperature, salinity, conditional water density, sea level, wind and wave characteristics, oxygen content, and sound speed. In terms of structure, the ERSP consists of three parts. Its first part provides general background information on the sources of information that forms the basis of calculations. For the coastal zone of the sea, a map is given with the location of coastal observation points, as well as passport data on the GMR (names of stations, their code numbers, coordinates, and observation periods). For the open sea, maps of the water area illumination by observations and reference tables, respectively, for ship hydrometeorological and deep-sea oceanographic observations with the number and period of observations for individual one-degree squares of Marsden and stations of secular sections are provided. In the second part of the ERSP, tabular and graphic materials with the climatic characteristics of the coastal zone of the East Siberian Sea are given, containing the calculated data of the average and extreme values of the parameters and their recurrence over long-term months, as well as the characteristics of the interannual variability of the parameters. The third part of the ERSP contains the results of calculations of the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the open sea with the presentation of maps of the calculated hydrometeorological and oceanographic fields on the sea surface and on individual observation horizons. In a tabular form, for all one-degree squares and stations of secular sections, statistics of monthly average and extreme values of parameters at standard horizons are given. In general, for the entire water area of the sea, the recurrences of parameter values for multiyear months and their annual variation were calculated. The ERSP has a laser disk with the results of climatic data processing and a software application for accessing them and is supplemented by an NTML version oriented to a standard Internet browser. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk | ||||
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The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the Kara Sea is a ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Sergey Belov ( OceanExpert : 13831 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ERSP/atlaskarsk/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | ERSP on the hydrometeorological regime of the Kara Sea | ||||
Original (non-English) name | ЭРСП по гидрометеорологическому режиму Карского моря | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the Kara Sea is a reference book containing information on the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the Kara Sea. The ERSP was prepared on the basis of the initial domestic and foreign data of hydrometeorological observations accumulated in the State Fund of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIGMI-MCD" for a long time period. The ERA is aimed at a wide range of users associated with the study and practical use of natural resources of the oceans and seas. It contains extensive tabular and cartographic materials without their textual scientific analysis and does not replace other climatic publications of similar topics. It also presents a general climatic description of the region under study, prepared based on materials. The ERSP is based on the calculated data of operating characteristics in the coastal zone of the sea, obtained from the results of urgent observations at the network of coastal hydrometeorological stations (HMS) and posts (GMP), and data from oceanographic and marine hydrometeorological observations in the open part of the Kara Sea, including secular stations. cuts. As design parameters of the marine environment, we used such characteristics as water and air temperature, salinity, conditional water density, sea level, wind and wave characteristics, oxygen content, and sound speed. In terms of structure, the ERSP consists of three parts. Its first part provides general background information on the sources of information that forms the basis of calculations. For the coastal zone of the sea, a map is given with the location of coastal observation points, as well as passport data on the GMR (names of stations, their code numbers, coordinates and observation periods). For the open sea, maps of the water area illumination by observations and reference tables, respectively, for ship hydrometeorological and deep-sea oceanographic observations with the number and period of observations for individual one-degree squares of Marsden and stations of secular sections are provided. In the second part of the ERSP, tabular and graphic materials are given with the climatic characteristics of the coastal zone of the Kara Sea, containing the calculated data of the average and extreme values of the parameters and their recurrence over long-term months, as well as characteristics of the interannual variability of the parameters. The third part of the ERSP contains the results of calculations of the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the open sea with the presentation of maps of the calculated hydrometeorological and oceanographic fields on the sea surface and at individual observation horizons. In a tabular form, for all one-degree squares and stations of secular sections, statistics of monthly average and extreme values of parameters at standard horizons are given. In general, for the entire water area of the sea, the recurrences of parameter values for multiyear months and their annual variation were calculated. The ERSP has a laser disk with the results of climatic data processing and a software application for accessing them and is supplemented by an NTML-version oriented to a standard Internet browser. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The EMUs are an initial objective partitioning of the ocean using longterm historical average data a ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://esri.maps.arcgis.com/home/group.html?id=6c78a5125d3244f38d1bc732ef0ee743&overview#overview | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.esri.com/en-us/home | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | ESRI Ecological Marine Units | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | EMU | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The EMUs are an initial objective partitioning of the ocean using longterm historical average data and could be extended in the future by adding new classification variables and by introducing functionality to develop time specific EMU distribution maps. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | SHP | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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ETOPO1 is a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface that integrates land topography and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/global.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ngdc.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ETOPO1 Global Relief Model - National Centers for Environmental Information at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ETOPO1 Global Relief Model - NOAA-NCEI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | ETOPO1 is a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface that integrates land topography and ocean bathymetry. Built from global and regional data sets, it is available in "Ice Surface" (top of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets) and "Bedrock" (base of the ice sheets). ETOPO1 Global Relief Model is used to calculate the Volumes of the World's Oceans and to derive a Hypsographic Curve of Earth's Surface. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The European Atlas of the Seas provides information about Europe’s marine environment. Users can v ...
Submitter/Owner | Nathalie Tonné ( OceanExpert : 36066 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/atlas/maritime_atlas | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | European Atlas of the Seas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Atlas | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The European Atlas of the Seas provides information about Europe’s marine environment. Users can view predefined and ready to use maps, covering topics such as nature, tourism, security, energy, passenger transport, sea bottom, climate change, fishing stocks and quotas, aquaculture, and much more. Users can also benefit from an enriched catalogue with more than 295 map layers, covering a wide range of topics, to explore, collate and create their own maps. These maps can be printed, shared and embedded in articles or presentations. The Atlas is the ideal tool for teachers, students, researchers and professionals, or anyone who wishes to know more about the European seas and its coastal areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | The European Atlas of the Seas (hereafter ‘the Atlas’) is an easy to use and interactive web-based geographic application, providing general marine data and maritime information along with statistics on the European seas and coasts. The Atlas catalogue of maps covers various natural and socio-economic aspects and features in the marine and coastal regions of Europe. The Atlas is a public window to access information and maps based data originating primarily from the European Commission and its agencies and the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). Its aim is to bring statistical data in a comprehensive visual way to the broad public and at the same time serve as a support tool for the marine policy and blue economy. (1) Access the help, legal notice and feedback form (2) Discover all the data available: you can search for map layers in the search box, select a predefined map or create and save your own map. (3) On the map viewer, you can study and compare the data and extract and manage the content details. (4) Print the map or share it via social networks. * The Atlas is available in the 24 official EU languages. | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | European Seas | ||||
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The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported b ...
Submitter/Owner | Nathalie Tonné ( OceanExpert : 36066 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/search | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | European Marine Observation and Data Network | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | EMODnet | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. These organisations work together to observe the sea, process the data according to international standards and make that information freely available as interoperable data layers and data products. This "collect once and use many times" philosophy benefits all marine data users, including policy makers, scientists, private industry and the public. It has been estimated that such an integrated marine data policy will save at least one billion Euros per year, as well as opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | Metadata services: The EMODnet catalogues and other partner catalogues (IFREMER, etc.) offer the ability to search collections of metadata for data, services and related information objects related to the EMODnet Marine Data. The data catalogues offer a CSW endpoint to other client applications to connect to the service and query the metadata held in the catalogue. CSW GetCapabilities: The mandatory GetCapabilities operation allows CSW clients to retrieve service metadata from a server. The response to a GetCapabilities request shall be an XML document containing service metadata about the server. This subclause specifies the XML document that a CSW server shall return to describe its capabilities. https://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/emodnet/eng/csw?service=CSW&request=GetCapabilities&VERSION=2.0.2 CSW GetRecords GetRecords requests allow to query and filter the catalogue metadata records. EMODnet central portal GetRecords example: https://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/emodnet/eng/csw?REQUEST=GetRecords&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&ELEMENTSETNAME=summary&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2&CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE=FILTER&CONSTRAINT_LANGUAGE_VERSION=1.1.0&RESULTTYPE=results&TYPENAMES=csw:Record&CONSTRAINT=<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"><ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo><ogc:PropertyName>dc:type</ogc:PropertyName><ogc:Literal>dataset</ogc:Literal></ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo></ogc:Filter>&maxRecords=1000 For more information on EMODnet web service, please follow the link: https://github.com/EMODnet/Web-Service-Documentation | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
Contributing Countries | |||||
Countries owning the source | |||||
Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Europe | ||||
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EMODnet Bathymetry provides a service for viewing and downloading the best available harmonised Digi ...
Submitter/Owner | Nathalie Tonné ( OceanExpert : 36066 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/search | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/bathymetry | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): Bathymetry | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | EMODnet Bathymetry | ||||
Citation | EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium (2016). EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM 2016). EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium. https://doi.org/10.12770/c7b53704-999d-4721-b1a3-04ec60c87238 EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium (2018). EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM 2018). EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium. https://doi.org/10.12770/18ff0d48-b203-4a65-94a9-5fd8b0ec35f6 EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium (2022). EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM 2022). EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium.https://sextant.ifremer.fr/record/ff3aff8a-cff1-44a3-a2c8-1910bf109f85/ | ||||
Abstract | EMODnet Bathymetry provides a service for viewing and downloading the best available harmonised Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the European sea regions, together with a range of other bathymetric data, products, and services. The DTM is generated and regularly updated by the EMODnet Bathymetry partnership using an increasing number of bathymetric datasets. Services for discovery and requesting access to these datasets are provided and maintained as well. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | The EMODnet Bathyemtry portal provides a range of services and functionalities to users for viewing and downloading bathymetry data products and for identifying and requesting access to the survey data sets that are used as basis input for the DTM. Currently the following key services and functionality are provided for users: (1) Data Discovery and Access service: provides functionality to search and obtain survey data sets; (2) Composite Products Discovery and Access service: provides functionality to search and view metadata of composite DTM; (3) Bathymetry Viewing and Download service: provides functionality to view, browse and download digital bathymetry as DTM and obtain information about the underlying data sets used to compile the DTM. Data Catalogues: CDI: https://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/search Sextant: https://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/metadata-amp-data/composite-dtms-catalogue-service#/search?from=1&to=30 Data Products: https://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/data-products DTM, EMODnet Bathymetry World Base Layer: https://tiles.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/ Web services: WMS: https://ows.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/wms WFS: https://ows.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/wfs WCS: https://ows.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/wcs WMTS: https://tiles.emodnet-bathymetry.eu REST API: https://rest.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/ | ||||
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Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Europe | ||||
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These datasets represent a systematic collection of harmonised data concerning geological events. Th ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/marine-geology/events-and-probabilities/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Events and Probabilities - European Geological Data Infrastructure | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Events and Probabilities - EGDI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | These datasets represent a systematic collection of harmonised data concerning geological events. The current update consists of 12 new GIS layers at a resolution of 1:100,000 scale concerning earthquakes, submarine landslides, volcanoes, tsunamis, fluid emissions and Quaternary tectonics, subdivided according to their geometry (polygons, points and lines). These products complement and update the 1:250,000 scale GIS layers already displayed on the Portal. They provide information on the type of events which have taken place in the past and might potentially occur again, including dimensions, state of activity, morphological type and lithology. The elaboration of guidelines to compile GIS layers was aimed at identifying parameters to be used to thoroughly characterise each event. Particular attention has been devoted to the definition of the Attribute tables in order to achieve the best degree of harmonisation and standardisation complying with the European INSPIRE Directive. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The primary aim of the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) is to provide access to a w ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://firms.fao.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/activities/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | FIRMS | ||||
Citation | Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS). In: Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) [online]. Rome. Updated 25 April 2020. [Cited 14 November 2020]. http://www.fao.org/fishery/ | ||||
Abstract | The primary aim of the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) is to provide access to a wide range of high-quality information on the global monitoring and management of fishery marine resources. The partnership nowadays brings together 16 Institutions representing 20 Regional Fisheries Bodies (RFBs). FIRMS Partnership - geographic coverage concerning Tuna regional fishery bodies (current partners: CCSBT, IATTC, ICCAT, IOTC). FIRMS Partnership - geographic coverage concerning non-Tuna regional fishery bodies (current partners: CCAMLR, CECAF, EUROSTAT, FCWC, GFCM, ICES, NAFO, NASCO, NEAFC, RECOFI, SEAFDEC, SEAFO, SPRFMO, SWIOFC, WECAFC). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
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Welcome to the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Spatial Data Portal.
Fisheries NSW ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/research-development/spatial-data-portal | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Fisheries Spatial Data Portal - NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Welcome to the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Spatial Data Portal. Fisheries NSW creates and maintains a range of significant spatial datasets that are useful to a number of stakeholders. These datasets are now being made available to stakeholders free of charge through this portal. The spatial portal provides access to spatial datasets through an intuitive public interface that allows the searching, viewing and downloading of this data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | New South Wales Department of Primary Industries | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The FAO Fisheries Division (NFI) provides advice and objective information to Members to help promot ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/en | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/activities/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Fishery Statistics Programme - FAO Fisheries Division | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | FISHSTAT - NFI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The FAO Fisheries Division (NFI) provides advice and objective information to Members to help promote responsible aquaculture and fisheries. To fulfil this role, the Division compiles, analyses and disseminates fishery and aquaculture data, structured within data collections. To ensure quality assurance, each collection is documented to highlight definitions and to specify the structure, sources, coverage, processes, intended use, etc. This is further complemented with the CWP Handbook of Fisheries Statistics, which includes comprehensive definitions of concepts and details of standard classifications. Global time series have been maintained over more than 60 years. To meet diverse user needs, data from each statistical collection are available through various formats, tools and information products. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS. How to access the data: 1) FishStatJ - Software for fishery statistical time series offers experts and scientists a stand-alone application for complex and sophisticated data exploration and extraction. 2) Online Query Panels enable advanced users to extract customized information and reports. 3) FAO Yearbook of Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics provide a full range of tables with detailed statistics. | ||||
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FleetMon is a commercial company that provides vessel data and shipping data. Your interactive tool ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.fleetmon.com/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.fleetmon.com/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | FleetMon | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | FleetMon is a commercial company that provides vessel data and shipping data. Your interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking. Providing you with a real-time view of marine traffic, from a global overview to single ships, it is an outstanding and powerful tool for operations monitoring, fleet tracking, logistics scheduling, research and traffic analysis that runs right in your browser. Several map types are available, including satellite maps and navigation charts. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | CSV/ XLSX | ||||
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This interactive map shows current locations and trajectories of SOCCOM biogeochemical floats and pr ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/science/upper-ocean-systems/chemical-sensor-group/soccom-float-visualization/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://soccom.princeton.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Float visualization - US National Science Foundation's Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling project | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Float visualization - SOCCOM | ||||
Citation | Authors using SOCCOM float data should acknowledge that “Data were collected and made freely available by the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) Project funded by National Science Foundation, Division of Polar Programs (NSF PLR -1425989), supplemented by NOAA and NASA.” | ||||
Abstract | This interactive map shows current locations and trajectories of SOCCOM biogeochemical floats and provides links to real-time raw and quality-controlled float data. Daily sea ice extent from the US National Ice Center is shown shaded in blue. The map was originally developed by Kelly Kearney (University of Washington) in cooperation with MBARI, although it has since received a number of enhancements from various contributors. View float and profile locations, download raw and QC’d data files (ODV format). SOCCOM float data are freely available to the public without restriction. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
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Floats data visualisation interface. Current records of fundamental ocean properties such as oxygen, ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/science/upper-ocean-systems/chemical-sensor-group/floatviz/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Instititute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | FloatViz 6.0 - Apex/ISUS Data Visualization - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Floats data visualisation interface. Current records of fundamental ocean properties such as oxygen, pH, nutrients, or chlorophyll describe a range of ocean states. However, the sample-to-sample variability observed in ocean time series may not necessarily reflect actual trends at any given location and time because so few measurements are collected for extended periods and in rapid succession. Furthermore, the limited sampling provides little scientific insight into the processes that actually underlie the snapshot observations. Developing new tools and techniques to overcome these challenges is a major driver of Ken Johnson’s Chemical Sensor Group activities. Application of this approach in Elkhorn Slough, near MBARI in Central California, highlights some of the advances in understanding when sampling resolution is more closely matched to environmental processes. Opportunities for deploying analogous sensor suites in the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean provide another perspective on how we can address the fundamental problem of “being there”. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Maps and informational graphics in this gallery were created by the Census of Marine Life Mapping an ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://comlmaps.org/gallery/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://mgel.env.duke.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Gallery - Census of Marine Life at Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Gallery - Census of Marine Life-MGEL | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Maps and informational graphics in this gallery were created by the Census of Marine Life Mapping and Visualization Team and other Census groups were noted. Non-commercial use by permission. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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A Web Map Service (WMS) of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans' (GEBCO) latest global gridde ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Mark Hebden ( OceanExpert : 50704 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.bodc.ac.uk/resources/products/web_services/gebco_wms/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gebco.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GEBCO Web Map Service (WMS) | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GEBCO WMS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A Web Map Service (WMS) of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans' (GEBCO) latest global gridded bathymetric data set has been developed by BODC on behalf of the GEBCO community. Three services are available, a global map and maps centered on the geographic North and South Poles. These maps can be viewed in a web browser or a Geographic Information System (GIS) and incorporated in your own web applications. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | British Oceanographic Data Centre | ||||
Technical notes | 35082 | ||||
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The Geographic Information Gateway (Gateway) is an award-winning, state-of-the-art website providing ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jeffrey L. Herter ( OceanExpert : 36516 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://opdgig.dos.ny.gov/#/home | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://opdgig.dos.ny.gov/#/home | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Geographic Information Gateway - New York Department of State Office of Planning and Development | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Gateway - NYS DOS Office of Planning and Development | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Geographic Information Gateway (Gateway) is an award-winning, state-of-the-art website providing public access to data, real-time information, interactive tools, and expert knowledge relevant to the Office of Planning and Development’s activities throughout New York State. Interactive map viewers allow users to easily download, visualize, and explore geographic data. A Latest Conditions page provides access to real-time information across the State, such as water quality, tide levels, and beach conditions. Also included on this site are illustrated stories, which highlight case studies, showcase community success stories, and demonstrate how the Office uses available geographic information to improve planning and decision-making. The Gateway’s suite of information and tools serves as a valuable resource for New York communities, an educational resource for schools and universities, and a guide for the responsible development of the State’s resources. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | New York Department of State, Office of Planning and Development | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | New York State, including offshore areas in the Northwest Atlantic Out to the toe of the continental shelf and the US Great Lakes Ontario (entire US portion) and Erie (NY portion) | ||||
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The marine and coastal research institute - INVEMAR through SIAM aims to develop the instruments for ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert : 12914 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://siam.invemar.org.co/informacion-geografica | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https:// | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
Original (non-English) name | SECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA - SiAM | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | INVEMAR. [name of the geographical service consulted], url, [consultation date] | ||||
Abstract | The marine and coastal research institute - INVEMAR through SIAM aims to develop the instruments for the collection, analysis, and management of environmental information and the use of marine and coastal resources in Colombia as elements to support the generation of knowledge, to decision-making and management-oriented towards sustainable development in an environment that favors citizen participation. For this reason, Geoservices are used as a mechanism for disseminating georeferenced marine-coastal information. Geographic services with information for the marine areas of Colombia related to coastal erosion, biodiversity, fishing, mangroves, seawater quality, evaluation of the impact of climate change on coastal areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Geoinformation portal is a geographic information portal where you can consult, view and download th ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Carlos R. Torres ( OceanExpert : 19846 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.conabio.gob.mx/informacion/gis/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gob.mx/conabio | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Geoinformation portal 2020 - National Biodiversity Information System (SNIB) | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | GEOPORTAL CONABIO http://www.conabio.gob.mx/informacion/gis/ accesado el 8/feb/2019 | ||||
Abstract | Geoinformation portal is a geographic information portal where you can consult, view and download thematic cartography of different scales generated and compiled by CONABIO. Open-source software was used to develop this portal. The main characteristics of the portal are to develop access mechanisms to CONABIO's geographic data collections through specialized information services, such as: - Graphic view of the information by general topics. - Detailed information on cartography available through metadata searches. - Download information in a compatible format ( shapefile ) - The cartographic information is administered by the Geographic Information Systems Sub-Directorate. The consultation of this information is made through a general classification of topics, under the following headings: SNIB, Biodiversity, Topography, Hydrology, Edaphology geology, Climatology, Vegetation and land use, Political division, Population, Infrastructure, Regionalization, Satellite products, Risk, Production. Each of the previous topics, in turn, have subtopics, for example, for the heading of "topography" there are subtopics of land topography, marine topography, and General information. As a requirement for a cartographic topic to be published on the portal, the geographic metadata must be included. For the generation of metadata, it was necessary to consult the formats already established for geographic information and; Among the different formats are: Graphic Representation NBII Content of Standard (1995), NBII Content of Standard for National Biological Information Infrastructure Metadata (December 1995), FDGC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (1994) and Dublin Core and ISO-19115, among others. The metadata format used in this portal is the FGDC which presents the following items, which serve as an important source in the search of the system: Identification information, Quality of the information, Spatial attributes, Reference system, Non-spatial attributes, Information distribution, Contact. The cartographic information is available online for free in shapefile format and in two reference systems: geographic coordinates (degrees, minutes, and seconds) and metric coordinates (Lambert Conformal Conic or Mercator Universal Transverse Conic) with the DATUM WGS84 parameters. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | 32N a 8N, -120W a -80W | ||||
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ACEF data portal solution.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://acef.tern.org.au/geonetwork | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.tern.org.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GeoNetwork - Australian Coastal Ecosystems Facility | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GeoNetwork - ACEF | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | ACEF data portal solution. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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FAO GeoNetwork's purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information, ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/geonetwork | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GeoNetwork - FAO | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | FAO GeoNetwork's purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information, to support decision making, to promote multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable development, and to enhance understanding of the benefits of geographic information. GeoNetwork opensource allows us to easily share geographically referenced thematic information between different organizations. The FAO GeoNetwork provides Internet access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases maintained by FAO and its partners. It's purpose is to improve access to and integrated use of spatial data and information. Through this website FAO facilitates multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable development and supports decision making in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security. Maps, including those derived from satellite imagery, are effective communicational tools and play an important role in the work of various types of users: Decision Makers: e.g. Sustainable development planners and humanitarian and emergency managers in need of quick, reliable and up to date user-friendly cartographic products as a basis for action and better plan and monitor their activities. GIS Experts in need of exchanging consistent and updated geographical data. Spatial Analysts in need of multidisciplinary data to perform preliminary geographical analysis and reliable forecasts to better set up appropriate interventions in vulnerable areas. The FAO GeoNetwork allows to easily share spatial data among different FAO Units, other UN Agencies, NGO's and other institutions. The FAO GeoNetwork site is powered by GeoNetwork opensource. FAO and WFP, UNEP and more recently OCHA, have combined their research and mapping expertise to develop GeoNetwork opensource as a common strategy to effectively share their spatial databases including digital maps, satellite images and related statistics. The three agencies make extensive use of computer-based data visualization tools, known as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) software, mostly to create maps that combine various layers of information. GeoNetwork opensource provides them with the capacity to access a wide selection of maps and other spatial information stored in different databases around the world through a single entry point. GeoNetwork opensource has been developed to connect spatial information communities and their data using a modern architecture, which is at the same time powerful and low cost, based on the principles of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and International and Open Standards for services and protocols (a.o. from ISO/TC211 and OGC). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Agencia de Las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura - FAO | ||||
Technical notes | GeoNetwork | ||||
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The Geophysical Survey and Mapping (GSM) group undertakes hydrographic survey, geophysics, bathymetr ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.marine.csiro.au/data/gsm/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.csiro.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Geophysical Survey and Mapping - National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Business Unit at CSIRO | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GSM - CSIRO-NCMI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Geophysical Survey and Mapping (GSM) group undertakes hydrographic survey, geophysics, bathymetric mapping and visualisation. It provides geophysical and acoustic specialists who participate in voyages on the Marine National Facility's RV Investigator, and provides advice and assistance to the scientific community on bathymetric mapping. It manages the multibeam data collected on historic RV Franklin and RV Southern Surveyor voyages. The team also manages the Shallow Swath Facility, which contributes to coastal mapping initiatives. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre, Hobart | ||||
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Search and retrieve multibeam, gravity and sub-bottom profile data from the CSIRO Geophysical Survey ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Dave Watts ( OceanExpert : 27055 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.marine.csiro.au/data/gsm/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.csiro.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Geophysical Survey and Mapping Data Portal - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GSM - CSIRO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Search and retrieve multibeam, gravity and sub-bottom profile data from the CSIRO Geophysical Survey and Mapping (GSM) team. Covers raw data, processed data and other data products from voyages of the RV Southern Surveyor and RV Investigator. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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This tool has been developed to plot points on the map.
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/pointplot | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Geo Point Plotter tool - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Geo Point Plotter tool - INCOD | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This tool has been developed to plot points on the map. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The GeoSeaPortal is the central entry point into the spatial data infrastructure of BSH (GDI-BSH). I ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.geoseaportal.de/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bsh.de | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | GeoSeaPortal - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GeoSeaPortal - BSH | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The GeoSeaPortal is the central entry point into the spatial data infrastructure of BSH (GDI-BSH). It is the central access point to all spatial data of BSH for internal and external users. Information on the spatial data can be researched and retrieved. The spatial reference data and thematic data of BSH are made available in the form of view services (Web Map Services – WMS) and download services. With the help of the map client in the GeoSeaPortal, the WMS can be visualized in map form and intersected with each other. Both the WMS and the Web Feature Services (WFS) can be integrated into other map viewers or own applications via their web address (Uniform Resource Locator – URL). Services with a temporal dimension can be visualized in time steps with the so-called "Time Slider" or automatically viewed in a kind of film. In addition, the GeoSeaPortal offers several other functions that simplify the handling of the spatial data of BSH. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has developed a geodata infrastructure cal ...
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Susanne Tamm ( OceanExpert : 35052 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.geoseaportal.de/mapapps/?lang=en | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bsh.de/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GeoSeaPortal - German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has developed a geodata infrastructure called GeoSeaPortal to accommodate the increasing demand for marine information and geodata. The GeoSeaPortal provides a central and interdisciplinary access point to geoinformation and georeferenced measurement data of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. The central component is a geo-object-relational database, in which data from different information and data systems are harmonized and provided for internal as well as external users. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) (BSH) | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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A geoserver instance linked to Oracle and Postgres databases. Layers available for CTD, ADCP, wildli ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Dave Watts ( OceanExpert : 27055 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU (OBIS) | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.cmar.csiro.au/geoserver/web/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marine.csiro.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Geoserver - CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A geoserver instance linked to Oracle and Postgres databases. Layers available for CTD, ADCP, wildlife observations, underway data, hydrology, sediment sampling sites, multibeam coverage, sub-bottom profiles, gravity measurements, EK60 observations, model distributions of fish, coastlines and other context data. Used by CSIRO Data Trawler, CAAB etc as their mapping service. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre, Hobart | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Australian and adjacent seas | ||||
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GeoServer publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards. GeoServer implemen ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://geo.vliz.be/geoserver/web/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://geo.vliz.be/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Geoserver - Flanders Marine Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | VLIZ Geoserver | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | GeoServer publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards. GeoServer implements several Open Geospatial Consortium protocols including Web Map Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). Additional extensions are available for Catalogue Service (CSW) and Web Processing Service (WPS). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
Technical notes | GeoServer Version 2.11.5 Git Revision 45f0d802e4ee2099bf25fc72784d874f41f57f39 Build Date 19-Feb-2018 18:31 GeoTools Version 17.5 (rev f5c748c4a352925982382a14b67ef7ab80a438fc) GeoWebCache Version 1.11.4 (rev 1.11.x/45953cebefb5781110c9d90e267e8653168a2d17) | ||||
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This is the link to Ocean Tracking Network (OTN)'s Geoserver. GeoServer is a full transactional Java ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms Lenore Bajona ( OceanExpert : 20708 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU (OBIS) | ||||
Datasource URL | https://members.oceantrack.org/geoserver/web/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://members.oceantrack.org | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GeoServer - Ocean Tracking Network | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GeoServer - OTN | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This is the link to Ocean Tracking Network (OTN)'s Geoserver. GeoServer is a full transactional Java implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium's specifications for Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) with an integrated Web Map Service (WMS). This web administration interface allows for easy configuration of GeoServer. After logging in, please use the menus on the left to navigate through the interface. The About and Status menu lists technical details about the running GeoServer instance. The Data menu is used to configure data sources and styling. The Service menu provides service-wide configuration options. The Settings menu provides configurations options that apply to all services (i.e. server-wide). The Tile Caching menu allows the configuration of the embedded tile cache. The Security menu allows the configuration of access controls (authentication and authorization). The Demos menu has examples of GeoServer in action. The Tools menu allows access to administrative tools (e.g. for loading data). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Ocean Tracking Network | ||||
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Repository of marine data primarily of the waters off British Columbia Canada. Some CTD data is thr ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Terry Curran ( OceanExpert : 23572 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://soggy.zoology.ubc.ca:8080/geoserver | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://sogDataCentre.ca | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Geoserver Marine Data BC - Pacific Salmon Foundation | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | The Pacific Salmon Foundation, founded in 1987, is a federally incorporated non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild Pacific salmon and their natural habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon. Operating independently from government, The Foundation facilitates dialogue and undertakes positive initiatives in support of Pacific salmon amongst all levels of government including First Nations; as well as industry, communities, individual volunteers, and all fishing interests. | ||||
Abstract | Repository of marine data primarily of the waters off British Columbia Canada. Some CTD data is throughout the Pacific and the Arctic. GIS accessible using wms and wfs. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Primarily west coast of Canada, but also Pacific and Arctic. | ||||
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The LIPI Research Center for Oceanography entrusts to conduct research and monitor coastal ecosystem ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://gis.oseanografi.lipi.go.id | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://oseanografi.lipi.go.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GIS Ekosistem | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The LIPI Research Center for Oceanography entrusts to conduct research and monitor coastal ecosystems throughout Indonesia. Various data have been produced and managed in the database from the above activities. The integrated database actualized into The National Data Center for Coastal Ecosystem. The National Data Center for Coastal Ecosystem used for 1) reference for coastal ecosystem management; 2) baseline data for planning and development of coastal ecosystem; and 3) improvement of oceanography data in Indonesia. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Research Center for Physics (LIPI) | ||||
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Through this viewer the results of the MINDeSEA project will be made accessible when they will be av ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://geoera.eu/projects/mindesea2/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://geoera.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GIS Viewer - MINDeSEA | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Through this viewer the results of the MINDeSEA project will be made accessible when they will be available through the project. The current view is not showing results of the project but is only here to give an idea about and where the results will appear and on which technology (the EGDI). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Our state-of-the-art glider fleet consists of 7 Teledyne Webb Slocum gliders and 4 Wave Gliders. Com ...
Submitter/Owner | Kate Patterson ( OceanExpert : 37127 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://ceotr.ocean.dal.ca/gliders/deployments/all | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.dal.ca/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Gliders - Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Gliders - CEOTR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Our state-of-the-art glider fleet consists of 7 Teledyne Webb Slocum gliders and 4 Wave Gliders. Combined, our gliders have completed more than 100 missions, traveling more than 65,000 km, and collecting 200,000,000 data points along the way. Gliders can remain at sea for months at a time collecting data on physical, biological and chemical processes, operating at little cost compared to ship time and reducing risk to field personnel. Our glider group, with funding from The Ocean Tracking Network (OTN), Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) and contributions from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), deploy Teledyne Webb Research Slocum electric gliders and a Liquid Robotics wave glider to help ocean monitoring efforts, collect data for researchers studying ocean habitats and marine animal telemetry. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | bbox=-129.56,41.65,-55.98,50.74 | ||||
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Welcome to the NOAA View Data Exploration Tool. Over 100 environmental variables are available using ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/view/globaldata.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Data Explorer - NOAA | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Welcome to the NOAA View Data Exploration Tool. Over 100 environmental variables are available using NOAA View, using data from NOAA's vast archives of satellites, climate models, and other observation devices. The NOAA View data imagery portal provides access to NOAA's wealth of global data resources. Data on this site is intended for outreach and education purposes only and is not considered part of NOAA's official data centers. Links are provided for each dataset to access the original, science-quality data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
Technical notes | Map/ Google Earth file | ||||
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Global Fishing Watch is promoting ocean sustainability through greater transparency. We use cutting- ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://globalfishingwatch.org/programs/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://globalfishingwatch.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Fishing Watch | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | Global Fishing Watch is promoting ocean sustainability through greater transparency. We use cutting-edge technology to visualize, track, and share data about global fishing activity in near real-time and for free. Gridded fishing activity data vessel identity and classification lists encounter between refrigerated cargo vessels and fishing vessels, future data products: ports, AIS On/Off events, gridded VMS Observe fishing vessels at sea could see the tracks of about 60,000 commercial fishing vessels at sea in near real-time along with their name and flag state. Data shows all activity from 1 January 2012 until 72 hours ago. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Global Fishing Watch | ||||
Technical notes | BigQuery Tables/ CSVs/ Geotiff Rasters in Google Earth Engine | ||||
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GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the Interna ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://gisis.imo.org/Public/Default.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.imo.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Integrated Shipping Information System - International Maritime Organization | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GISIS - IMO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | GISIS (the Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed and maintained by the International Maritime Organisation and the website aims to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments. GISIS is composed of several sub-systems including modules on various themes/topics: Maritime Security, Recognized Organizations, Marine Casualties and Incidents, Port Reception Facilities, Contact Points, Pollution Prevention Equipment, Piracy and Armed Robbery, Formalities Connected with the Arrival, Stay and Departure of Persons, Simulators, Radio Communications and Search and Rescue, Condition Assessment Scheme, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Information on Local Regulations, IMDG Code Feedback, MARPOL Annex VI, Evaluation of Hooks. Registration is needed to have access to the information. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | International Maritime Organization | ||||
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This database reflects five of the themes important for islands, as identified by the CBD IBPoW name ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.globalislands.net/about/gid_functions.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.globalislands.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Global Island Database | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GID | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This database reflects five of the themes important for islands, as identified by the CBD IBPoW namely biodiversity climate change invasive species pollution and sustainability GID, integrated information on 70,000 islands for use in conjunction with Google Maps. UNEP WCMC added 37 other spatial datasets including one on invasive species in the Pacific Islands. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | N/A | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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This database includes 340,691 islands which can be displayed over a number of backdrops including s ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://rmgsc.cr.usgs.gov/gie/gie.shtml | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.usgs.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Islands Explorer | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This database includes 340,691 islands which can be displayed over a number of backdrops including satellite imagery topographic base maps light and dark background canvas etc. A query of any island returns its name in English and when available over 60,000 islands currently have name attributes size, size class, continental mainland large island or small island, length of coastline, and the tectonic plate to which it is attached. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | United States Geological Survey | ||||
Technical notes | Online Viewer/ Map | ||||
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GOA-ON works to improve our understanding of global ocean acidification conditions and ecosystem res ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://portal.goa-on.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.goa-on.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Data Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GOA-ON Data Portal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | GOA-ON works to improve our understanding of global ocean acidification conditions and ecosystem responses by making ocean acidification data easily accessible. The GOA-ON Data Explorer provides access and visualization to ocean acidification data and data synthesis products being collected around the world from a wide range of sources, including moorings, research cruises, and fixed time series stations. Layers contain contoured world-wide data; Platforms include icons for various observing assets, some of which display real-time data and many of which include links to data and metadata. For a given asset measuring carbonate chemistry, metadata includes information on which parameters are measured, links to data providers, and other useful details. The inventory of GOA-ON assets can be searched interactively by region, platform type, and variables by using the Filters tool. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | Online Map application | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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The Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) is an international archive of data up to 200 years old and fos ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.bafg.de/GRDC/EN/Home/homepage_node.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bafg.de/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Runoff Data Centre | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GRDC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) is an international archive of data up to 200 years old and fosters multinational and global long-term hydrological studies. Originally established three decades ago, the aim of the GRDC is to help earth scientists analyse global climate trends and assess environmental impacts and risks. Operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) the database of quality controlled “historical” mean daily and monthly discharge data grows steadily and currently comprises river discharge data of more than 9500 stations from 161 countries. The exchange of hydrological data and information on a global scale is the principal reason for operating GRDC. National Hydrological and Hydro-Meteorological Services as primary providers of river discharge data and associated metadata and the scientific research community utilising this unique data collection are partners connected by GRDC. Positioned as a facilitator for exchanges between data providers and data users, the GRDC has become a focal point for international cooperation. Researchers, universities and other organizations make use of the facilities available for research programmes and projects. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The Global Sea Level Observing System GLOSS is an international sea level monitoring program designe ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.psmsl.org/products/gloss/glossmap.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://noc.ac.uk/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Sea Level Observing System - Core Network Station Availability | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GLOSS Core Network Station Availability | ||||
Citation | Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), 2020, "Tide Gauge Data", Retrieved 24 Aug 2020 from http://www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/. Simon J. Holgate, Andrew Matthews, Philip L. Woodworth, Lesley J. Rickards, Mark E. Tamisiea, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Peter R. Foden, Kathleen M. Gordon, Svetlana Jevrejeva, and Jeff Pugh (2013) New Data Systems and Products at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level. Journal of Coastal Research: Volume 29, Issue 3: pp. 493 – 504. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00175.1. | ||||
Abstract | The Global Sea Level Observing System GLOSS is an international sea level monitoring program designed to produce high quality in situ sea level observations to support a broad research and operational user base. GLOSS was established by the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC in 1985 and it is currently formed by over 90 nations across the globe. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton | ||||
Technical notes | Berkeley DB format dat | ||||
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Surface Current Mapping.
Interface to HFRADAR Derived Surface Currents.
Data provided by the U.S. ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cordc.ucsd.edu/projects/mapping/global/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://cordc.ucsd.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Global Surface Currents Mapper - Coastal Observing Research and Development Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Global Surface Currents Mapper - CORDC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Surface Current Mapping. Interface to HFRADAR Derived Surface Currents. Data provided by the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System(IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet) and accessed through the Coastal Observing R&D Center (CORDC). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | ||||
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The GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project, Version 2 (GLODAPv2) Database was published in June 2014. It ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Hernan Eduardo Garcia ( OceanExpert : 707 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/ocads/oceans/GLODAPv2/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | GLODAPv2 Database: A uniformly calibrated open ocean data product on inorganic carbon and carbon-relevant variables | ||||
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Citation | GLODAPv2 is described in two publications in Earth System Science Data (Olsen et al., 2016 and Lauvset et al., 2016) and in one NDP document (Olsen et al., 2017). The NDP is a brief summary of the two ESSD papers. Full citations are provided below. Whenever GLODAPv2 is used, the following citations must be included: For data and data product: Olsen et al., 2016 and Key et al., 2015 For mapped product: Lauvset et al., 2016 and Key et al., 2015 Citing the Earth System Science Data publications is essential as this gives the team traceable citations and also enables tracking of GLODAPv2 use. This is important for justifying and sustaining the effort. Citations Olsen, A., R. M. Key, S. van Heuven, S. K. Lauvset, A. Velo, X. Lin, C. Schirnick, A. Kozyr, T. Tanhua, M. Hoppema, S. Jutterström, R. Steinfeldt, E. Jeansson, M. Ishii, F. F. Pérez and T. Suzuki. The Global Ocean Data Analysis Project version 2 (GLODAPv2) – an internally consistent data product for the world ocean, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 297–323, 2016, doi:10.5194/essd-8-297-2016. Lauvset, S. K, R. M. Key, A. Olsen, S. van Heuven, A. Velo, X. Lin, C. Schirnick, A. Kozyr, T. Tanhua, M. Hoppema, S. Jutterström, R. Steinfeldt, E. Jeansson, M. Ishii, F. F. Pérez, T. Suzuki and S. Watelet. A new global interior ocean mapped climatology: the 1°x1° GLODAP version 2, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 325–340, 2016, doi:10.5194/essd-8-325-2016. Olsen, A.; Key, R. M.; Lauvset, S. K.; Kozyr, A.; Tanhua, T.; Hoppema, M.; Ishii, M.; Jeansson, E.; van Heuven, S.; Jutterström, S.; Schirnick, C.; Steinfeldt, R.; Suzuki, T.; Lin, X.; Velo, A.; Pérez, F. F. (2017). Global Ocean Data Analysis Project, Version 2 (GLODAPv2) (NCEI Accession 0162565). Version 1.1. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.7289/V5KW5D97 If you make heavy use of data from a single cruise or a limited set, please contact the PIs for possible collaboration. The PIs normally possess insight on context and data, and collaboration leading to co-authorships promotes further sharing of data. | ||||
Abstract | The GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project, Version 2 (GLODAPv2) Database was published in June 2014. It includes data from over 700 cruises during the years 1972-2013 and combines data from GLODAPv1, CARINA, PACIFICA, and new data made available to OCADS and fully re-evaluates all of these data to produce a global calibrated data product and mapped climatology. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is the custodian to a large range of data rele ...
Submitter/Owner | Joanna Elizabeth Ruxton ( OceanExpert : 22725 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Marine Library | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/geoportal/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority's GeoPortal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GBRMPA GeoPortal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is the custodian to a large range of data relevant to the Great Barrier Reef. Geoportal facilitates discovery and access to this data, and its associated resources. Geoportal has been developed and is maintained by the Authority's Spatial Data Centre (SDC). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Great Barrier Reef | ||||
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The Gulf of Mexico Data Atlas is a collection of the long-term physical, biological, environmental, ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://gulfatlas.noaa.gov | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Gulf of Mexico Data Atlas - NOAA | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Gulf of Mexico Data Atlas is a collection of the long-term physical, biological, environmental, economic, and living marine resource data that define the baseline conditions of Gulf of Mexico ecosystems presented as maps. Maps provide a useful way to view and access a variety of information about the Gulf of Mexico. Descriptions of each map topic, written by recognized subject matter experts, explain how the data were gathered and how they affect the Gulf of Mexico ecosystems and communities. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The Mediterranean is one of the busiest seas in the world in terms of traffic. Even if it covers onl ...
Submitter/Owner | Prof. Vlado Dadic ( OceanExpert : 9498 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://jadran.izor.hr/hazadr/index_eng.htm | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.hazadr.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | HAZADR | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Jačanje sposobnosti zajedničkog reagiranja kod onečišćenja Jadranskoga mora uljem, otrovnim i štetnim tvarima (HAZADR) | ||||
Acronym | HAZADR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Mediterranean is one of the busiest seas in the world in terms of traffic. Even if it covers only 0.7% of the total sea surface in the world, it hosts 30% of the overall international maritime traffic. Sea pollution by oil, hazardous & noxious substances can happen at any time and any place, especially along the main maritime routes, and loading and unloading terminals, where the likelihood of marine environment pollution is the highest. On average, there are annually 60 accidents on the Mediterranean, out of which 15 result from maritime accidents of tankers transporting petroleum or chemicals. In this context, the Adriatic Sea is no exception, especially since it represents a narrow and shallow basin along which petroleum transport is directed towards transit ports mainly situated in the northernmost part of Adriatic. According to statistical data, tankers sail into the Adriatic Sea almost 5,000 times a year, out of which 3,500 times into the port of Trieste alone, where more than half of the total petroleum cargo designated for the Adriatic maritime route is unloaded yearly. To date, numerous studies shows the exposure of the Adriatic Sea to accidents which showed that the pressure from the merchant navy is higher here than in areas with heavy maritime traffic. Over the past 15 years, a total of 174 accidents has been recorded on the Adriatic, none of which was of catastrophic proportions, but nevertheless some of the accidents have made a mark on the maritime traffic & served as a warning that a joint cooperation at all levels is necessary for a prompt and efficient response. One of those accidents took place in 2008 and involved a Turkish vessel UND ADRIYATIK. It ended without serious environmental consequences, but this was more due to a series of fortunate circumstances than the successful performance of the Adriatic response teams. Lack of preparedness of regions and counties on the Adriatic was evident not only in the insufficient equipment and poorly trained personnel, but also in the delayed deployment to the site of the accident which can be attributed to the poor coordination between the competent bodies involved in the implementation of contingency plans on the Adriatic, which in turn stems from the fact that response procedures within contingency plans both at the national and regional level are not harmonized. The basic problems in the cross-border area lie in the facts that the general and specific regulations are not harmonized and that response teams for contingencies at sea are not adequately trained nor prepared. Furthermore, only 4 out of 6 Adriatic states have adopted their own national contingency plans in event of accidental sea pollution by oil, hazardous & noxious substances, while regional contingency plans are practically non-existent. Finally, education and training for the staff involved in the national or regional response mechanism is demanding basis of any good and efficient contingency planning at sea Main objectives of the HAZADR projects are: Upgrade the knowledge framework on the estimated environmental and socio-economic risks in the most vulnerable Adriatic areas due to natural and human-induced factors. Support decision-making process in preventing, reacting and overcoming emergencies (also for the benefit of countries not directly involved in the project but treated by oil spillage contamination in case of shipwrecks or collisions). Harmonize, improve and shorten deployment time of the cross-border reaction capacity in the toxic and hazardous substances spill by enhancing the coordination / reaction capacity in the Adriatic EUROREGION. Set up a common database on the state of readiness and spatial distribution of pollution preventing equipment along the Adriatic coasts as well as the improvement of the operational instruments and oil spill mitigation programs to cope with the environmental and technological hazards. Improve, through cross-border joint exercises in Adriatic and the establishment of an Adriatic Training and Research Centre, the cross-border coordination reaction capacity. Improve an early warning system through a joint radar monitoring program based on a set of radar systems and VHF devices, leading to an advanced capacity of the entrusted Euroregion actors to identify potential sources of risks menacing ecosystems. Monitoring of sea-surface currents and directional waves by HF radars at the three pilot regions (North Adriatic, middle Croatian Adriatic, and south Italian coast (Apulia region), IOF is responsible for purchasing, installation and maintenance of HF radars in the middle part of Croatian Adriatic, including data validation, processing, archiving in database, dissemination to end users and IOFs web pages. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The HF Radar facility provides real-time surface current data in the Ibiza Channel. If you are inter ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Juan Gabriel Fernández ( OceanExpert : 38703 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.socib.es/?seccion=observingFacilities&facility=radar | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.socib.es/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | HF Radar Facility - Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistema de Radar HF - SOCIB | ||||
Acronym | HF Radar facility - SOCIB | ||||
Citation | If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10 | ||||
Abstract | The HF Radar facility provides real-time surface current data in the Ibiza Channel. If you are interested in the technical details of functioning of the HF Radar instrument, read general information or access to the presentation at the HF Radar National Meeting. All HF Radar Data has passed a battery of tests to ensure that the data being produced is of the highest quality and therefore, a QC flag can be displayed. Data can be downloaded in KMZ or NetCDF format. For a wider and more complete functionality use Lw4nc2 application. In this map, the latest currents available are represented (by their direction and speed value). Use the player and the time slider to check out the currents for previous observations (the last three months are available in this viewer). Active additional layers (velocity components, magnitude or QC status flags) using the layer controls located at the top right corner. Double click on any point of the map to get a time-series plot in that point for each one of the selected parameters. Automatic data processing reports are generated on a monthly basis in order to extract useful and meaningful information from HF radar data and system performance. Access to all monthly reports available from September 2013 up to now. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | SOCIB -Balearic Islands Observing and Forecasting System- | ||||
Technical notes | Data available via SOCIB DC THREDDS server | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Ibiza Channel | ||||
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Coastal high-frequency (HF) radars are based on the implementation of the “ SeaSonde” technology ...
Submitter/Owner | Rui M. Reino Baptista ( OceanExpert : 20137 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.hidrografico.pt/radar.map | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.hidrografico.pt/index/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | HF Radar Network - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Rede de Radares HF - Instituto Hidrografico Marinha-Portugal | ||||
Acronym | HF Radar Network - IH | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Coastal high-frequency (HF) radars are based on the implementation of the “ SeaSonde” technology of the “Coastal Ocean Dynamics Application Radar ” This monitoring system has the objective of environmental monitoring and consists of the installation of two, or more, stations that allow the measurement of surface currents and sea agitation in an area up to 75 km from the coast. Its operation is based on the measurement of the doppler variation and the intensity of the backscattered signal along each azimuth every 5º (000 - 005 - 010 - 015 -… ..), providing a component of the vector. By joining the different components, the final vector is obtained, where the current intensity is represented in two ways (length and color of the arrow) and the direction (direction of the arrow). From this system, it is possible to obtain vector maps of currents and agitation in real-time, carry out pollutant patches tracking and feed assimilation models for forecasting. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto Hidrográfico Lisboa | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Portugal coastal areas | ||||
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The GEBCO chart series was initiated in 1903 by Prince Albert I of Monaco - providing information on ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/historical_gebco_charts/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gebco.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Historical Charts - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Historical Charts - GEBCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The GEBCO chart series was initiated in 1903 by Prince Albert I of Monaco - providing information on the shape and depth of the global seafloor. Through the 20th Century, there were five paper editions of the charts series before GEBCO released its first digital products in the early 1990s. The GEBCO chart archive is available to view online from the International Hydrographic Organization's web site. Further information about GEBCO's history and the history of seafloor mapping during the 20th Century can be found in the History of GEBCO book. Access a poster, from the Forum for Ocean Floor Mapping, showing the progression of how the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was portrayed on GEBCO's charts through the 20th Century to GEBCO's digital bathymetric grid in 2014. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project | ||||
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View historical sea ice data from the seas around the circumpolar North
and discover how ice concen ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://uaf-accap.org/tools/sea-ice-atlas/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://uaf-accap.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Historical Sea Ice Atlas - Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Historical Sea Ice Atlas - ACCAP | ||||
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Abstract | View historical sea ice data from the seas around the circumpolar North and discover how ice concentrations have changed over time. This Atlas shows snapshots in time, as well as long term patterns. It is not designed for forecasting or prediction, but can provide historical context for planning efforts. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Alaska Fairbanks | ||||
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This site allow to visualize near real time ocean and atmospheric observations, mainly in support of ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://cwcgom.aoml.noaa.gov/cgom/OceanViewer/index_phod.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw/index.html | ||||
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ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Hurricane OceanViewer - NOAA CoastWatch Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node | ||||
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Abstract | This site allow to visualize near real time ocean and atmospheric observations, mainly in support of tropical cyclone field operations in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Tropical Atlantic. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | ||||
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NHC Weather Outlook, NOAA 6-HR Satellite Loop, SSMI/AMSRE Precipitable Water Loop, Synoptic Analysis ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/hurricane-season | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Hurricane Season - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Hurricane Season - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | NHC Weather Outlook, NOAA 6-HR Satellite Loop, SSMI/AMSRE Precipitable Water Loop, Synoptic Analysis Chart, NWS Marine Forecast, AOML Cyclone Heat Potential Loop. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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This data base, sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, (SCAR), will host basic ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.icereader.org/icereader/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www2.umaine.edu/itase/index.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | IceREADER | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | This data base, sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, (SCAR), will host basic data from ice cores of the Antarctic Continent. The goal is to compile a complete list of cores by name, site, location and as much other information as possible. Use the map data page to view data sets mapped on the continent of Antarctica. The map data page is a good starting place for users to quickly see what data sets iceREADER has available on the various parts of Antarctica. A full list of shared data can be viewed on the list data page. Additional options for uploading, sharing, and downloading data are available on this page for ITASE members. Other web users can gain access to shared meta data by using the list data page. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Antarctic | ||||
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3D images of the shape of the seafloor developed from the GEBCO_2014 Grid.
Click on the images belo ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/imagery/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gebco.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Imagery Gallery - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Imagery Gallery - GEBCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | 3D images of the shape of the seafloor developed from the GEBCO_2014 Grid. Click on the images below to view and access world ocean bathymetry visualizations based on the GEBCO_2014 grid. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project | ||||
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The Indonesian territory has a high level of vulnerability to earthquakes because it is located in t ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://puslitbang.bmkg.go.id/inasmis/index.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | INA Seismic Microzonation Information System - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | INA Seismic Microzonation Information System - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Indonesian territory has a high level of vulnerability to earthquakes because it is located in the junction area of 3 large plates, namely the Eurasian Plate, the Indo-Australian Plate, the Pacific Plate and also the number of faults that stretch across the region causing Indonesia. One of the efforts to mitigate earthquake disasters is to conduct earthquake hazard microzonation efforts. The Center for Research and Development of BMKG has carried out ongoing research in the field of earthquake microzonation with the aim of obtaining information on the level of earthquake hazard in an area based on measured microtremor parameter values, among others carried out in the Sukabumi area (2009), Bantul (2010), Padang (2011) ), Cilacap (2012), Kulonprogo (2014), Tasikmalaya (2017), and Garut (2018). This study tries to make a prototype of the seismic microzonation information system research results from the BMKG Research and Development Center in a web-based spatial information system called InaSMIS (Indonesia Seismic Microzonation Information System). InaSMIS contains information on the analysis of microtremor survey results, including the value of the dominant period (fo), the amplification factor (Ao), the Seismic Vulnerability Index (Kg), Vs30, the Probability Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) which states the level of earthquake hazard in an area. InaSIMS is still being developed in the research stage and is not yet an operational service for BMKG. In the future, InaSMIS is expected to be a source of public information to determine the level of earthquake hazard in Indonesian territory. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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Species richness and record density.
The following maps make use of ISEA3H discrete global grids of ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://obis.org/indicators/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://obis.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Indicators - Ocean Biodiversity Information System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Indicators - OBIS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Species richness and record density. The following maps make use of ISEA3H discrete global grids of different resolutions, see https://github.com/r-barnes/dggridR/ for more information. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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In 2017, BMKG has 41 weather radars covering most of Indonesia region and most of its data are autom ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://puslitbang.bmkg.go.id/inaraise_rd/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Indonesia In-house Radar Integration System - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | InaRAISE - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | In 2017, BMKG has 41 weather radars covering most of Indonesia region and most of its data are automatically sent to the BMKG headquarter every 10 minutes. There are four different weather radar brands with its specific data format and software analysis. In recent years, the weather radar community has developed open-source software to handle several radar data formats. Based on this, BMKG has developed the Indonesia In-House Radar Integration System (InaRAISE) of BMKG using the open-source weather radar software. InaRAISE has been developed using Python-based libraries Wradlib and Py-ART for processing weather radar data. BMKG radar data have been successfully extracted and transformed into Cartesian coordinates for post-processing. The multiple radars have been successfully composited by comparing column-maximum reflectivity. Web-based near real-time radar images has been experimentally operated, but not officially launched. The main constraint is the susceptible communication network between radar sites and BMKG headquarter causing real-time data transfer problems. InaRAISE serves feasible data radar extraction for data assimilation in the numerical weather prediction model. InaRAISE could serve as a supporting of the existing radar integration system or possibly as a replacement. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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This application is the entrance to the GIS applications. As a portal, this application can be used ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://hdc.pushidrosal.id/home/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.pushidrosal.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Indonesian Marine Geospatial Information Centre - Indonesian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Indonesian Marine Geospatial Information Centre - Pushidrosal | ||||
Acronym | IMAGIC - Indonesian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This application is the entrance to the GIS applications. As a portal, this application can be used to display important and actual information related to the hydro-oceanographic data in Indonesia, such as survey data, research, marine mapping, publication, marine environment implementation and navigation safety of both TNI and public. For the purpose of marine navigation safety, Pushidrosal has sole authority and legality in the field of hydrography in preparing and providing data and Hydro-oceanography information in the form of marine chart (paper and electronic navigation chart) and nautical books. Pushidrosal is designated as National Hydrographic Institution based on Government Regulation No. 23 of 1951 dated March 31, 1951 (PP RI No. 23/1951) and Presidential Decree No. 164/1960 dated July 14, 1960 (Keppres RI No. 164/1960), function as a Military Hydrographic Institute and National Hydrographic Institute of Indonesia. Republic of Indonesia Act No. 4 of 2011 on Geospatial Information (IG) has been set about policy formulation, decision-making, and / or implementation of activities related to earth spaces. IG is very useful as a decision support system in order to optimize economic, social, cultural, and national resilience development, especially in natural resources management, spatial planning, investment location planning and economic business, the determination of boundaries, land, and tourism. IG is also a very necessary information in disaster management, environmental preservation, and defense of security. The publication of IHO's C-17 on Spatial Data Infrastructures for the Marine Dimension: IHB, monaco, 2011. This IHO publication serves as a guide for the hydrographic office to build a Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures supports the enhancement of its function capabilities in the management of integrated marine space metadata and streamlines and streamlines the functionality of the hydrographic office service to support its users Pushidrosal as a Military Hydrographic Institute, is responsible for being able to provide accurate and up-to-date Hydro-oseanographic data and information as the basic data to be used as an analysis of national defense strategies. Meanwhile, as the National Hydrographic Institute of Indonesia, Pushidrosal has the responsibility to provide safety guarantees of navigation navigation throughout the territorial waters jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Pushidrosal | ||||
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SIGMA is a national technological tool that safeguards, processes and makes available the data deriv ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert : 12914 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://sigma.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Information System for Management of Mangroves in Colombia - Institute for Marine and Coastal Research of Colombia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistema de Información para la Gestión de los Manglares en Colombia - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia | ||||
Acronym | SIGMA - INVEMAR | ||||
Citation | INVEMAR. (Año). Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina de Colombia - SIAM. Base de datos. Sistema de Información para la Gestión de los Manglares de Colombia -SIGMA. sigma.invemar.org.co | ||||
Abstract | SIGMA is a national technological tool that safeguards, processes and makes available the data derived from the monitoring of mangrove ecosystems carried out by local authorities and synthesizes the information through quick queries and graphic outputs. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | ||||
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INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource) is a twe ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Adam Leadbetter ( OceanExpert : 20699 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.infomar.ie/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marine.ie/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | INFOMAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource) is a twenty year programme to map the physical, chemical and biological features of Ireland’s seabed. INFOMAR is funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE), and delivered by joint management partners Geological Survey Ireland and the Marine Institute. The programme has placed Ireland centre-stage as global leaders in marine stewardship, seabed mapping and development of marine resources. The program delivers a wide range of benefits to multi-sectoral end-users across the national blue economy with an emphasis on enabling our stakeholders. Demonstrated applications for the use of INFOMAR's suite of mapping products include: Shipping & Navigation Renewable Energy Fisheries Management Aquaculture Marine Leisure & Tourism Oil & Gas Exploration Infrastructure Development Environmental Monitoring Coastal Behaviour With the first ten year phase (2006-2016) now complete, we are beginning to see how this knowledge has the potential to offer incredible benefits for the island of Ireland. A range of diverse navigational, environmental, cultural and international legislative obligations must also be addressed. There remains a crucially important body of work to follow in mapping our valuable inshore and offshore waters before the programme completion in 2026. Project Aims: To provide comprehensive and accessible marine datasets for Irish waters that underpin and add value to marine research, SOLAS Convention obligations and government policy. These products will foster growth within the national blue economy, maintain the health and integrity of our natural marine environment while facilitating international collaboration and best practice in the sustainable development of Ireland's marine resource. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Marine Institute Headquarters, Galway | ||||
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This map shows all of the locations of the HF Radar sites all over the world.
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://global-hfradar.org | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://global-hfradar.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Interactive Map of High Frequency Radar - Global HF radar network | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | This map shows all of the locations of the HF Radar sites all over the world. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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INFOMAR aims to provide comprehensive and accessible marine datasets for Irish waters that underpin ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.infomar.ie/maps/interactive-maps | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.infomar.ie/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Interactive maps - Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Interactive maps - INFOMAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | INFOMAR aims to provide comprehensive and accessible marine datasets for Irish waters that underpin and add value to marine research, SOLAS Convention obligations and government policy. These products will foster growth within the national blue economy, maintain the health and integrity of our natural marine environment while facilitating international collaboration and best practice in the sustainable development of Ireland's marine resource. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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IBCSO Resources: publications, data and links of interest to the Southern Ocean bathymetry community ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.scar.org/science/ibcso/resources/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.scar.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean - Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | IBCSO - SCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | IBCSO Resources: publications, data and links of interest to the Southern Ocean bathymetry community. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | International Science Council | ||||
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This website is a portal to data collected in and around Ireland’s maritime zone. It collects toge ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Adam Leadbetter ( OceanExpert : 20699 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.digitalocean.ie/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marine.ie/Home/home | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ireland's Digital Ocean | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | This website is a portal to data collected in and around Ireland’s maritime zone. It collects together data and information provided by a number of organisations into one place. The development of this website has been funded by the Marine Institute. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Marine Institute Headquarters, Galway | ||||
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Ireland’s Marine Atlas is developed and maintained by the Marine Institute with funding by the Dep ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Adam Leadbetter ( OceanExpert : 20699 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://atlas.marine.ie | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marine.ie/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ireland's Marine Atlas | ||||
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Citation | Data from the [Insert details] theme accessed through Ireland’s Marine Atlas at http://atlas.marine.ie/, [insert date] | ||||
Abstract | Ireland’s Marine Atlas is developed and maintained by the Marine Institute with funding by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. The atlas provides a one-stop-shop to view and download marine environmental data relevant to reporting under Ireland’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The aim of the European Union’s MSFD directive is to protect more effectively the marine environment across Europe through the establishment of “good marine waters”. Data in Ireland’s Marine Atlas has been guided by the European Directive on harmonising environmental data across Europe within a spatial data infrastructure known as INSPIRE. INSPIRE Data Specifications (Data Models) have been used to manage data to the categories visible under THEMES in the atlas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Marine Institute Headquarters, Galway | ||||
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OGS is recognised as the Italian National Oceanographic Data Centre (OGS-NODC) within the Internatio ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms. Alessandra Giorgetti ( OceanExpert : 13248 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://nodc.ogs.trieste.it/nodc/data/geodistribution | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://nodc.ogs.trieste.it/nodc/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Italy NODC Geographical Distribution | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | OGS is recognised as the Italian National Oceanographic Data Centre (OGS-NODC) within the International Oceanographic Data Exchange System of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) since 27/6/2002. OGS as part of the IOC's network of National Oceanographic Data Centres has designated responsibility for the coordination of data and information management at national level. The oceanographic database covers the fields of marine physics, chemical, biological, underway geophysics and general information on Italian oceanographic cruises and data sets. The data center manages large sets of marine and ocean data, originating from our institute and from other parties in our country, in a variety of data management systems and configurations. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | 13.953569, -20.089682, 50.640697, 42.647257 | ||||
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The global ocean observing system delivers more than 1 million daily observations to a rapidly growi ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.jcommops.org/board | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.jcommops.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | JCOMM in situ Observations Programme Support Centre | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | JCOMMOPS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The global ocean observing system delivers more than 1 million daily observations to a rapidly growing number of users and stakeholders, including most major ocean, weather, and climate prediction centers around the world. The analyses, forecasts, and products based on these ocean observations are the bedrock of decisions across an increasing swath of socio-economic sectors, especially in marine transportation, coastal communities, climate, agriculture, and healthy oceans. The global ocean observation system has significant complexity, including full depth oceanic and atmospheric observations, requiring tools and resources to coordinate within and amongst communities of observers from over 100 countries around the world. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)-Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Joint Centre for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology in situ Observations Programmes Support (OceanOPS, formerly named JCOMMOPS), grew out of the need for improved technical coordination across a number of such communities, e.g. to assist in deploying observing programs (such as Argo floats and drifters); assist in developing and tracking timely exchange of data and metadata; and to monitor the status and growth of the system. OceanOPS has grown in prominence and visibility over the past 10 years. It has become increasingly central to the coordination of the global ocean observing enterprise, leading to ever-increasing interests and expectations amongst current and potential stakeholders. OceanOPS acts as a focal point for implementation and operation of relevant observing platforms. The Centre which is located in Brest (France) is funded thanks to voluntary contributions from IOC/UNESCO and WMO Member States, through the marine observing programmes and panels such as Argo, DBCP, OceanSITES, GO-SHIP, SOT, GLOSS, OceanGliders. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | See each dataset including CSV/ NetCDF | ||||
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JERICO-RI is an integrated pan-European multidisciplinary and multi-platform research infrastructure ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.emodnet-biology.eu/geoviewer/?active_layer_ids=10321;10322;10323#!/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.jerico-ri.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | JERICO-RI Biology Map Interface | ||||
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Abstract | JERICO-RI is an integrated pan-European multidisciplinary and multi-platform research infrastructure dedicated to a holistic appraisal of coastal marine system changes. It is seamlessly bridging existing continental, atmospheric and open ocean RIs, thus filling a key gap in the ESFRI landscape. JERICO-RI establishes the framework upon which coastal marine systems are observed, analysed, understood and forecasted. JERICO-RI enables open-access to state-of-the-art and innovative facilities, resources, FAIR data and fit-for-purpose services, fostering international science collaboration. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The LMEs produce about 80 of the annual world s marine fisheries catch. Globally they are centers of ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://lme.edc.uri.edu/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.uri.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Large Marine Ecosystems | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | LMEs | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The LMEs produce about 80 of the annual world s marine fisheries catch. Globally they are centers of coastal ocean pollution and nutrient overenrichment habitat degradation e.g. sea grasses corals mangroves overfishing biodiversity loss and climate change effects. Large Marine Ecosystems LMEs are relatively large areas of ocean space of approximately 200 000 km or greater adjacent to the continents in coastal waters where primary productivity is generally higher than in open ocean areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Rhode Island | ||||
Technical notes | SHP/ KML | ||||
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LifeWatch builds and operates open E-science infrastructure that can support biodiversity and ecosys ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.lifewatch.be/en/e-lab | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.lifewatch.be/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Lifewatch e-lab | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | LifeWatch builds and operates open E-science infrastructure that can support biodiversity and ecosystem research. The developed e-services facilitate open data exchange, visualization and analysis and are provided to the user through dedicated Virtual Laboratories and applications. Virtual labs that provide marine services can be accessed through the Marine Virtual Research Environment (VRE). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Europe, Antarctica and Southern Ocean | ||||
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List of FAO Major Fishing Areas. For statistical purposes, 27 major fishing areas have been internat ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/cwp-on-fishery-statistics/handbook/tools-and-resources/en/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/cwp-on-fishery-statistics/en/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | List of Major Fishing Areas - FAO | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | List of FAO Major Fishing Areas. For statistical purposes, 27 major fishing areas have been internationally established to date. These comprise: - eight major inland fishing areas covering the inland waters of the continents, - nineteen major marine fishing areas covering the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern Oceans with their adjacent seas. The major fishing areas, inland and marine, are listed below by two-digit codes and their names. To access maps and description of boundaries of each fishing area click on the relevant item in the list below or in the map showing the 19 major marine fishing areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Agencia de Las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura - FAO | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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LITTERBASE provides information about the amount and distribution of litter and microplastic and int ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://litterbase.awi.de/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.awi.de/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | LITTERBASE - Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | LITTERBASE - AWI | ||||
Citation | Tekman MB, Gutow L, Macario A, Haas A, Walter A, Bergmann M: Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung | ||||
Abstract | LITTERBASE provides information about the amount and distribution of litter and microplastic and interactions between aquatic life and marine litter. LITTERBASE summarises results from 1 960 scientific studies in understandable global maps and figures and opens scientific knowledge on marine litter to the public. Large amounts of litter have accumulated across all parts of our oceans in less than fifty years. Litter has thus become a serious threat to the marine environment, aquatic life and humankind, whose welfare is closely linked with ocean health. Research on marine litter is currently taking a great leap forward and has substantially increased our knowledge of the amount and composition of litter as well as its impacts on the marine environment, aquatic life and people. However, the sheer number of studies scattered all around the globe has rendered this topic increasingly intangible making it difficult for policy makers, public authorities, media and the general public to unearth important information needed to address the urgent questions. LITTERBASE summarises results from 2,044 scientific studies in understandable global maps and figures and opens scientific knowledge on marine litter to the public. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Alfred Wegener Institut | ||||
Technical notes | Online Map Viewer | ||||
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The Land-Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory (LOBO) consists of robust moorings that can withstand tida ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/science/upper-ocean-systems/chemical-sensor-group/loboviz/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | LOBOViz 3.0 - LOBO Network Data Visualization - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | LOBOViz 3.0 - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Land-Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory (LOBO) consists of robust moorings that can withstand tidal currents and weather. The moorings are highly configurable, can be deployed in waters as shallow as 0.5 m, are relatively easy to maintain, and accommodate a complete array of standard and novel sensors. The sensors communicate with an on-board controller which relays data to shore in near-real time: LOBOViz 3.0 - LOBO Network Data Visualization. Up to five LOBO moorings have been simultaneously deployed and maintained in Elkhorn Slough, California, since November 2003. Continuous hourly data of biological, chemical, and physical properties are relayed to shore, processed, and disseminated to users through a web interface in near-real time. The instrumentation in the LOBO project is a combination of commercially available and ‘in house’ technology. Combined with a mooring system that allows for long term deployment and rapid data transmission through a wireless LAN, the sensors can return near-real time information for extended deployment periods. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
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The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst. The ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=16ac3f05b7c24c34b458a28e8b6f5b30 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.esri.com/en-us/home | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Longhurst Biogeographical Provinces | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst. The division has been based on the prevailing role of physical forcing as a regulator of phytoplankton distribution. Note that the boundaries of these provinces are not fixed in time and space but are dynamic and move under seasonal and interannual changes in physical forcing. At the first level of reduction Longhurst recognised four principal biomes the Polar biome the Westerlies biome the Trade winds biome and the Coastal biome. These four biomes are recognised in every major ocean basin. At the next level of reduction the ocean basins are divided into provinces roughly ten for each basin. These regions provide a template for data analysis or for making parameter assignments on a global scale. Please refer to Longhurst s publications when using these shapefiles. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | SHP | ||||
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Search FAO Major Fishing Areas using various tools: a simple word search, a browser mapping the FAO ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/area/search/en | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/geoinfo/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Major Fishing Areas - FAO Fisheries Division | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Major Fishing Areas - NFI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Search FAO Major Fishing Areas using various tools: a simple word search, a browser mapping the FAO fishing areas, and a list of the FAO fishing areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
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The Smartfin Project is a community science initiative focused on collecting coastal water quality d ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://smartfin.axds.co/#map | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://smartfin.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map - Smartfin | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Smartfin Project is a community science initiative focused on collecting coastal water quality data and communicating critical ocean health issues. Data are collected by surfers and other watersports enthusiasts who use the cellular-enabled ocean sensor package integrated into high performance fins developed by researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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All spatial datasets used and produced by HELCOM in its assessments can be accessed and downloaded f ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://maps.helcom.fi/website/mapservice/index.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://helcom.fi/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map and Data Service - HELCOM | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | All spatial datasets used and produced by HELCOM in its assessments can be accessed and downloaded from HELCOM Metadata catalogue and viewed in HELCOM Map and Data service. HELCOM Map and Data service is a graphical user interface containing a table of contents of all spatial datasets made available by HELCOM and relevant to HELCOM work. The service contains many functionalities that could be used when viewing the datasets, e.g. identify and attribute table functionalities. The datasets are grouped into the following services, which contain a number of map layers grouped into categories (group layers): i) Status assessments: Integrated assessment results, core indicator result maps and underlying datasets. ii) Monitoring: Assessment units according to HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Strategy and monitoring stations used in HELCOM Monitoring manual. iii) Pressures and human activities: Land-based pollution as well as various human activities datasets and aggregated pressure layers used in Baltic Sea Impact and Pressure Index (BSPI and BSII). iv) Biodiversity: Biodiversity related datasets such as Ecosystem component maps used in Baltic Sea Impact and Pressure Index (BSPI and BSII), HELCOM RED LIST species/biotope distribution maps as well as other biota related datasets. v) Shipping: Maritime activities related to datasets, including data from HELCOM Maritime assessment such as AIS density maps by ship type. vi) Background: Background datasets such as rivers, lakes, EEZ as well as Maritime Spatial Planning areas. All HELCOM datasets are also listed in HELCOM Metadata catalogue, which contains INSPIRE compliant metadata record of the dataset, download functionality (zip package containing shapefile / TIFF), and URL to view the dataset in HELCOM Map and Data service. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | European Union | ||||
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Map collection about different topic including chlorophyll-a and ocean productivity, indigenous Prot ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://northwestatlas.org/nwa/map/gallery | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://northwestatlas.org/nwa | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map gallery - North West Atlas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Map collection about different topic including chlorophyll-a and ocean productivity, indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs), and petroleum leases and offshore titles amon others. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville | ||||
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SEDAC has developed a variety of mapping tools, both web-based and stand-alone, to visualize, query, ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/maps/tools | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Mapping Tools - Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Mapping Tools - SEDAC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | SEDAC has developed a variety of mapping tools, both web-based and stand-alone, to visualize, query, and analyze various map layers that are created from its geospatial data holdings. This page provides a list of all SEDAC mapping tools. In addition, tools developed by other projects that integrate SEDAC map layers and demonstrate interoperability with SEDAC map services are also included. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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SOCCOM Map Room including Float Maps, Biogeochemical-Argo Map, and Argo Maps,
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://soccom.princeton.edu/content/soccom-map-room | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://soccom.princeton.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map Room - US National Science Foundation's Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling project | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Map Room - SOCCOM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | SOCCOM Map Room including Float Maps, Biogeochemical-Argo Map, and Argo Maps, | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Princeton University, Department of Geosciences | ||||
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You can download maps about coastal geomorphologic changes or vegetation types among others.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.usgs.gov/centers/wetland-and-aquatic-research-center-warc/maps | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.usgs.gov/centers/wetland-and-aquatic-research-center-warc/science/discovre-diversity-systematics-and?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps - DIversity, Systematics, and Connectivity Of Vulnerable Reef Ecosystem Project | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Maps - DISCOVRE | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | You can download maps about coastal geomorphologic changes or vegetation types among others. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | U.S. Geological Survey – Wetland and Aquatic Research Center | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Shapefiles of the maps are grouped by minerals polymetallic nodules (PMN), polymetallic sulphides (P ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.isa.org.jm/maps | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.isa.org.jm/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps - International Seabed Authority | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Maps - ISA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Shapefiles of the maps are grouped by minerals polymetallic nodules (PMN), polymetallic sulphides (PMS), and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts (CFC). Area maps show the complete list of contractors, individual contractor maps by mineral and the relevant ocean. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is an autonomous international organization established under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 1994 Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1994 Agreement). ISA is the organization through which States Parties to UNCLOS organize and control all mineral-resources-related activities in the Area for the benefit of mankind as a whole. In so doing, ISA has the mandate to ensure the effective protection of the marine environment from harmful effects that may arise from deep-seabed related activities. ISA which has its headquarters in Kingston, Jamaica, came into existence on 16 November 1994, upon the entry into force of UNCLOS. ISA became fully operational as an autonomous international organization in June 1996, when it took over the premises and facilities in Kingston, Jamaica previously used by the United Nations Kingston Office for the Law of the Sea. In accordance with article 156 (2) of UNCLOS, all States Parties to UNCLOS are ipso facto members of ISA. As of 1 May 2020, ISA has 168 members, including 167 member States and the European Union. The Area and its resources are the common heritage of mankind. The Area covers around 54 per cent of the total area of the world’s oceans. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | International Seabed Authority | ||||
Technical notes | SHP None of these maps of shapefiles may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, except as provided for in the Terms and Conditions, without permission in writing from ISA. News-related material can be used as long as the appropriate credit is given and ISA is advised. To request such permission and for further enquiries, please address queries to the ISA Communications Unit via email: news@isa.org.jm | ||||
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National Marine Sanctuary System Map.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/about/maps.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps - NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | National Marine Sanctuary System Map. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA Marine Sanctuaries Division, Silver Spring | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Norwegian Polar Institute Map Data and Services.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.npolar.no/map/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.npolar.no/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps - Norwegian Polar Data Centre | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Norwegian Polar Institute Map Data and Services. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Norwegian Polar Institute | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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All downloadable files are either in .pdf, .jpg, or in .zip format and you may need specific file vi ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.namria.gov.ph/download.php#maps | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.namria.gov.ph | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps - Pilippines National Mapping and Resource Information Authority | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | All downloadable files are either in .pdf, .jpg, or in .zip format and you may need specific file viewers for these. Some of the map downloads are low resolution images and can only be printed on letter size papers. Other map downloads are high resolution images such as topographic maps in 1:50,000 scale and hazard maps. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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The US Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is an independent federal agency created by the Arctic Res ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.arctic.gov/maps/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.arctic.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps - US Arctic Research Commission | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Maps - USARC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The US Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is an independent federal agency created by the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984. It is a presidentially appointed advisory body supported by staff in Washington, DC, and in Anchorage, Alaska. In addition to delivering a biennial report to the President and Congress outlining recommended scientific research goals and objectives for the Arctic, the Commission develops and recommends an integrated national Arctic research policy and builds cooperative links in Arctic research within the federal government, with the State of Alaska, and with international partners. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Maps and charts collection.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.glofouling.imo.org/maps-menu | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.glofouling.imo.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Maps and Charts - GloFouling Partnership Project | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Maps and charts collection. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Through the mapping program MAREANO, data on depth and topography, bottom conditions, biological div ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Helge Sagen ( OceanExpert : 12817 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mareano.no/en/maps-and-data/selected-maps | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mareano.no/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps and data - MAREANO | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Kart og data - MAREANO | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Through the mapping program MAREANO, data on depth and topography, bottom conditions, biological diversity, nature types/biotopes, and any pollution in the sediments of Norwegian coastal and marine areas are collected, facilitated and made accessible to the public. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institute of Marine Research | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
Interface Languages | |||||
Contributing Countries | |||||
Countries owning the source | |||||
Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | 57.430726, 3.968662, 80.981682, 35.591353 | ||||
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IODP provides pdf, jpg, and eps maps of drilled sites from all scientific ocean drilling programs th ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.iodp.org/resources/maps-and-kml-tools | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.iodp.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Maps and KML Tools - International Ocean Discovery Program | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Maps and KML Tools - IODP | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | IODP provides pdf, jpg, and eps maps of drilled sites from all scientific ocean drilling programs through the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator. To add and visualize data in Google Earth, IODP also maintains the following kml files: The Drilled Holes file shows the location of all holes drilled during the scientific ocean drilling programs. Clicking a borehole location in Google Earth provides links to the related expedition publications. This file was last updated with available data in March 2021. The Scheduled Expeditions file reflects decisions as of March 2021 and shows the location of all proposed sites for planned expeditions. The data is collected from the expedition’s Scientific Prospectus or, if the Scientific Prospectus was not available, the drilling proposal. Clicking on a site location in Google Earth reveals the expedition name, site name and coordinates, planned expedition dates, original proposal number, platform, co-chiefs, and a link to the expedition website. Once the Preliminary Report for the expedition is published, the expedition is moved to the Drilled Holes file. The Proposed Sites file shows the location of all sites in Active Proposals under review or awaiting schedule as of March 2021. Sites from declined proposals are not included. Clicking on a site location in Google Earth reveals the proposal name, site name and coordinates, lead proponent, review stage, and proposed platform. Sites from revisions, updates, and addenda might not be included. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | IODP data and samples are typically protected by a 1-year postcruise moratorium, during which time data and samples from a particular expedition are available only to that expedition’s science party and approved shore-based participants. Longer moratorium periods will be in effect for expeditions where sampling takes place postcruise at a shore-based repository. Except where otherwise noted, expedition photos and publications are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction are permitted, provided the original author and source are credited. Expedition photos are provided for free public use provided the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO), and photographer (when known) are acknowledged in the caption or credits accompanying each photo. Expedition maps are provided for free use by researchers, policy makers, the media, and the public. | ||||
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Maps and spatial layers are used in ICES to aid in the organization of data into something more than ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Neil Holdsworth ( OceanExpert : 16535 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://gis.ices.dk/sf/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://ices.dk/data/maps/Pages/default.aspx | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Maps and spatial information - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Maps and spatial information - ICES | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Maps and spatial layers are used in ICES to aid in the organization of data into something more than a collection of numbers and coordinates. ICES manages a number of maps related to the Northeast Atlantic, these are used extensively by the expert groups for the planning of data collection and the visualization of data. We also work closely with the regional sea conventions to offer a selection of their map products through our spatial facility. Maps can be downloaded as digital shape files. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | ||||
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PacMARS is the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis project, a research synthesis effort funded ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://pacmars.eol.ucar.edu/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://pacmars.cbl.umces.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map Server - Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis Data Archive | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Map Server - PacMARS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | PacMARS is the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis project, a research synthesis effort funded by the North Pacific Research Board whose goal is to provide guidance for scientific research needs in the region, as well as to serve stakeholder needs for understanding this important ecosystem and its vulnerabilities. PacMARS focuses on facilitating new synergies in the understanding of the marine ecosystem in the greater Bering Strait region, extending from Saint Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Existing data sets which are critical for evaluating the current state of knowledge of this marine ecosystem, including human dimensions, are identified and synthesized into this data archive. The PacMARS effort will contribute to NPRB's overall mission to promote the understanding of north Pacific ecosystems in order to help enable effective management and sustainable use of marine resources, from subsistence use to fisheries to industrial exploration and development. PacMARS is working in collaboration with other knowledge synthesis efforts, such as Arctic Research (SOAR) that is underwritten by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This data archive provides access to all PacMARS data. Welcome to the archive! The PacMARS project area in the Pacific Arctic region extends from St. Lawrence Island in the northern Bering Sea over the Chukchi Sea westward to 180° and eastward in the Beaufort Sea to 135°W. The northern limit extends to 75°N. The PacMARS raw data sets will sometimes include data in the Pacific area beyond those boundaries (e.g. south of St. Lawrence Island and into the Eastern Siberian Sea), but the core project area is as described above. The PacMARS mapserver contains a layer indicating the project area as represented with a bounding box. This layer is turned on by default. To turn off this layer, uncheck the layer labeled “PacMARS Study Area” under the “Base Layers” group in the left-hand side of the page. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Center for Atmospheric Research | ||||
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Here's an example of how to create a WMS layer instance using the Open Source JavaScript library Ope ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/maps/services | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Maps Services - Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Maps Services - SEDAC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Here's an example of how to create a WMS layer instance using the Open Source JavaScript library OpenLayers. The possible values for layers can be found in the expandable list. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Map view at the Norwegian Polar Institute.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.npolar.no/mapview/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.npolar.no/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Mapview - Norwegian Polar Data Centre | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Abstract | Map view at the Norwegian Polar Institute. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Norwegian Polar Institute | ||||
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This is the main map area, you can scroll the map by left-clicking and dragging the map.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/cco/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Map viewer & Catalog - Channel Coastal Observatory | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Map viewer & Catalog - CCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This is the main map area, you can scroll the map by left-clicking and dragging the map. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Mapping and Geographic Information Centre provides geospatial information support to BAS science ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.add.scar.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.scar.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map Viewer - Antarctic Digital Database | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ADD - Map Viewer | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Mapping and Geographic Information Centre provides geospatial information support to BAS science and operations programmes. It takes a leading role in international projects to improve geospatial information resources for Antarctica through new techniques and data sources. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | British Antarctic Survey | ||||
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EMODnet-Physics map portal (www.emodnet-physics.eu/map) provides a single point of access to validat ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Patrick Gorringe ( OceanExpert : 32622 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.emodnet-physics.eu/Map/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.emodnet-physics.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Mapviewer - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Mapviewer - EMODnet Physics | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | EMODnet-Physics map portal (www.emodnet-physics.eu/map) provides a single point of access to validated in situ datasets, products and their physical parameter metadata of European Seas and global oceans. More specifically, time series and datasets are made available, as recorded by fixed platforms (moorings, tide gauges, HF radars, etc.), moving platforms (ARGO, Lagrangian buoys, ferryboxes, etc.) and repeated observations (CTDs, etc.). The available themes are the temperature of the water column, the salinity of the water column, horizontal velocity of the water column, sea level and sea level trends, wave height and period, wind and atmospheric pressure, optical properties (e.g. light attenuation, back scattering, turbidity, etc.), underwater sound pressure level (acoustic pollution), river runoff, other biogeochemical data (e.g. chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, etc.), sea-ice coverage. Acquisition of these physical parameters is largely an automated process based on a “federated” network infrastructure linking data providers and other marine data aggregating infrastructure. In particular, EMODnet Physics is strongly federated with two other European data aggregating infrastructures. One is the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service - In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre for operational data flow, while historical validated datasets are organised in collaboration with SeaDataNet and its network of National Oceanographic Data Centres. The NRT data go through a stricter quality control before NODCs validate the datasets for long-term storage and stewardship. This validation process ends when the metadata of the processed dataset are published in a CDI (Common Data Index). CMEMS-INSTAC and SDN-NODC subsets are integrated with other available sources to make the most comprehensive physical parameter data catalogues available. Thanks to international collaborative relationships to provide data access to – and preview for – coastal data in non-European areas (e.g. NOAA platforms for the US, IAPB platforms for the Arctic area, IMOS for Australia and others), EMODnet Physics catalogues are going beyond European borders to offer an even more exhaustive entry point to global-ocean physical observations. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
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Regional Fishery Bodies Map Viewer. Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are a mechanism through which Sta ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/figis/geoserver/factsheets/rfbs.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map Viewer - FAO Regional Fishery Bodies | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Regional Fishery Bodies Map Viewer. Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are a mechanism through which States or organizations that are parties to an international fishery agreement or ("agreement" is fundamental, and different from arrangement) arrangement work together towards the conservation, management and/or development of fisheries. (Some RFBs, especially those with an ecosystem mandate, work with seabirds, etc that are connected with fisheries but are not fish stocks per se.) | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
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Stocks and Fisheries Map Viewer allows to browse the status of stocks and fisheries inventoried by t ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://firms.fao.org/firms/stocks-fisheries-map-viewer | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://firms.fao.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Map Viewer - FAO Stocks and Fisheries | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Stocks and Fisheries Map Viewer allows to browse the status of stocks and fisheries inventoried by the FIRMS partners through a WebGIS application. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
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With this tool, you can view up to 4 SEDAC map layers, either as four separately synched maps or as ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/mapping/viewer/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Map Viewer - Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Map Viewer - SEDAC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | With this tool, you can view up to 4 SEDAC map layers, either as four separately synched maps or as overlays in a single map. Here's a list of what some of the buttons do. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas - MBON Pole to Pole - is a ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://marinebon.org/p2p/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://marinebon.org/p2p/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | MBON Pole to Pole | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas - MBON Pole to Pole - is a Knowledge Sharing Network dedicated to the collection, use and sharing of marine biodiversity data in a coordinated, standardized manner leveraging on existing infrastructure managed by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS; IOC-UNESCO), the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), and the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS). The MBON Pole to Pole aims to become a key resource for decision-making and management of living resources across countries in the Americas and support their reporting requirements of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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MarineCadastre.gov was developed through a partnership between the U.S. Department of Commerce’s N ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://marinecadastre.gov | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | MarineCadastre - NOAA | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | MarineCadastre.gov was developed through a partnership between the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). MarineCadastre.gov is an integrated marine information system that provides data, tools, and technical support for the ocean and Great Lakes planning. MarineCadastre.gov was designed specifically to support renewable energy siting on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf but also is being used for other ocean-related efforts. The MarineCadastre.gov team is continually working to increase access to data through data and map services. The services are designed to deliver data without replication and directly from the source. MarineCadastre.gov supports a number of complementary efforts, including Digital Coast, Data.gov, and Geoplatform.gov. You are encouraged to use these data map services in your mapping initiative. If you have data useful for marine planning, please contact us. MarineCadastre.gov was created to comply with Section 388 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 but is also providing the geospatial framework needed for the broader marine spatial planning initiative called for in the National Ocean Policy. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
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The "Marine Conditions" application developed by the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) displays ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms. Anne-Sophie Ste-Marie ( OceanExpert : 36559 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://slgo.ca/conditions | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://ogsl.ca/en/navigation/marine-conditions-context | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Marine Conditions | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Conditions maritimes | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | [Dataset Owner]. [YEAR(s) of the downloaded data set]. [Name of dataset]. Data published on St. Lawrence Global Observatory's-SLGO portal. [https://slgo.ca]. Access date: [YYYY-MM-DD]. | ||||
Abstract | The "Marine Conditions" application developed by the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) displays a wide range of recent and near real-time data collected by various monitoring systems installed in a vast territory from the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence Gulf. Thus, this Web application allows the visualization and access to multiple physico-chemical data measured by sensors from buoys, tide gauges, thermographs, radars and meteorological stations. Data related to air, currents, water, waves and winds are available. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | bbox=-138.85,41.83,-52.59,69.44 | ||||
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The Data Portal for German Marine Research is a product of the Marine Network for Integrated Data Ac ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://marine-data.de/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.awi.de/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Data Portal - German Marine Research Alliance | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Marine Data Portal - DEUTSCHE ALLIANZ MEERESFORSCHUNG | ||||
Acronym | Marine Data Portal - DAM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Data Portal for German Marine Research is a product of the Marine Network for Integrated Data Access (MaNIDA) funded cooperatively by the Helmholtz Association. Our consortium aims to implement a sustainable e-infrastructure for coherent discovery, view, download and dissemination of marine research data. For further information see www.manida.org. The data portal brings together data from different German Marine Research Institutes in an automated way (machine readable). For the first time a huge amount of marine data sets are commonly made searchable with direct access and without any registration procedure. Currently we are able to provide access to metadata and data from these partner institutes: AWI, BSH, GEOMAR, HZG and MARUM. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Alfred-Wegener-Institut (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung) | ||||
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The first pan European Marine Litter Database (MLDB) has been developed by EMODnet Chemistry. The da ...
Submitter/Owner | Menashè Eliezer ( OceanExpert : 24700 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet/?server=http://www.ifremer.fr/services/wms/emodnet_chemistry2 | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Litter Viewing and Downloading Service - European Marine Observation and Data Network Chemistry | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Marine Litter Viewing and Downloading Service - EMODnet Chemistry | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The first pan European Marine Litter Database (MLDB) has been developed by EMODnet Chemistry. The database contains data of beach and sea floor litter from a variety of sources, including existing International and Regional Sea Conventions, and data submitted by EU Member States, EMODnet partners and external research or monitoring projects. A majority of datasets were provided by existing monitoring projects which have published their data in project specific databases (i.e., OSPAR, ICES DATRAS). These databases may hold more and differently formatted information than is provided here, so direct comparison with these sources is not always possible. Marine Litter Visualization Products are available through the Viewing and Downloading Service. The first release of the products include maps showing beach and sea floor surveys locations and summarized metrics of the MLDB content. Beach litter maps include temporal coverage of surveys, beach litter distribution (mean abundance per year) and beach litter composition (litter material categories in percentages). Sea floor litter maps show information about the fishing gear used, litter distribution along trawls (density as items/km2) and litter composition (material categories in percentages). Maps illustrating the distribution of relevant litter types are available for both beach litter (cigarette related items, fishing related items and plastic bags) and sea floor (fishing related items and plastic bags). Read more at: http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/marinelitter | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Europe | ||||
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EMODnet Geology’s marine minerals layers include all types of naturally occurring geological raw m ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/marine-geology/marine-minerals/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Minerals - European Geological Data Infrastructure | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Marine Minerals - EGDI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | EMODnet Geology’s marine minerals layers include all types of naturally occurring geological raw materials, metals and hydrocarbons known to accumulate in European sea regions. The 12 different types of marine minerals mapped for EMODnet Geology vary widely in types. Differing geological environments are reflected in the varied types of mineral accumulates found in the European marine environment. Mapping the spatial extent of marine mineral occurrences within European waters allows us to communicate their extent visually, using one common data standard and at one common scale. It is hoped that these seabed mineral deposit maps will be useful to policy makers, planners, industry and society. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
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Whether we are talking about offshore oil and gas, offshore renewable energy, or offshore sand and g ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.boem.gov/marine-minerals/marine-minerals-mapping-and-data | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.boem.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Minerals Mapping and Data - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Marine Minerals Mapping and Data - BOEM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Whether we are talking about offshore oil and gas, offshore renewable energy, or offshore sand and gravel for coastal restoration projects, BOEM's mandate to manage 2.5 billion acres on the Outer Continental Shelf is no small task. Sometimes offshore sand resources are not extractable because of the presence of offshore ocean energy infrastructure, archaeologically sensitive areas, and/or biologically sensitive areas. BOEM depends on data to make its decisions on how to reduce and avoid multiple use conflicts -- whether within the agency or with other ocean users, such as national security, ocean energy facilities, commercial and recreational fishing, ocean aquaculture, maritime commerce and navigation, tribal interests, critical undersea infrastructure and other ocean uses. Below are links to data portals, maps and other information BOEM uses and contributes to in managing the Marine Minerals Program. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the US Department of the Interior | ||||
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Marine Monitor (M2) is a lower cost solution for monitoring near-shore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://protectedseas.net/marine-monitor-m2 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://protectedseas.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Monitor - ProtectedSeas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | M2 - ProtectedSeas | ||||
Citation | ProtectedSeas Marine Area Map by ProtectedSeas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://mpa.protectedseas.net/. | ||||
Abstract | Marine Monitor (M2) is a lower cost solution for monitoring near-shore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), that uses off-the-shelf radars to provide 24/7 situational awareness. Preserving marine protected areas (MPAs) is challenging since poaching and other activities can occur at night, in the early hours of the morning, and far offshore. Marine Monitor (M2) combines commercial-off-the-shelf marine radar hardware with a custom software solution written using open-source tools to track boat activity and illegal fishing in nearshore waters (out to 5 miles) at a fraction of the cost of traditional military-grade systems. The M2 software downloads radar data and mirrors it in a friendly user-interface that can be stored and replayed via the cloud. The M2 software can further improve MPA monitoring with the optional integration of a Automatic Identification System (AIS) sensor and high-definition pan-tilt-zoom video camera. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | ProtectedSeas | ||||
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Explore the map to find navigational tools for your region. You can also go to each of these product ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/marine-operations | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Marine Operations - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Marine Operations - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Explore the map to find navigational tools for your region. You can also go to each of these products independently by navigating the side menu. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation, in line with the e-Government Strategy and ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.govmu.org/dkan/?q=dataset/marine-protected-areas-2017 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://data.govmu.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Marine Protected Areas 2017 in Republic of Mauritius from Environment Digest Table 1.22 | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation, in line with the e-Government Strategy and the Open Data Policy, has implemented the National Open Data portal which houses and provides links to the datasets of Government Agencies in an open format. This initiative empowers citizens and businesses for carrying out data-driven initiatives such as the development of mobile apps, data analysis, creation of innovative products and research among others. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine dat ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.marineregions.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Regions | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | MR | ||||
Citation | Lonneville, B.; Oset García, P.; Schepers, L.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F. & Mees, J. (Flanders Marine Institute) (2019). MarineRegions.org. Accessed at http://www.marineregions.org on yyyy-mm-dd. | ||||
Abstract | Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information. However, a unique georeferenced standard of marine place names and areas was not available, hampering several marine geographic applications, for example the linking of these locations to databases to integrate data. The purpose of Marine Regions is therefore to create a standard, relational list of geographic names, coupled with information and maps of the geographic location of these features. This will improve access and clarity of the different geographic, marine names such as seas, sandbanks, ridges and bays and display univocally the boundaries of marine biogeographic or managerial marine areas. Marine Regions is an integration of the VLIMAR Gazetteer and the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. The VLIMAR Gazetteer is a database with geographic, mainly marine names such as seas, sandbanks, seamounts, ridges, bays or even standard sampling stations used in marine research. The geographic cover of the VLIMAR gazetteer is global but initially focused on the Belgian Continental Shelf and the Scheldt Estuary and the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Gradually more regional and global geographic information was added to VLIMAR and combining this information with the Maritime Boundaries database, representing the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the world, led to the creation of marineregions.org. Marine Regions is managed by the Flanders Marine Institute. Funding for the creation of the VLIMAR gazetteer was provided initially through the EU Network of Excellence MarBEF, but also other European initiatives such as Lifewatch provide the necessary funding for the maintenance and management of Marine Regions. Marine Regions depends on data and knowledge sharing from global, European, regional and national data providers and relevant experts. By setting up Collaboration Agreements, data providers will benefit from belonging to the Marine Regions partnership as they would get increased visibility, gain access to a variety of data analysis services which will benefit from integration of several distributed spatial datasets, as well as enjoying the benefit of the creation of stable unique identifiers. An example template of a Collaboration Agreement can be found here. Please contact info@marineregions.org if your organisation is interested to explore this collaboration. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
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MASPAWIO (Marine Spatial Atlas for the Western Indian Ocean) provides access to a range of marine sp ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr James Mbugua ( OceanExpert : 26440 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://maspawio.net/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://cordioea.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iodepo/odis-arch/master/collection/tempHosting/data-maspawio/sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Marine Spatial Atlas for the Western Indian Ocean | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | MASPAWIO | ||||
Citation | CORDIO East Africa GIS Lab. (2015). Marine Spatial Atlas for the Western Indian Ocean (MASPAWIO) [ddmmyy]. http://maspawio.net/. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. | ||||
Abstract | MASPAWIO (Marine Spatial Atlas for the Western Indian Ocean) provides access to a range of marine spatial datasets, presenting layers valuable for marine spatial planning, management, and research. These datasets originate from a mix of primary and secondary sources, with MASPAWIO compiling and contributing information to regional and global repositories. Founded in 2015 through a partnership with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), MASPAWIO has received ongoing support from various projects, including those financed by WIOMSA and, more recently, by Norad. Under the Norad project, MASPAWIO aims to enhance knowledge management and promote marine spatial planning (MSP) within the Western Indian Ocean region. Each project contributes to the collection, compilation, or analysis of primary and secondary data, with outputs made accessible as spatial data layers on MASPAWIO. The MASPAWIO portal also integrates ArcGIS Online applications, accessible at CORDIO East Africa, which enhance the diversity and delivery of spatial products in multiple formats. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Coastal Oceans Research and Development Indian Ocean | ||||
Technical notes | Content developed on MASPAWIO will be pushed to end-user regional and global resources such as the Africa Marine Atlas, Nairobi Convention Clearing House Mechanisms, OBIS and GBIF, to maximize access to data from the WIO for multiple purposes. Mechanisms for accomplishing this will include the use of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT), generating data publications, and making this workflow accessible to researchers and partners within the WIO to improve visibility and use of their data. | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | 11 degrees North, 35 Degrees South, 30,75 degrees East | ||||
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Vessel tracking, public regarding vessel positions, and movements, ports, traffic voyage details, sh ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-12.0/centery:25.0/zoom:4 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marinetraffic.com/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | MarineTraffic | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Vessel tracking, public regarding vessel positions, and movements, ports, traffic voyage details, shipping. Marine traffic is a commercial company but provides some free data. This company combines satellite data with a vast network of terrestrial stations. The initial data collection is based on the Automatic Identification System AIS. For each position, the company provides LON, LAT, VESSEL MMSI, STATUS, SPEED, COURSE, HEADING, and TIMESTAMP UTC. For each port call, the company provides PORT ID, PORT NAME, VESSEL MMSI, TIMESTAMP, ARR/ DEP. This company may also provide additional vessel parameters e.g. vessel name, type dimensions, flag, etc. Free for online map charge for data download. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | Map | ||||
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This information system, MSIL, delivers instant access to geospatial information provided by governm ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Norio Baba ( OceanExpert : 13092 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.msil.go.jp/msil/htm/topwindow.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | MDA Situational Indication Linkages | ||||
Original (non-English) name | 海しる(海洋状況表示システム) | ||||
Acronym | MSIL | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This information system, MSIL, delivers instant access to geospatial information provided by government agencies and relevant organizations under the overall inter-ministerial coordination by the National Ocean Policy Secretariat. This system has been developed as a tool for the maritime security, maritime safety, natural disaster countermeasures, marine environment conservation and the promotion of marine industries. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Japan Oceanographic Data Center | ||||
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The overall objective of the MEDAR/MEDATLAS II project is to make available a comprehensive data pro ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Michele Fichaut ( OceanExpert : 15546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.ifremer.fr/medar/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.ifremer.fr/sismer/UK/catal/base/edmed_an.htql?CBASE=MASMED | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | MEDAR/MEDATLAS DATABASE | ||||
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Citation | MEDAR Group, 2002 - MEDATLAS/2002 database. Mediterranean and Black Sea database of temperature salinity and bio-chemical parameters. Climatological Atlas. | ||||
Abstract | The overall objective of the MEDAR/MEDATLAS II project is to make available a comprehensive data product of temperature, salinity and biochemical data in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, through a wide co-operation of the Mediterranean countries. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://puslitbang.bmkg.go.id/meteogram/map/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Meteogram Map - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Peta Meteogram - Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika | ||||
Acronym | Meteogram Map - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | meteogram | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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Real time data presented in this portal are preliminary, passed only first control and portal holder ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://on-line.msi.ttu.ee/metoc/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://veeteedeamet.ee/et?lang=en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | METOC Portal - Maritime Administration of Estonia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Real time data presented in this portal are preliminary, passed only first control and portal holder do not take responsibility for possible errors in data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Tallinn University of Technology, Marine Systems Institute | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga | ||||
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The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal is an online toolkit and resource center that consolidates availa ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://portal.midatlanticocean.org | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.midatlanticocean.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal - Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal - MARCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal is an online toolkit and resource center that consolidates available data and enables state, federal and local users to visualize and analyze ocean resources and human use information such as fishing grounds, recreational areas, shipping lanes, habitat areas, and energy sites, among others. The portal includes Maps as well as a Data catalogue and links to other data resources. The Governors of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia in 2009 signed the Mid-Atlantic Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Conservation. The Agreement established the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) as a partnership to address shared regional priorities and provide a collective voice. With competing demands on our oceans at an all-time high, finding ways to engage all stakeholders in coastal and marine planning has never been more important. The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) recognizes that a robust ocean data and information management system that includes a wide range of human use, environmental, socioeconomic and regulatory data will provide the building blocks for multi-use, regional-scale ocean planning. The Portal serves as a platform to engage all stakeholders in ocean planning from the five-state Mid-Atlantic region-putting essential data and state-of-the-art mapping and visualization technology into the hands of the agencies, industry, and community leaders. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Overview of missions and information related to the research vessel, coverage area, location, date, ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://serpentproject.com/mapsmissions | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://serpentproject.com/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Missions Map - Scientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing Industrial Technology | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Missions Map - SERPENT | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Overview of missions and information related to the research vessel, coverage area, location, date, etc. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton | ||||
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INCOD has developed MODIS-Aqua Atlas (Monthly Average SST and CHL-a) from 2002 to 2014.
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/atlas?cat=modis | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | MODIS-Aqua Atlas (Monthly Average SST and CHL-a) | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | INCOD has developed MODIS-Aqua Atlas (Monthly Average SST and CHL-a) from 2002 to 2014. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Caspian Sea Persian Gulf Oman Sea | ||||
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Graphs of core properties from shipboard CTD bottle (BCTD) and profiling (PCTD) samples taken in Mon ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/products/data-repository/mbts_data/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Monterey Bay time series data - Monterey Bay Research Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Monterey Bay time series data - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Graphs of core properties from shipboard CTD bottle (BCTD) and profiling (PCTD) samples taken in Monterey Bay, from 1989-Present. Depth time contours and characterization graphs of physical, chemical, and biological samples are updated quarterly. Time series cruises are monthly. Major stations consist of C1, C7, H1, H3, Mooring1, and Mooring2. From 1989-1992 the cruises occupied 4 stations C1, H1, H3, C7. In 1993 these stations were reduced to 3 along an onshore/offshore transect, stations C1, Mooring1; Mooring2. Included in the time series data are the quarterly hydrographic surveys along CalCOFI Line 67 for the stations C1; 67-50,Mooring1, H3; 67-55 and Mooring2. (station map, methods and materials). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Monterey Bay | ||||
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Sea Surface Temperature. The contour interval is 0.5°C. The maximum coverage of sea ice is shaded i ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/elnino/ocean/sst-ano-global_tcc.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/indexe.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies - Japan Metereological Agency | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies - JMA | ||||
Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | Sea Surface Temperature. The contour interval is 0.5°C. The maximum coverage of sea ice is shaded in gray. Anomalies are departures from the JMA climatology (1981-2010). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Japan Meteorological Agency | ||||
Technical notes | Figures | ||||
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MBARI’s biological oceanography group produces a large volume of data from its mooring and cruise ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/products/data-repository/mooring-data/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Mooring Data - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Mooring Data - MBARI | ||||
Citation | For use in publication, authors should obtain written permission from MBARI’s Director of Information and Technology Dissemination Heidi Cullen. You should acknowledge MBARI as the data source in those publications and provide reprints to the MBARI library. | ||||
Abstract | MBARI’s biological oceanography group produces a large volume of data from its mooring and cruise operations. It is our intent to share this data as freely as possible with the general oceanographic community to maximize its utility and exposure. However, we place the following restrictions on the use of this data: MBARI provides these data “as is”, with no warranty, express or implied, of the data quality or consistency. Data are provided without support and without obligation on the part of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute to assist in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement. For use in publication, authors should obtain written permission from MBARI’s Director of Information and Technology Dissemination Heidi Cullen. You should acknowledge MBARI as the data source in those publications and provide reprints to the MBARI library. The real-time data, including all of the data collected on current mooring deployments (up to 16 months), has NOT been quality controlled and should be used with caution. Questions regarding the core mooring data should be sent to Mike McCann. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Technical notes | Data Access through CeNCOOS Data Portal | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Monterey Bay | ||||
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Real Time Optical Nitrate Measurements on the M1 Mooring.
Automatically generate a plot of nitrat ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/science/upper-ocean-systems/chemical-sensor-group/mooring-isus-measurements/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Mooring ISUS Measurements - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Mooring ISUS Measurements - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Real Time Optical Nitrate Measurements on the M1 Mooring. Automatically generate a plot of nitrate, salinity, oxygen and chlorophyll over the last week, or access to LOBOViz for custom plots and data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
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The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across governme ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://magic.defra.gov.uk/home.htm | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://magic.defra.gov.uk/home.htm | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | MAGIC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. It is presented in an interactive map which can be explored using various mapping tools that are included. Users do not require specialist software and can access maps using a standard web browser. MAGIC provides links to other sources of data in order to make best use of a wide range of information available on other websites. The MAGIC website has been operational since 2002. Funding was acquired in 2012 to re-develop the website and bring it up to date. It was 10 years old and sitting on an out of date and unsupported platform. It also needed to be brought up to date to meet the expectations of today’s users and to benefit from new technologies. The MAGIC website was re-launched in May 2013. Natural England manages the service under the direction of a Steering Group who represent the MAGIC partnership organizations: The MAGIC partners are: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Historic England, Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, and Marine Management Organisation. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Using information from both satellite and in-situ observations, the Copernicus Marine Environment Mo ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://cmems.lobelia.earth/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://marine.copernicus.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | MyOcean Viewer - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | MyOcean Viewer - CMEMS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Using information from both satellite and in-situ observations, the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) provides state-of-the-art analyses and forecasts daily, which offer the capability to observe, understand and anticipate marine environment events. CMEMS is brought to you by Mercator Océan International. The CMEMS Viewer (My Ocean) allows you to explore most of the CMEMS catalogue online with multi-projection maps as well as graphs vs. time, elevation and/or distance. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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One of the best places to study Earth is from space. NASA satellites continually orbit the globe, co ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://neo.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nasa.gov/goddard | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | NASA Earth Observations: Ocean | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | One of the best places to study Earth is from space. NASA satellites continually orbit the globe, collecting information about Earth’s ocean, atmosphere, and land surfaces. Satellites can even monitor the activity of life forms, such as phytoplankton, from their remote vantage points. Satellite imagery provides the greatest benefit to the most people when it can be analyzed by anyone with an interest. NEO strives to make global satellite imagery as accessible as possible. Our mission is to help you picture climate and environmental changes as they occur on our home planet. Here you can browse and download the imagery of satellite data from NASA's constellation of Earth Observing System satellites. Over 50 different global datasets are represented with daily, weekly, and monthly snapshots, and images are available in a variety of formats including JPEG, PNG, Google Earth, and GeoTIFF. NEO is part of the EOS Project Science Office located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | GeoTIF/CSV/ Figures | ||||
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Visually explore the past and the present of this dynamic planet from a satellite's perspective. Sel ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nasa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | NASA Ocean color | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Visually explore the past and the present of this dynamic planet from a satellite's perspective. Select from an array of stories below to learn more about Worldview, the satellite imagery we provide and events occurring around the world. The Ocean Color OC products all include combinations of the following derived geophysical parameters normalized water leaving radiance nLw or remote sensing reflectance Rrs at multiple visible wavelengths; chlorophyll A concentration chl a; aerosol optical thickness AOT t in one NIR or for CZCS red band; angstrom coefficient A; the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm K490; calcite concentration or particulate inorganic carbon PIC ; particulate organic carbon POC ; photosynthetically available radiation PAR ; fluorescence line height FLH ; and inherent optical properties IOPs which include absorption and backscattering coefficients in the visible bands. The MODIS SST products include 4 micron nighttime only and 11 micron daytime and nighttime SST. For the Level 3 products each binned product contains multiple geophysical parameters while the standard mapped image SMI products contain one parameter per granule. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | NetCDF/ HDF | ||||
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The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOA) is the technical, permanent and offici ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.snamchile.cl/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.shoa.cl/php/inicio | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | National Tsunami Alarm System - Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistema Nacional de Alarma de Maremotos - Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile | ||||
Acronym | SNAM - SHOA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOA) is the technical, permanent and official body of the State, responsible for the operation, operation and maintenance of the National Tsunami Alarm System (SNAM). As a fundamental element of support to its operational task, the SHOA has begun in 1997 the execution of the CITSU Project, elaboration of Tsunami Flood Charts for the coast of Chile, tools that allow to define the maximum flood levels expected for the main urban and port areas of the Chilean coastline, in the event of near-field tsunamigenic seismic events. To quantitatively evaluate the risk of tsunami of tectonic origin in coastal areas, it has been necessary to carry out interdisciplinary studies in seismology, geology, geophysics and oceanography, including the review of historical sources. Within this context, tsunami modeling has been used to discriminate between different possible scenarios (ie source location and rupture mechanisms) that may affect a particular region, preparing a Flood Chart for the most extreme seismic event, either known or probable. Currently, numerical simulation is the best geophysical and hydrodynamic analysis technique available to study tsunami risk in areas where historical records are insufficient. The model that has been applied to develop the CITSU project, COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model) designed by Dr. SN Seo based on the model of Shuto's (August 10, 1993) and Yongsik Cho (August 10, 1993) at the Cornell University School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Valid Nautical charts of Ecuador.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/cartografia/listado.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Nautical Charts - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Nautical Charts - INOCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Valid Nautical charts of Ecuador. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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There are several products of the nautical publication of the Indonesian Navy's Center for Hydrograp ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://hdc.pushidrosal.id/e-publikasi/application/en/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.pushidrosal.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Nautical publication - Indonesian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Nautical publication - Pushidrosal | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | There are several products of the nautical publication of the Indonesian Navy's Center for Hydrography and Oceanography (Pushidrosal) which contains information on: Notices to Mariners, Sailing Directions, Port Information, List of Wreck, Indonesian List of Lights (IDLL), List of Unlighted Buoys and Beacons, Navigation Warning. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Pushidrosal | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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GODAS depends on continuous real-time data from the Global Ocean Observing System. This project is t ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/GODAS/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | NCEP Global Ocean Data Assimilation System - NOAA | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | GODAS - NOAA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | GODAS depends on continuous real-time data from the Global Ocean Observing System. This project is to deliver routine ocean monitoring products, and is being implemented by CPC in cooperation with NOAA Ocean Observation and Monitoring Division (OOMD) Sea surface temperature anomaly isotherm sea level anomaly heat content anomaly tropical cyclone heat potential surface wind stress surface currents and ENSO data A global ocean climate monitoring activity | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA/NCEP | ||||
Technical notes | Online Maps/ NetCDF monthl y | ||||
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Near Real-time Underway Data (NRUD) displays voyage tracks and underway data timeseries plots. The t ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Dave Watts ( OceanExpert : 27055 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU (OBIS) | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.marine.csiro.au/data/underway/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.marine.csiro.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Near Real-time Underway Data - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | NRUD - CSIRO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Near Real-time Underway Data (NRUD) displays voyage tracks and underway data timeseries plots. The track and associated underway measurements are sent from ships and uploaded approximately every hour. The data has not been quality controlled. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre, Hobart | ||||
Technical notes | Data from multiple sensors on the RV Investigator are merged into a single file and uploaded via FTP to an onshore site. NRUD polls for new data and uploads this into the database. | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Australian and adjacent seas | ||||
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The Near Real-Time Underway Data visualisation application was developed to provide an interactive m ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.marine.csiro.au/data/underway/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://research.csiro.au/ncmi-idc/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Near Real-time Underway Data - National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Business Unit at CSIRO | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | NRUD - CSIRO-NCMI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Near Real-Time Underway Data visualisation application was developed to provide an interactive method for viewing and inspecting underway data summaries collected by the Marine National Facility and National Collections and Marine Infrastructure served by the Data Centre. This application was developed by Francis Chui at the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Information and Data Centre with contributions from Max Wang at Scientific Computing, Information Managment and Technology. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre, Hobart | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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HF radar represents a new tool for waves and surficial currents assessment as well as a potential re ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Boris Petelin ( OceanExpert : 8706 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.emodnet-physics.eu/map/platinfo/piradar.aspx?platformid=17193 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nib.si/mbp/en/oceanographic-data-and-measurements/other-oceanographic-data/hf-radar-2 | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | NIB MBS HF radar - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | NIB MBS HF radar - EMODnet Physics | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | HF radar represents a new tool for waves and surficial currents assessment as well as a potential resource for monitoring the impact of wave energy on the marine environment. Although the technology we use to measure ocean currents is typically called "High-Frequency Radar" or "HF Radar", a more accurate name would be the "HF Radio". Ocean current transmitting antennas operate at similar frequencies to broadcast radio and TV, but at much lower power levels (0.1% or less). The transmitted energy, comparable to the power of a household light bulb, is harmless to humans and animals. Besides measuring waves and currents this technology offers the application of the results to multiple fields of marine activities. These measurements in Near real Time (NRT) can serve as an excellent monitoring tool for oil spill movements once they occur as well as in search and rescue operations. Furthermore, the measurements can be of great use for fishermen and tourism activities. Co-financed by the IPA ADRIATIC (EU) project ”Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea – HAZADR” (http://www.hazadr.eu/) two HF radar systems WERA were set up along the coast of the Gulf of Trieste. The National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station (NIB) in cooperation with the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) placed a 12 channel system in the city of Piran (Slovenia), while the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) set up its system in Aurisina (Italy). Working in pairs thus they cover the Gulf of Trieste and the Bay of Piran as well. The NRT results are available to the public, local stakeholders and the scientific society in a graphical and digital form. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Benthic habitat maps Environmental Sensitivity Index maps bathymetry shoreline and backscatter data; ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.coris.noaa.gov/welcome.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | NOAA Coral Reef Information System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | CoRIS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Benthic habitat maps Environmental Sensitivity Index maps bathymetry shoreline and backscatter data; Coastal Change and Analysis data LiDAR and IfSAR data satellite data and products remotely sensed imagery and aerial photography; Coastal and marine observational data including Real time tides and currents data and biological survey data including fish coral algae and invertebrates. Journal articles and documents that relay CRCP program and policy information descriptions of the state of corals and strategies for preserving coral ecosystems NOAA Coral Reef activities include coral reef mapping monitoring and assessment; natural and socioeconomic research and modeling; outreach and education; and management and stewardship. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
Technical notes | Portal See each dataset | ||||
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The Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) is a user friendly and interactive website des ...
Submitter/Owner | Melissa A Karp ( OceanExpert : 75133 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://apps-st.fisheries.noaa.gov/dismap/DisMAP.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://apps-st.fisheries.noaa.gov/dismap/DisMAP.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | NOAA Fisheries Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | DisMAP | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) is a user friendly and interactive website designed to provide visualization and analysis tools to better track, understand, and respond to shifting distributions of marine species. It allows users to examine changes in species distributions over time by looking at both location maps as well as graphs of key indicators of a species distribution (changes over time in latitude, depth, range limits). Our mission is to improve ease of access to and exploration of fish and invertebrate species distribution data and support the use of spatial data for insight and informing marine resource management decisions. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Marine Fisheries Service | ||||
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Microplastics (<5 mm) pollution is a growing problem affecting coastal communities, marine ecosyst ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr Jennifer A.B. Webster ( OceanExpert : 65427 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/b296879cc1984fda833a8acc93e31476 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/microplastics | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/sites/g/files/anmtlf171/files/2024-04/microplastics-sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | NOAA NCEI Marine Microplastics Database | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | Nyadjro, E.S., Webster, J.A.B., Boyer, T.P., Cebrian, J., Collazo, L., Kaltenberger, G., Larsen, K., Lau, Y., Mickle, P., Toft, T., Wang, Z. The NOAA NCEI marine microplastics database. Sci Data 10, 726 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02632-y | ||||
Abstract | Microplastics (<5 mm) pollution is a growing problem affecting coastal communities, marine ecosystems, aquatic life, and human health. The widespread occurrence of marine microplastics, and the need to curb its threats, require expansive, and continuous monitoring. While microplastic research has increased in recent years and generated significant volumes of data, there is a lack of a robust, open access, and long-term aggregation of this data. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) now provides a global open access to marine microplastics data on an easily discoverable and accessible GIS web map and data portal (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/microplastics). The objective of this data portal is to develop a repository where microplastics data are aggregated, archived, and served in a user friendly, consistent, and reliable manner. This work contributes to NCEI’s efforts towards data standardization, integration, harmonization, and interoperability among national and international collaborators for monitoring global marine microplastics. This paper describes the NOAA NCEI global marine microplastics database, its creation, quality control procedures, and future directions. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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NOOS data portal. operated by partners from the nine countries bordering the extended North Sea and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Susanne Tamm ( OceanExpert : 35052 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://noosportal.bsh.de/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://noos.eurogoos.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | NOOS Data Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | NOOS Data Portal | ||||
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Abstract | NOOS data portal. operated by partners from the nine countries bordering the extended North Sea and European North West Shelf: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. The partners collaborate to develop and implement ocean observing and prediction systems for the NWS area, with delivery of real time operational data products and services. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) (BSH) | ||||
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The North West Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible infor ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://northwestatlas.org/nwa | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://northwestatlas.org/nwa | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | NorthWest Atlas - Australian Institute of Marine Science | ||||
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Abstract | The North West Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Northwest region. As such, the North West Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Northwest region. To achieve these goals, the North West Atlas provides the infrastructure and tools to promote the free and open exchange of information to support science, policy making and public understanding of the greater Northwest region. The North West Atlas project builds on the e-Atlas project for the Great Barrier Reef and the Ningaloo Atlas covering Ningaloo World Heritage Area. It is a partnership between government organisations, non-government organisations, researchers, industry, and community groups to improve our understanding and raise awareness of the greater Northwest region. Funding for the Northwest Atlas project has been provided by PTTEP Australasia (a wholly-owned subsidiary of PTTEP, the Thai national petroleum exploration and production company) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The interactive OBIS mapper allows the user to visualize, filter and download the data and metadata. ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Ward Appeltans ( OceanExpert : 11770 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://mapper.obis.org | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://obis.org | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | OBIS mapper | ||||
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Citation | OBIS (YEAR) OBIS mapper [tool]. Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. www.iobis.org. | ||||
Abstract | The interactive OBIS mapper allows the user to visualize, filter and download the data and metadata. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Global | ||||
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Support the ocean with Ocean Alert! Ocean Alert lets anyone contribute sightings of marine animals t ...
Submitter/Owner | Virgil Zetterlind ( OceanExpert : 47002 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.conserveio.oceanalert&hl=en_US&gl=US | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://conserve.io/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ocean Alert App | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Support the ocean with Ocean Alert! Ocean Alert lets anyone contribute sightings of marine animals to a network of resource managers, scientists, and the public. These sightings contribute directly to sustainable ocean use and management for all. Ocean Alert includes a full map of US National Marine Sanctuaries as well as other Federal and State areas such as Marine Protected Areas, Marine Conservation Reserves, and More - as well as NOAA nautical charts. Click on any area to learn more about allowed and restricted activities. Features: Interactive ocean map including NOAA Nautical Charts, US Marine Protected Areas, recent sightings and more Marine Animal sighting survey - report sightings of any type of marine or coastal animal with a simple interface and help protect our oceans Whale Alert ™ Marine Mammal Survey and Whale Protection Overlays and Sightings Ocean Alert has an optional "Spotter" effort mode for organization-based custom surveys Ocean Alert development was funded by BOEM in partnership with NOAA. Whale Alert™ support provided by IFAW. Protected area information provided by a public - private partnership of the NOAA MPA Center and ProtectedSeas.net | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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A map showing how the data have been split into the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean areas.
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/woce/woce_v3/wocedata_1/woce-uot/summary/bound.htm | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ocean Boundaries | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | A map showing how the data have been split into the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean areas. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||||
Technical notes | Location/ Map | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | pacific, indian, Atlantic | ||||
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Observations: Ocean Chlorophyll Concentration,
Ocean Color Index,
Floating Algae Index (Sargasso), ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/#!?detail=SelectOceanColor | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Ocean color and SST - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Ocean color and SST - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Observations: Ocean Chlorophyll Concentration, Ocean Color Index, Floating Algae Index (Sargasso), and Sea Surface Temperature. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre is a world leader in biodiversity knowledge. It ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://data.unep-wcmc.org | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.unenvironment.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ocean Data Viewer - UN WCMC | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre is a world leader in biodiversity knowledge. It works with scientists and policymakers worldwide to place biodiversity at the heart of the environment and development decision-making to enable enlightened choices for people and the planet. The Ocean Data Viewer offers users the opportunity to view and download a range of spatial datasets that are useful for informing decisions regarding the conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity. These decisions ultimately affect the ocean's health and productivity, which provide the ecosystem services that are necessary for our well-being, livelihoods, and survival. To date, the users of this tool have included government agencies, scientists, researchers, the corporate sector, and non-governmental organisations. These data come from internationally respected scientific institutions and other organisations that have agreed to make their data available to the global community, with the hope that these data will support and encourage informed decision-making that sustains global biodiversity and ecosystem services. The Ocean Data Viewer is primarily a mechanism to view and download data, and is not intended to be used for analysis or to query data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre | ||||
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BMKG-OFS was developed in 2016. This system is a forecasting system that designs especially for Indo ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://peta-maritim.bmkg.go.id/ofs/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ocean Forecast System - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | BMKG - OFS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | BMKG-OFS was developed in 2016. This system is a forecasting system that designs especially for Indonesian seas. The main purpose is to provide an accurate meteorological ocean analysis and prediction. BMKG-OFS is a part of BMKG Meteorological Early Warning System where it provides information on wind, waves, swell, currents, sea temp, salinity, tide, sea level, trajectory and coastal inundation up to 7 Days forecast. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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The OceanGliders program brings marine scientists deploying gliders from all over the world to obser ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.oceangliders.org | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.oceangliders.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | OceanGliders | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The OceanGliders program brings marine scientists deploying gliders from all over the world to observe on the long term physical, biogeochemical, biological ocean processes and phenomena that are relevant for societal applications, allows active coordination and strengthening of the worldwide glider activity. It contributes to the present international efforts for Ocean Observation for Climate, Ocean Health and Real-Time Services. See http://www.goosocean.org/. Our goal here is to: monitor the global glider activity, share the requirements, efforts and scientific knowledge needed for gliders data collection and support the dissemination of glider data in global databases, in real-time and delayed mode, for a wider community. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.oceanhealthindex.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.oceanhealthindex.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Ocean Health Index | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | OHI | ||||
Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and partnerships between organizations including the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium. Scores for status trend and resilience and likely future status The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. Global databases are used for annual assessment of goals in 221 regions including all coastal countries territories and the Antarctic inland to 1 km from the shore and seaward to either 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ or 3 nm. Areas beyond national jurisdiction High Seas are assessed less frequently. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | Maps | ||||
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The Ocean Navigator is a modern, user-friendly, interactive online map displaying scientific ocean d ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Mathieu Ouellet ( OceanExpert : 13035 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://navigator.oceansdata.ca/public | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://navigator.oceansdata.ca | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ocean Navigator | ||||
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Citation | Dataset, http://navigator.oceansdata.ca (year) Example: GIOPS daily averages, http://navigator.oceansdata.ca, 2017 | ||||
Abstract | The Ocean Navigator is a modern, user-friendly, interactive online map displaying scientific ocean data gathered from various models around the world. It includes a number of different variables such as temperature and ocean currents. The tool is developed by scientists, but is designed for any user; be it a researcher writing a technical paper, or a hobbyist interested in the oceans. These datasets are not intended for navigational purposes. It is expected that users of this portal will have an interest in oceanographic data and the intention is to provide oceanographic context for a wide range of users. Please note that this site is still in active development and may have some bugs or other issues in displaying data, for access to raw data please see our THREDDS server. To report a bug please e-mail: oceandatamap@gmail.com | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | ||||
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The collection of oceanographic data not only enables us to understand the ocean and the climate sys ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://moi.govmu.org/online_db/datamapping.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://moi.govmu.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Oceanographic Data Mapping | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Abstract | The collection of oceanographic data not only enables us to understand the ocean and the climate system but also helps us make the proper decisions for sustainable development and management of ocean resources. This is especially crucial for Small Island Developing States, including the Republic of Mauritius that rely heavily on their ocean resources themselves threatened by changes in climate and ocean conditions. Similarly, the development of sustainable ocean-related business activities including a mariculture industry, which is a growing sector in many developing countries, also requires a good understanding of the ocean. Following the Budget Speech 2016-2017, the Government has reiterated its strong intent of making the Ocean, a pillar of its Economy and has tasked the MOI with the responsibility of fully characterizing the aquaculture sites around mainland Mauritius. MOI has therefore re-aligned its Strategic Plan with the Government Vision, and its prime focus is now on the characterization of coastal and open waters of the Mauritian EEZ. After its establishment in 2000 and through the various projects initiated since the MOI has been generating large amounts of oceanographic data. These data include physical, biological and chemical measurements derived from in situ oceanographic observations. The parameters include: temperature, conductivity, salinity, pH, turbidity, current/sea surface current pattern, water density and pressure, wave and tide, bathymetry, beach topography/relative elevation, total dissolved solids, cations/anions, 222Radon concentration, nutrient concentrations, heavy metals, fluorescence, genetic information on selected marine organisms (DNA), information on sponges, etc. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Mauritius Oceanography Institute | ||||
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The University of Victoria’s Ocean Networks Canada monitors the west and east coasts of Canada and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Mathieu Ouellet ( OceanExpert : 13035 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://dmas.uvic.ca | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.oceannetworks.ca/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Oceans 2.0 - Ocean Networks Canada | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Oceans 2.0 - ONC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The University of Victoria’s Ocean Networks Canada monitors the west and east coasts of Canada and the Arctic to continuously deliver data in real-time for scientific research that helps communities, governments and industry make informed decisions about our future. Using cabled observatories, remote control systems and interactive sensors, and big data management ONC enables evidence-based decision-making on ocean management, disaster mitigation, and environmental protection. The observatories provide unique scientific and technical capabilities that permit researchers to operate instruments remotely and receive data at their home laboratories anywhere on the globe in realtime. Data is collected on physical, chemical, biological, and geological aspects of the ocean over long time periods, supporting research on complex Earth processes in ways not previously possible. These facilities extend and complement other research platforms and programs, whether currently operating or planned for future deployment. This site provides data preview, data search, plotting utility, etc. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Ocean Networks Canada Society | ||||
Technical notes | https://wiki.oceannetworks.ca/display/O2KB | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | bbox:-131.74,42.20,-61.33,76.65 | ||||
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The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-tim ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/drupal/flux/index.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Oceansites Flux data - Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array | ||||
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Citation | If you use these data in publications, please acknowledge the GTMBA Project Office of NOAA/PMEL. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of publications utilizing the data for inclusion in the GTMBA bibliography. Relevant publications should be sent to: GTMBA Project Office NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 | ||||
Abstract | The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-time for climate research and forecasting. Major components include the TAO/TRITON array in the Pacific, PIRATA in the Atlantic, and RAMA in the Indian Ocean. The major phenomenological foci of this array are: (i) El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific; (ii) The interhemispheric dipole mode, equatorial warm events, and hurricane activity in the Atlantic; (iii) The monsoons, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and intraseasonal variability in the Indian Ocean. The referred web page provides OceanSites Flux data plots. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | ||||
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Welcome to MARACOOS OceansMap. This site is designed to present near real-time observational assets ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://oceansmap.maracoos.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.maracoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | OceansMap - Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | OceansMap - MARACOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Welcome to MARACOOS OceansMap. This site is designed to present near real-time observational assets and model forecasts that contribute to ocean monitoring in the MARACOOS domain. To maximize your user experience, here are a few key components of this site. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA/US Integrated Ocean Observing System | ||||
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The Ocean Tool for Public Understanding and Science (OcToPUS) is a research initiative
at the Unive ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://octopus.zoo.ox.ac.uk/beta | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/sustainable-oceans | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Ocean Tool for Public Understanding and Science | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | OcToPUS | ||||
Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | The Ocean Tool for Public Understanding and Science (OcToPUS) is a research initiative at the University of Oxford located at the Department of Zoology and initiated through the Oxford Martin School Programme on Sustainable Oceans (http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/research/programmes/sustainable-oceans). We aim to support scientific study, monitoring, policy and decision-making related to the management of the oceans. TECHNOLOGY: OcToPUS relies on established free and open-source geospatial technology to provide interactive access to dynamically updated, multi-dimensional data on the marine environment. A retrospective approach to big data archives allows us to present information on temporal trends and variability in ocean phenomena and to identify hotspots of change in the oceans. INPUT: OcToPUS dynamically harvests open data from a large variety of sources (/data#sources). Our servers are constantly being synchronized and in case new datasets become available at any of the sources, they are being harvested, preprocessed and ingested into the OcToPUS database and analysis engine. Preprocessed datasets are presented with harmonized spatial and temporal specifications and unified metadata to allow for direct usability in the analysis. Whenever possible datasets are preprocessed "on-the-y" upon request. All datasets are served with global extent (bounding box: -180, 180, -90, 90) using a united coordinate reference system (WGS84), with a resampled spatial resolution of 0.09 degrees (approximately 10km), at various temporal resolutions (1 month, 1 year, 10 years, 50 years), 137 standard depth levels (if applicable) and spanning over a time range of up to 52 years (1964 – present). Metadata are ingested into the le headers and a unified coastline is applied to all datasets. Vector datasets are provided with an adaptive scale-dependent coastline. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Oxford, Department of Zoology | ||||
Technical notes | See each dataset at lesat including PNG/ GeoTIFF/ NetCDF | ||||
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Here are mapping data retrieved by Icebreaker Oden available for download. Please choose cruise and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://oden.geo.su.se/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://bolin.su.se/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Oden Mapping Data | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Here are mapping data retrieved by Icebreaker Oden available for download. Please choose cruise and then browse among all available data files. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) and Swedish Research Council (VR) financed the Oden multibeam system and the installation was financed by the Swedish Maritime Administration. The Oden expeditions were organized by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat. This Mapping Repository is a part of the Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research data archive. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Portal Web that compiles the knowledge of the marine environmental baseline acquired during the Prog ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Leonardo Jose ARIAS ALEMÁN ( OceanExpert : 12914 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://anh.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.invemar.org.co/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Offshore Environmental Portal for the Hydrocarbons Sector | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Portal Ambiental Offshore para el Sector de Hidrocarburos | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | INVEMAR. http://anh.invemar.org.co/: Portal Ambiental Offshore para el Sector de Hidrocarburos. Santa Marta. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives de Andréis”, Abr. 03 abril de 2020. | ||||
Abstract | Portal Web that compiles the knowledge of the marine environmental baseline acquired during the Program for the Survey of the Environmental Baseline of new frontiers of development in the hydrocarbon sector. Serve as a consultation source of environmental information on areas within the marine territory under the exploration of hydrocarbon resources. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | ||||
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Maps and GIS Data. Online interactive tools for downloading and visualizing data.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.boem.gov/oil-gas-energy/mapping-and-data | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.boem.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Oil and Gas Mapping and Data - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Oil and Gas Mapping and Data - BOEM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Maps and GIS Data. Online interactive tools for downloading and visualizing data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the US Department of the Interior | ||||
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This tool has been developed to draw online data chart.
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/onlinedatachart | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Online Data Chart Tool - INCOD | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Online Data Chart Tool - INCOD | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This tool has been developed to draw online data chart. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
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The Oregon Coastal Atlas is a multi-group project that has the ambitious goal of being a useful reso ...
Submitter/Owner | Tanya C Haddad ( OceanExpert : 20792 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.coastalatlas.net | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.coastalatlas.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Oregon Coastal Atlas | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | OCA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Oregon Coastal Atlas is a multi-group project that has the ambitious goal of being a useful resource for the various audiences that make up the management constituency of the Oregon Coastal Zone. The project is a depot for information that can be used to inform decision-making relating to the Oregon Coastal Zone. We provide background information for different coastal systems, access to interactive mapping, online geospatial analysis tools, and direct download of various planning and natural resource data sets. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Contributing Countries | |||||
Countries owning the source | |||||
Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Oregon coastal zone, Pacific Northwest region | ||||
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The Pacific Data Hub (PDH) aims to deliver the most comprehensive collection of data and information ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Sioeli Tonga ( OceanExpert : 44359 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://pacificdata.org/data/dataset | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://pacificdata.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://pacificdata.org/organization/sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Pacific Data Hub Data Catalogue - Pacific Community | ||||
Acronym | PDH | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Pacific Data Hub (PDH) aims to deliver the most comprehensive collection of data and information about the Pacific and from the Pacific, including key areas such as population statistics, fisheries science, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and resilience, public health surveillance, conservation of plant genetic resources for food security, and human rights. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Pacific Community | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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PacificMap is a platform developed by CSIRO Data61 and the Pacific Data Hub (PDH) in collaboration w ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://map.pacificdata.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://pacificdata.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | PacificMap - Pacific Data Hub | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | PacificMap is a platform developed by CSIRO Data61 and the Pacific Data Hub (PDH) in collaboration with the Pacific Community (SPC), as part of the Asia - Pacific Data for Development Initiative (D4D). The PacificMap is a platform for map-based access to spatial data from 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories. It aims to lower the barrier and enhance access to timely, relevant and useful data for government and non-government organisations, research and academic institutions, businesses and communities throughout the Pacific. The platform brings together geospatial datasets from the Pacific Data Hub catalogue sourced from SPC's technical divisions and its member countries. Data is also sourced from a number of development partners and other publically available sources which provide spatial data that is relevant for the Pacific. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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PacMARS is the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis project, a research synthesis effort funded ...
Submitter/Owner | Don STOTT ( OceanExpert : 27426 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://pacmars.eol.ucar.edu | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis Data Archive | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | PacMARS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | PacMARS is the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis project, a research synthesis effort funded by the North Pacific Research Board whose goal is to provide guidance for scientific research needs in the region, as well as to serve stakeholder needs for understanding this important ecosystem and its vulnerabilities. PacMARS focuses on facilitating new synergies in the understanding of the marine ecosystem in the greater Bering Strait region, extending from Saint Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Existing data sets which are critical for evaluating the current state of knowledge of this marine ecosystem, including human dimensions, are identified and synthesized into this data archive. The PacMARS effort will contribute to NPRB's overall mission to promote the understanding of north Pacific ecosystems in order to help enable effective management and sustainable use of marine resources, from subsistence use to fisheries to industrial exploration and development. PacMARS is working in collaboration with other knowledge synthesis efforts, such as Arctic Research (SOAR) that is underwritten by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | To the extent that any materials published in a UCAR data repository are protected by copyright, you are hereby granted a license to use such material, unless otherwise stated, subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode). To the extent that any materials published in a UCAR data repository are not protected by copyright, you are hereby granted permission to use such materials for any lawful purpose. When using any materials obtained from a UCAR data repository, you agree to use the recommended data citation format provided by that UCAR data repository. If you have questions concerning this recommendation please contact the user online help service at the UCAR data repository. | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | 62.00, -180.00, 75.00, -135.00 | ||||
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The petroleum datasets contain information on all known oil and gas deposits throughout the world. T ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.prio.org/Data/Geographical-and-Resource-Datasets/Petroleum-Dataset/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.prio.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Petroleum Dataset | ||||
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Citation | Lujala, Päivi; Jan Ketil Rød & Nadia Thieme, 2007. ‘Fighting over Oil: Introducing A New Dataset’, Conflict Management and Peace Science 24(3), 239-256. | ||||
Abstract | The petroleum datasets contain information on all known oil and gas deposits throughout the world. Two datasets are available: one for on-shore deposits and another for off-shore deposits. Version 1.1 represents a slight update of the original dataset where some variables have been renamed to increase consistency and missing fields have been assigned a unique missing value. Version 1.2 represents a further update of the dataset. The Codebook, Country profiles, and List of sources remain unchanged. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | SHP | ||||
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Geoportal is used to find and access geospatial data and services. The Geoportal Philippines also ad ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://geoportal.gov.ph/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.namria.gov.ph | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Philippines Geoportal - Pilippines National Mapping and Resource Information Authority | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Geoportal is used to find and access geospatial data and services. The Geoportal Philippines also advocates the use of standard multiscale basemaps that serve as tools for strategic planning, decision making, situational analysis and other common requirements. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-tim ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/drupal/pirata-display/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | PIRATA Station Plots - Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a multi-national effort to provide data in real-time for climate research and forecasting. Major components include the TAO/TRITON array in the Pacific, PIRATA in the Atlantic, and RAMA in the Indian Ocean. The major phenomenological foci of this array are: (i) El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific; (ii) The interhemispheric dipole mode, equatorial warm events, and hurricane activity in the Atlantic; (iii) The monsoons, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and intraseasonal variability in the Indian Ocean. The referred web page provides PIRATA station plots including buoy summary plots, barometric pressure, salinity, longwave radiation, precipitation, sensor plots, ocean current, potential density (sigma theta), shortwave radiation, etc. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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PORTO is an integrated featured online service of met-ocean information delivered to especially aid ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://ioi.research.um.edu.mt/porto-online/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.calypsosouth.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | PORTO online | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | PORTO is an integrated featured online service of met-ocean information delivered to especially aid harbour masters, port authorities and operators in the shipping and maritime services in the proximity of the Maltese Islands and south of Sicily. The initiative follows the trail of efforts to deliver services deriving from operational oceanography and meteorology to dedicated users. PORTO online gives the user a direct handle to view, analyse and compare different datasets online such as through user-selected geographic sub-domains, transects, inter-comparison of sites and overlaying of data layers. The novelty of PORTO is that it delivers featured data services, providing routine data-derived products to support targeted users in their operational day-to-day activities. This is achieved by allowing the user to combine data employing augmented web features to customise the use of the online data. A drawing board allows the user to adapt the viewing the content. The interface is a work in progress, as more features will be added as they become available. Future additions include early warning alerts on extreme events such as gale winds, high waves or strong currents, serving as important indicators to operators who can avail of such information to mitigate adverse conditions. Data for the interface comes from various sources, including both observations and numerical model data. Key data in PORTO are real time observations from ten meteorological stations, four sea level gauges and seven HF radars belong to the CALYPSO network; numerical model data for atmospheric parameters, waves, currents sea surface temperature and salinity; satellite data from different platforms. The raw model data outputs are further elaborated to extract secondary data, which is also available to the user. The PORTO Online concept and design has been developed by Prof. Aldo Drago within the CALYPSO South project. The setting up, operational running and routine publishing of data on the system is done by the team of the Physical Oceanography Research Group of the University of Malta. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Malta - Faculty of Science | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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Annual tidal prediction publication containing a calendar with the data and the tidal height referre ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php/productos/tabla-mareas | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Ports of Ecuador Tide Tables - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Ports of Ecuador Tide Tables - INOCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Annual tidal prediction publication containing a calendar with the data and the tidal height referred to a reference level called MLWS for its acronym in English (average tidal low tide of syzygy) at its most critical moments, for 20 Ecuadorian ports. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The GEBCO world map shows the bathymetry of the world's ocean floor in the form of a shaded relief c ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/printable_maps/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gebco.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Printable Maps - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Printable Maps - GEBCO | ||||
Citation | If imagery is reproduced from the GEBCO world map then we suggest the following form of acknowledgement: "Image reproduced from the GEBCO world map 2014, www.gebco.net" | ||||
Abstract | The GEBCO world map shows the bathymetry of the world's ocean floor in the form of a shaded relief colour map. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project | ||||
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Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine research and a key issue for various studies ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Patrick Gorringe ( OceanExpert : 32622 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.emodnet-physics.eu/Map/Products/V2/PRODUCTS.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.emodnet-physics.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Products - European Marine Observation and Data Network Physics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Products - EMODnet Physics | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine research and a key issue for various studies, from climate change prediction to offshore engineering. Giving and harmonizing access to marine data from different sources will: - Help industry, public authorities and researchers find the data and make more effective use of them to develop new products and services. - Improve our understanding of how the seas behave. This portal provides access to marine data and data products of a standard format and known quality about current, temperature, salinity, sea level, river, underwater noise, waves, winds and sea ice. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
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The PAIM Virtual Research Environment (VRE) provides the user with tools to visualize, analyze and r ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | https://i-marine.d4science.org/group/protectedareaimpactmaps | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://i-marine.d4science.org/group/imarine-gateway | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Protected Areas Impact Maps - iMarine | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The PAIM Virtual Research Environment (VRE) provides the user with tools to visualize, analyze and report on a range of ecologically important seafloor features within marine protected areas - a key component of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP). The interface is built around an interactive map viewer that provides visualization of a range of seafloor features. The interface utilizes cloud computing to analyze the representation of seafloor features within marine protected areas for a selected exclusive economic zone or marine ecoregion. Finally, the interface presents the results of this analysis in an interactive report, with options to download the report or the results of the analysis. The interface will assist users in understanding which seafloor features occur in an area and how these are currently represented in marine protected areas. This information can be used to prioritize future planning of protected areas to include seafloor features that are poorly represented. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | iMarine.D4Science | ||||
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The ProtectedSeas Navigator offers not just a guide to the location of Marine Protected Areas, but a ...
Submitter/Owner | Timothe Vincent ( OceanExpert : 49100 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://protectedseas.net/mpa-mapping | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://protectedseas.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ProtectedSeas Navigator | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The ProtectedSeas Navigator offers not just a guide to the location of Marine Protected Areas, but also a guide to the actual regulations for marine protection. Regulations and mapping data are sourced directly from management authorities and summarized, and whenever possible reviewed. Additionally, as available, we extract 26 gear and activity codes that indicate whether activities are restricted or allowed, enabling the generation of maps and analysis of protection related to each activity listed here. While many countries designate MPAs according to the IUCN definition, they also may have other measures that are not formally designated as MPAs. ProtectedSeas' first goal is to map MPAs and then when resources and information are available, to go beyond country MPA designations to include a wider set of restrictions that impact marine life, including other measures to protect habitat and ecosystems (e.g. fishery management, water quality, health, safety and resource extraction). Our thought is to include as comprehensive a list as possible of protections for marine life. As a guide to the regulatory seascape, the ProtectedSeas Navigator not only helps fishers and boaters on the water stay aware of rules and regulations but also helps inform the international ocean conservation community on the state and coverage of ocean protection. With over 11,000 areas and growing, the ProtectedSeas Navigator includes marine protected areas for over 70 countries. The ProtectedSeas team has generated electronic maps for approximately 1/4 of all locations and donated them back to governing entities. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | ProtectedSeas | ||||
Technical notes | While we make every effort to ensure that the information presented on this website is error-free, errors may occur. We ask that you notify us immediately of any errors that you discover in our data. We will make every effort to correct them. Boundaries are approximate. Multiple regulations may apply at once, and regulations cited on this website may not be up-to-date. Users are responsible for being aware of the latest regulations. Any regulatory summaries provided on this website do not represent the United States Government’s construction or interpretation of the regulations and may not be used for enforcement and compliance purposes. With respect to documents, databases, regulatory citations, and other information available on this website, neither the United States Government nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed; nor represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.The views and opinions of authors expressed on this web site do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government. The appearance of external links on this website does not constitute endorsement of external web sites or the information, products, or services contained therein by the Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Ocean Service/Marine Protected Areas Center. The inclusion of the NOAA logo on the webmap reflects NOAA’s role in providing MPA boundary data and collaborating with ProtectedSeas.net to expand geographic and program coverage of MPA boundaries and attributes, but does not indicate NOAA endorsement of the presentation or summary of this data set or associated regulatory summaries. The data on this website does not represent and should not be construed to represent any agency determination, view, or policy. | ||||
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Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://portal-test-escap.hub.arcgis.com | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
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ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Prototype Pacific Ocean Accounts Data Portal | ||||
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Abstract | Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. This initiative developed a demonstration data portal for Ocean Accounts using publicly accessible data, Esri web-service technologies and the international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounts. The demonstrates aimed to prove comprehensive statistics for monitoring sustainability of the Pacific Ocean can be brought together into a publicly accessible, user-friendly, informative platform, across scientific domains including statistics. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | pacific | ||||
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Geo-referenced images of the central London charts are made available to support planning and river ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.pla.co.uk/Safety/PLA-Hydrographic-Service-Published-Surveys | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.pla.co.uk/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Published Surveys - Hydrographic Service at Port of London Authority | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Published Surveys - Hydrographic Service-PLA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Geo-referenced images of the central London charts are made available to support planning and river works license applications that require details of the scheme to be super-imposed on an appropriate scale navigation chart. These images are referenced to the Ordnance Survey National Grid and can be readily used within a GIS environment. These geo-referenced images can also be imported into AutoCAD, instructions for which can be found here. A base AutoCAD drawing with chart outlines which are required to correctly scale the GeoTIFF in some versions of AutoCAD can be downloaded here. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | London area | ||||
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Nautical charts are maps specially designed to meet the needs of maritime navigation, the most impor ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Luis Angel Culqui Maiz ( OceanExpert : 40924 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.dhn.mil.pe/cartas_raster | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.dhn.mil.pe/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | RASTER CHARTS - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú | ||||
Original (non-English) name | CARTAS RASTER - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú | ||||
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Abstract | Nautical charts are maps specially designed to meet the needs of maritime navigation, the most important elements in a chart are: bathymetric information, characteristics of the coast, dangers and navigation aids, elevations, nature of the bottom, etc. In turn, they provide graphically relevant information to the user in order to carry out safe browsing. Nautical charts can be distributed in the analog format as paper charts or in digital format. According to the definition of the nautical chart of chapter V of the SOLAS Convention, it can only be produced and distributed by or under the authority of a Government, Hydrographic Service or any other institution authorized by the government. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Marina de Guerra del Perú, Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación | ||||
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Wave prediction, sea level. Buoys and sea gauges.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.puertos.es/en-us/oceanografia/Pages/portus.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.puertos.es/en-us/Pages/default.aspx | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Real-time forecast - Puertos del Estado | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Wave prediction, sea level. Buoys and sea gauges. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System (ReefGIS) allows you to display coral reef related d ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/default.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.worldfishcenter.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | ReefGIS | ||||
Citation | ReefBase: A Global Information System for Coral Reefs. September, 2020. http://www.reefbase.org | ||||
Abstract | ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System (ReefGIS) allows you to display coral reef related data and information on interactive maps. You can zoom, search and query datalayers, and save or bookmark the map. Click Start ReefGIS, to access our online mapping system. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | CSV/ RTF/ PDF | ||||
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A great part of the coral reef resources in the world are in danger of destruction due to over explo ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.reefbase.org/main.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.worldfishcenter.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | ReefBase - WorldFish Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | A great part of the coral reef resources in the world are in danger of destruction due to over exploitation, degradation of habitat, and, possibly, changes in global climate. Globally, the resulting loss of income from fisheries is estimated to be billions of dollars a year and affects many millions of people. Few figures are available to indicate the sustainable yields that might be extracted for different reef types, current and potential yields of different reef species, how yields are affected by declining reef health and loss of productive capacity and the value of non-extractive uses of reefs (such as tourism). Sophisticated methods to quantify the deterioration of coral reefs have been initiated in some areas, while hardly any assessment or monitoring activities exist in others. Information from these activities is usually published in the primary scientific literature and may not be readily available or understood by a non-technical reader. A larger body of information has been compiled in technical reports, which are generally for limited distribution. This makes it difficult for the people tasked with managing coral reefs to obtain the information needed for good management even when comprehensive information exists. ReefBase gathers available knowledge about coral reefs into one information repository. It is intended to facilitate analyses and monitoring of coral reef health and the quality of life of reef-dependent people and to support informed decisions about coral reef use and management. ReefBase is the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), as well as the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN). The ReefBase Project is housed at the WorldFish Center in Penang, Malaysia, with funding through ICRAN from the United Nations Foundation (UNF). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | CSV/ RTF/ PDF | ||||
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The ReefBase Global Database provides country-level data and information organized by Resources a de ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.reefbase.org/global_database/default.aspx | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.worldfishcenter.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | ReefBase Global Database | ||||
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Citation | ReefBase: A Global Information System for Coral Reefs. September, 2020. http://www.reefbase.org | ||||
Abstract | The ReefBase Global Database provides country-level data and information organized by Resources a description on the location and structure of Coral Reefs information on the country's, Reef Fish resources and Fisheries and coastal and marine biodiversity. Status country level information summaries on the status and health of the Coral Reefs and Reef Fish resources and trends in Fisheries. Threats various threats and impacts to coral reefs including Natural e.g. biological infestations or diseases, Human e.g. overfishing or coastal development, Climate e.g. storms or excessive rainfall, and Bleaching both narrative and quantitative bleaching reports. Management coral reef: Monitoring activities within a country, Protected Areas with coral reefs coastal/marine-related, Legislation research and management, Capacity and Gaps, therein Recommendations to strengthen research and management of coral reef resources. ReefBase is the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network GCRMN as well as the International Coral Reef Action Network ICRAN. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | CSV/ RTF/ PDF | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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Reef Life Survey (RLS) aims to improve biodiversity conservation and the sustainable management of m ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Peter Walsh ( OceanExpert : 32689 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://reeflifesurvey.imas.utas.edu.au/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://reeflifesurvey.com/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Reef Life Survey Data Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | RLS Data Portal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Reef Life Survey (RLS) aims to improve biodiversity conservation and the sustainable management of marine resources by coordinating surveys of rocky and coral reefs using scientific methods, with the ultimate goal to improve coastal stewardship. Our activities depend on the skills of experienced and motivated recreational SCUBA divers, partnerships with management agencies and university researchers, and active input from the RLS Advisory Committee. RLS data are freely available to the public for non-profit purposes, so not only managers but also groups such as local dive clubs or schools may use these data to look at changes over time in their own local reefs. By making data freely available and through public outputs, RLS aims to raise broader community awareness of the status of Australia’s marine biodiversity and associated conservation issues. The Reef Life Survey Data Portal is hosted and maintained by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia. This site provides access to metadata, mapping, and download of data sets. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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It contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degrad ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.wri.org/publication/reefs-risk-revisited | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.wri.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Reefs at Risk Revisited | ||||
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Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | It contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degradation. Data on global threats and local threats of reefs could be found in SHP. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | SHP/KML/ PDF | ||||
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This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world's coral reefs. ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.wri.org/publication/reefs-risk-revisited | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.wri.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Reefs at Risk Revisited - World Resources Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Reefs at Risk Revisited - WRI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world's coral reefs. It evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities and includes an assessment of climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations and territories to coral reef degradation. Through this web page you can also download data in xls format, GIS metadata, kml files and fact sheets. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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ReefTemp Next Generation is a set of high resolution mapping products that provide information on co ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.bom.gov.au/environment/activities/reeftemp/reeftemp.shtml | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://ereefs.org.au/ereefs | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ReefTemp Next Generation - Australian Bureau of Meteorology | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | ReefTemp Next Generation is a set of high resolution mapping products that provide information on coral bleaching risk for the Great Barrier Reef region. High ocean temperatures are the primary cause of mass coral bleaching events. Bleaching is a stress response of corals during unfavourable conditions, whereby they expel their symbiotic phyotosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae), giving rise to the typical white colouration observed. Bleaching has been observed on the Great Barrier Reef since 1982, with severe bleaching events occurring in the summers of 1998, 2002 and 2006. Coral mortality appears to increase with the intensity of the bleaching event, which is determined by how much and for how long temperatures remain above the maximum mean summer temperatures. With future climate change projections indicating increased frequency and severity of mass coral bleaching events, ReefTemp Next Generation improves our ability to monitor heat stress on the Great Barrier Reef. The new ReefTemp Next Generation system was developed by the Bureau of Meteorology for eReefs, under the National Plan for Environmental Information (NPEI) initiative. A research Version 1 (V1) system, available from 2007, was the result of a collaborative project between the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. There are several related operational products produced by the Bureau of Meteorology that are also used in reef management, including seasonal reef outlooks for coral bleaching, ENSO wrap ups and tropical cyclone outlooks. The system was developed by the Bureau of Meteorology for eReefs, under the National Plan for Environmental Information initiative. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Australian Bureau of Meteorology | ||||
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Maps and GIS Data.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/mapping-and-data | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.boem.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Renewable Energy Mapping and Data - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Renewable Energy Mapping and Data - BOEM | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Maps and GIS Data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the US Department of the Interior | ||||
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The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) metadata portal is an online resource that f ...
Submitter/Owner | M Nicolas de Ville de Goyet ( OceanExpert : 37635 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://metadata.naturalsciences.be | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://metadata.naturalsciences.be/geonetwork/srv/api/sitemap | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Metadata Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | RBINS Metadata Portal | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) metadata portal is an online resource that facilitates the sharing of environmental datasets in an interoperable manner. The scope of the portal is diverse, encompassing various types of data, including oceanographic data (such as RV Belgica en-route data, Tripod data, and FerryBox), geological layers, Marine Spatial Planning, Marine North Sea Forecasting, and biodiversity observations (through GBIF). The primary objective of this catalog is to provide descriptions for all RBINS datasets and make them globally accessible and visible, going beyond our legal obligation to do so. The catalog adheres to international standards like INSPIRE and ISO19115. It offers links for downloading datasets and, when applicable, provides web services for online visualization on a map. To enhance the visibility of the Institute's datasets, the catalog also integrates several internal resources, including http://ipt.naturalsciences.be, which disseminates our biodiversity data to GBIF. Furthermore, it automatically shares all datasets with national and international catalogs (such as INSPIRE, the Belgian and European Open Data portals, and the Belgian NGI). Additionally, a unique DOI is assigned to each dataset's metadata, facilitating easy referencing in publications. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre | ||||
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Satellite images from the Himawari-8. It is a new Japanese geostationary meteorological satellite wi ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/satelit/?lang=EN | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Satellite Images - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Citra Satelit - BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
Acronym | Satellite Images - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Satellite images from the Himawari-8. It is a new Japanese geostationary meteorological satellite with optical sensors significantly higher in radiometric, spectral and spatial resolution than previous geostationary orbit such as MTSAT. There are 16 observation bands with 0.5 or 1 km spatial resolution for visible and near-infrared bands and 2 km for infrared bands. The shortened revisit times around 10 minutes for full-disk provide new levels of capacity for identification and tracking of rapidly changing weather phenomena and for the derivation of quantitative products. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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The "Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool" is the engine that works behind the scenes to make everyt ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.seaturtle.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool - Sea Turtle | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | STAT - Sea Turtle | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The "Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool" is the engine that works behind the scenes to make everything go. Each night STAT logs in to the Argos servers and retrieves any new or updated data and inserts them into the database. It then sends a summary of the update to e-mail addresses designated by each program manager and regenerates all of the maps to reflect the new or updated data. STAT is also where you set up projects to be shared on the satellite tracking website. Simply create a new project, give it a name and description, select each of the tags that should be included in that project, and even upload sponsor and partner logos to be displayed on the project page. You can set-up as many projects as you like. You can then configure each of your tags by entering an animal's name and background information and choose from a number of options that control the appearance of your maps. You can preview all of your pages before making them public, and simply check a box to make a project public when you are ready. You are not required to share your tracks to take advantage of STAT, but it is preferred that at least some of your tracks are made public. Also under development are a suite of data management and analysis tools. Currently, you are able to review and export your data, including bathymetry data extracted from the GEBCO 1-minute global bathymetry dataset. Additional tools include data filters, summary reports and maps, additional export functions and a direct link to SEATURTLE.ORG's Maptool for on-the-fly mapping of your data. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | If you are interested in adding animals that you are tracking to the Seaturtle.org website just send a message to tracking@seaturtle.org. Please provide your Argos Program Number and project name in the message so that we can set up an account for you in the Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT). You will also need to set up a free user account on Seaturtle.org so that you can log in and manage your data. If you are actively tracking animals or have archived data, you will need to provide any previously collected data, preferably in Argos' DIAG format. Once your STAT account has been set up, you will need to log in to STAT and provide your Argos username and password so that STAT can automatically retrieve your data from Argos. Once you have data in STAT you can set-up projects and configure the appearance of each tracking map. You will have an opportunity to preview all project and tracking pages before making them public. You are free to use your project maps generated for the Seaturtle.org website in any way you like, including linking from or copying to other web sites. Products used in reports or publications must acknowledge SEATURTLE.ORG's Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool, and those used on other websites should include a prominent link back to the Seaturtle.org website. | ||||
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The SCAR Map Catalogue allows users to search for maps and charts of Antarctica, the Southern Ocean ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://data.aad.gov.au/aadc/mapcat/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://data.aad.gov.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | SCAR Map Catalogue | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The SCAR Map Catalogue allows users to search for maps and charts of Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and subantarctic islands from over 26 countries. SCAR member countries are requested to provide information on digital or hardcopy maps and charts. Each catalogue entry includes details about a map and a link to download the map where available. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Antarctic | ||||
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ScheldeMonitor is a Flemish-Dutch information portal for research and monitoring in the Scheldt estu ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.scheldemonitor.be/en | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | ScheldeMonitor | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | ScheldeMonitor is a Flemish-Dutch information portal for research and monitoring in the Scheldt estuary and offers an overview of the research landscape and an extensive literature collection. On top of that, it also includes measurement information and data products from various data sources. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Scheldt estuary | ||||
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Marine Biodiversity of Yucatán is a working group of the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM made up of ...
Submitter/Owner | Ph.D. Nuno Simoes ( OceanExpert : 29123 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.bdmy.org.mx/colecciones | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Scientific Collections - Marine Biodiversity of Yucatán | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Colecciones científicas - BioDiversidad Marina de Yucatán | ||||
Acronym | BDMY | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Marine Biodiversity of Yucatán is a working group of the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM made up of professors, researchers, students, and collaborators that make observations in the field, models and syntheses that seek to quantify and understand life in the sea and how is changing, providing strategies to observe biodiversity and biological processes on a small and large scale while developing advanced methods for the observation, characterization, and monitoring of biodiversity. Scientific collections are important repositories of biological data that can be transformed into useful information for society. There are different types, purposes, and sizes of biological collections. Their relevance is highly correlated with the number of lots, registered biological diversity, and the geographic scope they cover. They tend to support the creation and dissemination of new knowledge, store historical information, and are the basis for the training of human resources. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) | ||||
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Indigeo, which in Latin means "to need ...", is a Geographic Data Infrastructure (GDI) dedicated to ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.indigeo.fr | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www-iuem.univ-brest.fr/observatoire | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Scientific Infrastructure for Geospatial Data and Information on the Environment | ||||
Original (non-English) name | INDIGEO: Infrastructure scientifique de Données et d'Informations Géospatialisées sur l'Environnement | ||||
Acronym | INDIGEO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Indigeo, which in Latin means "to need ...", is a Geographic Data Infrastructure (GDI) dedicated to research and scientific observation of the environment in the west. It is initiated by the CNRS LETG Joint Research Unit and relies on the Observatory of Sciences of the Brest Universe (IUEM) and the Brest-Iroise Workshop Zone. It consists of a catalog of metadata and a geospatial data server backed by a map viewer. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Within EMODnet Geology, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/marine-geology/sea-floor-geology/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Sea-floor Geology - European Geological Data Infrastructure | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Sea-floor Geology - EGDI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Within EMODnet Geology, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is leading the workpackage “Seafloor Geology” to compile and harmonize the European marine geology map data as detailed as possible for the themes – pre-Quaternary and – Quaternary geology; – geomorphology. These three data layers on Seafloor Geology show the underlying geology from Earths ancient past (more than 2500 Million years ago) to modern Quaternary deposits and geomorphological features. From it we can read the story about Earths Evolution in the European, marine part of our planet Earth, i.e. from the oldest rocks and how they form, to the youngest rocks and geomorphological features representing the most recent geological and environmental changes. Users can find in particular Information on scientifically valuable geological and geomorphological structures, on geological material (lithology), its age (stratigraphy) and its forms (geomorphology) on the seafloor in Europe. This contains information on structures on the seafloor important for geoscience research and investigations of future exploration of mineral and energy resources, but also of biologic resources. It is also a source of knowledge to show features of the seafloor geomorphology valuable for habitats of numerous species (Fishery, tourism). In addition, the layers provides information on the sea floor conditions to plan building infrastructures (such as windparks, or a pipeline or a protection area for endangered species). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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We present fisheries and fisheries-related data at spatial scales that have ecological and policy re ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.seaaroundus.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.seaaroundus.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Sea Around Us | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | We present fisheries and fisheries-related data at spatial scales that have ecological and policy relevance, such as by Exclusive Economic Zones, High Seas, or Large Marine Ecosystems. Fisheries and fisheries-related data at spatial scales that have ecological and policy relevance such as by Exclusive Economic Zones High Seas Large Marine Ecosystems and other spatial scales. We emphasize catch time series starting in 1950 and related series e.g. landed value and catch by flag state fishing sector and catch type and fisheries-related information on every maritime country e.g. government subsidies marine biodiversity. Information is also offered on sub-projects e.g. the historic expansion of fisheries the performance of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations or the likely impact of climate change on fisheries. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | GeoTIF/CSV | ||||
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Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater No ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/marine-geology/seabed-substrate/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Seabed Substrate map - European Geological Data Infrastructure | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Seabed Substrate map - EGDI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters). The map is collated and harmonized from seabed substrate information within the EMODnet-Geology project. The map is collated from data from Partners and generalized data at smaller scales. Where necessary, the existing substrate classifications (of individual maps) have been translated to a scheme that is supported by EUNIS. This EMODnet reclassification scheme consists of altogether five seabed substrate classes. Four substrate classes are defined on the basis of the modified Folk triangle (mud to sandy mud; sand; coarse sediment; and mixed sediment) and one additional substrate class (rock and boulders) was included by the project team. If the original seabed substrate dataset has enabled more detailed substrate classification, classifications with 7 and 16 substrate classes might be available. The seabed substrate maps were produced March 2019. Note: The data may include some errors e.g. overlays, topological gaps and data discontinuities. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Michele Fichaut ( OceanExpert : 15546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.seadatanet.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.seadatanet.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | SeaDataNet | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | SeaDataNet is a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans. Professional data centres, active in data collection, constitute a Pan-European network providing on-line integrated databases of standardized quality. The on-line access to in-situ data, meta-data and products is provided through a unique portal interconnecting the interoperable node platforms constituted by the SeaDataNet data centres. The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology ensure the platforms interoperability. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, is assured by the adoption of standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and preparation of synthesized regional and global statistical products from the most comprehensive in-situ data sets made available by the SeaDataNet partners. Data, value added products and dictionaries serve wide uses: e.g. research, model initialisation, industrial projects, teaching, marine environmental assessment. The European lanscape in terms of Marine data management is well established and relies on three main components which are SeaDataNet, EMODnet and Copernicus CMEMS. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne | ||||
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The mapping project was established to support the mapping and surveying needs of all MBARI scientis ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/products/data-repository/seafloor-mapping/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Seafloor mapping - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Seafloor mapping - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The mapping project was established to support the mapping and surveying needs of all MBARI scientists. This includes analyzing previously collected seafloor data from sites of potential interest and collecting new survey data. Survey sites: Hawaii, Monterey Bay Region, Santa Barbara Basin, Northern California and Oregon Margin, West Coast Seamounts and Ridges. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Sea Ice concentration charts
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cpps-int.org/index.php/concentracion-de-hielo-marino | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://cpps-int.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Sea Ice concentration charts - GRASP | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Sea Ice concentration charts | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Comisión Permanente para el Pacífico Sur | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Countries owning the source | |||||
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Seamap Australia is a nationally synthesised product of seafloor habitat data collected from various ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://seamapaustralia.org/map/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://seamapaustralia.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Seamap Australia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | Please cite as Lucieer V, Walsh P, Flukes E, Butler C,Proctor R, Johnson C (2017). Seamap Australia - a national seafloor habitat classification scheme. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS). | ||||
Abstract | Seamap Australia is a nationally synthesised product of seafloor habitat data collected from various stakeholders around Australia. Source datasets were reclassified according to a newly-developed national marine benthic habitat classification scheme, and synthesised to produce a single standardised GIS data layer of Australian benthic marine habitats. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies | ||||
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The Australian National Data Service (ANDS) High Values Collections (HVC) program has funded the est ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://seamapaustralia.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://seamapaustralia.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | SeaMap Australia - University of Tasmania | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Australian National Data Service (ANDS) High Values Collections (HVC) program has funded the establishment of an Australian seabed habitat classification scheme and spatial database, which we have named “Seamap Australia”. Seamap Australia represents a number of outcomes a) the collation of all national benthic habitat mapping data into one location on infrastructure provided by the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) complete with metadata records, b) the syntheses of these datasets into one spatial data product using a newly proposed national benthic marine classification scheme for the Australian continental shelf and c) visualisation capacity via a web interface of the Seamap Australia spatial layer including a sample of biological data overlays. The University of Tasmania has been well positioned to develop this spatial project. Previous IMAS projects like ‘SeaMap Tasmania’, ‘RedMap’ and ‘Reef Life Survey’ have generated awareness of what is possible when spatial data are made publicly available. We anticipate that Seamap Australia will enable national scale cross-disciplinary studies of continental shelf habitats. We hope that by bringing all of the marine habitat mapping data sets into one portal, and through highlighting the custodians of these data, that institutions are encouraged to work collaboratively to address nationwide solutions. We look forward to this High Value Collection (HVC #19) inspiring researchers to share their marine habitat data through the AODN into the future, so that as the resource grows, we can continuously improve our knowledge of our marine estate. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The sea surface temperature (SST) data were provided by the United Kingdom Meteorological Service (U ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php/productos/temperatura-superficial-del-mar | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Sea Surface Temperature - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Sea Surface Temperature - INOCAR | ||||
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Abstract | The sea surface temperature (SST) data were provided by the United Kingdom Meteorological Service (UKMO), and correspond to the Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis System (OSTIA), which is part of the data set of the GHRSST project -PP (GODAE High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project). The OSTIA system uses data from a combination of infrared and microwave satellites, as well as in-situ data to allow effective skew correction. The estimated RMS error is 0.6K in high resolution, in quasi-real time (Stark et al., 2007). The Oceanographic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy post-processes these daily data (L4), at a resolution of 4km, and generates, as an INOCAR oceanographic product, the SST and SST anomaly charts averaged over 7 days in the Southeast Pacific domain. considering a week of analysis from Monday to Sunday. For the anomaly fields, the Levitus climatology from the 2005 Marine Oceanic Atlas (WOA05, Locarnini et al., 2006) was used. The anomaly chart shows the difference between the current sea temperature and the expected value for the date based on historical records (Levitus climatology). Values above the average are known as a positive anomaly, and those below the average are known as a negative anomaly. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Sea water quality information system.
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://pemantauan.informatika.lipi.go.id/oseanografi/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://lipi.go.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Sea water quality information system - Oceanographic Research Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistem Informasi Kualitas Air Laut - Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi | ||||
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Abstract | Sea water quality information system. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Research Center for Physics (LIPI) | ||||
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SNAP is the data web portal and framework that allow to access all geophysical data acquired by Nat ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://snap.ogs.trieste.it/cache/index.jsp | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ogs.trieste.it/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Seismic data Network Access Point - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | SNAP - OGS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | SNAP is the data web portal and framework that allow to access all geophysical data acquired by National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS). SNAP hosts approximately 91,073 km of seismic lines and 351,000 square kilometers of Multibeam data, mostly in the Mediterranean and Black sea and is complemented by the Antarctic Seismic Data Libray (SDLS) that under the auspices of the SCAR committee gathers all the seismic data (approx 300,000 km) acquired by all the international research centers in Antarctica. SNAP is the tip of the iceberg of OGS geophysical data management. Data sources at OGS are OGS-Vessel OGS-Explora and the large asset of vintage data OGS owns. All these data are properly handled using ISO, SEG and OGC standards and made available to internal use through commercial and open-source processing and interpretation software. The OGS geophysics data space can be accessed through the SNAP portal. Major revisions to the technologies led to the current version that no longer needs plug-ins and can be run on any web browser. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS | ||||
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Sharktivity provides realtime public beach closures and white shark sightings and detections on the ...
Submitter/Owner | Virgil Zetterlind ( OceanExpert : 47002 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.atlanticwhiteshark.org/sharktivity-app | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://conserve.io/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Sharktivity App | ||||
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Abstract | Sharktivity provides realtime public beach closures and white shark sightings and detections on the east coast with a focus on Cape Cod. Sharks are automatically detected via acoustic and satellite tags bolstered by human observations from trained beach observers, AWSC's survey team, and the public. Public sightings are reviewed and moderated by AWSC staff prior to distribution. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity App was developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, the Cape Cod National Seashore, and officials from Cape Cod and South Shore towns to raise awareness of the presence of white sharks off our coast. The App sightings are fed by researchers, safety officials, and users that upload photos for confirmation. By enabling App users to report shark sightings and upload photos for confirmation, we are effectively crowd-sourcing critical data points on where sharks are spotted so as to reduce encounters and promote safety. Data from sharks with acoustic tags and Smart Position and Temperature Tags (SPOT) are also available on the App. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Including the movement of different types of ship Container, Dry bulk, Tanker, Gas bulk, Vehicles. A ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.shipmap.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.shipmap.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Shipmap | ||||
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Abstract | Including the movement of different types of ship Container, Dry bulk, Tanker, Gas bulk, Vehicles. Also have a counter for emitted CO2 in thousand tonnes and the maximum freight carried by represented vessels varying units. The movements of the global merchant fleet over the course of 2012. The project's aim is to highlight for a broad audience the extraordinary scale of modern commercial shipping the routes these huge vessels take around the world the geographic spread of different types of cargo boats and the amount of carbon dioxide they produce. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | MAP | ||||
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SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore), is a spectral wave propagation model that simulates the energy co ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://coos.inocar.mil.ec:8080/visor/swan.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Simulating Waves Nearshore model - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Simulating Waves Nearshore model - INOCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore), is a spectral wave propagation model that simulates the energy contained in waves in their propagation from oceanic surfaces to coastal areas, this coastal wave simulation tool reaches a spatial resolution of 0.01 degrees , thus complementing in more detail the behavior of the waves in the areas near the coast of Ecuador, its forecast is up to 5 days. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling project (SOCCOM) is an NSF-sponsored ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mbari.org/science/upper-ocean-systems/chemical-sensor-group/soccomviz/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | SOCCOMViz 6.0 - Data visualization for SOCCOM, a US NSF sponsored project focused on carbon and climate in the Southern Ocean - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institiute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | SOCCOMViz 6.0 - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling project (SOCCOM) is an NSF-sponsored program focused on unlocking the mysteries of the Southern Ocean and determining its influence on climate. Housed at Princeton University and administered by the Princeton Environmental Institute, SOCCOM draws on the strengths of teams of investigators across the U.S. as well as participating in international observational and simulation efforts. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
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SOCIB stands for the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System. This app provides di ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Juan Gabriel Fernández ( OceanExpert : 38703 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.socib&hl=en&gl=US | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.socib.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | SOCIB App | ||||
Original (non-English) name | SOCIB App | ||||
Acronym | SOCIB App | ||||
Citation | If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10 | ||||
Abstract | SOCIB stands for the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System. This app provides direct and easy access to near real time observations and forecasts from the Balearic Sea area. It also provides an overview of the work that is being done at SOCIB. The observational data are provided by a wide range of instruments such as oceanographic buoys, tide gauges, weather stations, gliders, research vessels, HF radar, drifters, beach cameras, etc. They allow the user to find out, in near real time, the values of variables such as sea water temperature, wave height/direction, sea level, wind speed/direction, air temperature, air pressure, …. along with images of Balearic beaches. The forecast is updated daily and provides information about wave height/direction/period, current speed/direction, water temperature and salinity. The app provides relevant information for activities such as sailing, surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, diving, and for those who simply want to know the beach conditions. Please check out our disclaimer. To get more details, visit us at http://www.socib.es. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | Data obtained from SOCIB data center using observational and forecast data products | ||||
Interface Languages | |||||
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Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Coastal areas Balearic Islands, Mallorca and Ibiza Channels | ||||
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Seaboards are single ‘dashboard’ visualizations of the real time and forecast ocean data current ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Juan Gabriel Fernández ( OceanExpert : 38703 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | http://seaboard.socib.es/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.socib.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | SOCIB Seaboards | ||||
Original (non-English) name | SOCIB Seaboards | ||||
Acronym | SOCIB Seaboards | ||||
Citation | If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10 | ||||
Abstract | Seaboards are single ‘dashboard’ visualizations of the real time and forecast ocean data currently provided by SOCIB, from different coastal and ocean monitoring locations around the Balearic Islands. A specific set of Seaboards has been designed for the tourist sector and these are now installed in several collaborating hotels, providing useful real-time information about the ocean and coastal state, as well as knowledge about science based beach management and environmental preservation. SOCIB, the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System, is an initiative to provide real time coastal and ocean data products and services in response to international science priorities and to respond to pressing society needs, such as beach erosion, sea level rise, and climate variability etc. Through this we contribute to the development and implementation of new technologies and enhance our capacity to sustainably manage our interaction with the coastal and open ocean. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | data obtained through SOCIB data center from the different SOCIB facilities | ||||
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Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | Coastal areas Balearic Islands, Ibiza and Mallorca Channels | ||||
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This is the official website of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia (IDEC), from where you ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.ide.cat/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://web.gencat.cat/en/inici/index.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Infraestructura de Dades Espacials de Catalunya | ||||
Acronym | IDE CAT | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This is the official website of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia (IDEC), from where you can access the geoinformation of Catalonia. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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GeoEuskadi is the reference geoportal of the Euskadi Spatial Data Infrastructure (Euskadi IDE) with ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.geo.euskadi.eus/s69-15375/es/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ihobe.eus/inicio | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Spatial Data Infrastructure of Euskadi | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Euskadi | ||||
Acronym | GeoEuskadi | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | GeoEuskadi is the reference geoportal of the Euskadi Spatial Data Infrastructure (Euskadi IDE) with the aim of guaranteeing the reuse and easy and efficient access of the geographic information of the Basque Autonomous Community. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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A spatial data infrastructure is a technical and organizational structure, based on cooperation and ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cartografia.cime.es/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.cime.es/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Spatial data infrastructure of Menorca | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Infraestructura de dades espacials de Menorca | ||||
Acronym | SDI Menorca | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A spatial data infrastructure is a technical and organizational structure, based on cooperation and constituted through coordinated agreements on technology standards, institutional arrangements and promotion policies, which aims to facilitate discovery, knowledge, access to and use of geospatial information available in a territorial area via the Internet by society as a whole. Access to information from a spatial data infrastructure takes place through geoportals that provide geospatial information metadata catalog services; data visualization services, via web mapping services; location services, by means of addresses and nomenclatures; and, eventually, other types of specific geoservices, in addition to downloads of data, documents or other geospatial information resources. IDE Menorca is the gateway to the territorial information of Menorca. Its objective is to facilitate the localization and consultation of the cartography and territorial information in order to improve both the management of the territory (land planning) and efficiency and administrative collaboration. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI; IDE in its Spanish acronym) is a network in which different orga ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.idee.es/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mitma.gob.es/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de España | ||||
Acronym | IDE Spain | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI; IDE in its Spanish acronym) is a network in which different organizations publish geospatial information through standardised web services and catalogue it using metadata. To this end, they take on a number of common agreements and policies. The objective of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain (IDEE) is to integrate the data, metadata, and geographic services produced in Spain into the web, conforming with the regulations, standards, and recommendations that permit their interoperability. The IDEE integrates SDI nodes from national, regional, and local governments and is prepared to integrate SDI resources from the private sector, universities, NGOs, other organizations, and the general public. It forms part of the European SDI, defined in the INSPIRE Directive, and transposed in Spain by the LISIGE law. It has as its main access point this geoportal, which is the responsibility of the National Geographic Institute. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Advances in sensor and platform technology enable the collection of massive amounts of diverse types ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://stoqs.mbari.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mbari.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Spatial Temporal Oceanographic Query System (STOQS) Data Server - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | STOQS Data - MBARI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Advances in sensor and platform technology enable the collection of massive amounts of diverse types of data, making subsequent analyses increasingly difficult. The Spatial-Temporal Oceanographic Query System (STOQS) addresses this issue. This open-source software program provides new capabilities for scientists to gain insight from oceanographic data. STOQS uses a geospatial database and a web-based user interface to allow scientists to explore large data collections. The user can see a quick overview of measurements in both space and time, as well focus on a specific parameter or instrument. A user may zoom into a feature of interest, then filter which data to include in the analysis. Different types of visualizations include graphs as well as two- and three-dimensional images and animations. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||||
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Welcome to SponGIS, the dedicated data portal for deep-sea sponge data built as part of project Spon ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.deepseasponges.org/?page_id=1088 | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.deepseasponges.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | SponGIS - SponGES | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Welcome to SponGIS, the dedicated data portal for deep-sea sponge data built as part of project SponGES. The SponGIS database has been designed to follow international standards for biodiversity data (i.e. Darwin Core, Dublin Core) and closely follows the schema of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS). In SponGIS, we use an additional extension of the Darwin Core (MeasurementOrFact) to capture data and datasets that extend beyond just biodiversity data. In SponGES, these can be data that captures physical or chemical variables, and can even hold maps. This resource explains the structure of the SponGIS database, and provides guidance on how participants or external collaborators can contribute datasets. See Contribute on the SponGIS website if you wish to contribute data to SponGIS, and below for an overview of the data available. Note, SponGIS is in development and data is not yet accessible. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Rhode Island | ||||
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SOTO is an interactive, web-based tool to generate informative maps, animations, and plots that comm ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://podaac-tools.jpl.nasa.gov/soto/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nasa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | State of the Ocean - NASA | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | SOTO - NASA | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | SOTO is an interactive, web-based tool to generate informative maps, animations, and plots that communicate and promote the discovery and analysis of the State Of The Oceans (SOTO). SOTO is a suite of tools presented through an interactive, web-based visualization front end. It provides access to a broad range of satellite-derived products and key parameters of interest to the oceanographic community. SOTO facilitates visual exploration and comparative analysis of physical oceanographic data, enabling your research. Ocean color ocean surface current ocean surface wind sea ice sea surface height sea surface salinity sea surface temperature. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | Online viewer | ||||
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List of stations with information and data measurements.
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://odin2.io-warnemuende.de/stations?e=648000000&n=313355154&s=-313355154&w=-648000000 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://odin2.io-warnemuende.de | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Stations - Oceanographic Database Search with Interactive Navigation | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Stations - ODIN 2 | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | List of stations with information and data measurements. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The storm catalogue is an archive of the spatial footprint and associated storm track of extreme wav ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ccoresources/stormcatalogue/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Storm Catalogue - Channel Coastal Observatory | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Storm Catalogue - CCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The storm catalogue is an archive of the spatial footprint and associated storm track of extreme wave events (defined by the 1 year return period Hs) captured by the wave buoy network operated by the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes of England since 2003. It is the result of an effort by the Channel Coastal Observatory to synthesise the wave data collected by the network, and is updated on an annual basis. Although the rationale behind the location of each buoy is to provide site-specific wave information, the number of buoys currently deployed means that they can produce a consistent, spatially-representative, shallow water wave climate of the English coast. The catalogue is organised so that the user can browse extreme wave events either by storm season or by the region that was impacted by a storm. There are two maps for each storm; one showing the spatial footprint of the event and the other the associated storm track. The maximum Hs measured at each wave buoy site during an extreme wave event are given in the following spreadsheet. This document will be updated annually. The method of extremes analysis that underpins the storm catalogue is described in TN03, available from http://www.channelcoast.org/reports/ Dhoop, T. & Thompson, C. 2018. Extreme Value Analysis for CCO Coastal Wave Data. Channel Coastal Observatory TN03. Full details of the background can be found in the open access peer-reviewed paper: Dhoop, T. & Mason, T. 2018. Spatial Characteristics and Duration of Extreme Wave Events around the English Coastline. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 6(1), 14; DOI: 10.3390/jmse6010014 http://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/6/1/14 The images in this catalogue are free to use under the Open Government Licence using the following copyright and acknowledgement: Copyright: New Forest District Council Acknowledgement: Image courtesy of the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Strait of Georgia Data Centre (SGDC) is a collaborative program between the Pacific Salmon Found ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Terry Curran ( OceanExpert : 23572 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://sogdatacentre.ca/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://sogdatacentre.ca/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Strait of Georgia Data Centre | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | SGDC | ||||
Citation | The Pacific Salmon Foundation, founded in 1987, is a federally incorporated non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild Pacific salmon and their natural habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon. Operating independently from government, The Foundation facilitates dialogue and undertakes positive initiatives in support of Pacific salmon amongst all levels of government including First Nations; as well as industry, communities, individual volunteers, and all fishing interests. | ||||
Abstract | The Strait of Georgia Data Centre (SGDC) is a collaborative program between the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) and the Fisheries Centre, UBC, to build a secure data archive for marine ecosystem information on the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia, Juan de Fuca Strait and Puget Sound) and more generally in the nearby Pacific Ocean. Subsidiary sites hold metadata and data. Tabs on this site access these subsidiary sites as well as accessing animated oceanographic information. There is an extensive listing of researchers and projects. The PSF Data Centre provides three direct access methods for data. Access method 1 is the simplest method and is set up for those that want manual access to data (viewing and downloading data), while Access method 2 and Access method 3 are for GIS users. See “Data Access” below for detailed instructions. We aim to provide a “one-stop shop” for data. To this end, we provide information on Strait of Georgia data that can be found within this Data Centre, as well as in other existing databases and locations. Clicking on the different categories will allow you information on 1) all the data that is within this SoG Data Centre, 2) links to custodians that can provide other data sets that cannot be directly downloaded from our Data Centre, as well as 3) links to other existing data search engines where data can be immediately downloaded. See “Data Sets” below. We have also developed a map-based video and photograph library. This provides data in the form of historical and current photographs from around the Strait of Georgia, and videos from the First Nations Ecological Knowledge Project and from the Community Perspectives project. See “Photograph and Video Resources” below. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Spatial Coverage | Focus on the British Columbia west coast waters, and especially the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia, Juan de Fuca Strait and Puget Sound). | ||||
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Sea level is known to have fluctuated by more than 100 metres over repeated glacial cycles resulting ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/marine-geology/submerged-landscapes/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.europe-geology.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Submerged Landscapes - European Geological Data Infrastructure | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Submerged Landscapes - EGDI | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Sea level is known to have fluctuated by more than 100 metres over repeated glacial cycles resulting in recurring exposure, inundation and migration of coastlines not only across Europe, but worldwide. Landscape response to these changes in sea level, and the preservation of these features on continental shelves around Europe, are an invaluable resource for improving our understanding of human history and environmental change over geological time. More than 10,000 features representing 26 classes of submerged landscape and palaeoenvironmental indicator ranging from mapped and modelled palaeocoastlines, evidence for submerged forests and peats, thickness of post-Last Glacial Maximum sediments and submerged freshwater springs have been collated. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) | ||||
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Data provided by the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System(IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRN ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://cordc.ucsd.edu/projects/mapping/maps/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://cordc.ucsd.edu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Surface Currents Mapping - Coastal Observing Research and Development Center | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Surface Currents Mapping - CORDC | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Data provided by the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System(IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet) and accessed through the Coastal Observing R&D Center (CORDC). Data access is available in a number of formats and protocols: Google Earth KML (7 day) Mapping API (For off-site maps) Data Access via CORDC THREDDS Server Data Access via NDBC THREDDS Server NCEI Radial Archive NCEI RTV (Total) Archive Learn more about data access. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | ||||
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The images correspond to the fortnightly average based on daily information on winds at 10 m above t ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php/productos/vientos-superficiales-ascat | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Surface winds - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Surface winds - INOCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The images correspond to the fortnightly average based on daily information on winds at 10 m above the sea surface, with a resolution of 0.25 ° in latitude and longitude. The source of information is the Daily Global Wind Field obtained from ASCAT (Daily ASCAT global wind field) and published by the Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Ifremer). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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This application provides an interactive map of Svalbard.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://geokart.npolar.no/Html5Viewer/index.html?viewer=Svalbardkartet | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.npolar.no/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Svalbard Atlas - Norwegian Polar Data Centre | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | This application provides an interactive map of Svalbard. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Norwegian Polar Institute | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The ice service at SMHI is responsible for providing up-to-date information about the ice conditions ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms. Katarina Lotta Elisabeth Fyrberg ( OceanExpert : 15564 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.smhi.se/vader/observationer/is-till-havs#ws=wpt-a,proxy=wpt-a | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.smhi.se/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Swedish ice service | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Havsis | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The ice service at SMHI is responsible for providing up-to-date information about the ice conditions in the Baltic Sea region. During the ice season, which is usually from the end of November to the middle of May, the ice service monitors the ice and sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea, Lake Vänern as well as Lake Mälaren (only ice conditions). The analysis is presented on the webpage in the form of charts and reports. In addition to the ice situation analysis the ice service also does forecasts of weather, ice extent and ice drift. The ice service at SMHI is engaged in a number of international collaborations within the field of sea ice, and provides expertise within various projects where sea ice conditions may be a factor. Ice charts and reports are available free of charge. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut | ||||
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TemperateReefBase is a resource for temperate reef researchers worldwide to use and contribute data. ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Peter Walsh ( OceanExpert : 32689 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://temperatereefbase.imas.utas.edu.au/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.utas.edu.au/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Temperate Reef Base Portal - Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Temperate Reef Base Portal - IMAS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | TemperateReefBase is a resource for temperate reef researchers worldwide to use and contribute data. Unique in its role as a one-stop-shop for global temperate reef data, TemperateReefBase was initially established by IMAS in collaboration with the Kelp Ecology Ecosystem Network (KEEN). KEEN was instigated through a National Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) working group which assembled experts from around the world to examine the impacts of global change on the kelp-bed ecosystem worldwide. The group has assembled significant global data for kelps, other seaweeds and associated species including fishes, and has embarked on unprecedented global experiments and surveys in which identical experiments and surveys are being conducted at sites in kelp beds around the world to determine global trends and examine the capacity of kelps to respond to a disturbance in the face of climate change and other anthropogenic stressors. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is an online discovery interface showcasing temperate reef data collected from around the globe. The portal aims to make this data freely and openly available for the benefit of marine and environmental science as a whole. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is hosted and maintained by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | University of Tasmania | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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The Coastal and Ocean Information Network Atlantic (COINAtlantic) website is a hub for coastal and o ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://coinatlantic.ca | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.dal.ca/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | The Coastal and Ocean Information Network Atlantic | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | COINAtlantic | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Coastal and Ocean Information Network Atlantic (COINAtlantic) website is a hub for coastal and ocean information in Atlantic Canada. We are working to provide open and reliable access to the best information to help various stakeholders make informed decisions relevant to Atlantic Canada. he mission of Coastal and Ocean Information Network Atlantic (COINAtlantic) is to promote, facilitate and influence information management as well as policies and programs that enhance Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management (ICOM) in Atlantic Canada. The three main priorities of the organization are: - Encouraging action on the implementation of ICOM as a tool to realize environmental, economic and social sustainability. - Collaborative sharing of data and information. - Encouraging the engagement of organizations in the Steering Committee that is reflective of the diversity of the ICOM Community of Practice. COINAtlantic addresses these priorities by delivering a variety of products such as: workshops; the monthly COINAtlantic Coastal Update Newsletter; the COINAtlantic Website as an ICOM Information Hub; and the development of the COINAtlantic Geospatial Tools to encourage the sharing and accessibility of data and information. COINAtlantic also leads or participates in projects with partner organizations that advance these priorities. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | COINAtlantic Dalhousie University | ||||
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The Coastal Portal is an initiative to provide users with clear access to information and data relat ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://kustportaal.be/nl | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.compendiumkustenzee.be/nl | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | The Coastal Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Het Kustportaal | ||||
Acronym | |||||
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Abstract | The Coastal Portal is an initiative to provide users with clear access to information and data related to the functions and activities that take place in the Belgian part of the North Sea and the Belgian coastal zone. This portal offers: · Interactive map products in a viewer · Static map products in PDF format · Downloadable metadata · Useful web links tailored to each theme · Information about sea, beach, dunes and polders. In this way, the Coastal Portal aims to function as a central referral portal to the multitude of sources of information about the Belgian sea area and the coastal zone. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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MDI-DE aims to provide data and information coming from coastal engineering, coastal protection, mar ...
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Susanne Tamm ( OceanExpert : 35052 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.mdi-de.org/mapapps/resources/apps/mdide_mainapp/index.html?lang=en | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.mdi-de.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | The Marine Data Infrastructure Germany | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Die Marine Dateninfrastruktur Deutschland | ||||
Acronym | MDI-DE | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | MDI-DE aims to provide data and information coming from coastal engineering, coastal protection, marine environmental protection and marine nature protection via a joint internet portal. Metadata and web-services support the search for data and their use. The database helps German administration to fulfill reporting for EU directives like MSFD and INSPIRE. MDI-DE was funded by the German Ministry for Research (between 2010-2013) supported by eleven authorities of the Federal Government and the Federal States. Since April 2014 MDI-DE is continously developed as VKoopUIS project. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The Atlas of Ocean Wealth is the largest collection to date of information about the economic, socia ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | http://oceanwealth.org/resources/atlas-of-ocean-wealth/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.nature.org/en-us/ | ||||
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English name | The Nature Conservancy Atlas of Ocean Wealth | ||||
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Citation | citation to fill | ||||
Abstract | The Atlas of Ocean Wealth is the largest collection to date of information about the economic, social and cultural values of coastal and marine habitats from all over the world. It is a synthesis of innovative science, led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), with many partners around the world. Through these efforts, we’ve gathered vast new datasets from both traditional and less likely sources. Recreation and tourism natural coastal protection blue carbon fisheries A collection to data of tourism mangroves coral reef and fishing. The map explorer also can show some other datasets The work includes more than 35 novel and critically important maps that show how nature s value to people varies widely from place to place. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | Online Map application | ||||
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Tidal Forecast map of Portugal.
Submitter/Owner | Rui M. Reino Baptista ( OceanExpert : 20137 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.hidrografico.pt/prev.mare | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.hidrografico.pt/index/en | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Tidal Forecast Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Tidal Forecast Mapa - Instituto Hidrografico Marinha-Portugal | ||||
Acronym | Tidal Forecast Map - IH | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Tidal Forecast map of Portugal. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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NOAA Tide Observations (NOAA water level observations and predictions), CARICOOS Sur ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/#!?detail=SelectCurrents | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Tides and Currents - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Tides and Currents - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Observations: NOAA Tide Observations (NOAA water level observations and predictions), CARICOOS Surface Currents Observations (A map showing real-time surface current observations), CARICOOS HF Radar Surface Currents (Map of observed ocean surface currents), HF Radar 6KM Surface Currents Animation, HF Radar 2KM Surface Currents Animation, Geostrophic Currents (Large scale currents inferred from satellite altimetry). Forecasts: NCOM AMSEAS Circulation Model (Maps of model-predicted ocean currents, SST and salinity), RTOFS All Depths (Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System), RTOFS Surface (Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System), CARICOOS FVCOM. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Select a station and you then have the option of graphically displaying time series of measured valu ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://odin2.io-warnemuende.de/timeseries?east=59.32617187500001&north=67.33986082559097&south=49.38237278700955&west=-23.291015625000004 | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://odin2.io-warnemuende.de | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Time Series - Oceanographic Database Search with Interactive Navigation | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Time Series - ODIN 2 | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Select a station and you then have the option of graphically displaying time series of measured values for selected parameters and depths. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde | ||||
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Natural phenomena are frequent and the damage they cause, although unavoidable, can be mitigated thr ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Luis Angel Culqui Maiz ( OceanExpert : 40924 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.dhn.mil.pe/secciones/departamentos/oceanografia/apps/cartastsunamis/tsunamis_prevencion/tsunamis_inundacion.htm | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.dhn.mil.pe/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | TSUNAMI CASE FLOOD CHART - Hydrography and Navigation Directorate of Perú | ||||
Original (non-English) name | CARTA DE INUNDACIÓN EN CASO DE TSUNAMI - Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de Perú | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Natural phenomena are frequent and the damage they cause, although unavoidable, can be mitigated through a set of pre-established procedures and actions. In the specific case of Tsunamis, this set of rules and actions constitute the Flood Letters drawn up by the DHN, which were made available to the competent authority of the coastal localities. These were used for the design and planning of evacuation routes and refuge areas, as well as the formulation of an evacuation plan, which the authorities of the coastal localities must have. For the Determination of the Maximum Flood Limit in case of Tsunami, it is obtained considering oceanographic aspects, such as: height and direction of the waves and tidal heights (tidal reference levels), in addition to information on the geomorphological characteristics, slope and tachymetry of the front and back beach areas. The aforementioned information comes from the National Tsunami Warning Center (CNAT), which is complemented with cadastral data provided by the municipalities, in order to assess and identify evacuation routes and refuge areas. The methodology adapted for the determination of Run-Up and post-tsunami surveys is in accordance with the specifications of the IOC / ITSU / 13 manual. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Marina de Guerra del Perú, Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación | ||||
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The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOA) is the technical, permanent, and offic ...
Submitter/Owner | Ms Teresa Carolina Calvete ( OceanExpert : 17026 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.shoa.cl/php/citsu.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.shoa.cl/php/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Tsunami Inundation Maps - Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Cartas de Inundación por Tsunami - Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile | ||||
Acronym | |||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOA) is the technical, permanent, and official entity of the state, responsible for the functioning, operation, and maintenance of the National Tsunami Warning System (SNAM). As a fundamental element of support to its own operational duties, SHOA started the implementation of the Project CITSU in 1997 (Flood Maps for the Coasts of Chile). This tool allows defining the maximum flood levels expected for the main urban and port areas in the coasts of Chile, in the occurrence of an earthquake with tsunamigenic characteristics. In the field of prevention and mitigation of the impact of tsunamis, the flood charts are directly linked to urban planning, carried out by the municipal authority, and also to the development of evacuation, and civil protection plans. These tasks are supervised by the National Emergency Office of the Ministry of Interior (ONEMI) in every city, through the Regional Offices for Civil Protection and Emergency (OREMI), and Local Emergency Committees, following basic methodology for the elaboration of a Community Plan for Response in the event of a Tsunami. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada | ||||
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This interactive version of the Atlas presents the global distribution of catches by gear from 1950 ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/tuna-atlas/en | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://firms.fao.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Tuna Atlas - Fisheries and Aquaculture statistical collections | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | TunaAtlas | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This interactive version of the Atlas presents the global distribution of catches by gear from 1950 to 2012, at 5° latitude by 5° longitude resolution, of those tuna and tuna-like species for which this distribution is generally well known on the global scale. These species consist of the so-called principal market tunas and some billfishes. The atlas of tuna and billfish catches is an interactive web-based mapping tool. It uses geographic information system (GIS) technology to enable users to map and display global catches of major tunas and billfishes by fishing gears an 5° by 5° degrees resolution. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS. To select the range of years and quarters, use the sliders available along bottom and right edges of the map. Select at least one gear types and one species and the preferred aggregation method. Click the Map button to see results. Subsequent changes to one of the time slider are immediately reflected on the map. Due to the amount of data, it may take some time to obtain the result, please be patient. The animations panel allows creating an animated sequence of maps of catches by year or quarter. Each cell in the map is defined through a 6 digits number: "XYYZZZ". X is the Quadrant (1=NE, 2=SE, 3=SW and 4=NW), YY is Latitude and ZZZ is Longitude. Latitude and longitude define the corner of the cell nearest to the point where the Equator is crossed by the Greenwich Meridian. For further information please refer to Section G in CWP Handbook of Fishery Statistical Standards. Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of material in the map(s) are for illustration only and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. | ||||
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NCEI is the official distribution point for NOS bathymetric maps, bathymetric/fishing maps, regional ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/bathymetry/maps/nos_intro.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ngdc.html | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | U.S. Bathymetric and Fishing Maps - National Ocean Service Office of Coast Survey | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | U.S. Bathymetric and Fishing Maps - NOS Office of Coast Survey | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | NCEI is the official distribution point for NOS bathymetric maps, bathymetric/fishing maps, regional maps, geophysical maps, and preliminary maps. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) maintains and makes available a digital ga ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/undersea_feature_names/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gebco.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Undersea Feature Names - Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Undersea Feature Names - SCUFN | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) maintains and makes available a digital gazetteer of the names, generic feature type and geographic position of features on the seafloor. The gazetteer is available to view and download via a web map application, hosted by the International Hydrographic Organization Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (IHO DCDB) co-located with the US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The data are available in a number of formats including spreadsheet and shapefile. Name proposals can be submitted to SCUFN for consideration for inclusion in the gazetteer. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project | ||||
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Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas, updat ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.protectedplanet.net/marine | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.unep-wcmc.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | UNEP WCMC IUCN Marine Protected Planet MPAtlas | ||||
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Citation | UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (year), Protected Planet: [insert name of component database; The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)/The Global Database on Protected Areas Management Effectiveness (GD-PAME)] [On-line], [insert month/year of the version downloaded], Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net. | ||||
Abstract | Protected Planet is the most up to date and complete source of information on protected areas, updated monthly with submissions from governments, non-governmental organizations, landowners and communities. It is managed by the United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) with support from IUCN and its World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). It is a publicly available online platform where users can discover terrestrial and marine protected areas, access related statistics and download data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | UNEP | ||||
Technical notes | CSV/ SHP/ PDF | ||||
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ESIMO is an interdepartmental information system for access to the resources of marine information s ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Nikolai N. Mikhailov ( OceanExpert : 8130 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://esimo.ru/portal/portal/esimo-user/data | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://nodc.meteo.ru/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Unified State System of Information on the World Ocean | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Единая государственная система информации о Мировом океане | ||||
Acronym | ESIMO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | ESIMO is an interdepartmental information system for access to the resources of marine information systems and integrated information support for marine activities. ESIMO is being developed within the framework of the Federal Target Program "World Ocean". In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 No. No. 836 “On Approval of the Regulations on ESIMO” the first stage of the system is in operation. The fully functional version was introduced in 2013. More than 3500 resource units available, about 1900 RU of Russian NODC/RIHMI-WDC. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk | ||||
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The United Kingdom Directory of Marine Observing Systems (UKDMOS), is a unique internet-based search ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Arno Lambert ( OceanExpert : 35711 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.ukdmos.org/search-directory | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.ukdmos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | United Kingdom Directory of Marine Observing Systems | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | UKDMOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The United Kingdom Directory of Marine Observing Systems (UKDMOS), is a unique internet-based searchable database of marine monitoring conducted by UK organisations. Aiming to fulfil the basic requirement to know where, when and what is being monitored in the marine environment around the UK and provide information to help coordinate monitoring across different organisations, UKDMOS is a tool for searching monitoring programmes and series based on information such as the parameters measured or the frequency of measurements taken. UKDMOS is managed and updated by the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Marine Environmental Data and Information Network | ||||
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The Marine Technology Unit Data Centre is responsible for managing spatial data acquired during ocea ...
Submitter/Owner | Susana Diez Tagarro ( OceanExpert : 46518 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://data.utm.csic.es | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
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English name | UTM-CSIC Data Centre | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Marine Technology Unit Data Centre is responsible for managing spatial data acquired during oceanographic cruises on board CSIC research vessels (RV Sarmiento de Gamboa, RV García del Cid) and RV Hespérides. The aim is, on the one hand, to disseminate which data exist and where, how and when they have been acquired and on the other hand, to provide access to as much of the interoperable data as possible following the FAIR principles so that they can be used and reused. For this purpose, the UTM has a Spatial Data Infrastructure at a national level that consists of several services: Oceanographic Cruise and Data Catalog: Including metadata from more than 600 cruises carried out since 1991, with links to documentation associated to the cruise, navigation maps and datasets Geoportal: Geospatial data mapping interface Underway Plot & QC: Visualization, Quality Control and conversion to standard format of meteorological data and temperature and salinity of surface water At an international level, the UTM is a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) of the Distributed European Marine Data Infrastructure SeaDataNet, to which the UTM provides metadata published in the Cruise Summary Report Catalog and in the data catalog Common Data Index Catalog, as well as public data to be shared. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Geospatial data mapping interface part of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Marine Technology U ...
Submitter/Owner | Susana Diez Tagarro ( OceanExpert : 46518 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://data.utm.csic.es/geoportal/#/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | UTM-CSIC Geoportal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Geospatial data mapping interface part of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Marine Technology Unit Data Centre, responsible for managing spatial data acquired during oceanographic cruises on board CSIC research vessels (RV Sarmiento de Gamboa, RV García del Cid) and RV Hespérides. The aim is, on the one hand, to disseminate which data exist and where, how and when they have been acquired and on the other hand, to provide access to as much of the interoperable data as possible following the FAIR principles so that they can be used and reused. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The Victorian geo-bibliography provides a GIS tool for displaying and searching marine and coastal e ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://dev-coastkit.cbics.org/bib_geo | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://dev-coastkit.cbics.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Victorian Marine and Coastal Geo-Bibliography - CoastKit Resources | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Victorian geo-bibliography provides a GIS tool for displaying and searching marine and coastal ecological studies. The bibliography is focussed on field studies with biological, ecological and environmental data. Citations are attributed with bounding polygons of the study location(s) and, where available, survey transects and sites. Where a study was at different locations, the same citation is added separately for each location. The bibliography presently contains larger-scale and public domain studies with reported sampling locations. Citations will be progressively added and refined as sources become available. The geo-bibliography can be queried using a search text string and/or by selecting an area on the map. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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Wave modelling.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/modelo_olas/index.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Virtual Buoy System - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Virtual Buoy System - INOCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Wave modelling. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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CoastWatch satellite data catalog East Coast South Region.
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://cwcaribbean.aoml.noaa.gov/cwatch-web/cgi-bin/index.cgi | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Visual Catalog - NOAA CoastWatch Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | CoastWatch satellite data catalog East Coast South Region. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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View, graph, and export GLOBE data from around the world with the GLOBE Visualization System. You ca ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.globe.gov/globe-data/visualize-and-retrieve-data | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.globe.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Visualization System - Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment program | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Visualization System - GLOBE program | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | View, graph, and export GLOBE data from around the world with the GLOBE Visualization System. You can use our various filters to find both contemporary measurements as well as historical data ranging all the way back to 1995. Currently, our system supports a subset of our protocols, but we're continually adding new features, so be sure to check back for our latest updates. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NASA Ames Research Center, Earth Science Division | ||||
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GeoNetwork provides an easy to use the web interface to search geospatial data across multiple catal ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://geonetwork.vliz.be/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/home | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.vliz.be/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | VLIZ GeoNetwork Catalogue | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Geonetwerk VLIZ | ||||
Acronym | geonetwork.vliz.be | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | GeoNetwork provides an easy to use the web interface to search geospatial data across multiple catalogs. The search provides full-text search as well as faceted search on keywords, resource types, organizations, scale, … Users can easily refine the search and quickly get to the records of interest. GeoSpatial layers, but also services, maps or even nongeographic datasets can be described in the catalog. Easily navigate across records and find sources or services publishing a dataset. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
Technical notes | Powered by geonetwork | ||||
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The vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) concept emerged from discussions at the United Nations General ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/in-action/vulnerable-marine-ecosystems/vme-database/en/vme.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/in-action/vulnerable-marine-ecosystems/en/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database - FAO | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | VME-DB | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) concept emerged from discussions at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and gained momentum after UNGA Resolution 61/105. VMEs constitute areas that may be vulnerable to impacts from fishing activities. The vulnerable marine ecosystems database was developed in collaboration with the regional bodies with mandates to manage deep-sea fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). It is a compilation of information on management measures taken to reduce current or potential impact on areas where VMEs are known or likely to occur. The database is designed to facilitate the work of scientists and managers working on these fisheries and also to promote transparency and accessibility of work that has been done in relation to VMEs to the general public. The content of the database is linked to the data providers (e.g. RFMOs and other multi-lateral bodies) and users have access the primary source of the information through direct links. This database was developed specifically in response to a request from the UN General Assembly (61/105, paragraph 90) to create a database of information on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) in ABNJ. It has been developed within the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Programme to promote the use of the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas that provides guidance to States and Regional Fisheries Management Organizations or Arrangements (RFMO/As) to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources in the deep seas. This includes preventing Significant Adverse Impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
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Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database contains a global inventory of fisheries measures to protect v ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | FAO | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.fao.org/in-action/vulnerable-marine-ecosystems/vme-database/en/vme.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.fao.org/in-action/vulnerable-marine-ecosystems/en/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database - FAO | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Database contains a global inventory of fisheries measures to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in areas beyond national jurisdiction. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Agencia de Las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura - FAO | ||||
Technical notes | FIGIS | ||||
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BMKG has the status of a Non-Departmental Government Institution headed by a Head of the Agency.
BM ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://web.meteo.bmkg.go.id/en/warnings | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://web.meteo.bmkg.go.id/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Warning map - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Acronym | Warning map - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | BMKG has the status of a Non-Departmental Government Institution headed by a Head of the Agency. BMKG has the task of carrying out government duties in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality and Geophysics in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws. Users can find here a warning map with information about thunderstorms, strong winds, heavy rain, etc. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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WaveNet interactive map at Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS).
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://wavenet.cefas.co.uk/Map | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.cefas.co.uk/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | WaveNet - Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WaveNet - CEFAS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | WaveNet interactive map at Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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CARICOOS Wave Observations (A map showing real-time wave observations).
Forecasts ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/#!?detail=SelectWaves | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Waves Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Waves Forecast - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Observations: CARICOOS Wave Observations (A map showing real-time wave observations). Forecasts: CARICOOS Wave Model: Contour Plots (Wave forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), CARICOOS Wave Model: Point Forecasts (Wave and wind forecasts for specific locations (beaches, ports, navigation)), CARICOOS Wave Model: Breaker Height Forecasts (Breaker height forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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Weather radar imagery depicts the potential rainfall intensity as detected by weather radar. Measure ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/cuaca/citra-radar.bmkg?lang=EN | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.bmkg.go.id/?lang=EN | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Weather Radar Images - Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Citra Radar - BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
Acronym | Weather Radar Images - BMKG | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Weather radar imagery depicts the potential rainfall intensity as detected by weather radar. Measurement of rainfall intensity (precipitation) by weather radar is based on how much radar energy emission is reflected back by the water droplets in the cloud and is represented by the Reflectivity product which has a unit dBZ (decibel). The greater the reflected energy received by the radar, the greater the dBZ value, and the greater the dBZ reflectivity value, indicating the greater the intensity of rain that occurs. The maximum range of the Reflectivity product from the BMKG radar is about 240 km from the radar location. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | BADAN METEOROLOGI, KLIMATOLOGI, DAN GEOFISIKA | ||||
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WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting), this model is a mesoscale numerical forecasting system for a ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://coos.inocar.mil.ec:8080/visor/wrf.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.inocar.mil.ec/web/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | Weather Research and Forecasting model - Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WRF - INOCAR | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting), this model is a mesoscale numerical forecasting system for atmospheric simulation, designed for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting needs. It has two dynamic cores, a data assimilation system, and a software architecture that facilitates parallel computing and system extensibility. The model serves a wide range of meteorological applications through resolution scales of 5 kilometers, its forecast is up to 3 days. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The GEBCO grid is available as a Web Map Service (WMS), a means of accessing geo-referenced map imag ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gebco_web_services/web_map_service | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.gebco.net/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Web Map Service - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WMS - GEBCO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The GEBCO grid is available as a Web Map Service (WMS), a means of accessing geo-referenced map images over the internet. These maps can be viewed in a web browser or Geographic Information System (GIS) and incorporated in your own web application. Layers are available for the latest GEBCO grid, GEBCO_2020, as a shaded relief image or 'flat' map and the GEBCO Type Identifier (TID) grid. These layers can be viewed in a web browser or Geographic Information System (GIS) and incorporated in your own web application. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The West Coast Ocean Data Portal is a project to increase the discovery and connectivity of ocean an ...
Submitter/Owner | Tanya C Haddad ( OceanExpert : 20792 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://portal.westcoastoceans.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.westcoastoceans.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | West Coast Ocean Data Portal | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WCODP | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The West Coast Ocean Data Portal is a project to increase the discovery and connectivity of ocean and coastal data and people to better inform regional resource management, policy development, and ocean planning. The Portal informs priority West Coast ocean issues such as tracking sources and patterns of marine debris, adaptation to sea-level rise, understanding the impacts of ocean acidification on our coasts, and marine planning. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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The Western Mediterranean OPerational forecasting system (WMOP) is a high-resolution ocean forecasti ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr Juan Gabriel Fernández ( OceanExpert : 38703 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE ADU | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.socib.es/?seccion=modelling&facility=forecast | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://socib.eu/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Western Mediterranean Operational Forecasting System - SOCIB | ||||
Original (non-English) name | Sistema de Predicción de corrientes del Mediterráneo Occidental - SOCIB | ||||
Acronym | WMOP - SOCIB | ||||
Citation | If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10 | ||||
Abstract | The Western Mediterranean OPerational forecasting system (WMOP) is a high-resolution ocean forecasting system implemented over the Western Mediterranean Sea. It is run operationally on a daily basis, producing 72-hour forecasts of ocean temperature, salinity, sea level and currents (Juza et al., 2016(1), Mourre et al., 2018(2)). Systematic validation procedures based on the inter-comparison of model outputs and satellite and in-situ observations are implemented to continuously assess the accuracy of the model. Model indicators (volume transports, average temperature, salinity, kinetic energy and heat content, maximum mixed layer depth) are also computed every day to monitor the system. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | SOCIB Data Centre provides data from SOCIB observation platforms (HF radar, gliders, drifters, buoys), from the operational forecasts produced by the Modelling and Forecasting Facility and from external providers through various collaborations (e.g. Puertos del Estados, CSIC). Access to data WMOP 3-hourly surface netcdf files (THREDDS) WMOP daily 3-dimensional netcdf files (THREDDS) WMOP netcdf viewer (LW4NC2) Real-time deployment monitoring application (DAPP) | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Coastal areas Balearic Islands, Mallorca and Ibiza Channels | ||||
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Whale Alert is a network of non-profit institutions, government agencies, shipping and technology co ...
Submitter/Owner | Virgil Zetterlind ( OceanExpert : 47002 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.whalealert.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://conserve.io/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | Whale Alert App | ||||
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Citation | |||||
Abstract | Whale Alert is a network of non-profit institutions, government agencies, shipping and technology companies focused on reducing lethal ship strikes of whales. Whale Alert helps reduce the chance of fatal ship strikes by large vessels by displaying active whale management areas, required reporting areas, recommended routes, areas-to-be-avoided and near real-time warnings in shipping lanes along both coasts of the United States and Canada. This information allows vessel operators to avoid collision with whales by slowing down and heightening their visual awareness.ore waters (out to 5 miles) at a fraction of the cost of traditional military-grade systems. The M2 software downloads radar data and mirrors it in a friendly user-interface that can be stored and replayed via the cloud. The M2 software can further improve MPA monitoring with the optional integration of a Automatic Identification System (AIS) sensor and high-definition pan-tilt-zoom video camera. Whale Alert now supports reporting of whale sightings by the maritime community and the broader public. This information is shared in real-time with leading whale researchers and state and federal management authorities. In some cases, whale sightings will trigger confirmation “over-flights” by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) or the United States Coast Guard (USCG) who will then determine whether or not temporary speed restrictions should be created (Dynamic Management Areas). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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CARICOOS Wind Observations (A map showing real-time wind observations).
Forecasts ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.caricoos.org/#!?detail=SelectWinds | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.caricoos.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | |||||
English name | Wind Forecast - Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | Wind Forecast - CARICOOS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | Observations: CARICOOS Wind Observations (A map showing real-time wind observations). Forecasts: CARICOOS 36-Hours Forecast (1km Resolution) (Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), CARICOOS 5-Day Wind Forecast (2km Resolution) (Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI), NWS Wind Forecast (National Weather Service wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI). | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
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WIO Symphony is a tool based on more than 80 ecology and human activity maps. It supports ecosystem- ...
Submitter/Owner | Edmond Sacre ( OceanExpert : 46920 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://symphony.nairobiconvention.org/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch URL | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WIOSymphony/wiosym/main/metadata/sitemap.xml | ||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | WIO Symphony: a tool for cumulative impact assessment in the Western Indian Ocean | ||||
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Citation | Nairobi Convention (2024). Western Indian Ocean Symphony: a tool for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning. URL: https://symphony.nairobiconvention.org/ | ||||
Abstract | WIO Symphony is a tool based on more than 80 ecology and human activity maps. It supports ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning by calculating cumulative impact over large areas and illustrating those that are under specific pressures. The tool also shows how different planning and policy measures can lead to a positive environmental impact in an area. Marine Spatial Planning is a process that enables evidence-based decision-making by providing guidance when deciding when, where and how human economic activities should take place in the ocean. Well-executed MSP can foster a sustainable blue economy. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | The Nairobi Convention | ||||
Technical notes | |||||
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Sea Region | |||||
Spatial Coverage | 16,39.0 16,78.0 -40,78.0 -40.0,8.0 -6.0,8.0 16,39.0 | ||||
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The Wisconsin Coastal Atlas is a platform that enables people to better understand coastal issues, s ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://wicoastalatlas.net | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/ | ||||
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English name | Wisconsin Coastal Atlas | ||||
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Abstract | The Wisconsin Coastal Atlas is a platform that enables people to better understand coastal issues, share coastal data, and inform decision-making about sustainable use of the Great Lakes. It is intended for use by coastal resource managers, planners, researchers, educators, tourists, citizen scientists, and coastal residents. The atlas serves as a gateway to interactive maps and decision support tools relevant to Great Lakes management and provides access to place-based learning resources about coastal issues in Wisconsin. The atlas is built with an open architecture that allows easy addition of new maps, data, tools, and learning resources. Development of the Wisconsin Coastal Atlas began in February 2010 with funding from the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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A number of map viewer layers are now available as a Web Map Service (WMS) in ArcMap and QGIS. WMS l ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ccoresources/wms/ | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.channelcoast.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | WMS layers - Channel Coastal Observatory | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WMS layers - COO | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A number of map viewer layers are now available as a Web Map Service (WMS) in ArcMap and QGIS. WMS layers request georeferenced images from a server and display them, but do not download or store the data they are displaying on the computer. This means you can use www.coastalmonitoring.org data directly in a GIS and overlay it with your own data, without having to download individual tiles first. All that is needed is an internet connection and an account on the CCO website (create an account here). Note that "Image" is the keyword here; the data are viewable (and even query-able with the QGIS and ArcGis identify tools) but it is not possible to change the symbology or use the layers for calculations. For image analysis, raster analysis, creating difference models etc., you would still need to download the data from the map viewer first. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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The WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment) Carbon Data Management Project started in 1993 when CD ...
Submitter/Owner | Dr. Hernan Eduardo Garcia ( OceanExpert : 707 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/ocads/oceans/CDIACmap.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | WOCE Program Data | ||||
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Abstract | The WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment) Carbon Data Management Project started in 1993 when CDIAC (the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center) became a member of the DOE/NOAA Ocean Carbon Science Team with data management and permanent archive responsibilities for the WOCE CO2 measurements. The WOCE was a major component of the World Climate Research Program with the overall goal of better understanding the ocean's role in climate and climatic changes resulting from both natural and anthropogenic causes. The CO2 survey took advantage of the sampling opportunities provided by the WHP cruises during this period between 1990 and 1998. The final data set covers approximately 170 WOCE cruises. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD) portal is used as a discovery service. Its goal i ...
Submitter/Owner | Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE NODC | ||||
Datasource URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/atlas?cat=woc | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://incod.inio.ac.ir/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | World Ocean Climatology Atlas (1955 - 2012) - Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | World Ocean Climatology Atlas (1955 - 2012) - INCOD | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | The Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD) portal is used as a discovery service. Its goal is to improve marine research by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between national marine organizations. This portal provides a gateway and access point to INCOD products containing data and metadata records, atlases and data catalogs to public users. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Iranian National Center for Ocean Data | ||||
Technical notes | Windows 7 or higher | ||||
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Spatial Coverage | Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Oman Sea, Indian Ocean | ||||
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The World Ocean Database (WOD) is an NCEI product and an IODE (International Oceanographic Data and ...
Submitter/Owner | Tim Boyer ( OceanExpert : 16967 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/WOD/pr_wod.html | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | World Ocean Database | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WOD | ||||
Citation | Boyer, T.P., J. I. Antonov, O. K. Baranova, C. Coleman, H. E. Garcia, A. Grodsky, D. R. Johnson, R. A. Locarnini, A. V. Mishonov, T.D. O'Brien, C.R. Paver, J.R. Reagan, D. Seidov, I. V. Smolyar, and M. M. Zweng, 2013: World Ocean Database 2013, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 72, S. Levitus, Ed., A. Mishonov, Technical Ed.; Silver Spring, MD, 209 pp., http://doi.org/10.7289/V5NZ85MT | ||||
Abstract | The World Ocean Database (WOD) is an NCEI product and an IODE (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange) project. This work is funded in partnership with the NOAA OAR Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division. The World Ocean Database 2018 (WOD18) was pre-released on September 20, 2018 and now it is in its final form. It contains all data in the World Ocean Database up to unique cast 18,604,996, roughly all data added up to December 31, 2017. There are some plankton tows added after that date (and unique cast number). These plankton tow data are from accession numbers 0051894, 0051914, and 0046299. There are also 3,209 casts from the Argo program with latter unique casts higher than the above cast number. It is important to note the exact data set of WOD18 (version) as it is the input, both data and quality flagging for the World Ocean Atlas 2018 (WOA18). Some major additions for WOD18 are the inclusion of BioArgo data, the addition of more than one million glider cycles, and the change of oxygen, nutrient, and tracer units from per liter to per kilogram. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The World Ocean Database (WOD) is the world's largest publicly available collection of subsurface oc ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Peter J. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 6552 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | http://wod.iode.org | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | World Ocean Database - Mirror site | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WOD | ||||
Citation | Boyer, Tim P.; Antonov, John I.; Baranova Olga K.; Coleman, C.; Garcia, Hernan E.; Grodsky, A.; Johnson, Daphne R.; Locarnini, Ricardo A.; Mishonov, Alexey. V.; O'Brien, Todd O.; Paver, Christopher R.; Reagan, James R.; Seidov, Dan; Smolyar, Igor V.; Zweng, Melissa M.(2016). NCEI Standard Product: World Ocean Database (WOD). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. [access date]" | ||||
Abstract | The World Ocean Database (WOD) is the world's largest publicly available collection of subsurface ocean profile data. It is a powerful tool for oceanographic, climatic, and environmental research, and the end result of more than 20 years of coordinated efforts to incorporate data from institutions, agencies, individual researchers, and data recovery initiatives into a single database. WOD data spans from Captain Cook's 1772 voyage to the contemporary Argo period, making it a valuable resource for long term and historical ocean climate analysis. Original versions of the 20,000+ datasets in the WOD are available through the NCEI archives. The WOD is an NCEI product and an IODE (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange) project. This work is funded in partnership with the NOAA OAR Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division. The WODselect retrieval system allows a user to search World Ocean Database and new (quartely updated/added) data using a user-specified search criteria. A distribution map and cast count of these search criteria will give the user the option to have the data extracted and placed on the NODC FTP site in the WOD native, 'csv', and netCDF data formats. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) | ||||
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The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensi ...
Submitter/Owner | Mr. Jelle Kurt Rondelez ( OceanExpert : 37076 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | Other | ||||
Datasource URL | http://www.marinespecies.org/index.php | ||||
Parent Project URL | http://www.marinespecies.org/index.php | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
ODIS-Arch Type | Sitemap | ||||
English name | World Register of Marine Species | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WoRMS | ||||
Citation | WoRMS Editorial Board (2020). World Register of Marine Species. Available from http://www.marinespecies.org at VLIZ. Accessed 2020-04-15. doi:10.14284/170 | ||||
Abstract | The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy. While the highest priority goes to valid names, other names in use are included so that this register can serve as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature. The content of WoRMS is controlled by taxonomic and thematic experts, not by database managers. WoRMS has an editorial management system where each taxonomic group is represented by an expert who has the authority over the content, and is responsible for controlling the quality of the information. Each of these main taxonomic editors can invite several specialists of smaller groups within their area of responsibility to join them. This register of marine species grew out of the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS), and its combination with several other species registers maintained at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). Rather than building separate registers for all projects, and to make sure taxonomy used in these different projects is consistent, VLIZ developed a consolidated database called ‘Aphia’. A list of marine species registers included in Aphia is available here. MarineSpecies.org is the web interface for the marine taxa available in this Aphia database. WoRMS combines information from Aphia with other authoritative marine species lists which are maintained by others (e.g. AlgaeBase, FishBase), the so-called 'externally hosted and managed species databases'. Resources to build MarineSpecies.org and Aphia were provided mainly by the EU Network of Excellence ‘Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning’ (MarBEF), and also by the EU funded Species 2000 Europe and ERMS projects. Aphia contains valid species names, synonyms and vernacular names, and extra information such as literature and biogeographic data. Besides species names, Aphia also contains the higher classification in which each scientific name is linked to its parent taxon. The classification used is a ‘compromise’ between established systems and recent changes. Its aim is to aid data management, rather than suggest any taxonomic or phylogenetic opinion on species relationships. Keeping WoRMS up-to-date is a continuous process. New information is entered daily by the taxonomic editors and by the members of our data management team. Often data also come in from contributions of large datasets, such as global or regional species lists. No database of this size is without errors and omissions. We can’t promise to make any errors, but we do promise to follow up and give feedback on any communications pointing out errors. Feedback is very welcome! | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | ||||
Technical notes | The text on the WoRMS pages is open-access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This License permits unrestricted use, provided it is cited as requested on the WoRMS webpages, unless stated otherwise on the individual pages. Images are by default open-access under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA license, unless stated otherwise. Re-distribution of the entire database is not permitted, unless by prior written agreement. This is mainly to avoid circulation of (quickly) outdated copies of WoRMS, accessible through different pathways which can lead to confusion for our many users. In exceptional cases, institutes may request a copy of the database (using this form), which will be assessed by two WoRMS Steering Committee members and the Data Management Team. These data downloads consist of the taxonomic data only, and do not include additional data such as distributions, traits, notes, etc. We strongly encourage the use of the on-line tools and available webservices instead of data requests, as the on-line database and webservices can guarantee continuous updates. The WoRMS Editorial Board maintains this Register, but is aware that the content can have omissions and errors. If you come across any error or incomplete information or you are willing to contribute to this initiative, please contact the Data Management Team or check out our Contribute page. The majority of the photo gallery drawings used at the first and second level of the gallery are reproduced on WoRMS with permission of the Linnean Society of London. The DMT is grateful to them for granting permission for use, thereby giving us the opportunity to make the central entry-point of our photo gallery more uniform. Where images are taken from other resources, this is clearly mentioned on the image. | ||||
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This app from NASA's EOSDIS provides the capability to interactively browse over 900 global, full-re ...
Submitter/Owner | Peter H. Pissierssens ( OceanExpert : 36337 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | IODE Secretariat | ||||
Datasource URL | https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?p=geographic&l=VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor%28hidden%29,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor%28hidden%29,MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,MODIS_Terra_Chlorophyll_A,Reference_Labels%28hidden | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://earthdata.nasa.gov/discipline/ocean | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | WorldView - Earth Observing System Data and Information System | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | WorldView - EOSDIS | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | This app from NASA's EOSDIS provides the capability to interactively browse over 900 global, full-resolution satellite imagery layers and then download the underlying data. Many of the imagery layers are updated daily and are available within three hours of observation - essentially showing the entire Earth as it looks "right now". This supports time-critical application areas such as wildfire management, air quality measurements, and flood monitoring. Arctic and Antarctic views of many products are also available for a "full globe" perspective. Geostationary imagery layers are also now available. These are provided in ten minute increments for the last 30 days. These full disk hemispheric views allow for almost real-time viewing of changes occurring around most of the world. Browsing on tablet and smartphone devices is generally supported for mobile access to the imagery. Worldview uses the Global Imagery Browse Services to rapidly retrieve its imagery for an interactive browsing experience. While Worldview uses OpenLayers as its mapping library, GIBS imagery can also be accessed from Google Earth, NASA World Wind, and several other clients. We encourage interested developers to build their own clients or integrate NASA imagery into their existing ones using these services. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
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A biogeographic classification of the world s coasts and shelves It is the first ever comprehensive ...
Submitter/Owner | stat unescap ( OceanExpert : 41443 ) | ||||
Submitter/Owner Role | ESCAP | ||||
Datasource URL | https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/marine-ecoregions-of-the-world-a-bioregionalization-of-coastal-and-shelf-areas | ||||
Parent Project URL | https://www.worldwildlife.org/ | ||||
ODIS-Arch URL | |||||
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English name | WWF Marine Ecoregions of the World | ||||
Original (non-English) name | |||||
Acronym | MEOW | ||||
Citation | |||||
Abstract | A biogeographic classification of the world s coasts and shelves It is the first ever comprehensive marine classification system with clearly defined boundaries and definitions and was developed to closely link to existing regional systems. | ||||
Technical contact email | please check the record details page | ||||
Host institution of the resource | |||||
Technical notes | SHP | ||||
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